Vx J ThunderbirdsAre Go NSFW


It had been a long hard day, Virgil was dirty, tired and frustrated things didn’t go according to plan. He chose to fly straight home instead of joining his other brothers for a celebratory dinner of another successful rescue, one that Virgil though was a damn miracle that no one had died.

Clomping mud through the house on his boots, he made his way upstairs for the bathroom that he and his brother's shared. There was another two in the house, one was for Kayo and Grandma’s use only and the other Brains used as they all learned the hard way that the engineer had bathroom habits that were extremely anal retentive. .. and there were times after a long rescue you didn't have the energy to scrub the bathroom top to bottom after you spent hours trying to get the smell of smoke, ash or blood off your skin.

Virgil tugged at his boots and tossed them at the door before entering the bathroom, remotely not bothered to care where they landed or if they left marks all up the wall. He would worry about it later, after all when the others came home there would be twice as much mud anyway. Frustrated, he tore the zip on his overalls and swore, pulling at the teeth of it till they came apart. He’d need another uniform, that had been the second one he had ruined within a month. He peeled out if it and out of the t shirt that was underneath, glared at his grubby face in the mirror before discarding his boxers too.

Stepping into the hot water of the shower he closed his eyes, running his fingers through his hair, slicking it all back from his face. Grabbing the soap he started to lather up, only being rather harsh scrubbing his hands and face where most if the muck was visible.  Thank the gods for full body uniforms.

Virgil took his time, afterall he was all alone - no one was going to be home for another few hours, chances were after stuffing themselves with food they go blow off steam at the local arcade before coming home. His sore muscles needed attention and he was going to give it to them.

Man, it felt good.

He was tense all over and this… this was glorious.


He leaned his back against the wall when he started in his thighs, really working his fingers into the deep tissue.

“Nuuhh…”  he mumbled.

There was one other thing he could do to relax, he did gave the privacy.

He tilted his head back into the flow of the water, letting his hands do all the work by feel. There was an art to this sort of relaxation, too gentle you'd be there all day,  too rough and you could be sore in the groin days later. Virgil, after alot of self experimenting, had worked out exactly how he liked to be touched. Too bad he knew no one to impart this information onto, the life of an International Rescue operative was a dateless and lonely one in the romance and sex department.

He stiffened. The bathroom door was being opened.

But how? Wasn't everyone at some dumb fast food restaurant in Italy somewhere?

He wiped some of the steam off the glass to see who it was.

John didn’t care someone was in the shower. He was trying not to fall asleep on his feet. He had touched down right after the rescue was deemed complete and had passed out on his bed from exhaustion. After an hour or so he had forced himself to get up and get out if his uniform, attempt brushing his teeth and crawl back to bed.

Virgil heard his brother swear. Someone, presumably Gordon had been using his toothbrush again. He relaxed. John couldn't  give a rat's arse what people did in the shower, there was every chance that he had seen it all before anyway and was one of the few siblings who wasn't afraid to make breakfast in the kitchen  in nothing but a towel…. In front of everyone.

That's what living alone up on the space station did to you, Virgil assumed. It threw a lot of inhibitions out the window.

John didn’t take long, he was out as quick as he stumbled in.

Good. Back to ‘Me time.’

Virgil tried to get into the zone again, and frowned when he heard a thump followed by swearing in the hallway.

Shutting off the shower, Virgil wrapped a towel around himself and stepped out of the bathroom. John was trying to untangle his legs from falling over Virgil's muddy boots.

“You really know how to ruin a peaceful moment of privacy, don't you?”

“Shouldn't leave your gear in the way.” John muttered.

“Seriously, the clumsy one in the family who doesn't watch where he's going is telling me off for taking off my boots. What do you want me to do? Wear them in the shower with me?”

John frowned. “At least I have the decency to hide a boner.”

“Yeah well this was my alone time, I don't get it often. Unlike you who has all the privacy in the world up in that tin-can of yours.” Virgil was frustrated and was more than happy to take it out in John, especially if he was going to dish it back. “You probably have tons of porn up there to make use of in your downtime.”

“Are you done yet, or is fighting with me making your bits stiffer? Can't say it's doing it for me.” John then caved. “Look I just wanted to sleep in a proper bed for a few hours. I don’t care if you're inclined to spend your spare time  jerking your own gerkin, ok? At least you can give yourself one.”

