another unfinished Clutch and Beat fiction (JSRF was intended to be NSFW )

Soda sat upright and grabbed a club by the couch. There was a loud thudding coming from the outside of the garage. The place had been robbed and he wasn't about to take any chances. Corn and Gum gathered the others and moved them out to find the thief, Soda hoping that they would all be alright and the crook wasn't armed. Despite everything Beat still slipped out after them after Corn and him disagreed what should happen to the thief when the found them. Gum had backed him up, but Beat still refused to come around to their point of view. Soda hated it when tensions got high, as fights broke out and Beat this time got a really good fist to the jaw. Soda had to be honest though, he agreed with Beat on this one. If the thief was really that bad they would have tried to kill someone when the broke in. They had plenty of opportunity to do so and knocking off one of the GG's would be a boon for any rival gang in the city. Beat promised Soda to be back before the others, as he hoped he would find the person before they did. Sometimes Soda wished Beat still lead the GG's but these where darker times and they needed someone who knew how to be tough to show them the way. It wasn't that Beat wasn't tough, He just thought a bit more realistically about things and the other's wanted someone a bit more active in decision making. Hence why finding Yo-yo had been made his job, to keep him out of the way while the real fighting with the gangs wore on.

Soda also knew Beat didn't really care either way. If Corn was going to be a dick about the real problems then let him. Finding their missing gang member was more a priority and if he couldn't see that then pox to him.

Soda just wanted the fighting to end. At least Beat didn't make fun of his desire to continue studying for his medical degree, in fact he encouraged it. With all the accidents that where happening on the streets between the GG's and other rival gangs Soda had to agree that they needed some medical person on board.

He opened the door and let it swing wide, holding the Club ready to swing.

“It's ...just... me.”

Soda lowered the club and dropped it on the floor. Beat had a person over his shoulder and was struggling to keep him there. Soda helped take some of the weight off him and lay the person out on a bed in a spare room they had set aside as a mini surgery.

“Hang on.. he's not one of us.” Soda realised after they lay the bloke down. The fellow had red dreadlocks and wore really loose clothing and blood was soaking them from his waist.

“Help.. him.” Beat breathed out, wincing as he did so.

“Are you ok?”

“Help... him first...” Beat mumbled. “I can..wait.” and with that he sat down on a near by chair, clutching his shoulder. “He's been shot... Couldn't stop the bleeding.” He gave Soda a weak smile. “I know you...can. Trust you.”

Soda tossed him a pressure cloth and set to work, trying to get under the layers of the stranger's clothes. “He's lost a great deal of blood Beat. I don't know if I can get the bullets out without him loosing more. My concern is he'll bleed out while I try to get at them and we loose him.”

“I... can help. Use me as a blood donor.”

“I can't you're injured and you're bleeding out also. Plus I don't know if this guy is clean, which means I can't guarantee it will work.”

“You know my... blood type. I can donate to anyone. Besides I'm not asking... I'm telling you to. No one deserves to die because of us in any way shape or form...always has been... always will-” he winced as sharp pain shot across his features from the wound in his shoulder.

Soda shook his head. “Your bloody stubborn and as bad as them out there.”

“I guess. He only wanted to be one of us...Just didn't know how to get our attention... thought steal-” Beat hissed for a few seconds. “Stealing from us would... work. I told him he was stupid... Then hell broke loose.” he sighed. “Golden Rhinos are back... guns and all. Need to warn Corn and Gum but...”

“They won't listen.” Soda cursed. “Not after today and not after you bringing him back here.”

“I'm sorry... What else could I do? Not.. going to leave...him there to die.” Beat got up and dragged the chair over. “If they hurt me for it so be it.” He could see Soda trying to clear up the entry wound and frowning. Just be the tells Soda's expression gave, taking the bullet out might not be an option.

“Located it?”

“Yeah, though there's a lot of shrapnel in there. I can get a majority of it, but since I don't have that much in the way of equipment some of it will have to be left there.” Soda gave a worried smile. “If they ever found out I was doing this outside of the hospital grounds they'd lock me away you know. They don't like back yard surgeons.”

Soda walked over to a small basin he had set up for the few tools he was able to acquire and flicked a switch on a nearby kettle to boil some water to sterilise them. There was always the thought running thorough his head about how doctors used to do these for their patients during world war one and two when they where unexpectedly out in the trenches without any tools what so ever and had to get creative. If it wasn't for their creativity, there would have been a lot more who never made it back home. He dug through some shelf draws till he found what he needed for blood transfusions, before walking back over and nodding at Beat reassuringly. Beat knew the drill too, being the only person with O type blood he tended to be a walking blood bank when things got desperate. The downside of that was that Beat had been doing it too often in the past few weeks for others he was physically showing signs that he couldn't keep giving much longer. Soda also knew that he would always have problems getting anyone to donate back, But these days Beat was a lot more careful than he used to be. He had to be as now he didn't have many left in the gang who would willingly watch his back for him and as for Soda he generally got left behind as being the only person with medical skills he was too useful to put at risk. It annoyed him greatly and Beat did try to sneak him out for basic turf watches so he at least got to feel the concrete beneath his wheels. The things you do for a room mate.

“Do you still regret telling them?” Soda asked. He had been worried about Beat since he came out to the others and with how they had reacted. For a start it was just cold shoulder and them complete removal from any leadership role he had.

Beat shook his head and watched quietly as Soda found a vein in his good arm. “It.. had to be said...sooner or later. They...all have their little relationships...and I was tired of them asking...when I was ever going to get a girl.” He winced. “I wish they didn't make....assumptions of you though...I didn't intend that.”

“Well we do share the same sleeping quarters so it's only natural.”

“How's Yuki?”

“She's well. The doctors hope she'll be out of hospital in a few months. When she's out I will have to move back home as she needs someone to look after her.” Soda smiled at the mention of his sister. He knew Beat was trying to distract him from silly trivial rubbish and it wasn't unappreciated. “I can't thank you enough for what you've done for her you know.”

Beat attempted to shrug, though pain did override the humble gesture. “Don't mention it...she's a very lovely lady.”  

“Right we're all set, Just promise me you won't pass out while I try and get the stuff out of him.” he didn't wait for an answer, he had already walked over to the basin again to pour boiling water over his tools before scrubbing his hands so he could give the best possible chance of not giving the stranger an infection from the outside world.

“Do you think they'll go easy... on him when the come back and find him here?”

“Some how I doubt it.”

“I guess.”
There was a clink as a bit of bullet casing was dropped into a metal tin. Soda was not impressed that there was still parts of it lodged in the guy's side.

“Does he have a name?” Soda asked. He assumed that Beat would have spoken to him otherwise he wouldn't have brought him back here.

“Clutch...I think he called himself.” He rolled his head back with his eyes closed. “I'm sorry...trying not to look...hard not to feel faint.”

“I did warn you. I just have to get a few more bits and then he's clear for me to stitch him up.” There was a few more clinks into to tin. “Then we can have a good look at your shoulder and you can then lie down.”

“Can't, found out...that the noise tanks... know where Yo-yo is.” Beat hissed, knowing that he couldn’t hold out much longer. “Need to...follow the lead.”

“You will have to put it on hold. You won't be in any condition to do anything for a few days.” Soda said sternly.

There was a dry laugh from Beat. “Knew you'd... say that.”

