The city of Westlaide


Westside is a newly constructed post war city, originally built as a unifying declaration of the combined efforts of the cities of Silverstone, Kirkwall and Mourdgi in fighting back against the Mind Flayers and the hordes of undead along with many of the villages in the local area. The current Barron in charge is a descendant from the Silverstone King and his Baroness is from the Kingdom of Mourdgi and the current Patrician is an old Kirkwall native. 

Because of this, the city is home to the largest population of first generation half Orcs of various mixed racial heritage. Because so many Orcs laid their lives down in the frontlines to give the rest of the armies a chance, all Westlaide born will always proudly boast their Orcish heritage first as they feel others need to know that they ave the blood of heroes in their veins.


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