unfinished Beat and Clutch fiction (JSRF was intended to be NSFW but never got there)

 Simply Plutonic (OLD UNFINISHED FICTION - full of spelling errors ect... so don't stress about it)

There are times when hanging out with the other guys in the GG’s when a conversation turns for the uncomfortable. Clearly right now, Garam chose to make it one of those times. When Clutch is involved, oh so much better.

Yo-yo stared at his can of lemonade, beginning to wish he stayed with Ryth and the other girls. He figured if Corn, Soda and Beat could put up with this crap than he could too. Boy was he wrong. In fact, Corn groaned the second the conversation started and Soda had found a book and was blocking the others out, only pretending to be listening.

As for Beat, Yo-yo began to see the reason for why he had kept offering Yo-yo beer to blot out the whole situation. Yo-yo would have normally said yes, but after he got kidnapped after the last time they had a drink together he was better off staying sober and alert. The stuff  Beat had been known to drink was strong and usually could put the other’s out after half a can, which usually left an impression on Yo-yo on how well Beat could fake being able to hold on to his liquor, especially after six or so cans of the stuff.

“So anyway, this chick had these huge honkers, I mean really fucking big tits…”Garam indicated how overly exaggerated these boobs where with his hands “and then she offers to do a titty screw and it’s like losing your bits in-between a pair of butt cheeks.”

Corn snorted. “So did you get to bang her in the end or not?”

“Seriously guys, haven’t you got other things to do in your spare time than talk about girls who are the envisage of porn stars who work on street corners looking for a cheap dollar so they have to become prostitutes?”

Corn and Garam both turned their heads to Beat, who had at this point, stopped drinking and looked pretty bored. Obviously he had heard this conversation before too, in some other shape or form.
“These are not skanks, by any means of the term,” Corn said carefully. “These are quality woman who are just crazy about our manhoods.”

“Heh, maybe you should try that lame arsed line on one of our gang girls, I’m sure they’d love the flattery.”

Corn looked surprised, and Garam reeled a little before continuing. They knew what Beat was getting at, same as everyone else in the room. The last guy to try pulling a fast hot time on Gum had to have a few of them pry the car door open to remove certain parts of him that had been slammed and jammed in said door. The guy made the mistake of Gum’s, sexy and powerful flaunting for something else and paid the price for it. As much as guys won’t admit it, woman who try and assert sexuality and power in the one set are usually misread and accidents always happen.

“And what would you know about a good woman Beat? I've never seen you with any!” Garam retorted, getting a nods from Corn in the process.

“He's got a point Beat.” Corn agreed.

“For a start, I would assume you would be treating them like real ladies and not toys.... but as such as it sounds, you wouldn’t know one either.” Beat flared over his can before taking a large swig. “The Girls here are all fabulous and I wouldn't have any others to be tagging along side with, and if you maybe treated them right and where not general dick heads to them maybe they'd consider giving you a look in.”
“PFTT!” Garam snuffed.

“He's got a point Garam, I mean he is pretty close to the girls here.” Clutch answered. It was common knowledge to all of them Beat got along with the female GG's alot better than anyone else, although Yo-yo was pretty damn close even if they only liked him hanging with them because he was like the cute little brother they always wanted.

“Look the only way you'd be close to one of them is if you're as gay as Yo-yo and Soda.”
“Hey the fact Me and Yo-yo have a relationship with eachother is NONE of your buissness.” Soda said not looking up from his book.

“'sh riiight.” Yo-yo slurred, the beer taking the desired affect.

“Maybe if your where more into an actual relationship instead of mindlessly having your brains bonked out you would be friends with them too.” Beat put down his empty can carefully knowing all eyes or at least all ears that where listening, where all on him. “It wouldn't matter weither you where Gay, Straight or Pansexual, if you treated people with respect you would get along better with them.”


Beat gave Garam a dirty look. “It refers to people who like someone based on thier personality, no matter what gender they belive that they are. A large magiority of the female population are pansexual and are not aware of it. You can be plutonicaly attracted with anyone like say your best mates and still have a hertosexual sexual relationship with another. Again, most woman are.”

“No, that's called cheating and flurting with the opposition.” Garam tutted towards Beat. “Unless it was with another chick in a threesome, then I'm all for that.”

Beat sighed and opened another can from the box. “Whatever. When you finaly want to evolve from being an animal into a human being, we'll talk.” He stood up and walked around the couch about to leave the room. what Garam said next stopped him.

“OHHHH I SEE!” Garam said loudly. “So your telling me if I had a threesome with two chicks, they'd both be pansexuals?”

