Races of Yamikora

There are many different races in Yamikora, some you maybe familiar with as they're loosely based off D&D races - just with our personal spin & lore on them so they fit into Yamikora. Here you will find race information & where the live (and you can check the locations on the main map of tiwns and cities). We'll be updating this quite alot as more races/subrace variations are added. 

Ahnvae (Drow reskin) 
Zuclian (High elf reskin) 

The Zuclian, are shorter than most elves but are still around average human height and have strange shimmering skin, the colours varying in shades depending on the month they were born, clear diamond skin being highly desired by the noble houses, while sapphire, emerald, ruby, turquoise and quartz being very common while black and white opal being extremely rare and said to be a blessing from the gods themselves. While it's uncommon to see them beyond their city boarders, many do go on epic pilgrimages to obtain knowledge to bring back to Mount Chu to share with their kin. 

(wood elves) 
Nuzekai (Shadar-kai reskin) 
Gelf (Eladrin reskin) 
(sea elves) 
Half elves

Humans are the products of Shifters whose ablity to transform didn't work at birth. Since most (not all) shifters look after their young these 'Non shape changers' began to breed together to create their own race after multiple generations, eventually loosing the genetics required to morph into beasts. They can be found almost everywhere on Yamikora since their kin are also quite prevelent across the continent, adapted to almost every climate.  

Because of this loss of genetics, they've ended up creating a newer, stranger one that allows them to produce offspring with different races that normally wouldn't be compatible - creating newer ones like the Genasi, Changeling, Naxsyn (Aasimar), Teiflings and just recently since the war Half elves (various) and half orcs which have yet to establish themselves as unique races of their own right. 

The D'ni are different from other dwarves as they're thinner and have more pointed ears and darker eyes, also unlike their brethren females do not grow beards, infact it's rare males grow them, especially to the extent of other dwarven nations. They do however pride themselves on their moustaches though they're more impressed by one's mastery of their chosen craft more than anything else. Anyone seeking to study under an artisan or an artificer are welcome, though the process is as long as anything involving paperwork is with dwarves since the guilds run everything and tend to be hard to sway once they've made a decision.

The D'ni (and to the extent most creatures who practise the art of the Artificer) believe that machines & constructs have a soul and that anything you craft by your hands is considered an living breathing thing with it's own mind and thoughts. It extends to airships, combustion engines, steam trains, clockwork soldiers ect. They're usually credited with creating the Warforged, however that Dubious honor goes to another race as the D'ni have more respect for their creations and wouldn't doom them to a life of servertude. 

You can find D'ni influence all across Yamikora.


Karaark'orka Dwarves in the underground city of Mount Wyong prefer to work with stone, clay, marble and limestone. They are sturdy, if a bit stout and all have luxurious beards that would make most vain werebeast's cry.  Some races consider them a bit backwards since they don't distinguish between male and female unless in the privacy of their own mine, but you can't go passed them if you want some of the most eloquent hand sculpture statues in all the continent. 

The Karaark'orka live in their own mines - 'Burrows' as outsiders refer to them - that branch off from the main tunnels and dig deep into the earth, and for what they are they're very comfortably furnished and always at a constant warm tolerable temperature which is better than the freezing ice and snow above. Most Karaark'orka spend their entire lives underground, unaware there's an entire world on the surface with few exceptions as trade between their kingdom and that of several human cities does exist, but to the most common, average citizen it's a completely foreign world. 

The Karaark'orka share a similar belief with the D'ni that the material they mine, craft and work with has a soul and that they can breathe life into their creations, which in the Karaark'orka's case can be seen in their living statues - earth golems - which are said to be silent servants carved by hand to protect sacred sites, valuable mines and their Thane and the throne. Sometimes one gets sold to a surface dweller by mistake instead of a standard sculpture and when these living statues gain sentience via a secret word or by tainted magic trouble has been known to occur. 

Moon bear
Luck Tigers
Black bears
Brown bears
There are of three different subspecies, each hailing from different towns on the island that all mix together to trade within the big city of Ladstongul. On the north of the island is the coastal town of Ruyaki, home to the Marlu, Shifters who embody the forms of the Kangaroo, Wallaby and Pademellon who prefer to all share the one collective name. They are the most numerous of the Marsupial shifters and the ones most likely to be encountered in ports along the coast of the mainland as merchants or thrill seeking explorers. They have powerful legs and can travel great distances without breaking a sweat.

