Mount Chus, the Zuclian & the Ushabar

Deep within the snow capped mountains of The Great Ti'Ana range towers a mountain that reaches up beyond the clouds called Mount Chus. Upon the cliffs winding around the summit is a beautiful city created from crystal and precious gemstones that glimmer in the sun. 

At first the unusual city looks very cold and uninviting, however the skill from the local architects and jewellers can be seen in it's layout and design making even the most humble of residential abodes look like glorious frozen palaces. It's truly a marvellous sight of gorgeous shimmering delights.

The people who call this mountain their home are the Zuclian, a sub race of elves born to survive in the high altitudes and the Ushabar, a Were Snow Leopard tribe who help protect the Zuclian from hunting bands of Goliths that roam the mountain range. 

The Zuclian, are shorter than most elves but are still around average human height and have strange shimmering skin, the colours varying in shades depending on the month they were born, clear diamond skin being highly desired by the noble houses, while sapphire, emerald, ruby, turquoise and quartz being very common while black and white opal being extremely rare and said to be a blessing from the gods themselves. While it's uncommon to see them beyond their city boarders, many do go on epic pilgrimages to obtain knowledge to bring back to Mount Chu to share with their kin. 

The Ushabar in the other hand, have beautiful patterned fur, perfect for blending into the snow and the grey mountains of the range, preferring to live on the fringes of the spiraling city in their stone and ice huts lined with exotic furs from mountain beasts, mounting the heads of Ibex and Mountain trolls as prizes to show off their warrior heritage. They are elusive and private people who keep to themselves but if an adventurer was able to impress them, they would more than likely give them the warmest of hospitality. 

Before the war Mount Chus was connected to the cities Tojchguel, Rangwei, Mount Wyong, Kedri and A'Gaeris by a railway that was forged by the D'ni. The tracks are still there though no one knows the exact condition they're in since there's been no contact between the races of any of the cities since the war. Maybe they could be swayed into reopening it again? Afterall, the Goliths only started harassing them when their remote villages suddenly lost the advantages of the railway passing through. 


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