Beat frowned. “Garam, I'm really suprised  ANY woman would want to sleep with you let alone one that was into other chicks, fuck I doubt even a gay man would want to be within five feet of you if you got desperate.” and with that he stepped out into the air of the night.

Blinking till his eyes ajusted to the dark, He carefully lit a cigarette in a way that wouldn't cancel out his night vision and started walking across the junkyard towards the Van he called 'home'. Outside of the van was a campfire with some of the Female GG's having thier own little bonfire party to celebrate Cube re-joining the old gang. they seemed to be having a good laugh at the expense of all the boys inside, Ryth's voice was the loudest, impersonating Garam and strutting around like he would but with extra exaggeration. He leaned up against the van and listened for a bit. The girls didn't mind him being there, the reason they chose to have it infront of his van was in hopes that he'd eventually come out and join them. Truth be told, they wanted to know what happened inside Goji tower for it to come crashing down as violently as it did, but they knew they where going to be waiting for a longtime before Beat ever brought that barrier down and be ready to tell anyone. He relyd on the girls so much in those few days afterward he felt he owed them something in return, though Gum and the others where just happy he was alive. Looseing the one bloke who actully enjoyed being with them and joking around would have been the end of thier ties to the GG's. Most only came back because he was there, same as always with open arms, like the big brother you know is ready to catch you when you fall.
The conversation changed onto Poison jam and Cubes genuinly funny take over of the gang when Gum had sat down with her back against the van next to where Beat stood.

“They still have no idea. I've dropped the ball so many times and they still have no idea.” Beat sighed quietly so only Gum could hear. After many years Beat and Gum had a very close friendship and where able to pick conversaions out of the air from time to time and still know what was on each other's minds. Both wouldn't have a clue what to do if something happened to the other, but know that the imprint on each other's lives would leave a massive gaping hole that would be impossible to fill.
“You know what might happen if they do realise don't you? I mean they give Yo-yo and Soda alot of shit, but they have thicker skins than you do.... and they've never saved everyone's life at least once. You've done that far too many times and if they ever had that ideal of you broken in some shape or form it could be messy. You sure you want that?”

“I'm tired of lying Gum. I just want to be myself again. I havn't felt normal for a long time, it's hard to be happy when you cannot be honest with yourself and people around you.”
Gum smiled. “Awww..... Beat doesn't like the other guys seeing him as a brooding loner?”
“Fuck it Gum you know I hate anyone thinking I'm a kill joy. I like to party and have a good time like everyone else. Right now it's taking effort to even smile around you guys and you're always fun to be with. It hurts to barely show it.”

“I shouldn't worry and just relax. Everyone thinks you've done enough anyway, all we're doing is mopping up the mess that Goji and the corrupt goverment left behind. out of everyone you should be the one enjoying yourself and living it up. You earned it.”

“Maybe your right. Maybe I'll just not try to tell them anymore. when they work it out I'll take it as it comes.”

The other girls, still talking about poison jam had fianlly decided Beat should be included into the conversaition. Ryth shouted, “AWW I can't impersionate them at ALL, But I KNOW Beat CAN.” there was a hint of hope in her voice that suggested he should join the fun.

“Yeah come on Beat! Show us your impression of them! I havn't seen it before!” Jazz added gleefully.

Gum gave him a grin and a jab in the leggs with her elbow. “Come on, go for it.”

“Ah hell, alright, but just once ok? if they ever found out I did this they'll turn me into mince meat.”

“YAAAY!” Ryth jumpped up and down excitedly. Cube laughed and Boogie clapped her hands.

“It's been ages since I've seen you do it too, I'd love to see it again.” Boogie cheered.

Clutch had come out not long after Beat had into the night air, moslty because the conversation had gone back to Garam and Corn talking about hookers and Soda and Yo-yo had gone off to do whatever it was they did together. Combo was doing his own thing too, and Clutch was feeling a bit like a third wheel. Wandering around the junkyard's compound he stopped not far from the girl's camp where he could hear a conversation about the other guys back inside and was suprised to hear Beats voice amoungst them.

“So still think the other guys are total wankers?”
“Of course... sort of.”

“What do you mean sort of? If Corn and Garam had more than one penis I'm pretty sure they'd try to make porn movies about mutant sex monsters.”
Beats voice was laughing. “True, But one day they will grow up.. at least I hope so for their own sakes.”

“What about Clutch? You never seem to talk about him.”
“Clutch? Well mostly because he's a nice bloke. sure he's not perfect and hangs with Dumb and dumber on their pub crawls, but he's alright. I don't really talk to him on his own and when I have he's pretty genuine.”

