New year, new plans

Sorry for lack of activity in the past year... Things do get busy with two kids under five though things hopefully this year will free me up a bit more art wise and we'll be fully diving into blogger posting again, putting more stuff onto red bubble and atm we're looking into Spoonflower to make printed fabric with my artwork on as partly I have family who would like to use something with my art on, but others have asked as well and this might be a great opportunity to reach more people.

My year off hasn't been void of artwork btw, however it's given me the chance to think about how I'm to tackle this art blog going forward. I want to move away from the NSFW stuff a bit (preferably because I have little kids about my house now & I should be a responsible adult)  but also try and do my own stuff more and shift away from fan stuff wherever possible (I'll still do some, just not as much). I'm going to eventually redo parts of this blog page - add my Instagram links where I update more regularly (as well as spam family life junk) , add Spoonflower once that's going and add a proper contact me page as messages from this blog never get through to me, so it's better I leave other ways to get in touch with me instead!

Hopefully you look forward to seeing changes here slowly unfolding this year and into the future!

-kylie (Meika)


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