Old Thunderbirds art for other fictions & things (NSFW &SFW mixed)

Bare with me here, some of this was done on cheap arsed paper  so colours are terrible. sometimes you gotta do what you have to when your saving your good stuff for commission work.

This one was for a gift exchange, two months later someone 100% copied it and reposted on tumblr claiming it to be theirs. was not amused in the fucking slightest, turns out all my SFW stuff was getting redraws and stolen without my knowledge. it's not the first time my art has been stolen in a fandom, nor the last but FUCK YOU YOU CHEAP LITTLE... *cough* seriously folks DON'T REPRODUCE AND STEAL. you take genuine interest off the original artist's work and eventually they'll stop doing art altogether for your fandom. NO ONE WANTS THAT. so don't be an ARSEHOLE.



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