Clutch listened to the pause before Beat spoke again.
“If I hung out with him more, I dunno but I still stand by what I just said. Anyway, you guys have to be a bit nicer to him now.”
“Oh and why's that?”

“Because I said so. That and I still want to see him have some friends...the way Corn and Garam are going and how Soda and Yo-yo are becoming hermits to all our company but their own, I'm just worried he'll feel left out. Our gang is like a family, with all the good and the bad, everyone deserves to feel like they belong.”

Clutch stopped listening at this point as he was over come by genuine surprise. someone was actually saying something nice about him. Maybe Beat's not such a bad guy after all... he was the only person to remember Clutch's birthday and take him somewhere other than some boring old pub. The more Clutch thought about it, the more he realised Beat was nicer to him than the others. 

“Maybe We should hang out more too.” he said to himself before walking past, back to the garage.

Beat stared at them in disbelief. He was hoping for a pretty average birthday or at least a day in the gaming arcades. He half recognised the sign of the night club, to him they where pretty much all the same. He was a simple guy who was after basic entertainment most of the time and couldn't understand this fascination that most of the GG's had with night clubs and pubs.

Garam put his arms around Beat's shoulder, which was a great feat since Beat was taller than him by almost a foot and a half. “Tonight you'll pick up some really awesome babe who'll make you have the best night you've ever had.”

“You know I highly doubt that but whatever, sure.” Beat tried to care, but was finding it increasingly hard. The moment they stepped into the place Beat had to refrain himself from laughing and keep it all under a mask because after seeing a few of how the guys and girls where dressed in the club he knew the only person that would pick up anyone would be him and it wouldn't be a woman. But to Garam, Corn and Clutch it would be just another club... well it would be to Clutch. Like Beat, Clutch wasn't too keen on the club hopping but only went because everyone else did.

Like every time they went to these places, Corn and Garam had vanished into the mingling press of bodies, Leaving Beat and Clutch to their own devices. Beat looked at the other red head and sighed. “Come on, I'll by you a drink.”

Clutch nodded and followed the taller redhead towards the bar.

“Sorry Love,” Beat asked the scantly dressed woman behind the bar. calling them a woman wasn't quite the words Clutch might have used, but Beat was very open about what people did and didn't seem phased by the transgender barmaid. “You don't happen to have a cocktail list?”

The barmaid smiled and handed him a little brochure and gave him a wink. “Knock yourself out hot stuff.”

“Thanks.” Beat smiled back, aware that the barmaid was trying to flirt with him. He handed it to Clutch. “Take your pick of your poison, but don't drink too much.”

“Did they... where they flirting with you?” Clutch asked.

“Of course she was. I've been dragged in here a few times and she knows me. This should be entertaining at least this time.”

Clutch looked at him in all earnest and asked, “Oh why's that?”

Beat smiled. “You know who Corn asked for this place as a recommendation?”

“Yeah, he asked Soda.”

“Right and after what they where harping on about the other night, what sort of place do you think Soda would recommend to get back at them for being total fuckheads?”

“A gay bar?”

“Bang on the money.”

“I've never been in one before.” Clutch said carefully.

Beat shrugged. “They are pretty much the same as any other, but with a person like yourself you'd end up attracting some pretty interesting blokes. Just stay close to me for the time being and you'll be alright. at the moment they think your my partner, that's why noone has moved in to try hitting on you yet.”

“I think I'll just stick with a lemonade.” Clutch smiled wearily. 

“Yeah I don't feel much like drinking either. The bar staff can't make the drinks strong enough.”
Clutch laughed at that last statement and felt a little more at ease. It's wasn't often Beat turned down a drink, but when he did you knew something was going down and he wanted to have his wits about him.
“You know, what where going to do is have a good laugh at Corn and Garam's expense and then we're going to do something that's actually fun, cause after they notice they are in a gay bar they're going to want to go straight home and drink themselves blind. You in?”

“Uh sure, it's not going to be another night club is it? I never feel comfortable in these places.” Clutch admitted. He shuffled a bit closer to Beat when he saw a big hairy bloke blow him a kiss.
“No. I feel like playing Sega Rally or something in the arcade. You know, REAL FUN stuff that involves engaging the brain and having a good time with mates... I'm really over this thinking with your penis business... have been for years.”

Clutch was realising that he was now getting alot of looks of unwanted attention from some of the other blokes around him, most where a mixture of good looking to down right creepy. He looked at Beat and noticed he was aware of them too... almost as if he wanted them to be looking. Out of the blue Beat put his arm around Clutch and leaned in close and whispered, “Don't worry. they're only looking. If they try asking you for your phone number they'll have to go through me and they won't want to do that. Last time Yo-yo brought me here I punched a Butch lesbian security guard so they won't touch me.”
“Yo-yo's brought you here?”

