Like a flame GxS (Nsfw)

 Written with Rose gold fox

"Come on Scott! Quit hogging the bathroom!" Gordon banged on the door a few more times. "I've just come off three days stuck inside a tin can!"

He kicked the door with a dirty boot. "You haven't fallen asleep in there? You're going to drown yourself in the tub one day you know that right?"

Gordon reached up to his shoulder blades and struggled to resist the urge to scratch. The rescue he had just come from involved a acid leak in a tanker that he thought hadn't breached his suits fabric's strength limits but had fallen off in chunks leaving raw burned skin beneath. He HAD to shower to get the stuff off before it got more serious. 

"Right that's it, I'm pulling the plug!" He shouted annoyed, swinging the bathroom door open. Instead of making good on his threat, the shortest Tracy stood glued to the spot when he caught his reflection in the mirror. Red blotches were all over his face and areas where the suit had been eaten away by chemicals now had angry itchy blisters.

Grabbing desperately for the zipper at the back of the wetsuit, the tatty uniform was speedily discarded - though it more or less fell off him in shreds.

"Ow ow ow ow!" He hissed through clenched teeth. This was the LAST time he'd answer a call out because Penelope thought something was suspicious going on in the Atlantic Ocean.

Ok, he said that the last four times but THIS time was definitely the LAST.

If he stopped jumping the second Penelope called he wouldn't look like he did now. But NOOOO, she says 'HELP' and he would stupidly go off and -

Gordon's hand grabbed the nail scrubbing brush off the sink and immediately used it to scratch the blisters that were under his fawny blonde hair, the will power he had up until now was suddenly gone and even though he could see himself getting his hair matted with blood he kept scratching furiously as if he had been attacked by a colony of fire ants.

Why didn't this stuff happen to anyone else? The last time it was radiation exposure and the time BEFORE THAT it was a cargo ship of live animals - though Virgil had helped with that one, being mauled by a polar bear that was on route to its new planned home in Alaska was not something he was keen on yet still happened anyway…. And his siblings often wondered why he was dead against having any pets more interesting than fish! Cats, Dogs, snakes, lizards - he was terrified of all of them… his brothers all had seen to that.

His desperate itching paused briefly when he heard a snore, bringing him back to WHY he stormed into the bathroom in the first place.

"Wake up Scotty! I dunno how you can fall asleep in the bath without drowning! You're as bad as John who falls asleep standing upright in the shower!" Gordon tossed the nail brush into the bath and made sure it splashed enough water everywhere to startle his eldest sibling awake before clambering into the shower next to the tub and turning on water so cold that maybe if he froze the feeling of burning alive would stop.

Scott, shaken up from the sudden splash of water, shouted "Gordon!" annoyed as he saw him a second before he disappeared into the shower, Scott recognised his naked siblings way more easily than he liked to but that was what you got when your father designed a house with one bathroom for multiple people sure that was fine when you were little kids, but not so much as grown adults.

Gordon was quick to drown out Scott's complaints with mint smelling soap which wasn't the best idea, only John and Virgil preferred it as it felt refreshing after long shifts. Now not only did he feel like he was burning, all his open weeping sores stung and any newly opened blisters felt like ice had been stuffed into them.

"OW OW OW! WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME? Why not someone else?" Gordon yelped. "I should have ran it past John when she called! But no, I'm such an idiot thinking I can do these things - OW!"

As Scott started to sit up, wincing as he did so - he'd had been on a few back to back rescues lately which had left him tired, stiff and sore, his arm being caught in a cable on one that he'd been lucky he hadn't dislocated his shoulder but it still felt painful enough like he had.

He fished about in the tub for whatever Gordon had thrown.

"Whoo Gordo what happened?" He called finding the brush tinged red with pieces of skin.

Suddenly he heard Gordon's discarded communication watch come to life from the floor.

"Hey Gordon I didn't get the thank you for doing what you did the other day. Without your help we wouldn't have found that missing Alsterine! Parker's sorry for what he said but I did ask Scott to attend this formal ball with me thinking you wouldn't be up for it after helping me. We can go to another event some other time ok?"

"Shit" Scott had completely forgotten about the ball, he jumped out of the tub and grabbed the closest towel. 

There was a slight thud on the shower glass as the young twenty year old slumped against it. "Sure, that's what you said the last six times Penny." Gordon mumbled. Out of all of them the only one who hadn't made any real friends growing up or with people they had met on rescues was him, too busy infatuated with a woman who despite returning some level of affection, always found some way of avoiding being seen with him in public but always relied on him for one thing or another. Hell even John - the extreme loner that his next sibling above him was - had made at LEAST three friends via International Rescue and that was not including that AI that seemed to hate Gordon's guts, treating him as a child whenever he had to pull duty up there.

Penelope's voice seemed to continue as if she expected Gordon to be listening, totally enamoured by her voice to not really pay any attention to her words. Something was mentioned about a charity auction which she was taking their father to, some art show Virgil was taking her to later on….

Gordon emerged from the shower, picked up the watch and dropped it in the toilet, where unfortunately Penny's voice could still be heard because of it being waterproof. He stood there until her voice stopped before fishing it out to wash in the sink knowing if he left it in there it would make everyone else angry.

He caught Scott's unimpressed expression in the mirror and pulled a face. "Take a picture, it'll last longer. Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your date?" Gordon then reached for one of the towels, hesitating before grabbing the darkest one off the rail hoping that if he got blood on it Grandma wouldn't notice when she next did the washing. Even from his reflection in the mirror he could tell he was going to bed standing naked in his bedroom since he hadn't cleaned it for a while until the wounds stopped weeping and the remaining blisters popped. If he could hide until then, maybe look up some of those retro junk collector websites he'd start feeling better about being led around by the heart strings yet again.

Scott shifted around the small space, leaning on the side of the shower as he toweled himself dry. "It's not a date."

For the first time since entering the bathroom Gordon was now facing Scott and looking as if he had asked him to jump off a cliff. "So it's not a date then? What's the difference?"

"A date is when two interested parties go out somewhere and get to know each other."

"Uh huh. I know what the definition of a date is." Gordon stood in a 'seriously? Stop talking to me like a child' pose, complete with the matching attitude across his face. "Penelope seems REALLY into getting to know all of you guys better lately, even Kayo. Can't tell me she's not trying to suss you all out."

"Gordon, Penelope is just a fr- wait are you jealous?" 

"Huh? No, no way! Why would I be?" Gordon suddenly switched over to looking indignant.

Scott smiled slyly. "You are." He chuckled in amusement. "You actually are."

"So not. I was just INTERESTED. It's not like you to go on a date." Gordon rolled his eyes and continued to pat himself dry carefully, though when he returned to his hair he stared at the towel before looking in the mirror and inspecting it, blood now clumped in it and sticking it together. "Ugh, how do you stop opening blisters on your head? Like you can't NOT brush or shower for several weeks."

He pulled his hand away and glared at the blood as if he was hoping it would magically disappear. A small trickle rolled down his forehead and nose thanks to the water still on his scalp. "Ok, I've never been on a date, so yeah what would I know right? But I've seen enough movies of what they're supposed to be like." He changed the topic back in Scott's direction. "But she did ask you to a fancy event where you have to go dressed in a black suit and tie. That constitutes a date to me."

"No, Gordon, Penelope only asked me because I was the only one available. Besides, do you really want to get dressed up in a suit and tie and meet a whole bunch of stuffy rich people?"

"Well… we sort of ARE stuffy rich people, Scott. At least, the world at large seems to think we're all a bit loopy living off the grid."

Scott smiles. "But not the kind that makes sure everyone knows it though."

"I guess. How many people these days make the connection that we're all a part of dad's organisation? I'd be surprised if more than five people know John even exists." Gordon joked, avoiding the fact he knew quite well he was probably the one who people forgot about unless they liked the idea of playing with a toy submarine in the bath.

"Excuse me boys, Just need to borrow the mirror."

Both heads turned as Kayo entered, all dressed up in a shirt and dress pants and watched as she fiddled with her hair. The nudity on display didn't seem to bother her, though growing up alongside them she admittedly had seen everything before as you can't live with eight other people on a small island without knowing a few intimate details.

"Going somewhere?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. Alan, John, Virgil and I have been granted the night off so we're going to see the new horror film that's just come out."

Gordon's eyes went wide. "Wait, is that the one where they take the giant mech things with all the space aliens? Why didn't you invite me?"

"We didn't know when you'd be back so we figured it wasn't a big deal to go without you." Kayo then shrugged. "You're on scheduled duty anyway so it's not a problem, right?"

Kayo may not have noticed but Scott could see Gordon deflate a little before perking up and sliding seamlessly into his usual 'hey everything is cool' mode. Like Alan, Gordon wore everything on his sleeves however Scott had recently started picking up on little nuances that he only ever saw with John, the 'blink and you'll miss it' flicker of emotion - though admittedly it was harder with Gordon as he jumped between them so frequently that subtly wasn't something you catch. The brief moment of disappointment was there, incredibly well masked.

"Maybe next time then. You guys go have fun and you can fill me in when you get back."

"We sure will." Kayo said, giving him a kiss on the cheek and blowing one at Scott who sank deeper into the tub in embarrassment. As she left she turned and said, "Red's really not your colour, Gordon. You should wash it out before it damages your hair."

The door closed behind her leaving the two Tracy's in brief silence. 

"Duty huh? Well this day just got better." Gordon pulled himself up to sit in the bathroom sink. Guess dad's going to be on too if no one else is going to be here." A drop of blood dripped down his face and onto his shoulders. He looked up at Scott and smiled. "At least Grandma won't be cooking tonight. Dad would give her the night off too."

Gordon then perked up. "Could still watch some movies. Dad's got a heap of westerns I haven't seen yet. Maybe with a huge bowl of popcorn!" He then slipped off the sink and stumbled into Scott. "Oops, sorry I didn't mean to get blood in you. Um…. You got a spare shirt to wear instead?"

He then started to scratch.

Scott grunted as Gordon hit his bad shoulder. "Don't worry about it." He said through gritted teeth. "How about we get you sorted first."

"I can handle it, really Scotty. You shouldn't keep a lady waiting." Gordon brushed it off before reaching over the bath to start one for himself. "You deserve a break too sometimes. You don't have to do everything anymore, you know? You're not invincible Scotty, all work and no play makes you a dull - " 

Without thinking Gordon had hit the nail on the head, of course all of them were more than happy to have their dad back, but without him, they had settled into their roles in IR now they had all been made to take a step back, one that Scott felt the most no longer being the leader.

The fall into the tub was far from graceful. Gordon's arm lashed out and grabbed Scott bringing him down into the tub on top of him.

"Ow ow OW! HEY S-Scotty! Squashing!" Gordon squirmed underneath his older brother. "C-come on! Get off - Scott? Why have you gone pale?"

It took all of Scott's will power just to not pass out, he was starting to think he had definitely dislocated his shoulder, as he somehow managed to roll off Gordon and out of the tub and resisted not riving on the floor in agony. "It's fine, it's nothing." He finally said, holding his arm as he tried to get to his feet.

Gordon slipped in the bathtub trying to get out. "That, that is NOT nothing. You're hurt! I didn't mean it but I can definitely do something about it. Just need to take a look."

"There's not much you can do for it.…" He'd wanted to keep this quiet if their dad knew he'd sideline him, not that he didn’t already feel like he was.

"I can strap it. We've also got the equipment and pain killers to reset it if it's broken." Gordon managed to grab his shoulders and was checking his eyes for dilation encase he hit his head as well. "Come on, let me just get a towel and we can sit you down in your bedroom across the hall and I can get the first aid stuff. Please Scott, you could have a really bad injury."

"Really Gordon I was meant to be helping you."

"With what? Scott since when do I need help? Ok sure I look like I've rolled around on a hot stove but there honestly nothing you could really do other that tell me off for scratching." Instead of wrapping the towel around himself, he wrapped it up and strapped Scott's arm into a sling that gave his shoulder support before guiding his older sibling out if the bathroom and across the hall. Three bedrooms sat on the opposite side, the bathroom crammed between Alan and John's, while Gordon's was sandwiched between Scott and Virgil's. The trip wasn't far at least. 

Sitting Scott down, Gordon ducked back out to go find some pain killers without having to venture down stairs. He was still naked and wet afterall, wouldn't be a smart idea to get in trouble and have to explain it all to Dad or worse - Grandma.

Scott laid-back on the bed he was feeling at the end of his rope with the pain now, but he still hated it. He should take care of this himself not be relying on Gordon right now he was hurt himself as well.
He better call Penelope and tell her he wasn't going to be able to make it, he was just reaching out for his watch on the nightstand.

Gordon returned, handed Scott a hand towel and placed a glass of water with pain killers down on the night stand. His room was covered in scouting awards, trophies from extreme sports competitions and a few Global Defence force service medels, showing what a busy life Scott had crammed into his existence between the ages of seven and twenty six. He helped Scott upright after grabbing a random shirt off the floor to pull over himself as Scott made a holo call.

"Lady Penelope" He said when her image popped up from the tiny watch. "Sorry to spring this on you last minute but I'm to have to cancel tonight"

Penelope's face looked surprised. "Really? That's a shame. Did an emergency come up? Do you need any assistance?"

"No nothing that some rest can't cure, but maybe next time, ask the person who's been helping you out the most."

"I'd love to but…" Penelope hesitated. "You know what he's like, he's not exactly suited to go to these things."

Gordon shifted to make sure he wasn't in veiw of the holo watch as if he knew what was coming next. He had heard this excuse before and not just from Penelope either.

"He's a bit I dunno how to put it nicely, a slob? A bit of a show off and sort of embarrassing to be around in public."

"I wouldn't judge him so quickly." Scott knew too many did on Gordon's appearance alone. "It's all part of his charm."

"Charm? Sorry to sound rude about your brother but he can be down right obnoxious at times."

Gordon seemed to think about it and srug. It wasn’t the first time he'd heard someone say that and probably not the last. He mouthed "She forgot ill mannered too, that's Kayo's favourite. While we're at it, short fused and completely egotistical as Alan would point out on the regular." He even stood in a way that was supposed to be mocking his younger brother before waving it off. "Tell me something I don't know."

Scott struggled to keep a straight face and not look at Gordon as he spoke. "I'll have to let you go Penelope thank you, for your understanding" He ended the call. "You're a shit you know." He laughed.

"Yeah? Well I guess it doesn't pay to let standards slip." Gordon snorted and started to tease himself in a mock voice pretending to be Penelope. "Parker, could you tell that insufferable idiot that he could have broken my nose with his lumpy elbows?" He coughed. "Yeah about that Penny, you were about to be crushed by thirty tons of rock wall." Gordon sighed. "I could have handled it better, but instead I was admittedly as childish as her. Wow I really am a jerk aren't I?"

"You know that's not true Gordo, you have a good heart but a lot of people don't see it or appreciate it, as much as they should."

Gordon smirked. "It's all well and good to say that but it doesn't excuse me from being a bit of a dick."

"It's understandable considering, maybe it's time to call it a day with Penelope and find someone who genuinely appreciates you." Scott knew that it could be hard to find someone who didn't just want to be with them for fame and fortune alone.

"Easier said than done." Gordon then gave Scott a wink. "Anyway, let's look at that shoulder shall we?"

He sat on the bed behind Scott and carefully unstrapped the shoulder and shifted his shirt to get a better look. He clicked his tounge and gently put his hands on where he could see the dislocation was. "I suggest putting that towel in your mouth for this. It'll really REALLY hurt."

Gordon felt around the area carefully to make sure he wouldn't do more damage before he treated his sibling. It wasn’t the first time he had to do this, Virgil being a regular one for having joints just pop sockets from excess strain using heavy equipment being worn on his body though Virgil would at least take himself to be looked at properly afterwards - what worried him was the possibility that Scott wouldn't. 

Without much warning, Gordon applied pressure to the shoulder until he could feel the shoulder slot back into place. It was quick, far from pain free but at least the shoulder could be strapped correctly now.

Scott did his best not to scream in pain when Gordon finally reset his shoulder, biting down on the towel and swearing profusely.

"Sorry, really really sorry, I didn't say it was going to feel pleasant."

"It's fine… really thanks…" Scott felt now like he was more than ready to let himself slip into that darkness.

Gordon didn’t move, instead his head flopped against Scott's back as exhaustion finally kicked in. "Please let Brains double check tomorrow." He attempted to run his fingers though his hair but now it was heavily mattered with dried crusted blood. Sitting there he could let his guard down and remove the invisible clown mask he always hid behind. "Hey, thank you for putting up with me. You're a bigger person than your given any credit for."

"I will when you do". Scott muffled. "I'm here anytime Gordon if you want to talk…" 

Gordon smiled though it was a fleeting one he wouldn't dare have let anyone see. "Don't you worry about that. I will be as pretty sure I'll scar badly if I don't get some sort of cream. As for talking, I don't think there's much to to say. Actions are more powerful than words, don't you think?"

He glanced at the shirt he temporarily borrowed and let out a heavy sigh. "I'll wash your shirt first thing tomorrow too. I think we're going to be bleeding from scab tissue for a while. I guess I better let you rest."

Scott stopped fighting, and finally let himself slip from the world of consciousness.

Gordon dragged himself off the bed and helped his older brother lie back gently before wandering out the door, closing it behind him. He didn't head for bed, instead going back to the bathroom and collapsing on the tiles.


"Scott? You got a minute?" 

John stood in the doorway of the older Tracy's bedroom dressed up in the usual old style Armani shirt. Clearly he had been made to 'dress up' on the movie night too though after he stepped into the room Scott could see the rolled up sleeves, the wet fabric of the shirt and streaks of something strangely reddish.

"John?" Scott asked, stirring how long had he been out?. "What time is it?" He reached for the nightstand and his watch, passing his hand over a sensor as he did, that caused the lights to slowly brighten.

"Four in the morning. I'd have come to chat sooner but something else happened first." As John entered quietly he pointed towards Scott's bandaged shoulder. "Glad to see you took my advice. That fall you had today gave all of us a heart attack." There was a hint of worry inflected in his very calm expression. "I did say to Dad there wasn't any chance of you going off the island tonight. How is the shoulder?"

"Better than it was" Though Scott still had no intention of having his shoulder looked at, anytime soon. "Is that blood?" He asked, sitting up.

"Actually, that's what I want to talk about. With you not going out with Penelope tonight Dad didn't get around to asking but honestly I'm just as annoyed though probably not for the same reason he might be." John's turquoise blue green eyes narrowed as his brow subtly furrowed. "I'm partly frustrated with Dad over this too. If he didn't mess around with the duty rosters this probably wouldn't be happening."

"What's happening, exactly?" Scott said as he sat up and hunted around for his shirt.

The tall lithe redhead folded his arms. "Certain call outs are going missing from our sensors and computer logs. You know the ones I get EOS to earmark as critical cases where we need everyone involved before sending to Dad? Somehow Penelope has been getting her hands on those and they're definitely not coming from EOS or I. I've checked everything, even had Brains go up in the last hour pulling things apart." He started to pace Scott's bedroom, a sign that he was really worried about something else related to the current issue at hand but hadn't gotten to it, stressing over exactly how to deliver it.

"John, calm down and explain to me just what's going on." 

John stopped pacing and glanced at his hands, the frown intensified indicating John thought this was serious. "The rescues Gordon's been out on, none of them have been cleared by me. They've gone straight to the house without even passing through EOS's checks. I didn't know till a few hours ago either." He looked up at Scott with some serious intensity in his eyes. "I found Gordon on the bathroom floor with dry blood and burns everywhere. He's ok now…but shit, Scott that was scary to walk in on."

Scott internally cursed himself for dropping the ball letting Gordon leave without getting any medical treatment, being injured himself was no excuse.

"Sorry I'm not making any sense, it didn't for me either until I looked into it." John admitted. "These rescues Penny's been sending Gordon on are the ones I red flag as too dangerous even for us, stuff I need Dad and GDF clearance on to send anyone to. If Gordon didn't tell me how he got those burns I'd have never found we've got a breach. Not only that, something extremely strange is happening, especially when I found a news report that the Alsterine from that spill Gordon sorted out has gone missing and now we're getting the blame for stealing it."

"That doesn't sound good." Finally Scott found a shirt and struggled to put it on.

John's shoulders sagged. "Gordon admitted to doing them because he was tired of hanging around here since Dad's reshuffle. I don't think he wanted to tell me, he was too exhausted to put up the usual defences to keep me out. You are aware Dad has swapped every role he's had working with Virgil with you or Alan? He's bored out of his mind and up until a few weeks ago would waste a huge chunk of his day trying to find out what everyone else was up to. I had EOS distract him in the end just so I could think, which is why I uhhhh… didn't notice he suddenly stopped." John rubbed his neck nervously, feeling guilty he had to admit his callousness. "Virgil was thrown by it too. Sure he works ok with you and Alan but even he admits he misses the fact he never needs to give Gordon any instructions or at least worry about him doing something risky." His stoic expression returned, though it was clear he was implying that Scott was the target of the last comment.

"I've already had words from dad on that front." Scott's hand involuntarily went to his shoulder. "Anyway we need to get to the bottom of all this before something worse happens. "

"That I can agree with, though it might be a hard sell especially keeping Gordon in the dark as you know he'll hate being used as bait." John frowned. "But we can't really tell him in case it really IS Penelope doing all of this. He'll be devastated."

"Oh good, you're still up John… and Scotty too." Both older Tracy's stared at the open doorway where Gordon was now standing, holding both sides of the door frame dressed in his usual pyjamas of a loose hanging singlet and cotton boxers. "Someone is vomiting really badly in the bathroom. I tried opening the door but they must have their back against it because I can't shift it. They sound like they're choking."

"That's not good. No one drank anything while we were out, Though Alan has since coming back..."

"Doesn't matter why or how, they are choking!" Gordon growled. "You're both stronger than me so you could try and get inside!"

Scott was on his feet and heading out the door before Gordon finished speaking. From the other side of the bathroom door he could hear the sounds of choking like Gordon had said, he tried the door before knocking on it and calling out. "Hey are you okay in there? Hey!" He moved aside when he got no answer.

John applied his weight on the door and slid almost to the floor trying to push it. "It's got to be Virgil on the otherside."

"How'd you figure that?"

"Cause I've shifted both You and Alan from behind the door before." John elaborated quickly when Gordon gave him a curious look. "When you're desperate for the toilet and you guys have fallen asleep on the floor you'll be amazed how much effort you put into getting into the bathroom. I've never been able to budge it when it's Virgil, it's like trying to push a bear."

Gordon started to look around and pointed up to the grill for the air conditioning duct that hung from the natural rock ceiling. "Well I could always try and climb through but you'll have to lift me up to reach it."

"Gordon, I hate to break it to you but you're not exactly light either." 

"If you both lift me up it won't be a problem. Besides," Gordon gave John a glare that was as dead pan as the red heads. "I'm the only one small enough to fit. Sure Alan would be better but he's as tall as you both so he'll get stuck."

The sounds of choking that started to sound desperate filled the hallway.

"You don't get to choose." Gordon said darkly. "Virgil's going to suffocate if we don't get in there."

John wisely took his gaze off Gordon and directed it at Scott. "Can you do it without making your injury worse? I can take the brunt of the weight but not for long."

"I'll help anyway I can, we should hurry though."

John nodded and stood by the nearest wall that was closest to the vent, arms pressed against it to brace himself. Scott then made a cradle with his hands for Gordon to step up into to get up onto John's shoulders and once there Scott winced and grabbed his legs so he couldn't fall, pushing on his feet to assist as Gordon clambered into the vent. The steel bent in a few places threatening to collapse until Gordon seemed to be moving out into the bathroom.

There was a tense wait until there was a muffled voice on the other side of the door and the sound of choking had stopped only to be replaced by more vomiting noises.

Eventually the door opened and Gordon was standing there, barely keeping Virgil upright on his feet, the bigger burly Tracy far too heavy for him to walk out of the room with.

He had also been stripped to his underwear.

"A little help, please?" Gordon grunted. "Watch out, floor is coated in vomit."

Scott helped Gordon with Virgil as best he could, Virgil was pale and felt awfully hot like he was running a fever. "Hey Virgil what's wrong? Are you feeling okay? John, can you run a scan?"

John dug around in his pockets for his portable EOS device and asked, "Could you please run a medical scan for me, EOS?"

A chirpy child-like voice perked up. "Certainly John, comparing current medical records to the scan."

"Thank you EOS."

The device lit up and several long lines of faded light ran up and down the length of Virgil and after a few minutes EOS's voice returned.

"Scan indicates that something seems stuck within the tube of the gallbladder preventing bile from entering and exiting the liver. There appears to be inflammation and signs of possible infection. He needs emergency surgery immediately."

John shouldered Virgil off his two brothers and almost buckled under the weight. "I'll bring him down stairs, Scott please wake up Dad so he can fly Virgil out -YOU are NOT to fly under any circumstances, if you try it I'll have EOS lock all of Two's flight controls."

"Come on John, it's only a dislocated shoulder, nothing major." Scott was really getting over everyone making a fuss over what he saw as a very minor injury.

"It's not nothing Scott. If you don't recover you can forget about flying Thunderbird One ever again. Dad will make sure of that." John's expression remained stoic. "It's bad enough having Gordon restricted to what he can and can't do, wasting most of my time because he's bored."

"I'll go wake dad then." Sometimes John was bitingly blunt, tapping into one of Scott's fears and wounding Gordon in one swoop.

For once, Gordon didn’t quip back a retort. "I'll reclean the bathroom again before Grandma hits the roof." He said, his voice sounding like John had struck a nerve. "After I grab something clean to just throw over Virgil."

"My wardrobe, a big loose long t-shirt will do." John grunted as he adjusted Virgil so it would make it easier to help the big guy who was barely standing walk. "Maybe another shower too while you're at it Gordon." He added, wrinkling his nose.

"I'm perfectly fine gu-" Virgil started to say before he yelped in pain clutching his side and throwing up more stomach acid onto the wooden floorboards.

"Really needed you to coat my feet in that."

"Sorry Gordo."

Gordon laughed and brushed it off. "No harm done, you guys tell me I don't shower enough. Three in the space of several hours should mean something right?"

This got a forced smile from the second eldest before he groaned in pain.

"Scott, while you're grabbing Dad and getting Virgil a shirt… Could you grab some clothes for me too?" Gordon asked. "Please? Means I don't have to wander around naked now that everyone's home."

"Now there's a smart idea." John grumbled. "Come on, Virgil needs a surgeon."

As John started to walk with Virgil carefully down the hall, Gordon looked up at Scott and said, "John's right. If you decide to fly out with your shoulder and make it worse we'll have no one to fly Thunderbird Two in an emergency. Dad was very 'direct' when he put his foot down in regards to me flying anything without a licence. Shame, as I'm the only person besides Virgil who knows every single thing she can do and I've limped her home more than once via slaving her controls to one of the pods."

"I never thought I'd say this but I miss controlling a pod, especially with all the neat things they can do. I don't miss falling out of the sky, you can keep that thrill to yourself." he gave his sibling a playful nudge. "Just please start taking a parachute will you? You really scare me that one day Virgil's going to bring you home in a box."

"Don't worry Gordo I'm not going to do something that reckless, I'm going to be around for a long time yet." Scott tried to sound cheerful which wasn't that easy. 

Truth be told he felt quite lost lately, with their father back and leading IR he wasn't sure where he stood anymore. He'd put so much of his time and energy into it, he didn't know what he had besides it anymore, to not be a part of it anymore was his greatest fear.

He didn't confide in any of his brothers about his own fears, they had their own problems to deal with.

"I know Gordon I'm sure you will be back out there soon, it's an adjustment for all of us, but I'm sure dad knows what's best."

Gordon gave a weak smile which mirrored how Scott felt inside. "We were fine when he wasn't here." What he didn't say was how much more on a leash he had been put on in regards to being restricted to the house. The lack of people ever calling for him should have been obvious to his other brothers by now that he was the only one who had no friends and this didn't make the situation any better. "Go help John, I'll be fine here till you come back."

Scott left Gordon and woke their father and explained the situation. He watched as he and Virgil along with John left in Thunderbird Two, before getting a shirt for Gordon that he had asked for.

As Scott made his way back to the hallway where their bedrooms were, he paused when he heard another voice in with Gordon. 

Alan was also up and by the sound of things, blind drunk too.

"Come on Gordon, I know as well as you do that you're only still pretending to be interested in Penelope to save face. Just admit it!"

"Never said I was pretending."

"You are. If you weren't you'd have made moves bloody years ago."

"Says who?"

"Pffft everyone?"

"Alan, you're just saying that so you can worm your way into sleeping with me. It's not going to happen."

Scott stopped dead in his tracks outside the bathroom door, just what was he hearing? His youngest two siblings were sleeping together? He was in complete shock.

"Aw come on Gordon, it's not like you're EVER going to meet anyone."

There was a brief pause before Gordon answered. "Alan, even if you weren't my brother and I was desperate for sex I still wouldn't sleep with you."

Scott breathed a sigh of relief. Good, despite Alan's advancers Gordon hadn't acted on them.

"Ah so you would because we're related!?" Alan's voice purred.

"What? No!" Gordon's voice was raised. "I've seen what you're like when you're on a date with other people, Alan. Sure you're wonderful, sweet, friendly and clever but you can also be manipulative, irrational, demanding and controlling."

"Those are bad things?"

"Yes, yes they are."

"But if they're up against your qualities of opening your mouth and spouting a string of stupidity they can't be all that bad can they?"

Then the banging of glass started. "Come on Gordon, let me in there and show you a good time!"

"Uh uh no way Alan!"

"You're funny when you play hard to get!"

"Seriously, you're stinking drunk Al!"

"Says the one in the shower still in his pyjamas." Alan's voice slurred.

Gordon's voice sounded annoyed. "Alan, I'm not into you ok? I like older men and women which is WHY I haven't asked Penelope SQUAT!"

"Wait, what?" Alan sounded shocked.

"You heard me. I like people OLDER than me. Not just a year or two either."

"Really? Ewww so you're into cougars and sugar daddies?"

"You make it sound like I'm into Grandma." There was a snort. "Just maybe I dunno six or so years give or take."

"But why? You got me, a younger more attractive and fun loving model? If you let me show you you'll see th-"

"No! Get out Alan! And put some pants on will you!"

"You know you want some Gordon, admit it!"

"Oh for fucks sake! Put it away." Gordon's voice groaned, sounding rather sick of the harassment. "I just want to stop smelling like acid wash and puke so I can go to bed! Why is that so bloody hard to understand?"

That was enough for Scott to throw the door open. "What is going on here?!" He yelled startling both the younger Tracys. "Well speak up, you both have a lot of explaining to do, with pants on now!" He demanded stepping into the room especially in between Alan and the shower stall, whom needed to cool off his excitement.

"I just want to show Gordon that he needs a really good bit of man meat." Alan whined. "You didn't have to crash my party."

Alan grumpily grabbed a towel, barely wrapping it around himself before the tall blonde made an exit. He was truth be told, intimidating to look at especially now he was almost equal to John in height and had bulked up considerably like Virgil. There was no illusion that if he had got into the shower that Gordon would have been in a lot of trouble.

Speaking of which, the shortest of his siblings looked more relieved than he expected to see as he stormed in, though it was hard to say if he was shaking because of Alan's drunken antics or because of the freezing cold water that was drenching him while fully clothed. 

"T-thanks, I owe you one." Gordon forced himself to give Scott a smile as the shower was turned off. He was under no illusion that without the glass between him and Alan he would have possibly been assaulted good and proper. Each time Alan got drunk even around the house he had become more bold and for the first time Gordon couldn't shrug it off that he was terrified of him. He stepped out when he was sure that only Scott was in the bathroom and grabbed a towel to wrap around himself, making sure to hide beneath it as unlike earlier the confidence of undressing and being naked in front of his older brother was completely gone.

"Did Alan go into his room or my room?" Gordon asked, his voice weary as if he had been through this more than once.

"Your room."

"Great. I guess I'm sleeping on the couch again."

Scott's brow furrowed. "How often does this happen, Gordon?"

"Everytime Alan goes drinking." Gordon smiled weakly. "And no, I would never do anything to him despite the amount of times he's tried it on me. It's probably why he keeps doing it too as he knows I'm harmless."

"But sleeping on the couch-"

"Is to make sure. I know Alan isn't joking when he says he's got it in for me. One close encounter in the pool was enough for me, Scott." Gordon looked serious before releasing what he had been saying and attempted to back peddle. "Don't get the wrong idea ok? Please don't get Dad involved, he'd probably send us somewhere for therapy to try and fix something that's not broken. I asked EOS and she gave me some possible ideas as to why which are ENTIRELY plausible. I just I -."

Gordon ran his fingers through his hair. "We're fucked aren't we even though we've never done anything. You have to throw us under, right? " he gave Scott a worried look before breaking eye contact. "I'll… I'll tell Dad tomorrow, it's not like I'm in his good books already." Gordon turned back to him with a shrug and a hint of a smile though it was clear it was a half-hearted attempt to hide what he really felt. He had dropped his guard more than once tonight and he couldn’t bring himself to muster the high energy required to continuously 'fake it' when everything was looking as bad as it was - the complete opposite of being able to find it from completely nowhere when things were fine or he wanted to cheer people up.

He sagged his shoulders. Maybe it would be for their own good? Alan's certainly.

Scott ran a hand through his hair. "If you can promise me one thing Gordon, no one needs to say anything…"

"Promise what exactly? If it's about your shoulder then fine." Gordon relaxed. "It's not like I've told anyone about this anyway. Who'd believe me without seeing it first hand?"

"No Gordon," That ship had sailed already. "I want you to promise me nothing is happening or going to happen between you and Alan. Look Gordon, with everything going on I don't want to have to say anything to dad and have you both be sent away or worse." The last thing Scott ever wanted to happen was for Gordon and Alan to be disowned, something like this definitely had the potential for them to be. "Just promise me you're not going to act on any of it."

Gordon looked very hurt, though it was extremely brief before he straightened up and appeared insulted by the accusation. "Then you better stop Alan from drinking and maybe give him a lecture in regards to what 'assault' is." He pushed past the eldest Tracy with a hard shove before making his way down stairs, stopping only to look back and shake his head before disappearing. Why did Scott think this was his fault? Alan had been doing this enough to him that his younger brother was lucky he hadn't clocked him one by now… or worse, Alan actually succeeding in his advances because Gordon gave in from fear of being hurt.

But he couldn't tell Scott that.

Sitting on the couch he curled into a ball and shivered. Man, the house could get seriously cold with those monstrously huge windows but it wasn’t the only reason it felt hostile. He never felt alone before and the refusal to admit it just came crashing down.

A steaming mug of hot chocolate suddenly appeared at eye level with a gesture for him to take it.

He looked up at Scott and gratefully took it. "Thank you. Ummm want to sit with me?"

"Sure." Scott sat down on the floor with his back against the couch with his own mug, his head still whirling from just one eventful night, all families had drama - the more people the more or it there was. "John called. Virgil is going into surgery in the next hour, Dad is going to stay at the hospital, John is on his way back now."

"So Dad stayed? That's good. Virgil will be ok with him fussing around." This thought drew a wide smile on Gordon's face. "So glad climbing through a spider filled air duct and being sprayed with vomit was all worthwhile."

He put the drink down on the side table and nestled in beside Scott. "Must really suck looking out for us all the time."

"No it doesn't. I care and worry about all of you deeply, that's why I'll always look out for you." He indicated for Gordon to come closer. "But just between you and me -" He looks around. "You're my favourite brother, but don't let the others know, especially John, he'd be devastated to find out he isn't."

Gordon smirked and he made himself comfortable against his sibling. "I know what you're trying to do." He chuckled. "It's working too, so thanks. Feeling a little less out in the open without a paddle."

Scott smiled at Gordon. "Get some rest, I'll stay with you till you fall asleep."

"You won't need to stay long then." Gordon yawned. "Hey, thank you for making sure I'm ok. Even Virgil doesn't do that anymore." He wanted to add that he honestly thought everyone had given up on him, only capable of being a pest or in Alan's case, a drunk sex toy; though Scott was proof that someone hadn't… to a degree. 

It probably won't last long however one thing was certain, he helped his brother's out a little today even if it was minimal and he barely got a thank you. With International Rescue you rarely ever expected one anyway but now it was rare just hearing it around the house - unless he screwed something up and needed help fixing it.

He curled up into a ball and buried himself against Scott, shaking a little before dozing off into a light slumber, occasionally twitching in case he had to get up to avoid an unidentified flying cushion missile at any moment.

"Good night Gordon." Scott whispererd as he carefully ran his fingers through his brother's wet pale gold hair sending him off into a more peaceful sleep. Occasionally Scott would find a tiny clump of blood still knotted amongst the strands despite it now being three showers in the short space of seven or eight hours.

"Don't leave me behind…" Gordon mumbled barely coherently as he rolled over and stretched out on the blue carpet, a hand tiredly grabbing Scott's shirt and balling it into his fist. "You guys always….leave." there was a groan before he shifted again, settling down now from whatever nightmare had passed his conciousness.

"It's alright Gordon, I'll always be here." Scott whispered.


The next few days were quiet on the rescue front, though Grandma felt it was time to do some spring cleaning and the house had still been filled to the brim with noise despite almost everyone finding ways to be conveniently somewhere else. To Grandma's Surprise however was how much enthusiasm the messiest of her grandsons was to be involved, though the fact he was probably doing it to curb boredom didn't cross her mind.

The noise today was coming from the fact Gordon was singing along to loud cheerful music as he ran a dust mop across the living room floor boards after he had finished vacuuming the carpet in the round seating dugout. The burns were healing up nicely according to Brains which ment soon he could ask someone to give him a lift off the island to a shopping mall or somewhere that he could just roam around freely in for a few hours unsupervised. He hadn't realised until now how little freedom he had living on the island as doing a lot of rescues with Virgil resulted in little side adventures before heading home - now they were all Alan's special trips out instead.