Clutch awoke lying in a bed. How he got there seemed to be missing from his memory banks. The room looked like a makeshift doctors surgery though it could be a mad scientists lab for all he knew.  He didn't sit up as the pain in his side hit him hard. Turning his head he could see his shirts laying over a chair, washed and with a huge hole in the side. It didn't take many brain cells to work out he'd been badly hurt. He could feel weight against his legs at the end of the bed, so he tried pushing himself up onto his arms so he could get a bit of a look at what might be down there. Fearing it was bricks or something to keep him weighted there he was surprised to see the back of another chair that was occupied by the red head he ran into from the day before. The guy was resting half on the chair, half on the bed, his head at Clutch's feet. He was also shirtless, a bandage crossed his shoulders covering a deep shoulder injury that was still bleeding thorough. All Clutch could see was a huge winged rat tattoo that spread over his shoulders and down his back against his really pale skin. Bits of that day came flooding back.

Clutch slipped against the pipe works as he tried to evade pursuit from a taller and faster skater at his heels. He only just had a narrow encounter with Poison Jam and wasn't about to get into another. He realised only now that stealing from the GG's was a bad idea. It was to have them come to him so he could ask to join them which seemed like a good idea at the time. Up till then he had not known how ruthless their reputation was other than that they seemed to be the most accepting  and pacified gang around.
Clearly he was misinformed.

He skated out into an open section of sewer and leapt for the smaller pipework to grind over the top of the large gaping section of water that pooled in this area of the sewer system. He missed by a few  inches and plummeted with a splash. The weight of his skates where like cement bricks, sucking in water and preventing him from swimming upward. He thought he was going to run out air when he was grabbed around the waist and pulled up to the surface.

The skater that had been following him had rescued him.

Dragging him to safety, the other skater muttered, “Why the hell did you run you idiot? Don't you have any idea how dangerous this place is? Even Poison Jam don't go down this far!” Once in a dry section of piping the other skater flopped down, tired from all the extra exercise he'd been put through against his will.

“Why did you bother rescuing me if you where just going to insult me?” Clutch snapped.

“Because if you drowned Id' never forgive myself. I'm not heartless.” The other skater looked up. Now he didn’t have his shades on Clutch could see the frustration in his emerald coloured eyes. “That, and I wouldn't be able to ask you questions afterwards.” He seemed to sag a little. “Why did you steal from the GG's? Come to that why'd you send me on a wild goose chase after you?”

“I thought if I took something that was theirs they'd come to me, see my skills and ask me to join them.” Clutch shrugged. “I didn't think it through much beyond that. When I heard that they where pissed off and would beat the living shit out of me for it I panicked.”

“That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard, Though I guess them going to beat the crap out of you is valid.” The skater laughed. “Be glad I got to you first then.”

“Why's that?”

“As I am one of the GG's. I just don't see why beating the crap out of someone before you ask them what their intentions are is necessary.” He smiled. “The other's see differently so I hoped like buggery I'd get to you first. I'm Beat by the way.”

“Beat? You mean the GG's leader?” Clutch almost had his heart leap into his throat.

“Yes that's me though EX leader is more the word your looking for.” He dragged himself upright using the wall behind him as support. “I've been demoted if you where wondering. The new head of the gang disagrees with me a great deal so I tend to work alone behind their backs.”

“Isn't that dangerous?” Clutch's eyes open wide.

“No more than you stealing from them.” Beat winked. “I am lucky there's still a tad bit of guilt about it from them, but I can see it from their point of view. No one around her wants to be lead by a person who isn't tough or heterosexual.” He laughed. “I guess that's got me coming and going but it's not all bad. Other gangs would be a lot nastier about it... I'm lucky I was a friend of theirs before they found out, otherwise I wouldn't be here trying to talk to you and save your arse.” He looked around a bit to take in there surroundings. “I think we're close to Benten-cho though I'd easily throw it open to being too close to Kogane territory. If you stick with me I'll get you back to GG turf in one piece and maybe we can talk things out there. I'm open for it, Hopefully you are too.”

“My skates are ruined. I won't be able to go anywhere unless I walk.”

“That's fine with me. Mine are back on that ledge up there.” He pointed back to where they came. “I don't think I'd be able to navigate my way back up there either. Even I have problems this far under the city. Full leg skates are not something I want to leave behind, But I know that no one else can wear custom fitted ones so They won't be going anywhere till I come back.”
The he laughed even harder. “I could also ask Poison Jam if they can return them to me. It's not like they don't owe me a few favours and would be more than happy to see the back of me.”

“You have an alliance with them?” Clutch's brow knotted. “I didn't think anyone was capable of that.”

“Do I have to tell you who I am again? Or don't you believe me? Other gangs tolerate me, GG or not as they know I can be very persuasive. It might still be why the GG's still keep me around, You need to sometimes negotiate other gang's turf without being molested.” He smiled. “A reputation can be handy at times, though there's plenty of times I'd rather I didn't have it. People expect things from you and you have to play the fiddle until you break the strings as it where.”

Clutch followed behind him as he started to head out of the underground. It wasn't what he expected, although he wasn't too sure what he had expected. He had heard so many mixed things about Beat from other sources and none of them ever said he was 'nice.' Most he heard was that he was pretty feared and can be extremely dangerous in a tight corner and he was everyone’s' enemy.

“Did you really chase Goji's father out of town?” Clutch asked curious as ever.

“I wouldn't say chased. More like pushing him off the top of a tall building. It was an accident. I wanted to see him brought to justice after everything he did to the people of Tokyo. We got messed up in things bigger than we really where, it's true and the fact that the Golden Rhinos mistook us for another rival Yakazawa gang isn't the half of it. The burns I got from the mechanical dragon he unleashed on us when we finally corned him in Nazo no Sekai are the only thing that's left of the truth and I have tried to hide them under tattoos for years.”

“Get out of here.” Clutch snorted in disbelief. A proud street gang leader like Beat was meant to be wouldn't hide scars like those as far as he was concerned. You wore your war wounds like a warrior, not hide them like they where something to be ashamed of.

Beat paused and in the light of the sewers, rolled down one of the gloved sleeves that where pulled tight up his arms. There where tattoos down them licking his skin like flames, and Clutch could just see the raised scarred skin beneath them. Beat indicated he could touch, and Clutch shivered as he could feel every single scar like a road map under the slick black ink. Beat was quick to roll it back up when he felt he made his point.

“Is that all you wanted? Proof I am who I say I am?” Beat said in a jovial tone. “I may not be anything like what people say about me, but the things I did are all true, some of them will haunt me till I die. All things considered, be lucky I'm nothing like what you may have heard.”

“Why's that?”

“Because I'd have left you to drown.” Beat smiled. “It would have been the first time I've done that either. Just because a person is nice, doesn't mean they can be pushed around. I've seen many a person fall to their death wanting to be a GG and trying their luck by threatening my life thinking that's how you gain respect. It doesn't, it only gets to a one way ticket to splatsville.”

“You're not what I was expecting.” Clutch admitted. “I didn't really know what to expect really... I mean I really didn't expect a-”

“Gay skater? Yeah, You wouldn't be the first.” Beat still held his smile, though Clutch now thought it reminded him of a shark rather than one of pure friendliness. “Just between us though, Only GG's know that and I guess you now so I'd keep it to myself if I was you. My own gang don't like it and are still mixed with how they feel about it after hiding if from them for so long. I don't often see eye to eye with them and now I don't see even that any more from some of them. It's like you have some kind of disfiguring disease and your put in the corner as the doctors don't quite know what to do with you and how to cure you yet. I'd be grateful if they stopped prodding and fix the problem. It hadn't been for years till now.... though I suppose it's different when you don't know things you don't want to hear.”