“Yep and Soda too.... and Ryth once or twice... though in Ryth's defence it's cause she likes the cocktails at the bar. It's funny, when people know or at least assume your gay you want to meet like minded people, but you know, I'm kind of happy being a virgin and being left alone to do all that stuff in my own time. You're only young once.” He said quietly, not moving from his close position. Clutch could see from this angle the stares where all turning away now that Beat was as close as he was. once they where all gone, Beat moved back and moved his arm. “Sorry about that, but they won't try anything now. they think your clearly taken and that will work to your advantage.”

“Oh and what's that?”

“Well since I'm clearly Out of the closet and your still as straight as plank, there's no way any of them will dare to find out, thinking your one of us.” Beat lit a smoke. “It also means the barmaid will no longer flirt with me anymore, but I'm happy with that.” he looked up and pointed into the crowed dance floor. “I can't say the same for Corn and Garam though.”

Clutch looked in the same direction as Beat pointed and started laughing. He heard Beat chuckle too. It was clear neither Corn or Garam had picked up this wasn't a straight night club, they where trying to dance with the woman in the club but kept having their dancing cut short by blokes cutting in and even having one shemale try and chat Garam up, though it was pretty clear that Garam couldn't tell the difference that it wasn't a real women.

Beat dug into one of his trouser pockets and fished out an old battered mobile phone. “This is just simply golden. You know what? This is going to be the funniest birthday present EVER.”
“Are you sure you should be keeping evidence of this?”

“Fuck yes, this will teach them a bloody good lesson.” he mused. “Actually, it'll cheer me up after they piss me off next time too... that's always an added bonus.”

“I suppose.” Clutch smiled again. He could picture the embarrassment they where going to have after tonight when they sobered up and would be a bit more nicer to anyone who'd be able to recall exactly what they had been doing that night. “Maybe it's time to go else where, I don't want to really be around when they try to get inside their pants.”

“You know I think I agree with you on that. Nothing worse than seeing them actually get any sort of action... I can only just deal with hearing about it.”

Beat grabbed Clutch by the wrist and  navigated a way out of the club. Clutch was pretty sure someone attempted to grab him on the arse. There was no way he was going to ask anyone to check either. When they reached outside Beat quickly let go of his arm.

“Sorry about that. I don't really like that place. It makes me feel so dirty.... though any place we wind up with them usually does.” Beat shook out his clothes in an effort to try to feel like himself. “You know it's places like that, and what Yo-yo and Soda get up to all the time that makes me feel a little ashamed of what I am.”

Clutch thought for a second. “Corn and Garam don't exactly show the best side of hetrosexuals either. They make me feel ashamed of being male in general.”

Beat snorted, but it was one of good humour.  “Can't say I'd disagree with you there. Why do we still associate with these stooges?”

“I don't know. If I did, I wouldn't be still following them around.” Clutch smiled. for once another person thought the same thing about the other male GG's like he did. “So, what do we do now? We've ditched them but we didn't really ditch them for any place in particular.”

“We could always hit up one of the arcades, they never shut... unless you have no yen to spend on the machines.” Beat suggested.

“Sounds better than another pub crawl. I'm all for it.” He hesitated. “Uh back in there...”

Beat froze and got all defensive. Clutch was amazed at how quick he was to bring up those walls the previous few minutes had chipped away.  “Was nothing. I don't fancy you at all and never would in a million years. Just didn't want you to get caught in... THAT... as everyone else leaves me in similar situations, I absolutely hate it and would never wish it upon someone who didn't deserve it.”

“Wait Beat I didn't mean it like..” Clutch began trying to break the invisible wall that seemed to be in the way between them.

“Look I don't know what it is with everyone when I tell them that I'm into blokes but they get so funny about anything I say or do and Fuck I just want them to get the hell over it 'cause it's not like I go around with a hard on for every man I see in the Fucking street!”

Clutch Grabbed him and gave him a bit of a shake. “Shit Beat listen to me and shut the hell up for a second! I was TRYING to say THANKYOU for getting me out of there before it got awkward. I get left like that a lot too and I always end up having all the worst shit happen to me. For once I'm grateful someone was there to rescue me otherwise I'd have not come out of there at all!” he took a deep breath and let out a loud sigh. “I've known you for five years and even though I've only realised because you've openly said something is NOT going to change anything ok? We don't talk much or anything, but I'm pretty certain I'm well aware that no matter what you'd still be the same damn person.”
He let go of the taller redhead. “The same person who's always there to look out for everyone, the one who lies to cover our arse when things go bad, the one who people look up to, always reliable and has a knack for being able to pick us all up when we fall to pieces and heck are even afraid of you at times...'Cause you have so much respect and so much sway with alot of the gangs in the city...” his voice trailed. “You're the one someone like me WANTS TO BE.” Clutch mentally cursed himself for that last part the second it left his lips.

