
When The celestial whale banished the Astrals and Abyssals from her back, there was a small gathering of Astrals who pleaded to stay, for they really like living a humble life on the back of the whale and were willing to sacrifice their immortality for the chance to have free will like her mortal creations. She agreed and they were given their own land in which the floating Citadel of Cloudholde was founded

The Naxsyn (Aasimar) of Cloudholde are unusual in the fact they walk the fineline between mortality and divinity, as they are the Astrals who gave up living in paradise to be free of rules and eternal life to experience emotions, hardships, friendship and a love of life, something they were not allowed to have on the Astral plane. 

Mostly they resemble humans, though many are known to have unusual features like wings, feather tuff like horns, spatterings of proto feathers on their limbs or their hair are fully endowed with wonders crests of beautiful feathers. Their pupils are so light in colour they look like they're empty glowing pools, sometimes white, but they can vary between gold, silver or octarine along with their skin and hair. Other colours are known like emerald and turquoise, though they are rather rare and exclusive to three the elite house of Cloudholde who mutually run the city and keep order and peace amongst the populous. 

The three elite houses are the Kasaldin - whose skin are akin to Emeralds and are adorned with some hair and body feathers. They are clever environmentalists and prolific farmers who keep the Naxsyn fed, the Xosaris - who are covered in feathers so their skin is hidden and have beautiful wings, they are great artists and sculptors who have build all the buildings and temples in Cloudholde and are responsible for keeping the city afloft in the sky and the Thiltris - who only have a crown of feathers in their silvery hair and have Turquoise skin, they are the most commonly seen outside of Cloudholde as embassy officials mixing with royalty and higher powers in cities as envoys, spies and official prod noses who keep track of everything going on that could cause the Naxsyn any harm. 

You'd be forgiven if you mistook Cloudholde as an elven city as it looks and feels like something akin to a city of the mysterious (Avariel) who were almost made extinct during the war when the city of Boriels fell (some belive they live among the Naxsyn, though it's hard to tell the difference on appearance alone), both cities float high above the ground and are only accessible by flight. Cloudships are a common sight in the northern parts of Yamikora as Citadels and floating cities are the norm, however few ships of this design are left and the Naxsyn aren't interested in asking the D'ni for help rebuilding them and the beauty of their city is forgotten by most outsiders… the beautiful garden terraces, the rare purple Rotowa flowers and some of the most decadent architecture in all of Yamikora, now a faded memory. 


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