Greater Glider (bushfire relief donations)

Hey guys, probs don't want to hear about this stuff from me, But I live in Victoria where half my state was ravaged by bushfires (and now is suffering flash flooding). States like mine, New South Wales, South Australia ect have all been burning since before Christmas and many people have not only lost their homes and livelihoods, there has been wide scale devastation of livestock, farm communities and of course native fauna - my state the worst affected as we are home to alot of endangered and critically endangered species and many of which are only found in places where the bushfires had hit. creatures like the Eastern Ground Parrot, Long nosed and Long footed Potteroo, Eastern Betong, Rock wallabies, Barking owls and two of the three of our countries tiniest possum species, the Leadbeater's possum and the Mountain Pigmy possum, both species no bigger than the palm of your hand (the other is the feather tailed glider, though they live more up north of the country). Other smaller mammals like the Smokey mouse and the Fat tailed Dunnart are also at risk, as well as the Migrating Swift Parrot and the Glossy black Cockatoo. (I haven't mentioned Koalas, Echidnas, Wombats and Kangaroos/Wallaroos as they're pretty much all over the news and so far, most of those animals that are getting help and being rescued atm are these species which is good, but there's ahost of really rare creatures like Tiger Quolls that the entire fate of their last inland populations fate is now 100% unknown and might have been potentially wiped out or left in so few numbers that they might never recover.)

If you'd like to help out those people affected and any of the charities that are helping wildlife and livestock, I have several links below with where you can donate and the money will give them the assistance they need. (these are mostly for where I live in Victoria, other states have their own bushfire rescue funds as well as all the zoo organizations and animal rescue organizations around the country. there might be some I haven't listed, but there's plenty out there!)  -  The victorian bushfire appeal that was set up by the state goverment to help communities and animal welfare groups with recovery. - the Victorian RSPCA. Currently they are working with Zoos Victoria with a mobile Vet clinic that's out in the affected areas, giving help to wild life (though RSPCA's help also extends to livestock and displaced pets) they also have a country wide bushfire donation appeal - - wildlife victoria, a mostly volunteer run organization that provides vet services, foster careers for baby and recovering wild life. - Zoos Victoria. They currently also taking in sick and injured animals affected by the fires (the help with vets in the mobile RSPCA vet van) and are busy with captive breeding and release programs of some of our states most vulnerable native fauna - we would have lost animals like our two little endangered possums and the Helmeted honey eater without them doing the work that they do. - Wires. these guys are a wildlife charity in NSW similar to wildlife Victoria. - The Australian red cross disaster appeal 
Kangaroo Island bushfire recovery fund.


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