He stood up and fixed his jumper that doubled as a long PJ top that hid everything under it leaving everyone to believe he didn't wear pants to bed.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Virgil snapped.

John pushed Virgil against the hallway wall, his body pressed right up against his brothers. He wasn't strong enough to hold him there but Virgil was taken by surprise.

“It means after having low blood pressure for three weeks in a row, I can't get a fucking erection, ok?” John hissed in his face. “I've only got a few hours before I have to go back on duty for another three week stint, and in between that there isn't enough time to get enough blood pressure to stop the world fucking spinning, let alone get myself a fucking hard on.” Virgil yelped as one of John's hands gently brushed its way under the towel and gave him a squeeze. “Just think yourself lucky.”

He then let go, unpinned Virgil and headed for his bedroom.

FFFFUUUCK… Virgil growled. No wonder John had so many problems, it wasn't just his head that was affected by space… his libido was too. Clearly he could do with more than just a few days off work… he needed a whole box of viagra pills.

And yet for a few brief seconds, Virgil realised, he didn't mind his brother had his hand on his privates. That… that was new and unexpected. He had never once felt vulnerable like that before, and it… it felt rather pleasing, to say the least. Maybe… would it be possible to trick John into doing that again? It was a strange sensation… suddenly wanting to submit to someone - his older brother - just to have him help jerk off.

John crashed onto his bed, letting out a groan. He shouldn't  have done that...but he wasn't remotely thinking on a full operating system. Of all the things to argue about with Virgil it had to be something sexual that even he had to admit, had been  non-existent. Did he really think John jerks off in space? It would be far easier if he could, he wouldn't keep having mood swings as bad as they were. Sex, he had decided, happened to ‘other people’.

He could feel a shadow looming over him. “What do you want from me Virgil? If it's an apology you can forget it.”

He rolled over and saw Virgil standing there still in the towel.




“It was me who's  been using your toothbrush, I stopped when i accidentally knocked it into the toilet.”

John lept at him, crashing both of them to the floor. Sitting  on top he growled,  “Where should I start punching the crap out of you?”

“Or how about I do… THIS!” Virgil pulled in John's jumper, forcing him down low enough to kiss him. John tried to pull away, but Virgil was far broader, muscular and stronger, able to hold him where he wanted him.

When he needed to breathe,  Virgil purred. “Touch me like you  did before.”

“What? No! I was being an arsehole!”

“THEN BE AN ARSEHOLE AGAIN PLEASE!” Virgil raised his voice so it boomed. “I need you to do that to me again!”


“Because it felt good, made me excited and more horny.”

“Fuck Virgil.”

“That's what I had in mind!”

“Seriously?” John snapped. “You're my brother!”

“I don't care and there's no one else around right now to find out. If you don't,  then I'm going to on you because clearly you're deprived and need reminding of what it's like!”

He rolled on top if John pinning his arms down. For the first time it occurred to him what he was doing, rather than having John willingly feel him up like before, he was now trying to force him. The telling sign was the way John was trying not to look at him. He let go and sat up across his brother's torso,

“Shit, what the fuck am I thinking? I'm sorry John, I got carried away.” Virgil tried to save face. “Man… for a second back there, I thought…. Shit I'm sorry.”

John chanced a glance up at Virgil. “Sorry for invading your personal space before, Virgil. It won't happen again.” he said quietly.

“John....” Virgil breathed calmly. “ I meant every word of that, you know? I really do...I do want you to touch me there.”

Feeling silly, he got up off John and readjusted the falling towel getting ready to leave.


Virgil sighed and turned around to face John, who was now picking himself off the floor. “What?”

“Come here.” John indicated to him to sit on the bed  near the large mirror that was in his bedroom. They all had one, but John's was the only one that was used to hang clothes on instead of its intended purpose. “Sit.”

Virgil obeyed, sitting down so he faced the reflective surface. John pulled the clothing off so he could see himself. John then clamored onto the bed behind him, wrapped his long legs around Virgil and then said, “Watch your reflection.”

Virgil watched as John moved the towel so that everything could be seen.

“I hope you don't mind watching yourself being pampered.” John whispered softly in his ear. “You need to know how good you look.”

“Huh?” Virgil blinked.

John slowly snaked his hands around Virgil's waist, stroking him with his fingernails and caressing with the tips of his fingers, sending shivers down his spine.

