Organising stuff to get Pateron moving!

Apologies for lack of activity on both here and Instagram - kinder is getting ready to officially start for the year amongst other things - but I've been getting ideas together so I can get a pateron up and going! It probably won't officially start until March or April as I want to set it up properly and have some decent rewards on offer. To give you an idea what I'm considering on offering is a low level donation teir, a mid teir reward and a high teir reward.

For the reward teirs we're tossing up alot of ideas, but it seems to be coming down to these: artwork & Dungons and dragons homebrew extras.

Yup, you read right! I'm thinking of writing some one shot adventures (maybe races and additional feats in future) to do along side artwork for rewards!

'But what if I'm not interested in D&D?' I hear some say, well that's super simple. The D&D stuff will possibly be in the higher teir because of the added work involved and the artwork by itself will be mid teir. I want to put my writing skills back into action and writing some (hopefully) fun adventures will do that👍)

But yeah I thought that would be more interesting than just artwork, especially since I can't really offer videos and I think putting tutorials which should be a free resource behind a pay wall isn't the way to go (unless you're making a book, then you should be paid for the extra mile) as while I can teach how to draw, drawing the way I do isn't going to work for everyone and I'd hate for anyone to think that they're a waste of time and money.

Writing smaller D&D campaigns though means I can share some different creativity that you can use in your own games and slot into your own universes to tweek as you deem fit. I think that's much cooler if I am honest.

But yes, more will be talked about soon! For now, it's not official but at least you know where we're at!



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