The library ( JSRF NSFW)

 "What is this place?"

"It's a library.  Well was one."

"It doesn't look like one."

Clutch smiled. He'd spent days tracking this place down. It was located in a area of Tokyo-to considered a 'Dead Zone' where when the bombs fell one had hit but failed to detonate.  It had since been disarmed and the deadly nerve gas inside long since extracted, but was far to big to remove from an area that was so tightly packed with buildings so the government chose to evacuate those who lived anywhere around it. Still, few ventured into the place as there was rumored many had left valuable stuff behind. Those who sought to steal always came up empty handed when they came back out.

The building probably looked outdated when it was originally built but the vegetation that was taking over the large structure made it feel spooky and ancient. It also gave Beat the creeps.

"You don't want to go in there, do you?" He asked, swallowing back his fear. Sure Japan was super advanced for it time technologically wise even now despite half the world imploding in on itself but they still had a deep ingrained culture that respected where evil spirits may congregate to scare the living away. Even Rudies had to fear something after all.

Clutch closed his eyes and breathed it in. He could feel the strange energy coming from the place also but from his stand point spirits where guardians that protected rather than cause harm. Though, only old people believed in that stuff, right? Least used to be. There were no Elders left alive now.

"You want help with reading don't you?" Clutch grinned, as if he found Beat's discomfort amusing. "I'm hoping they still have what I'm looking for and that they haven't been ransacked or worse, destroyed. "

"You're weird. Nobody would steal books. They're worthless." Beat snorted, matter-of-factually.

Clutch frowned. "I hope that's the fact you can't read talking." He grunted back. 

"They're just squiggly lines on paper that tell stories. There's nothing of value in them- hey! Where you going!?" 

Clutch had already pushed his way through the decapitated front doors, leaving Beat to catch up. Stepping into the main hall under a shattered dome made him pause and look around in awe. 

"This place is a dump."

"Fine, go back home then."

"And leave you here? No way, you could be crushed by a rotted bookshelf or something." Beat then swore loudly as his skate got tangled in some vines growing across the floor.

Clutch just rolled his eyes and made his way down one of the rows of shelves. Some of the books were seriously damaged, others Clutch had to admit he couldn't read himself as anything not written in Kanji was like trying to make sense of hieroglyphics as Japanese was not a language he was versed in but it wouldn't take a genius to find what he was looking for.

Japan was apparently famous for having a huge culture around them just like America, though since coming here Clutch had admittedly never seen a good one. It's as if they'd all vanished which was a surprise. The other shock came when asking his new friends from the different gangs was that the art form just suddenly died even before the bombs fell and if you had any you were holding onto something more valuable than gold. Sure Inoue made his own and Ryth... well she had her ones and as it pained him to learn all that was left being printed was sexuality explicit, but they weren’t something he was ever going to get Beat to read. He had to go for stuff without text and less pornography otherwise there wasn't much hope.

Honestly, Beat didn’t need ideas to take into the bedroom as it was. He was already very imaginative in that regard.

But he had to get him to read... something, even if it was for kids.

"Hey, what's this thing?" Beat's voice wafted out from somewhere up above. He'd gotten the itch to explore and the moment he saw the grand staircase leading up to a second floor that circled around he couldn’t resit temptation.

Clutch looked up from the musty tome he has holding. "What's it look like?"

"Like a camera with these huge wheels attached to it."

"Hang on, I'm coming up!" Clutch called out. It couldn’t be could it? That sort of technology is... long gone.

As Clutch came up to meet him, Beat was inspecting his discovery. "Wonder how you switch it on?" He said aloud to the air in general.

Clutch saw one of the film reels lying on a table and turned it in his hands. There was writing on it, but it was barely legible.  "Godzi...ver..Gam...oura?" He handed it to Beat. "Try putting this on the reel. It might work." Or it could go up in flames, who knows with old technology right?

"You sure?" Beat looked skeptical. 

"Positive.  I think I know what you've found."

"Care to tell me?"

"You'll see."

After fiddling with the machine Beat found a switch and suddenly the reels started turning and the front aperture lit up with a bright hot white light aiming a strange square at the furthest crumbling wall. Strange figures danced across it but there was no sound.

"Hang on. It's like the holo projector you said you sold!" Beat's eyes had lit up excitedly.

"Ha, yes but think WAY older. It's a film reel movie projector. They haven't been used in cinemas or homes.... in over thirty years."