He wasn't mad but he was taken aback with how important being able to have a pilots licence was - and possibly a driver's licence too. Being a licensed Scuba diver wasn't very useful when you didn't have access to a yacht that was on water, though with some effort to get it out of Thunderbird Two's hanger it was possible that could be the way to go if floating around at sea for several days was something he was desperate enough to do but also sounded needlessly reckless.

Only problem was having to explain WHY he wanted off the island for a few hours. Even at his age he knew he was still seen as a kid and the idea of him getting tattoos was an act of rebellion. Rebellion of what though? Gordon had long ago accepted that the rebels in the family were the risk takers and he was FAR from one - dangerous accidents tended to find him instead. They also didn't think tattoos qualified for being an adrenaline junkie… all show no action.

He didn't care though. Not standing out because he didn't choose to stare death in the face and laugh was ok by him. He valued keeping alive as long as possible. Dying like a hero held no glory.

He stopped dancing around with the floor duster when he saw Scott coming down the stairs. "Floor's been polished, watch your step, hey how's the shoulder?"

Scott stopped in his tracks trying hard not to look kind of startled. "Much better." It had been a weird couple of days after the overheard conversation between Gordon and Alan, Scott hadn't been able to stop thinking about it, and not in the way that he should tell their father though.

Being off duty with a lame shoulder hadn't helped; Scott was beginning to understand how Gordon felt being sidelined; he had far too much time to think and not enough distractions.

And then he had a disturbing dream, the kind for one he thought he was too old to be having, and about Gordon no less, what was wrong with him was he no better than Alan? He felt so disgusted with himself.

He really needed to get back into dating or spend some quality time with himself. He must be getting desperate if he was thinking about one of his own brothers that way.

"That's good." Gordon grinned, twirling the stick end of the polisher around. "So I guess you're ready to be back in the saddle?" He caught the pole and started palming it from hand to hand as if he was thinking about something. "Actually, if you are alright to fly again I was wondering if-"

Before Gordon could ask Scott for a trip off the island, the holo table within the round dug out seating area lit up with Lady Penelope's face. 

"Hello? Are you there boys?"

Gordon let the polisher clatter to the floor as he made his way down to the holo table, unable to hide the excitement of the possibility that this was another mini emergency that he could solve. "What seems to be the problem, Lady P?"

Scott stood at the top of the dugout, curiosity taking over. His conversation with Penny and the one he had with John were still fresh in his mind - along with the reminder that his younger brother had only barely healed up from chemical burns. "Yes, what can we do for you Penny?"

Penelope's hologram replied. "You boys remember the oil rugs I had been purchasing on behalf of the world council's environmental branch?"

"The ones you're helping fund convert to clean energy production?"

"Yes, those ones. Well we've got a bit of an issue with one of them, the one Virgil and Kayo had to help me out on to be exact. The site has been off limits since then but as of a few hours ago someone has set off the emergency operations beacon. I'm on my way but it will take me quite a while to get there in FAB Two and I was wondering since your closer would you be able to meet me there to check it out?"

"Sure thing Penelope, I can zip over in Thunderbird F-" Gordon paused himself and looked up at Scott. "Oh yeah, actually Scott can fly Two now and be there faster." He deflated a little, aware that even without Virgil here to simply take over Scott was now the one who had authority over the entire emergency and with Dad's current rosters, Alan would be co-pilot, not him.

He was going to have to sit out again.

"That would be great! Especially since the rig has become a bit of a hazard unto itself. We haven't been able to get to it to start any of its upgrades yet. It should therefore be abandoned which is why we're going to investigate. Abandoned oil rigs don't start functioning by themselves."

"FAB. We'll see you there." Scott turned the projection off.

"Well good luck Scott, just don't let Alan get his feet wet too much." Gordon chuckled as he walked up over to him and tapped his recovered shoulder, hinting without words that he should be careful too. "If you need underwater back up let me know but I think you've got this handled."

Scott grabbed him by the shoulders. "Gordon, that rig doesn't look stable enough to land Thunderbird One on, let alone Two. I think I'm going to need you along on this one. Besides, you know a lot about this sort of stuff, especially in regards to environmental damage."

Before Gordon could speak Scott jumped in with, "Dad's not here so I'm in charge and I'm asking an experienced expert to come with me."

Gordon's face lit up. "FAB!"


"Sorry about the tight fit, Brain's hasn't exactly had Thunderbird Four's upgrades on his list of priorities for some time." Gordon apologised as the small yellow submarine creaked as they made their way towards the location of the oil rig. Scott knew he'd have to stand behind Gordon in the pilot seat but he hadn't realised how tight the space actually was. He had to hunch his shoulders to even fit - if he had John or Alan's height he'd have been bent over double or be forced to spend the entire journey in the rear cabin that had been stripped back to the bare minimum of essentials as Gordon hadn't been able to go anywhere or get Brain's help to make sure everything that SHOULD be onboard was there.

Scott was going to have words with Brain's and find out what the delays were. All the other crafts were routinely inspected and given more functionality while the little submarine could quite possibly be held together with nothing but duct tape for all he knew. She still glided through the water with nimble ease however that was more credit to Gordon who knew the ins and outs of controlling such small crafts.

As the little submarine approached, Gordon frowned. "This looks nothing like an oil rig, Scott. For a start, that looks like an underwater excavator, not four cement poles several feet wide with a drill arm between them."

"Lights are on."

"But they shouldn't be. The last one was decommissioned four years ago." Gordon looked up at Scott. "Why would Penelope lie about this being the oil rig she -"

The underwater excavator started to crawl slowly across the sea floor, its crab-like design stomping along and kicking up sediments as it dragged a huge roller behind it covered in massive shovel like spikes similar to the ocean floor cleaners once owned by Hyderlexer, a company that was secretly fronted by The Hood. The machine lurched and started to shift its course.

"Scott, we have to stop that thing before it gets anywhere near the reef rehabilitation park!" Gordon shouted angrily. "Those things have destroyed far too many habitats already, hence why they were put to sleep to become habitats themselves!"

"Gordon, this is a problem for the GDF, we're not the authorities, we only get involved if someone is - woah!" Scott called out as Thunderbird Four did the sharpest turn he'd felt underwater, flinging him against the nearest wall mounted oxygen tank.

"I'm not bothered about who's behind it!" Gordon snapped. "Those creatures on the reef will have no home if we let it steamroll through! They may not be human but I think they're important enough to rescue!"

With that said, he brought the submarine within close proximity to the excavator and started punching in several buttons in the console. "Going EVA to see if I can get inside and deactivate the power source to stop it ripping up the ocean floor, Scott if you can take Thunderbird Four and try and cut all the cables between the main machine and the rear plough wheel."

He got up from the pilot seat and ducked into the back where his deep dive high pressure exo suit automatically started to equip itself onto him before he dived out the bottom hatch as the back of the sub depressurised and pressurised with water to allow a safe exit and keep Scott in the sealed cockpit free from drowning or being crushed by a sudden lack of air pressure from the main cabin. To Brain's credit he had done everything he possibly could to prevent the pilot - at the bare minimum - presumably from suffering deep sea pressure sickness or the 'bends', though occasionally it still happened leaving Gordon out of action for several weeks, one of which in a decompression chamber to prevent his body going into full paralysis. It had happened to John too on more than one occasion before the lift was built with a recompression chamber though Alan still had problems now and then after long trips into deep space and Scott had at least once when Thunderbird One's own internal pressurised cabin had a fault. 

But they knew the risks and were willing to take them to save the lives of those who would normally be left for dead. To give them a glimmer of hope that they'll survive.

Eventually Gordon's voice filtered on through the radio in the submarine's cockpit. "The hatchway appears to be jammed, going to have to cut my way inside. Hopefully whoever started this thing has a dive suit!"

Scott rolled his eyes. "It's not my first underwater rodeo, Gordon."

"Nah, last time you had to pull Thunderbird Two down with you as well." Gordon's voice muttered back without much amusement. "You could have been crushed alive in the substrate Scott, down here you can't be reckless."

"Says the one who's had the most close encounters."

"Yeah, funny how they were my fault each time." Gordon's voice replied sarcastically. Scott knew full well each time Thunderbird Four got destroyed it was the fault of someone in cahoots with The Hood. Next to Virgil, Gordon was probably the next cautious and the one who stuck to protocol until they threw Thunderbird Four into a situation where nothing applied before going the reckless route - which happened a lot. 

"AH! I'm in! Scott, have you started disconnecting the plough yet?" Gordon asked. "If you've forgotten how to steer, you just park your butt in the seat and like in Thunderbird One, use the arm controls to manoeuvre -"

Scott jumped into the pilot seat. The first thing he needed to do was put the seat back - being taller than Gordon - he hit a button that he thought was for the seat but caused the craft to lurch backwards, he swore lucky there was nothing behind him.

"Careful there Scotty, you don't want to suddenly be EVA without a wetsuit down here. The pressure is pretty damn intense!"

"I hadn't failed to notice, I got it." He replied as he felt around the bottom of the craft to adjust the seat before slipping his arms into the controls to start moving.

Cutting through the cables to the main machine, Scott felt as if the controls were kind of stiff and not very beginner friendly as he scraped one of the arms along the side. Hopefully his brother wouldn't notice though he had informed him that the submarine was well overdue for upgrades as general maintenance wasn't enough.

As Gordon made his way towards the excavators crew cabin the machine suddenly jolted, knocking him off his feet. Out of reflex he reached out to grab the nearest thing to keep him steady, a loose hanging cable from the roof of the corridor. The sudden shock of voltage threw him against the wall activating all the alarm sensors of his suit inside Thunderbird Four's cockpit. Picking himself up he could hear Scott's voice calling to him through the communications in his helmet.

"Gordon! Gordon! Are you alright GORDON! Answer me!" A sense of helplessness came over Scott that he could do nothing as he listened to Gordon screaming.

There was a moment of dead air on the coms before a dry reply came. "I'm - I'm alright, Scott. Luckily the insulated rubber of my suit stopped the worst of it."Gordon took a quick look at the palm of his right hand, the volt of electricity had burnt through the rubber and scorched a nasty entry wound and possibly the need to have minor surgery later to remove bits of the suit that have become stuck to his fingers like hot glue. "All the more reason to shut this thing down for good."

He picked his way more carefully as he advanced, stopping a few times when a sharp pain in his arms or legs made him feel like he was suddenly dragging a ton of cement around. Once inside he put himself in the driver's seat and scanned the control console before him before shifting the seat and sliding under the console.

"Scott, the entire system is on automatic from some sort of remote device. I think I can pull a few wires and scramble the rig. You'll need to make sure you've cut the plough wheel completely clear as if I pull out the wrong thing -"

The entire rig jolted and from the outside, started moving at breakneck speed across the floor, dragging the barley connected plough along behind it as it barreled towards the reef. 

"What in the world is going on in there Gordon!?" Scott exclaimed as Thunderbird Four was smacked into and spun in the water clear from the rig. "Gordon? Gordon, come in!"

"Ahhh that was a terrible idea…." The young aquanaut's voice filtered through the com link like he'd just been forced to eat a spoonful of cinnamon. "Maybe if I just -" 

The com feed filled with a loud scream of pain before it went dead. The lights inside the excavator blinked before dying out.

The eerie silence that followed was unnerving, the excavator dead in the water and the silty sand settling around it in a bizzare calm. Scott stared at it out the windshield of the submarine in shock while an ear splitting noise emitted from the communication radio.


There was a small crackle on the radio.

"GORDON!" Scott shouted, snapping out of his stunned state.

The crackle grew louder, eventuating in a familiar sound.

"We're hunky dory Scotty, no need to lose your head." A faint reply came. "Though Dad is going to have a field day with this one when he sees my right arm."

"You bloody had me going -"

"Yeah, I know. So did I." Gordon's voice chirped. "We can talk about near death experiences later, right now though you can bring her in so I don't have far to swim. Salt water and electrical burns don't mix well."

"Electrical burns?"

"Later Scott. You can have a better look when we're on dry land. Promise."

Back on board the submarine, Gordon flopped in the rear hold, barely saying any words. He listened as Scott managed to make contact with John to guide them back, John talking about Kayo finding some mysterious person impersonating Lady Penelope and after a while Gordon found himself zoning out as a strange sensation of muscles going tort started spreading through his body.

He struggled getting the thick pressure dive suit off but once it had hit the floor and had been kicked aside he thudded his shoulder against the submarine wall and started to relieve himself in the only way he knew how. He'd seen both Virgil and John do this after something incredibly stressful happened, neither really caring if anyone caught them - sometimes you have to do what you have to so your body can relax in the fastest way possible though John took far longer as space had a way of messing with your body.

Truth was, even after being in a high pressure environment, pulling one off was just as long and time consuming and usually Gordon would just jump into a cold shower until the need wore off.

Something was wrong with him and it couldn't just be ignored by sitting around until he made it home to shower so doing it might help him figure out what else he'd have to tell Brains about, especially if the strange tingling and heavy feelings in his body didn't go away.

His legs buckled forcing him to bend over double and yelp in agony as his body shuddered, relieving him of all the tension he'd been shouldering for weeks. He was panting in a blind panic - that had NEVER hurt before! 

"Ahhh Gordon, are you alright back there?" Scott didn't look around as he asked, he was fully aware of Gordon’s self activity and would rather leave him to it but that cry didn't sound like one of ecstasy.

Gordon clutched at his chest, struggling to get his breathing under control as his heart was losing its mind. 

He hadn't been spared from the brunt of the electric shocks like he had thought.

Shaking violently all over, he fully collapsed on the steel floor, unable to call out as his heart and his breathing forced the muscles in his body to contract rapidly like they were being contorted in a vice.

"Gordon, Gordon Are you okay?" Scott waited a moment before switching to auto pilot and getting up from the seat. "Gordon!" He rushed to his side. Gordon was shaking violently on the floor. Was he having a seizure? Quickly he turned him onto his side into the recovery position before making his wetsuit into a makeshift pillow for under his head.

It only lasted a few seconds but as everything started to calm down another wave jolted through his system, followed by another. When they stopped Gordon could not only feel his heart trying to escape his chest thumping as hard as it could as if it was rattling around his ribcage, he could now hear someone trying to talk to him though his jaw had locked up leaving him unable to reply. Shakily, he grabbed whoever it was by the arm and tried to squeeze it so they knew he was still conscious.

When his jaw unlocked along with the rest of his muscles he let out a soft groan and felt heavy, like he had become dead weight.

"What…. What happened?" He looked up bleary at Scott before shivering. "Where's my clothes? Why are we in Thunderbird Four?"

"Take it easy Gordo I think you just had a seizure."

Gordon tried to sit up but lay back in Scott's arms when pain sparked across his chest from his heart. Even in his confusion he could put two and two together. 

"Hey lie still, I'll get the med kit and check your vitals" Scott left Gordon for just a moment to retrieve the kit, he placed a sensor on Gordon's hand, and started the scan.

"Do we have to go to the hospital?" Gordon winced as another stabbing pain convulsed in his chest. "Ok so that's a yes." He let go of Scott's arm before sighing heavily. "I'm permanently off the team now aren't I? Funny how the only thing that's made me remotely feel wanted or useful now has to be taken away." He gave his older brother a weak smile to show he hadn't fully given up on himself. "I'm sure I can find something to do. If Grandma and Parker can still be useful at their age with everything going on, surely I can be. Dad can't completely take me off duty, right? Right Scotty? Please tell me you're on my side…."

"Gordon one thing at a time, let's see how serious this is first…" Scott frowned looking over the readings. "Your blood pressure is elevated and your heart is beating irregular we need to get it back down or you could go into cardiac arrest."

Gordon's head rested against his brother's lap as exhaustion started to overwhelm him and the shakes started to return, though only because his nervous system was now being forced to adapt to almost being fried and being held against its will when his muscles sezied. "Might be a little late, don't you think?" 

As his vision started to blur as everything started to feel like it was closing in, Gordon's voice came out strangled and terrifed. "I'm scared, Scott." Was all he could manage before giving into tiredness.

"It's going to alright Gordon I promise."


"Hey, thanks for volunteering to take me to doctors." Gordon gave Scott a playfully gentle punch in the arm. "Not exactly how I imagined getting off the island but beggars can't be choosers."

"Of course, anything for you. " This appointment was important of course but it was a lot more than that for Scott. He felt completely responsible for what happened, he didn't think he could ever make it up to Gordon.

Two weeks had passed since the incident onboard the underwater excavator though while John, Kayo and Jeff were busy investigating who could possibly be impersonating Lady Penelope, Scott had been more or less left in charge of making sure Gordon recovered and attended his doctor's appointments. Sure enough, Jeff had to take him off any future rescue duty as finding out Gordon now had permanent cardiovascular Arrhythmia which thanks to the shocks he suffered. 

It hadn't stopped him from seeking out things to do to replace the adrenaline rush - parts of him still wouldn't get the memo that he could no longer do everything he used to until he possibly collapsed from it. There had been one close call just by walking up the stairs from the kitchen to the bedrooms which gave him a rude awakening he didn't like with how bad it really could be.

He glanced at his strapped up hand before looking back to Scott. "Hey you know, there's a rock climbing place nearby if you wanna stop in there, maybe we could also go see a holo movie?" Gordon grinned, clearly not wanting to waste this opportunity he had been presented. It had been far too long since he got to do anything fun with anyone. "And there's this really neat retro gaming arcade we could visit too after lunch! Ok sure I'm not as good as John on the claw or pinball machines, but this place also has go karts and honestly why shouldn't we go for a spin?"

He bounced around in his heels as if what had happened never occurred, though while he had the behaviour of a bouncing puppy Scott could see that some of it was missing - the usual rocking back and forth and the playful dancing around in his footsteps seemed to be absent despite the cheerful optimism he seemed to be oozing out from every other action.

"I mean, you could take a cart for a spin while I watch." Gordon corrected himself before Scott could do so for him. "Or there's a tattoo parlour around here right? Why not stop by and get a small one each? There can't be any harm in that."

Scott's eyes went wide. "A tattoo? No, no, no, Gordon dad would kill us." It also didn't sit well with Scott to have something so permanent on your skin.

Gordon walked around his older sibling and poked him in a spot between the shoulder blades and seemed to draw with his fingers. "You know, a huge lion or maybe a cheetah would look fantastic on you, say about this big and about this wide?" Gordon put his fingers on certain location points along Scott's spine. "Full colour if it's a cheetah, black and white for a proud lion."

"Come on Gordon… no I mean it. " Scott couldn't deny he enjoyed the feeling of Gordon tracing his fingers along his back, it had been far too long since someone had touched him, he really needed to get these thoughts about his own brother out of his head.

"Hey it's your body you can do whatever you want right?" Gordon grinned. "Though if you DID want one, this size -" he drew a roughly large shape on his brother's back. "It'll be a two hour job since the new machines they use take a while to do something that large."

Scott caught himself leaning into those fingers too much as Gordon traced, he couldn't help smiling. "I'm not going to stop you getting one."

When Scott turned to face him, Gordon was standing comically lopsided, deep in thought as if he'd been sucked right out of an old sixties cartoon, fingers tapping his chin. " Well you know the story Kayo's Dad once told us about the carp who wanted to become a dragon? Something like that going from shoulder to waist down my back but koi fish fighting their way upstream hoping to ascend into dragons."

He stood tall for his short stature and seemed to be filled with an inner spark. "I'd like that."

And there it was, the small bounce in his walk that had been missing since they arrived. Obviously the thought of getting a tattoo was enough to get him excited again."We could go right now, if that's alright with you?"

"Sure lead the way, we can check out their samples, maybe they have something like what you're looking for."

"Oh I've had this idea swimming around a while." Gordon smiled, tapping a button on his watch and showing Scott a hologram of something Virgil had painted. "I took pictures since I knew Virgil wouldn't dare let me take his paintings anywhere they might get damaged. There's a few I could ask to be mixed together. " 

"Wow that's actually really stunning, I'm not changing my mind though." He replied seeing the look on Gordon's face.

Gordon smirked and tapped the watch again so a map displayed the area and located a tattoo parlour nearby. "Your loss Scotty. Besides, not like anyones ever going to see me shirtless anymore anyway so who cares if I get one? Come on, let's go!" Gordon shouted excitedly, leading the way.

The walk was only two blocks from the doctors however by the time they reached the parlour Gordon had leaned his back against the window before bending double from chest pain.

He glanced up at Scott worriedly. "I don't think medication is going to be the solution like the doctor said." Gordon then let out a groan that didn't sound great to the ears. "I can't even walk very far without feeling I've been hit by a truck!"

"Give it a chance Gordo you have only been on it a short time" He'd be lying if he said he wasn't worried too, Gordon was likely never going to be the same.

He straightened up and tried not to look winded but wasn't very convincing. "So, you're just going to watch huh? I never took you as a stickler for Dad's rules, that's Virgil and John's domain; though frankly if John could be convinced to pull the rod out of his butt he'd see why some rules are meant to be broken."

Scott would have agreed with that before but again with their dad and changing everything, he didn't want to give him a reason to put in his bad books.

"He just needs to get out more, but John has always been a workaholic, so leave has to be practically forced on him or…"

"He could get O'Bannon to suck him off?" Gordon snorted in amusement. "He's got more chance of programing a sex bot with EOS to do that for him and it would choose Ridley over him everytime." He then burst out laughing till he was back bent over from a different sort of pain but one that was welcome.

"Come on Scott, you used to break every single rule in the book! What the hell happened?"

"Life and reality Gordon I couldn't keep tossing the book out the window, and expect it was all going to work out when I had people's life in my hands."

"Yeah? Well I guess things are different when you're nearly forty." Gordon teased. Scott was only thirty four but sometimes Gordon swore his older brother acted like an old man. Even their Dad had some crazy silly ideas like taking them all bungee jumping at Niagara falls or abseiling down the tallest building in Dubai - both of which Gordon admittedly chickened out of as he had enough of that stuff on rescues.

"So how come you're letting me get a tattoo then if you think they're not that great? Know something I don't?" Gordon raised an eyebrow before chuckling. "Want to see if I get in trouble first, is that it? Well just so you know I'm not afraid of Dad. It's not like he'll ever see it on me anyway." With that he wandered into the store and stood at the counter as Scott followed in afterwards shaking his head. 

A redheaded lady came out from the back and greeted them. "What can I do for you gentlemen?"

"Well I was wondering if I could get a decorative custom back tattoo?" Gordon grinned, forever personable and charming as he could be.

"Well if that's all you are after then we'll get you to sign these forms and then we can head over to the tattoo machines." The woman smiled politely, stepping out around the counter and handing Gordon a data slate. "You know how it is these days, everything has to require medical checks."

Gordon's cheerful expression seemed to fade as he scanned the document on the slate before he handed it back to the lady and said, "Oh, you're really tough with these medical things aren't you? Is there anyone who you know, does these the old fashioned way instead?"

"I'm very sorry sir." The woman responded. "But there's no one that does it the old fashioned way anymore since insurance companies have made it impossible to do without giving artists massive legal issues."

Gordon forced a smile and waved it off. "Nah it's fine. I didn't expect to have a medical problem that would pose an issue, that said I'm curious how these machines work if people who have known heart conditions or pace makers can't use these devices."

"Unfortunately only customers are allowed back there. I'm sorry you will have to leave."

Gordon's entire frame sagged as if the lady had sucked the life out of him. Scott expected him to push back, to argue until he was given the number of some backyard artist but strangely he seemed to just let it go. Shrugging he stepped out of the shop and looked around. "Maybe we could get a drink instead? Uh… know anywhere we can get something other than coffee?"

"You mean something stronger?"

"No I guess… I don't know Scott. You know I'm the health food nut at home! Besides, I don't even know what I can even eat or drink anymore without giving myself a stroke!" Gordon snorted with some amusement. "Twenty Five and we're worried about having a stroke. Shouldn't that be dad?"

"What?" Scott stopped in his tracks. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

Gordon slunk back. "Not particularly but you'll probably find out anyway." He leaned against the shop window. "It's not like our medical records aren't easily accessible to each other anyway."

"I'd rather not do that, and have you tell me yourself, so do you want to talk?"

Gordon nervously scratched his head. "Sure, just not out here ok?"

"Sure of course you want to get that drink still or we could get a hotel. I don't think we'll be flying home tonight."

Gordon looked at him wearily. "That obvious huh?"

"I have a feeling you don't quite want to go home yet."

"Not after that appointment. I don't want to face Dad yet. John's probably done me the honours by now." Gordon sent a file from his holo watch to Scott. "Kinda like the last time, they're surprised I'm walking around though I honestly would agree, I fried just about everything."

Scott opened the file and skimmed through it. "How about we go get a seat at a diner? Come on."

Scott led them to a replica 1950's diner they got a booth in the back, as Gordon ordered Scott started reading through the file his expression became more and more concerned.

"What do you feel like? I figured I'd just stick with some buckwheat pancakes and strawberries and maybe the homemade kombutcha that's listed here."

"I ahhh…" He closed the file. "Umm just a burger and lemonade I guess." Scott didn't have much of an appetite after reading only a little of the medical records, he believed Gordon was right, how could meds alone be enough to fix this?

Gordon nodded and ordered thier food via the on table holoscreen and started fiddling with a napkin, feeling incredibly anxious. "You upset with me for being a bit reckless the other day? I didn't mean it the first time and the other two I wasn't aware the condole had loose wiring when I put my hands into it." He let out a groan and flattened the napkin to the table with his palms. "They're going to either treat me like I'm in the way or made of glass aren't they?"

"No, no Gordo I'm not upset with you, not at all…but what do you want me to do? Pretend everything is fine, everything is normal, act like I don't care?"

Gordon's expression soured. "Of course not! I don't want to be treated differently either! I never have and yet that all anyone does! My mistake thinking you'd understand that." He stood up and stormed out of the dinner to cool off wandering halfway down the street before he had to sit lest his legs give way. Scott could cancel his order and take him straight home for all that mattered now. He didn't want to accept the fact he was now more or less useless but clearly he couldn't avoid what was staring him in the face.

Why did he just blow up in Scott's face over it though? That part he couldn't figure out as usually he'd let everyone stomp all over him and just brush it off like it was nothing. Scott had at least been the most civil and tolerant person about this so far, Alan thought he was faking it to avoid him, Virgil would rather hang out with Kayo and John just kept his distance plain and simple. Dad had volunteered but Grandma thankfully made him see sense in letting her grandsons have some autonomy in their lives. 

Finding out he was collateral wasn't something he wanted to think about either. Overhearing Virgil, John and Brains discussing the fact they needed a decoy to lure the fake Penelope to call made him sick in the guts over the way none of them thought he could have been trusted with that information. Getting electrocuted and turning his entire existence upside down wouldn't hurt so much if he KNEW he was potentially walking into something that could have killed him. 

There was just too much to unpack and it just all exploded at once.

He took a deep breath and despite the rattle in it he got back to his feet and headed back towards the dinner, sheepishly sliding back into his seat as Scott was getting his stuff from the chair beside him.

"Look, I'm sorry Scott. You're right, you are entitled to worry. Gotten a little too used to people doing the opposite lately that it's hard to tell when it's genuine. Penny, John and Alan are right, I'm not very likeable and a huge jerk. I don't know why or how it started but it's the truth and probably the reason Dad gave me less duties, it gives International Rescue a bad image. Guess none of them need to worry about my attitude being a problem to deal with anymore and can just ignore me easily now."

"Thank you, for putting up with me. I don't deserve it."Gordon hung his head, aware that Scott could just simply get up and leave him there as he was within his rights to do and come back to pick him up the next morning after being forced to fend for himself and get a dose of harsh reality. Virgil had more than once when he pushed too far though at least this time he wasn't in uniform and had access to cash. Next to John he was more or less a nobody unless you've been rescued in the submarine and many who were didn't keep in touch with him afterwards like they would with Virgil, Scott, John and Alan.

Scott smiled and sled into the booth beside Gordon pulling an arm around him. "It's alright Gordon, you can be angry; I get it, it isn't fair that this happened and we're all worried about you, you don't see how much we care but we do." Scott let his words hang in the air for a moment as he gave Gordon's shoulder a rub. "And it's been my pleasure to spend time with you."

"If you call it a pleasure being made to babysit me." Gordon huffed. "Have you ever considered what you might do if you were forced out of the rescue business?"

Gordon stared at the ceiling, unable to look at his sibling. "I didn’t and I'll be honest it's really hard. I can pretend all I like that everything is fine... but that first moment you hear the call and run to your action station only to find your own DNA key doesn't work to only be pushed aside and someone else doing the one thing you were good at."He sighed.

"Add to that the fact that I don't have much in common with anyone at home and the only people I know outside of family are two cryptozoologists who are barely in one place long enough to be friends with, or they're in prison." Gordon had weirdly kept in touch with Fuse who used to work with the Hood, along with his sister Havoc; a man who had left him to die trapped under a deep sea volcano vent and had held so much guilt over it he happily surrendered on the condition that he was allowed to know if he was fine. Unlike his sister he had a good chance of being rehabilitated, as he had also saved Scott's life from radiation poisoning after Scott had saved his.

"It's pretty lonely when you have everything taken away, Scotty. Not only that it's rather boring when you realise you have nothing to do and can't even enjoy doing fun things." Gordon frowned. "Right now it sucks worse than Max trying to vacuum under the couch."

"One no one made me spend time with you Gordon and I don't at all think I'm babysitting you and two honestly no I haven't really ever thought about it." Rescue and helping people always kind of been what Scott did even before IR having been a scout.

"Well I guess you don't need to stress much, your friends with that Vanarkle lady and a few others. How was your dinner date with her anyway?" Gordon quickly changed the subject as food arrived at the table, a bad habit he had when he thought a subject was getting too personal.

Scott went back over to the other side of the booth to eat. "Yeah it was good to catch up with her, she's dating this new guy. He sounds nice."

"Oh. That's good for her I suppose."Gordon poked his food around the plate. "What about the ranger guy? His son Aden is really smart you know, you guys seemed to get along when we brought them back here to patch his leg up."

Scott couldn't help looking a bit embarrassed. "Ahhh yeah he was umm just looking for some." He coughs. "fun." Scott then laughs. "We've never really talked about this kind of stuff have we?"

"Well no. I guessed because everyone assumed the idea of Penelope and I were too funny to succeed and they were right. Never went anywhere though now I figure it's all my fault. I've sort of… let it lie." Gordon eventually pushed the plate away, not feeling hungry. "Hard to take an interest in others' love lives when your own is everyone's joke. Not that it'll matter much, I've learnt a bit about what I like now and it's not open for discussion."

He rested on his wrists and gave Scott a gentle smile. "What sort of fun? Go night clubbing or something together?"

Scott hesitated a moment. "Ahhh no, it wasn't one of my finest moments the first time or the second time… or the third time." He was really hoping Gordon wasn't going to make him spell it out."

"Oh. That bad, huh?"

Wanting to change the subject Scott asked, "So, when it comes to Penelope, just how do you feel about her?"

"Hurt mostly." Gordon shifted in his seat in hopes Scott wouldn't see the pain cross his face. "Confused too, especially knowing all those things I had done for her that got me injured were for a fraud. Honestly? Betrayed more than anything else being used as bait." He waves it off. "Again it doesn't matter because while she treated me like shit, I found out more about what I really like and it's not her."

He gave Scott a dirty look. "It's not Alan either. I've accompanied him on some double dates he's set me up on before and no joke that kid needs to learn boundaries and he's never going to learn them on island."

Gordon tapped the table. "I don't even - I can't approach the topic myself. Sex has never factored into my life as much as yours." It was unfortunate Alan and Gordon had never had the experience of living off the island and missed out on the opportunity of meeting and getting to know different people.

"Have you been with anyone before?"

Gordon stopped tapping and leaned back only to look as if he wanted the booth to swallow him. "No. Neither romantically or sexually. I don't have any regular friends Scotty so unsure how I can have other relationships." A little noise started coming from his watch and after he turned it off he pulled out a small pill box, opened one of the lids and gulped down several with his drink.
"Also before you ask, pornogragphy doesn't do it for me. Like I don't get it, how can you be attracted when you haven't got an emotional connection? It's a picture or a movie with… I dunno. No build up, no excitement, nothing. You don't know these people, they don't know you - so like how is that attractive?" 

Gordon started tapping the table again."So, are we finding somewhere to stay or are we taking the sonic bird back home?"

"A hotel I think, unless you're wanting to go straight home?" Scott asked retrieving his stuff as he picked up the check.

Gordon thought for a bit. "No. Not in a hurry to return."

Scott nodded, he could see Gordon looked completely exhausted. "I'll pay the bill and we'll find somewhere hopefully close by."

"Sure." Gordon nodded. He wasn't too inclined to argue. Going home ment facing questions he needed time to think about and while Scott was poking him with ones he really didn't wish to answer, it felt some weight was lifted from his shoulders that someone knew he didn't see relationships the same way as everyone else.

They didn't end up spending too long looking for somewhere to stay, after an hour of walking Gordon’s legs had given out and was forced to sit around in a fast food shop until Scott found a place for the night.

The room was modest with two double beds. Scott thinking it was a better idea to share in case anything happened in the night. 
It had its own bathroom and breakfast bar overlooking some breathtaking views that wasn't really important as Gordon just being comfortable and safe for the night.

The younger Tracy didn't waste time crawling onto one of the beds, greatfully sinking into the sheets. "Forget that there's bigger beds than what I sleep in at home." He grinned. "Thanks, I guess I owe you."

"It's fine Gordo, anytime." Scott didn't get an answer as he was out the moment his head hit the pillow, he sat on the bed watching him sleep. He looked quite peaceful despite his medical records saying very much otherwise. 

The watch beeped and a little light blinked on and off as it picked up unusual heart tremors, each one made his sibling reshift how he lay.

Scott ran his fingers through Gordon's light blonde hair until he was so deeply asleep he didn't even stir, sharing a bathroom at home he hadn't failed to notice how Gordon had grown into an attractive young man.

He found himself moving closer but pulled away before he went through with what he was thinking, this was insane and so very wrong yet he didn't feel that as strongly as he should. 

He needed some air and to clear his head, he synced his watch to Gordon's to alert him if anything of concern happened and headed out the door.

Wandering the streets he suddenly found himself back at a familiar place, where a crazy idea came to mind, well not as much as the one he just had back in the hotel. It wasn't hard to retrieve some images before he approached the shop.

Another woman was behind the counter, busy organising the shop for closing. "Oh hello! May I help you sir?"

"Hi, are you still open?"

The lady behind the counter smiled.


"So, about your medical records son, we need to have a chat."

Jeff indicated for Gordon to sit down at the kitchen table across from him. Gordon stared at him, glancing over to John who was standing in front of the bench before slowly taking a seat.

"John's told you huh?" He said blankly, not taking his eyes off his immediate older brother.

"I had to Gordon. What the doctor put on your file flagged up on EOS'S system thinking it was an error."

"Oh it's not an error." Gordon chirped. "I just haven't figured out how I wanted to break it to everyone yet."

"So it's serious?" Jeff frowned.

Gordon looked confronted. "Of course it is. I got several hundred volts through my system three times in the space of twenty minutes." He looked at his right hand where the burn wounds were still visible and was going to leave a permanent scar which went up along his forearm and a glance at his left which had lesser burn scars but electrical ones all the same. 

Looking back up at Jeff, he added, "I'm lucky to be alive with everything that's wrong after that."

"I'll say." John folded his arms. "Your heart, lungs and nervous system are seriously malfunctioning and they're not doing anything other than giving you pills for it."

"Well surgery is a last resort option." Jeff interrupted, taking John off his high horse. "And it's a slim chance you'd wake up from the aesthetic after what needs to be done."

"Yeah, I know." Gordon winced and he caught John's subtle expression of acknowledgement as last time Gordon was in hospital he was the only one allowed in while he was under aesthetic as Grandma didn't think anyone else would cope if he didn't pull through. The fact he was the only one to never have been under until then, finding out he had a reaction to it in the emergency room was quite scary. To now have the possibility of him having a sezuire at the same time was something no one wanted to think about.

"So what are we going to do?"

Gordon sat up straight before halling himself out of the chair. "You're going to do nothing, John. Dad's done plenty already by taking me off duty. What else is there for anyone to do anyway? Besides I know what I plan on doing with myself."

Jeff rasied an amused eyebrow. "Oh? Such as?"

"Oh you know, doing things I put off enjoying while I was training my butt off trying to be something I'm not. You know a huge weight has come off my shoulders because of this." Gordon grinned, rolling his shoulders. "It's nice to finally be out of your shadows. I was never going to stand out from all of you anyway, you guys are just incredible at everything you do, it's hard to keep up at your standard."

He walked around the table and gave Jeff a hug. "I'll be ok Dad. You don't have to worry so much."

As Gordon left the kitchen for the reading room around the corner, he got a sense he was being followed.

"Yes, John?" He said, not turning around and grabbing a book off the shelf.

"You know telling dad not to worry -" 

Gordon stood tall and drew himself up before turning around, closing the gap between himself and John before cocking his head to one side. 

"Why can't I? John I don't need others to worry about 'what if' and treat me like I'm made of glass. I also don't really need anyone reminding me every damn second that I can be minding my own business and suddenly my brain, heart, lungs or my entire nervous system decides it's going to shit itself and shut everything down. It's damn depressing and I don't want to live the rest of my life locked up in a room waiting for it to happen. Now if you don't mind, I plan on not wasting time arguing about it when I just should take things easy for the time being."

"Fine, just don't come and annoy me the second your bored -"

Gordon cut him off, brushing past him and pressing the book he picked up into his brother's chest."Don't worry Johnny, haven't got the faintest interest in rescues anymore. Got other things on my mind." 

