
D'ni Dwarfish is based on the language of Hungary.

The underground cavernous city of the D'ni dwarves, the most technologically advanced race on the continent and home to many artisans, miners, crafters, artificers and creatives. 

The iron doors that seal the underground city of Tojchiguel are magnificent and highly ornate, now worn down by the passage of time since they were last opened before the war. 

Beyond them is a  large brilliantly lit tunnel which leads down into the mountain depths towards an earthen cityscape which is crafted from solid rock and precious metals. Unlike most Dwarven societies, the D'ni do not live their lives in multiple caverns, their entire city is within an extinct volcano and has tall ornate buildings, small workers shops and beautifully sculpted homes. The earth is incredibly fertile, allowing them to grow their own luxurious gardens of unique flora that love limited amounts of sunlight, creating a magical sense of wonder beneath the earth.

Underground springs flow water through and around stunning architecture, steam powered boats ferry travellers to noble houses and sightseeing areas of the city as well as a fascinating enclosed railway rumbles overhead chuffing steam and ferrying D'ni to mine entrances, guilds and other districts.

Everything is steam powered, from their homes, mines, guilds, transport - the D'ni are masters of making it their mistress. They're also known to dabble in arcane object manufacture with skillful Artificers able to seal raw magic into everyday items. It's part of why they sealed the city before the war reached them, to prevent their unique talents being used for ill.

The D'ni are different from other dwarves as they're thinner and have more pointed ears and darker eyes, also unlike their brethren females do not grow beards, infact it's rare males grow them, especially to the extent of other dwarven nations. They do however pride themselves on their moustaches though they're more impressed by one's mastery of their chosen craft more than anything else. Anyone seeking to study under an artisan or an artificer are welcome, though the process is as long as anything involving paperwork is with dwarves since the guilds run everything and tend to be hard to sway once they've made a decision.

Unfortunately, the city has been sealed off from the rest of Yamikora for the past fifteen years. No one is certain if the D'ni were able to avoid the hordes of undead and survive, or if being barred inside the mountains led to their downfall. The only D'ni known to outsiders are the ones who are hard at work rebuilding Kirabaru, in hopes to one day build the extravagant mining equipment they need to bore into the mountains and find out if their families and fellow kin are alright.


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