“Wow.” Beat spoke quietly. “I didn't know anyone thought like that at all. I'm sorry I freaked out, Just I know generally how this shit goes and well....” he looked away along the street. People who where out enjoying the night had been staring at them as the walked by the two of them blurting out things at the top of their lungs. “I'm.. sorry.” it was all he could bring himself to say without digging a deeper hole.
Clutch eventually looked him in the eyes. “I'm sorry too, but geez I did only want to say thankyou. It's not often I hear anyone say it to you when you've done anything for them. The other stuff, I meant it. You've got to be a heartless idiot to turn your back on a person who does all those nice things...even if you are a little afraid of them... but I know that you're not scary at all, but no one wants to think otherwise as it will ruin the illusion of it all. If I knew about the other stuff you'd been hiding I'd have phrased it better...”

“No, It wouldn't have mattered... I'd still have panicked. I'm really sorry. It's been stirring for years and when I think I can deal with it I realise I can't.” he pinched his nose and shuffled one of his shoes. “I'm not a role model for anyone. A lot of what I do is just to make sure I can hide everything inside myself. Besides, I'd rather you be you. There's only one for that matter and your just as important and hell's so far you're the only person to put me in my place. Sure Gum and Ryth talk to me and assure me things are fine, but they never actually say it directly to my face and I think I really needed to be verbally slapped... and I'm glad it was you who did it.” He smiled  a hopeless smile. “I wish I was like you and could tell people what I really thought and felt without feeling that I'm going to have every single word picked to death or misunderstood.”

There was an odd silence that fell between them. “We should probably head back to the garage, I don't think the rest of the evening will be any better.” Beat sighed, sounded a little defeated.

“Well alright, but if we come across a Kebab stand I am going to stop and buy one. I'm so hungry!” Clutch insisted.

“I don't know how to tell you this but there is no all night kebab shops in Tokyo.” Beat's smile returned. “Though there are Okanoymiaki carts around this late. Maybe we'll come across one.” there was a slight laugh this time. “That's if you eat them anyway. If your like me an have a hankering for food back home you're going to be really out of luck. Twelve years living here in Japan and I still haven’t found a place that makes a REALLY GOOD Lamb shank or a pie with actual beef in it.”
Clutch looked at Beat in surprise as they started walking down the street. “You mean your not Japanese?”

“No, I'm a halfer. My parents sent me hear thinking I'd be less trouble to them if I was in another country for schooling. Since I'm a drop out on an expired visa living in a run down van I don't think they thought it through very well. I speak English better than I do Japanese but since you and everyone else is using it I may as well speak the same language. I'm originally from Melbourne, Australia... and yeah I do hear everything the others say about me too when they speak in English. Don't worry, I don't really give a shit what they think... cause it's possibly all true anyway.”

Clutch watched his shoes as they walked, thinking for a few minutes before speaking again. “I'm From Toronto, Canada. I have a sister though whither she still thinks I’m family or not is another thing entirely. She thinks the car accident that killed my folks was all my fault, But I was asleep in the back-seat of the car, but trying to tell her that falls on deaf ears. I hear what they say too, and it really does hurt. If they said it to my face it would be a little less insulting... or not I like to think it would.”

Beat stopped walking and Clutch did too after a few paces ahead of him.

“Why do we hang out with those dick-heads again when they talk about us like utter shit?”

“I was thinking the same thing.” Clutch snorts. “You still got that video on your phone?”

Beat gave Clutch his mobile. “Wasn't going to delete it. it's too funny to do that.”

Clutch watched the video and gave a chuckle. “Have you got everyone's number on here?”

“Almost. I don't have Corns or Garam's if that's what you wanted to know. I deleted Corns after he kept ringing the damn thing and sending pictures of girls in bars he wanted to screw. It wasn't funny the first time, after the twenty-third his number had to go.” Beat thought for a moment. “I don't think I have Cube's either, but I'm sure the other girls will make sure she sees it at any rate.”

“You won't get beaten up by them if I send it?”

Beat shrugged. “Maybe. Who cares... we have fought before so no real big deal. How do you think Corn got leadership in the first place?”

