important Yamikora information & timeline

Just some answers for DM's who get asked something about the world they didn't think they needed to know but had to make on the fly because a player RPd it out of the blue.

Necrotic war information (necromancy questions & how different places were affected) 

In the years leading up to 1346, A bunch of necromancers banded together and went berserk on a mass killing spree, bringing demons, undead monsters & Abyssal monsters up into a army that destroyed anything in its path. No one is certain exactly when it started, but the worst year of destruction was 1346, as by then enough towns and cities were affected enough that others were sending preventative armies. So some cities/ towns could be still 100% infested with undead or other things still in places unaccessible or long since thought to have been close to the rest of the world for so long. 

Necromancy isn't frowned upon as persay, as some cultures use it for good, but it is mistrusted outside of those few cultures. So tribal voodoo sharmans are kinda accepted as they are healers as well, people willingly seeking it out to murder and kill... Not so much. You now get hunted for commiting any sort of atrocities, though necromancers are more likely to be targeted even if the damage is coming from another source entirely. (so yes, evil cults, religions ect exist.. Some more obviously worse than others, just not currently known about). 

some places fought back & won like Thnou, some didn't like Kirabaru and have attempted rebuilding or abandoned, some no one knows the fate of like the underground city of Tojchiguel and the mysterious vanishing travellers to Rangwei and some like Gaizunai were unaffected as nothing reached there. 19 years have passed since, many places have recovered well and florished, empires like the Goblins have fallen, the Gelf almost wiped off the map and kingdoms of some Orcs have become high society and important powers because they helped unite and fight with other races. 

 some places are still a huge mystery, and since you can't go everywhere on foot, rumours spread. 

Inter continental travel before the war

Before the war cities were being slowly connected by a steam railway after The D'ni and other races saw the potential for trade between nations and travel all across the continent as something of extreme benefit to everyone involved. Places like Kirkwall are still heavily influenced by the D'ni and have some semblance of Victorian steampunk era influences while places where the D'ni reside like Tojchguel and Redwall are still 100% operating on this technology. 

Some places like Rangwei didn't like the idea technology was taking over so instead partnered with the D'ni to make something more arcane magic based before they were all on board.  

Before the railways, most travellers got around via boat or coach (which they still do in certain parts of the world) or they travelled via airship. There are still some in operation going between Kirkwall and Redwall, but very few are passanger craft only. 

The steam railways and airships are mostly forgotten, though it wouldn't take much for an adventure party interested in helping restore them to reconnect the world again via the old D'ni technologies to begin to widen the world to the population again. 

Currently, the D'ni who inhabit Redwall want to revisit the old steam railway, however modify it to be like what the service from Rangwei used to be - a train powered by Arcane lightning. There is a few in the works being built, however they need someone who can negotiate with certain cities to get the rail established. 

Travel services Prior to 1346 were as follows:
Standard mail Coach: 3GP per town traveled through. 5 kmph
Arcane Coach: 5GP per town traveled through. 10kmph
Sea fairing ship: varies between 10GP to 200GP depending on type of ship. Travel varies between how many days distance a place maybe to get to. 
Airship: 30 GP and travels at 20kmph
Elemental Galleon: 50GP and travels at 10kmph
Steam Railways/Rangwei's Lightning rail: 20GP and travels at 50kmph
Teleportation Ring: 4,000 GP and is instant (only in possession of weathy institutions so extremely rare) 

Travel services around in 1365 are as follows:
Standard mail Coach: 1GP per town traveled through. 5 kmph
Arcane Coach: 3GP per town traveled through. 10kmph
Sea fairing ship: varies between 10GP to 200GP depending on type of ship. Travel varies between how many days distance a place maybe to get to. 
Sandship (Desert ship): 10 GP and travels 20kmph
Airship (Cloud ship): 10 GP and travels at 20kmph
Elemental Galleon (Gigantic air ship): 20GP and travels at 10kmph
Lightning rail: 30GP and travels at 50kmph (limited operation in the Eastern Regions of Yamikora, however Redwall D'ni are seeking travellers with silver tounges to help further negotiations to other cities) 
Teleportation Ring: 7,500 GP and is instant (only in possession of weathy institutions - extremely rare) 

Healing services that can potentially found within some cities or towns:
Minor, non magical care: 3SP per use of medical skill
Major, non magical care: 2GP per day
Curewounds: 25GP per level of the spell
Lesser restoration: 50GP
Remove curse: 75 GP or seek out a Tribal shaman or voodoo preist and get the service for free, providing you can bring them the ingredients. 
Greater restoration: 150gp
Reincarnation: A rare service provided by certain priesthoods, though however quite common amongst tribes that contain Sharmaic or Voodoo traditions. Sometimes it's better to seek a tribe out and gather the ingredients for free than to pay an expensive tribute of 6,000 GP to a city priesthood. 