“I've seen you in the shower a few times.” John muffled a chuckle. Can't lie that I haven't watched once or twice when I've needed distractions.”

Virgil licked his lips as he was nervous about what he had gotten himself into now.

“Don't worry, this has never crossed my mind before. I meant every word I said before about not being able to get like this. I've watched because I wished that I could. I'm sorry.”

John's hands ran up and down along Virgil's thighs before moving into where he wanted.

“Tell me how you like it.” John whispered, kissing Virgil on his naked shoulders. His grip was firm, but not hard enough to hurt him.

“Uhh… wow….” Virgil couldn't help himself. Maybe deprivation had its perks? The way John's hands moved, it felt like he was using Virgil as an extension of what he would want it to be like on himself. He found himself  leaning all his weight back onto John, letting himself enjoy being taken care of by such expert hands.

He also let John tease, kiss and nip at his shoulders, neck and ears. For some reason just doing those few things made the sensation of his brothers touch more sensitive and intense than he could ever do in his own.


“Just a little more.”

“I don't think…. I don't think I can much longer.”

“Just a little more, promise it won't be forever.” and with that  John moved from his seat and around the front onto his knees. He breathed out. “Please don't try to choke me.”

“Choke you?  Why would - wholy shit John!” Virgil  threw his head back. He was not expecting this…. This was quite possibly further than he really wanted to take it.

He glanced up in the mirror and felt like he was in some really dirty porn film, one where you could see both point of view and the back of the head of the actor doing the sexual acts.

Looking down he couldn't quite believe what was happening. Unlike those smutty films where the girls were all forcing it as far as it would go and as fast as they could handle, John was quite careful, Virgil swearing that it was just to tease him further. But it felt so damn good! John was a smooth talker at the best of times while on the job, but other than that didn't talk much to anyone these days. The fact that he had this…. This skill with his tongue….

He had to resist grabbing John's hair to make him stop teasing him and just get it over with.

“Ohhhh fuuuuck….. John please, this…. This is too much!”

Virgil found himself begging now.

“Please Johnny….it's  getting harder to hold out.”

He couldn't. … not anymore.

He leant forward, grabbing John's shoulders and did exactly what he promised not to.

It took a few really hard pushes, but that was enough for Virgil. He didn't even notice that John had managed to free himself and was coughing, struggling for air as things had been forced down his windpipe.

Virgil sat back up lazy, still dazed from the sudden release of tension from all over, not just from the obvious, but from his arms and his back… his muscles were all like jelly.  He snapped out of it when he saw John bent over double coughing rather hard.

“I'm really sorry! I couldn't hold it anymore!” he panicked, kneeling beside him.

“It's ok… I should've stopped when you said. That was my fault.” he gave Virgil a weak smile. “Feel better?”

“Yeah.” he lifted his brother's head. He could see John was overtired and still had a little bit of Virgil's kiss sticking to his lips. Clearly he didn't swallow, though Virgil wouldn’t have either given the sudden surprise if he was in the same position. There was going to be a great deal of scrubbing the carpet later too.

Virgil gave him a soft kiss, but was pretty content on just doing that over and over until John relented or brushed him away. John didn’t, not after what he just did. There was no point in becoming weird about getting dirty with his sibling. They'd gone pretty far already.

“I don't think you can return any favours, Virgil.” he said eventually.  “I… I don't want this to stop, but I'm afraid that I just. .. don't have it in me like you do.”

“Are you sure?”

“I'm pretty sure.” John nodded, even a little uncertain himself. He looked over at the bedside table at the alarm clock. “Ah shit!”

He got up too fast, stumbled and Virgil caught him in the way down.

“Still light headed huh?”

“You could say that.” John groaned. “I was supposed to be sleeping, now there's no time, I have to get back up to the station!” he tried again, this time Virgil helped him remain upright.

“I hate to break this to you, but you're going nowhere.”

“I have to. It's a GDF, World Council meeting. The only reason we're still able to operate at all is because of all these silly negotiations. Sure, Penny does her share but not entirely on our behalf. I can't expect Scott to do all of that… he has enough stuff to worry about with you guys and the physical side of rescues…. He doesn't need paperwork.” John looked as though he wasn't looking forward to it.