“Yeah I know, telling strangers something personal like that is a big no in anyone's book but today I figure fuck it, what harm will it do? It's already gotten in the way of several things today.” Beat sighed, a look of relief in his expression. “I'm tired of hiding shit today, So for once I'm just going to not hide it and see what the reaction is.”

“Well, I don't see why you told me. Though I don't find it that big a deal, as much as others might. I know there are some gangs that would bash you within an inch of your life for something like that.” Clutch shuddered inwardly hoping Beat didn't see it. “I left where I was living in Canada as the people there didn't accept other people who chose a different life style to theirs. The town was so backward, and I guess it's pretty much the same here too.”

“Choose? Get real Clutch.” Beat's smile beamed. “You don't always get to choose. That's the part I think they can't get their head around. I chose to fight in a street gang, I didn't choose what kind of person I'd be attracted too. No one does.”

“Well I just said I left there. I wanted to be somewhere else to form my own opinion.”

Beat laughed. “And did you?”

Clutch thought for a minute. “I'm not sure. You're the first Tokyo street gang person who hasn't tried to kill me and for that I don't have any bad thoughts about you.”

“Well that's something.”

“Are you seriously trying to get in and rattle my cage?” Clutch frowned.

“Is it working?” Beat laughed again. “Just joking. Actually I'm trying to work out what type of person thinks stealing things to get attention is a good idea. You're very interesting in that regard, logical thinking but a bit silly as in it would go well. It's also pretty clear you are good at making your own judgements on people too, that's something sorely lacking in the gang at the moment I'm afraid, it would be nice to see it return.”

“You mean it? You're asking me to be a GG?” Clutch stopped dead. He didn't quite know how to feel after wanting to be one this whole time.

“If it was up to me, sure your in. But I don't have a say any more. Corn and Gum might rough you up a bit, figure out your harmless and let you tag along for the ride.” He stopped dead. “Do you hear that?”

Clutch couldn't remember much else after that. He remembered the pain but that was all. If he kept staring at the other skaters back hard enough he could see faint discolouration beneath the tattoo, similar to the guys arms when he showed him in the sewers.

“Oh, you've finally come around.”

Clutch looked towards the doorway where a tall skater in a dark parker entered. He had a floppy Mohawk and appeared to be peering out at the world from the high neck collar of the jacket.

“If you're wondering where you are, your on GG turf so I wouldn't think about doing anything stupid. Besides, I wouldn't move around encase you woke him up. I'd rather he stayed asleep a bit longer.” the guys deep voice rumbled.

“Who are you?” Clutch asked.

“The guy who stitched you back together. You had a really bad gunshot wound in your left side, Though you're going to have fun with any metal detectors in future as I couldn't remove the bullet.” He walked around to the end of the bed to check on the other skater. “You're lucky to be alive you know. Someone refused to let me leave you to bleed to death, though I'm not entirely sure why.” after inspecting Beat's features he frowned and grabbed a blanket to drape over his shoulders.

“Shouldn't he be in a bed or something?” Clutch asked.

“He's too heavy for me to move on my own. Besides, It's not a good idea to move him around too much after how much blood he gave to you.” The bloke then lifted the sheets where Clutch's wound was and for the first time Clutch could see his whole lower torso was bandaged. There was a tiny bit of blood seeping through, but not so much as to have to change over the dressing yet. “For some bizarre reason he trusts you enough to risk his own life for you, though he has got a habit of doing that for random strangers on occasion. I don't question my friend's logic otherwise I wouldn't be here helping you if I did. All I need to know is he trusts you and that's enough for me to do the same... with some reluctance.” For the first time he spoke to Clutch directly. “You're called Clutch I assume? Don't worry, I'm not going to ask what your real name is, that's none of my business.”

Clutch opened and shut his mouth a few times. Beat must have told him when he brought him in other wise how else would he know what he called himself?
“I'm Soda.” Soda just said informally without waiting for a reply. “And don't worry your pretty dreadlocks about the rest of the gang. They're still looking for you. Hopefully they will keep distracted by it enough for a few days for you to recover and Beat to find somewhere safe for you to leave from... If he hasn't tried to recruit you already which judging by your expression he might have done just that.” and with that Clutch assumed the guy smiled behind his clothing. It was hard to tell when you could only see his eye expressions. “Corn's like a terrier when it comes to hunting people, too bad he's never been good at it...and if you have been recruited then welcome aboard, and stick to Beat anyway as it's a heck of a lot safer than sticking to anyone else.”

There was a knock on the door frame to the room and Soda turned his attention to the young lady in the doorway. She had beautiful deep coloured skin that made her white hair and blue eyes stand out like rare jewels. “Sorry Soda, was wondering if you needed any help? Gum sent me back here as she told me I was just getting in the way. It doesn't help when they are just looking around and not asking around like you should do when your looking for someone.”

“I might need some help moving Beat into our quarters.” Soda admitted. The girl nodded.

“Who's the new guy?”

“Oh, this is Clutch, like yourself he just got roped into being one of the gang. Clutch this is Jazz, she's a star Deathball player down at the drome.”

“Was.” Jazz corrected. “The place is in ruins after what Rokkaku's police department did.”

“Er, nice to meet you?” Clutch hesitated.

“I see you got roped in the hard way.” She joked, indicating that he was lying down in a makeshift medical room.

“Yeah, kinda.”

“Right, introductions over. Did they say how long they would be?”

Jazz shook her head. “By the way they where talking though it could be a day or two... But then It's could even be for a few more hours.”

“That's not long enough.” Soda's brow knotted. He was hoping to have Clutch far away from GG turf before anyone showed up. Things where already complicated, they didn't need to get any more so.

“Yeah and by the sound of things Corn's still not happy with his little tif he had with Beat this morning, as he's been proven wrong once again. I don't think it's really wise to keep him around here either, least Corn wants to come back for more.”

“Then we got a problem. We can't keep either of them here.” Soda pinched the bridge of his nose.
Jazz had entered the room now and was standing beside Beat, running her fingers through his red hair. “He's so pale. He didn't donate blood again did he? He only did so last week when Garam was seriously hurt from a knife fight. I don't know why they dislike him so much, he's so nice. Who cares what he does in private?” She saw where a bruise was coming up on his jaw where Corn had hit him that day, vivid purple and green visible in contrast to his really pale complexion.

“That's just it Jazz. He doesn't do anything in private other than play cards with me, reading, drawing or sleeping. They're just making assumptions that are not there to be made.” He let out a sigh. “It doesn't matter anyway. The point is where can they go? It's not like there's a safe house other than this one and this one won't be if the others find our thief here and Beat's not in any state to dispute anything with them.”

Jazz was thinking, while being gentle and running her fingers across Beat's jaw. She always wanted to touch him ever since they got a bit too close and personal with each other at the dome when the mechanical beast attacked. She knew nothing would ever come out of it but she still wanted to be able to be close to him even for a little while. She stopped before turning to Soda, “I live in a small three bedroom apartment not far from here. They can hide out there till they recover and all three of us can resume looking for Yo-yo together. That way the other's can just run around like idiots all they like while we do the more important thing that has to be done.”

“Alright. I will give you my number as well encase things get worse with either of them.”

“Excuse me,” Clutch interjected. “I'm still here.”

“And soon you won't be.” Soda said darkly. “Do you think you're alright to walk?”

“I should be.” Clutch looked confused.

“Then between you and Jazz you should be able to carry Beat between you. When you guys are fit enough, come back grab your skates and you'll be all set. I can at least hide those here to make it easier for you guys to get out of here with as little weight as possible.”

It wasn't the first time in the last twenty four hours that Clutch had been shut off and pushed aside. He was starting to get a bit frustrated with it too. He watched while the two of them tried to get Beat to come around. Thinking about it, Beat had been the only one to not push him aside. He might have been odd, but he certainly wasn't to shy away from a conversation.