To the west of the island is Heaking, home to the Bone Crushing tribes of the Bullungga (Quolls), Thylacinidae (Thylacine & Thylacoleo) and Purinina (Devils). These tribes are known for being fierce and ferocious warriors and were seen as the key reasons the island kept the undead taint off its shores. They are normally seen in law enforcement keeping the peace of the island and are highly respected.

The Barrugin (Echidna), Biladurang (platypus) and Rakali (water rat) tribes live in the town of Port Be in the islands south, a large fishing town with a booming peal trade. While these tribes are rarer than most, they're the ones who are most widely traveled and most knowledgeable about the Great Polaris Seas and the islands surrounding the entire south coast of Yamikora. They are also skilled fighters in their own right, specialising in poison weapons, either from their own claws or from poison dart frogs found in the nearby forests. 


Genasi are the creation of Humans and Dinjin, legands tell of Human Sultans of the Huon Valley that gave these magical beings their freedom after being enslaved by Abyssal beings. The Dinjin stayed and married them, thus creating the Gensai. 
City : Ganzuni 

Dragon born

Cat folk (Tabaxi & Leon reskins) 
Ushabar  (Tabaxi) 
The Ushabar have beautiful patterned fur, perfect for blending into the snow and the grey mountains of the range, preferring to live on the fringes of the spiraling city in their stone and ice huts lined with exotic furs from mountain beasts, mounting the heads of Ibex and Mountain trolls as prizes to show off their warrior heritage. They are elusive and private people who keep to themselves but if an adventurer was able to impress them, they would more than likely give them the warmest of hospitality.

Cheetuhua  (Tabaxi) 
The Cheetuhua fear and respect Mortareek, the ethereal Deity of life and death. They believe that the sky Whale made a bargain with Mortareek to spare the life of a Astral feline creature called the Andronosphinx that came to it's aid when Abyssal monsters attacked them when they were trying to quell the endless fighting in the savannahs. In return, Mortareek asked if he could be blessed with some mortal followers whom he could bestow his blessings, thus the Cheetuhua were born. The Cheetuhua nomads worship Mortareek through voodoo rituals, seek his guidance, wisdom and protection in every part of their lives. Voodoo priestesses and shaman are highly respected in Cheetuhua culture (as much as clan chieftains) and while they're known to dabble in the outlawed art of Necrotic magic, they only use it for the good of their people and are not interested in world domination as they fear the wrath of Mortareek who has unleashed wrath on anyone to miss use it. 

They resemble cheetahs, are tall, lithe and extremely agile. Cheetuhua with stripe (large spot) markings are often seen as having  beenbestowed the powers of Mortareek and are trained to be clan shamans.

Lizard folk

Snake folk


Aasimar  (Naxsyn)

Mostly they resemble humans, though many are known to have unusual features like wings, feather tuff like horns, spatterings of proto feathers on their limbs or their hair are fully endowed with wonders crests of beautiful feathers. Their pupils are so light in colour they look like they're empty glowing pools, sometimes white, but they can vary between gold, silver or octarine along with their skin and hair. Other colours are known like emerald and turquoise, though they are rather rare and exclusive to three the elite house of Cloudholde who mutually run the city and keep order and peace amongst the populous. 

The three elite houses are the Kasaldin - whose skin are akin to Emeralds and are adorned with some hair and body feathers. They are clever environmentalists and prolific farmers who keep the Naxsyn fed, the Xosaris - who are covered in feathers so their skin is hidden and have beautiful wings, they are great artists and sculptors who have build all the buildings and temples in Cloudholde and are responsible for keeping the city afloft in the sky and the Thiltris - who only have a crown of feathers in their silvery hair and have Turquoise skin, they are the most commonly seen outside of Cloudholde as embassy officials mixing with royalty and higher powers in cities as envoys, spies and official prod noses who keep track of everything going on that could cause the Naxsyn any harm. 




Full blood
Half blood




Balangara Lyrebird people (like Kenku but extremely more extravagant)












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