“It's quite boring, but has to be done. Being reminded of all the damage that is caused on our behalf is nothing when I can dig up tons of things and reasons why we're a valuable risk worth having. They want control over us though and I don't think Scott would keep his mouth shut if they brought it up in discussions.”

“What do you say when they do?”

“Nothing. I let the Colonel field it and it goes away. The GDF may not like us much, but we have friends in them at least.  I don't  think they like the idea of the Council pulling us to heel. Alot of countries still don't have adequate rescue services themselves, so it's safe to say they don't fully trust them.” John could see the confusion on Virgil's face. “Don't worry it makes no sense to me either sometimes. I'm just a holographic representation to them, they don't realise I'm not a computer generated image.. which isn't a bad thing. If they knew I was a real person they'd turn the GDF on me to drag me out of space. No one likes the idea that a machine can hack their satellites.... but a person? Id be locked up for sure.”

“Gee… didn't realise you did all that stuff.”

John tried to shrug but almost fell over from dizziness. “I don't quite know what you guys all get up to on a rescue, I just hear things most of the time.  It's rare you guys need me for an entire mission, just only parts of it.”

“Well as I said, you're not going anywhere.” Virgil stood his ground. “Just once they can do without you and things will be ok. If it's an issue they can deal with Scott..and I’ll tell him why.  Truthfully he'd see it first anyway, you look a state.”

“I don't know Virgil…”

Virgil pulled gently and made his brother collapse on his own bed.

“How about I make it so you haven't got a choice in the matter?”

“Ha! Aren't you trying to do that already?”

Virgil walked to the bedroom door and checked it was locked. Good. If what he was planning took all night it meant no one was going to walk in,  secondly a looked bedroom in regards to John meant he was actually home and needed serious,undisturbed sleep, something that was a rare enough occurrence that they let it slide. It wasn't a secret that coming down from space after long periods of time affected his health, even after the odd trip in Thunderbird 3 with Alan, if you were a casual passanger your be feeling weirdly drained for days….another reason why Alan was always taking cat naps around the house.

Virgil walked back over, climbing on the bed and sat on top of John's waist.

“Hey you're not about to fall asleep on me are you?”

“If I am? What are you going to do about it?”

Virgil smiled with a hint of mischief. “Oh I can do lots of things.” he leant over and started kissing John with more passion than before. Virgil was determined to get him to a stage where he at least had some sort of sexual function going on. There was no way he was going to let him do all that stuff before without something in return.

He ran his hands lightly underneath the oversized jumper, tickling soft skin with his fingers. He didn't try to fight John's lazy ones across the hairs on his chest and his sides. He was still naked, his body already openly free to touch and John's very light and playful mood caused him to shiver as if the room had suddenly gone cold.

“Fuck John, you're getting me all hard even before I can get you started!” Virgil found himself letting out a deep growling sound when they parted lips. “That ain't fair!”

“I tried to tell-” John started to say before he took a sudden sharp intake of breath. Virgil could feel his brother shift his weight beneath him as he shuddered under his fingertips. Maybe it was highly possible to climb the frozen heights of the spaceman afterall?


“Don't stop…. Please don't stop.” John pulled Virgil's head closer so they had their foreheads pressed together. He was very slow but purposeful about it. “That was ticklish….. but I like it. No one has ever sent shivers through me like that before.” his eyes met Virgil's, a little pleading gleam in them. “More please, Virgil….please?”

Virgil grinned. “Sure.” he lazily repeated what he had been doing and got a huge amount of satisfaction watching John squirm a little under all the attention.

“How long has it been? I mean, since anyone touched you other than the standard brotherly cuddle?” Virgil asked, curiosity getting the better of him. It's not as if a relationship with his brother was going to go much further than tonight so it was worth finding out.

“Not… not since high school - Ah! FFFFT!” John tried to repress the fact Virgil had found a very sensitive area right under his ribcage. “Even then…. It didn't go very far. I couldn't do it.”


“Yeah, really - Ahhh! Virgil! Th-that really tickles!” John gave up trying to suppress any noise. There was no point. “You? When was your last time?”

“Besides you earlier?” Virgil slid the jumper up so the low light reflected off John's really pale skin, making him look like a white china doll. “I guess once when I lived working in New Zealand. Nothing that special. Not something that sticks in the mind, it was over pretty fast.”

“Huh. Guess this was really needed then?”