"Woah cool. What replaced them?"

"Holo projectors." Clutch laughed. "This entire space is a film archive. We've hit gold."

"This was what you were looking for then?"


"But it's definitely better right?"

Clutch gave Beat a kiss. "Way cooler."

Beat found himself smiling. "We could do this, like come here once a week if you want. Who knows what's on these - you called them reels yeah?"

Clutch nodded. "There's probably alot of boring stuff amongst them. It is a library. "

"Yeah but it's historical right? It's not that bad an idea to see old stuff."

"Depends what you want to see."

Beat thought about it before replying. "Would there be anything on Canada?" He saw Clutch flush red before quickly continuing, "I mean, it would be nice to know more about where you're from. You know alot about Japan and well I know absolutely nothing of the world outside of it."

"Uh sure. If I find one. Might be a task and a half if they're unreadable to me too. Even with everyone trying to get me up to speed my Japanese is still pretty piss poor."

"You're pretty good with language.  I've heard you swear in something that wasn't English or Japanese." Beat chuckled.

"Yeah well when both your grandparents spoke three languages between them you have to get pretty good at knowing what's what." Clutch admitted. "They were sort of unusual in themselves and I kinda miss them. They didn't like my mother much though, she was too...different. she's the reason Amelia and I look nothing like the rest of the family and they really hated that."

Clutch sat on one of the tables after checking it was sturdy enough. "What about Canada you want to know? Or at least...the bits you want to know more about me?" Clutch knew it was easier for him to open up to Beat about himself rather than the other way around. It was the first time he was asked however so he was taken aback, though it wasn't unexpected since they were now in a more involved relationship with one another.

"Well, since you mentioned them how about we start with your folks?"

Clutch smiled and leaned back. "My Grandfather was an Inuit, my Grandmother a Métis. They were sticklers for traditions and surprisingly were more than happy to mix them together in a confusing blob whenever convenient. It's why when we had our spiritual coming of age ceremonies they were... well confusing as a kid and still fucking are. I swear they made that shit up just to mess with us." He let out a stifled laugh. "My mother was Scottish and no, I am not going to attempt her accent so don't ask. Sometimes having a mix heritage is cool, you get to have alot of interesting cultural experiences but that's where there's downsides too. I didn't really make many friends outside of the ones my younger sister knew because some people just don't like you when you're different and could easily beat them up."

"None of that matters now. They're all gone." He sighed heavily. "I don't think I'll get over it either. Anyway, anything else you wish to know?"

Beat sat beside him, placing one hand over one of Clutch’s, entwining their fingers. "I think that might be enough for now." He gave Clutch a little nudge. "You know, it's their loss... the ones who didn't see you as worthy of being a friend. I think there's a few people here that would go to hell and back if anything happened to you."

"I know I would." He added, resting his head on Clutch’s shoulder.  

"I don't know. I mean, my idea of fun is certainly not the same as all your friends who go party, paint the town neon and everything else in between. Seriously, I drag you to places like this... have you strolling around abandoned parks and shopping malls." Clutch laughed. "If anything -"

Beat pulled him into a kiss, one full of appreciation and affection. "If anything," he said as he pulled back a little. "I rather like that you do. It's certainly different." 

He reached up and untied Clutch’s hair, letting the mess of tight curls fall resting above the shoulders while some framed his face. "You should let it out more" Beat purred. After the initial spookiness of the place had gone he come to enjoy the quiet as it let him focus on Clutch’s company which had been insightful to say the least. Plus, Clutch looked pretty surreal as the light from the shattered dome sprinkled across the circular second floor like ghostly stars and gave a small glowing halo around him and with his hair now loose the fiery curls caught it and looked like living flame, oranges and reds all illuminating his features and making those stunning olive green eyes stand out, the ones that looked deep into his soul.

Clutch wasn’t attractive by the standards of he was used to them but then again, neither was he. To be on that pedestal you needed to have the baby face of a pop idol, jet black or pure blonde hair and a body sculpted like a supermodel, yet when he wasn’t unwell there was a rough, rugged and more realistic look to Clutch that drew Beat in that honestly no one else he had ever met had. Under that rough surface was a softer sweeter innocence that unless you were granted a glimpse you would honestly not know it was there.