Postal Service. 

Yamikora has several postal services available in most major cities. There is the standard inner city services, mail coaches, Pidgon hire/purchase, Falcon mail and celestial Owl mail.

 Prices vary from city to city, typically Falcon and Celestial Owl mail are more expensive. Falcon mail allows packages to be sent that weight no more than 5kg however, Celestial Owl mail can transport packages that weigh up to 15kg and arrive at intended destination/person within a day of sending, due to being magical avians and is considered mostly only for the aristocracy, merchants, or Scribes to high level wizards.

Trained homing Pidgon's can be either hired or bought outright and while they cannot carry items, they can carry letters of up to 50 grams and are more likely to arrive faster than coaches with the convenience of them returning to owners and being able to be sent from anywhere in the open. 

The Yamikora Calander year
Year: 1365 - current
Moons: Dolphanis 
374 days in a year

Weekdays: Kithola, Yumi, Quasli, Mayday, Hoki, Drin. 

Months: Terfari(42 days) , Lyeru (41 days) Rulki (42 days) , Dias (41days), Orion(42 days), Polaris(42 days) Atungah(42 days), Zaragoza (40 days), Uthma (42 days) 

A breif current timeline of adventures set in Yamikora. (Active campaigns are in coloured text)
  • Before the war (under construction): 

    • 12th of Lyeru, 1343. Something was brewing in the heart of ancient city of Alakornka, a civilisation mad for sacrifice in order to make the sunrise, crops grow, ask the gods for fertility… A Sacrifice every hour, blood spilling down the sides of the ancient temples roof as the Aarakorcraian death priest whom it's duty was to appease his ruler, Tenochtitlan VI, slaughtered hundreds of the empires captives who were stolen from their homes, wiping out almost every village on the isle. Unknown to the Priest at least a year before they started this ritual slaughter of life, three strangers from the continent who were already riding on a wave of mild destruction had come and had convinced Tenochtitlan that this was the only way to save his people, or they would become devoured by the dark ones. To show they weren't to be trifled with, they lay waste to the nearby city of Nahuatl turning it into a large smoldering tar pit where no life could survive. 

    • 34th of Polaris, 1343. The other great and powerful Aarakorcraian city of Mezatakaya would also fall, driving many of the other sentient creatures back towards the continent to escape the mass indescriminate murder. 

    • 21st of Zaragoza, 1344. The legendary crew of the Capricorna skyship was  founded. Little did these four know they would become heroes of the Necrotic war and the Skywhale's champions. The crew are Tabix 'Chookers'  Flamearx, a Teifling whom is famed for her archery skills, Zoggin - eck, A member of the mysterious merfolk of the Polaris seas who is a master of the blade, Ryan Thonirak, a human artillerist, cursed with the blood of the crafters in his veins and their ships captain, a feline shifter named Meika Hidenori who was troublesome pirate with a moral code in which the Oath of Heroism is later founded. 

    During the war (under construction):

    • 1346. The year the war hit its darkest days. 

    • 29th of Orion, Tojchguel is forced to shut its doors and collapse the tunnels for the steam railways that lead out to cities along the western coast. Before the closure a small army of several Colossus's nicknamed 'Warforged' were sent to defend the city of Rangwei at the request of the youngest prince in fear his two older brothers wouldn't be prepared and would get many of their citizens killed. 

    • 34th of Orion, Mount Wyong shuts its doors to try and avoid the on coming wave of destruction. No one knows if this worked or if any of the Karaark'orka survived. 

    • Mount Chus becomes a dangerous place with regular dragon attacks, the Zuclian and the Ushabar however manage to hold them and the ice giants off without too much damage, however the entire loss of the lower cities populous in their frozen citadel is a deviating blow as places thought to be safe to hide their families were death sentences as the Dragons burrowed into the undercity on the 41st of Orion. 

