Mount Wyong

Karaark'orka language is based on Russian.

Unlike the D'ni, the Karaark'orka Dwarves in the underground city of Mount Wyong prefer to work with stone, clay, marble and limestone. They are sturdy, if a bit stout and all have luxurious beards that would make most vain werebeast's cry.  Some races consider them a bit backwards since they don't distinguish between male and female unless in the privacy of their own mine, but you can't go passed them if you want some of the most eloquent hand sculpture statues in all the continent. 

Their city is built more like a hive, tunnels leading into all manor of directions into the underdark and into massive caverns where the conduct their social gatherings, trade, ceremonies and rituals. The Karaark'orka live in their own mines - 'Burrows' as outsiders refer to them - that branch off from the main tunnels and dig deep into the earth, and for what they are they're very comfortably furnished and always at a constant warm tolerable temperature which is better than the freezing ice and snow above. Most Karaark'orka spend their entire lives underground, unaware there's an entire world on the surface with few exceptions as trade between their kingdom and that of several human cities does exist, but to the most common, average citizen it's a completely foreign world. 

The Karaark'orka share a similar belief with the D'ni that the material they mine, craft and work with has a soul and that they can breathe life into their creations, which in the Karaark'orka's case can be seen in their living statues - earth golems - which are said to be silent servants carved by hand to protect sacred sites, valuable mines and their Thane and the throne. Sometimes one gets sold to a surface dweller by mistake instead of a standard sculpture and when these living statues gain sentience via a secret word or by tainted magic trouble has been known to occur. 

After they cut the rail lines down between themselves, Rangwei and Mount Chus, no one's seen them in almost a century and they have mostly been forgotten about from most recent history books however there are a few D'ni who believe that they maybe able to contact and reconnect with their distant cousins one day. 


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