“Uhh, I'm sorry...must've passed out.” Beat mumbled, lifting himself up slowly. “Is he.. alright?” He turned to look himself. A faint smile crossed his lips. “I see you're....doing better than me at the moment. That's...good.”

For a fleeting second, Clutch was happy that the other redhead was alright. It must have been noticeable and Jazz seemed to give him an unusual look. She and Soda helped him upright and passed him a shirt. Beat tried to ignore the help and grabbed Clutch's shirt and tossed it over to him, almost falling over as he did so. He was determined to not give in even on his last legs. Clutch swung his legs over the bed edge and grabbed Beat and steadied him.

“Alright, lets' get dressed and get a move on then. Jazz, Can you lead the way?” Clutch said trying to show some leadership skills. He pulled his shirts on while Beat struggled with his before taking the taller skaters weight when he stood up and pulled Beat's good arm around his shoulders. It took Soda and Jazz by surprise though it was well hidden. He wasn't going to let them run the whole show. If Beat thought he was good enough to be a GG then he was going to prove it by making sure the one reason he wanted to join was going to be alright. He was pretty sure it wasn't a secret now, but he had heaps of respect for the guy and just wanted to be part of his gang to just be close to him and learn as much as he could from the best street smart person around. After finding out he was totally not what he expected he was more inclined to learn from him more than ever... if he was still alive to ask.

It was a quiet walk to Jazz's apartment building. Jazz kept giving Clutch glares that he couldn't avoid. He was glad that Beat didn't notice, or if he did he wasn't saying anything. He suspected the latter, as a few times Jazz had to support him from the other side.

Once inside Jazz helped him lay Beat on a bed in one of the guest bedrooms, before leaving him to rest. Once alone, Jazz indicated to Clutch she wanted to have a few words with him.

“Now, I may not know him very well, but I'm pretty sure you don't know him at all. So how come you're acting so familiar with him smart guy?” She poked him in the chest forcing him to sit down on one of the sofa chairs.

“He's saved my life twice in twenty four hours. I owe the guy.” Clutch told her. He didn't like being accused of anything, let alone not knowing what he was going to be accused of. “What's your excuse? You where being overly fond of him back at the GG's base for someone who doesn't know anything about him either.”

Jazz sighed and relaxed her shoulders as she sat on another chair. “Same as you. He saved my life.” I didn't want to be a GG, but I couldn't stop following him around. I didn't want to, things seemed to be more interesting and stuff was going on everywhere he went.” Jazz looked at her coffee table. “It seemed more interesting than my life, I wanted to be a part of it.” there was a pause before she spoke again, more quiet than before. “I don't regret it though. I mean I come from a country where life in the city is always exciting, When I came here to study it was fun, but my room mates moved on and I could work out why I didn't. Things got a bit stale and routine.”

“Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking.”

Jazz smiled softly. “I'm from Brazil. Before you ask, Yes, this is my real hair colour and eye colour and skin colour. We're very proud of our multicultural society in the big city of course. Though the further away from the cities you go, the more prejudice people are. I didn't like it so I chose to study abroad...Guess I didn't want to go back either.” she rested her head on her arm and looked at Clutch like he was a new specimen.

“I hear you. It's the same in Canada, though I never really went into the city much. I lived in a small town that didn't like change. They thought they where being invaded by beatniks at one stage even though it was only one lady trying to make her mark in music who was born there. I'm sure it's the same everywhere though, the further out from the main hub of civilisation you go, the harder people fight change. I didn't expect it to be similar here though.” He scratched his head. “It was a bit of a rude awakening to be honest with you. I had heard all these rumours about street gangs and when I looked into it, Beat's name came up and well that's when I got interested. I guess you could say I believed in all the stories and wanted to meet him myself and thought breaking into the GG's turf would bring them to me. I'm not sure how I feel about the little I know about them based off today but one things for sure, he's not what I expected...quite the opposite in fact and I guess I'm happy to know that some of the bad things I heard might not be true after all.”

“It's funny that he gives that impression.” Jazz agreed. “I don't doubt some of the rumours aren’t warranted. I've seen him fight before and it's like watching a mincing machine. He knows some pretty nasty moves in skates too that could possibly kill someone with a good blow to the head.” she sat up. “I've never seen him once attack anyone though. It's usually in defence. I guess they leave out the part of him being a nice guy and a pacifist unless provoked.” Jazz still stared, forcing Clutch to fidget under her gaze. “I maybe wrong,” She said casually, “But where by any chance expecting him to be some macho idiot?”

Clutch had given up the idea of lying long ago. “Sort of. I didn't expect him to be well like me.”

“Oh?” If Jazz was surprised it didn't show.

She must have worked it out, Clutch hoped. He wasn't sure how the next part would sound. Thankfully, Jazz spoke for him.

“I'm guessing you didn't expect him to have been interested in guys huh?”


“I'm guessing you where surprised?” She smiled sweetly now. She clearly knew.

“Yes.” Clutch nodded. “When looking into gangs I was trying to find one where I could fit in, even if I had to hide what I was. I heard that the leader of the GG's didn't care what you where or who you were, you were all welcome if they deemed you worthy of holding up their values. I couldn't find any example of them so I tried to find out more about the leader. Turns out he's and EX leader now and by the sounds of it things aren’t as good as the other gangs think it is with them.”

“No one is perfect.” Jazz held her gaze. “What I think their problem is some of them don't know how to feel about it. They have known each other for years and most have come from here where it's not really accepted at all. It would have been a serious shock and some have taken it harder than others.” She  brought her legs up onto the chair. “I'm sure it will right itself in time. Just not right now when the other gangs are restless and they are down a member. I think Beat's really worried about this Yo-yo fellow. By the sounds I gather they are close like brothers, no more than that. There's this other girl whom you might meet sooner or later called Ryth, and she's deeply in love with him and upset that she's not allowed to help Beat find him. I feel sorry for her as it mustn't be easy having to sit out when the person you really like is missing.” She leaned forward and patted his knee. “I'm sure even if you never tell anyone else, Beat might like to know, might make him realise he's not alone. It can't be easy knowing that people don't like you unless you have to pretend to be something your not.”

“You seem pretty cool about all this.”

“Well if I can't accept you guys for who you are, it's be like me being unable to accept myself and my mixed heritage. I can't have than now can I?”

Clutch forced a smile. “I guess not.”

Jazz then got up. “The other guest room is this one,” She pointed to one of the rooms. “You can stay there for a while. I'm going to chase up that lead Soda said Beat found about the noise tanks knowing something that could be useful. He might be a bit happier resting if someone was looking into it for him while he can't.” Jazz walked over to the door and grabbed her skates. “Make yourselves at home, as no one else really has besides me for a year.”

“Be careful. The gangs I've bumped into are pretty full on.”

“I know, But I know a few things about some of them now they might be interested in. Bribery I noticed generally works, though I learned something else being around this guy. If you act like you know something they don't usually it's enough to mess with them.”

“Good luck.”
“Thank you.” Jazz gave him a little wink before she headed out, leaving him alone in the apartment.