    • The mighty kingdom of Rangwei falls on the 10th of Polaris. The corruption from the two eldest prince's had finally become the cities downfall. The youngest ones fears had come true and the mass evacuation of the city was also one of the biggest unnecessary massacre of life as many regular citizens, decide to fight back under the leadership of the young prince's trusted friends, the crew of the Capricorna. Tragically the crew didn't survive, but the famous legend of them and the Colossal false king killer lives on with those who survive.

    • Also on the 10th of Polaris, the united tribal clans of the Gavarian plains stand united in Thnou and fight back for their only trading hub. They hold off the undead invasion until reinforcement arrives from the Orc city of Sabuour and together they push the foul horde out of the plains. 

    • On the 24th of Polaris the horde reach the shire of Kedri and with the help of the shifters of Wyndmee the halfling army were able to save their homelands. 

    • Kirkwall, Silverstone Mourdgi, Yayapan and Almalyk all band together and take down the incoming undead horde that had been deflected their way from the Kolima woods, with the assumption the twin elven cities drove them from their lands towards them because they were bigger and could potentially stomp them out. They were right. The undead horde had been funneled towards them as Kayrama had also drove them in their direction and the united cities of the peninsula wiped the floor with the undead masses. 

    • At the end of 1346, very few places were left unaffected, still standing or in salvageable ruin. Many were wiped off the map and many races with great empires that couldn't work with others had fallen, most notable the Goblins, Gelf, several human cities, Avariel, Minotaurs, Tiger folk, Lizard folk and the Marsupial shifters. 

    After the war (under construction & current setting being played):

    • 1347 - 1349. Morning & slow rebuilding of many places, however some the fate of remains unknown, at least until 1365 and afterwards. 

    • In 1347 on the 4th of Rulki, Wyndmee is attacked by a separate undead force, lead by a Gnoll called Gruz-Glug, the survivers now residing in Kedri and now cursed with a mysterious illness which has them unable to have children. They're planning of taking back Wyndmee when they recover in hopes to lift the curse. 

    • On the 13th of Atungah 1347, the treaty of the peninsula states was established and in honour of the occasion the city of Westlaide was founded. 

    • On the 42nd of Rulki 1349, the town of Matterslakes was founded. 

    • Minvarn, Jarrod & Argyle set out from Thunou to Kirabaru on the 26th of Rulki 1365. They encounter some Goblins who request their aid. They assist, freeing them from Klarg. Minvarn was gifted a magical Scimitar from Skarsnik the goblin shaman, and Jarrod the staff of bird calls - both gifts relics from their civilisation that fell during the Necrotic war in 1346. 

    • On the 27th of Rulki, they reach Kirabaru at night and have a run in with some D'ni who have had stuff (a giant mining machine) stolen by a mob of Kenku. They also encounter the powerful arch mage Shrimpton and barely escape a battle with a Decay dragon. Jarrod is marked/tattooed by the beast & stumbles across one of Shrimptons discarded tomes about the summoning of lesser deamons. 

    • 29th of Rulki after a long and much needed rest, Minvarn awakes to find Argyle has left in the night. Minvarn has had a nightmare /premonition? - and meets an odd elderly Druid who offers him several paths to walk, Minvarn finds a nearby shrine to the ethereal whale and swears an oath of a hero, in hopes that it will bring him closer to understanding himself and the choices of his ex lover Anias. Jarrod arrives two days later after somehow ending up in a mysterious pub crawl with some freed Kenku which took him all the way back to Thunou and to Naragba and cost him over 70 gold pieces and 40 silver for the trip back, however he has no recollection of how large his bar tab is.

    • Argyle, meanwhile on the 29th of Rulki treks off towards the mountains, in the supposed  direction of Uraganci. He is in the company of his familiar Opal and his newly forged steel defender, Mach, as well as some new gizmos and gadgets thanks to Jadarais of the D'ni who saw promise in him despite what his father thought in regards to tinkering with technology. If he's ever inclined to return to Tojchguel, Jadarais said he will train him to be a better machine creator, however if he's anywhere near the other D'ni city of Redwall he can seek training from his brother, Atrus. 

