Thnou (d&d village)

Thnou was a small village that has been steadily growing into a small town since the Necrotic war, once the meeting place of trade for wandering plains tribes of Shifters, Werefolk, Human Nomads and Centaurs.  During the war it was the stronghold for many tribes and was besieged by the undead but held out valiantly with the help of tribal shaymen, witches and warriors, even travelling blacksmiths and Artificers were in on the action. It is why a magnificent statue now stands tall in the center of the village representing each creature from the tribes in fierce poses as a display or not just strength and diversity, but as a warning to future threats that they are more than willing to band together again and take them on without any fear.

The streets are rather wide compared to many other villages, the buildings are all single story but quite large and spacious to accommodate the larger and wilder folk that live in and around Thnou however many visitors are quick to point out that while most places have double doors the size of a barn, there's also some odd smaller entrances built into the same doors which might not be important unless you're a certain shape when the moon is full. Due to the wild untamed magic in the area there are also a large variety of awakened creatures who've made Thnou home as talking animals are somewhat a given when some of the population spend a lot of their time in a variety of all fours.

(DM note: layout of town can be set up to suit your storytelling needs, however please remember to make it very open and spacious as it's probably the only town players may encounter accommodation designed for were beast of various species and sizes as well as Centaurs. Other races frequent this place like awakened cats, dogs ect - but most NPC'S might be of Werefolk, Shifter (werefolk that are born that way) and Centaur origin. Xanther Padfoot the halfling (currently a cursed cat) Anthropologist & Artificer tends to frequent here as well and can be used to give quests to players  accompany any party who may need a potion made or two. Xanther gets around alot! You may also bump into his adopted shifter son Argyle Padfootwho looks more Asain black bear than human from a distance & he can offer his service to travellers as an Archaeologist & Artificer if the party is in need of external npc help)


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