

(Strength and survival proficiency)

Humans may think they were the only life forms on Earth to have been intelligent enough to master space travel, however billions of years before they were even a evolving species another was living in the world of the dinosaurs. The Titainans evolved from the first reptilian synapsids and built the first civilisations on the planet until their scientists discovered a asteroid heading for the planet that was too big to deflect away. In preparation they built many Arcs for the populous and took as many dinosaurs with them as they could and abandoned Earth before it struck. Many arcs have now found new planets to colonise and are yet to be rediscovered by their kin and other civilisations, however there are still some floating adrift in space looking for a suitable planet to resettle their billions of citizens and wildlife. They are very intelligent humanoids and come in many shapes and sizes, some have protofeathers while others have lost them entirely. Not much is known about them other than the assumption they're human but in reptile skin, but it couldn't be further from the truth.

Special trait: Reptile lineage. Whenever the climate is hot, dry or humid, their leathery hides gain an advantage DC 20 roll in desert, sand storm and tropical weather conditions.  However, due to their reliance on the heat of the sun to warm the blood they cannot tolerate extreme cold and have to roll a DC 20 disadvantage roll in snow, blizzard or hailing weather conditions.


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