HUMANS (Homebrew sci-fi D&D race)

Humans  (constitution & intelligence proficiency)
(will insert illustrations when I do them!)
Humans are the most common of the humanoid species in the year 5479 AS (After Space) and many races are variations on the basic human formula as they have evolved from them as they've expanded their reach into the unknown.  For the longest time it seemed they were the only sapient space faring creatures in the universe until they started to leave their star system and suddenly stumbling into an existing intergalactic war. Humans are generally neutral, choosing to stay impartial and becoming one of the most powerful trading nations in the cosmos. They're widely spread throughout the galaxy (some say like an invasive speices) and are very savvy with technology - even if theirs are behind those of other civilisations - and aren't against the casual use of augmentation to not only improve the lives of the weak, but to improve themselves since genetic engineering on their species is considered an illegal practice.

There are three main planets where humans inhabit (as there are dozens since they developed Terraforming sciences), all of which are the first places where humanity's civilisations have flourished without much difficulty.

Earthlings:  Humans from Earth are some of the most enterprising creatures in the galaxy, ranging from merchants to pirates, great intergalactic war heroes and corrupt warbosses. They're attitude to space exploration is unrivaled and they have a childlike naivety and sense of wonder about what's around them. They consider themselves the first ever race to achieve space travel - even if it's only within their own solar system - and sometimes think they're more intelligent and interesting than most beings in the universe.

Special trait: Explorers. Earthlings have an ingrained sense of wonder about the universe. They're fascinated by new things and love learning about exciting exotic places. They have an extra +2 skill in investigation skill as they are very good at gathering information about the world around them. 

Martians: The first human colonist in Mars were subjected to a hot, barren landscape, however with how fast their technology advanced it wasn't long before they were tapping into long burrier water reserves under the planet's surface and able to turn large parts of it habitable without the need for habitation biodomes. They are at home with technology and are constantly creating major advancements in terraforming and biodiversity engineering and have since brought most of Earth's most threatened and endangered animal species to live on the planet where they are now more abundant and varied than their original kin. They are also now looking to other planets where they can take rare creatures from and see if they can repeat their success.

Special trait: Ecologists. Humans from the planet Mars have a great respect for the environment and feel responsibility for keeping it alive. They gain a +2 in Animal Handling skill as they know how to care and nurture endangered flora and fauna. 

Venusopians: The second human colony outside of Earth was to the planet Venus where despite centuries now on the surface they are still living in enclosed  cities to protect them from the harsher conditions from the sun than their original home planet. The domes are built out of a robust and highly reflective material which also helps regulate the consistent tropical temperatures found within. The cities are lush with greenery, the cityscapes designed to co-exist with the environment in readiness for when they are ready to terraform the planet which could be any day now since they've found a solution to the lack of available water and chemicals in the atmosphere to thicken up the ozone layer above. People living in these hab cities are accustomed to living close to nature and in confined spaces which has given them a greater sense of closer communities than other Human occupied worlds.

Special trait: The humans who inhabit Venus are used to tough conditions and are always prepared for the worst case scenario when out from their hab cities. They gain +2 in Survival skills as they're always able to take control of situations that require the ability to stay calm and improvise.


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