Beat liked all of that and the honesty that came with it in return. For one, he never labeled him the way others did. Storm always thought the red hair was a sign of risk and danger as that's how people with that as their natural colour were seen to be - feisty and trouble. Falcon would often tell him it was because he found it mildly entertaining how tall and skinny he was but neither of them saw what was really there beyond the walls he had up to protect himself.  Then Angel managed stripped everything away, taking the last ounces of self worth and appreciation along with his freedom and dignity to feel comfortable in his own skin.

He never had to ask him what it was that made him feel attracted to him. It was all in Clutch’s drawings that he sometimes did when they sat together and just relaxed with all their illustrations equipment out. Every sketch looked alive, as if they were capturing him on film, every tiny hint of emotion in the face, body was all there.

There was something different about seeing yourself through someone else's eyes. Especially ones that were genuinely filled with affection an admiration. 

Beat knew he could trust Clutch not to hurt him. Sure, the guy was clearly capable of killing someone as much as anyone else but Beat felt safe knowing the only way you'd see him raise a hand would be against anyone who insisted on hurting him. Finding that out was interesting to say the least, Beat finally game enough to have Clutch be domineering again after coming out of hospital  only to have it go utterly wrong with his partner unable to go ahead because of nightmares he had been suffering about things he had been told and what he did about them. 

 Funny thing was, Beat was itching to kill that bitch himself but thanks to Clutch he didn’t have to. Downside however was it has really scarred Clutch in a way that Beat never wanted to see again.

 Living a tough life on the street held many dangers and his Canadian lover was not someone who could handle that...which wasn’t a good sign. With Angel gone, more enemies would be coming out of the wood work and try their luck taking out an easy target, especially one that was very close to him. What had Jazz once say? That he was a loaded cannon just waiting to be fired. It wasn’t a secret that he himself had gone off the rails before hence why only Angel was stupid enough to see if she could destroy him.  

 Her and the Noise Tanks anyway. They were the other nutjobs who didn't seem to learn and they'd been skuling around lately far to close to his new home with Clutch. All his new friends were definitely on alert, as the one thing that the Noise Tanks couldn't get their metal heads around was normal people don't identify themselves as 'Robotsexuals' and had been targeting anyone in a gang who had any displays of affection for others in public. 

What they did to Beat's back was a warning. What they did to Ikagami of the Immortals was proof they took their threats seriously.  Beat was suprised the guy had survived that.

Most people he knew were pretty careful with their partners and Beat probably would have been too if it wasn't for the fact there was some thrill in being very public and open with Clutch. No way was he going to let people shove him back in a closet behind closed doors. So they went places that were more or less abandoned to spend time together like this library but it wasn't as if these places didn't occasionally attract undesirables...many people were still desperate and homeless.

It was sort of why they were making out on top of the rickety table. After Clutch’s hair was down, Beat's face obscuing shades was tossed aside as Clutch pulled him close, locking lips and warmly letting little amused chuckles and purrs until Beat pinned him down and started running his hands under his lover's shirt to keep the husky laugher going.

As his fingers traced and teased he could feel scars that had struggled to heal, Clutch’s body left weaker thanks to Angel and her 'little games'. It still made his blood boil that someone found other people's suffering entertaining. But that just it? With her gone worse will come... to try and take whatever is his.

Yes... as selfish as it sounded - Clutch WAS his. He'd been on the streets so long and had so very little that any person he was close to were something he'd fearcely fight for, though the fact Clutch gave him permission to be intimate with him made him more possessive over his wellfare. The fact his lover went to great lenghs to look after him in return...

"What are you waiting for, Kaz?" Clutch teased playfully. 

"Same thing as always, Michael. " Beat smiled.

Clutch laughed, highly amused. "So old fashioned."


Clutch reached up and brought Beat into a deep kiss before replying, "Yes, you are."

"Would you prefer it if I just went straight in and fucked you huh?" The grin on Beat's face was full of mischief.  He knew he never would as the feeling of what it felt like to be assulted and wouldn't wish that on another person. He also was aware Clutch was just playing around and wanted to hear him say his intentions outloud. Afterall he would also never do it in return, Beat finding he had to really encourage and show him exactly what he liked as Clutch was so hesitant and unsure.

It was sort of...'cute' if you could call someone with firey red curls, tattoos, scars and a load of body hair that, but there part of the attraction lay. Clutch wasn’t like any other guy he knew, physically, emotionally, mentally...sexually.

"Of course not. Though the idea has crossed my mind." Clutch joked. He got up on his elbows so he could be close to speak quietly in Beat’s ear. "Wouldn't stop you right now if you did."

