Ladstongul, Port Be, Heaking & Ruyaki

Ladstongul,  Port Be, Heaking & Ruyaki

Common greeting: wallawanim (Dharug Aboriginal tongue), meaning hello.

On a large island just off Vilpie Bay and before the Great Polaris sea lies the Shifter city of Ladstongul and the towns of Ruyaki, Heaking and Port Be. The shifters native to this island are found nowhere else on Yamikora and while they are indeed a very small population they are a very fierce nation and were able to keep the poisoning of the Necrotic war off their shores. The island is only accessible by ferry or by D'ni airship though plans before the war reveals that the D'ni were planning to build an underwater railway to the island to properly connect it to the mainland. It is also home to the Balangara Lyrebird people (like Kenku but extremely more extravagant) though the Balangara tend to live in smaller camps as they prefer not to mingle with mammals unless for trade.

They are of three different subspecies, each hailing from different towns on the island that all mix together to trade within the big city of Ladstongul.  On the north of the island is the coastal town of Ruyaki, home to the Marlu, Shifters who embody the forms of the Kangaroo, Wallaby and Pademellon who prefer to all share the one collective name. They are the most numerous of the Marsupial shifters and the ones most likely to be encountered in ports along the coast of the mainland as merchants or thrill seeking explorers. They have powerful legs and can travel great distances without breaking a sweat.

To the west of the island is Heaking, home to the Bone Crushing tribes of the Bullungga (Quolls), Thylacinidae (Thylacine & Thylacoleo) and Purinina (Devils). These tribes are known for being fierce and ferocious warriors and were seen as the key reasons the island kept the undead taint off its shores. They are normally seen in law enforcement keeping the peace of the island and are highly respected.

The Barrugin (Echidna), Biladurang (platypus) and Rakali (water rat) tribes live in the town of Port Be in the islands south, a large fishing town with a booming peal trade. While these tribes are rarer than most, they're the ones who are most widely traveled and most knowledgeable about the Great Polaris Seas and the islands surrounding the entire south coast of Yamikora. They are also skilled fighters in their own right, specialising in poison weapons, either from their own claws or from poison dart frogs found in the nearby forests. 

The Shifters here believe in the Great Dreaming, a time where the Sky whale came to the mortal plane and created the first nations (which they consider they are the last of) and gave them the responsibility of caring for all things on it's back and being the balance of harmony between life and chaos.

These alternative subclasses have yet to be tested. If you wish to play them they are as follows:


Crushing Jaws:

Monotreme & rakali:


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