Clutch looked for the bathroom and once found took off his shirts to have a better look at the damage to his side. He had not thought about it much since he got here as he was still under the influence of pain killers, being able to get a proper look at it really hit hard. Under the bandages he realised that most of his lower left side was in ruin and that Soda had done a reasonable job trying to fix it. The way the talked it was if it was only one bullet, but by looking at it it was several. No wonder he couldn't remember much after being hit. He would have been out within seconds of hitting the ground. With the amount of damage repair that had gone on he wondered why he was still alive. It didn't take long for him to make the connection to the other skater's condition when he recalled them saying he donated blood to him. Clutch didn't really know what to feel other than confused as to why some total stranger would donate their blood to a person they never met who was bleeding to death and might not have made it. It must have been a lot of blood too as the way he looked was as if he had a high fever. He must have lost quite a lot too, judging by what he saw with his shoulder injury and wondered how much of Soda's operation process he had to sit there and watch before he got treated. Clutch realised he felt awful and wasn't sure what to do about it. You got to be some real weirdo to care that much for a person you've only just met or you have to be that devoted to making sure you protect people you come into contact with.

Clutch realised why he thought it was all weird and mentally kicked himself. He was brought up to do things on his own and look after number one, and not care about others insofar as to what they could do for you. At least, that's how his old man thought he aught to be raised. Clutch was a tad bit of a disappointment to the old man as he cared a little bit too much about everything else around him and didn't give a rat's fart about himself or what beliefs his old man tried to chug down into his soul. The last time he saw his old man was when he got on the plane for Japan and even then it was the first time Clutch came clean with who he really wanted to be and who he'd have feelings for. His old man went mental in the airport and that's the last Clutch ever had anything to do with him.

He re applied the coverings before heading into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. The last two days had been a bit of a mess but he knew what he should do if he was ever to keep any form of trust with the strangers he had just met.

He opened the door to the spare room Beat was left in and sat down on the side of the bed. “Hey mate, You might feel a bit better after some water and maybe something to eat, yeah?” Clutch tried to smile disarmingly. “Try and keep your blood sugars up sort of thing after having a lot taken out of you.”

Beat stirred a few times before he managed to wake up. Clutch almost turned around and said he looked like warmed over yesterday but held his tongue, encase he already felt like left out porridge.

“Hey.” He barely managed to say. He's voice was horse and the words where dry. “How are you feeling?”

“Better than you might be at this moment until the pain killers wear off.” Clutch replied.

“Ha ha...What pain killers? Can't have any.” he managed to say with a wiry smile.

Clutch pulled a face. “Oh I forgot about that, They tell you not to after you donate blood encase it thins it out too badly, right?”

“That's the bunny.” Beat looked lost in thought for a moment, closing his eyes as he did so. “Haven’t had any for about five years or so. Always giving blood to those who needed it so never been able to take anything for any reason it may have been needed.” He winced as pain from his shoulder shot through like a knife when he tried to move it under the covers. “Sometimes I wish I could.” and he let out a small laugh at his own expense.

“Need help sitting up?”

“I don't think so.” Beat attempted to and the second he put any weight on his injured shoulder he yelped, Clutch quick to help him up so he didn't fall back down and hit his head on the bed head. Clutch could read the signs pretty quickly that Beat didn't like feeling he had to rely on anyone as he didn't seem too impressed he couldn't stop himself from crying in pain. It was a feeling Clutch was familiar with, one his father tried to imprint on him growing up. Some of it may have rubbed off after all he realised sadly to himself.

“Sorry, not one to ask for help when I should.” Beat even acknowledged that he had been a bit stubborn. “I'm not used to people offering it to be quite honest. I usually have to beg for it when I'm desperate.” He sighed.

Clutch handed him the glass of water and Beat who downed it without hesitation. Clutch took in a few more details about him now that he had time to sit still and absorb his surroundings. There was light scaring on his hands that looks a few years old and on his face on the right side near his eye where some fresher burn scars, only visible because his skin was so pale. They licked his features like someone had used a whip across it in an attempt to blind him. Clutch realised he was staring and started to munch on one of the biscuits he brought in with him.

“Thank you.” Beat said gratefully. Clutch noted his gentle and slightly melancholy tone returning to his voice sounding almost as it had the day he first encountered him. The mixture sounded pleasant and completely disarming.  “So, How come your so far from home? What brings you to Japan all the way from Canada?”

Clutch froze and blinked in surprise. Beat just laughed, the soft tones in it making Clutch relax a little.

“I guessed from your warm deep voice that you're from there.” Beat smiled and winked, before speaking in English. “Waz I right mate?” the change in his accent was noticeable and suddenly full of mischief. It vanished just as quickly when he returned to talking Japanese. “It's just as noticeable as mine is, though I have lived here for quite a few years... surprised it's still there.”

“Hang on, you're from?”

“Was from, anyway I was wondering about you this time.” Beat smiled. “If your so interested in me, I think it's only fair.”

Clutch realised he had been caught out. At least a bit of his reputation that was true about his observation skills and Clutch was learning it first hand.

“Ok...” Clutch took a deep breath. Talking about himself to Beat was going to be a lot harder than it had been talking to Jazz, It did help that Jazz didn't know him either and they where both pretty much trying to open up to gain a sense of trust in each other. “I left mostly because the people in the place I come from where not open to the idea of people who want to be different and my father mostly.” Clutch fell quiet as he had no idea what to say from there. It was easier he considered to talk to someone whom you knew nothing about to talking about yourself to a person whom you thought you knew everything about and was fast learning that most of it was lies. “That's the long and short of it...Uh sorry I'm not really used to feeling like I'm going to be scrutinised for every word that I say wither it's true or not.”

“Why's that?” Beat said softly. “You shouldn't be.”

“Well, I guess.... I guess it's because when I got here and was trying to find a place where I could fit  I guess I learned more about you and the GG's than anything else and wanted nothing more to belong to you guys. I guess I didn't really expect to be talking to the one person whom I heard tons of things about and realising that almost everything I have been told isn't true. I'm sorry I'm not sure I know what I'm doing or saying any more.”

“Sorry to hear that.” Beat's voice sounded a little hurt. It took a few moments to register with Clutch that Beat was sorry that he pushed him to talk when he wasn't ready to.

“Don't be sorry! Please don't be. I didn't mean... I mean what I meant was... Ah hell.” Clutch fumbled for words. “Look I was taken aback yesterday with you saving me and well just talking to me like I'm an old friend who's just dropped in. I'm not used to anyone ever treating me like family even when they haven’t even really gotten to know me yet. If anything It's me who should feel well sorry that I have no idea how to well express any appreciation for it.”

“It's alright. I sometimes don't realise that I sound like I expect a lot when I don't really.” Beat sighed. “Just a conversation that doesn't involve fighting and running for my life is nice for a change.”

“Well, how about yourself? How come your here living on the streets?” Clutch asked.

Beat grabbed one of the biscuits and thoughtfully munched before he answered. “I came here to live with my grandparents when I was ten. My parents where killed in a car accident and my other relatives didn't want to hold responsibility for me. They where good people, The old man has passed and my gran is in a nursing home. She doesn't remember anyone these days, it really sad. Still, they did their best, they didn't really care what I was going to be when I grew up only that I was going to be happy and that I always saw things from both sides.” He took another bite. “The problem when you try to do that though, is you realise that no matter how you look at something there is never one answer and neither side is right. You can either live a lie and keep people you care about happy or you can tell them the truth, which can either be accepted or break them. Neither of them are nice choices to choose from.” He shrugged. “It sucks but what do you do?”

silence fell between them as they ate, neither of them sure of what to say next. Finally Beat felt he had to break it. “I'm not sure if you know what it's like trying to be something your not so that everyone around you doesn't think any less of you. Maybe you do. From the very start only two people ever knew and I was very glad they where fine with it. It made it easy to hide from other people when you could share the truth too. As a Gang we have gone our separate ways before, because we thought we could all finally get to try a hand at having some real lives. I didn't find it easy, it just hurt realising you can't be yourself even on a basic social level. I was glad when Yo-yo had come looking for me telling me the gang was getting back together.”