As he wandered deeper into the lower level of the house, John glanced at the book in his hands. 

"Creating an impression: a guide to finding love." John read aloud. "Huh, didn't think you'd be that desperate Gordon."


"So, I've seen those magazines on your desk… are you thinking about putting yourself back on the market? You're making a bold move by doing so." Virgil commented as he passed Scott a wrench. "I'm not even game enough to do that. I actually asked if I could attend more of those functions, sure I'm not into hobnobbing it up but if I want to have my art taken seriously I have to mingle in those circles."

"I don't know," Scott replied as he tightened a bolt. "Just lately I've been feeling like maybe I want to find someone and have a more meaningful relationship than just something 'casual'. Thinking about it, I haven't really had that before." The next bolt was so high up he could only just reach it, his shirt lifting up as he did so.

"Well just be careful. There are people out there who are only interested in us for money." Virgil warned. "I've sadly run into one too many."

"How are you guys going up there?" A voice called up from down below them. Virgil looked down and seemed to smile. 

"Speaking of someone who should try and go on a date but chickens out the second it involves a room full of people." Virgil chuckled before calling down. "It's going very well, just a few parts needing fresh wires but otherwise done."

"Oh good!" John called back. "Then you guys won't mind coming down for a bit of a chat about fish brains!"

"What's Gordo done now?" Virgil gave Scott a confused look. "He's been keeping his head low enough to not get under anyone's nose let alone John's, unless he's glued John's bed clothes to the ceiling again."

John put a hand on his hips and waved a book around. "Gordon's been trying to organise himself a trip to the mainland to try speed dating. I have the phone records and everything."

Virgil raised an eyebrow. "And that's an issue because?" He clambered down the gantry ladder until he was back on solid ground and walked across to John. "Dad can easily fly him out, so can Alan. It's a non issue. Besides, it's a step forward for him to see him letting go and moving on from Penny. Isn't that a good thing?"

Scott closed the panel on thunderbird one, before climbing down to join the discussion.

John opened his mouth and shut it in disbelief. "Well obviously it is but still shouldn't we be concerned? Like it's not as if he's the most -"

"Social? Yeah about that John, Gordon is VERY social; the complete opposite to you in fact. It's just that few people want to hang out with someone who can be high energy and then suddenly burn out on you."

"Then we should be extra worried. What if he meets someone dangerous? Ends up telling them too much? Then there's his health to consider, at home there's always someone present if something happens, on his own beyond here? There's no one to help if things go bad."

"John," Virgil rested a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I may be the only person who will tell you this but Gordon is quite capable of looking after himself, more so now than he ever has."

"But what about the other stuff? We got word that the Hood escaped prison! He could be anywhere!"

"I think Virgil is right." Scott's eyes had been more opened to just the kind of person Gordon was. "If you're so very worried though, maybe you should volunteer to chaperone Gordon." He knew John would never do such a thing but it was amusing to watch him go pale at the thought, even if it was only slightly more than he already was.

Virgil laughed. "Why not volunteer yourself? You did say you were interested in getting back into the dating game. Besides you've been hanging out with him a great deal of late and not just to doctor's appointments."

John frowned. "Yeah that is sort of unusual, even for you Scott. I thought you'd have been happy the stuff involving the Penelope imposter was over and you could go back to avoiding each other."

"I have a newfound respect for Gordon." An idea suddenly struck Scott. "Maybe we should all go?"

"Why not?" Virgil seemed to consider it. "Alan too as his luck seems pretty bad from what I've seen. Kayo mentioned something about his last one going down so badly he got very drunk to try and forget it."

"Oh no, you're out of your mind!" John folded his arms and huffed. "Nuh uh too many people knowing your personal preferences and pretending to be nice to each other? No thank you."

"What are you talking about John?" Virgil gave him a dirty look. "It'll do us all some good. Besides, I reckon Dad would agree."

"And if the Hood is out there, it's better if we stick together right? Safely in numbers" Scott added, John couldn't argue with that kind of logic. 

"That is true. The Hood doesn't really recognise a few of us so we would have an advantage if he did make an appearance, though why he'd turn up at a speed dating event where there's no technology or money to steal would be anyone's guess." Virgil laughed much to John's annoyance. "What would he be there for? I just don't see it."

"You never know, I'll tell dad we'll be out for the night." No way could John or Alan get out of it then, Scott mused.

John looked utterly mortified and Virgil wrapped a strong arm around his shoulders, pulling him down to his level. "It'll be fun, we don't get to do a lot as just siblings anymore."

"Fine." John conceded. "But you morons are paying for dinner while we're there."

"Done " The two older Tracy's agreed.


"So what do you think? Too casual?"

Kayo smiled sweetly. "If anything Gordon, it's fine though it doesn't really say much about you."

"Oh? I thought a shirt and cargo pants were something that would be acceptable?" Gordon tilted his head before looking in the full length mirror again. He had come to Kayo for advice on what to wear to the speed dating evening and had gone through several different outfits so far, each one Kayo seemed to think something wasn't quite right.

She walked over and fiddled with the collar before standing back and looking at him critically. "It's acceptable but only really would work for everyone else."

"What do you mean?" Gordon looked confused. "This is the sort of thing the others would wear."

"That's sort of the point. This would look perfect if it was on say Scott or John but on you, it doesn't look right." Kayo grabbed one of the sleeves. "It's the colours. Plain ones just aren't you."

"Well I can't wear a Hawaiian shirt, that'll make anyone refuse to even sit at the table with me." 

Kayo scanned the clothes Gordon had laid out on her bed wondering what would be right for her adoptive sibling. They were almost similar in age though she would even admit that they rarely saw things the same way, she considered him lazy while he would probably say she was high maintenance but they got along when it mattered.

"There's not a lot here that shouts your personality." She said, shifting through the items.

"I thought that was the idea. My personality seems to be what everyone dislikes. Thought if I down played it -"

"I think that would be a huge mistake."

"Really?" Gordon looked at her in surprise.

"Yes, really." Kayo chuckled. "Don't you dare hide that side of you. There are too many people who want to contain or control it who don't understand that sometimes to be happy you need to be a little carefree." She walked over to him and handed him the brightest clashing coloured tie dye t-shirt that he had buried underneath all the dull lifeless stuffy shirts. "Don't you dare let anyone snuff out your inner fire."

"Uh… thanks, I think." Gordon went red in the face from embarrassment. "Are you sure about this? I mean the others are going all you know, dressed up?"

"Trust me, Gordon. Besides, they're dragging Alan and John along too aren't they? There's no way you could dress worse than those two." Kayo knew she was right. While Gordon did wear a lot of 'holiday' or 'vacation' style shirts they had in one way or another started to look more respectable on him than say the ones that Jeff wore. His shirts, while loud and bold, were tasteful, along with the other clothes he had acquired over the years. He shopped in more trendier stores like Mambo or Dangerfield that sold more unique twists on the designs than just surfer's wear. He left the more American flamingo shirts to Jeff who at his age at sixty seven, suited them better.

The t-shirt may have been tie dyed but the patterns of the animals that were carefully silhouetted in the colours are what made it look good and not just any old cheap shirt. Even she could see it was something that had cost him a pretty sum as it looked custom made and once on it was very noticeable that it had been.

"What do you mean by that? John has a lot of classy stuff in that wardrobe of his and Alan dresses better than me half the time." 

"Really? You think Alan dressing up like a punk all in black and red and John wearing clothes that look like they've never been worn that wouldn't look out of place in a farmers clothing catalogue are better than your clothes?" Kayo laughed. "Yeah sure ok Gordon you can believe that if you want to. What I meant was they try a little too hard, Alan tries to follow whatever the current fashion trend is even if it looks like a disaster and John just does everything to downplay himself to look as invisible as possible so people leave him alone."

"Oh, So I'm somewhere in the middle?"

Kayo laughed. "Not even in the same ballpark.

Gordon smiled as he adjusted the t-shirt "Better?" He asked.


Gordon beamed. "Hey, do you think Scott will dress up or play it casual too?"

This took Kayo by surprise. Since when did Gordon care about Scott? "Uhhh I wouldn't know." She admitted. "I rarely see him wear anything other than shirts. If he has one with short sleeves I'd be surprised in the same way I would be if he wore a t-shirt."

"Oh." Gordon deflated a little. "Um excuse me a minute." 

Gordon darted out of Kayo's room in the guest house and made a dash down the stairs towards the hallway that contained his and his brothers bedrooms, almost collapsing in front of Scott's as his heart raced and screamed at him that it wanted to commit murder. The light on his watch was going wild as he tried to calm himself down.

Carefully he knocked on the door when he felt as if his chest wasn't going to explode and found himself in awe when Scott opened the door in a short sleeved shirt that Gordon recognised as one he left hanging on his sibling's door. The muted browns and greens of the stylised seahorses looked good on the subtle beige, colours that suited Scott more than he would ever admit.

"Oh wow, y-you put it on?" Gordon stammered still in mild shock that Scott hadn't put it to one side and wore something else. "It looks great! You look great, though you look good in everything but wow I didn't think you'd want to wear something I chose!"

"You like?" Scott turned around so Gordon could view him from all sides. Scott did have other clothes he could wear but when he found the shirt and realised Gordon had left it for him, he felt touched that he had been thought of.

Gordon's face was already red though it did go more crimson as he smiled. "Yeah, totally! I'm just really glad you-"

Kayo came down the stairs and had just rounded the corner into the hallway just in time to see Scott catch Gordon from collapsing on the wooden floor.

"Is he ok? He just darted down the stairs in the biggest hurry I've ever seen!" Kayo puffed out of breath.

"I'm ok… Just blacked out for…a second." Gordon mumbled stumbling back onto his feet. "I still don't know my limits yet."

Kayo playfully punched his arm. "Well no more today please. You've done that to me twice today."

"Maybe I should stay home-"

"Oh no you don't!" Kayo grabbed Gordon's cheeks. "You are not backing out after wasting four hours of my time picking out clothes!" 

Scott was about to suggest the same thing but after Kayo's outburst he thought better of it and just closed his mouth.

She stopped and looked at him critically. "Hey, do you actually shave?"

Gordon gently pushed her back. "No. I've never had to because I can't grow anything."

"You're definitely wrong there." Kayo said, matter of factually. "It's just so light I didn't notice until I grabbed your face." She continued to stare then poked Gordon in the jaw. "It's ginger too!"

"Ok, I get it! Guess I'll have to get a razor and learn to use it."

"Well you guys are due to leave soon so you better learn fast, scruffy." Kayo teased playfully. She looked up at Scott and said, "You need to ease up on the hair gel too Scott, it looks like you rolled in Vaseline."

"No I need it, it's getting too long and won't cooperate" Scott self-consciously put a hand to his hair. "Anyway you need some help Gordon?"

"With what?" Gordon caught Kayo's glare and twigged. "Ah yeah maybe. Hey, would the razor I use for my hair cuts be ok for facial hair?"

"Ahh no not at all, come on I'll give you a lesson"

Walking into the bathroom, Gordon pulled himself up onto the sink to inspect himself in the mirror. "Huh, I never noticed when I was looking at the full length one in Kayo's room. It's sort of neat, I've never had any before." He made a little impressive sound as he smiled in amusement. 

"Typical, the bathroom is busy when I want to use it."

Scott shifted to let John in as the redhead grunted he rummaged under the sink for his own personal grooming bag. 

"Wow, I didn't know you had to shave either Johnny." Gordon piqued up in surprise as John thudded his stuff on the bench.

"Of course I do, not everyone can stay hairless like - wait, you're actually serious?" John's expression went straight to expressionless granite.

"Well yeah I sort of did." 

"Well you assumed wrong. Got to look clean and well presented, even if barely anyone sees it. Better than looking like a patchy baboon at any rate."

Gordon sat up completely affronted. "Hey you take that back!"

John lathered his face before giving Gordon the sidewise glare that signaled you were wasting his valuable time that he was famous for before responding. "Why should I? You look absolutely scruffy but then that's usual for you isn't it, bum fluff or without. Honestly, you could have put more effort and thought into what you're wearing this afternoon."

"I spent four hours, John."

John stood back and looked at Gordon critically and snorted. "You spent four hours throwing on what looks like something you'd wear every other day. What did you do? Iron it? Oh wait, don't tell me you actually had it washed."

John pointed at Scott lazily with his bladed razor. "That is neat casual, Gordon. So is this." He points to his own white shirt with brown stripes down the left side and a stylish, elegant eagle motif. "What you're wearing can be easily summed up as 'whatever I found in the dirty laundry basket'."

"You're supposed to leave a good impression Gords, you can't do that dressed like a colourful parrot."

"I'd rather be a scruffy parrot than a matchstick streaked with diarrhoea."

"Shit!" John dropped the razor into the sink and quickly grabbed a face cloth. Clearly Gordon struck a nerve as he had cut himself deep across the cheek. He then glared at Gordon and snapped. "At least I'm wearing something that's current fashion and appropriate for my age rather than looking like -"

"Like what, John?" Gordon slid off the sink counter and got very much in his older sibling's face. "Come on, spit it out. All you've done whenever you've spoken to me today is nit pick and put me down. What are you trying to do? If you're trying to discourage me from trying to meet people outside of our family then congratulations, you're doing a absolutely shit job of it." This was said with a lot of snark all while a wild manic grin stayed fixated on his face. 

"Whoo hey, that's enough." Scott said, stepping between his younger brothers. "John," He said, turning to him. "I know you're nervous but just breathe okay, remember to act professional in all things calm and in control, this is no different" He turned to Gordon. "No shaving lesson today." He picked up an electric shaver. "Come on, we'll give him some privacy." 

Gordon breathed out and deflated."It's fine, actually I think I'll keep it. Might be the only facial hair I'll ever grow." He looked back at John."You know, maybe - just maybe I'd hit it off with someone, make a few friends… would that be such a problem? Because I would have assumed that would be a good thing."

He shrugged, looking as if he'd brushed it off and buried the entire thing in the dirt. "But you know maybe you and everyone else knows better than I do with all your fancy awards and higher education against my low intelligence that can't tell the difference between wearing cheap knock off shoes and a pair of Doc Martins." 

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pin which he causally attached to his shirt but made sure both his brothers saw it though more so John just to see the confusion in his barely twitching features. It was a little unicorn with pink, yellow and blue in its mane and tail. "Again, what do I know that's supposed to be good for me? Keep telling me and one day I might take you seriously." He shouldered himself out of the room between them.

"Geez. Just telling him he looks like a slob. He's the one wanting to leave an impression." John looked at his shirt. "Does this really look like someone crapped all over it?"

"No John, you look fabulous in everything and have a great arse."  

John's expression went stone again. "Har har, you're funny Scott." He rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue at the large bleeding cut across his face. "Honestly, why am I going to this again? You guys have roped me into so many of these things over the years and they NEVER end well. Last time I ended up tied to a park bench in London Zoo stark naked and the time before THAT I was locked up in a house with taxidermied animals that scared the living shit out of me."

He raised the blade to his face again and did a few strokes before adding, "We all know how this will end tonight. We should just spare him and ourselves the inevitable and I dunno do something else less publicly humiliating."

"We were jackass teenagers than John, but moreover just what was that all about? Was that warranted? Did Gordon actually deserve that?" Scott checked the vanity drawers for some steri strips.

"Teenagers? Scott the zoo fiasco was last year!" John snapped. "As for Gordon, appealing to his better nature is a waste of time. He hasn't one for a start. I tried talking to him the other day but boy was he quick to shut me and Dad out. He only ever takes anything into consideration if you sink to his level." John took a deep breath and exhaled.

"If he'd just listened in the first place I wouldn't need to sink to his level. Believe me it's a very low bar to bend down to."

"Last year… I must be thinking back to boarding school, never mind." Scott mused as he cut a strip into pieces. "I will say you were the one who brought the idea up, this is good for Gordon but especially for Alan." He added as he stuck two of the pieces over John's cut now it had stopped bleeding.

"Wait what? No, I didn't suggest we go!" John reeled back. "That was Virgil! I was hoping you two would see sense and TALK Gordon out of it." John straightened up. "He might have listened to you since you've been spending time together. You can't tell me doctors check ups require an overnight stay."

"Have you ever thought about what you would do if you couldn't be in IR anymore?"

John ran the blade underwater before shaving off some more foam. "Of course I have. Haven't you?"

"No I never have, Gordon asked me a while ago and I realised I hadn't nor did he, despite what he says he feels lost and I started thinking in years time what will I be looking back on, if I keep putting IR before everything, what would I have missed out on if I do?"

"I guess putting it like that…" John mused, wiping his face clean. "I'm not entirely sure. I've been working on several astronomy books, gotten a few novels published, gotten some academic papers, made financial investments - the stuff that would help out if I was to retire or something. I assumed that's what you meant."

"No I'm talking about personal connections John, do you ever think about sharing your life with someone?"

John shrugged. "Not really but it's not like I haven't any friends. I'm sure I'll be fine."

"I don't want to look back in thirty or forty years' time and realise I'm alone and it's too late."

John looked at Scott crooked. "You seriously think that?" The mask of a care factor of minus fifty suddenly dropped. "That's… That's profound, especially from you. Didn't think you'd ever want to give this gig up."

"I don't want to give it up, but I also think I want more than just IR." Scott laughed. "Geez I think I'm getting sappy and old."

"Well the only thing that hasn't turned you into a carbon copy of Dad is the fact you're-"

John was interrupted by a banging on the bathroom door. "Are you guys ready yet? I NEED to pee!"

Scott sighed. "Yeah we'll be right out! Time to go then." He says slapping John on the back.


"So many people…"

"Of course there is John, not everyone wants to date over a hologram."

"Huh, not a single one of them MY age. Did we show up at an old fogie convention or something?"

Virgil grunted. "For once can we please go somewhere without complaining? I'd like to be called 'Sir,' without someone adding 'your brothers are making a scene.'"

Gordon rolled his eyes and tapped his foot in annoyance. "You guys could have stayed home. I didn't invite you, you invited yourselves."

Alan raised an eyebrow. "Oh so we weren't meant to be at this waste of time huh?" He shot Virgil and John a dark glare. "What about Scott?"

"I invited him."

John stood back in surprise and Alan was in complete shock. Virgil cocked his head to one side in amusement and folded his arms.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Gordon stood confused. "I thought he'd probably enjoy it more than you guys would."

"We're all here so let's try to enjoy the evening." Scott mostly hoped this didn’t turn into a complete disaster, that Alan and himself hit it off with someone, Gordon too but mostly he hoped the thoughts he'd been having would be gone.


Virgil found himself enjoying the atmosphere, the decor and just how well everyone was dressed. Sure he wasn't interested in meeting anyone but just getting out and about was more than enough to put him in a good mood. Between walking around various tables of people, Virgil caught glimpses of his siblings and could see who was doing alright and who was struggling. Glancing over towards Scott he could tell his older brother was cool as a cucumber, the fact they listed preferences before the event had helped as every single man Scott had sat with seemed to leave him happy and Virgil made the assumption that Scott wasn't going to be leaving tonight without a pocket full of phone numbers to call.

Looking over at Gordon, he seemed to be doing ok too, though he could tell those who he sat with didn't seem to be taken by his happy - go - lucky personality though he suspected it was due to the age gap between him and those he paired with. Either they were too old or too young - there wasn't much in between though in fairness Virgil had found that there were few present in the twenty-three to twenty-eight age bracket…. Speaking of which…

When Virgil caught John's eye it was one of panic and sheer nerves, the twenty-seven year old finding it much harder than Gordon in striking up a conversation. Having few people in his age group probably didn't help him any though Virgil had suspicions that there was more to it than that.

Shaking his head, he sat down with a glass of water, ready for the next person to chat to.


John run a hand through his hair he was so nervous he couldn't stop sweating and his hands from shaking, he checked his holo watch how much longer til this torture was over?

"Hey there."

When John looked up, a young man who looked to be of Indian background was sitting across from him, his open shirt dress reminded him of a cricket player with his perfectly tailored beard and hair.

"I'm not gay."

"Oh I know." He smiled at him knowingly. "I saw you from over there." He points towards the bar. "You look like you want to be anywhere but here."

"That's an understatement."

"Well I thought being the generous soul I I'm I could help you out, relieve some of that… tension."

John raised an eyebrow. He wasn't saying what he thought he was, was he?.

"I'll be out back if you want to take me up on it." 

He winked at John before leaving the table. John was in complete shock, he was saying what he thought he was, wasn't he? How dare he unbelievable the cheek, as his next date sat down he quickly excused himself.

He needed to go give the guy a peice of his mind.


Gordon sighed heavily. Sure it was fun talking to various people but he was beginning to think he was putting on a show in the same vein as he did around his brothers. Only the first person he spoke to was someone he didn't play pretend for as after that he was running into people who had come from being sat with one of his siblings and after several hours talking them up with how great they all were he was starting to wish they let him come alone.

"Hey there sugar, why are you so down?"

Gordon looked up at his current ten minute date and gave them a smile. "I'm sorry love, it has just been a very long evening." 

The woman had a kindly smile of her own. "Yes, it's been a bit like that. But don't let it get you down hun, you never know who you might find in places like these."

Gordon sat up from his disappointed slouch. "I forget it can be tough for others sometimes. Guess that comes with the territory."

The woman laughed. "Don't get out much, I take it?"

Gordon shook his head. "Not as often as I like."

"I see you're wearing your colours." She said sweetly, pointing to the unicorn badge. "You don't see many of you around anymore."

"Really? Die of loneliness did they?"

This made the woman laugh some more. "More like they all got taken off the market."

This got an amused chuckle out of the blonde Tracy. "Yes well I'm sorry about that."

"Oh don't be. I only wish there were more people as cute as you.

"You're not so bad yourself. My name is Gordon."

"Charmed, I'm Veronica." She gave him a wink that made him blush. "So what's a sweet little thing like you mingling in a place like this?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

For the next seven minutes, Gordon felt like he could safely put his guard down and for the first time the entire evening he felt relaxed and enjoyed himself. Veronica, turned out to be a showgirl on holiday from Las Vegas who was obsessed with the music of Kylie Minogue and Blondie though she was more keen to finally find someone who she could just talk about the most mundane things with, Gordon figuring she had more awkward conversations than he had. He immediately felt sad when their time was up as did she though she did leave him a card and said if he ever was in Nevada to look her up and she'd show him around.

For the rest of the event he turned the card over in his hands, admiring the glittery finish and the lipstick pink colour of her phone number. He didn't want to put it in his pocket in case he smeared the lip print she left, in pastel pink, pastel blue and white. 

He wasn't so alone here after all.


Scott's dates were going as well as he thought they would and he had gotten almost all the numbers of everyone he spoke to.

Truth be told though no one had really caught his eye, after only talking for a few minutes he had an idea of the kind of people some of them were and how ungenuine too many of them were.

He was starting to believe he would never meet anybody well, definitely not here he would, as he mind started to wonder he noticed his red haired brother was unaccounted for.

He excused himself from his current date and went in search of him, he wasn't really surprised John would try to duck out.

After asking around someone had seen John headed in the direction of the restrooms, however if he had been there he no longer was, it was then Scott noticed a nearby door that was ajar.

Pushing it open Scott found himself in an alleyway looking around. He didn't see anything at first but he could certainly hear it.

Sounds he knew all too well. Are you serious? He thought, as they were behind several shops. Still he wasn’t at all prepared to find the source of those sounds were none other than his second youngest brother, in a very compromising position.

With his back against the shop wall moaning loudly John suddenly clawed nails into the wall, his moment of bliss passing quickly when he noticed Scott standing there.

Swearing, John hastily pulled his pants up, as he did Scott saw the second member of the party get to their feet.

Scott turned and started heading back towards the restaurant, John yelling after him. "Scott! Wait, it's not what it looks like!"

"John." Scott spoke darkly when his sibling caught up to him and blocked his path. "I have no problem with what you do in your personal life, you're an adult after all. What I do have a problem with however is your attitude towards 'some' when you're not above them… think about this moment the next time you speak to certain people."

John grabbed Scott by the shirt. "What the fuck are you on about?"

Scott retaliated in kind by pinning the red head to the nearest wall and baring his teeth. "If I catch you putting down Gordon again after this, I will not hesitate to take you down a peg or two you fucking hypocrite."

He let him go and brushed himself down before abandoning John outside when there was a loud clattering of chairs and a lot of shouting, heads all turning and there was Alan, smack bang in the center of it. Some security guards had stepped in and he had hit two of them before another one was able to take him down.

"Excuse me one moment." Virgil said, standing up from his 'date' whom he had been enjoying a pleasant chat about rare insects with. He figured he better step in and find out what all the fuss was about. Gordon, who had bumped into Veronica again at the drinks table, visibly slunk behind the towering woman as he knew Alan had some of the champagne and if Alan saw him he would be dragged into whatever ruckus he was causing. 

If only Virgil stayed out of it.

Alan eventually got himself free from the guard that had him pinned to the floor, drunkenly staggered to his feet and as Virgil advanced, apologising as he did so and talking calmly as he could to get Alan to stop. 

Back inside was Scott in time to see Virgil heading towards the commotion and Alan hit Virgil not once but twice.

"Alan enough! I think it's time to leave."

"NO WAY I SAW ISH ALL FIRST!" Alan slurred, taking a swing at Scott."

"Psst, there's an exit over there if you want out of here sweetheart." Veronica whispered. Gordon thanked her and took the opportunity to sneak out a back door while everyone was now fixated with the chaos going on. It wasn’t as if he could go far and he was well aware his siblings could track him down with his min holophone necklace charm but a few minutes away from being asked, shown up and outshone by them was desperately needed. 

After wandering around for a while and stepping into a small coffee shop for a break, he sent Scott a polite message to not worry and that he just needed a bit of space… at least till Alan sobered up.

It was over two hours before the seat opposite Gordon was slid out noisily and scuffed the tiles sliding back.

"I wasn't running away." Gordon said simply, looking up at his new company. "I wouldn't have told you where I was if I had." A soft almost pleasant look rested on his features as he looked back out the window.

"I wasn't accusing you of doing any such thing." Scott replied, though even if Gordon had John would have been able to find him in no time. "It got a bit hectic back there, how are you holding up?" That was an understatement, the events of tonight would be plastered all over the the internet by now, he expected a call from their father within the hour.

Gordon seemed to be deep in thought, watching silhouetted people walking along the street in the lights of cars as they went by. A small frown surfaced on his brow. "You know it's funny, I spent a majority of my time tonight talking you guys up from those who thought you were all awesome and yet after watching… I dunno what the heck you'd call that to be honest-" Gordon snorted in amusement. "It hurt more than it should have."

"Why Gordon? You didn't have to do that, why do you sell yourself so short?"

"Because they all saw me enter with you guys. It's hard to not be in your shadows when you're all towering monolithic celebrities." Gordon sighed, still grinning. "Alan even has a massive following on Vlogger, you know the one with the extreme sports enthusiasts? Virgil's paintings are world famous and John's got so many published novels I mean… you can't not recognise them in public." He ran his fingers around the edge of his mug playfully. "Then of course there's you, Mr. Face of International Rescue. Everyone who's anyone knows who you are."

"Only two people spoke to me without wanting to know about you guys. The first person I sat with and the other was a lovely trans lady who also pointed me to the nearest exit when I wanted to leave." Gordon took a sip out of a very cold hot chocolate that had been sitting in front of him. "I might ask Dad if there's a way to go back and study. I didn't finish year ten or do any extra study outside of whatever I needed to so I could be alongside you, Dad, Kyrano and Taylor saving lives. I mean it wouldn't be the worst idea I've had."

"I've always wanted to study marine life but never had the grades to go far enough. The books I read myself only got me so far and well when Dad gives you the opportunity to do something as close as possible to what you want you're not going to say no." Gordon mused. "Maybe I can retry."

"Why not? I would support you in doing that, if you weren't unwell I would suggest you even live off island while you study."

"Would you really?" Gordon asked smugly, his voice chiming with an interesting tone. "See, from where I sit and from what I know now about why I was getting slowly stood down and then being used as bait to lure out someone faking to be Penny… I find that really hard to believe. Why should I? No one bothered to tell the truth about anything to me. Tell me Scott, why should I trust you when I'm fully aware that everyone else is telling me lies?" He sat his chin on his hands giving Scott the most intimidating look he could, which for him was the fact that he knew how to smile in a way that made your spine shiver in your boots. None of them could hold such a charming but intense look of 'come on, I dare you' than he did.

"I'm sorry Gordon, we never should have kept you in the dark. I wanted to spare your feelings, I know now that it was wrong. You're a far stronger and more capable person than I give you credit for, that's why I don't want to lie to you as you deserve better than that."

Gordon looked into his mug and swirled the contents, giving Scott a good view of the burn scars from his palms and along his forearms. "I'm still sitting here aren't I?" He asked. "I haven't just stepped into another timeline?"

"No, you haven't, I want you to hear this from me and not from someone else. "

Gordon tapped his fingers on the table. "How long did you know?"

"John came to me that night you were injured with suspicions that it wasn't really Penelope."

"And he was proven right too. Was there ever a plan to tell me?"

"It wasn't discussed."

Gordon nodded. "That's a no then." He sat back and stared out the window for a little bit before adding, "I guess it doesn't matter now, all it's done has cemented how much of an idiot I am for being unable to tell the difference."

He gave Scott a weak smile. "Can we talk about something else? Sort of had enough 'education' on how dumb I am compared to the rest of you for one evening."

"Gordon no you are not…" Scott ran his hands through his hair. "Okay what do you want to talk about?" Honestly he was surprised Gordon was still sitting there and hadn't just stormed off he wouldn’t blame him.

Gordon's smile widened. "I'd like to know if anyone got any phone numbers from tonight. Out of five, one of us should have gotten lucky." He pulled out the pink card he was given and handed it over. "Sure, this wasn't because they wanted a future date but I'll take any token gesture unless you think I could pass as a showgirl."

Scott looked shocked for a moment and uncomfortable. "Ahhh right, anyway…" He continued before Gordon said anything about his odd mood. "I don't know about Virgil, Alan I wouldn't think so… but John got super, super lucky."

Gordon burst out laughing. "That sounds about right. Remember the last time and how we found John hours later tied to a park bench outside the cheetah exhibit at the zoo?" He sniggered as if it was still a highlight of that particular evening. "Who knew those society ladies had security with them that could bend metal with thier bare hands?"

"John's got that mystery man who needs a good dick up his arse appeal around him, that's why I'm not too shocked, I mean it's not like you found him getting grinded in the back-" Gordon paused as he watched Scott's face change in horror in a way that suggested that was EXACTLY what had happened tonight, making him snort and start giggling out of control.

"Holy fucking hobknobs filled with cream!" Gordon cackled aloud, making heads turn as he laughed. "I feel so sorry for the poor fucking sod who thought doing that was a good idea. They'd have of had a job or two giving him a boner for a start because of the shit space does to your body! It's why he's such an up tight arsehole to begin with."

"Let me guess, I say by the look on your face you're the one who walked out on him getting his knob polished?" Gordon grinned wildly before leaning back in his seat. "It's always the ones people think have a stick up their bum that get people all curious as to how they can fix them. So how about you? You didn't mention how you went?"

Gordon gave Scott a tap with his foot playfully under the table. "You're always a stunner, heck your kinda the one I probably spent talking up the most. You had a lot of admirers, heck someone asked me if you're into extreme sports like skydiving and well I didn't lie, you are a bit of a daredevil on rescues nine times out of ten." 

He leaned forward on his elbows and rested his chin on his hands. "Mostly they wanted to know what you were like as a person outside of International Rescue and to be honest with you Scott, you're the only one I could tell anyone that your charming, warm, protective, loving, caring, resourceful person I know without a single sense of doubt creeping into my answer."

"John might have gotten a quickie behind a dust bin but I bet that they weren't interested in what he was like beyond the fact he's an easy suck and fuck. It's someone like you that's the ultimate prize, a keeper you want to hang onto and impress the hell out of." 

Scott's heart was pounding so fast he thought it would leap out of his chest, his stomach felt like it was filled with butterflies and his face felt hot, what was happening? Was he crushing on Gordon? 

Gordon looked out the window again, breaking eye contact which was just as well, since he was starting to feel awkward telling Scott that people genuinely were interested in him and he wasn't sure why it made him feel slightly green with envy. "It made me appreciate what you've done for me. Sure, you've admitted to not keeping me in the loop but… if you weren't there I'd probably have died at the bottom of the ocean from delayed shock and whatever else. When you've witnessed what you're like in an emergency first hand as the one needing help I guess it's easy to tell people the truth about how much of an awesome person you are."

Gordon's face flushed hot pink and he made no attempt to hide it. He was admittedly always in awe of Scott and of how incredible he was. He just never thought he'd ever tell him to his face, being the one brother Scott usually couldn't stand. Gordon assumed much of the reason he wanted to spend time with him now was because he felt guilty and he was right in that - but it would be a fat lie to deny he wasn't enjoying the attention.

He also knew it wouldn't last and that made his heart ache, he wasn’t sure why that was either as he was used to his brothers drifting around him trying to avoid having much to do with him unless it was a necessary evil. Until now he had suspected Scott was trying to make it up to him but now it was out in the open he no longer had to. 

Probably a huge relief for him too. 

"Well I guess we have to go back huh?" He said quickly turning back to Scott this time clearly hiding something dark behind his attempt to be cheerful. "At least something interesting came out of tonight, even if it was just proof that Johnny is a Arosexual."

And proof that even to strangers I'm unlikeable and invisible. Gordon visibly winced, breaking eye contact with Scott, hoping he'd mistake it for chest pain instead of him trying very hard not to break into tears. The evening was starting to weigh him down and he just wanted it over.

Seeing Gordon’s mood darken was heartbreaking, tonight had felt like a complete disaster. "Do you want to go home tonight?"

"Aren't the others staying in a motel?" Gordon asked. "Wouldn't want them thinking we bailed because we had a terrible evening." The smile was back, this time fully masking his feelings as if the last five minutes or so hadn't happened.

"Does it matter what they think? What do you want, Gordon?"

"What do I want? Huh..." Gordon snorted. "That's a first and yeah, it does matter what they think, it always matters. Same as whatever you think does too. I don't think you guys realise how much everything you say or do ends up affecting me, intended or not." He stood up and wobbled on his feet, catching himself on the table before Scott could make a move. "Especially now, when we're at your mercy."

Scott helped steady Gordon on his feet and he could understand the sentiment of Gordon wanting approval. All of them felt that, with an expectation to be accomplished and recognised for it, they were the sons of Jeff Tracy after all many expected they would be just if not more great than their father.

"Let's just go to the motel." Gordon sighed. "I can't exactly go far anyway."

The walk to the motel was thankfully short, though Scott invited Gordon into his room just to be on the safe side. He had hoped his sibling would talk some more as having him quiet was unsettling, Gordon usually the loudest voice in any given space at any given time but Scott was starting to wonder if the only reason they all thought he talked too much was because of that - the volume rather than the amount being said. 

He left him sitting at a garden table on the small window balcony to have a wash, gratefully stripping off his clothes that had now started to smell of cologne, cigars and alcohol and stepped under the warm steam of the shower.

As he unwrapped the complimentary soap he heard the glass door open behind him, making him spin around.

"GORDON! Close the shower door! Can't I have any privacy away from home!?"

The shower door closed again but only AFTER Gordon stepped inside, still dressed and unfazed that he was getting drenched.

"Seriously Gordon, we're not at home we can affordable a little privacy in the bath -"

Gordon cut Scott's complaint short by grabbing him by the shoulders and pressing his wet lips onto his, forcing the sound of Scott's heart to leap out of his ears. It was passionate and exploratory like he was being tasted.

Scott couldn't control the moan of pleasure escaping his lips when Gordon started kissing his neck, trailing fingers across his naked skin, temporarily taken in by the same strange dreamlike desire that had taken possession of the short blonde. Those hands playfully roamed with boldness, his lips caressed his flesh with wild abandon - then it stopped, one soft kiss on his chest as his head rested against it briefly putting an end to the brash impulsiveness.

There was a flicker of odd emotions across Gordon's face when he stepped back and out of the shower leaving Scott in a stunned silence, as if something had entered his thoughts and started wrecking the place from the inside.

Walking back to his room, Gordon’s mind was blathering gibberish to him as everything felt like it was spiralling out of control. The conversation they had at the coffee shop? In that moment he didn't see the 'Elder brother' that was always partially keeping his distance from him but 'Scott, the charming, caring friendly guy who might suddenly stop hanging out with me so I HAVE to do something….anything….' 

He had crossed the line.

Closing the door behind him and turning the light on he headed over towards the bed when out from the small bathroom pounced Alan, pinning Gordon to the floor.

"Where did you run off to?" He croonrd drunkenly. "You left a damn fun party. No matter we can have one of our own right here, right now! Clothing option- hey how come you're all wet? Fall in a fountain or something? Hey, what's a matter? Are you crying?"

Even through the drunken haze of lust, Alan could tell something was wrong. The fact Gordon hadn't fought back was one clue… the other one however…

Alan sat his brother up and stared at him in disbelief. "Hey now, you never cry. What the hell happened?"

Gordon shook his head. Truthfully he had no idea why either but so much was going on physically and mentally the walls came crashing down in one moment that would probably have Scott avoiding him for a long while, the possibility of Scott 'the friend he desperately needed' was going to become the sibling that just ignores him again.

The very idea that he stuffed up made the walls that struggled to stay up to block out everything that could hurt him crumble.

Alan pulled a sheet off the bed to wrap around him and held his shaking brother tight, unsure what else he could do. He had never seen anything like it before. 


Scott paced his room naked and wet trying to wrap his around just what had happened, he was still trying to understand his own feelings and then Gordon had gone and done… he stopped, pressing his fingers to his lips. He could still taste him and he tasted so good that he was surprised how much he liked it.

