Mythos, Legends, Religions, Cults & extra lore of Yamikora

Yamikora is a continent located between the Astral & the Abyssal plain that was once considered the Void - but to many magic users or religious orders is seen as the ethereal plane - but is now the birthplace of never ending space and a moving universe. Each Race has many different religious beliefs, normal beliefs & ceremonies, lore, hereos and legands they tell and you will find them compiled here in more detail than on the main page.

The world creation mythos

The world of sky whale

In the beginning, there was only the Astral and Abyssal planes kept apart by an endless void. 

Within this void, a Star gave birth and the brilliant flash of exploding light formed the universe, filling it with billions and trillions of stars. 

From this burst of powerful magic, an ethereal whale was born. 

As it swam through this new region of space, the Astrals decided to colonise it's enormous back, creating oceans, landscapes, plants and animals, giving the universe it's first traces of life. 

The Abyssals saw this and decided that they had the right to put their mark on it's back by creating the cruelty and beauty of the seasons, give the power of destruction to the oceans and the mountains and released creatures of the darkness in order to compete with the Astrals for resources. 

It was from this constant fight for the Material plane that the ethereal Whale used the magic that created it to give itself a physical body and step foot onto it's own back and saw the chaos of too many hands playing with reality. It then used the last of it's power to create the races that would give balance to the land and before the Astral and Abyssals could touch them it gave them free will over their own existence thus temporarily ceasing the war that was boiling apon it. 

Satisfied, it lay it's body to rest before it's soul returned to it's ethereal form to peacefully take the new world and guide it safely through the stars. 

Each race was nominated to have a guardian that would stand at the sacred site of the Whale's physical body to guard it from Astrals and Abyssals wanting to use it's excess left over magic to tip the balance and throw the world into extreme chaos. Every few centuries new guardians are chosen and put through many trials before being blessed with this sacred honour, some attaining god status and having religions around them in hope that a new guardian maybe found from their number. 

While this is the true story and birth of the world, many races either passively belive it, or just think of it as a children's tale (unless part of a religion or cult centered around a guardian or a selective part of the mythos) but because the general blessing is indeed bestowed randomly to only a select few who are deemed worthy, the general populous don't have that much of an interest in it unless they are actively involved in some way. 

The races the great whale created originally before the exile of the Astrals and Abyssals were:
Krarsiabil - the ancestors of all the elven, merfolk and Teifling races
Roziphines - the ancestors of all the Orcs, Goblins and Troll races
Laxnac - the ancestors of lycans who were also the ancestors of the first shifters, Gnolls, Cat and Dog Folk, humans, Genasi, Dwarves, Gnomes
Nicheotzal - the ancestors or wyvens, dragons, dragon born and kobolds. 

Individual Race beliefs (non religious) 

  • D'NI: The D'ni (and to the extent most creatures who practise the art of the Artificer) believe that machines & constructs have a soul and that anything you craft by your hands is considered an living breathing thing with it's own mind and thoughts. It extends to airships, combustion engines, steam trains, clockwork soldiers ect. They're usually credited with creating the Warforged, however that Dubious honor goes to another race as the D'ni have more respect for their creations and wouldn't doom them to a life of servertude. 
  • Karaark'orka:


 Religions found in the continent 

  • Ushabar:
  • Cheetuhua: The Cheetuhua fear and respect Mortareek, the ethereal Deity of life and death. They believe that the sky Whale made a bargain with Mortareek to spare the life of a Astral feline creature called the Andronosphinx that came to it's aid when Abyssal monsters attacked them when they were trying to quell the endless fighting in the savannahs. In return, Mortareek asked if he could be blessed with some mortal followers whom he could bestow his blessings, thus the Cheetuhua were born.  The Cheetuhua nomads worship Mortareek through voodoo rituals, seek his guidance, wisdom and protection in every part of their lives. Voodoo priestesses and shaman are highly respected in Cheetuhua culture (as much as clan chieftains) and while they're known to dabble in the outlawed art of Necrotic magic, they only use it for the good of their people and are not interested in world domination as they fear the wrath of Mortareek who has unleashed wrath on anyone to miss use it. 



The silver sword
Similar to the Silver Flame of Ebberon, The Silver sword are a noble order of humans who not only believe in the Skywhale, but the misguided belief that Humans are the Pure race and all others must be purged. They steal artifacts belonging to many races, many of them dangerous without knowing how deadly they can be in the wrong hands. 

The Black Lilys
The Black Lily's are a special organisation that was founded after the war by the surviving kingdoms of Yamikora (with the exception of those in the Huon Valley, Mount Chu, Tojchguel & Mount Wyong) who signed a declaration that in order to prevent these atrocities reoccurring they would employ a task force aimed at keeping Monsters, Abyssals, Demons and Dangerous magic users under control, through aid, relocation and if all other options are exhausted then to resort to put to death. 

Originally comprised of only the best Druids, Rangers, Monster Hunters and Inquisitors, the Order of the Black Lily now specialises in training Blood hunters, a unique type of witch hunter that are extremely affective at hunting down monsters from the Abyssal planes, Ghosts and other Undead, are able to negotiate between monsters and villagers and of course, crack down on anything that harms the lives of innocents. 

The Black Lily's aren't the kind of order you seek out to join, rather they seek you out if you are someone with exceptional skills that could be of use to walking the fine line between the light and the darkness. 

While they aren't perticularly scary, witch hunters are in general considered good luck if they're wandering around your town or city as they generally keep demons and highly dangerous monsters away, however there isn't many of them so hunters and other adventures are still employed when the Lily's aren't available. 

Blood hunters, on the other hand, are considered scarier and more intimidating than the average Black Lily witch hunter and while alot fewer in number, they're usually hired by people of power to root out more dangerous threats to a kingdom when disposable Adventure's aren't available. 

Druidic circle

Leganday hereos 

Race legend's and tales 


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