    • On the 31st of Rulki, Minvarn & Jarrod leave Kirabaru for Rangwei in the company of an elderly druid. They arrive in Rangwei on the 36th of Rulki. They stop at a shanty town on the outskirts to regroup and resupply and hear rumours about mysterious goings on within the city walls. Minvarn & Jarrod part ways, the Palidin seeking truth and justice, the sorcerer seeking a place that sells decent beer. 

    • Rumours are spreading around the western regions of Yamikora of a rogue magic user summoning dangerous monsters. Korbin Vanhellsing, a famous bounty hunter and his clan mate, Nuriel Southpaw are on the hunt. They reach Kirabaru on the 37th of Rulki and find hints of a cultist summoning ritual, evidence of a fight and rotting scales belonging to a creature that was once deemed extinct. 

    • Also on the 37th of Rulki, Minvarn, Terric & Meeakarius step foot inside the foggy city gates of Rangwei. After fending off a swarm of spiders, Minvarn swears his oath to the Sky whale and begins his initiation test. The ritual/prayer calls forth the Ghost of Capricona's pirate captain, who after some confusion asks them to find his three ship mates within the city.

    • On the 38th of Rulki, Minvarn encounters an old lover who he's told looks the spitting image of the dead prince Anias. Turns out it is the ethereal know as 'The Raven'. He's rude, arrogant and shows them quite graphical account of the city falling, and blaming it not just on himself, but the crew of the Capricorna. Minvarn defies Anias and gains a new friend in the Ghost pirate. 

    • 39th of Rulki, Minvarn, Terric & the Pirate of the Capricorna are on the trail of the next statue. They find it (Chooks statue) and are asked to give up a valuable item of personal value before Minvarn is granted it's powers. They move onwards and encounter a Merrow who has come to take Zog's soul to the Abyssal planes, with the help of the pirate puppeteering Terricsp's unconscious form defeat it and with the aid of Chooks Ghost break the fountain and unleash more of the powers that heal the immediate landscape.

    • On the eve of the 40th of Rulki, Minvarn's party reach the keep of Rangwei's castle and give the Artificer Ryan (who killed the two corrupt princes) a proper burial granting more powers Minvarn was forced to unleash at the top of the keep, lifting the curse off the land and the pirate was given a new physical body for his undying loyalty. Minvarn & Terric are now part of the new crew of the infamous Capricorna and are now flying slowly towards the South Western parts of Yamikora.

    • On the 42nd of Rulki, Argyle stops wandering around the woods aimlessly and arrives in the town of Pustyn'ki. He sets up his temporary forge and sells some custom handmade jewelry, buys a compass and after asking around the local area makes a mini map between Pustyn'ki and the nearest villages around the inland mountain lake. He stocks up on some supplies before starting off in the direction of Niegin (arriving around the 3rd of Dias), a small village famous for its local hot springs. Jade is a popular jewel there and Argyle has a few items he can probably sell for a profit as well as look into some folk laws and other things of interest. He can also repair farm tools and other useful things and hopes to walk out of there with enough coin to spend up big at the next big city.

    • 7th of Dias, Argyle leaves Niegin after making a lucrative few days off the tourist trade. He gives Mech a bit of a machinery overhaul and decides that Opal will need one soon too as the ice isn't doing her delicate machinery any favours. Plus, while Mach's furnace makes an incredible portable forge, Opal's spider form, while beautiful, is scaring the kids away from his small clockwork toys. He learns about an island to the north where rumours about Aarakocra used to be sighted but thinks that the rumour needs more research before he goes off on a hunt.

    • 9th of Dias, Argyle stops in Logovo and also does well o  the tourist trade, enough to take sometime to enjoy the scenery and have a soak in the hotsprings. Looking around the other traders he walks into an exotic creature shop and both he and Opal feel inspired to design a few prototypes of different mechanical creatures she could inhabit when he was able to aquire parts. 

    • On the 15th of Orion, Argyle arrives in Alakoc and attends to some business as well as finds some time to build Opal a new form and to sell a few goods before he leaves. 

    •  25th of Orion, Argyle arrives in Yuatdag and meets it's odd inhabitants, a group of hunters lead by a woman named Astrid whom is the wife of Yuatdag's current Jarl. 


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