He didn't know what to do. He wanted to talk to someone but who? This wasn't normal or moral. He sat down on the bed, his face in his hands. Just what was he supposed to do now?

A chirpy little musical tune came from the pocket of his dress pants that were strewn across the bed.

He fished his holowatch to see Virgil was calling. "Hey what's up?" He answered.

"Just checking to see if you found Gordon. John was a little concerned he might have thrown away his holowatch when it hadn't moved for an hour or more. It's still saying he's at the cafè."

"What? Oh he must have left it there, no his fine we're here at the motel now." He would have to check up on that he hoped Gordon hadn't done something like throw it away.

"Well that's a relief. John's been driving me bonkers pacing up and down the balcony of his room." Virgil's hologram looked up and to his left. "Hey what's Alan doing over…HEY ALAN, GORDON THERE WITH YOU OR DID YOU SWAP?" There was a brief pause before Virgil bellowed again. "IS HE ALRIGHT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN TIRED?"

"What? Is Alan there?" After what happened last time Alan was drunk, him being alone with Gordon wasn't good. 

Without thinking he was already making for the door and his way to Gordon's, knocking on it aggressively.

"Alan! Open the door now or I'll break it down!"

There was a moment of silence before Alan's tired voice replied, "Easy Scott, break the door and you'll be paying the motel for it. Also how hard is it to keep the noise down? Between John, Virgil and now you I swear the drugs Gordon's taking must be fucking strong arsed shit."

Scott pushed the door open and shouldered his way into the room, he saw Gordon laying asleep and grabbed Alan by the collar and demanded. "What are you doing in Gordon's room?"

Alan's eyes narrowed. "I could ask you a similar question, especially since you're naked." He shoved Scott back and brushed himself down. "Wet too. You didn't push Gordon into a fountain, did you?" Alan's suspicions made him glare and draw himself up to his full height to intimidate Scott in return. "'Cause if you did, I suggest you leave."

"Me? leave ha!" Scott wasn't so easily intimated he'd learnt to deal with difficult people, it was actually part of the job. "That's rich coming from you, after last time I wouldn't trust you to be alone with Gordon, while intoxicated."

Alan looked at Scott critically. A part of him didn't want to belive it but all evidence was pointing to something occuring between his older brothers, whatever it was Gordon had been the one who's feelings had been hurt. However Alan knew telling Scott about his moment of vulnerability wouldn't be a smart idea.

"Yeah? You know you're not exactly the most trustworthy person either." Alan hissed, keeping his voice low. "None of us are. Nor are we the most reliable. But one thing I do know is I'm not going anywhere -" he poked Scott in the chest forcing him to step backwards, "Leaving Gordon in the company of someone who didn't remotely care about his well-being until he was hurt. You barely cared the last time after we pulled him free, along with John and Virgil… and now you suddenly do? That doesn't add up Scott, sobriety or not."

Scott's hand balled into a fist he opened and closed his mouth, what could he say? Nothing really. It was true after all. Neither could he prove Alan had done anything wrong.

He pushed his past Alan and headed back to his room, he had no idea just what he was doing, he couldn't sort his own feelings out by the look on Gordon's face back in the shower, he couldn't either.

With his hand still balled up he punched the wall by the door causing a decent crack and skinning his knuckles in the process. I had to attempt to break his hand while he was at it, he thought watching the blood dripping from the gashes of his self-inflicted injury.

He headed to the bathroom to clean up, dry off and dress, the simple task distracting him for a few moments. Too restless to sleep, he left the motel feeling it was safe to do so Virgil and John were there as well if anything happened.

He didn't return til at least four o'clock in the morning checking on Alan and Gordon, Alan to his surprise was dozing out on the balcony chair, leaving Gordon to sleep alone in the room while still being within range of him in case he was needed.

He collapsed on the bed in his own room, it wasn't long before he fell into a restlessness that left him feeling he had only just closed his eyes. Before long it was morning again, leaving him more exhausted and confused as he had been.


"Thank you for taking your time out to show me how to do this, Brains."

"It's n-no problem at all, Gordon." The engineer adjusted his glasses looking at the questionnaire in front of him. "Though these maths answers concern me, n-not only are they wrong, they are obviously guesses."

Brain folded his arms and looked at Gordon critically. "How well do you understand Pythagoras theory?"

Gordon flinched under such scrutiny. "I uh…"

Brian's frowned. "Gordon, do you know your times tables?"

"Not as well as I like." The blonde admitted. "Actually, I sort of avoided doing it whenever it came up. I buried it under all the other stuff I struggled with. It's going to prevent me from getting into this course isn't it?"

"Well it w-wouldn't improve your chances." Brain's tried to soften the blow. "If you were aiming to be an engineer you'd get a hard p-pass."

"I thought as much. So I'd have to re- sit everything I did for highschool."

"M-more or less. B-but don't worry, there are many technical schools that run online courses that could help you out. I-it will take a few years o-of course to get you up to scratch but it will get you into this feild of s-study."

Gordon's gaze drifted towards the large windows of the kitchen which had a grandeur view of the garden and the pool where Alan, Scott and Virgil were mucking around. As much as he wanted to be out there with them his health and medication prevented him from participating in strenuous activities, even ones of leisure he especially enjoyed. Out of everything that he had taken away from himself from screwing his own body, the fact that he couldn't engage in swimming, going for a jog or surfing at the beach or snorkelling was killing him from the inside. 

He had admittedly foolishly assumed that studying and trying to be good at something academic - or anything useful- would distract him from it all. The truth though was as Brains had put it, he would have to go back to square one before even remotely getting near stuff he wanted to potentially do. He didn't have years to wait around either, he NEEDED something he could do NOW as it was pretty apparent to him more than anyone else he could go to sleep at night and never wake up again… or collapse from walking up and down the stairs of the house and dying from an injury from doing so.

It had hit him like a train that night on the mainland that he was going to be a dead man, however after repeating all his siblings accomplishments over and over it was obvious he was already perceived as such in small ways by his own brothers.

Not Scott though. Gordon couldn't work out why his eldest brother wanted his company beyond the fact he felt guilty for something he couldn't prevent or control. As Brain's voice sort of muted and fizzled out in his brain, he found himself instead watching his siblings playfully push each other into the pool. He had avoided talking to him since that impulsive decision, genuinely terrified that he screwed up as Scott was only trying to be nice to him when he really needed to not feel alone. 

"I said, would John be a-able to give me access to your school records?"

Gordon temporarily snapped out of his wandering thoughts, at least long enough to respond. "Yeah, I think so. John pretty much has access to everything. He'd probably wonder why you're interested as he's a nosey busybody in regards to things I do now."

Infact Gordon was pretty certain John probably suspected he was up to something, so at least having Brains tell him why he needed his details would temporarily keep his curiosity sated.

As he watched the fun outside, something in particular caught his interest as Scott came closer to the windows before darting off with Alan at his heel with the hose.

Scott had gone back and got a tattoo. Not just any tattoo but the one Gordon had shown him that he wanted for himself. The initial reaction would have been typically out of jealousy or anger that Scott had stolen his idea from under him but what would be the point? It's not like he could get it himself anyway. If anything Scott was doing him a favour, at least he could see it realised on someone even if it wasn't him. 

A small grin crept onto his face at the very idea Scott got a tattoo after Gordon called him out for becoming a 'starched shirt.' It was mildly funny to see his older brother taking something he said to heart…. And sweet too.

"You a-alright there Gordon? You aren't having dejavù are you?" Brains asked out of concern, worried Gordon was having micro seizures as his face was going red as he stared off into space.

"Huh?" Gordon eventually responded when Brain waved a hand in front of his face then held a book in front of him to block his view of the antics of the poolside and drag him back to reality. He grabbed the book and read the cover. "Brains, we established I don't know my times tables. No way would I be able to undertake quantum physics."

"M-maybe we should talk to John together upstairs?" Brains cautiously suggested, not wanting to leave the young man unsupervised. Afterall he was almost a brother to him after living under their roof for so long thanks to Jeff loosely adopting him in the same way he had with Kayo.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea actually." Gordon said abruptly as he stood up, catching his knee on the table and yelping. "It's impossible to concentrate down here anyway."

He followed Brain's lead upstairs to the lounge towards the entertainment pit with the holotable before unceremoniously flopping down on one of the couches. Brains's eyes narrowed with concern. "I-I'm going to grab your medical records w-while I'm at it." He watched Gordon wince and try to resist the urge to clutch his chest. "T-there has to be something I-I can do to help you out here, y-you can't keep going like this."

Gordon attempted to laugh before groaning. "What are you going to do? Bio engineering has been outlawed." 

"H-has it? Huh. That's a surprise as there was something I was thinking of t-that could help you, not only that if it worked it would advance medical science! M-maybe there is something I can do with the nano tech I invented." Brains scratched his chin.

"Maybe." Gordon leaned back into the seat to give his body a break. "I mean, you build an entire space hotel with it as well as those prototype engines we use in Thunderbird Two that you also built for the entire British airways Fireflash fleet. If anyone can figure something out, it's you."

"Y-you put far too much faith in me."

"You haven't given anyone a reason to doubt you yet, Hiram."

Brains watched the young Tracy drift in and out a few minutes before making contact with Thunderbird Five.

For Gordon that small period was filled with warm cuddles as the cushions enveloped him like the friendly and loving embrace of his oldest sibling.

He could hear the voice of John talking to Brains when suddenly something John said made him snap his eyes open and force himself off the couch. Sure it hurt like hell and he felt his insides wanted to explode but there was no way he was going to sit around while everything else moved around him.

With heavy footsteps he headed for the stairs and looked down them into the kitchen, took a deep breath and before Brains could stop him he was running down them two at a time until he stopped at the kitchen table, slamming his palms down on it while panting heavily. 

First things first - he was going to push himself to get his health back, even if it was going to kill him to do so. He knew his body could take it, afterall he had fallen several feet from a gecko pod before landing onto a stealth plane, he had been thrown around inside Thunderbird Four underwater, been put under enormous gravitational pressure and so many other crazy and dangerous things in the name of saving lives of people he had never met before.

Battered, broken and bruised, he knew his body could pull through this.

"A-are you crazy!?" Brains burbled as he caught up with him. "You're not in any c-condition to do -"

"And I will stay that way if I don't do something about it, Brains. You heard John and he's right. But unlike everyone else who's incredibly smart, I made up for it by being incredibly fit. You saw my grades too, if I have to re-sit and try learning the stuff you guys find all easy then I have to stay alive long enough to do so and that won't happen if I let this…. This pain beat me, ok?"

Brains thought for a moment. "I-I might be able to help with the academic stuff but you're going to n-need someone to help you with the physical s-side."

"That shouldn't be too hard." Gordon smirked and let out an exhausted chortle. "I mean, we've got our own gym and equipment, all I need is a supervisor and there's no shortage of those around here." He indicated outside to where his brothers had just picked Alan up and thrown him into the pool. "We might never be one hundered percent but if we're able to walk up and down those stupid stair cases without wanting to pass out it's better than noth -"

Brains grabbed him as his arms gave out and sat him in a chair. He had to admit he was quite impressed that Gordon was choosing to fight rather than roll over and give up. 

Maybe there was something other than help with his below average maths abilities that he could do.


"Are you sure you should be doing this?"

Gordon gave Alan a dirty look. "I'm certain that if you dare tell Dad or John that we are trying to see what the limits are I'll tell them about your drinking problem."

Alan stared back. "What problem is that besides getting drunk?" Scott had mentioned something about it the other night at the hotel and now he was curious since someone else brought it up.

Gordon sniggered. "The one when you get so pissed that you think that I'm a great option to sleep with."

"You're joking."

"Does it look like it?"

Alan started to stammer. "B-but I… oh shit we haven't though have we?"

"Luckily. The last time you were about to try I broke down. I'm… I'm only telling you this because something underneath all that booze stopped you. If you help me out though, I'll try and help you stop drinking."

"Is that even possible?" Alan looked hopeful and relieved that he hadn't done anything to hurt Gordon. 

"For both our sakes, it better be." Gordon grinned. "Ok, you ready?"

Alan nodded and stood back and held up two arm mit punching pads. "Ready when you are. Just don't throw them too hard otherwise you'll be on the floor after a few punches."

"Duly noted." Gordon raised his arms and shifted his feet into position for balance. Already his heart rate was elevated with anticipation, thumping away with a skip that made him catch his breath before he even started. 

As he landed the first strike, the small skip felt more like a jump causing him to lose balance and stagger. He raised a hand quickly to stop Alan from helping him and got back into position. Slowly, he built up each strike and after a few blows he started getting into a rhythm despite how shaky he was trying to keep himself in the sparing pose. Even Alan found himself getting into it, calling out words of encouragement everytime he saw his brother falter to get him back throwing another punch.

Footsteps echoed across the floor of the gym as Scott entered, coming in from a morning run with Virgil and John to do some light weight training and warm-down stretches.

"Gordon! What the hell?!" Scott yelled in shock and concern. "What are you doing? You could give yourself a heart attack." Anxiety creeping into his voice, Gordon's heart giving out was a very real possibility.

"There's some potential for that, yes." Gordon growled, launching into another strike which Alan almost failed to block. "Alan said something along the same lines…. But we've got an agreement."

Alan gave Scott a quick glance before adjusting his arms in the mitts. "We do. Only testing limits, nothing more, nothing less."

Scott was about to protest some more but he stopped and thought about if he were in Gordon’s position he would do the same, he wasn't the kind to lay back and give up, he'd give it everything he had, even if it almost killed him. "Just don't push yourself too hard."

He left them to it but kept an eye on them while he did his own workout in the background, really watching them more than concentrating on what he was doing.

After a short while of having felt the energy slowly drain from each strike, Alan called and time out and helped Gordon to sit on the polished wooden floor, handing him a bottle of water.

"I think you need to take it easy after all of that." Alan nudged his sibling. "Your balance is all over the place though I get the feeling you don't really care about that."

"N-no. Just frustrated at t-the end." Gordon puffed. "Don't think we'll be trying that again."

"Got any better ideas?"

"I'll let you know." Gordon flopped backwards so he was looking up at the rocky and cavernous ceiling. "I don't feel like I c-can move."

"You alright? Want me to grab Virgil to carry you upstairs?" Alan asked.

"Nuh uh." Gordon lazily shook his head. "I'm just gonna lie here until my arms and legs decide they're done wishing to murder me."

Scott was just grabbing a bottle of water as he listened to their conversation. "What about swimming?" He said offhandedly.

Gordon snorted, taking Alan beside him by surprise. "I wish. I'd go surfing if I could. Dad's afraid I might drown. To be honest, so am I. Last night I woke up struggling to breathe…."

"You do seem to be having a slight problem." Alan chimed.

"I don't mean to that extreme." Scott said joining them "A lot of people exercise in water when doing rehabilitation or physio since its low impact."

"So's riding a bike." Gordon sat up on his elbows, wincing in pain. "I don't think we'll be doing that either. I was winded just from walking upstairs yesterday! Speaking of…" he lay back down again holding his head a minute or two to stop things spinning. "Yeah, definitely not going anywhere for a while."

"Just take it easy, don't rush yourself, Virgil still shouldn't really be lifting anything heavy, I can take you up when you're ready."

"I don't plan on moving a muscle, so no need to worry."

Alan stood up and dusted himself. "Anyone want a Sunny Boy? It's started to get really humid in the past hour."

"I'm good, thank you." Gordon sat back up on his elbows. "Though if you could pass me my drink bottle Scott, we'll be hunky-dory."

"Want one Scott?"

"Not right now, thanks." Scott replied, passing Gordon his bottle before sitting down on the floor beside him. 

As Alan watched Scott talking to Gordon a weird feeling came over him. He wanted to think that it was only because of what Gordon had told him about his drunken behaviour that made him have a ping of protective jealousy for no reason - and yet it was still there even when he left them alone.

It was only until he entered the kitchen that he realised WHY he was jealous and he cursed himself for not recognising it sooner.

Scott was subtly flirting with Gordon right in front of him. Admittedly the way Gordon spoke to people at times was as if he was the biggest flirt under the sun, some of that ego had faded now they all knew he only kept up the pretence of interest in Penelope and his internal injuries had dragged the rest so low that even Alan could tell his brother stopped using snark humour to defend himself, which was making it easier for anyone to approach him now than they ever really wanted to.

He was curious how much of his brother's identity had been up until now, a fight between himself and them and their assumptions. It would be wrong to say it had totally gone - the sparing proved that what little fight he had left was against himself.

That had a ripple effect too. It left his brother open and vulnerable, without much ability to push back or defend against others who'd take advantage of him.

Surely Gordon could see what Scott was doing, right? He wasn't that dense Alan knew that his sibling might occasionally be a pain in the arse and an underachiever but he wasn't stupid, having intelligence in some strange places at times.

He would have to keep an eye on it.


Now they were alone, Gordon's face flushed pink as he sat next to Scott on the gymnasium floor. They hadn't moved since Alan left, Scott insisting that he rest properly before attempting to go back upstairs.

Now was probably a bad time but Gordon knew if he didn't speak up he'd be skirting around it forever and didn't want to lose his new friendship with his older brother over it.

"About the other night Scott… I uh… look my head is an absolute mess right now and I didn't really think it through. You were so nice to me I guess I'd forgotten for a moment that we were brothers - I mean we haven't acted like siblings since Dad came back, really we're all like co-workers who act like strangers outside of International Rescue so I guess easy mistake to make right?"

Gordon looked down at his shoes and drew his knees up to his chest. "At least, you all besides Alan did. Accept I don't want it to be. I-I'd like it if it wasn't."

"Going back to acting like we're siblings just doesn't feel right to me. I don't really know who you all are now and frankly between you and me I sort of want to keep it that way at least, between Virgil, John and me. I can't handle the 'happy families act'. It's too fake."

"As for you and me…" Gordon shifted his seating position, leaning over towards Scott so they were inches apart. "If it's alright with you l, I'd like to get to know you better in a different way." He pressed his lips against Scott's softly to start with before kissing him a little more purposely to get his point across. When he sat back, his body shaking from the adrenaline rush, he still had his eyes shut tight, expecting Scott to not be there when he opened them, especially since he was asking him something that wasn't socially acceptable since human ancestors evolved to walk upright.

Scott resisted putting his arms around Gordon, his head told him to stop this before it went further, despite his heart wanting otherwise. "I can't do this, I'm sorry Gordon but it's not right, despite if you don't feel it, we are brothers, we can't do this it's not right…" He didn't think he'd ever said something so difficult in his life, it actually hurt especially with how Gordon was looking at him now, this was for the best.

Gordon's eyes re-opened but didn't look up as he heard Scott shuffle and stand up as if to hurry away.

"I'm sorry too. Guess we'll stay strangers." Gordon drew his legs in close again but only to struggle to his feet to watch Scott's retreating back. He couldn't help himself, calling out, "It was nice to get to know you even a little beyond the pedestal that I've been made to look at since I dropped out of highschool. You've always been someone I never felt a connection with and it was nice to finally have one, even for a short while."

As Scott's footsteps faded away Gordon's voice felt hollow as it echoed around the gym. "I'm sorry that I'm such a fuck up… please…. don't leave…"


Scott hadn't left his room since Gordon's confession in the gym. Hearing his sibling call after him, he felt his heart break for the third time in his life and it didn't feel any easier than the last.

He had practically ran to his room making it there just as uncontrollable tears began to fall. This is for the best, you're doing the right thing, He kept telling himself. If only his heart agreed with his head.

By the time dinner time rolled around Scott still didn't feel like he could face seeing Gordon again, of course he would have to but not yet. Not now when things were everywhere.

His head wasn't in the right place, though to be fair neither was Gordon's so what was going on between them…

Scott swore loudly thumping the bedroom wall so hard a few of his trophies fell off the shelves. As he picked them up he glanced at the plaques: basketball championships, soccer championships, rock climbing awards, Ranger scout camping award… it made him stop and really take stock in his surroundings, the realisation that he was indeed someone that his brothers HAD to look up to as the standard of being an overachiever at something. By the time it was Gordon and Alan's turn to follow him, Virgil and John the bar had been raised exponentially high for what was expected of them and only Alan could match them with his smarts in astrophysics which won him commendations while Gordon…

Gordon really did get left behind in the rush to see who could be more clever, more talented and adventurous than their famous astronautical father. All of them proudly displayed their achievements and got to show them off by working for their father.

Oh shit, why hadn't I noticed that? Scott mentally swore. He was restricted to only underwater rescues until Dad disappeared too. In fact his carefree annoying little brother flourished without their Dad around, taking bigger roles and freely letting himself be dumped into situations where his lack of knowledge or skills became an asset because when you're always forced to improvise nothing is impossible. Sure they didn't always get along but the few times they had to work together as a team Scott could see that his brother wasn't just another pain in the arse teenager but a valuable and versatile member of the team who he come to learn while in charge had done more riskier things than he ever did that had got him almost killed.

He wasn't an annoying teenager now though, heck since Dad's return he had become rather reserved though it was clear that everything he had been good at had been more or less taken away….

"It was nice to get to know you even a little beyond the pedestal that I've been made to look at since I dropped out of highschool." No Gordon it's me who's had to get to know you, you've been forced to know all about me and everyone else to the point it's been rubbed in your face. Hell you even admitted it at the speed dating night by talking all of us up instead of yourself.

"I'm sorry that I'm such a fuck up… please…. don't leave…" That's where you're wrong again, Gordo. I'm the failure here as I can't admit to the fact that I -I want to be with you. But I know that we shouldn't….Gordon… I want to tell you how much I like to get to know you better…. And to return your affection. 

Scott sat on his bed in silence, wondering what he should do next. Listen to his heart or his head?


"You look like something died."

Gordon groaned and rolled over, yelping in agony. "I feel like warmed over yesterday. "

John rolled his younger sibling back towards him to investigate why Gordon had been extremely listless since dinner the night before, their father carrying him to his room after a sudden crash in energy had him on the kitchen floor.

"Have you been taking your medication?"

"John, I'm choking on the stuff."

John pulled Gordon’s head around, checking for signs of allergic reactions or the possibility that his brother had a heart attack.

"Might have to have words with your doctor." John frowned, shifting the singlet Gordon slept in to feel his chest and his breathing. 

"No, you don't. " Gordon winced. "I wanted to see what my body was still capable of and over did it. No one else's fault but my own."

John's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

Gordon flat out lied. "I ran a few laps up and down the stairs."

"You're a fucking idiot." John hissed.

"Tell me something I already didn't know." Gordon's voice took a very soft and emotionless tone. Scott's reaction to what he said and did in the gym had weighed heavily on his shoulders and the fact that he didn't make an appearance at dinner made him begrudgingly accept the damage he had done. Lying in bed had given him a lot to think about as now he was terrified of pushing Alan, Kayo and Brains away too. 

"Well, Dad wants you down in the laboratory, by the ankles if I have to drag you there. He wants Brains to run our own test on you, like the ones we all have to do to measure our fitness every six months. He's convinced they've missed something though frankly I think it'll be a waste of time that could be used for re-education. That's why Brains asked me about your highschool results, isn't it?" John preened. "At least that's a constructive way to waste money that might have a pay off."

Gordon dragged himself out of bed to his feet still dressed in the clothes from the previous day and proceeded to change, aware John was taking note of how much he struggled with his shirt and probably making a list of the countless scars that covered his skin as he moved, faded, fresh and unhealed.

"Do you mind waiting outside? You're making me uncomfortable."

John rolled his eyes. "It's not like I haven't seen you stark naked before. Just throw on some clean boxers, You're going to be tested on so you're only going to need those and your runners."

"F-fine." Gordon staggered over to the small wardrobe and reached into an even smaller dresser that was hidden away inside to change his underwear, grabbed his shoes and shouldered passed John, forcing his brother into the wall and bumping into shelving filled to the brim of vintage action figures. Gordon's room was the perfect size for the short carrot shaped Tracy but for everyone else it was as pokey as a broom closet.

John took a deep breath and muttered something Gordon thankfully ignored under his breath as he escorted his younger brother down stairs and navigated around the house as would could only be described as a sloths pace towards the gym and the sports laboratory.

Alone in the subject booth all wired and masked up, Gordon glanced up at the observation window when he could see Dad, John and Brains in deep conversation as he slowly walked on the treadmill with machines making all sorts of noises around him. He hated this small room with a passion- every time he suffered the bends he had to be fitness tested and every time it felt humiliating being watched while he was made to run in his underwear.

This time he was on very strict instructions to just walk for as long as possible. He should be able to do that without a issue. 

The only problem with walking on the treadmill alone was that the mind tended to wander out of boredom and Gordon had a lot to think about the moment he had to shut his eyes to concentrate.

Immediately his thoughts went to Scott and how much he wished he didn't push him away with his advances. But that was it wasn’t it? Same thing with Penny. He made the mistake of them being nice to him to mean much more than it was, which was sort of the problem when someone with an incredible personality that takes you by storm sweeps you up off your feet and you can't think of anything else. To be able to return that generosity, that affection, that luminous energy… the fear of being alone, being seen as some horrendous and horrible person, the thick meat head with no brains - all of it - was the reason he didn't want to give up, keep fighting until he figured out what he was doing that was wrong.

Scott, why did you have to walk away? Of course he knew exactly why he did, he just didn't want to acknowledge it as by doing so for some reason hurt worse than having his head make contact with the kitchen floor.

It was as if Scott had reached into his chest and squeezed.

"Gordon, step off the treadmill. You're done." The sound of Jeff's voice filtered into the room. Gordon gripped the sides of the treadmill tight and kept going, despite every physical sign he should stop. He didn't want to, if he did they would poke him with needles next for other tests that he didn’t think would tell them anything new.

Come on, what would Scott do?

He would keep walking.

"Gordon, your breathing is becoming far too shallow, you need to get off there right now."

John's voice. Huh, since when did the king of being a pretentious arse-hat really care about him on his own volition? 

"Brains, I can't unlock the door!"

"I'm sorry M-Mr Tracy but unless Gordon steps off, it will remain shut. It's how you requested me to design it."

I want to prove I can still hack it. International Rescue was the only thing that let me fit in, made me feel I belonged.

I wanted to be like Scott, Virgil and John who worked alongside Dad, Kyrano and Lee Taylor.

Gordon's feet thumped his shoes with dogged determination on the tred. Every step was filled with some unfulfilled wish, crushed dreams, post traumatic stress, depression, mania… his brain was running on feverish nightmares that for the last few years had been buried so deep behind the walls of good humoured stupidity that even the psychologist who came to evaluate their mental health couldn't find the broken pieces because those defences had been erected, fortified and perfected to keep everyone out and lock the monsters tight on the inside.

I want to be like my brothers, like my Dad. I want to know that mum would be proud.

"Gordon! You listen to me young man, you NEED to get off that thing right now before you have a heart attack!"

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. I have to be exactly like them…

Brains stepped back from the read out screens as if electricity surged through them. From what the data showed it was more or less what was happening as underneath the oxygen mask Gordon had started screaming. As to why or what it was about, no one would know but the sheer intensity of what he was physically, mentally and emotionally going through was there for all to see.

Why should I always conform to be like them? What is so fucking wrong with being myself? Why do I have to walk, talk, behave, tow the line in step in everyone else's fucking shadows? If someone as arrogant and bloody minded as John, a suicidal risk taker like Scott, a fucking walking meat sheild like Virgil and a skinny arsed piss taker like Alan are what I'M SUPPOSED TO EMULATE THEN YOU CAN FUCK OFF.

The treadmill stopped, the machines were wailing and screaming as Gordon physically collapsed, his body violently shaking. Jeff finally burst through the door and was at his side, desperately trying to bring him round.

"Why the hell didn't he stop?" Jeff demanded, as if John or Brains had the answers to whatever was going on inside Gordon's skull. 

"Your guess is as good as mine Dad. If I was given a hundred dollars every time someone asked me similar questions about any one of us I'd have a condo on Mars." John admitted, shrugging his shoulders. 

"Well, he's going to need a long rest after this. Send for Doctor Miranda, we might need her to give a mental evaluation too."


As Scott wandered into the living room, he saw Jeff and John carrying Gordon between them up the stairs from the kitchen and around to the stairs that lead up to the bedroom hallway with Brains trailing behind them. Gordon looked sicker than he had did when Scott had left him in the gym, his sibling very pale and listless. He started to follow out of habit until Alan's words stopped him.

"You barely cared the last time after we pulled him free, along with John and Virgil… and now you suddenly do?" 

But I DO care! At least, enough to keep me at a distance. That's what I NEED, to give both of us space. If I rush into help now… no, I have to go away a bit, Gordon needs me to stay away until his head and mine are back where they should be.

As brothers, not lovers.


Gordon mostly hid from everyone in his room, his mental state finally being shared to them all in great detail from the psychologist. 

They all knew he was on the outer edges of a type of identity disorder, though Gordon felt the diagnosis was slightly off as he had manipulated his emotions often enough that she never once picked up anything that would take him permanently off the team than he knew full well was locked inside his skull. It really didn't matter now that she dragged every single little piece out of him, he was too weak to care and unable to argue as it was obvious even to Jeff that his son had a mental episode.

Now he was scared. Sure he'd get help but now he knew his family had something to hold over him if he ever recovered enough to go back on limited duty in future, especially John who while well meaning in his own way was also someone who he knew would weaponise it to get a point across.

Scott now had more of a reason to stay far away from him, this hurting his feelings more than it should have as by now any sane person would have dropped it and moved on.

Gordon buried his head under the pillows. He couldn't figure out WHY he wasn't able to do just that - let it go. If he could, he could let go of the stupid idea of trying to break free from their shadows and just do what he's always had to, try to be like them.

If Dad hadn't come back and applied all the extra pressure to shape up, would he have just been happy that he was a highschool dropout? There were a few years where he had never felt so free of others' disapproval… Where'd that all go?

It didn't help that despite being in a house full of heroic awesome people he felt rather alone and any achievement he had done was always when no one was looking or when no one was around. Heck whenever he got hurt he was more or less left alone to deal with himself, the recent fun with the acid burns still on his mind, neither Scott or John really did anything to help him with that… but Virgil? Scott would have gone with his busted shoulder if he could have and despite being the one to give Virgil any medical aid, John still treated him like he hadn't lifted a finger.

Scott sitting with him all night after the altercation with Alan however left him confused, his brother had been upset with both of them but had chosen to stay with him in the living room entertainment pit…though now Gordon had proved he was as messed up as Alan even while sober so there was probably never going to be an opportunity to ask him why he did that.

Thank hell that the psychologist never found THAT out. She'd probably recommend he be admitted to a hospital. While they aren't as bad as they used to be centuries ago you did occasionally hear stories, especially ones involving people with lots of money getting trapped in those places with never ending lists of diagnosis that never get treated because their money was valuable to the place to help other patients as they knew no one would give them donations otherwise. 

Physically he wasn't much better, over doing it in the space of three days caused him to experience mild to intense muscle seizures, his body unable to cope with the stress he had put it under. No way would he be able to walk around the house in extreme pain without something forcing him to collapse and he was well aware that a majority of help would be out of pity rather than general concern.

He would rather have broken bones. At least those healed and didn't decide to try and kill him. 

He didn't waste the time staring at the ceiling the whole time, he made multiple attempts to sit at his small desk to read the books Brains had given him to study, though his attempts at taking notes or understanding what he was reading was debatable as tremors in his hand left his writing barely legible and everything else was a struggle of basic comprehension. He didn't want to admit defeat but John was right, money would be better off wasted elsewhere than re-education for the family idiot. Paper with the shakiest chicken scratches that vaguely looked like English was piled in badly organised lump for Brain's to look over when he was able to see him next but even he knew he may require an interpreter.

There had been a few attempts by someone or another to get him to come out of the room, though no one had stepped inside. Virgil was the go to in regards to seeing if he had thought Gordon could have just peed in a bucket in his room and Virgil would probably have said he'd at least gone to the toilet because Gordon had the suspicion Virgil hadn't moved from his own bedroom next door. He must have done, otherwise Dad, Alan and Kayo would have at least checked on him, Virgil though could become a solid wall of muscle to get past if he chose to block the door.

Gordon waited until he heard the emergency alert roll through the house and the distinct rumble of ships and aircraft leaving the island as they shook the very rock that one of his bedroom walls was built into. Figuring he was now alone - upstairs at least - he made his way over to the bathroom, dropping a clean singlet and boxers on the sink counter before disrobing and stepping into the shower, taking care to not look at his reflection.

He didn't need it to know he looked awful, he felt it.

He rested his head on the tiles. How was this fair? He thought. I can't keep hiding from everyone, nor can I keep letting them think I'm such a failure that can be abandoned when they can't tolerate me.

"WHY COULDN'T THIS SHIT HAPPEN TO SOMEONE ELSE!" Gordon slammed his fists against the wet tiles as he yelled. "Why do I have to be the fucking idiot this happens to! Everything always works out for everyone else so just once - just FUCKING once - can the universe give me a break!"

He unceremoniously thudded himself against the glass of the shower and groaned. "There's got to be something, ANYTHING I can do with myself that's constructive."

"You could always get a job on the mainland."

Gordon bolted off the glass and slipped, only to be prevented from crashing down by a pair of strong arms that had swung the door wide to grab him.

"Easy, tiger. Don't want you hurting yourself more than necessary."

"Y-you gave me a fright, Virgil." Gordon stammered as his brother helped right him outside of the stall. "I thought you were all out?"

Virgil shook his head. "Just Dad and Alan. Space emergency stuff. Besides I'm currently on standby after Alan made me tear my stitches".

Gordon winced and Virgil laughed. "We'll be fine. More concerned about you at the moment."

"Probably heard enough to make you all think I'm crazy huh?"

Virgil handed him a towel. "Not really. Though it was eye opening to say the least. Made the rest of us think about what we should be doing about making back up plans."

"Oh." Gordon looked relieved. 

"I also figured you needed some space, so I made sure you weren't disturbed."

Gordon gave him a weary smile. "Thanks. Though I probably wouldn't have minded the odd visitor to make sure I hadn't died."

"I'd have known if you had. You're not exactly the most quiet person to have a bedroom next to, even if you're trying to be."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Gordon mused. "Guess you're happy I don't have a sex life then."

Virgil scratched his jaw. "I wouldn't go that far. It does concern me you don't 'relieve' yourself like a healthy person would."

Gordon looked mortified. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Virgil shrugged. "I dunno. I assumed you have no sex drive or anything. I mean I can hear Alan and John across the hall when they have pornos or whatever going on to try and relax…. Scott too sometimes."

Gordon tried not to think about how much Virgil knew about everyone else getting their rocks off however they could. Worse still was the fact Gordon had heard all of them at one point or another and thought they were a bunch of lonely guys who needed to get out more.

Funny how they thought it was the opposite way around.

"The last time I did, I had a seizure." Gordon admitted. "Not a regular one either, every muscle in my body decided it wanted to murder me and almost succeeded." His shoulders slumped before he toweled himself down. "A small but alarmingly worried part of me is aware that unless something changes, sex isn't even an option for me ever if I did succeed if finding someone."

"Well, you're in luck." Virgil grinned. "Some old college friends of mine, John's and Scott's, are throwing an old fashioned 'singles mingle' and since you were interested in meeting someone I thought you could try there."

Gordon thought for a few minutes. "Sure, couldn't hurt right? Even if I only make a few new friends instead of potential dates."

Virgil's smile widened as he slapped Gordon's shoulder. "You won't regret it!"


Time away had done little in helping Scott sort out his feelings, though he believed part of his problem was he had been going through a dry spell.

He had never used a hookup app before though it was easy enough to use, after a round of casual sex he was sure it would all be clear.

After only a few moments he had several hits - one of which was very close. He messaged them he would be at their place in ten minutes.


"Uh Virgil, why is everyone-?"

"Having sex? Yeah that's the entire point of the party. It's a swingers night." Virgil nodded at a few ladies and a bloke who were eyeing him off and gave them a wink. "Just relax Gordo, be yourself."

"Be myself? Virgil! You may as well have dragged me to a place filming illegal pornogragphy movies!"

"Oh they do that too, though it's really not my thing."

"But casual sex is?"

Virgil waved it off. "Scott and John too, though Scott not so much and John less so these days. Some of the most fun we had was getting into large groups and we'd all be so stinking drunk that you have no idea who was doing who and-"

Gordon pushed his brother away. "I got the picture. So your telling me there's every chance you three have had sex with each other as well as a bunch of randos?"

"Not a chance, most certainly."

Gordon looked around the room. It was a spacious living area of this old fashioned mid century home that had been done up with fuzzy furniture and an eclectic mix of what someone assumed was popular in the nineteen sixties. The decor made him visibly cringe as someone who adored this style and the fact people were moving from one group to another all in various states of undress to get it on with as many as possible made him feel sick in his guts.

He weaved his way around, being extremely careful not to touch anyone, especially those who reached out for him to join in - till he made it to the bathroom where after checking that the room was clear of free-loving orgies, he closed the door and pulled on the necklace holophone and dialed for Scott.

His heart sank when his sibling failed to answer, suspecting that he still wasn't talking to him and tried calling John instead.

Immediately, John's hologram appeared and he sniggered. "Well this didn't take you long. After Virgil told me where you were off to, I knew you wouldn't last five minutes."

Gordon stared blankly at the hologram. Of course John would know wouldn't he? You couldn't leave the island without him knowing where you were. He rolled his eyes and ignored it. "Can I please get a lift home from here? Or at least a taxi to the nearest place I can stay the night?"

"Why not ask Virgil?" 

"How about I don't?"

"Seriously Gordon loosen up. You're supposed to have a good time at a party."

"This is not a party John!"

"Of course it is. Just because it's a party where people go to engage in sex doesn't make it less of -"

"Just get me the fuck out of here John! Why the hell is that such a hard thing to do?"