“Yeah.” nice one, Virgil  cursed himself. Mood killer right there!

“Sorry it's me and not some pretty bird.”


“It's ok. It's a one off thing, I know.... because we're  a bit desperate. Doesn’t mean it can't count,even if it's between us. I hope this doesn't change things….”

Virgil went quiet for a moment. Should he tell John why his love life might stay null and void from this point onwards?

“It was another bloke.” they both said at the same time. After the initial confusion, they both burst out laughing,

 “Oh woah, that's funny!” Virgil muffled a snort.

“I didn't realise that was a possibility.” John flushed with embarrassment.


“Yeah, Virgil?

“I don't want this to be a ‘one time thing’. I know that because  we're brothers it's wrong anyway, but it is better than the alternative.”

“And what's that?”

“Me wanking off alone in the shower the rest of my life and you not having any level of intimacy.”

“What if the others find out? We can’t hide this forever. There's too many people living in this house.” John paled more than usual. “I don't want Alan or Gordon finding out.”

“They'd be the least of our worries, John. Scott and grandma are who I'm worried about.”

“Oh right…Fuck I forgot about them.”

“Probably because you talk to them the least… but I do almost every day.”

“Things couldn't be easy, could they?”

“Heh, maybe.” Virgil sighed and kissed him. “Right now, I've got a mountain to climb.”

“Huh? Wait,  you mean to tell me you we're going to leave me to rest after all of that?”

“Fuck no. You're the mountain, you dofus.” To stress his point, Virgil tugged at the jumper till John was free of it and then started running his hands all over, varying from gently needing into muscle, to light tracing patterns just to watch him wriggle and squirm.

“Agck! Come on Virgil! Stop being a tease!”

“Why when I know how I can conquer you?”

John looked smug and Virgil hesitated. Since when could he look sexy?

That was all John needed. The distraction was enough to roll himself on top of Virgil, his broad set shoulders sinking into the bedsheets, John's arms pinning his down into a pillow and assaulting his body with kisses, bites and slow flicks of his tongue. Virgil tried fighting back but his body was at John's  mercy.

“Oh hell John, where'd you learn this?”

“Learn? Seriously?” John looked up and sniggered. “I've practiced doing this to someone over and over in my head. It's  been a long time, I do fantasize about things I'd like to try.. or have someone do to me.”

“Fuck… I'm going to make such a mess before I get my hands on you properly!”

“That's the idea.”

Virgil tried to physically push John off, but the taller Tracy remained put, caressing his skin with his lips and resting on Virgil's hips. Virgil swore there was no way John couldn't be aware of what he was doing, Virgil fully aware he was rubbing against tight satin boxers, trying so hard not to explode there and then.

“Nnnmmuhh….” Virgil let out when John blew gently on his nipple after focusing on it for what seemed to be forever. The coolness of his breath and the saliva left there was enough to drive him mad at the chills that were suddenly inflicted about his person. “You're more of a damn tease than me!”

John moved his weight mostly off Virgil so he could use his hands again and move lower down but Virgil was more determined than ever to take control. He roughly grabbed John and almost threw him underneath him, he was that desperate to turn the tables now, he couldn't even remotely be botherd to be subtle or gentle about it.

He pressed against John's hips, making sure he knew exactly what he was intending to do now he was on top.

“This is all you're doing, John.” he purred possessively. “And I intend to fix it.” he didn't give him time to argue, he was quick and rather rough when he kissed him, pressing hard enough to indicate fighting him was not an option.  Virgil fended off his hands till John had got the message that he had done enough teasing and was now completely Virgil's to play with as he pleased.

He could feel his body move under him as he snakes his hands harshly up and down his torso, and only let him utter noise when he had to stop kissing to breathe, only to press down hard again and use his tongue to explore his brother's mouth.

He knew he shouldn't be this harsh, but he really wanted to take him now, Virgil already on the verge of wanting to burst.

It wasn’t easy to try and get John's boxers off, but when there was signs Virgil wasn't having luck, John was nice enough to help in their removal.

“Unnh! Uhhh huh… not so hard Virgil…” John whimpered. Not having much activity down there for a long time left things extra sensitive, now there was a massive bloodrush surge due to hormones. “Ease up a little.”

Virgil stopped to take stock of what his brother was like naked and fully aroused. “Fuck John...you're on fire down there!” he grinned as he carefully ran his fingers lightly down it. His grin widened as John's body reacted to it with an attempt at jolting Virgil off his perch.

