My options going forward (thoughts)

You guys probably saw the changes to my commission prices and went 'Woah! That's expensive!' and I actually do have to agree. Here's the skinny as to why they're like that though:

*the paper I use for A3 is $60 even before I pay interstate shipping. In order to get the best quality paper I have to get it from Sydney as nowhere in Victoria stocks anything of quality that size.

* before we calculate time spent of the supply costs, we have to factor in postage. International postage on A3 artwork costs $50 as it requires tracking - we've actually lost stuff in the past and frankly we could do without loosing original peices. People who've ordered from me before have seen my postage receipts (as I provide proof stuff has been mailed) and have been suprised how much goes on it. Local post isn't much better though I can an at least remove that extra if you live locally to me and I can personally deliver.

But hang on, you're not factoring your time and equipment costs... And you'd be right. If I factored those in youd be looking at $130 extra for my tools plus however much I should charge per the hour I work on something (which is $15 - to $19 an hour) and frankly the price would then probably jump to over $400 and there is just no way anyone would pay that.

Now, while I know not everyone wants to buy stuff from Redbubble but here's the thing - they don't charge me any fees for having my stuff there untill something needs printing and then it's only 20% to cover overhead. There's a reason why some artists are more expensive than others on there... Those who are cheap are failing to read the terms of agreement and are not charging their artist commission. I don't have to pay postage or printing, that's what the 20% take they have is for. Unlike Etsy (which I'm going to start reusing eventually ) where I'm charged listing fees even if I'm not selling anything and postage fees as it's all out of pocket before I start. Before I get it up and working properly and do any turn over I'm looking at going in debt so it's not viable unless we've got back up plans in place.

There is an option I'm thinking about but not 100% sure how it'll work. I can always try pateron. I'd probably start with two teirs, one a donation teir and the other a postal rewards teir with possible future ones down the line. In a situation where I can't do videos (as you know... Kids) but I could offer downloadable line arts to colour for low teirs and physical ones for higher. Still only considering it, though it may have to be the way forward.

Anyway, hope you guys can still keep following as even if I do pateron in the end I'll still be doing free stuff like wips ect as I don't believe in locking that stuff behind a pay wall... Some stuff just shouldn't you know?



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