John folded his arms. "With that attitude? I'm most certainly not going to help you."

"Fine, I'm sorry. Can I please have someone come and get me?"

John looked smug. "Alright. But just so you know, I agree with Virgil that one night of baptism by fire will do you some good."

"You call sleeping with multiple random men and women in a scrum covered in body fluids from who knows where with the potential to get a STD a right of passage?"

John shrugged. "Part of the university experience of the time, I recall. Wouldn't say it was entirely terrible but even I'll admit to saying 'No' to Virgil's invitation to go. He figured you'd enjoy it, you know make some interesting memories."

"Yeah, Virgil did mention you sleeping together at one of these."

"We did not sleep together." John's voice was harsh and leaden, making Gordon wish he kept his mouth shut. "Siblings DO NOT have sex with each other. We shared partners, that is all. I mean that's really uncool, Gordo."

Gordon's eyes narrowed, feeling personally attacked though John in truth knew nothing about his feelings towards Scott and after this outburst, hopefully never will. "So's fucking the same person like it's a themepark ride taking turns after admission. Out of anyone I'd have thought you would have some standards."

"I have far more than you apparently." John's hologram snapped back. "I at least learnt from my screw ups growing up. You just seem to keep finding ways to make -"

The hologram vanished as Gordon twisted the charm on the necklace. Maybe he could get a taxi and a place to stay by himself? He slipped out of the bathroom and made his way for the front door, only stopping when he caught sight of Virgil in the kitchen.

There wasn't any words the could accurately articulate what he was doing there with two woman and another bloke but Virgil was indeed enjoying himself being naked and asserting his sexual prowess in the center of it. If Gordon had a body like his then yeah, why not get all the attention you can out of it? He could see why Virgil was into it. The ladies were drop dead gorgeous, both on top of him - orally and physically while the guy was doing his thing to him as well that Gordon honestly couldn't tell where one body started and another finished.

Feeling grossed out and uneasy, he made it to the front door as a slender hand grabbed his pastel green shirt and pulled him back to pin him to a couch. The woman sat across his lap with a sultry smile, stroking his jaw before attempting to kiss him, despite him desperately trying to untangle himself from her embrace without shoving her off him.

"Aww what's the matter? You look like you're in need of some good lov -"

"No, no I'm not. Was invited here by mistake, look there's a bunch of people over there who look like they've finished and would love to have-"

"Hmmm? Oh I've just come from there." She purred, running fingers through his hair. "You're shaking, is this your first time? Ohhh I love teaching beginners the ropes."

"I'm serious, I'm not interest-"

"Are you refusing my girl Delilah?"

Both heads turned towards a very big muscular man with chocolate skin who was cracking his knuckles. "If Delilah says she wants you, then you are required to oblige her."

Gordon wanted to disappear but couldn't move, trapped beneath the naked fawning woman.

"Aww it's alright, he's a newbie. Don't scare him off Charlie." Delilah purred. "Maybe he could benefit from being on your lap at the same time?"

Enough was enough. Gordon squirmed and wriggled to get himself free. "Look, you seem really nice but I really HAVE to go. Please, I just want to leave. If I can make a better suggestion, my brother Virgil is still here and most definitely into giving as good as he gets."

Delilah looked at him curiously. "Go on."

"You can't miss him, he's the really fit bloke with black hair. He's built like someone who wrestles bears for a living, which isn't far off what he does for a job." Gordon swallowed hard and pointed in the direction of the kitchen. "He could hold out way longer than I ever could too."

"Interesting. You wait here and I'll find out. If you're not lying my friend here won't hurt you." Delilah got off his lap and kissed his cheek but before Gordon could move Charlie's hands rested on his shoulders and pinned him to the seat while she went to see this 'perfect specimen' for herself. After a few minutes there was a whistle and Charlie let him go and wandered towards the kitchen himself though Gordon was out the door without remotely giving a damn about what he just got his brother Virgil into - frankly after being lied to and seeing for himself what Virgil did in his off time, Gordon was pretty certain he could handle himself.


The guy Scott had gotten a hit on was a pretty boy with long red hair - that he had already forgotten the name of - lived in a spacious studio apartment. He couldn't deny the views from the windows were brilliant but his gaze couldn't resist being drawn to all the photos of the bloke on the walls. He was either a model or very much in love with himself.

The sex was brief, it wasn't bad but it left Scott feeling unfulfilled in the way he wished he was, one thing was clear it wasn't just sex he was looking for anymore.

He thought back to the first time Gordon kissed him, soft, warm and oh so sweet. His heart raced at the thought of it but there was more behind it. Scott was starting to accept he wanted to cross the line into one of the greatest of taboos because he was in love with his own brother.

This realisation hadn't completely sunk in when his holo watch started ringing. He knew who it was instantly, as he'd put it on silent and only one person could bypass that.

"Is it an emergency John?".

"Sort of. I'm unsure what to classify it as." John's voice seemed as deep in thought as his hologram image suggested. "Would you call Gordon getting upset with me and Virgil an emergency?" He frowned and the hologram's head moved a little to the side as if to look past him. "Am I interrupting something?" John raised an eyebrow as if to indicate that his indiscretion at that date night wasn't nearly as bad as sleeping with a self centred poser.

Scott didn't want to look behind him but curiously got the better of him, the apartment owner was in nothing but his underwear a floating camera bot circled him snapping photos as he posed for it.

"Why is Gordon upset with Virgil?" Cutting John off before he could say anything already able to guess what he would.

"I'll give you two guesses."

"I wouldn't have a clue." Scott didn't think Virgil would say something to upset Gordon. "What did you guys do?"

"Virgil took him to a party. You know, the kind we went to in college to try and get him to loosen up. He thought that Gordo could do with a night out and get himself initiated. Like, there's a reason why one nighters have always worked for us," John's voice was telling him as a matter - of - factually, "It's because they always see the body or our names first. I mean who doesn't want to fuck someone who's the son of a billionaire who's drop dead sexy? No one no matter how you look at it will EVER want one of us because of our personality. It's the norioty of having it off with some random rich guy you might have an illegitimate child to."

John's voice continued in amusement as the hologram fizzled reception. "Virgil was trying to get Gordon to understand that. I'm not sure why he bothered, as within a few minutes of arriving at that party we both said no to, Gordon had called me up to try and get a lift out of there. He hung up on me before I could too, the ungrateful so-in-so. Seriously, that kid's got issues beyond what the doctors are telling us."

"I mean, the little brat even made the assumption that WE had you know…. With each other."

"Are you both insane!" Scott started yelling. "That's the last thing he needs, he almost fuckin died last time he jacked off!" Never mind that, the thought of Gordon being with someone else twinged him with jealousy, shit he did have it bad for him and if Gordon thought that John, Virgil and he had... "And where the fuck did he get that idea, who said we had ever done that?"

There was an angry growl from behind him, as the red haired apartment owner came over. "Take your fuckin boy troubles else where and get the fuck out of my apartment now your ruining my shoots!"

"Okay fine just let me just grab my clothes. I was just leaving anyway." He replied as he started hunting around, he wasn't at all surprised he was being kicked out.

The angry model however wasn't willing to wait he grabbed Scott's clothes from off the floor, marched over to a balcony and threw them out.

"What the fuck!"

"Get out now or I'm calling secsecurity!" The bloke pointed towards the door, after the speeding dating incident Scott thought better then to make another scene to get back to their father, at last he had underwear on.

"Wow, talk about a self centred fucktard." John's voice mocked as he had heard every single word. "You let that idiot have sex with you? That's bad, even for you Scott. Out of all of us you should be the one who has actual standards."

"At least I wasn't in a back alley getting a blow job from a gigolo." Scott replied as he headed from the lobby and out to the street.

"Hence why I said I thought you had standards. I take whatever I can get with how rarely I'm off duty. Virgil too I suspect."

"If Virgil doesn't have a few unknown kids by now, I'd be surprised, more so he hasn't ended up with more STDs." He'd never ready wanted to have sex with a whole bunch of random strangers this was a first and it had been such a wonderful experience so far.

Finally reaching street level he started picking up his clothes, people starting as they passed by. "Hey how are ya?" He said to an older couple giving a wide berth as they walked by with their dogs.

"Yeah well at least he and I are trying. Gordon needs someone to help loosen that tight arse of his up." John sighed. "What exactly have you done? Those don't look like your pants by the way."

"Getting to actually know him as a person something I should have a long time ago, oh shit."

"What do you mean 'oh shit?'" John's hologram looked suspicious. "And since when has short stuff had a personality worth getting to know?"

"You have never made the effort then" He held up a pair of leggings. "These aren't my clothes"

"Hey!" An angry voice yelled down from above, Scott looked up to see the pretty boy model leering over his balcony at him. "That's my boa!" Scott picked it. "Yeah that's mine, give it back!" 

Scott put it around his neck and flipped the guy off. "You were a lousy lay, think of this as my compensation". He said before walking off the guy screaming profanities after him, this was hopefully the cake of Scott's unfinest lifetime moment. "Where is Gordon now?"

"Actually, that's why I'm calling. Gordon's holophone signal stopped working not long after he called. He may be a little shit but I'm worried that something will happen to him, though kidnapping is very VERY low on the list." John's hologram sighed heavily. "Alan told me he stopped using his watch phone in favour of that ancient pendent one mum gave him and that thing…. Scott if you find him, throw it in the trash please. It makes it hard to monitor his health with it, let alone his location if he wanders off."

"What was Gordon's last location?"

"The party. I'll send you the address, he can't have gone far. The map location says there's a beach nearby."

"Alright I'm on my way now" Hanging up on John he saw he had missed two calls from Gordon swearing he picked up his pace and headed towards the location John had given him.


Gordon wandered down the street and as it curved downhill he could see the ocean, sprawling out into the dark horizon to be swallowed by the stars. It looked beautiful and after a glance back behind him he decided that's where he'd walk as there wasn't really anywhere else he could go on foot that he knew of. 

"It's alright Gordon, I'll always be here."

What a big FAT LIE that was. If Scott really meant that he wouldn't have left him in the hands of John and Virgil in the first place - regardless if he had kissed him or not.

He let his feet doordle, slowing his pace to a crawl as his mind went walkabout, mostly in circles around how misguided his feelings towards Scott were.

Or were they?

He had considered it was because everyone else he happened to know had at the very least had sex before and a few even had real relationships and that he might desperately want the same, latching onto the first really caring person after the mess of lies his fraudulent relationship with Penelope had been.

It wasn't because he has never had sex before either. If that had been the case, he would have found it easier to hook up with someone - anyone - after a minor pleasant conversation with them for an hour as a nice personality goes a long way in his book.

But that hadn't happened. He considered maybe he just wasn't into sex in general but that wasn't true, as much as he wanted it to be. Since that very first kiss in the shower, his imagination had wanted more, to take things far further than he had. A part of him wished he got to his hands and knees underneath that water and gave Scott some serious deep throating… or whatever it was when your mouth brought someone to climax. 

Gordon knew why he hadn't and not because they were brothers. It was because he was afraid of doing so and being unable to match up to all those Scott had probably had before, heck there was every possibility he was doing the same as Virgil was right now somewhere else in order to forget the fact his sibling who was at least seven years younger than him wanted to pursue a potential sexual but mostly emotional to borderline romantic relationship. 

Gordon felt his face flush hot with feelings he never knew existed towards Scott. Fucking hell he WAS jealous! Scott was under no obligation to NOT sleep around with other people if he felt like it! Crap on a cracker Gordo, get a grip on yourself!

But after seeing what Virgil got up to it wasn't hard to mentally put Scott in a similar position though in a much more dominant place, being in full control and getting a piece of every bloke in the orgy as well as giving everything he had.

It didn't help Virgil having unprotected sex made him assume Scott would be doing that too, making his heart sink that even if they were to he probably wouldn't even be allowed that privilege, knowing his brother he'd want to protect him however he could. Gordon was a little torn on this but when you've never had it before how would you know what felt better anyway? So far his mind couldn't picture him and Scott even getting that far because now his head was filled with other people who were incredibly hot with wider hips, huge dicks and just overall healthier and taller than he was - Gordon had already assumed based off his experiences that he was too petite, in stature and the waist - that he was completely wrong size and shape that even a Transgender dancer thought he was nothing more than 'cute'.

He could always go back to the swingers party, take up the threesome offer and just see where that went… through with his luck; he'd be the one to get sicker with something after his first time with strangers.

He didn't want his first to become his last. 

Would that matter? He was already on borrowed time unless Brains came up with something. The medication he was on would only last for so long before they had to make it so strong he couldn't feel anything let alone an eye twitch. Then what? May as well be dead by that point as the second he couldn't feel anything even if it was only sadness and loneliness part of his soul would feel like it was missing. The only thing he had to work with when he physically couldn't hack it was his emotions, take those away…

Once he reached the beach he slid off his sandals and walked around on the sand, feeling the grains between his toes and basking in the breeze as the salty air blew in from the ocean.

It felt like forever since he had the chance to do this. Sure, he couldn't swim alone - if at all - but just being near it and experiencing the feeling it brought with it gave him the warmest smile. It was like the sounds, sights and smells were a warm fuzzy blanket of pure comfort.

He let out a deep sigh before adjusting the holocharm to call John again. The hologram of his older brother was flickering with interference but Gordon didn't need the visual to be fantastic in order to see his sibling with his arms folded across the chest, annoyed with him for disappearing.

He hung his head low. "Look, about before I'm sorry for being a jerk. I-I just…." Gordon decided to bite the bullet and he physically deflated. "You're completely right about everything. I give. Can… can I please get a lift home? Or at least a taxi somewhere overnight? Please John?" His voice wavered slightly. Admitting defeat was one thing but admitting to being the loser in the family was another. It stung like the high voltage that had coursed through his body but there was no other option if he wanted John's assistance. It was tail between his legs or being forced to choke on his pride.

"Gee Gordon, you almost sound sincere." John clicked his tongue. "Alright, if you're THAT desperate I'll ping Scott to get you."

Gordon's mouth opened and shut a few times wordlessly before he nodded. Last thing he wanted was Scott knowing about this swingers party he was at but his other option was possibly Virgil and there was no way he would be able to look at the big guy the same way again.

"Sure. How far away is he?"

"A block or so away. Not far."

Gordon nodded."Thank you."

As he hung up the call, he swore and bit hard into his fist. Fuck, if he's only a block or so away that means he -

What the hell?

Coming towards him with a pink feather boa around his neck, neon pink leggings covered in sequins and high heel shoes was Scott.

Gordon spun on his heels and marched in the opposite direction a few feet but he couldn't ignore shit like this forever. He turned back and got right up in Scott's face and growled as he shouted," You guys think you're SO FUCKING FUNNY DON'T YOU? You HAVE to keep kicking me when I'm down to keep me there but you know something? You guys are nasty pieces of work, who the hell needed to go to school to be bullied when I have to LIVE WITH THEM!"

He stepped back, running his hands over his face before looking up at the sky in disbelief then back at Scott. "I expected better from you, I TRUSTED YOU! Yeah ok so me telling you I got the fucking hots for you was stupid but you didn't need to throw it back at me with all of… THIS!" he waved his arms around in a hysterical fashion. "Bet it was John's idea having you dress up to make even more fun of me!"

"No one put me up to this, I wouldn't mock you, this is my own stupid mess, because I have been so confused by my own feelings and I've tried to do the right thing, to be the shining example I've always had to be, but I'm only human in the end and I'm as flawed as every body else."

Gordon stood there staring at Scott dumbfounded. "What do you mean, 'your own mess?"

"I thought what I feel for you was nothing but sexual desire, so I went to find out."

Gordon frowned. "So this ridiculous outfit is what you wore while 'finding out' huh?" He paced around in a circle. "Sex with strangers seems like the answer to every problem for you guys huh?" His shoulders sagged and he unceremoniously dropped himself down onto the sand. "There was an easier way, you know. Bit late for it now."

"I'm sorry I realised that too late and I don't want to just lie to you about what I was doing."

"Well, you're a grown man right? Can't stop you if you want to sleep around." Gordon sighed heavily. "Besides, you're right…me and you it's messed up so I guess you having sex with someone else is a good thing. Still doesn't pardon John or Virgil for this bullshit though."

"No, I did talk to John about that and I will Virgil."

"Yeah, talking to them actually does nothing, Scott, especially John. He's got something against me real good. " Gordon looked out at the blackness of the midnight ocean. "He got what he wanted anyway I think and he'll probably remind me of that fact the rest of my life."

Suddenly Gordon perked up and pointed out towards the sea. "Scott! Look, do you see that!? Look what's coming in!"

Looking out into the water Scott couldn’t see anything at first but then he noticed movement, black and white shapes that became small birds riding the waves to shore where they began marching up the beach. "Oh wow penguins!"

Gordon started chuckling. "They seem to be having a bit of a challenge getting out of the currents huh?"

"Be pretty tiring for the little guys after swimming all." Scott kicked off his heels and sat down beside Gordon in the sand, watching for a while. "Well this evening is turning out not to be so terrible."

"Speak for yourself." Gordon didn’t look in his brother's direction, instead remaining focused on the little fairy penguins making their strange waddling gait across the sand. "I have one brother who thinks I'm only good enough to have sex with- correction," he quick said as he glanced sideways at Scott, indicating that he WAS indeed listening to him when he mentioned him wanting to have sex with him. " - Two brothers and another two who think I need some random stranger to fuck me in whore house somewhere, one of which I just told them that they were completely right about me being a waste of time let alone space."

Gordon lowered his head and shifted his position. "Then I fucked up even more by… having 'feelings' I'm not supposed to have towards someone. I should have held those wires inside that miner longer as it seems like surviving that entire setup wasn't something that was supposed to happen and because I had everything has gone off the rails."

A penguin had come right up to them, pulled at Gordon's cargo pants before squeaking, flapping it's flippers and then as if it was trying to intimidate him to move, stood tall and slowly advanced. Scott watched as his sibling frowned and removed his shirt before making a grab for the creature with it before looking the animal over. "That's not good, not good at all. Scott, can you see if there's a vet or something that's open? This guy has got a fishing hook sticking out of one of its flippers."

As Gordon scooped it into his arms properly he noticed it also had an identity tag. "Actually, before you do that Scott, ask if John can trace this guy's ID number. They might have a GPS marker on its burrow and it wouldn't hurt to find it in case it has chicks. That way they can all go to the veterinary clinic and the chicks won't starve without their parents to feed them while they're recovering. It's not something I'd tell other people to do but better to be on the safe side considering too many animals are on the endangered species list since twenty forty."

Scott used his holowatch to scan the little bird for a microchip before calling John.

"John says the penguin has no chicks, I'm looking up a local vet now and I'll call for a taxi."

Gordon frowned. "Does the tag have that information? That's rare." He looked carefully at the bird's injury. "I'd still check, in case the rangers haven't updated the information yet."

"We can check if you like, I have the location of its burrow."

Gordon simply nodded. "I'd feel better if we did."

After making sure that the Penguin was indeed an empty nester, Scott called a taxi to the nearest vet where after waiting around for affirmation that it would be alright, Scott had wrapped his arms around Gordon's shoulder's as the younger Tracy looked exhausted from his misadventure for the evening. 

The taxi ride to a nearby motel was somber, Gordon leaning his smaller warm body into Scott's on the back seat still holding his shirt in his hands bundled up as if he still had the penguin in his arms. Scott's bare arms had wrapped around him securely, a silent offer of confort and protection that his sibling needed.

As Scott walked over to Gordon by the room door with the keys, the shorter Tracy grabbed the feather boa and pulled Scott down into a needy kiss, one that compared to the last ones felt as if the person behind it was broken and reaching out, pleading to not be left alone.

Scott allowed himself to give into it, as after his random 'romp' he now knew the difference between a kiss that was hollow and one that was full of emotion behind it - even if the current emotions were messy and probably something he shouldn't toy around with. 

But, if he was to walk away or deny this kiss again he was well aware it would never be offered up again. Sure Gordon was extremely vulnerable and currently open to be taken advantage of however Scott knew that providing comfort for that exposed weakness would also be more rewarding when tension was less prominent in the air.

Though he was certain that he wouldn't allow his brother to do something he may regret while in this state. He wasn't a monster, at least he hoped he was better than that.

He lifted Gordon off the ground with ease and carried him to the bed and pinning him down, lips still locked together and seeking each other out, the urge to resist getting too exploratory was immense as the smaller very muscular body beneath him was exposed enough to make him want to go crazy but the tenderness and the fragility of the kisses stopped him in his tracks.

Although…. Scott couldn’t deny that he could feel how much the shorter Tracy's body was begging for attention and he had seen plenty of it in the past to know that he wasn't a slouch despite his short stature saying otherwise. Scott gently pulled Gordon up so they were sitting and wrapped his arms around him from behind while sliding a hand down his pants.

"Do you trust me?" Scott whispered into Gordon's ear, asking permission before proceeding. He could feel his brother's heart racing as he lay against him and stroked his inner thigh making his breath hitch in a sound that was music to his own ears. 

Gordon struggled to speak though he didn't need to as Scott felt his hand being relocated and a loud purr left Gordon's lips as his head lulled back into Scott's shoulders, making the older Tracy smile in amusement. For a moment he'd forgotten that he was with someone who had never really had anyone touch them this way before. For his brother, this was all new uncharted territory. 

With that in mind, Scott freed him from the binds of his pants and underwear, gently running his fingers playfully up and down Gordon's thick shaft making his brother beg and whimper, his body started shaking as he teased. Scott watched his sibling move as pleasure coursed through him, nuzzling and kissing with encouragement, shifting one of his legs to get a better view of the impressive girth at full attention.

"Easy." Scott breathed. "Ride it out. Give into it…" his hand started moving with more purpose, rhythmically in time to the erratic rocking of Gordon’s hips.

"Sc-Scott… uhhh ahhh S-Scott…"

Gordon bot hard on his lip as the build up washed over him, Scott gripping his waist tight to his own body as it was bucking hard off his lap; impressed how much intensity his system reacted to pleasure in the same vein as to how extreme he could feel one emotion to another.

"AH! AHHH!" Gordon cried out, blood trickling down his chin from the bite on his lower lip, making Scott clutch him tight until his body started to come down off the sudden high. As Scott suspected he was shaking badly as he went limp though after the mess that had graced both the pants and a majority of the sheets was something he had only ever seen in a porn film where they faked every bit of cum.

Wiping his hand on the sheets as best as he could, he cuddled Gordon into him as he lay them both down, wrapping his arms around him protectively. Scott listened to him as his breathing struggled to even out, taking longer than it should have to come down after the wave of euphoria. He was going to have to be slower than this, at least for the time being.

As tiredness started to set in, Scott heard Gordon mumble from his position tucked into his broad chest, "So what's going to happen now? You're going to tell me this was a mistake and we're going to pretend it never happened… aren't you?"

"No I'm happy just to see where this goes if you are?"

Gordon then took Scott by surprise and gave him a little reminder that while he may be unwell and smaller than him, he wasn't a weakling by rolling on top of him and sitting up, pinning Scott to the bed. "Virgil said something strange about you, him and John, implying that you guys had at the very least had done it with each other once. I'm not about to be used as a one night of 'fun' like they want to be." 

"No." Scott wanted to set this straight now. "I can't speak for Virgil and John but no I never did." 

Gordon leaned back so Scott got a better view, especially now since he had been freed from his pants, meaning there wasn't anywhere to hide his physical attraction for him. "It's funny, I may be the hopeless highschool dropout, the trouble maker and annoying brat… but I've never been an actual 'bad boy'." Gordon trailed a finger down Scott's bare chest and down his raised six pack towards the hem of the tight pink leggings where it was obvious he wasn't the only one begging for real affection. "The one chance I had ended up being a no go …yet, someone else did instead. "

Gordon leaned forwards and a wicked smile crossed his face. "When were you going to tell me you stole my design?"

"Ahhh yeah…." Scott found it hard to concentrate with Gordon’s hands all over him. "I was sorry you couldn't get it, thought at least you could see it on someone." He knew how lame this was all sounding. "After what you said; and I didn't have my own design.."

Gordon leaned right in and chuckled. "Well at least ask me next time." He playfully nipped Scott's left ear and tugged on the lower lobe. "So… How far do you want to go? I mean… you're kind of the first person I've kissed…and who's felt me up. Guess I have to follow your lead?"

"It's more up to you how far do you want to go?" Scott growled playfully, he couldn't think of anytime that he had felt foreplay being this much fun.

"You sure you want to leave it to me?" Gordon nuzzled and trailed his tongue down Scott's neck to his collar, indulging in how he tasted and how he smelled. His fingers hesitatingly danced lightly across Scott's chest, lingering in the light layer of hair, caressing it and being fascinated by it.

"You know I'm kind of jealous of this sparse rug you have here." Gordon purred, massaging his fingers through it.

"Oh yeah you have a type then? Anything else you like that you see?"

Gordon let out a charming little grunt. "I don't know. Like I said… you're the first. Do you have a type?"

"Yeah redheads but there's always exceptions."

"Exceptions?" Gordon raised an eyebrow. "Like what exactly?" 

"Oh you know, lizard heads, conjoined twins… that sort of thi- ow! Hey!" Scott raised his arms up to defend himself as Gordon hit him repeatedly with a pillow. He was laughing quite hard at how easy it had been to suck Gordon into it. He shifted the pillow when it finally flopped limply against his head and could see how heavy Gordon was breathing, his shoulders were shaking slightly but it was his face that gave it away that something wasn't right, even in the pale moonlight Scott could tell he had gone very sickly in colour.

Grabbing his brother's waist so he didn't fall, Scott asked calmly, "Everything alright Gordon?"

Scott watched as he shook his head limply and sat up fast as his sibling physically crumbled down, his entire body shaking out of control. It passed just as quickly followed by a loud rumble from his brother's stomach that didn't sound healthy at all.

He waited until Gordon shifted his head from his shoulder and could look him in the eyes, for a few extra seconds they were glazed over and dull before looking very exhausted.

"When was the last time you took your medication, Gordon?" Scott asked softly, giving his brother a minute to get to grips on what was happening.

"N-not since last week when you walked out on me." Gordon's voice was as audible as a weak whisper. "Virgil stopped anyone checking on me the whole week."

"Not one person?"

"No. I didn't eat or drink anything either. M-mostly slept after the medical test went wrong."

"Medical test?" Scott thought hard and recalled the afternoon he left Tracy Island - the one where their father and John had carried Gordon upstairs between them. He cursed himself for not seeing what was happening at the time.

"So you didn't get out of bed at all?"

"Bathroom. That's it." Gordon admitted. "Was afraid of running into you… Dad…. Anyone…till now didn't think anyone really…really cared. Even this feels like a dream..if it is, I don't want to wake up." His head rested against Scott's shoulder again as his body shuddered, followed by a weak groan. "This…. This isn't real is it? This entire night, it's all in my head. Why would someone as brave, intelligent, adventurous, heroic, friendly and amazing as you are be making out and letting me… hell even you touching me….why would you ever want to do this, right?"

His body shook again, only this time with tears.

Scott's hand gently cupped his face as he shifted to look at him in those bright big beautiful amber coloured eyes that were always so expressive with emotion. "This is why I've been falling for you. You've just overflowing with all these incredible raw feelings that most barely have a grasp of. You are so compassionate even when things look their worst and that is when all your beast qualities come forward and shine. You know how to give hope to those who have none."

Scott smiled crookedly. "And yeah, we did jump the gun here a little. My fault too. If you would like we could back peddle a bit and say, maybe go on a date before we go a little crazy."

"Y-you really mean all that?" Gordon's lip quivered.

"I do, I'm not going to push you to do anything you're not ready for or uncomfortable with. However you do need to take your meds or we can't continue."

"Yeah well that last part you can have words with Virgil on my behalf." Gordon sniffed, getting the tears under control. "I didn’t have them on me to take… same as food and drink."

"I don't understand why no one checked on you; not even dad, grandma, Brains, Kayo or Alan?" It seemed impossible in a house of so many family and friends alike no one thought of Gordon's welfare.

"Virgil didn't really mention anyone, just that he thought I was better undisturbed and said he'd have known if we weren't because he can hear me from the room next door. I could barely stay awake for bathroom trips, let alone know what he said was true." Gordon winced and clutched his head as he shook it. "My situational awareness is all over the place! I'm not used to spending so much time out of the water."

"Hey, it's alright." Scott pulled Gordon into a tight embrace and ran his fingers through his hair. "Don't worry, okay? I'll definitely be asking him about it." He added before kissing Gordon on the forehead.

"Do you have to? Can't you just let it go?" Gordon mumbled.

"Why don't we just get some sleep now and think about it tomorrow?"

"Yeah… maybe. After a drink or something first."

Gordon seemed just about ready to pass out as Scott got up to fill a glass with water from the small fridge to hand it to him, better he get it then Gordon end up on the floor trying to do so himself.

When he turned back around his sibling wasn't moving and after a thorough inspection he breathed a sigh of relief as Gordon was dead to the world, exhaustion winning out over the need for nourishment. His breathing was sadly as erratic as his heartbeat which wasn't a great sign so as long as it didn't get worse overnight things should be ok. 

Scott straightened him up and removed the soiled sheets and draping his brother's shirt over him before laying down beside him to warm him with his own body, arms snaking around protectively, fingers running through his short wavy blonde hair.

He pressed his lips to Gordon's, he tasted sweeter than Scott remembered. He wasn't certain where this would likely go but it didn't feel wrong anymore - that this was where he was meant to end up all along.

He wrapped his arms more tightly around Gordon and closed his eyes. "Night Gordon, sweet dreams."

"Morning sleepy head. Man, Dad wasn't joking when he said that rescue in the Himalayas was exhausting. That Brandon guy really tire you out huh?"

Gordon was sitting on the end of Scott's bed in a pastel blue shirt and similar yellow short-shorts, legs crossed and looking a lot healthier than he had been in the few days since Scott had brought him back home.

THAT had been an interesting mini event, though Scott got the feeling there was a great deal he had missed prior to stepping off the runway on Tracy Island and carrying his sickly brother inside. It didn’t take a genius to know it was about them without directly involving them as it took their father one look at the state of Gordon for him to almost have an aneurysm.

He wouldn't have wanted to be a fly on the wall this time, Dad was beyond pissed and after Scott had made sure Gordon was alright he was given a complete verbal dressing down in front of both Virgil and John with the caveat that all three of them were suppose to be looking out for their two younger brothers instead of making huge scenes in public and getting themselves on the front pages of the international news papers and that yes, he did find out about Alan and the speed dating fracas - with all the pictures to prove it.

Gordon cocked his head to one side. "Guess the day out we had planned is going to be a fizzer till next time huh?" He smiled softly before a flicker of deviousness replaced it before swatting Scott with a giant plush turtle. "Come on, sleepy head! Let's get off this god forsaken rock and do something! Or has dad banned you from taking me anywhere as well?"

Spending the day in bed seemed like a nice idea, after the rescue of the still overly energetic Brandon and how battered and bruised Scott was.

He was having flashbacks to when Gordon and Alan were kids jumping on his bed waking him up, unlike then when he would have just yelled at them to stop, he grabbed Gordon and pulled him down into a hug.

"I literally have a rocket Gordon, hard to stop us just going." He ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead.

"True, you also have a sonic jet plane but that's not what I'm asking." Gordon squirmed a bit before grinning evilly and going in for a tickle attack.

Scott laughed he was easily able to overpower Gordon but he let him have his fun for a few moments, before stopping him. "We're adults, we're not grounded teenagers. I have an idea but that's until later today, Gordon would like to go to the movies with me?"

"Sure! That sounds great!" Gordon beamed. "What's the film?"

"Its classic musicals marathon night Footloose, Grease, Blues brothers, Rocky Horror, West side story, Fame, Xanadu - it's an outdoor camera venue we can take a blanket have a panic if we wanted, we don't have to stay for every movie, 

"Ohh ok." Gordon smiled weakly before perking up. "Maybe there's something in there I could watch with you." Without falling asleep on you, he mentally added. Scott was at LEAST trying and the last thing Gordon wanted to say outloud was that he didn’t understand the point of musical films, wasn't that WHY you saw live performances for? He had to admit he didn't have a clue being an uncultured pleb compared to Scott but maybe, just maybe he could be decent company for at least one of them.

But it would probably be the same if he suggested something like the Creature from the black lagoon, Wolfman or The man with two brains. Even Alan wouldn't sit through those and he was the horror movie fan.

"Are they screening Little shop of Horrors? " He ventured. Gordon at least KNEW that one.

"I don't know, I'll check" Scott grabbed his watch and after a few minutes he said "You're in luck they are."

"Sounds great then. Uhhh what do we do the rest of the day? I have no idea what you're supposed to do on a date."

"Well there's no rules to it, it's more just time for two people to spend together and get to know each other."

"So anything goes?" The corners of Gordon’s lips twitch upwards.

Scott lifted an eyebrow. He'd be lying if he said Gordon's expression didn't have him a bit concerned. "Yes…" He said with some apprehension.

"So ten pin bowling would make a great date then?"

Scott smiled. "Yes, that sounds like a great idea." He wasn't sure just what he had been worried about. "You want to get going soon then?"

"Sure thing! Though you might want to fix 'that' before going downstairs." Gordon chuckled, poking something very much standing to attention underneath Scott's bed sheets. "I'll give you a few minutes, shall I?"

Scott laughed, pulling back the covers putting himself on full display. "No offer of help?" He joked and Gordon just shook his head. "I'll see you in a few then."

Gordon leaned over and gave it a gentle kiss. "Next time when there's no chance of someone walking in." He then got up and closed the bedroom door behind him, giving Scott a conspiratorial wink as he left and giving Scott a better view of the very loose oversized singlet that barely sat on his frame and the tight cotton shorts that until recently Scott hadn't noticed how much the hugged the gentler and more subtle curves his sibling had around his hips and backside.

Gordon’s promise too had made him harder then before, as soon as he was out of the room Scott divided into his bedside table to retrieve a bottle of lube, squeezing a small amount into his hand and rubbed it between his fingers to warm it up, before laying back closing his eyes as he caressed himself, imaging that he was with Gordon buried deep inside his brother as he cried out his name.

"Ugh….ohh yeah, that's it… ride it deep and hard like the cum slu- ohhhh damn!"

He thrust harder as Gordon's cries became louder in his head as he came and heard the door to his room suddenly open, his eyes flung open and he tilted his head back, staring at Alan speechless.

"I'd seen Gordon just leave so assumed you were awake to talk to…." Alan raised his eyebrows as he was forced to confront the very notion he just walked in on Scott wanking himself off. "Seriously? You couldn't wait till you were in the shower or some -" 

Scott watched Alan's expression as it dawned on his younger sibling what was going on.

"Ohh oh no…no no no…" Alan snarled, darting over and grabbing Scott by the t-shirt he slept in. "That - that piece of arse is mine, I saw it first. You don't get to jerk off to that just because you were the hero of the hour a few days ago." Alan huffed out his cheeks.

As a thirty year old man, Scott was a rational and mature adult… but being that it was one of his siblings that had walked in on him, all that went right out the window and he seemed to revert by a few years as he now screamed at the youngest of his siblings.


"Not if you're thinking about sticking your dick in MY CLAIMED PIECE OF ARSE!" Alan's voice raised louder to match.

"Alright, stop right there!" Scott put a hand in Alan's face which was regrettable as it was covered in his own spunk, he pulled it away quickly apologising as Alan spat and coughed, before becoming serious. "You can't claim ownership of someone, they're not property, it's not up to you what they decide."

"Says who?" Alan hissed.

"Be reasonable Alan," Scott pulled away and sat up covering himself with the sheets. "If the roles were reversed how would it feel to have someone force themselves on you, you don't want to?"

"You sure you want me to answer that?" Alan cocked his head to one side. "I'm constantly throwing myself at people's feet because I can't get any takers. Right now if someone was to pin me to the nearest wall and fuck my brains out I'd appreciate it."

"So… you just want sex? No strings attached sex?"

Alan looked confronted. "Well… yes and… look, none of your business alright! I'd appreciate it if you went back to ignoring our existence the same way Virgil and John do when it's anything more personal than a day off the island! It was so much simpler!"

"I can't do that, I care about Gordon. " Scott sighed. "Look Alan if you're just looking for casual sex, there's a number of apps that can help you in meeting like minded people."

Alan's eyes narrowed. "Really? Do you really care or is it out of guilt? Or is it because YOU want to shack up with him yourself?"

Scott looked Alan in the eye as he replied. "Yes I do really care." Alan could choose to believe him but in the end it didn't matter - what Gordon wanted and who did and right now everything was pointing towards Scott. 

"Actions speak louder than words, Scotty." Alan poked him hard in the chest before heading over to the door to leave. "He'll be bunking up with me before the end of the year, you just stay out of the way."

"Get out!" He yelled angrily, throwing a pillow at Alan as he went out the door, who did he think he is? Scott didn't have to justify himself to Alan at all, and how dare he tell him to mind his own business, we'll just see about that.

As Alan stormed out Gordon who had come back towards the bedroom stood in the doorway watching him stomp along the hall to the stairs. He glanced inside and pointed, the leather bracelets on his arms sliding around as he did so. "Did I miss something?" He asked as he stepped in the room and closed the door behind him before heading back over to sit on Scott's bed. To Scott's surprise, Gordon was clearly busting out his good clothes as he had never seen this shirt and shorts combo before and they definitely weren't something he would wear around their father if he was home. Sure, Jeff himself wore a lot of strange fashions back in the day but there would be questions raised about the low cut off the shoulder top which would have also revealed Gordon's muscular frame if he raised his arms if it wasn't for the high waisted tight denim shorts and the tight choker around his neck all in pastel pink and baby blue. Even Penelope in all her pink and red finery couldn't match how cute Gordon was trying to be.