“He knew didn't he?”

“Yep. Never had to tell him either. He seemed to just know. Didn't mind either, in fact he thought it was pretty neat since he'd never known anyone who was before. Wish other people shared that same amount of enthusiasm for people who are different. Soda slowly worked it out himself too but still had to ask. It's hard to hide things when you share a room, but we get along alright. Wish they where both there when I came out with it to the others, though I don't think it would have helped. They where having a general joke at my expense and I was just too tired and sick of it to ignore it. They forget at times I have feelings too and that I'm not just some solid thick wall that comments just bounce off. I Guess I told you out right for the same reasons too. Anyway I was pretty much set upon with fists until Jazz who had only been around the gang for three days stepped in to pull Garam off me and kicked him so hard in the nuts...” With this he snorted with a small amount of amusement... “But it's been down hill since.”

“I do know the feeling. The first person I told was my father and that was cause I was almost through the doors of the airport boarding gates where he couldn't get me.” Clutch let out a relived chuckle. “There is no way I'd ever be welcome back there even if it was in a cardboard box... but it felt good on the plane as I felt free for the first time ever.”

“Do you think it would ever be as simple as that? I mean feeling good about yourself as you are and telling other people to go fuck themselves if they're not happy?” Beat asked. With as much seriousness his tone of voice failed to deliver. “I mean you've met them right? People so full of themselves that they're right and nothing else is unless they say so? It's like watching a walking wanking post.”

With that last remark, Clutch couldn't help himself but burst out laughing. Beat smiled as the warm sound of good humour was something he hadn't heard for a while.

“Well I wouldn't know about that, but there are some who walk around with them attached to their foreheads for all to see.” Clutch added. Beat snorted and almost chocked on the biscuit. Clutch thumped his back a few times till he seemed fine again. His face now had a bit of colour in it, the burn he saw before faded against the red that was crossing his face. Clutch brushed his fingers against it and then quickly pulled away wondering what he was doing. His nerves where all over the place and being this close and relaxed made him unable to control certain feelings. Hands stopped him pulling away, and placed his fingers back against the cheek he had touched and held them there till Clutch got the message and could feel the heat coming off his skin. It wasn't force full, though it was clear that Beat right now needed to feel close to someone. Clutch could swear inside is own heart that he craved to be able to be close to someone whom he felt the same with too. He didn't hesitate and wrapped his arms around the other red head, careful not to agitate his shoulder. Beat didn't try to pull away, but gratefully leaned in to the embrace. There needed to be no words, both of them knew their lives where everywhere and just wanted a moment to feel like the world didn't matter.

Jazz peered in the door way and was grateful that both of them had their backs to her. She seemed satisfied that they where ok and had made a start with finding solid ground. It was like having her old room mates back, well not quite...girls were a lot more complicated than boys all things considered and Akemi and Amberly had a habit of fighting like cats when things got hot between them. The major difference was that the two girls never thought twice about it and guys used to think the idea of two chicks getting it on sexy. Only since meeting Beat had it ever occurred to her for blokes it would be different again. There was a whole other layer of expectation, one that seemed impossible to shake out of the heads of the most sane and rational person. She walked passed, leaving them to it. For now it was nice to just let things happen. Maybe they'd end up having to stay here with her anyway after all things are said and done and it wasn't something she was going to shy from when it came up. She had the space after all and she'd love the company.

Without much thought, Beat's hands snaked around Clutch's waist, carefully resting a little higher up on the left hand side so he didn't apply any pressure to Clutch's new war wounds. It seemed right  to hold him as much as he was being held back, it wouldn't feel right to let Clutch take all of his burden when he had openly admitted he had being in hiding just as much as he had. His heart was racing, though he knew things where right, as they should be for the first time in years. If he died, he didn't want it to be any where else but here in another persons arms. He shifted to readjust Clutch's hold on him before doing the riskiest thing he'd ever though he'd do in a million years.

Clutch didn't fight it, but reciprocated in kind, a light feathery kiss that was just as hesitant and needy as Beat's own. He heard the slight sound Beat made when his jaw clicked under the slightest bit of pressure being applied, and blew softly against the bruised skin knowing that is was completely sensitive to the slightest change in the air. Beat shivered as he did so and while he was still reeling from the sensitivity, Clutch lightly kissed his neck and the crook of his collarbone letting the tingling feeling go through the other skater longer than necessary. For Clutch it was uncharted territory, he never even dreamed that he'd ever get to be this close to another guy let alone be able to do this with them. It was always put away in the fantasy closet along with all his other silly little thoughts that pulled his heart to and fro when he felt all alone.

Beat was happy to just let Clutch go, He didn't really want it to stop. He always wanted to be close like this too and was wondering that maybe he'd one day do something so dangerously stupid that would make sure he'd never find out what it would be like. When he could he tried to return the kisses Clutch was planting on him he was also teased a little bit more than he liked.


Beat didn't realise it was him until the words left his lips. “You sure... it's ok? I mean we've just met.” panic was rising in his chest, the discovery that he had just let all his defences down and himself open to anything to happen to him. Clutch could sense the worry too as it was something he had temporarily shut of the second he had put his arms around him.

“It is, as long as we're both ok with it I guess. I don't know how these things work, or if you have to plan them or if they just happen.” Clutch felt his heart sink, though it was brought back into a rapped rush when Beat kissed him more intense than all the others. Beat wanted the moment to stay as much as he did and the second they started to question it it seemed to go where they knew would become dread. Clutch pushed Beat back down into the covers and then whispered, “I think we're over thinking it.” before pulling him close and holding him there, afraid that the world was going to take his one small moment of happiness away. It was a few minutes before he noticed Beat had fallen asleep huddled into him, as if the weight of the world was still trying to get at him. Clutch watched him breathe in and out till he relaxed and wiped a stray tear that seemed to fall from his eyes. It must be hurting Beat more than he was letting it show as now he was unable to prevent any signs of worry now he was dreaming. Clutch could only imagine as he gently rescued another one of his tears, this time leaving his hand on Beat's cheek to catch any more that might still come.

Jazz was surprised when Clutch asked her if she wanted any help with her information gathering the next day. She was pretty sure he wasn't fully recovered but his instance eventually made her cave, especially when he used the logical argument that two heads are better than one making her fail about trying to find a hole in the argument. The only thing she could come up with to make him stay put was to get him to look after Beat but he was pretty determined that he'd be more useful helping her and letting the other skater rest.

They scoured where they where told the last location of the Noise tanks where but failed to find any trace of them. After wasting the whole day they gave up and headed back to the apartment. They where both surprised to find Beat sitting up in the living room fiddling with an old ham radio Jazz had lying around from her old room mates that they didn't take with them. There where parts on the coffee table she couldn't imagine belonging to the thing but was impressed that it was making some sort of noise which the radio had never really worked properly before. He smiled and gave them a nod acknowledging their presence.

“I figured if I can't go out on foot with you guys yet, I can at least try to gather information another way.” He said as they sat down on the other chairs.

“That radio couldn't pick up any radio stations let alone police signals.” Jazz frowned. “It's a nice though and good to see you got it working but I doubt you'd pick anything up on it.”

“I don't need to pick up anything other than one frequency.” Beat fiddled with the dial. “It should be around this area of the dial somewhere.”

there was a lot of loud static before a loud booming voice that was a little too full of energy came shouting through the speakers with some sort of rap music going on behind him in the background.