John reached up and grabbed the sides of the pillow his head was on to try and stop himself shifting around. It wasn’t helping.

“Didn't realise you were so responsive, John.” Virgil smiled, delighted at the turn of events.

“Uhh…” John  squeaked. ‘So responsive’ after so long was an understatement. He was feeling light headed and sensitive all over. Virgil could give him a foot rub and he'd feel like he wasn't going to last.

Virgil was going to enjoy this.

Now… how did John do this before?

Virgil lowered his head and started licking, but stopped when he realised that this going to be harder than he thought. He remembered what he tasted like when he kissed John's lips earlier and his brother didn't taste the same. Less salty? How was that even possible?

“Virgil… I don't think that's a good idea…”

“Why not?”

“I…. Uhhhh….can't control my responses.”

“That’s what makes it fun.”

“Virgil, I don't want what happened before to happen to you. That gave me a fright that I couldn't breathe.”

“You won't do that to me, I know you won't.” he gave John a gentle squeeze which made him gasp and grip the pillow harder. “Virgil….”

Virgil wasn't about to be swayed by his siblings pleas. Besides, he could do something John couldn't...pinning down places that would buck or kick him. Virgil was quite big and heavy - not fat by any means - but very well muscled that had been built up with great care to deal with the physical demands his role with International Rescue. He used to be the scrawny skinny kid in the family, and now by the looks of things, he and John had swapped bodies.

He took things slow, and that was plenty enough to have John struggle under his weight. Thank goodness no one else was home, otherwise they’d be trying to knock the door down with the sounds that John was making. Virgil had never heard anything like it either and was finding amusement in making him beg for mercy.

Eventually after enough teasing and fighting to stay on top of John's desperate attempts to escape, the pillow John was gripping struck him along side the head.

Virgil pulled back and started laughing.  “I'm just getting started! You're alot of hard work you know that?”

“That's cause I'm sorta holding it….” John breathed out.

“Then don't. Fair is fair,  I want to do this properly.” Virgil growled, emphasizing his point. “I want to know what you taste like.”

“For real?” John arched his back, fighting every urge to let Virgil win. “Before wasn't entirely intentional. I didn't expect you to do that to me and I had no choice in the matter.”

“Well I do and I want it.”

“I don't really have a choice.” John's voice was shaky, his throat dry. “I need to sometime….it's starting to hurt.”

“Far out, it's not supposed to!”

“Virgil, I could have the second you touch me down there...I had to or it wouldn't be any fun.”

“Huh. Well it wasn't my intention to hurt you either.”

“I know. I.. I have enjoyed the attention though.”

“I could tell.”



John licked his lips. “Do it.”

“You sure?” Virgil could see John nodd.

Virgil gave John one last look over and had to agree, it needed to happen and soon. He couldn't take much more.

Slowly, Virgil started to kiss before getting his tounge involved. He could see John heave and arch his back. There was no way he was going to last after this, Virgil had to be prepared to end this fun even though he wanted to take this far further than it had gotten.

“Vir...Virgil….uhhhh… nnnnnn ahhhh!”

Virgil felt the surge, John's whole body shifted, legs forcing Virgil to move as there was no way he could stop being kicked this time.

The pillow hit Virgil again, but this time it was to stop him from trying again. John was truly spent, Virgil would have been hard pressed to expect much more at this point. John was panting, unable to make anymore attempts to get Virgil off of him.

Virgil crawled over and lay his head down next to John's, a goofy smile on his face. “You're a mess.”

“Your fault.” John breathed out harshly. He closed his eyes, too tired for anything else.

“Sort of sweet. Is that normal?”

“Huh?” John mumbled.  “Mmmmm not sure. Never tried tasting myself before...kinda hard, you know?”

“Pfft.” Virgil snorted. “You okay?”

“I'm not up for anymore if that's what you're asking.” ones of John's hand reached up and brushed Virgil’s messy hair which was now slicked with sweat. “Thank you.” fingers traced Virgil’s cheeks and his jaw. The feeling was nice, he didn't want it to stop. But all good things have to end sometime. Besides, there was always tomorrow now. There was no way John was clocking on another shift until he looked reasonable, Virgil was going to make sure of that. A few days rest...and a few days of him all to himself.



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