"Looks like you missed a spot." Gordon pointed at Scott's hand that was still slick with cum. "Here, I'll help clean you up."

He took Scott's hand and pulled a handkerchief from his shorts pocket, but before he wiped them clean he licked them.

Scott groaned deeply, enjoying the feel of Gordon's tongue tickling his fingers. "Do you know how fucking hot you are right now?"

Gordon didn’t answer but did glance up and give Scott a look that said 'yeah, I do' before drawing his fingers in and playfully sucking them before returning to stroke with his tongue. When he was satisfied he dabbed Scott's hand dry with the handkerchief. 

"So, you're going to get dressed so we can boogie or what?" Gordon teased. "I can leave if you want me to but it's not as if you haven't got anything I haven't seen." After getting a slight scolding look he got the message and brushed himself off before heading back out of the room to give Scott some privacy but he knew the second the door was closed behind him Scott was going to be going for round two a little faster and possibly a lot louder. 

Sure, Gordon was still a newbie in regards to the whole sex thing but it wasn’t as if his relationship with Penelope wasn’t real at one stage before just becoming all show and more or less him pretending that there was still something there. He had learnt a thing or two from her, especially since she was a nasty cock tease - and that's all she would do to keep him hanging around like a dog on a leash. He had no intention of leading Scott around though and it was pretty clear he wasn't going to wait for much longer either.


"Morning sleepy head. Man, Dad wasn't joking when he said that rescue in the Himalayas was exhausting. That Brandon guy really tire you out huh?"

Gordon was sitting on the end of Scott's bed in a pastel blue shirt and similar yellow short-shorts, legs crossed and looking a lot healthier than he had been in the few days since Scott had brought him back home.

THAT had been an interesting mini event, though Scott got the feeling there was a great deal he had missed prior to stepping off the runway on Tracy Island and carrying his sickly brother inside. It didn’t take a genius to know it was about them without directly involving them as it took their father one look at the state of Gordon for him to almost have an aneurysm.

He wouldn't have wanted to be a fly on the wall this time, Dad was beyond pissed and after Scott had made sure Gordon was alright he was given a complete verbal dressing down in front of both Virgil and John with the caveat that all three of them were suppose to be looking out for their two younger brothers instead of making huge scenes in public and getting themselves on the front pages of the international news papers and that yes, he did find out about Alan and the speed dating fracas - with all the pictures to prove it.

Gordon cocked his head to one side. "Guess the day out we had planned is going to be a fizzer till next time huh?" He smiled softly before a flicker of deviousness replaced it before swatting Scott with a giant plush turtle. "Come on, sleepy head! Let's get off this god forsaken rock and do something! Or has dad banned you from taking me anywhere as well?"

Spending the day in bed seemed like a nice idea, after the rescue of the still overly energetic Brandon and how battered and bruised Scott was.

He was having flashbacks to when Gordon and Alan were kids jumping on his bed waking him up, unlike then when he would have just yelled at them to stop, he grabbed Gordon and pulled him down into a hug.

"I literally have a rocket Gordon, hard to stop us just going." He ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead.

"True, you also have a sonic jet plane but that's not what I'm asking." Gordon squirmed a bit before grinning evilly and going in for a tickle attack.

Scott laughed he was easily able to overpower Gordon but he let him have his fun for a few moments, before stopping him. "We're adults, we're not grounded teenagers. I have an idea but that's until later today, Gordon would like to go to the movies with me?"

"Sure! That sounds great!" Gordon beamed. "What's the film?"

"Its classic musicals marathon night Footloose, Grease, Blues brothers, Rocky Horror, West side story, Fame, Xanadu - it's an outdoor camera venue we can take a blanket have a panic if we wanted, we don't have to stay for every movie, 

"Ohh ok." Gordon smiled weakly before perking up. "Maybe there's something in there I could watch with you." Without falling asleep on you, he mentally added. Scott was at LEAST trying and the last thing Gordon wanted to say outloud was that he didn’t understand the point of musical films, wasn't that WHY you saw live performances for? He had to admit he didn't have a clue being an uncultured pleb compared to Scott but maybe, just maybe he could be decent company for at least one of them.

But it would probably be the same if he suggested something like the Creature from the black lagoon, Wolfman or The man with two brains. Even Alan wouldn't sit through those and he was the horror movie fan.

"Are they screening Little shop of Horrors?" He ventured. Gordon at least KNEW that one.

"I don't know, I'll check" Scott grabbed his watch and after a few minutes he said "You're in luck they are."

"Sounds great then. Uhhh what do we do the rest of the day? I have no idea what you're supposed to do on a date."

"Well there's no rules to it, it's more just time for two people to spend together and get to know each other."

"So anything goes?" The corners of Gordon’s lips twitch upwards.

Scott lifted an eyebrow. He'd be lying if he said Gordon's expression didn't have him a bit concerned. "Yes…" He said with some apprehension.

"So ten pin bowling would make a great date then?"

Scott smiled. "Yes, that sounds like a great idea." He wasn't sure just what he had been worried about. "You want to get going soon then?"

"Sure thing! Though you might want to fix 'that' before going downstairs." Gordon chuckled, poking something very much standing to attention underneath Scott's bed sheets. "I'll give you a few minutes, shall I?"

Scott laughed, pulling back the covers putting himself on full display. "No offer of help?" He joked and Gordon just shook his head. "I'll see you in a few then."

Gordon leaned over and gave it a gentle kiss. "Next time when there's no chance of someone walking in." He then got up and closed the bedroom door behind him, giving Scott a conspiratorial wink as he left and giving Scott a better view of the very loose oversized singlet that barely sat on his frame and the tight cotton shorts that until recently Scott hadn't noticed how much the hugged the gentler and more subtle curves his sibling had around his hips and backside.

Gordon’s promise too had made him harder then before, as soon as he was out of the room Scott divided into his bedside table to retrieve a bottle of lube, squeezing a small amount into his hand and rubbed it between his fingers to warm it up, before laying back closing his eyes as he caressed himself, imaging that he was with Gordon buried deep inside his brother as he cried out his name.

"Ugh….ohh yeah, that's it… ride it deep and hard like the cum slu- ohhhh damn!"

He thrust harder as Gordon's cries became louder in his head as he came and heard the door to his room suddenly open, his eyes flung open and he tilted his head back, staring at Alan speechless.

"I'd seen Gordon just leave so assumed you were awake to talk to…." Alan raised his eyebrows as he was forced to confront the very notion he just walked in on Scott wanking himself off. "Seriously? You couldn't wait till you were in the shower or some -" 

Scott watched Alan's expression as it dawned on his younger sibling what was going on.

"Ohh oh no…no no no…" Alan snarled, darting over and grabbing Scott by the t-shirt he slept in. "That - that piece of arse is mine, I saw it first. You don't get to jerk off to that just because you were the hero of the hour a few days ago." Alan huffed out his cheeks.

As a thirty year old man, Scott was a rational and mature adult… but being that it was one of his siblings that had walked in on him, all that went right out the window and he seemed to revert by a few years as he now screamed at the youngest of his siblings.


"Not if you're thinking about sticking your dick in MY CLAIMED PIECE OF ARSE!" Alan's voice raised louder to match.

"Alright, stop right there!" Scott put a hand in Alan's face which was regrettable as it was covered in his own spunk, he pulled it away quickly apologising as Alan spat and coughed, before becoming serious. "You can't claim ownership of someone, they're not property, it's not up to you what they decide."

"Says who?" Alan hissed.

"Be reasonable Alan," Scott pulled away and sat up covering himself with the sheets. "If the roles were reversed how would it feel to have someone force themselves on you, you don't want to?"

"You sure you want me to answer that?" Alan cocked his head to one side. "I'm constantly throwing myself at people's feet because I can't get any takers. Right now if someone was to pin me to the nearest wall and fuck my brains out I'd appreciate it."

"So… you just want sex? No strings attached sex?"

Alan looked confronted. "Well… yes and… look, none of your business alright! I'd appreciate it if you went back to ignoring our existence the same way Virgil and John do when it's anything more personal than a day off the island! It was so much simpler!"

"I can't do that, I care about Gordon. " Scott sighed. "Look Alan if you're just looking for casual sex, there's a number of apps that can help you in meeting like minded people."

Alan's eyes narrowed. "Really? Do you really care or is it out of guilt? Or is it because YOU want to shack up with him yourself?"

Scott looked Alan in the eye as he replied. "Yes I do really care." Alan could choose to believe him but in the end it didn't matter - what Gordon wanted and who did and right now everything was pointing towards Scott. 

"Actions speak louder than words, Scotty." Alan poked him hard in the chest before heading over to the door to leave. "He'll be bunking up with me before the end of the year, you just stay out of the way."

"Get out!" He yelled angrily, throwing a pillow at Alan as he went out the door, who did he think he is? Scott didn't have to justify himself to Alan at all, and how dare he tell him to mind his own business, we'll just see about that.

As Alan stormed out Gordon who had come back towards the bedroom stood in the doorway watching him stomp along the hall to the stairs. He glanced inside and pointed, the leather bracelets on his arms sliding around as he did so. "Did I miss something?" He asked as he stepped in the room and closed the door behind him before heading back over to sit on Scott's bed. To Scott's surprise, Gordon was clearly busting out his good clothes as he had never seen this shirt and shorts combo before and they definitely weren't something he would wear around their father if he was home. Sure, Jeff himself wore a lot of strange fashions back in the day but there would be questions raised about the low cut off the shoulder top which would have also revealed Gordon's muscular frame if he raised his arms if it wasn't for the high waisted tight denim shorts and the tight choker around his neck all in pastel pink and baby blue. Even Penelope in all her pink and red finery couldn't match how cute Gordon was trying to be.

"Looks like you missed a spot." Gordon pointed at Scott's hand that was still slick with cum. "Here, I'll help clean you up."

He took Scott's hand and pulled a handkerchief from his shorts pocket, but before he wiped them clean he licked them.

Scott groaned deeply, enjoying the feel of Gordon's tongue tickling his fingers. "Do you know how fucking hot you are right now?"

Gordon didn’t answer but did glance up and give Scott a look that said 'yeah, I do' before drawing his fingers in and playfully sucking them before returning to stroke with his tongue. When he was satisfied he dabbed Scott's hand dry with the handkerchief. 

"So, you're going to get dressed so we can boogie or what?" Gordon teased. "I can leave if you want me to but it's not as if you haven't got anything I haven't seen." After getting a slight scolding look he got the message and brushed himself off before heading back out of the room to give Scott some privacy but he knew the second the door was closed behind him Scott was going to be going for round two a little faster and possibly a lot louder. 

Sure, Gordon was still a newbie in regards to the whole sex thing but it wasn’t as if his relationship with Penelope wasn’t real at one stage before just becoming all show and more or less him pretending that there was still something there. He had learnt a thing or two from her, especially since she was a nasty cock tease - and that's all she would do to keep him hanging around like a dog on a leash. He had no intention of leading Scott around though and it was pretty clear he wasn't going to wait for much longer either.

Still, what he was getting himself into wasn't something trivial. Scott had a large thick monster down his pants that put Gordon's to shame in more ways than one and he was quite worried that where it was going to eventually end up was somewhere quite small, tight and narrow.

And he was scared that it might hurt A LOT.

He looked at his hands and made a rough guess as to how wide - at least three fingers across - Scott would be at full attention as frankly seeing him naked many times and flaccid Gordon could at least roughly measure his girth and it made him swallow hard. 

Hopefully he was wrong, otherwise when they did get a home run Gordon was going to have to find a rectal surgeon fast.


Finding an old fashioned bowling alley on the mainland was a lot harder than Scott had anticipated so when he did manage to locate one still in operation he was grinning from ear to ear, occasionally glancing back towards Gordon who was wandering around at a snail's pace behind him.

Old fashioned was an understatement. The moment they stepped inside Scott immediately changed his option on the place to 'relic' as looking about the building nothing seemed to be using technology beyond the nineteen eighties.

Gordon's eyes had lit up however, as if the old dump had some novelty value that he couldn’t immediately see.

"Woah! Now this is the bomb! Look! They've even got the wooden lanes still intact and in use! This is AWESOME!" The younger Tracy blurted out. "I can't believe we're actually going to do this the old way! Sure, VR is cool and all but this - this is the real shit right here!"

If Gordon had a tail, it would be wagging like an over excited puppy dog wanting attention from its new family. He was already over by the counter picking out shoes and organising a lane while what sounded like the ordering of enough junk food to make them both puke at the same time - highly unusual for the health food nut he was.

After changing his shoes Scott stepped up to take a look over the lanes, he'd actually never done this before even with VR. "So what's the aim of this game?"

"What do you mean? Thought we just bowl." Gordon then laughed as he handed Scott a can of soda pop. "Unless you want to make it interesting."

"Interesting hey?" Scott raised an eyebrow, his interest peaked. "What are you thinking?"

"Oh…. A bet maybe?"

Scott smiled smugly and leaned over Gordon as he went to grab a bowling ball. "Well you were quite handy with that tongue of yours this morning, how about if you lose I get to see it in action around my erection?"

Gordon snorted and flushed bright red. "You liked that this morning huh?"

"Or if I lose I'll be giving you in kind, what do you say?"

Gordon thought about it a few seconds before his expression changed to something wicked. 

"How about if I win, not only do I get your 'expertise' in milking me dry… You do it in that dress Kayo bought last weekend. The baby blue flapper with matching fishnets." Gordon teased, his nose inches from Scott's.

Scott could do nothing but blink for a few moments in shock. "What, you do…?"

"Well yeah." Gordon pulled him in for a kiss. "Those pink tights from the other week left a bit to the imagination and that dress I know for a fact would be tight as all fuck on you from top to bottom making not just your pectorals bulge, if you get my drift."

"Oh yeah… and I do, well in that case I have a real weakness for a man in uniform if you get my meaning." Scott purred, grabbing Gordon's perfect little arse he pulled him closer.

"Oh? Didn't the army satisfy that desire?" Gordon pushed himself up against Scott and could feel that he was already packing heat through his short shorts. "Let's see if you can hold out during this game shall we? Otherwise one of us will be doing a public service." He then nudged himself away and took a stand at the end of the lane. As Gordon pulled the ball back behind him he heard Scott shout, "I can't wait to have you eating out my arse!" Laughed wickedly behind him causing him to drop the ball and have it roll in the gutter.

Gordon spun around like a whirlwind and snapped, "That's one thing you can keep on dreaming about, Scotty. That's gross!" He picked up another ball thinking the other one might have been too heavy, lifted it up and down a bit before going to bowl this time he dropped it on his toes and was yelled at as it rolled away into the gutter by a long string of expletives.

Still smiling and laughing to himself Scott stepped up to the lane, picking up one of the balls he found to be heavier than he thought as he lifted it and bowled it down the lane it rolled off to the right, taking down six pins. 

He punched the air annoyed. "Damn it!"

Gordon made a loud slurping sound from his drink, aware that while Scott was disappointed with his shot, he had still hit some pins. He was busy thinking about how much he was probably going to lose this bet and starting to hope Scott wasn't serious about a rim job. He watched Scott knock down the remaining six in a clean spare and raised his hands. "Ok so maybe I was hasty about the dress."

Gordon stood up with Scott smirking away, grabbed another ball and with a look of extreme concentration on his face, went in for his second set.

It wasn't enough however as only one pin woobled and fell over as the ball clipped it on it's way to swim in the gutter. Shit, Scott had really thrown him! At this rate he'll probably think he was throwing the game just to give him head. It's not like he needed a bet to make an excuse to do that but Scott did want it made interesting.

The next roll had him jumping around excitedly as he finally cleared all the pins. "HOLY SHIT I FINALLY GOT A SPARE!"

As he turned back and walked up to Scott to return his drink he gave a devious smile and chuckled, "If I lose then that uniform you want me in will be the highschool uniform you wore in year seven. You know the one, from that private military school dad sent you, Virgil and John to before his Mars mission."

Then Gordon purred seductively, "But, if I somehow manage to turn this all around you're going to be riding on my lap right here, in this bowling alley."

Was it hot in here? Scott pulled at his collar as the sexual tension in the air was so thick and that it was hard to not just grab Gordon now and tear his clothes off. He promised he would take it slow. 

"It's not over… yet." His voice breaking a little, he rolled the ball over in his hands, it slipped out of his hands and rolled down the lane still managing to hit four of the pins. "Real smooth Scott. " He cursed himself when in the hell had he become so awkward?

Gordon was busy looking at the contents on one of the large bags of chips he bought and after opening the popcorn flavoured doritos the wafting smell made him hastily put it down. "So… you and Alan.. want to share? You two were yelling alot and with you needing to jack-off… uh…."

Scott's second roll didn't even make it down the lane as the ball bounced into the next one and into the gutter. "Wait no, he walked in on me, I would never… god no."

"Why not? He's tall, slender, has a bloody eight pack and most likely has the stamina and sexual aggression of a raging bull…." Gordon put his drink down and sunk back into the plastic chair he sat on, looking already very worn out. "Way better than chasing after me at least. I had to borrow Kayo's makeup this morning before I saw you, my eyes were so dark." Gordon wanted to tell him more but could bring himself to. He didn't need to tell Scott that the medication was making some of his hair fall out. That was one scare he had before even setting foot in Kayo's room for the make up. 

"Though, I would definitely like to win this bet." He said, smile returning. "Even if just to have you sitting naked on my lap just to make out with."

He stood up and walked over to pick up his next ball, fumbling for the holes with a look of concentration on his features, as if something on his mind was still lurking back there that hadn't been said.

The ball rolled down the alley straight and true for the first time, knocking all the pins down. Gordon straightened up, looking a lot better about himself that maybe he still had something there worth fighting for, even if it's was a battle with his own inner monsters.

"Beat that, Scotty." he smirked.

He couldn't believe Gordon would think that, that he was undeserving of his time that had to change right now, he stood and walked right to Gordon til they were standing practically nose to nose from each other. "You don't think you're worth my affection? I'll prove you are."

"Oh I KNOW that I am." Gordon poked him in the chest. "I'm the reason you HAD a hard on this morning. It's just that, can't help but think sometimes that you should be after someone healthier who's not scared of falling asleep in case they don't wake up. You can't change how I feel about…. that."

Scott grabbed Gordon by the arm and started dragging him towards the bathroom. Gordon said he couldn't change his mind but that doesn't mean he wasn't going to damn well try.

Scott pushed Gordon through the toilet door and into the first stall, slamming him against the stall door all while relentlessly locked to his lips pressing harder and hungrily while tugging at his shorts to remove them completely along with any offending underwear, desire driving him wild thanks to the extreme teasing on the lanes. He lifted one of Gordon’s legs up over his shoulder and without giving him any warning immediately started working his tongue along the shorter Tracy's thick shaft.

Gordon’s body reacted as he expected, bucking wildly followed by a whimpering moan escaping his lips as he found his sweet spot, feeling one of the blonde's hands gripping his hair shakily as Scott started to work his erection with his mouth and move his fingers in time to the motions, his free arm holding Gordon’s leg in place so he had complete control and freedom over what his body would do.

Gordon’s head thumped the stall door as he tried to arch his back as adrenaline rushed through his body and being prevented from thrusting was making the feeling incredibly intense - more than he could handle to the point where he bit into his own free hand to stop himself crying out in a mixture of pleasure and slight pain as it was starting to echo around the public bathroom.

"Ah! Uhhh oh UhhhbFfff-uk…. MMMHA!" 

It was dirty, quick and fast. Scott languished in how he tasted as he brought him to the epitome of an intense orgasm, making sure not to waste a single drop before allowing Gordon to physically collapse in his arms, his body completely spent, shaking like it had been jolted with electricity… his breathing was rapid and it was a safe bet his heart was jumping erratically all over the place. Scott held him tightly until things started to even out and relax.

"W-what about you?"

"What about me?"

Gordon's voice caught in his throat. "You know…returning the favour, would…. Would you like me t-to?"

"Don't worry about me, you don't have to do anything, I don't expect you have to do anything in return."

"I want to."

"If you're sure." Scott unzipped his pants feeling instant relief from being freed from his tight confinements his member rock hard ready and begging to be touched, Gordon's eyes widened making Scott start to feel a little bit apprehensive that despite all the flirting Gordon wasn't ready for what he was packing in his pants and that could be scary and intimidating, especially to a first timer.

Gordon got down onto his knees, a hand tenderly touching and stroking Scott's monster, the length longer than he estimated it would be - at least half the size of his foram. He breathed out heavily, impressed by what he was holding. He glanced up and gave Scott a sly but approving grin. "Fuck, wish I had your genes…. Guess you prefer to be on top with this huh? Body of a god…." Gordon kissed the tip and brushed his lips against the length. "And the gifts to match. How are you not taken by someone else already, Scott? You shouldn't have to settle for less than perfection." He kissed Scott's abdomen playfully and nuzzled some of the hair there.

Gordon's touch sent electronic shocks through Scott causing him to moan and groan in anticipation for more. "I want mmm… more than oh gods… just sex."

"Mmhmm." Gordon simply murmured in reply, nuzzling against the warmth of Scott's thighs. Hopefully Scott didn't mind him choosing to take his time after that crazy lustful encounter though a chance to come down off that insane high was needed if he was going to be awake through the film matinee that Scott had planned.

Now… how was he going to do this? Sure Scott made things stirr in him that had not been there before around or with anyone else but that didn't mean he sat around jerking his own gherkin while his mind wandered or watched anything considered 'instructional' - at least in the way Alan might consider as a requirement. If anything, Gordon didn’t want his imagination ruined since it was giving him plenty of ideas with very little input required.

Just don't grab or try running your fingers through my hair and we'll be ok.

Scott growled loudly in surprise as he felt Gordon's warm tongue stroke him from tip to base, lingering for light kisses along the length. He hadn't expected him to go through with it, rarely since he'd been sexually active as a teenager had he ever had someone willing to give him head from fear they'd possibly choke. The moment Gordon drew him in as far as he could, Scott had already fell forward and slammed his hands on the door to stop himself from wanting to buck his hips like a wild animal as while he wasn't in deep, Gordon was bloody good with his tongue and for the parts he couldn't draw in he was making up for it by using his hands to fondle and tickle, keeping the entire length of the erection sensitive, engorged and twitching with excitement for what was to come.

For someone who wasn't into porn, damn he knew how to flip all of Scott's switches on! Gordon had him purring, growling and making sounds he'd never knew he was capable of, especially when one adventurous hand snaked around to grope his behind with the gentle encouragement to move his hips to help slide the monster deeper into the throat.

"Shit! Uhhhhgh ohh gods damn….nuhhhh… Gordon… don't…. D-don't uhhh… Ah!"

He couldn’t warn him fast enough, he could already feel the head of his monster making love to the back of his brother's throat and the muscles tightening around the thick length as he let loose, gripping the hook on the back of the door as his hips took a life of their own unloading everything his body had built up from all the teasing. 

As he caught his breath he looked down and realised the whole time Gordon was between him and the door, a slight gurgling sound coming from his mouth as he was choking.

"Shit!" Scott swore loudly as he withdrew carefully, aware that he had not only managed to get his entire dick in but also the tip had caught itself in his sibling's windpipe. He was quick to push Gordon over the toilet bowl as he gagged, vomiting up all of Scott's payload along with all the junk food and soda he consumed. Scott had never thought he'd ever be holding Gordon’s head up over a toilet bowl but there was always the chance of a first time.

"I got carried away, fuck I'm-"

Gordon coved Scott's mouth until the older Tracy calmed down. "My fault." He croaked. "Got a little ahead of myself."

He gave Scott a sly smirk, despite now looking like he'd been doing hard drugs for the last fifteen minutes, the colour only just returning to his face and his clothes covered in a thick layer of cum and vomit. "I'd do it all over again too, though next time maybe I'll swallow."

He held his arms up to keep Scott at a distance before he attempted to hug him, afterall it was easier to clean one of them up than both - and left Scott to clean up the toilet, stripping naked and trying to clean all his clothing in the small bathroom sink as well as his face and any exposed skin that was covered in sick.

It could have gone better - no actually it wouldn't have, not for a first attempt. It could have been much worse, Gordon was lucky he was able to hold his breath longer than average before he started to choke. If Scott really had gotten lodged in tighter than he was….

There had to be a way to do that without trying to suffocate but how?

"You alright?" 

Gordon turned to face Scott as he stepped out the cubical to wash up after cleaning the mess and caught him looking him up and down though Gordon couldn't quite peg if it was in concern or just general perving, being naked around each other had been extremely normal and casual up until recently, sexual attraction making it feel strange despite not requiring them to change their behaviour but for some strange reason it had… at least, for Gordon it had. Scott now had a reason to be looking, checking him out and seeing every single mark, bruise and scar that usually got glanced at and ignored unless it was bleeding heavily or looked like a doctor was required… though even then it was easy to brush it off as whoever saw it wasn't going to ask about it again unless you didn't seek treatment. Now it was like Scott was memorising every inch and could tell how much he had changed since the incident - how much weight he had lost, the muscle disappearing and how easy it was to leave a permanent mark on his skin….

He never felt so vulnerable before, yet there was a hint of thrill to it too. 

"Gordon? Are you ok?" Scott repeated when he didn't get an answer, moving closer and leaning down to look him in the eyes - possibly to make sure he hadn't had a mild seizure.

"Huh? No, I'm fine… I think. You're still hanging out of your pants." Gordon then swallowed and pulled a face. "Got any mi-"

Scott was very quick to embrace the smaller man and lower him down gently to the floor as the uncontrollable shakes took hold, this time he could tell that it was his muscles attempting to contort and twist themselves. Gordon still had full consciousness, Scott could see the sheer terror in his eyes as well as how tight his jaw had locked, preventing him from calling out for help.

Scott sat with him tightly embraced in his arms until the shaking slowed, still in shock with how fast that had taken hold.

Gordon had quite possibly been mentally ready for this…. Or close enough to it than he had. It was unfortunate that physically it was the complete reverse. All the teasing and playful banter, the smaller man was indeed flirting with him in a way Scott rarely experienced before, getting him so wound up he lost control and his physical desires overrode any sense of logic, going all primal before he could stop himself. Gordon might not want an apology but it sure was going to make Scott hesitate the next time his libido went into overdrive.

Gordon made a move to untangle himself from Scott's strong death-grip, though the taller Tracy had to get up to help him stay standing upright.

"Going to make that movie thing, even if it kills me." Gordon croaked, gripping the sides of the sink. "Even… even if I just pass out on your lap."

"We could just rent a hotel and watch movies, or do it at home in mine or your room. " At home felt safer for Gordon if he needed medical attention it was right there, plus they wouldn't be able to do anything in case they were caught, as disappointing as that was, it seemed the best for now.

Gordon shook his head, which wasn't a great idea, he gripped the sink to stop himself keeling over. "Nuh uh. You were telling me on the flight over in Thunderbird One you had a picnic spot and everything planned out." He belched and coughed in an effort to throw up again only to heave and dry reach which hurt far more than the initial vomiting had. "N-no way we're going home-" Gordon heaved on nothing but air, his chest feeling as if it would cough up his lungs if his muscles contracted hard enough. Going home in this state ment another doctor or potential hospital visit and another round of 'let's give him experimental drugs to see what works' and Gordon had enough pills to frankly tranquilise a Corgi twice today, aware he probably couldn't keep down the last lot he needed to even if he wanted to.

"I'm so over this." He croaked. "It feels worse than being electrocuted." Gordon stood up again, fighting the shakes and caught Scott's worried expression. "Oh don't look at me like that Scott," he said softly, his entire frame showing that all of his defences were down and he wasn't looking for a fight. "I don't mean I'd rather be dead, quite the opposite. More like I wish I didn't waste my time caring what you all thought of me to the point I let myself be manipulated and easily tricked by someone pretending to be a person I was just chasing after out of a sad pathetic habit. I'm allowed to feel like a moron about it, especially when…" he glanced at his bare feet and his gaze stayed there, fixated at a random spot on his toes. "No one was there."

He looked up and gave Scott a weary smile. "Thank you for changing that." He fell quiet after a few more harsh coughs that had him lowering himself back onto the floor. Sure, he still didn't have any friends outside of family but at least he had one within it.

Scott stripped down to his underwear and handed Gordon his clothes. "Here, borrow mine."

"You sure?"

"Positive. It was me who made you throw up everywhere. Besides, it's not like I've never smelled of puke before."

Gordon gave him a quizzical look. "I knew you were a wild teenager Scott though being younger than you I never understood just how much. Just how often did you get drunk back then?"

Scott smiled softly. "Some stuff is better left a mystery, don't you think? I'm not entirely proud of a huge chunk of it and a vast majority I couldn't recall even if I wanted to." He moved to the basin to attempt to scrub and ring out the wet clothes some more. "Oh and before you poke around asking Virgil or John, if they say anything about Skateboarding through the desert with rockets attached, don't you dare go looking up videos online…." Scott added hurriedly. 

Gordon grinned. "Oh I shouldn't worry about that. John's got enough evidence on all of us to pull out at a family roast in future. I swear it's because he needs something to show other people that he's the sane one out of the five of us."

"He's far from normal, I can tell you that."Scott chuckled in amusement. "Actually I had thought you were the most normal out of us."

"Now that's funny." Gordon mused. "Most dull certainly but normal?"

Scott leaned over him and grinned wildly. "A dull person wouldn't have done what you just did with me in a public bathroom."


Scott lifted Gordon with ease and sat him on the sink bench top and pressed their lips together, kissing him until they freely parted and let him explore with his tongue with Scott's hands wandering lightly over Gordon's smaller muscular frame. 


"Huh, I thought it was something everyone who's been in a relationship has tried at least once."

"Back before Grandma's day certainly." Scott purred. "Though right now I wouldn't mind playing with you again."

"How about more than just 'playing?' 

"Gordon, I can tell just by looking at you that you're in no -"

Gordon pulled him in for a long deep kiss,his tongue pretty much telling Scott exactly what he wanted. "My body, my choice." 

"Well not here. They're probably already about to come in to check on us sooner or later to make sure we're not doing drugs."

"Hmmm.. how about back on Thunderbird One?"

Scott raised an eyebrow at the suggestion and Gordon looked surprised. "What, you've never had sex with someone while you sat in the pilot's seat? And here I thought you, the king of the daredevils, had at least done that by now."

"It's never crossed my mind." Scott admitted. "Though I'm willing to entertain the idea if you are."

"Most definitely." Gordon's sneaky grin returned. "Though I want you on MY lap first."

Scott pulled back, this time his face was a look of genuine surprise. He was so used to others preferring to ride him he barely ever got the chance for it to go the other way. Technically it made a lot of sense - Gordon's hips were a lot smaller and narrower than Scott's and would easily fit snugly between his legs but was he really ready to let someone else sit in the seat of his pride and joy? Gordon had technically once before and by the time he found out the incident with Braman happened forcing him to let it slide.

Infact, running his hands over Gordon's skin he could still faintly see and feel the scars from the day, amongst other ones from various misadventures where his younger brother had narrowly cheated death. Sure, Scott was the one who was the adrenaline junkie but he was also the one least likely to get hurt. Seeing the results of those injuries up close and laid open for him to touch made him realise that the few major ones he had himself were self-inflicted out of arrogance and pig-headed stubbornness for not wanting to rely on others, the complete opposite of being in a situation where Gordon would be alone and rarely had someone there to give assistance he needed.

"Scott? Hey… if you don't want to then that's ok."

"Hmmm." Scott looked Gordon in the eyes. "You've got a very interesting body, you know that?"

Gordon started laughing. "Says the guy with the absolutely incredibly intricate tattoo along his spine." He wrapped his arms around Scott's shoulders and rested his forehead against his. "You look like the most incredible sculpted statue, you know the one's Virgil has tons of books of. Those… no, you're better than those as you're real."

"Forget Thunderbird One…" Scott growled, pressing Gordon up against the wall behind the bench top, moving his legs apart and kissing him passionately while his hips pressed up against the shorter Tracy's and guided himself as gently as he could into his tight little lover - breaking the kiss to moan aloud as his erection felt the squeeze along the shaft almost making him want to release himself wildly before he started.

Gordon had let out a yelp as his body was raided, his back arching and stretching, fingernails digging into Scott's skin along with his teeth though none of it seemed to deter Scott from continuing with intercourse, even the fact that he squirmed and looked like he would cry.

Shit! Scott somehow managed to get in deep! Oh hell, oh fucking hell he's huge!

"Nuhhh Ah! S-Scotty!" Gordon finally whimpered out as he felt the large erection move in and out slowly, drawing almost all the way out only to be squeezed back in as if it was forcing him to stretch and give it more room. "I-I can't take it! Uhhhh uhhhh Ah! Oh f-fuck, Scott please don't - uhhhh - stop!"

Scott growled loudly like an animal, one hand slammed up against the wall by Gordon's head, the other sliding underneath him so he could pull his hips close and keep himself within longer as the feeling was incredible, so much so Scott didn't want to ever pull out. He had never felt so snug inside anyone before and part of him didn't want to give it up. The best part? With such a tight fit not only would it squeeze every drop out of him, it would also delay it from coming all at once meaning he was going to fill him good and proper.

"Damn Gordon, you feel sooo….mmmm uhhh good… uhh man… you've got no idea…"

Gordon didn't really respond, he was clutching onto Scott and letting out his own whimpering moans between murmurs begging that Scott pound him harder. This made Scott move faster as he slicked his lover's insides gradually with his own cum, leaning in to kiss Gordon roughly and with more ferocity now he could put in more energy into riding out his orgasm that was being drawn out in a way he had never experienced before.

He wrapped his arms around Gordon possessively, making his own marks on his skin in return, stating that Gordon was now 'HIS'. No fucking way was he letting Alan have any of this, not now - not ever.

He felt a heavy weight on his still recovering shoulder and realised Gordon had possibly blacked out from over exhaustion. "Hey, you alright?" Scott asked, his voice all husky. "I don't know what came over me, but damn Gordon I'd do it over and over again without a second thought."

"Ha." Gordon huffed, barely moving. "I'd happily take you up on that…. If I get my breath back."

Scott let out an amused snort. "Almost thought you were about to back out on me."

"I nearly did, yes." Gordon admitted. "But it felt different, I can't really say how it just did. I don't think I'll be walking straight though." His body started shaking, so he gripped Scott tighter until it passed. 

"I think it's time we went home."


"Not going to argue?"

"Uh uh. This is going to wreck me for a few hours."

Scott chuckled as he kissed Gordon's head. He knew it would be longer than that and it was fine, as it meant more lazier cuddle sessions were coming and Scott found himself suddenly wanting a lot of those without knowing why. Maybe it was his age finally kicking in or maybe it was the fact he wanted to spend more time with Gordon….whatever it was he was open to the idea now and it seemed like a very pleasant one indeed.


"So it's settled then, big pool party, all your friends over for drinks, music and snags. What day were you all thinking?" Jeff asked, clasping his hands together. He was looking forward to finally meeting up with old friends of his own and finding out more about his sons and adoptive daughter, ones that they had made while he was stranded in space.

"We were thinking about Valentine's day." Virgil replied. "That way we can incorporate Gordon's birthday into it as well."

Alan, who'd been quietly sitting at the end of the table slowly munching on toast looked up. "That's a bit presumptuous of you isn't it? Gordon already doesn't enjoy having his birthday on Valentine's day, what makes you think he'll want to share it with your party?"

"He will if he's got all his friends here too. We're all going to invite people, Alan." John rolled his eyes. "Can't tiptoe around him forever, he's a grown man now, not a child as he so eloquently pointed out to me yesterday when I was giving him his medication. Incidentally Dad, he's going to have to have something stronger than what he's on. He's been struggling to get out of bed without chest pains and have you seen him walking? Those muscle seizures are getting worse, he can barely walk to the bathroom and it's just across the hall! Sure Scott's saying he hasn't had any but I'm beginning to think he's not telling us everything."

"But he doesn't have any -" Alan started to protest before Virgil cut in.

"That's easy to sort. I'll fly him out tomorrow morning for a check up. Doctor can easily sort him out." Virgil patted John on the shoulder. "Though if his health is going down hill there's not much we can do."

Jeff raised an eyebrow. "I'll be damned if we don't try everything first, Virgil. "I was rendered helpless to do anything when your Mother had leukemia and we struggled to find a single donor and having your Grandfather in a plane crash that same year… I'm not ready to lose one of you boys just yet."


Gordon's eye's struggled to focus as he slowly awoke on a soft round deep purple mattress, with several long golden chains criss-crossing each other over several ornate and luxurious satin pillows.

As his eyes adjusted he could follow the chains as they slipped through some delicate but strong gold bars that surrounded the mattress and closed together at the top.

Gordon sat up and saw his reflection in the large wall lengh mirrors that encircled the back of the cage. He was dressed in nothing but a pastel pink choker with a heart dog tag and a strange pair of skin tight pink latex shorts that had him hanging out from the front and an exposed hole around the back exactly at bum height. 

As he glanced away he took in the rest of the room - an elegant boudoir with beautiful drapery all in black and deep purple, an expensive regal bed, throws, pillows dressing table and a beaded curtain covering a doorway where the length of the chains would end, keeping the 'bird' locked to the one room.

"Ah, I see you're finally awake my pet."

Pheromones immediately assaulted Gordon's nostrils making his mouth begin to water and his member become rock hard and start weeping, as if the scent triggered something in his brain to override all other functions other than the lustful desperation of wanting physical attention.

Scott swept into the room dressed in a long pink and black robe with two young men wearing hoods in tow who looked as if they were also under the spell of the sexual musk that radiated from him. He advanced on cage as Gordon pushed himself right against it, begging for Scott to suck him dry.