Clutch gave Beat a sideways glance. “He beat you in a fight for it? For some reason that doesn't make much sense to me. For a start, I know for a fact you're a very nasty fighter once you get started. I know from first hand experience.”

Beat gave another shrug. “I let him win really. He thinks leadership is all about ordering people around and being top dog. I prefer a hands on approach. Besides it's one thing to tell people what to do, but to actually know what's going on and how to act upon it is a different story.  I'm still sorry about that by the way... but you did steal stuff from our hideout.”

Absent-mindedly, Clutch rubbed his arm. He remembered vividly how it was broken in four places after Beat had slammed him hard against the concrete to pin him still before bashing the crap out of him that day. Nasty didn't really cover the degree of violence Beat was quite capable of producing, though leading both him and Jazz on a wild goose chase through a Golden Rhino shooting spree was quite possibly not the smartest thing to do. Even with a shoulder bleeding from several bullets he still managed to really mangle Clutch before Jazz and Garam had caught up to stop him. Yet, right now... Clutch watched him light a cigarette and calmly take a deep inhale...He wasn't someone you would think could starve a puppy, let alone smash it's skull with his hands. All that anger and rage must be pent up so deeply under all that unreadable and mostly unpredictable surface. To top it off he was STILL feeling guilt over the whole thing which wasn't his fault. Like the ocean, so complicated and mostly unexplored and that slight imbalance could just send a tsunami your way.

“Go ahead, what are you waiting for? are you going to send it or not? I told you I don't care if they fight me over it either. it would be a pretty laughable experience since there will be noway I’ll let them win this time.” something in Beat's tone said it was itching for a fight, any fight.

Clutch pulled out his own phone, something a bit more flashy than Beat's and put in his phone number before sending himself the video to his phone. He handed Beat's back much to the taller bloke, before sending it from his own phone to everyone on his contact list. “There, done. Now they'll all get to see it and since they won't know where it originated from it means there will be no fighting at all.”

“Except when they find out it was you who sent it out to everyone, Clutch.” Beat frowned, looking a bit concerned, the defensive tone had become void in his voice as quickly as it had occurred. “You maybe able to fight off Corn with a few bruises, but there is no way you'll be able to defend yourself against Garam if he decided to lay out out over this. Those muscles may look like they are for show, But I'm pretty certain he uses those muscles for practical uses too.”

“Well too late it is done!” Clutch exclaimed. “What's the point in living if you don't live dangerously?”
“You sound as BAD as Yo-yo.”

“And he's right! Can't live in a padded cage all your life, you miss out on so much!”

“Have you ever hung onto your very last breath before Clutch?” Beat asked quietly.

“Well no, maybe not but after you beat me into a bloody pulp I'm sure that was pretty close!” Clutch smiled.

Beat gave a brief smile. He got a bit of an ego boost knowing that he is as dangerous as the other gangs say he is when new fresh blood enter into their turfs. It was gone just as quickly too within a few seconds. Something was going on behind his eyes that was a bit dark and Clutch thought for a brief moment he was going to be pulled into a serious conversation. Instead, Beat just deflected it with his usual silence. Like everyone else Clutch wanted his own answers to questions about the Rokkoku tower and the events within but also about those mysterious Zero Beat, and the more Beat feigned ignorance, the more everyone knew he knew more than he ever wanted and possibly want to die holding onto all that information. Noone ever asked though, they all knew Beat was unstable afterwards and had really never quite got it all back together.... or maybe has always been like that all along... noone really knew.
The rest of the walk back to the garage in the junk yard was a very quiet affair, Beat offering Clutch a smoke and himself declining muttering about asthma. The lights where off inside indicating that everyone that was usually at home was asleep.

“Well I guess I better get some sleep in the ol' Van.” Beat yawned. “Sorry that the whole night was a bust, but I guess I should have told you to expect it since they do that sort of thing EVERY birthday.” He sighed and stubbed the cigarette out between his fingers. “It's something I guess, at least they remember... though I do suspect it's because I get them rock concert tickets for theirs every year they feel they should at least attempt to repay me for them. I don't think they have ever once spent a cent on me at those clubs either all these years....Ah well at least they're happy and if they are happy it's fine with me really...I'd rather everyone stay happy.” He smiled. “'cause that keeps me at happy to some degree too.” He patted Clutch on the back. “Tomorrow’s another day.” and with that he headed off towards the mangled car wreaks in the junk yard. 

Clutch stood there at the garage door a few moments till his belly decided that he really should fill it with a loud growl. “Maybe I can find something edible before bed.”

