
Before the Necrotic war Rangwei was a bustling metropolis, highly advanced for its time. Beautiful glass spires, majestic marble statues, temples and a magnificent castle towered over marble terraces and magical gardens.

It was a glorious Human paradise.  

The D'ni sought permission to build their railway to the city and towards Kedri but the King of Rangwei would only allow it on one condition: that the Rangwei locomotives were powered by magic and none of the dirty dangerous uncontrollable steam powered contraptions they had been inventing - despite the D'ni's fabulous Iorn Girder that was being shown made of the most gleaming and shiny silver and bronze coated steel.

While most races would argue till they were horse and booted from the castle, the D'ni dwarves reluctantly agreed and began working with Rangwei's Wizard institutions, forging some of the most simplistily designed but absurdly powerful artifacts which powered absolutely everything in Rangwei and brought the people a golden age of prosperity. Every man and his dog wanted to be a wizard just so they could get close to one of these fantastic objects.

Before war broke out across the western coast of Yamikora, Rangwei was a Kingdom divided and in trouble. There was a dispute arising with the 
Karaark'orka Dwarves about debts going unpaid as the Kings three sons jostled for power of the throne after their father King Betrix was fatality executed in his sleep by his wife Angora, who was also found dead in the cupboard of their bed chamber - though the guards failed to take into the account her body was several days dead prior to his murder indicating Changeling criminal activity - and a dispute between the sons and the Elven Zuclian lead two both races shutting their borders to human travellers from the city deeming them too much trouble and nor worth the time trading with, the only major city still continuing to do so being the D'ni as they were working more with the common folk than the Royal family and other nobles. 

When the war finally reached the steps of the city, Wizards, other spell casters, warriors as well as a few of the D'ni fought to defend the city whilst others like farmhand militia organised the mass evacuation. Whilst most of the citizens beyond this point are unaccounted for, some had last been seen in Kirabaru as they were the group that followed the D'ni to try and seek shelter in their city and a few went even further to escape to the cities of Redwall, Agrathia and Kirkwall just to name a few. 

A few plucky citizens had returned to Rangwei since, especially if they had noble families or people who fought for their survival and escape in an attempt to locate them but none who have entered the city has returned. Over the century, rumours have spread about the three princes, though so far only one confirmed one to be true about the youngest of the three, Prince George to have fled during the war to lead his citizens to safety to the east, leaving his two power hunger older brothers, Henry and Theodore to continue to fight over the throne while the kingdom fell around them. A popular one that isn't confirmed is about Henry and Theodore themselves, saying that they made a bargain with some unholy entity granting them salvation as from the outside, the city doesn't look badly damaged by the war… Only on closer inspection can you actually see the damage of what really went down. 


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