"And you're already begging me to fill you too, awww that's so sweet I knew there was a reason I kept you." Scott purred playfully, brushing back his hair to show off an impressive set of bright pink antlers and licking his lips with a strange appendage that was in the place of his tongue coating them in a thick layer of special venom. He kissed Gordon passionately through the bars, the appendage thrusting in and out rapidly against Gordon's tongue until a sticky sweet warm liquid ejaculated down into his throat, some of it escaping his lips as they parted. 

"You're just in time to watch me feast. Afterall I can't fill you up on empty can I, Precious?"

Scott walked back over to his escorts and removed their hoods to reveal John and Virgil, both thoroughly hypnotised. Scott glanced back at his pet  and smiled wickedly, clicking his fingers and making his escorts disrobe till they were standing tall and naked infront of him.

Gordon found himself desperately rubbing up against the cage to try and relieve the pressure that was building as he was made to watch though he knew what was about to come - after all there was a reason Scott didn't 'taste' him.

Scott lowered himself to his knees in front of them so his back was facing the cage, shoulders slipping out of the neck of the robe revealing the folds of leathery pink wings that hid beneath and darting out from below the robe was a thin whip-like tail which ended with a heart shape tip.

Sure he couldn't exactly see Scott giving them head but the looks of extreme pleasures on Virgil and John's faces said that his master was at work, sending them to paradise as he slowly drained their life force. Gordon watched as they rapidly aged into middle aged to elderly men before crumbling to ash.

He then stood to face his 'pet', walking over to the cage again, licking something salty off his fingers before running them under Gordon's jaw and through his hair like you would to an affectionate cat, nuzzling him before licking him with his mouth's special little member covering him in a little pre excitement.

It was now playtime, Scott's and admittedly Gordon's favourite pastime.

The purple robe fell to the floor as Scott stretched out his magnificent pink wings, flexing them as well as streching his arms and showing off his eternally youthful physique and the three thick large erections that were throbbing, aching, begging to be inside his playmate.

He unlocked the cage with a snap of his fingers and as he advanced, Gordon slunk back amongst the pillows, trying to look as 'tasty' as possible… though he didn't need too as once fully inside the cage the Incubus pounced pinning his pet to the mattress, his oral cock already going in hard at the mouth penetrating deeper and swelling up to fill the space, his other three fighting amongst themselves as if they had minds of their own before one thrusted itself inside Gordon,  the other two trying to push their way in too as Scott pulled him onto his lap, wrapping his arms and wings around him in a lover's cocoon using his entire muscular body to thrust and pound his pet into submission.


Gordon stirred as two strong arms wrapped around him tightly, possessively keeping him in his small narrow bed. Since the bowling date Scott had become relentless in his sexual prowess, Gordon finding out first hand how insatiable his libido was. Even now he could feel Scott within him from behind, choosing not to withdraw because he fit so snugly.

It would be stretching it if Gordon was to say he didn't enjoy the special attention- he was - but being a stuffed turkey while your health is declining wasn't the greatest feeling in the world. Every walk to the bathroom without feeling like a stick had been permanently lodged up his butt was appalling and had on one occasion had John escort him to the kitchen because he could barely get downstairs.

They were going to find out sooner or later about their relationship if they didn't ease up soon.

"Hey Scott, you awake?"


"I think we need to do something normal, at least once this week don't you?"

"Like what?"

"Interact with other people."

Scott grunted and withdrew, only to roll Gordon on top of him sitting up, his thick erection already pressing against the shorter man's backside waiting to return to it's new warm and comfortable home. "Thought we were having fun?"

"We are." Gordon playfully ran his hands along Scott's toned muscular torso, drinking his athletic build in and admiring the stronly defined six pack. "But I think they're getting suspicious of you suddenly wanting to spend so much time with me and John, well he's a bit concerned we're having problems in the legs…."

Scott raised an eyebrow. "Really? You're legs are fine to me." He purred, stoking Gordon's legs lovingly, appreciating the muscle tone in them that he couldn't fathom achieving.

Gordon chuckled. "Ha, it's not the legs that's the problem, Scott."

"Hmm." Scott's purr became a very low and commanding growl before pulling Gordon down to plunder his mouth with his tounge, raising his backside up enough for him to ease himself back into his lover and letting out a loud moan of ecstasy when he pushed himself all the way. "Well you could walk around with my dick firmly in place, I'm sure he'd get the message then. Gods damn Gordon, sitting on top of me you're bloody tighter than ever! Mmmm fuck could you wake me up like this every day?" He teased.

"Uhh I would… if I hadn't promised Alan I'd help him with his drinking problem… uhhh ah!" Gordon fell forwards, mouth wide open making the begging noises that Scott had started becoming very addicted to the last few days. He wanted to hear them all the time nice and loud, have Gordon call his name and beg him to cum. There was such a thrill in pinning Gordon down somewhere - anywhere that they might get caught and just going to town on him, a thrill he was in desperate need of since doing rescues and walking hand in hand with death so often he no longer got his adrenaline fix from it. Last sneaky one was in the walk-in panty in the kitchen when their Father was at the table having a coffee and Scott got such a rush that he kept Gordon in there with him for three hours, fingers in his throat and making him fill a empty cup with his own cum to tease him by drinking it as he unloaded everything he had.

The fact that the younger Tracy had thrill seeking tendencies as bad as his own made it all the more fun - hell the pantry WAS Gordon's idea.

Scott was finding it VERY hard to let his little minx out of his sight for long. Even right now with Gordon on top of him, Scott was mesmerised by the way his body moved, how is shook, shuddered and demanded attention. He swore he would never be the guy who'd fall for a twink, thinking a real bear was all he needed… but he always struggled finding any that were interested. Always attracting the selfish stuck up pretty boys.

Scott wanted to BE the pretty boy just once.

Gordon made him feel like the pretty boy he always wanted to be seen as but with the strength and masculinity mixed in of a cuddly bear. It was a weird combination sure but if Scott was to attempt to describe it to anyone who wasn't gay they wouldn't understand.  Gordon certainly wouldn't though Scott got the feeling even if he did, he wouldn't care… heck he probably wasn't even aware that Scott had a label for him. 

Probably for the best since he didn't quite fit the label beyond the fact that he was shorter than him and had a petite frame. Even under him Scott could feel the strength in his body and see there was little to no puppy fat to make him look cute or feminine. Like Scott his body was highly toned, though unlike him you couldn't see the muscle as it wasn't as prominent keeping him looking slimmer and streamlined. Touching was a different story, Scott could feel every muscle contract and expand under his finger tips as he thrusted and made Gordon's body strech and arch.

Fuck, no wonder Alan wanted a peice of this… though reducing him to nothing but a fuck toy….

Ah, now Scott understood what Gordon said earlier….

He slowed his enthusiastic thrusts and held Gordon's face between his hands. "Hey, just so you know, we can do other stuff than sex if you want to. Don't you dare think this is all I want, alright?"

Gordon looked at him tired and a little confused. "Never crossed my mind." He replied. "But I'm unsure I can keep this up without everyone questioning my health much longer. If Dad gets involved you know we're really fucked. Sure, he's pretty accepting considering he grew up in Arizona but I doubt he'd be impressed by this."

"Yeah, we don't really want that." Scott agreed. "Though I'm not giving up the random stuff you pull that could get us into trouble."

A devious smile crossed Gordon's face. "You enjoy that do you?" He teased. "I'll have to think of another one then. Be prepared for a surprise."

"Really? Well I look forward to it." Scott growled, grabbing Gordon's hips as he bucked wildly so he didn't fall off. He was also quick to catch him as he flopped, his skin all peach in colour going into rose across the bridge of his nose. "Do you REALLY have to do something with someone else today?"

Gordon gave an exasperated laugh. "Yes! Otherwise everyone else will get suspicious! As much as it would be awesome to tell everyone we're banging one another I'm pretty sure having Dad or Grandma finding out will not end well."

"Alright. But only after I watch you get dressed. I want to watch that bare arse wiggle."

"Ha ha." Gordon shakily got off the bed. "Pretty sure this arse needs a rest before you rip it in half."

"I haven't so far but I'm willing to try." Scott joked.

"You owe me more than a butt wiggle, I'll hold you to that."


Carrying some fishing gear through the kitchen so he could go down to the secluded beach and spend some time with Alan Gordon was about to slip out the large glass doors when a polite cough stopped him in his tracks.  

Gordon rolled his eyes. "I'm helping Alan with something, Dad. Don't need to worry, I'm only going to supervise."

"Sit down Gordon, we need to have a talk."

Gordon's shoulders sank as he turned around, not moving away from the doors. "About what? Virgil's already cornered me in the living room about seeing the doctor again, no doubt John's partly behind that."

"They are concerned about you Gordon, as am I."

Gordon pretended to be shocked. "Really? Wow who'd have thought?"

"Now, there's no need for that son. They've even thinking about throwing you a birthday party."

Gordon raised an eyebrow. "You sure about that Dad? The last few years they've thrown a party on Valentine's day just for themselves and said it was for my birthday, yet not once was there any cake, presents - heck I don't even have any friends so if it WAS for me it would be just our family, not thirty strangers I don't know."

"Look Dad, I appreciate you worrying but do you really want the truth?" Gordon sighed heavily.  "After you went missing, I couldn't cope with anything until Grandma convinced Scott and Virgil for me to tag along in Thunderbird Two as Virgil's emergency pilot. After having to drop out of highschool it was the only thing besides taking over the submarine that kept me going as I… I missed you."

Gordon adjusted the gear he was carrying before continuing. "Then you came back and everything had to change again… the others all got so much praise and admiration for everything they had done in your absence and I got - what felt like punishment for stuff that happened I had no control over. You know if I hadn't got so frustrated with Braman calling out for us, we'd never have found you? But no, all everyone ever talks about is how the Hoods goons left me to die at the depths of the ocean and makes it all out to be my fault for it."

"Son, I had no idea you felt that way. "

"Of course not. No one does. Why should they? I'm just accident prone all the time, even though it's never once my fault to be in those situations. Now that I'm a physical mess everything - and I mean everything - that made me who I was has been taken away. Heck, anything I find fun is now banned leaving me with little to nothing to do. I don't want to waste away in my room but it's the only place I feel like I haven't lost a part of me or where I can go to avoid feeling like a huge failure, disappointment and laughing stock. Everyone in this house has so many great achievements, well known by their peers and loved by whomever they meet… it's hard to emulate you know?"

Gordon pinched the bridge of his nose. "Right now I just want to help Alan with his alcohol problem, since no one else is and at least it's something I can do that isn't on the 'Banned for my health' list. Out of all the smart and clever people you'd think you'd have noticed he's slowly destroying himself. It shouldn't have had to get to the stage I'm scared he might hurt someone while under the influence…" he let his voice trail off with the obvious indication of stuff going unsaid that was probably important but none of anyone's business.

"Ok so what about Scott?" Jeff asked.

"What about him?" Gordon looked surprised their dad would ask about the eldest. "Scott's being the older brother he always has been, looking after us, more so when you were missing. He's been helping me get through some pretty heavy stuff and I appreciate it, stuff I'd rather not talk about."

"You know you could come to me Gordon." Jeff offered.

"No, not really Dad. I could barely tell Scott let alone you. Like I said you're all so much… more than I could ever be and it's hard standing in your shadows to admit I'll never be an equal. If it's all the same, I think only talking things through with Scott is fine for now." With that, Gordon turned his back and walked out the door. He never realised how much he had flourished without Jeff's presence, the weight of expectation to be like his brothers and the burden of being the son of one of the most famous living people on the planet. Gordon got to just be himself.

Maybe he had changed and was more annoying, obnoxious and more trouble than anyone wanted to deal with since Jeff returned. Huh, he never considered that before and it stabbed his very soul.


Scott sighed in boredom without Gordon and no emergencies, he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself.

He sat in the lounge and had put the holo tv on which started randomly playing some sitcom, he watched as one of the characters waited for a ladder to descend from the room ceiling. 

"And so I'm gonna get on this spaceship and I'm going to Bleargon seven in search of alternative fuels, but when I return in two hundred from now you'll be long gone. but I won't have aged at all, so you tell your great great, great granddaughter to look me up, because Adrian baby I'm going to want meet her -"

"That's ridiculous he doesn't  have to travel that far" He yelled logic at the fictional tv show.

 Scott! You got a minute?

He looked around to see John coming his way, he flicked the holo tv off "What's up?" He said maybe too eagerly as John was looking at him a bit funny.

John indicated with his left hand for Scott to follow him up to the loft study and placed a small device on the small coffee table by the reading chairs. The device blinked on and off red before turning green and the sounds of both Scott's and Gordon's voices could be heard.

"You know I am NEVER going to get tired of squeezing myself into that tight little arse of yours."

"Ha! Uhhh geez Scott if you keep it up it's not going to stay that way!"

"Mmmmm say my name again."

"Ughhh yours or your cock? Because pretty sure nuhhh Godzilla is happily tearing through Tokyo."

John flicked a button and turned the small recorder device off. "So, Virgil' parties and my back alley liaison are worse than you being a Sugar Daddy huh?"

"Sugar Daddy? Gordon is only six years younger than me." He folded his arms. "But obviously this is not what this is ready about, so what do you want?"

"Want? Oh no Scott this isn't about wanting anything other than to make you aware that we know. You were only supposed to find out what he was doing before his accident not end up fucking him. Is his hole nice and tight for you? Pretty sure he's dick would make you wish you hadn't given Virgil and I up." John didn't need to to point out the obvious to Scott, as the one who always wore tight jeans it was clear he was packing a reasonably sized snake of his own that was straining against the fabric. "What was it you said? Id rather we started meeting other people? So Gordon's your idea of 'other people'?"

John subtly corralled Scott infront of the book shelf trapping him between himself and it so that their bodies were pressed up against on another and Scott could feel the sexual desire radiating from him. He casually took one of Scott's hands and slid it under the hem of his jeans where to Scott's surprise, John wasn't wearing any underwear. "When will you stop playing around with 'toys' and come back to the real men, Scott?"

John leaned in and kissed Scott as if he was needy and desperately wanted him to take him right there. He moaned as shifted Scott's hand to feel him up and whispered, "Come play with me again Scott, I promise I won't bite."

Scott felt himself giving into the kiss, his hand slipping up John's shirt, fingers running over old familiar territory - he'd be lying if he said he hadn't missed this, he always did have a weakness for redheads. "No!" Suddenly, he pushed John away as he realised what he was doing. "This isn't what I want, I told you before I want more than just sex, what I have with Gordon is more than that."

“Really?” John raised an eyebrow as he moved in close again. “Are you sure about that? It’s not that he’s got narrower hips than me making him a tighter fit perhaps? You were always used to tell Virgil when we were together you preferred me because I was snug and that you’d rather have him fill you every which way as you enjoyed the squeeze.” he looked smug as he closed the gap again, making Scott back into the bookcase, his hypnotising turquoise iris’s dancing with delight. “We’d do all the musicals, the play houses, theatre productions, black tie events, all sorts of fun things off island…. Gordon can’t even walk up a flight of stairs without it almost killing him, let alone last five seconds with - ‘Godzilla’ is it? Wow, that's an upgrade from “The King’s Beast’ isn’t it?”

He pushed his lips against Scotts again, this time not giving him the option to push him aside, both of his arms resting on a shelf trapping Scott in place before backing off a little. “When you're ready to have REAL sex and relationships again instead of whatever this delusion of taking pity and trying to rescue a disease infested sunfish that can’t swim around in a circle, come find us.” John then blew Scott a kiss before picking up his little voice recorder and turned his back on him.


Alan helped pull Gordon up onto rocky outcrop that overlooked the ocean from the lower crags of the island. "I know you said the beach but this is a little more private, you know? Hope you don't mind."

"As long as neither of us falls down there we should be ok." Gordon peered over the edge before backing away. "The rocks down there are very jagged and the riptide will kill you."

"I'll keep that in mind."

They set themselves up in silence, fishing gear off to the side as they both sat watching the waves crash against the rocks.

"So.. you and Scott…"

"What about it?"

A-are you, you know… sleeping together?"

Gordon continued to stare off at the ocean. "That obvious huh?"

"To anyone who isn't Dad or Grandma then yeah, it's very obvious. Scott's terrible at being secretive and the fact he's constantly in your room -"

"Alan after what Virgil did, do you blame Scott for sitting in my room when I'm in a bad way making sure I'm ok?" Gordon turned his head and gave his younger brother a dark stare. "Kayo told me Virgil hit you in order to keep you out. Do you think Scott would do that too?"

Alan looked at his shoes. "Well -"

"Not everyone is having sex with each other Alan. Pretty sure incest is consideredl a crime."


Gordon smirked. "Even if we WERE, what business is it of anyone else?"

Alan's jaw hung open before confusion crossed his face. "Wait, are you or aren't you having it off with Scott?"

"Why, is it that important?"

"Well no."

"You jealous?"

Alan went red and Gordon patted him on the back. 

"Can I ask why, Gordon? I mean, he had zero interest in you in like… years? It doesn't make sense."

"I can't speak for Scott. You'll have to do that yourself." Gordon removed his hand and sat on it. "As for me? I… I like him, a lot. Is… is that a problem for you?"

Alan's shoulders slumped. "Well, yes."

Gordon was intrigued. "Why's that?"

"Because it just… it doesn't sit right with me. I know stuff with Penelope was messy, we sort of all did and personally I feel kinda awful for not saying anything…. Virgil and John kept telling me that it was none of my business and if you didn't want to accept reality then there wasn't anything we could do." Alan scratched his leg and really started to fixate on the it. 

"Well you could have." Gordon layback on the rock and looked up at the sky. A few seagulls had decided to hover about though none were game enough to land too close to them and their fishing rods. "I mean, I REALLY wish someone had. To know someone had my best interests at heart would have been nice. Now I'm not entirely sure, even… even now I'm… you know."

He let out a yawn. "When you haven't any friends or family to pull you aside and say something you start thinking that if you let the person who you've fallen out of love with go that you'll be alone… and when you've failed at everything else you've ever done even a relationship that's in pieces is something you want to cling to."

He reached over and grabbed Alan's hand to stop him from scratching, making his bare leg bright red and sore. "It's taken me a while to accept that it wasn't only me it was happening to, though to be honest with you Alan you terrify me when you've been drinking, the last time you had if Scott hadn't intervened I swore you would have hurt me. It dawned on me after we were speed dating that no one was going to help you either."

Gordon looked Alan in the eyes. "I don't want you to end up like me Alan. You have so much potential, so much skill and other amazing qualities…. To watch you make mistakes you could avoid and see you sink so low so you're almost drowning down here in loser-ville with me? I can't let you keep doing it."

"But Gordon you're not -"

"Yeah, yeah I am. Alan I'm having sex with Scott for fucks sake! Sure, he means a lot to me in ways that are confusing, even for me - the fact he's returning it is still something I'm in shock over - and if you could figure it out then clearly John and Virgil have too. It won't be long before Dad does and we'll be in so much fucking trouble and out of the two of us the only one who'll be up shit creek will be me. Scott has John, Virgil and a whole host of friends he can fall back on to get him back onto his feet."

He sat up and looked at the ocean again. "I'm in love with him Alan. Sure I could die tomorrow or next week or next month…. But he said he still wants me despite that. No one's ever wanted me before and at least if something happens it won't wruin Scott's life like it would someone else."

"If there's one thing - one tiny fucking thing I can do right by someone it's to help them sort their shit out. Right now both Scott and you need me to help with that. I'm not exactly sure HOW to help but I'm not letting either of you two give up on yourselves."

"What about you? Are you just going to give up on yourself?"

Gordon wrapped an arm around Alan and pulled him close to give him a noogie and gave a smile that only he could ever make - one brimming with self confidence and mischief. "I wouldn't worry about that Alan, sure the stuff I enjoy is stuff I can't physically do anymore but there's so much more I've never tried that I wouldn't mind giving a fair crack. I mean I've never played an instrument, never attempted drawing, never grown plants… I mean there's many things I could try even if they sound mediocre than most other people's 'things before they die' lists and that's completely fine with me because I did all the crazy dangerous stuff with you guys and International Rescue. I don't feel as if there's any adrenaline junkie parts of me left that haven't seen or done it all already."

Alan felt his heart sink a little. He grabbed Gordon's hand and gave it a squeeze despite the confusion on his brother's face. "Gordon,  if things get too much for you or go belly up with Scott, I want you to know I'm here and you're not on your own, ok?"

"Uh sure Alan." Gordon nodded, feeling a little hurt that even his younger brother was doubting his decisions, as if being physically screwed internally ment his brain was no longer able to function…or maybe they've always thought that and he was only noticing it for the first time. "I'll keep that in mind."


There was a stillness on Tracy Island that night, most of the family having attended one of Penelope's charity functions, Jeff and Virgil having given her things to auction off for money and wanted to know if they were going to good homes while Jeff as always donated a huge sum to match the bids.

Gordon had flat out refused to attend, while Scott decided if John was still on duty in space he would stay incase of an emergency call. Sure, it did look suspicious but Alan was able to vouch for Gordon being well enough to be left alone though Alan said if John was on duty he could at least check up on him from time to time with a fair amount of glee at John's expense.

Even though things were on the quiet side, there was a distinctive clatter of crockery in the kitchen as Gordon took the opportunity to brush up on a new skill - ok it wasn't that new but he hadn't set foot in the kitchen to make a meal that had proper ingredients in years so knowledge was rusty.

Out of all the stuff he had to learn from home schooling, anything he could touch physically with his hands was a blast and something he did well in. The downside was they involved written exams and that's where dreams went to die.

It wasn’t long before wondrous smells drifted upstairs through the living room and the kitchen filled with a happy harmonious hum as knives chopped, pots bubbled and pans sizzled. Gordon had multiple things going on at once, something their Grandma barely managed in all her efforts attempting to cook something edible for years. Multi-tasking was one thing he enjoyed being in the submarine for, it kept you busy, on your toes and left no room for distraction. You had to focus while dials pinged and beeped constantly around you because at any given moment you could dive too far and be crushed inside the cabin from the outside water pressure or suffocate from a lack of air.

Cooking, while nothing like that still gave his brain the stimulation it needed. 

Getting everything up stairs and set up around the holo table was another thing entirely. Gordon hadn't even brought up four out of the seven dishes he had made to sit around and watch a movie with in the conversation pit before he was clutching his chest in pain. He already felt terrible that Alan had to carry him back half of the way to the house earlier and spent two hours in the small downstairs library trying to recover and this wasn't helping matters.

If he could just bring the rest up then collapsing on the couch wouldn't be an issue, though the part about trying to find Scott in this maze of a house in this state filled him with dread. He might end up having a heart attack before then.

Three more trips up and down the stairs…. He can manage that, right?

On the last one back down stairs his legs gave out and everything became a blur until he was at the bottom, splayed out on the floor, heart threatening to leap out and murder him. Picking himself up off the floor took more effort than he anticipated, determination to finish what he started being the only thing that was stopping him from collapsing in a heap. 

He wanted to show Scott how much he liked him and that his attraction was more than just sexual. If the stuff John said to him and what he saw with Virgil was like for Scott too then he needed to show him he was different despite how limited in his capacity to do so.

With the food all placed around the edge of the holotable like a buffet that was slightly over catered for, Gordon collapsed onto one of the curved sofa chairs and let exhaustion take over, eye's closing and arm dangling off the chair where he lay.

While Gordon busied himself in the kitchen, Scott was down in the bio bay as one of the motors on the hydro rotors had stopped working and required repairs.

Despite that they had the funds to buy anything they wanted, living on an island did mean you couldn't just pop over to the shops anytime you needed something, just getting take out back still hot was a challenge.
So being as self sufficient as possible just made sense and having fresh produce on hand was just a bonus.

There were several large metal cylinders in the basket each one seven foot long and worked something like a ferris wheel in that each rack of plants was free moving as the cylinder turned, they did as well so they always remained facing upwards as it turned.
UV lights were mounted on the ceiling above each one so every rack had a few moments in the direct lights this way they didn't burn from over exposure.

And that's just what had happened to a whole rack of baby lettuces.

This was important to fix but it also helped keep his mind off things such as temptation, he couldn't deny a part of missed the times he'd spent with John and Virgil, John was his usual type as well and he knew it. He started to think maybe he wasn't the type for a committed relationship after all he was in his thirtys and never had one before.

He needed to talk to Gordon before he did something stupid or worse John said something, it would also be admitting he had lied about them having sex in the first place but he'd rather it come from him.

Well no time like the present. 

 After he finally got the rotor working again, stripping it and putting it back together he headed back to the main house still covered in grease and needing a shower.

Stripping off the old shirt he was wearing he used it to clean his hands as best he could, stepping inside Scott was instantly hit by the smell, had Gordon been cooking? It actually smelt good unlike the usual smells from the kitchen, he let his nose lead to the source of the tantalising scents up stairs where he also found Gordon passed out on the couch by the holotable.

"Gordon, you okay?" He asked gently, shaking him by the shoulder.

"Just a few minutes…" Gordon's voice mumbled. "Want to see the look… on his face….then I'll drag my arse up…stairs…." There's was a loud groan as he shifted, wincing as he did so. "Won't make the place… untidy John…. Won't get in Scott's way either…. On duty I remember…."

Gordon's hand trailed down against the curved chair again only for him to push weakly against it and make a valiant effort to sit up though it was pretty clear if Scott hadn't disturbed him he would lay there until Virgil arrived home and hauled him upstairs.

"Oh hey! I just made you….it's probably cold by… I uh… did you fix the… thingy?" Gordon burbled out in one barely coherent sentence before accepting defeat and shrugging, grabbing a cushion to hug and hide behind in embarrassment. Scott was shirtless afterall and right now not only did Gordon's brain have no filter, neither did his libido which was more than happy to make it obvious that he was turned on by what he saw. "Uhhh I uhh, look Scott I… I thought you might be hungry after fixing the stuff… fuck I'm sorry I can barely think after bring everything upstairs and taking those pain pills."

Looking over the food Gordon had made for him, Scott felt deeply undeserving of, he had to say something then let this go on. "Listen Gordon, we need to talk."

Confused, Gordon gripped the pillow tighter. "About what? Have I done something wrong?"

"No, god no, I'm sorry Gordon I lied to you about John, Virgil and I… we have all slept together, it was a long time ago though, nothing like that has happened again, especially not while we have been together."

"Wait.. what?" Gordon sat dumbfounded as Scott's words burbled out in one jumbled mess. "You… you actually slept with…. Virgil and John? After telling me you never did?" Gordon visibly slunk back into the couch, finding himself lost for words though he wasn't too suprised as he figured John was denying it at the time too, why should Scott be any different? "I guess you also participated in the swingers parties."

"Why are you telling me you lied now? I don't understand. The past is the past right so why is it suddenly important now?" Gordon frowned. "How's it suddenly relevant to our relationship?"

"Because John knows, he forced himself on me in study earlier. I shot him down but I'm sure he's not going to give up that easily and they're going to try and come between us."

"I figured they might have known, Alan certainly did." Gordon looked down at the cushion in his arms that he was now subconsciously squeezing it tightly. "So they want you back huh? Did they say why?" He had an inkling in truth as to why John at the very least would, they had a problem seeing eye to eye on anything.

"When it comes to John could be jealousy or more likely a desire of what he can't have, Virgil will follow John's lead and he wouldn't try to force anything he's not like that."

"That didn't answer my question. " Gordon looked back up at Scott, his amber coloured eye's showing he was not entirely convinced by Scott's reply and knew he was walking around it so as to not hurt his feelings. He was a little disappointed that Scott didn't think he was smart enough to KNOW why John would want such a thing ( and not the reason Scott was telling him) but hid it well.

"Please Gordon, don't make me say it." Scott was quite amazed at how well Gordon was taking this, he was not only an emotional individual but quick to jump to conclusions as well, of course he was still tense Scott hadn't failed to notice, he didn't need to get worked up, Scott hadn't wanted to upset him in the first place.

Gordon's eyes narrowed. He couldn't help but be slightly frustrated as placing trust in people who danced around the truth was what got him where he was now. Eventually he broke eye contact and stood up, brushing past Scott to leave the living room. Sure he could be overreacting but it was highly likely if he shrugged it off and gave it a pass, it gave Scott permission to keep doing it and hurt him further.

He didn't get a chance to think about it further, as walking down the steps to the kitchen his right leg locked up making him twist his ankle with a loud click and drop like several hundred bricks tumbling down the stairs, thudding hard on every one til he hit the wooden floorboards at the base. Gordon hadn't felt any of it, his muscles had already started seizing up and left him gasping for air while he violently shook out of control. 

"GORDON!" Scott practically leaped down the stairs to Gordon's side, where he convulsed violently on the floor, he was having a seizure Scott rolled him onto his side Gordon's breathing instantly eased from the awful wheezing sounds he had been making. He took hold of Gordon's hand, holding it tightly. "It's going to be alright." He was trying to convince himself as much as Gordon, as he could do nothing until the episode passed.

When it finally passed, Gordon lay limply on the floor, a loud guttural sound coming from his throat as one hand lay twisted while the other was gripping his chest, suggesting that the muscles around his heart and lungs were still constricted. Gordon hoped if he survived this he could ask the doctors for some sort of muscle relaxant in an eppi-pen as this was getting far too close for comfort, especially when he couldn't open his mouth to call out to anyone.

"Gordon are you alright? Gordon!" Scott  asked anxiously as Gordon's eyes started to roll into his head. He activated his holo watch. "John, John Come in… John!"

The little hologram of the third youngest appeared, half dressed in his space suit as he had been caught getting out of the tiny toilet cubicle in the monitor's room. "What's the emergency Scott? Run out of hair gel?"

"It's Gordon, he's had a seizure and fell down the stairs, he's in bad shape" Scott lifted Gordon off the floor in his arms. "I'm taking him to the med bay now."

"Right, I'll let Dad know. If his condition gets any worse, you know what to do Scott." John's hologram winked out.

Scott ran to the med bay as John's image disappeared and laid Gordon on one of the beds. As he pulled the scanner over to assess Gordon's injuries, he prepared a dose 0pof pain relief and an IV.

Scott jumped as a priority voice call suddenly barked through his watch. "Scott, it's Dad. Get your brother stable and fly him out to the location John is sending to you in One. Doctor's have been notified and on stand by, the helipad is clear."

A hand grabbed Scott's pants. "T-take it out. Take i-it out." Gordon gasped, his lips slowly going a light hint of blue. It was interfering with the medication he had taken earlier and he desperately was trying to get that across. The hand then slipped down as shakes started to run through Gordon's body again, his voice hitched as his chest constricted tighter, restricting his breathing enough that he slowly blacked out.

With the IV hooked up, Scott gave Gordon an oxygen mask and placed a heart monitor on him. "Hold on Gordon, stay with me! Finally throwing a thermal blanket over him, Gordon's body temperature was beginning to fall as he went into shock.

With Gordon stable he now moved him to Thunderbird one, there was no time for suiting up, with Gordon secured he punched in the coordinates John sent him. "It's going to be alright Gordon, we'll be there soon…"

John's visage appeared on the holo monitor  alongside their fathers. "How's he doing, boys?" Jeff asked rather gruffly though it was clear he was putting up a front as he was worried. 

"I have all his vitals up, they're not doing super well." John's voice chimed in. On the holo monitor a separate little area blipped up for Scott showing Gordon's vitals at a glance. "Scans showing it's a reaction to something and over exhaustion." His hologram seemed to stare at Scott longer than comfortable before continuing. "It's hard to tell, there's so much going on here it's crazy though I'll be honest he's always been the one the scanners have trouble gaining accurate medical information. "

"ETA twenty minutes." Scott replied as he switched to auto pilot, then grabbed the med kit. "I'm giving him a dose from the epipen" He needed to stop Gordon's airways from closing, or he'd be done for.

"Ok, asking them to have a team on stand by and to give plenty of space." John's voice was deadpan as ever in an emergency. It had to be as he was typically the one on the receiving end of some of the most harrowing calls and decisions that had to be made. It was a shame, he never used to be this stone faced but after numerous times letting anything slip though to be reminded that it was unprofessional from his two older siblings and once from their grandmother he had locked any emotions that he should have in situations like this out of sight. "Ok One you're clear to land."

Scott took back manual control to bring one in for a landing, doctors and nurses rushed in to assess, he handed over the info from Gordon's scans and in moments they whisked him away, leaving Scott there alone.

He hadn't realised just how severe Gordon's condition was he'd seen the strain he was under and a mild episode or two but nothing like this, someone had to do something before it was too late - after all this was his fault, so it was now his responsibility now to fix this.

"Brains." He said, calling up his image on his holowatch. "We need to talk."


"G-Gordon! There you are! Been l-looking all over for you. I- I heard what happened yesterday, are you a-alright?"

Gordon looked up from poking his food around the plate and at the unusually excited Engineer. "You weren't looking too hard I hope? We're alive and nothing's broken besides my ego." He said, sitting back in the chair. He was just relieved to be ok after his fall and his body barely holding it together. Scott wasn't happy they discharged him after several hours but Gordon was perfectly ok once he was properly treated, though they stressed very thoroughly that he wasn't allowed to strain himself - yeah, good luck with that.

Brain's either didn't pick up on the sarcasm or he ignored it - Gordon honestly could never tell with Brains - and continued talking as if Gordon hadn't spoken. "I've been w-working on a new… l-let's just call it as drug f-for now… that should help me track what's exactly going wrong inside you so I can help fix it."

"Uh, have you tested it?"

"Well, no." Brains admitted. "If I went through those channels we'd have to wait at least seven years to even get it out of animal testing phases on lab mice. I-I know you might be worried you d-don't have that long to wait, I r-read what the current medication you're taking would eventually do."

Gordon nodded and looked back at his uneaten charred food. "You and me both. I just had another chunk of hair come out in the shower. It's thinning faster than anything with two coats of fur. One even has cancer as a side effect and I can't NOT take that unless I want to stop breathing from muscle spasms. Yesterday was too close for comfort."

"Well it s-should be mostly harmless."

Gordon raised his brow. "Mostly Harmless?"

"Think of it like this; you know the d-dye that's injected into you w-when you go for a CT scan?" Brain's hands started to move around as he explained, a bad habit he picked up after watching too many old scientists at conventions and summits he had attended. "I-it's the same thing but with mini bio tweeks that during a scan will change specific colours to h-highlight where dead, living, damaged and scar tissue are. If I can pin point the e-exact causes I'll be able to move onto developing the biological machines I'm busy d-designing to be more customised and specific on what they repair."

"Ok, so what's the concern?"

Brains adjusted his blue framed glasses as his expression took a more serious look. "B-besides the ethical ones? There's every possibility we will make your c-condition worse before I f-find what I'm looking for."

Gordon seemed to consider it a few seconds before proffering his brusied arm to the engineer. "Whatever it takes."

"Y-you're absolutely sure?"

"Anything is better than being made to take addictive drugs that'll make other problems later down the line. After what happened in front of Scott I got given stronger stuff…" Gordon dug his hands into his loose cargo pants and handed Brains a large box full of pills. "Doctor said they'll stop the rythmia for a while…."

"And?" Brains knew there was more that the young Tracy was about to tip toe around. 

"The side effects are in the box. A nice thick little booklet, great for an afternoon read."

Brains took the box and adjusted his glasses. "Y-You're still to take the other stuff on top?"

"Yes, that's the intention."

"T-this isn't good G-Gordon. These drugs and the others shouldn't be mixed."

There was a slight smile on the blonde's face. "Scott said the same. I honestly don't know the difference, just that these are supposedly better." Gordon licked his lips nervously. "They're not are they?"

Brains shook his head. It was much better to be honest with him since it was his health that was the concern. 

"Figures." Gordon held out an arm again. "So, what have we got to lose? It's not like it'll increase my sex drive. These pills are already trying their best to hamper that." He joked. "They're not having much luck."

"A-alright but if there's any problems-"

"Don't worry Brains, you'll be first to know, I'm not entirely keen on falling down the stairs again so please, inject away."

Gordon watched as the engineer produced what could only be described as a syringe that looked like something you'd only see in adult movies when a naughty nurse gives her patient an enema and filled with bright pink liquid. "T-that's a lot of stuff in there." He stammered.

"Well I-I had to have enough to go through into your entire system."

Gordon swallowed hard. "This better not kill me Brains…. I don't think anyone would appreciate it." He winced and let out a loud yelp in pain as the needle point went in and the weird liquid made his veins swell as it was injected. Brains stood over him, keeping observation and relaxed when there seemed to be no reaction, other than Gordon's arm feeling stiff like it had fallen asleep. The colour of the electricity scar on his arm did change slightly, from the angry pink to blood red and Brains inspected it, comparing it to the other until that one started going red too.

"This…this is bad…right?"

Brains pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Well i-it's not what I was expecting. Only a bit of swelling, possibly seizure worse case scenario. I'm taking this as a positive, at least f-for now."

He straightened himself up. "Come see me in the m-medical laboratory in a few hours. It should be pumped all around by then. If uhhh anything goes w-wrong -"

"Oh don't worry Brains, I'll end up exactly where you need me either way." Gordon gave him a weak smile. "With my shield or on it."

Brains frowned and Gordon chuckled. "Sorry, couldn't resist a good movie reference."

He watched Brains leave before moving his uneaten food into the main kitchen and wincing as pain shot through arm, chest and down his abdomen making him stagger and fall back into the walk-in pantry, collapsing on the floor and knocking down an entire shelf of food.

"Shit!" He swore, scrabbling to get himself up. Maybe he shouldn't wait on this one, at least if something went wrong he would be in the right place to make a fast recovery.

Gordon picked himself up and started to make his way for the lift by the fish tank and pressed his hand into the other invisible scanner that made the lift move slower and stopped in the hanger bay, not far from where the medical hub was. Part of him was itching to drop all the way down into Thunderbird Four's tank however the uneasiness he felt just going down a level or two was enough to tell him he wouldn't survive the water dunking at the bottom of the tube.