Relived for the day to be finally over Beat slid open the van's side door letting out a sigh of relief. Clutch wasn't bad company he considered, but Beat knew he was dangerously about to blurt out everything to the bloke as right now he really was struggling to keep everything under his own control. At least... at least Clutch didn't care that he was open with him which was kind of a relief... but that moment of relaxed tension was all that was required to throw Beat into a mess of... well he didn't have a word for it... but it was something. 

“Well You could at least look happy I remembered!”

Beat looked up and deflated when he saw Gum's face. She was in her Pj's and was shaking a bottle of Sake in one hand and a bottle of plum wine in the other.

“Damn, I forgot about our tradition.”

“You're getting old kiddo.” Gum laughed. “Don't tell me you're getting forgetful already!” She shuffled a bit to let him inside. The Van was done up to be like a tiny portable bedroom on the inside, quite cosy and stylish. There was alot of love and effort into the refurbishment of the interior and with Gum's help it had become quite liveable for at least two people to share like the convey vans of the 80's. It's was also the perfect place for their own traditional little private birthday parties, which they had been having since Beat was transferred to her school. Even with both of them dropping out they still kept it going, but just between themselves.

“No, no not at all. I've just been thinking about other things.”

“I gathered, I got Clutch's text video.” She laughed. “You are both so fucked.”

“Both of us? He sent it.”

“Yeah,” Gum grinned slyly. “And I know that you'd have been the one filming it. It's your style.”
“They'd have to deal with Soda first. He recommended the place.” Beat added as a matter of factually. This information made Gum laugh even harder. Beat ducked inside and pulled the door shut behind him, a great feeling of being in old and familiar company was wrapping it's warm arms around him and inviting him to enjoy himself. The inside of the van had a light, fantasy quality to it and Beat chuckled at the reason why. 

“Fairy lights?”

“Well yeah, the Christmas decoration ones had blown a few bulbs.”

Beat gave her a dirty look. Gum caved. 

“Ok so I wasn't remotely fucked to be bothered untangling the bastards alright? I figured since we set some of the cushions in here on fire on my birthday with those New Years Eve sparklers we could do something a little more harmless.”

Beat laughed giving Gum an actual smile, one that was only for her and one she deserved after putting up with all his shit for so many years. “You are never going to let me live that down are you?”
“No, setting fire to my pants as well was not my idea of a fun night.”

“But hosing you with water was hilarious.” Beat chuckled as Gum gave him a playful slap across the knees.

 She straightened up and grabbed two funny shaped glasses she had picked up from a local flea market. The stems of the wine glasses looked like the glass blower was either really creative or very, very pissed while making them. “Do the honours?”

“Gladly, since I didn't get to buy any tonight... though that might have been a saving grace.” He wrestled with the cork of the plum wine bottle till it popped with a loud bang and very little spillage. “Ah now that's a skill right there! I bet no one else can do that without the cork halfway across the room and the wine all tasting like foam and shit.”

“You're such a show off.”

“Wouldn't know, I've never had to impress anyone before... and you don't count.”

Gum huffed comically and shook her head. She knew what he meant.

“Anyway, A toast! To living long enough to be twenty nine!”

“I'll drink to that!” Glasses clinked.

Claws thumped heavily onto the void space of the thirty first floor, the sound of whirring machines filled the room as tv screens flashed to life around him. Beat blinked till his eyes adjusted to the sudden light. Each tv screen was monitoring locations from all over Tokyo two, people running in fear from gunmen who where running loose all around the city. There where a few flashes of colour on the screens of where all the gangs of the city where working together trying to take them all down. Something came from the dark and swiped at Beat, knocking him a few feet across the empty floor. The mechanical sound was closer and a long snakelike claw hovered for second before crashing down into the tiles where he has once been. Scrabbling to get back upright on his skates, he was taken off balance by another swipe of the mechanical claw, which then upended him via one of his legs and held him above the floor.

“So we meet again after such a long time.” A voice rumbled. It sounded synthesised and like all audible syllables was going through a grinder. “Come to stop me? You won't this time...though I did think I had blown you up about now.”


“In the machine as it where. There isn't much left after our last encounter. It's amazing what you can do with science and living brain” Another claw snaked out and wrapped it's self tight around Beat's chest, pinning his arms to his sides. Then both slowly turned him upright so he could see what was holding onto him. “You however won't be so lucky... I must admit you have been a useful pawn as well as a great adversary, but it's time I did away with you.” Then came the laugh, husky and screeching due to the synthesis. Then the arms threw Beat across the floor again, this time, his back coming into contact with one of the screens before hitting to floor. Glass shattered everywhere and wires sizzled and sparked as the damaged screen had suddenly been taken off line. Beat tried again to get himself upright, but it was a struggle since the shock to his spine had been intense. A thin hook snapped out and grabbed him around the neck, dragging him back towards the mechanical monstrosity.