 Beat's voice now had a deep purr of it's own. "All you have to do is ask, Mike."

 He could feel Clutch shift under him, aware that clothes were being shifted as he drew his real leg up onto the table. The reply was cocky and pleasant sounding to the ears.

 "Please, please fuck me Kaz."

 The sound of tight jeans being opened could be heard in the stillness of the echoing libary.  "With pleasure." 

 Beat watched as his lover's back arched as he helped make them more intimate, Clutch’s breathing got more rapid as a minor moan escaped his lips, Beat's own growl mixing in before heocked their lips together. 

Bodies moving in time, souls dancing to their own unique tune, slight begging coming from Clutch which was more like music to Beat so he kept trying to make a few of his lovers sounds louder and by running his free hand under Clutch’s shirt again he could feel how hard he was breathing and his pulse going through the roof pounding itself against the walls of his ribs. Of course, it didn't help that Clutch’s hands were also on him, exploring under his clothes and of course one of them was caressing his hips as he knew it was sensitive and messed up his rhythm. It was a good indicator to how he was handling it, Clutch would pull it away if it was too rough so he'd slow down until the hand resettled there again, tickling him, taunting him to push it a little more.

He moved on hand lower and with care started caressing his lover making him arch up and squirm, his voice catch it in his throat so Beat would pause to let him regain it while bring back his hand to lick his fingers clean of the stickyness Clutch’s over excited body left on them, grinning as he did so as teasing him about what else he planned to do was fun, though the sweet salty taste was admittedly something he liked and probably would have happily helped him with it if he hadn't asked for the latter.

Clutch made valiant attempts to kiss him but they were often broken by desperate gasps and other sounds of pleasure he made, in the end giving in and just clinging to Beat's shirt and trying to get a grip on the slippery table surface as the heat of their bodies intensified.

"Kaz.... uhhh ah... K-Kazu..."

Beat wrapped both his ams around Clutch tight as his lover did the same, aware the physical dance finalie was coming and that it held no mercy.

It's not like you could help that though. The male body was programed to just get on with it thanks to evolution and primal biology being aware that at any minute it could be eaten while distracted.

Clutch knew he struggled with that part though, no matter how much he tried. I didn't matter if he was the giver or receiver, his body always felt like it was about to collapse on itself. Beat was also acutely aware of this having being the cause of a sezuire from getting a bit too intense hence the tight embrace and trying to hold it back as much as possible.

Clutch sunk his teeth into the fabric of Beat's shirt to muffle the loud yelp when it went through his body, the loud growl from his lover ringing out the echoing libary.

Beat slamed a hand into the table to steady himself, it slipped and he fell to the floor, jaw hitting the table as he went down. "F-K!" Beat exclaimed, narrowly missing biting his tounge. 

 Clutch sat up quickly and looked down. "You alright?" He said, voice full of concern. Before he could get up the creaking sounds of the table they had been egnoring decided they'd had enough and two of the metal legs buckled beneath him.

 "Shit, Michael -" Beat scrabbled onto all fours though he was interrupted by laughter. 

 "Fuck that hurt!" Clutch swore, cackling with amusement as he was practically lying on his shoulders with the rest of him entangled with the table. "But so damn worth it." 

Beat got up and ajusted his trousers before going to give Clutch a hand. "Well I'm glad you're not too badly injured from that." He said rubbing his jawline.

"Nah, not that delicate Kaz." Clutch chuckled ajusting his own clothes, though Beat did take note that he also was holding his shirt tight where his heart was.

"Wish you would stop saying that, Mike." 

"Heh, well some stuff can't be helped."

Beat steadied Clutch as he had to ajust his prosthetic leg as it had come off when the table collapsed. "Until your heart improves and those sezuires get under control you're damn fragile ok?"

Clutch just smiled. "Only because you say so."

Beat cupped his face in his hands. "No, it's because I worry about you. Same as you do to me."

"Got every reason to worry about you, Kaz. You still insist on living a dangerous life as well as spending it with me. Unsure how long you can keep that up."

"It's because I want to keep you Michael.  There's too many out there who wants to take that away....and too many things that could do so."

"Just don't let them take you first, Kazuya. Because they will and it'll be all for nothing." Clutch kissed him and took him by the hand. "Let's get some of those weird pizza's you showed me last week."

"Sure." He picked up his sunglasses, looked at them and decided to chance it. If he couldn't be comfortable in public around his partner then what was the point right?


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