“YO! You're listening to JET SET RADIO! The only radio station that the rudies on the street use for new and current information about the SOUL and the WORLD of the STREET!”

Beat started to laugh at both Jazz and Clutch's surprise as music started pumping through he speakers before he turned the sound down enough to talk over. “Professor K runs an illegal radio station that's all about stuff on street level, hence why he's not on any typical radio frequency. If you want to find out what's going on between the gangs and their turf wars he's the guy to listen too. I was hoping that he might have stumbled across some things about the Noise tanks like he does about pretty much everything else. I know getting a police radio signal would be more accurate to finding out information, but this is the next best thing.”

“This would probably be more useful than us chasing after rumours.” Jazz agreed. “I can't help but feel stupid when we end up wasting time on a dead lead.”

“I wouldn't stress. I've done that before heaps of times. Sometimes it's hard to get lucky.” Beat chuckled. “Oh by the way I got a little bored before and kind of got a bit creative in the kitchen.”

“You cooked?” Clutch was taken by even more surprise.

“Well I guess. I dunno what you guys would like so... I've never been that good to be honest.” Beat shrugged.

The three of them got up and Jazz and Clutch where the first to spot the table set up as simple as possible, with a few plates of food out just waiting to be eaten.

“I found some chicken in the fridge and some veggies, I hope they're alright.”

Jazz laughed and patted him on the back. “They're fine, I was going to cook them anyway, I'm glad that you did for me.”

Clutch Gave him a kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush. “Smells good.”

“Anything is better than noodles.” Beat smiled sheepishly.

They sat down to eat, occasionally talking about how fruitless the whole day out for them had been and the fact they didn't find any new leads. They also didn't hear much about the GG's which to Jazz seemed odd as she always heard something about them everywhere she went. Beat seemed rather disappointed. Jazz decided to change the subject.

“Well you guys have figured out my full name is Jasmine... so what's yours? If you don't mind me asking. We're not anywhere near any gangs so I don't see why we should have to hide who we are for a while.”

Clutch seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. “My real name is Argus.” He waited for the laughter as he usually got with his name, but it didn't come.

“Cool.” Beat seemed to perk up again. “That sounds cool. Never heard it before but I like it.”
Clutch couldn't help feel good about finally being able to fully be himself now. “So what's your name?”

Beat poked his food. He had almost forgotten he had one. “It's Tony... My grandparents never used it though. They called me Eiji meaning eternity. I don't really like being called that though I'd rather be called Tony.”  He sounded nervous. “I don't think I've been called that since I was ten. Actually I don't think I'm ready to hear it yet either... I think.”

“Would you be happy if I only just called you that when we're on our own together for now?” Clutch asked, placing a hand over Beat's as it was shaking on the table.

“I guess.” Beat nodded. Jazz couldn't help it but tried to hide her smile.

“So, where'd you're two room mates go?” Clutch asked, changing the subject again.

“Hmm? Oh, they had gone back to Brazil. After we all finished studying and they got their degrees they went back home to live together.” Jazz replied. “I liked living here though, so I didn't want to leave.”
the rest of the evening was filled with small talk, and both boys offered to help with the clean up to thank Jazz for her hospitality. They all sat around listing to the radio a while, listing out for any information that might help them find Yo-yo but there was none. Jazz dozed off on the couch so the guys turned off the radio and they headed off to bed.

At least that was the idea.

Clutch was going to head off to have at least one night here in his own bed before Beat grabbed him and kissed him. He couldn't help it he didn't want to let Clutch walk away. Clutch kissed him back this time a bit heavier than the night before, both of them stumbling back into the room Beat was staying in. There was still tension between them that had not been resolved, and this time it seemed that it was going to be opened up and exposed to the world.

Beat's hands snaked though Clutches dreadlocks and playfully tugged them while Clutch's own where sliding very slowly underneath Beat's shirt, gently running his finger tips over his skin as he did so making the taller skater squirm as he shivered at the touch. Clutch liked the way he just turned to jelly under his attentions and was going to keep it going for all it was worth. Beat tried to laugh at being tickled, the soft sounds of his voice pushing Clutch to explore further to see what else made him sensitive and make more silly noises. He tried to make sure Beat could escape his kisses, even if hearing the other red head's voice was plenty of motivation and encouragement for him.

“Are you sure you don't mind me calling you Tony?” Clutch's warm voice almost purred, though Beat could have sworn it was like being poured over with hot honey.

“I only want you to ever call me that.” Beat gave him a smile. “No one else. Promise?”

“You'll have to tell Jazz that then since you told her your name too.”

“I think she knows, Argus.” Beat poked his tongue out between his lips with nervousness. “Wow, your names pretty awesome to say too... just as awesome as it sounds.”

Clutch couldn't stop himself from snorting out some laughter. “You'd be the first person ever to say that. People generally just laugh at me for it.”

“I won't. It's a cool name.” Beat's voice reassured him of that fact.

“And I feel like I owe you a promise too.”

“Oh?” Beat's face lit up in surprise.

“I promise that I won't take any advantage of you, as I know you won't of me. I think these two days I've seen a side of you that I guess you don't show many people and I may have gotten under your defences by accident.” He took a breath and continued before Beat could add anything of his own and be completely wrong. “I know you are nice and friendly and like to see the the whole world get along, but from what you've also told me I get the impression others don't see that, like I have been lucky to first time around. They see you as a fighter and something completely different and I don't want to see you hurt by that or by the fact that I see you when your just being you.” Clutch screwed his brow in a mild confusion at what he had just said. “I'm sorry, that didn't seem to make too much sense.”

Beat kissed him and smiled. “It made sense to me. Don't think I haven’t thought about it all day either... there wasn't much else to think about. I think I'm fine with letting my defences down around you. I dunno why I just do and can't seem to help it. It just feels right, you know?” He sighed, letting his nerves kick in again. He took a deep breath to calm himself, but all it did was just make him shake.

“I've always kind of been worried... that living on the streets here fighting against other gangs and being shot at by the police that I would never ever be kissed, let alone this far with well, anyone really... and it really hit home that fact the way my gang sort of reacted when I came clean too.” He paused. Clutched waited to see if there was more, clearly there was but Beat was really shaken up now and needed a bit of prompting to get the words out.

“It's just that till now I thought I was the only one. I thought honestly that despite everything, the care, respect, helping other's deal with emotions and their relationships... that maybe one day I could meet someone who feels the same, someone who would do the same for me and keep watch over me instead of me always waiting for a knife to go through my back because I'm not the same as them and never will be. I... I...” Beat's lips where trembling now the truth of every little lie he had to make over the years unravelling with his own words. He tried to swallow it down, as there was no pride to hide behind when tears are coming down your face.

“I'm sorry we've just met and I've pushed this onto you I'm really really sorry. Oh gawd I'm so sorry. I just... I jus-” Beat could barely stand any more and Clutch was quick to help him sit on the bed and wrap his arms around him tightly.
“Hey I was sort of thinking that too, that I kind of jumped the gun with you as well.” Clutch admitted sadly, his warm voice sounding soothing to the ears. “Since coming here you have not only saved my life twice, you have put your own on the line for me before we even got to have any real conversation with each other. You've practically bared your soul and I think that if it wasn't to me it would have been to someone else who would have been less sympathetic and as much as I don't ever want to think it you might not be still here to be crying over this. I don't believe in fate as much as I don't believe in god or anything, but I do think life sometimes throws those who deserve it a life line and that sometimes good things just happen without any intervention. If you hadn't chased me and saved me Poison jam would have caught me instead and torn me to pieces or your own gang would have because to them I'm still a thief and the fact I'm ok with being open about myself a bit more than you since I want to start again fresh this time they would have killed me.”