“Beat, Wake up! Your shouting in your sleep!” Gum shook him and got a bit of a fright when he grabbed her wrist and tried twisting it as he snapped awake. “Are you alright? You where having a nightmare.” she grabbed the blanket he was lying on top of and wrapped it around him. Both of them had drunk so much they both fell asleep in the van, though Gum was awoken when Beat started to shake violently beside her as he slept.

“S-sorry.” Beat pinched the bridge of his nose. “I can't help it any more. I get them every night... some are worse than others.” he ran his fingers through his hair, slicking it back as the strands where all covered in sweat.

“You really need to tell someone Beat. You can't keep this up or hold onto whatever is happening to you forever.” Gum looked concerned.

“One day. Not yet. Not when I still don't understand it.”

“Maybe telling someone will help it make sense.”

Beat shook his head. “No. Believe me it won't. Besides, it's not your concern. Leave it be.”

Gum hugged him tight. “As your best friend it's ALWAYS my concern as it's to do with you.”

At least, I can deal with the nightmares, Beat thought to himself.  It's something else I don't want you or anyone to know about.

“Well if you don't tell me, At least tell Soda. He could get you some sleeping pills or something....or muscle relaxants....because you have a fucking punch on you like a bar and in your sleep it really bloody hurts.”

Beat frowned. “I'm sorry? I Punched you in my sleep?”

“Yeah, and it's going to be a doozey of a bruise.” Gum rubbed her arm theatricality.
“I'm sorry. I really am.”

Gum laughed. “Don't be Ry, Just promise me you tell Ryota about it.”
Beat sighed. “Alright I promise. Only because you nagged.” for this Gum gave him a playful punch in the arm.

The rest of the night was pretty sleepless. Gum drifted off again and Beat left her to it, climbing out of the van to take a small jog around the yard in a vain hope that he'd tire himself out. It didn't work, much like every other morning he tired it.

“A fuck it. I can't keep this up.” He glanced over at the punching bag that was dangling helplessly from a large scrap of over hanging metal, inviting him to give it a good few punches. “I'm knackered, I can't sleep some thing’s gotta give.”

Heading inside and into the main living area he looked around, not really surprised that no one else was up yet. Probably all still drunk. then another thought entered and it caused him to shudder. Maybe going in to see Soda right now wasn't a great idea. Yo-yo might be in there for starters and after the stuff they tell him, Beat would have to be dying of a deadly poison before he'd go in there. There seemed to be a scuffle going on in the kitchen that couldn't be ignored.

Staying out of sight of the door way he could see Garam throw Clutch roughly against the pantry door missing the bench corner, then yanking him around by his hair before laying a knee into his guts. Garam grabbed him by the hair again, Only this time to let go again as Beat's fist came and crunched into his lower jaw. Garam lunged forward only to be grabbed, spun around and slammed against the bench and held there with the arm he threw a punch with twisted behind him. 

“HEY LET GO OF ME! THAT DUMB ASS SENT HUMILIATING FOOTAGE OF US TO OUR RIVAL GANGS!” Garam shouted as he struggled to break free. Clutch watched in horror and mixed amazement in how Beat was able to keep the more muscular and stronger GG pinned face down without much effort.

“You shouldn't have been making total arse of yourselves in public then.”


“No.” Beat's expression was fixed in stone, his voice just as solid and flat. “Soda had. It was to teach you a lesson. You went too far this time and I thought filming you and sharing it around would make you realise what complete and utter dick-heads you are. The fact the girls sent it to other gangs was just an added unforeseen bonus.” Beat admitted, though there was no way known he'd know who it was, as Gum was too drunk to remember who actually sent it out viral.... most likely it had been herself in any case. “This though is proof that you obviously didn't get the message.”

Beat let Garam go. Clutch was expecting him to wallop him back, and the hesitation was there before he turned and walked out. Beat noticeably sagged before taking a seat at the bench before resting his face in his hands.

“Ergh, I did try to tell you... and before you say you didn’t send it to other gangs, you technically did by sending it to the girls. I'd bet nine hundred yen that it was either Gum or Cube who sent it.” he sighed. “I'm sorry too, I mean I shouldn't had taken the footage in the first place.” He stood back up and helped Clutch off the floor, since he hadn't really moved from where Garam had left him as Beat had looked far more scarier than Garam had been despite never laying a hand on him.


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