Stuff for D&D Oracle of war Character Z'ev Ozone

 Well the stuff I haven't given to my friend who played as Cassidy anyway... most of it is on Instagram anyway, but felt I should put some up here too. He was in love with and eventully married Cas and one day we'll revisit them for one last adventure. 

*for those wondering, yes I like RPing both male & female characters and yes I write a solid mix of different sorts of relationships (I mean Cas and Z'ev had stuff probably bordering beast....because you know shifters can shape change somewhat). Currently in a game where my Pirate has a thing for a Changling which has gotten pretty interesting.  If my DM let's me I maybe able to post the extract up. As for Cas and Z'ev I'll have to find a way to get the last part off the app as it won't let me grab the ending and it's kind of epic but infuriating that I can't access it.


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