Fiction clean up

 Going to attempt a clean up on a series of fictions I wrote for the Thunderbirds Fandom as standalones I turned into a collection. I want to book end it as well and make it a coherent bunch of events and maybe fill in several that are missing. It'll be safer to post it all here because frankly no one reads or visits my blog so its sort of perfect for that. You can still read them as they are on Ao3 (links on fan fiction page) but I plan on editing and cleaning them up so they flow together better. They also had a small collection of illustrations with a few of them so I may include those too if I still have them. I have a super soft spot for these fictions, they helped me deal with some of my own dad issues (which even now I sadly still have with my old man) so they probably feel a little more personal than average. 

On that note, I'll add more Beat and Clutch stuff as I HAVE ALWAYS PLANNED ON WRITING THEM AS A COUPLE.  Its just people liked the Beat and Ryth, Beat and Jazz.... Then I wrote Beat and Corn as an act of defiance because I was endlessly nagged to write one with him and Yo-Yo and I find that character is an annoying little tit. I feel bad I have never posted anything, its always stayed in note books.... They deserve better those two. Its been 15 years coming you boys, time to come out into the sun. 


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