Matterslakes (market hub town)

Will insert town map Illustration soon (it's in a book somewhere) 

The town of Matterslakes is a medium sized commerce town where merchants travel through to do trade with the northern human city of Rangwei, the elven city of Mount Chus and the dwarven fortress city of Mount Wyong. It is also the main marketplace for the surrounding post war villages of Bairnswomoopoon, Busblack, Ruya Bay, Varkin and Wyndmee. The populous of the town reflects the nature of the surrounding villages - it's made up of many of second and third generation mixed bloods and home to any race looking to establish themselves in a welcoming community away from the stigmata and racist peoples of the major cities.

The town is layed out around a large open air market place, dotted with Inns, ale houses and eateries as well as the famous blacksmiths owned by Gillingham and Gimble, a Dwarf and her Gnome business partner whom make some of the most ornate and whimsical looking weapons for practical and ceremonial purposes. Gimble himself creates these divine designs that Gillingham then turns into metalworking of extreme beauty by her hand. (DM NOTE: inventory and prices change every campaign.)

Another famous establishment within Matterslakes is the Rdieba, once known as a seedy place of underground illegal fights for soldiers against monsters; is now a glorious entertainment hub where fighters, barbarians and gladiators all congregate to complete in combat to test their might and dexterity against each other. While there is no killing allowed in the establishment, accidents do occurr and any competeors that commit willful murder have been barred for life and publicly hung in the main square. It's a rare occurrence but has happened once or twice. It is run by a Golith called Roj 'Stonecaller' Alunatua who loves to host only the best of the best fighters and tell some of the most epic yarns.

There is also a hunters guild at the Nyardnew Inn that regularly looks for those interested in taking contracts, however they will only take an adventure party seriously after they prove that they have completed a feit of slaying a monster more deadlier than a pack of wolves or a lone bear. Run by Portia Egalefeather, a female halfling  who occasionally works with the local watch and hunters in order to get the best contracts for her patrons.

What place would Matterslakes be without it's own bizarre curiosity ware shop? The Twany Frogmouth, run by the ever strange Githzerai Artrus and his assistant Gen the Kenku are the only proprietor to stock magic spells, strange weapons cursed or blessed and other unusual items that normally wouldn't be found for sale anywhere else in the town or it's market place. Artrus doesn't deal in the traditional trade tradition of gems and gold either, instead being oddly fond of using monster and animal parts as currency instead. Because Artrus isn't perticular about where these gruesome trophies come from, sometimes shady looking individuals frequent his store however he also provides useful information to the hunter's guild which might be why the local watch haven't run him and his odd clientele out of town. (DM NOTE: inventory and monster part price changes every adventure to show refreshing of stock)

Last but not least as a place of note for any adventurer is the Apothecary run by Matterslake, a Firblog monk who adopted the town's name as his own and is a skilled potion crafter and his mage companion Dooja, a female Loxodon who is a generous patron of the art and culture of the town as well as the local healer and curse remover.
(DM NOTE: inventory and prices change every campaign.)

Other Inns, pub establishments in town are the Ldukiayar Inn, Goulawest Inn and brewery, Rooruya pub and the Bag of Nails - which is a tavern run by a few Tabaxi meaning that if you've got a good enough tale to tell you may get several rounds of drink for free.


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