Clutch chewed his bottom lip before continuing, holding Beat tighter as the other skater was still a mess. Right now he would do anything to stop seeing him so upset and to see him give that mischievous smile he got moments before.

“You have given me untold amounts of kindness and love without ever expecting it to be returned, mostly only for someone to be there to listen in these few short days and to a total stranger at that. We have both been trying to find somewhere where we fit in and belong and be able to feel like we are humans like everyone else and not lying snakes. It just seemed to happen that we both need more than just words to express that and need the sense of closeness too. Maybe we are pushing it but I don't ever want you to think it's wrong or your fault we've both started down this rabbit hole. We've done this together because we need to find a part of ourselves that's missing that happens to be in each other.” He lifted Beat's head so that he could give him a very delicate kiss on the lips.

“If you don't really want this at all Tony, then please tell me. I want you to know that this is a first for me too and just like you I’ve had hundreds of times pictured scenarios like this where I wondered If I'd ever be as lucky as the people around me to be able to share this moment with someone whom feels similar to I do.” Clutch looked into Beat's now reddish teary eyes, seeing if he could find any give away to what might come next. He didn't ever expect to be falling for him, but he had and was hoping that Beat felt the same. The green emerald eyes looked back into his deep brown ones as if to be searching for the same answers he was.

There was no more words, Beat pulled Clutch close and kissed him with as much pressure as he dared, hoping that if this was all real and Clutch meant every single word as much as he meant all of his. Clutch kissed back with as much force to reassure him and it wasn't long before Beat was starting to move his hands and his kisses else where, this time unable to stop himself from wanting to be as close to Clutch as possible. Clutch let out a growl that sounded pretty animal, causing Beat to hesitate for a second. That was all that was needed for Clutch to get back into running his hands under Beat's shirt and back down his sides. The emotional release had caused a change in the sensations that where sent via his finger tips as Beat really couldn't stop wriggling due to being over sensitive. Try as he might to get back at Clutch with kisses and tickling places he though would be sensitive to him, he faltered under the assault and the loss of control of his own bodies nerve responses. He tried to gasp for air as the intensity was getting out of hand for him, things he couldn't describe where just going mental all over and he was pretty certain Clutch had noticed what it was doing to him as well and didn't hesitate with what happened next. For a brief second Beat realised his body was just no longer under his brain's control and he was completely reliant on Clutch. He gripped Clutch tightly around the neck and shoulders hoping that there was something that he could hold close without completely loosing himself. Clutch waited till he could feel Beat's fingernails release some of the pressure of digging into his shoulders. He might have really gone too far as Beat was clearly unable to keep up with much any more now that they'd started the extra mile.

“Is it ok Tony?” he sounded worried, knowing that if he had really hurt him he'd never forgive himself. Beat gave him his answer by kissing him again, this time as long as he could before he had to breathe. He at least seemed to have regained a bit of body movement too which made Clutch relax a bit, glad that he hadn't fully incapacitated the other skater completely. “I hope I didn't tease too much.” He purred teasingly.

“Maybe.” Beat panted, a wirery smile crossing his lips. “You are heavy on top of me though.”

“And a bit much for a first time huh?”

Beat nodded, though added with a slight laugh, “I'm still game. You haven’t totally lost me yet.”

“Oh is that so?” Clutch really laid it on thick as he added a bit of pressure just to see the expression on Beat's face change. He could see how much he wasn't able to handle it but then again, he doubted he would either if he was the one underneath. He started to take his time, watching Beat carefully each time he tried to push his weight around and finding a little bit of amusement every time he seemed to loose any control of his breathing or the shivers that where sent though his body, the ones Clutch could feel all under him as their skin touched. Each little gasp of air there was a slight noise escaping Beat's lips as he lost control of his vocal cords, but not the control of his arms and fingers which squeezed tighter whenever Clutch brought their bodies closer than they thought was possible. He also was getting the shakes, more stronger than before and every time he felt Beat tingle beneath him it sent violent shivers up and down his spine. He couldn't keep it up, the pressure was getting too much and he was aware that Beat wouldn't last much either and would just collapse the second he did. He gave Beat the hardest kiss yet with his full weight all behind it and both of them tensed all over until the kiss broke and Beat couldn't control the pain of it any more and bit hard into Clutch's shoulder until the pressure subsided. Clutch didn't yelp or shout at him for it, he knew that that last one was going to hurt both of them even if in the end they both where going to feel good about it.

Clutch's weight eventually was lifted off Beat as he lay beside him, cuddling him into him like the night before. This time Beat was shaking for different reasons, for once in the last few hours from nothing bad. It was going to take a while for his heightened senses to calm down, even just having Clutch's arms embracing him was enough to send him into a small physical puddle of shivers. Beat was still holding on to him tightly as if he thought someone would steal him away in the night, there was just no way he was going to let go.


“Hmm?” Clutch murmured to match Beat's soft whisper.

“Thank you.”

Clutch kissed him on the forehead. “Ditto.” Beat laughed into the crook of his shoulder.

“This place gives me the creeps. No wonder why they want to tear it down.” Jazz murmured as all three of them stared at the other side of the chain link fence. The area of the city they where in was pretty derelict by most standards but inhabitable, but on the other side of the fence the homes looked newer and untouched.

“It feels like a graveyard.” Clutch added his two cents.
“I think we're going to find Yoyo in there somewhere.” Beat sounded certain. “If I was a psychotic street gang and was holding a another at ransom I'd hide them out somewhere no one would even dare go into unless they where out of their mind.”

“The fact that are going to blow this up and knock it all down today would be a good reason to check it out then.” Jazz gave Beat a worried look. “Are you super sure we have to go in there? If they start detonating while we're searching every building we could be in serious trouble.”

“What other choice do we have? We've scoured the whole city including those areas inaccessible to the likes of us. Some of those places rich people choose to waste their existence disgust me more than places like this one.” Beat visibly shivered. The place they nicknamed the skyscraper district gave him the chills as one slip up on a roof top and you where going to plummet to your doom to the world below. The place was virtual suicide.

“I heard things about this place though.” Jazz couldn't let the feeling of foreboding go. “Is it true there was a mass killing here?”

“More or less. A cult set up in the neighbourhood and people started vanishing. They found mass graves littered with bodies under the old church where the cult had taken up prime residence, hence it's abandonment and condemnation.” Beat couldn't seem to tear himself away from looking off into the fortified zone. “We still have to check. I'd never forgive myself if we don't and he is in there somewhere. Between the three of us we can scour it within a few hours long before they set their bombs off.”

“If you think so.” Clutch didn't doubt Beat's words. Someone with his reputation should know what they are doing after all.

“I can't help feeling it's a trap though.” Beat frowned, turning away looking for a way into the area along the fence line. “Just keep your eyes open, I don't want us walking into anything that will get us killed.” when he found a break in the fence he pulled it back as far as it would go. “Ladies first.”

“How about red heads?” Jazz joked. “I'd feel safer if you two went first.”

“Fair enough.” Beat nodded. “Argus?”

Clutch crawled through and held the fence open from the other side for them to slip through.

“Right, let's split up.” Beat quickly scanned the area. “We'll meet back up in an hour up in that section over there. If anyone finds anything send a signal out on your watch coms and we'll come running.” Clutch and Jazz checked the watches Beat gave them that morning. He had been tinkering around with them the day before and seemed happy that they where working.

They spread themselves out, Jazz heading for the nearest houses on ground level, Clutch taking on some of the bigger apartment blocks and Beat heading off deeper into the zone.


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