There was a backup craft of the submarine in the hangar though, Brain's having eventually learnt that anything the submarine did seemed to require a spare one sooner or later while the other was being repaired from extensive damage.

Gordon walked along the side of the craft, gently running his fingers over its hull. He longed for being able to pilot it again but now it was Kayo's job and she was more of an expert with it than he was…. And while that thought should have hurt he had seen her in control himself and knew it was true. Why deny it with jealousy? It's as if they all expected him to get upset over anything and everything because he used to have a short fuse which he couldn't help thanks to getting very emotional from one moment to the next.

He had more control over that now. Seemed like the only -

Gordon paused. Apparently he wasn't alone in the hanger after all. He walked around Thunderbird Four, trailing his hands along her hull and around the back which he only noticed now was open… and the sounds coming from inside were not ones that he usually associated with his old craft.

There was a lot of playful giggling and other sounds he recognised as he had been making them himself recently in the company of a certain someone.

He should leave whomever it was alone… at least the thought crossed his mind FIRST because storming around and confronting whoever they were seemed like a BAD idea. 

Luckily, a lot of the boxes stacked around the hanger were slightly reflective so he didn't have to risk peering around and getting caught. Sure it wasn't a exact mirror but it was enough for him to make out the naked silhouette of John, though the loud lustful moaning and begging for more was probably enough for him to know John was pretty intimate with someone.

It couldn't be Kayo he was with and Gordon had left Alan with their father to come down here to find Brains so…

"Do you really think Scott is taking this whole thing with Gordon too far? I like him having a pet project all of a sudden is nice, let's me spend more time with you… doing this…"

Gordon froze to the spot. Good thing he didn't peer around. He had seen enough of Virgil naked at that party to know that his brother had a monster and was into seriously kinky stuff. Gordon had a pretty good imagination and it didn't take much to imagination John on top of him dressed in bondage leathers whipping Virgil who was tied up in a Gimp mask… it was at this point Gordon's imagination decided to give up and try to delete as much as possible, the LAST thing he needed was to be put off sex because of a stupid invention of his own imagination of his other two brothers getting kinky with one another. He was about to walk away when he heard John let out a yelp and a moan before Virgil's voice continued. 

"But seriously we need to get him back. It's been too long since we let him off the leash…"

"What? You want to reign him back in? But Virgil… look I think you're reading too much into it, Scott's just being a brother you know? If anything he's not the only one worried about him."

"Oh? Is that so? You were calling him ugly as sin last night."

"So? Doesn't mean I can't worry. You know ever since Dad started taking him off duties with you, you've started caring a lot -"

"Less? Yeah well when you're the one constantly tethered to him you find yourself instantly relieved when someone more competent is beside you on a rescue. Nothing against him, he did help get me to a hospital not that long ago but he's just so accident prone, it's a huge relief to not be given a heart attack everytime we're on call."

Gordon couldn't believe his ears. Sure he didn't get along with John at the best of times but wow… he looked up to Virgil like he did Scott, they were everything he wanted to be - strong, intelligent, brave….

"He's a nice kid but he's always reminded me of old photos of Granddad when he married Grandma. His personality isn't exactly shining either, I mean he thinks he's funny but -"

Gordon didn’t stick around for the rest. He heard enough to know how much they honestly thought of him. Maybe it was best he avoided their party, afterall Gordon knew he wouldn't be hanging around long with no one to talk to, may as well bite the bullet early and keep his distance.

Who knew turning twenty six was going to suck worse than when he turned twenty five? Least they were consistent in not giving a shit.

As for Scott? Gordon had many questions but his head wasn't clear enough to organise them all. If everything he heard was true then… he was nothing but a temporary toy until Scott got bored.

That hurt more than the muscle seizures that threatened to kill him every day could. Huh, funny how easy it was to take advantage of someone who everyone thought wasn't smart enough to find out. 

Gordon was at least smart enough to know when he was being used. That was enough. Right now he needed to talk to Brains before whatever the stuff he injected him with wore off.

As Gordon wandered into the medical bay,  Brains turned around from his seat at a large body scan machine and adjusted his glasses. "A-are you ready?" He asked as he turned back to the computer monitor and the machine slid out a flatbed. "No Jewellery, it can m-mess with the scan."

"Sure. Uh I have some metal in my jaw. Is that going to be a problem?"

Brains paused a moment in thought before he resumed typing.  "S-shouldn't think so. It was from your previous accident so it's not like you can remove it for a scan."

Gordon nodded and proceeded to strip to his boxers before lying down on the flatbed. He felt it start to move beneath him and the ceiling started shifting until it disappeared behind the hood of the machine, the large scanner humming with an unusual buzzing sound until the bed stopped.

"Just relax and close your eyes. I-it will only take ten minutes."

Gord took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He hadn't had a decent rest in a while and it wasn't long before the humming of the machine had sent him to sleep.

He awoke in the gilded cage, though this time the chains that bound him were pulled tight so he was forced into an uncomfortable position hanging from the bars. The plush satin pillows were gone as the cage was bare and spots of dried blood were sprinkled on the floor.

On the other side of the bars was Scott who was also in chains with one of them attached to the ceiling so he was forced to sit up right or be choked. Scott's legs were spread open over a bed, his lower half strapped in a harness that bound and constricted his manhood, keeping it at attention despite no one else around. He was blind folded and gagged while sitting perfectly still.

Glancing around, all the pink and purple luxury was gone and replaced with blacks and reds, chains and a table between the bed and the cage with handcuffs, gags, whips and dildos all laid out as if someone was getting ready to play.

Two masked figures entered around the bed, the bigger, stronger and more muscular of the two wearing a leather bear mask and a metal muzzle while the other was masked up as a red fox, tall, slender and very fit.

They ignored the table and went straight for the bed, the stronger bear picking Scott up with ease and pushing his hips down hard onto the long erection of the Fox, who held Scott's legs wide for the Bear to also slip inside, both of which then started thrusting in tandem making sure one was fully in as the other was pretending to pull out. Though Scott was bound and gagged, the two who were using him were adding on nipple clips to twist and slapping him with a riding crop across his tortured cock.

Gordon pulled at his chains. He wanted to yell, wanted to break free and unchain Scott and free him from those who just wanted to use him. The more he fought, the faster the Fox and the Bear went, getting louder with their laughter, their cries of joy and more aggressive with their torture play.

Another figure entered the room, this time wearing white leather and a mask of a wolf. They went straight to the table and picked up several toys before heading for the bed and shifting the Bear and the Fox, placing the dildios beneith them so they had to ride them while playing with their prisoner. Then they walked around the cage, bare breasts bouncing and long fluffy blonde hair floating behind the mask. They picked up another, this time a strap on and made their way behind him inside the cage, running elegant fingers down his neck and purring, pulling a blindfold over his eyes so he could no longer see what was happening to Scott before something solid and cold invaded.

"Woah! C-calm down Gordon! E-easy!" Brains shouted, as Gordon suddenly started to cry out from inside the scanner. Little did Brains know the panic attack was triggering muscle spasms that were going out of control but also giving the scan Brains was doing the exact information he needed.

"H-hang on I'll get you out right now!" Brains quickly pressed buttons on the computer keys as the young Tracy's body thrashed about. As the flatbed slowly moved out from under the scanner dome the spasms had died down enough to be violent shakes though Gordon remained unconscious. 

Brains opened his holocom on his watch and immediately got Scott on the line. It was hard to hide the panic in his voice, especially since this was quite possibly his fault. Seeing it first hand twice now he was unsure if there was anything he could do.


Since Gordon had returned home Scott was aware he was avoiding him, he didn't blame him and as long as he was well health wise Scott thought it was best to give him space for now.

Instead he kept himself busy preparing for the party such as picking up supplies, something John and Virgil had jumped on to help with, Scott had sternly turned them down he was over the kissy faces John kept making at him and Virgil's smug smiles, along with the evil eye he kept getting from Alan, there was no he could confide in on how he was feeling.

He'd asked Kayo to help him as one of the only neutral parties left, though she felt there was tension in the air which Scott couldn't explain to her.

He was bringing another load up to the bar, when Brains contacted him.

"Scott, we n-need to talk." Brain's voice sounded grave, though it usually did when he was being serious. "Y - you remember the other day when Gordon had a seizure in the medical bay? I-I ended up with some v-very unusual data you might want t-to see."

"Yes I do." Scott replied gravely. "I'm on my way. " He placed the box of spirits down on the bar, before heading down to Brains lab. 

"Alright Brains I'm here." He said, walking up to Brains at his mobile engineering computer. "What is it you want to show me?"

Brains typed a few things on the keyboard before a little holographic projector lit up beside him showing a simplistic internal view of a human body before coming to life with a picture of a nervous system.

"T-this, is a perfectly healthy nervous system. You can s-see here that the connections to the brain are functioning n-normally."

He pressed a few more key and another version of the same came up on screen except the animation was on the muscles tightening and staying taut.

"This i-is someone with Fibromyalgia, see how the muscles don't function properly?" As he spoke another one popped up with the nervous system again though this time it was obvious the signals were going crazy in it from the brain. "And t-this here is when you have an overactive electrical impulse current, something that can occur in patients with epileptic episodes."

Some more taps on the keys made the images merge together before he continued. "A-and this is G-Gordon's system. The electrical shock he s-suffered damaged this part of the brain here that controls nerve impulses and a-as a response the nervous system reacts to that by going out of c-control like a seizure. He also had an underlying condition that was triggered by the shock similar to the F-fibrosis that when his body goes into shock, this happens."

Brains pressed a key and suddenly the diagram played out the recorded scan data that he had uncovered from the last severe attack. It showed a more realistic view of what was going on inside Gordon's body, showing exactly how his nervous system was going crazy and how every muscle in his body reacted to the confusion, his internal organs taking the most beating as they were being stimulated but getting constricted at the same time.

Hearing that the electric shock Gordon had suffered caused all his problems brought back all of Scott's feeling of guilt, if only he hadn't said yes to Gordon coming with him on that mission. "Can you do anything for him?"

"Well," Brains hesitated. "N-not exactly. Despite knowing more than the d-doctors the only thing I could tell you is to take him off the medication as it's n-never going to do anything other than give him more problems from side effects that would normally happen to healthy people. They are r-right when they say he can't have a heart or lung o-operation as that won't fix the main reason he's having issues with them in the first place."

Brains scratched his chin. "Y-you might also not like my other suggestion I h-have."

Scott swallowed hard, Brains was likely right about that. "Such as?"

"Well I-I had been doing some research into alternative cures, stuff that predates the first world war would you believe. S-surprised such information still survives after the Global conflict." Brains pushed up his glasses and wrinkled his nose. "But there is a way to stop seizures or at least, m-minimise them through diet. I know Gordon is a h-health food nut and we all eat pretty healthy here but we a-also do eat a lot of grains and things that not everyone can process… l-like how your mother was a coeliac and how John's lactose intolerant."

"That makes sense, we know diet has a great deal of effect on people, but what kind of possible cures could there be from so long ago?"

"Well for a start, if this r-reduces the amount of seizures to something more manageable Gordon might be a-alright for limited duty again and it w-would also stop his body attempting to kill itself."  Brains spun on his chair to get up off it and stroll across the laboratory floor over to some crates that Virgil and Alan had delivered to him that morning. He rummaged through it until he pulled free several very old looking cook books, some a little more recent from the late 19th century and early 20th and dusted them off before handing them over to Scott.

"Changing from eating a lot of v-vegetables to more fat and protein might be a hard adjustment for G-Gordon's lifestyle but in the long run it'll make it easier. T-this one here is all about the benefits of a high fat diet that has been used to treat epilepsy since the early nineteen thirties. P-people unfortunately stopped using it after the war because healthcare had c-changed and that people were forced to eat rations with limited choice in being able to customise their diet for their health. T-then an entire three generations were made to believe in terrible food science."

Brains sighed. "I'm only an e-engineer but even I-I feel sad to know that an entire field of academic scientific study w-was bought, sold and adulterated under many l-lies. But this book -" he waved the book around before handing it over to Scott might get G-Gordon excited that there is something better than those h-horrendous pills."

Brains smiled. "Getting off them will be the thing he'll enjoy the m-most. His hair might start growing back."

"What? His hair's been falling out?" Scott was shocked to hear all this just how much had Gordon hiding from everyone and from him.

They should have done something earlier about all this not put their faith in doctors and pills to fix the problem, the damage was done hopefully it hadn't been worse and this could help make it manageable.

"He d-didn't tell you? He said you had read some of the side affects of the pills yourself. W-wouldn't be surprised that it's one of many he has going o-on. He mentioned them a-affecting his sex drive but that's hard to gauge when he's n-not exactly active with anyone at the moment."

Not even Scott could say anything when it came to that since Gordon had been taking the pills ever since they had been together, it did worry him that Gordon only felt the way he did because of them... if things did run a normal course and they did back up in the end that would for the best, that remained to be seen though. "I did read the possible side effects but he never told me he was having any of them. " He knew why and he would do the same if it were him. "Thanks Brians I'll pass these on to Gordon."

Brains looked at Scott curiously as he didn't quite seem to respond in the typical way most blokes would when openly mentioning someone had an issue with low libido. He half expected an awkward joke or something similar to say the least. He simply shrugged and went back to work.


Gordon stood on the second story balcony overlooking the pool and watched as the Valentine's day party played out below. Everyone was a friend of one of his siblings or their father, all dressed up in reds and pinks - the colours of romance.

This wasn't the first time he stood back and watched. There was last year, the one before that and oh yeah, the one before that which was the year he and Penelope decided that pretending to be together was less awkward than being a proper couple that had done the sensible thing of breaking up. 

He recalled his older brothers getting really fancy elaborate parties of their choice when they turned twenty five but couldn't believe that he wasn't even asked what he wanted to do.

No way was he going to make the mistake of setting foot down there, it was made pretty clear from what he overheard that he wasn't welcome.

He wondered how many friends Scott invited or if Scott had shared friends with them. He wouldn't have blamed him for wanting to hang out with people his own age as right now their relationship was unsteady ground.

As he turned, he was face to face with Penelope who was dressed in a seductive red mini dress with knee high heels and lipstick like fire.

"You're missing out on a wonderful party you know, lurking up here. Your father said you were dating again, is that true?"

Gordon shook his head. "If I was, what business would it be of yours?"

Penny clicked her tongue. "Still have that awful attitude I see. You know you'll never find anyone when you talk to people like that."

Gordon's shoulders relaxed. "Like what? Myself? I distinctly remember you doing everything you could to change me… oh hey, congratulations on that by the way, because now I have no life - no friends, no family that will take me seriously or not take advantage of me…. Because I had to keep up the pretence we were still a thing when we never really were. I hope you're proud of that because now I can't trust anyone not to stab me in the back."

"Oh for fucks sakes, your being over dramatic. You weren't remotely likeable to begin with. Sure only kids seemed to gravitate to you but beyond that? You're no better than the dirt in the tip of my boots. You're not smart with anything that's not marine related and can barely hold a conversation without clowning around and you've got zero idea how to be romantic, like going on a date with you is the most embarrassing thing I have ever - are you listening to me? You can't just walk away and brush your failings off like they're nothing."

Gordon, who had indeed brushed past in an effort to walk away just looked back at her and shrugged. "What do you want me to say? Not like you'd ever care or notice that things have changed, that you got everything you wanted out of me and left me to rot. Stupid me still had enough feelings for you to end up being manipulated by someone else and nearly dying because of it."

"I don't need you putting me down in order to see how much I'm despised despite not doing anything to deserve it. I have siblings for that and no amount of viciousness from you will match what they can do… believe me they can do it with far more precision than you are capable of."

He turned his back on her, treasuring the look of shock on her face, happy in the knowledge he didn't cave in or give her the reaction she wanted, in fact the room began to fill with the quiet whistle of 'happy birthday' before he disappeared up the next flight of stairs.


Down by the swimming pool Scott was catching up with some old friends, he was dressed in just a white shirt, acid wash jeans and enough hair gel to slick his hair back like the Great Gatsby.

Looking around he still hadn't been able to spot Gordon anywhere. Assuming he was hiding away from the party, Scott excused himself and started heading back inside when he ran into Virgil holding two drinks.


"No." Scott said as he tried to walk around him.

"I haven't said anything." Virgil continued  to block his path.

"I've already told John no."

"I know and you know I wouldn't try to force anything." Scott crossed his arms and Virgil rolled his eyes. "Come on Scotty it's a party, we're meant to have fun. " He held one of the drinks out to him. "A peace offering." He smiled.

Scott stared at him a few moments, not completely sure what to think. "Margarita?" 

Virgil smiled as he handed the drink to him and as someone called his name, he left Scott to greet them.

Scott took a sip of his drink, he didn't have any reason to distrust Virgil - after all he wasn't like that.

He downed the drink and headed back inside, wandering about the house he began to feel odd, he pulled at his shirt collar feeling way too hot the world around him started to warp, the walls around changing into uncut stone.

Scott felt he was being led down a pathway like he was walking through the tunnel of a cave, the walls danced with blueish light as he pulled at his shirt again, ripping buttons off as he did so; the brush of his fingers send electric shocks through him and his body felt so sensitive to any touch. He groaned and bit his lip as he ran his fingers around his nipples, desperately wishing someone would suck them; that wasn't even mentioning how tight and uncomfortable his jeans suddenly felt.

Running a hand along the walls it felt cool to the touch, as the corridor opened into a cavern with a lagoon, the blue water seemed to shine with a light of its own that danced around the walls and ceiling.

The water was very inviting and he wasted no time in removing his clothes and slipped in, relaxing in the cool waters closing his eyes as he massaged his throbbing erection. He had barely touched himself before he came arching his back in pleasurable bliss.

"Oh gods ahhh yesss! Unnhhh!"

Suddenly he heard a splash opening his eyes. He saw the water had been disturbed but couldn't see anything within the deeper dark depths.

He didn't think much of it as he was already becoming hard again, closing his eyes once more and moving his hands with slow rhythmic purpose until something grabbed his leg pulling him under the water. Scott freed himself before quickly resurfacing, coughing and spluttering he made for the water's exit but was stop by a reddish - pink tentacle that warped around his waist. He tried to free himself but more tentacles exited the water and engulfed him to pull him back in, the sound of giggling stopping him in his struggle. Looking back he went red as he realised it was Gordon in the water with him.

"Gordon?" Scott said hungrily reaching out to him, the shorter Tracy looked confused at first - even kind of wary - and Scott had to coax him over til he was close enough that he could pull him into a deep lingering kiss. He didn't really notice how Gordon seemed tense before relaxing into it, pulling him close letting him feel his desire for physical attention.

Gordon seemed to have other ideas as he pushed him back and Scott found himself pinned beneath him and sink down under the water…. that was when he saw the lower half of his lover was missing - replaced by the tentacles of a sea monster. This realisation hadn't truly sunk in when Gordon locked lips with him just as hungry for him in kind, his tentacles were everywhere like many hands, his touch explosive as he seemed to explore every inch as they freely floated in the water.  Scott didn't question how or why he could breathe… his mind was focused on the sensations sparking all over of his body.

Suddenly his body was invaded by one of the appendages, Scott gave a sharp cry from surprise and discomfort, which gave Gordon pause. "No, fuck me Gordon, fuck me hard!" Scott said kissing him in encouragement, it had been a long time since he had been the one to ride and he desperately wanted anything Gordon was offering.

He began rocking his hips as another tentacle wrapped around his manhood, sliding up and down sliding in time as they slowly turned in the water.

Gordon took one of Scott's nipples in his mouth teasing it mercilessly with his tongue, as he continued pounding him mercilessly suddenly biting down hard as a bright light shone up from the depths  - the last thing he remembered was it becoming so bright Scott was engulfed by it.


Gordon stood alone in the bathroom and stared at his reflection. He had to agree with what he overheard from his brothers as what was looking back at him wasn't the least bit attractive or remotely cute. Sure, no one had mentioned it yet but he knew they could see the patches where his hair had come out because it was clear there was a lot missing even in the mirror. He pulled off his shirt which unceremoniously dislodged some more before digging through the draws to find his hair razor. 

"So much for the waves." He sighed as he put the blades to his head and started mowing off his hair to a buzz cut, only leaving the shortest spikes at the front in hopes at least they wouldn't be pulled or accidentally yanked out. 

He snorted. How could anyone possibly like him? He was looking and feeling his absolute worst and there was no amount of 'everything's going to be ok' that would make it better. Despite cooking for others his own appetite had reduced severely to the point where he could barely eat an apple let alone a banana, his sparing with Alan in the gym became him mostly lying flat on the floor unable to move after three or four punches and the energetic sex life with Scott was up in the air to the point Gordon wouldn't blame him or care if he started sleeping with someone else as he couldn't physically keep up. It wasn't that long ago he had a decent body shape, surfed or swam every day…. Ate like a garbage disposal…

After he tidied up and walked out of the bathroom without his shirt he walked right into John without looking where he was going.

"Hey! Watch where you're - oh it's just you. Thought you were one of Virgil's drunken friends for a minute."

Gordon snorted. "Bet you wish I was."

"Actually I'm relieved you aren't. Several of them have been trying to get me alone and there's zero chance in hell I'm going to sleep with those mother fuckers." John's eyes narrowed. "Did you cut all of your hair off?"

"Oh, so you do notice?"

"No need to get snarky with me, Gordon." John snapped. "Of course I'd notice." He relaxed when he saw how defensive Gordon had become. "It suits you."

"Uh, thanks? I guess."


Both of their heads turned to the sound of drunken yelling.

"Shit, they've found me!" John swore. "What do I do?"

Gordon grabbed him and pulled him towards his room, pinned John to the floor amongst the toys and bed sheets that were still on the floor and sat above him to obscure the view the moment four heads from Virgil's swingers party friends group poked around the doorway. Gordon made sure his back way to them and had leant in to kiss John, holding it as he could here the four drunken voices argue a bit before the footsteps shifted away from the door and back down the hall.

Gordon sat up quickly and spat. "Yuck, John kissing you is like licking an ashtray. It's bloody gross! Least they're gone now. If I were you I'd hurry up and get back up in space till the heat dies off."

John sat up on his elbows looking dumbfounded. "Did you ju-"

"Yes, yes I did and I'm never going to again. I have zero idea what anyone sees in you as you have the self preservation of a chicken and the general intelligence level of a bloody annoying goose! I HEARD every word they uttered and you're a frackin' idiot." Gordon gave John a shove. "What are they're names?"

John looked down and unimpressed that he was being made to fess up to something that happened a few years ago but nevertheless caved in. Afterall Gordon might be weaker than him right now but he was in a position where that wouldn't make much of a difference.

"Charlotte and Marie. I wasn't the only one either."

Gordon didn’t look surprised. "Well that's expected at a swingers party. Virgil too I'm guessing?"

John nodded. "They won't approach him about it, I mean would you? "

"Can you take a test? I mean unless you confirm it you could be panicking over nothing."

"I'm not panicking,  I'm beyond panicking! If Dad finds out either one of us has a kid without his knowledge he'd go through the roof!"

"Easy John. There's no reason to worry yet."

John took a deep breath. " You're right… for once." He stood up after Gordon got off him and dusted himself off, his expression becoming emotionless again. "I'll go order a test kit now and let them know. I highly doubt it's me."

Gordon smiled. "What happens if it is?"

John went from calm to flighty again. "I-I don't have a clue! I don't know anything about kids!"

"You could always just be the cool dad that they get to visit who takes them on holidays no one else can… like trips to space…." Gordon hinted. "I mean it sounds like they only want to find out because they know you have money. I'd use that knowledge to my advantage if I were you."

John looked surprised.  "Really? You sure? People do that?"

Gordon nodded. "All the time."

"Gee, thanks for the warning."

Gordon waved it off. "Don't mention it."

John picked his way across the small room, turning around once he reached the doorway. "Just be careful Gordon. It didn’t take Scott long to find a younger, more attractive person to ditch Virgil and I. It won't take him much to replace you if a handsome face walks by."

Gordon gave John a weaker smile than before. "I don't think that's a bad thing, do you?"

John was about to retort but held his tongue as the moment the conversation was over. Gordon looked deflated, exhausted and physically unwell as he relaxed and just sat on the floor with his back against the bed.  The younger Tracy had no energy left to keep pretending everything was fine.

"Are you feeling alright, Gordon?" John asked, walking back over and sitting down beside him. His brother just flopped against him, eyes closed tight and his breathing laboured. John wrapped an arm around him and held him close.

"I don't think I can fight this forever, John." Gordon admitted. "Having attacks every day is draining." He desperately wanted to add, 'So is hearing how much you all rather I wasn't here.' But held his tongue. He figured they no longer cared if he died and would move on like he never existed so voicing it aloud wouldn't make anyone change their minds.

"It'll be alright, I'm sure -"

"Please, stop lying John." Gordon groaned. "It's not ever going to get better. If it was, it would be by now."

"Hey, what's with the defeatist attitude?" John gave Gordon a gentle nudge. This wasn't good at all, giving up was usually for other people when it came to his brother. "Something will come up, I know it will."

"For you maybe. Everything always comes up roses." Gordon slumped even further into John's side. "Look out for Alan for me….and tell Scott I'm sorry for everything."

John started to panic as he felt all of Gordon’s weight on him, pushing him back onto the bedding on the floor and checking him over frantically only to realise he had drifted off to sleep. For a few moments he felt his sibling had just pulled a cruel prank using his illness to psych him out but dismissed it as the way Gordon spoke it was of genuine acceptance that he was very slowly dying. 

John started to feel guilty for telling him Scott would drop him for someone else, especially now he was ashamed he even thought it would just be something Gordon would brush off if he saw him sleeping with him and Virgil the way they used to. He should be 'happy' Gordon was thinking of letting him go.

It didn't sit right.

He picked Gordon up and put him to bed, draping the bedding over and tucking the toys in beside him. How is it he looked even smaller than before now he was so ill? 

"I'm sorry you have to go through this Gordon and I'm sorry for being such an arsehole." John whispered before leaving him to recoup some energy back.

Closing the door, John stopped dead as Alan stumbled into him, completely off his face and grinning like an idiot. 

"Hey Johnny whatcha doing in Gordo's room? You're trying to get into his pants too huh?"

John's nose wrinkled in disgust. "Alan you absolutely reek!" He recoiled as his youngest sibling took a large swig from a beer can.

"You can't talk, Johnno. You're walking… whatchamacall it… sex on legs… better watch out 'cause Scotty would clock ya ta last week ffffuckn' Friday."

John rolled his eyes and grabbed Alan by the collar of his shirt and dragged him to his bedroom and left him on his bed, flopped over and snoring his head off loudly. He didn't have the time of day to be dealing with Alan's shit anymore, especially after witnessing his other younger brother have the most odd mental breakdown he'd ever seen. He hadn't even had the chance to step out of the room when Scott wandered in as high as a kite, chuckling away to himself while stark naked and pinning him down to the bed between him and Alan, Scott passing out and with all his weight on top of him.

John squirmed and wriggled until he managed to get out from underneath him only to have Alan grab him and roll him to the otherside of the bed in a death grip muttering something about 'having sex with an angel' before snoring again. Eventually John got free of his grasp by slipping out of his t-shirt and darting out of the room, tripping over empty alcohol cans as he went before slamming the bedroom door.


Delicious smells wafted up the stairs from the kitchen as Jeff wandered into the living room the next day. He half expected to be cleaning up the mess they had all left overnight but was quite surprised when he walked out onto the balcony overlooking the pool area to find it as tidy as it was days before. Many of the guests that Virgil and himself couldn't fly home had been crammed into the guest house to be taken home the next day whenever possible. Afterall International Rescue couldn't be unavailable for longer than twenty four hours - those in need of them were those who had no luxury to wait.

As he made his way down stairs, he could see extra tables and seating had been set up for the extra guests and was impressed those who had stayed were up and engaged in cordial conversations with one another enjoying breakfast.

As his feet touched the woodwork at the base of the stairs, turning to his right he could see who the mystery chef was who was feeding people ACTUAL FOOD that wasn't charred and indigestible as rocks.

"Morning Dad. Sorry I wasn't one hundred percent yesterday. Figured I'd make up for it by providing breakfast for the hungover."

Jeff walked around the kitchen bench and wrapped his arms around Gordon tight. "You didn't have to do any of it, Son. If anything it's me and your brothers who owe you something for being out of control yesterday."

Gordon shrugged and waved it off once Jeff had let him go. "It's fine. I wouldn't have felt like celebrating even if it was between ourselves." 

"The cut looks good." Jeff indicated to the drastic shave that Gordon had done to his hair. "Suits you."

"Heh well if the note Scott left me on top of a stack of old keto diet books was anything to go by, it 'might' grow back if I'm lucky."

"I may have to look at those."

"You're more than welcome to. It'll be easier if I can get someone else eating it with me."

Jeff scanned the kitchen full of happy chatty people with plates filled with sausages, eggs and bacon, putting a huge smile on his face. "I don't think you'll have any problems with that. Would you like any help with anything?"

"Dishes would be great, thanks Dad." Gordon grinned. Less walking around for me after yesterday's crash."

"Sure Gordon. If you need a break though let me know."

"No worries, Dad."

Jeff couldn't help himself watching his son over his shoulder, while he did promise his own mother not to intervene unless it was strictly necessary he knew that even though he had to give his son space, he also needed to be on the lookout for him.  His worry wasn't misplaced as eventually Gordon had carefully turned the stove off and shifted a loaded pan to one side before bending over the bench as his muscles threatened to attack. 

Jeff dried his hands and quietly grabbed the nearest guests to take over in the kitchen while he walked Gordon out and into the small reading room underneath the stairs where it was cooler and quieter thanks to being carved out of the volcanic rock.

"Have you eaten anything yourself?" He asked as he sat Gordon down in the comfiest armchair in the house.

"N-no. I was planning to after I cleaned up but I got distracted." Gordon looked up at him. "Am I in trouble?"

"No." Jeff gave him a gentle hug this time around. "Not in the slightest. I'll go get you something before all the food vanishes."

"Thanks Dad."

On return to the alcove with a plate of fried eggs and bacon, Jeff placed them down on the reading table beside his son who had fallen asleep and sat on the chair on the other side after he removed his jacket and draped it over him. He brushed the jacket collar away from his face and for a few seconds, Jeff felt as if he was looking at the sleeping face of a four year old who had taken to sleeping in that very chair the day they had been told their mother wasn't coming home again. He thought back to what Gordon had said - about how much of a failure he felt as a son. 

Jeff leant over and murmured, "You're not a failure, Son. If anyone's at fault here it's me as a parent for not seeing your struggles when they were laid in front of me. I thought I could protect you all from the media circus being the first person on Mars self made millionaire had become, protect you from  the vultures after your mother's farm accident… I didn't see the pressure you were all under."

Jeff sighed heavily and patted Gordon's shoulder. "Though it may be hard to believe, I was a lot like you in school. While I'm extremely proud of your brothers, I'll have to admit it's all from your mum's side." He grunted with amusement. "I was the adventure seeker whom trouble just seemed to follow around. Didn't help I'd loose my cool whenever someone called me short."

"I just want to see you do well, Gordon. I…"

"It's ok, Dad." Gordon mumbled shifting around to slowly open his eyes. "I know. We all make mistakes."

 He looked longingly towards the kitchen. "I wish they were my friends in there but I don't really have any. Anyone I spoke to always thought highly of us but they had no idea who I was. Sure, I used to think it was funny that the Hood had no idea who John was, turns out more people know who he is despite him barely touching down on the planet…. I could be helping out or leading a rescue… or be at Penelope's social events and not a single soul would know me despite me knowing who they were, hell I saved Lemaire at LEAST six times in ONE year and he still acted like I was a nobody. You remember the last charity thing we all went to Dad? The one where the longer you stayed in the dance floor the more money you raised?"

Jeff simply nodded. He hadn't gotten much conversation out of Gordon in years let alone something quite emotional, the young Tracy suddenly shutting him out not long after Jeff took some of his duties on board Thunderbird Two. In fact he was slowly learning Gordon wasn't the one who shut everyone out - rather he had been pushed aside by everyone else.

Gordon contined talking, his voice sounding husky and dry in a effort to hide his feelings, which he was doing poorly at. 

"The guy that took over from me to dance with her, they were having sex. He wasn't the only one either and I was always being told that if I was a good boy, I'd maybe get lucky. When I realised I was getting strung along it was too late. I had to pretend everything was fine despite not being in a relationship anymore because no one wanted to talk or spend time with me beyond rescue work."

Gordon sunk deeper into the chair under Jeff's jacket in an effort to hide how stupid he felt. "I didn’t know the entire time she had isolated me from everyone. She was constantly telling everyone what an awful person I was until I overheard it. It was too late then, you had taken the last thing I had that made me feel a part of the team away and the only three people outside of her I could speak to was Kayo, who was barely here, Brains who was doing whatever with Muffy and Alan when he had been drinking."

"I was kinda happy when I was doing that stuff… you know for the… fake one even though I didn't know the difference. I felt useful and wanted. Now I'm no good to anyone, Dad.  I can't trust or assist…  I don't know what to do beyond pushing people away….I mean, I think I'm still doing it because I -" he stopped himself before he mentioned Scott's name. He knew that was one hundred percent his fault and he deserved his brother's avoidance.

It didn't hurt any less.

Tears started to roll down his face as his voice hitched up. "I-I-I don't want to die alone, D-Dad." Gordon proceeded to break down, curling up in a ball on the chair. Without Scott he was well and truly in the deep end of the pool with cement weights around his chest and neck, abandoned to drown.

Jeff stood up from his seat and got down to Gordon's level and pulled his son close, wrapping his arms around him tightly and protectively.

"You won't. You'll fight and bounce back. I know you will, Son." Jeff spoke quietly. "You boys never gave up on me when I was lost at the edge of our solar system and I'm gonna make darn sure you ain't going to give up now."

"You boys are the most precious things to me." Jeff lifted Gordon's head to wipe away some of his tears. "I'd do anything for you all. You only have to let me."

Jeff thought for a moment. "I think we need to reconnect. Maybe over a hiking trip? Just the six of us. Camp out under the stars, cook food over a fire, give the old outdoor survival skills an airing. It'll do your health wonders just to get away from home, what do ya say?"

"Sounds ludicrous." Gordon snorted, though he couldn't hide the amused smile at the thought of John and Alan with no video games or technology for a week and Virgil without all his high tech gadgets for outdoor survival. Scott would be in his element again too which Gordon thought would do him some good.

"Long as you don't mind me bringing up the rear, Dad." 

Jeff pressed his forehead against Gordon's. "I'll probably be there with you Gordon. I'm not as fit as I used to be."


The next thing Scott knew he was waking up in a bed with his head pounding like he had the worst hangover on the planet. He groaned as he rolled over trying to get his eyes to focus on the blonde beside him with their back to him. He reached out and ran his fingers down their spine with a goofy expression on his face.

Scott's expression quickly dropped as it wasn't Gordon who turned towards him but Alan and he looked just as shocked. 

Scott practically fell out of the bed as he recoiled away, Alan doing the same, realising he was completely nude he grabbed a pillow.

"What? How? No…" He couldn't even possibly articulate what he was thinking, from the shock. He brushed his foot up against something cold and glanced down and saw the floor was littered in beer cans.

"Fffff-" Alan slurred, barely able to articulate a sentence as his own brain was screaming at him trying to get it to respond despite the amount of alcohol it was still marinating in. "-Uck w-we we did… no… nnnonononno! Absolutely fuckin' no!"

"No, no hold on!" Scott tried to stop either of them jumping to conclusions, his brain refusing to acknowledge what was seeming very obvious despite how much his arse was killing him. "I was at the party, Virgil gave me a drink, I came inside… I felt strange…" What had happened after that was foggy, he remembered some sensations and feelings of pleasure. "Octopus?" He mumbled.

Alan frowned. "What da fuck you on?" He slurred. "Waz talking to Pen one minute then…." Alan paused, having a pained expression of someone struggling to remember an evening's events in which he had entirely blacked out on. "Fuck me sideways…" 

As Alan tried to get up, he landed face first onto the floor with his leg tangled up in the sheets. He squinted at something neon pink infront of him and held it up for Scott to see.

"This is yours? Wow, didn't know you could fit in something so tight!" Alan sniggered.

"Mine! I thought that was yours?" He looked around for his clothes he needed to get out of here before someone found them like this, together naked and obvious evidence of intercourse dried on the sheets.

He snatched the t-shirt from Alan catching the scent of John's aftershave on it, he went pale could John and maybe Virgil have set them up in an effort to break Gordon and him up. "We can't tell Gordon about any of this."

"Tell who what?" Alan glared at Scott a minute longer than was comfortable and then at himself who was the only one of them who was semi clothed. "Wait… you… you didn't actually attempt sex with me while lying there….oh you're a fucking arsehole Scotty!" He picked up a few cans and threw them at the older Tracy, making him drop the pillow in order to defend himself. "You're… you're a sick creep!"

"I'm a creep?" Scott said dodging a can. "That's rich! Coming from the man, who has pushed himself on others multiple times and my arse is telling a different story!"

"Ewww nuh uh I wouldn’t stick anything in THAT!" Alan snarled. "I'd be too afraid of where it's been!" He cringed at the thought "You sure you didn't stick something up there BEFORE you got wasted?" 

"Where I've been! I should be the one asking you that! How much can you remember when you're off your drunken nut half the time?"

"Actually, I just end up on the floor in Gordon's room." Alan said, his voice suddenly more thoughtful as the slurring started to give way to him sobering up. "This is the first time I've ended up in mine."

"And before you come to on the floor can you account for everything you do, or have done?" Having enough of this pointless agreement Scott grabbed the nearest pair of pants and started putting them on, not caring if they really fit he just needed to reach his room. 

Alan raised an eyebrow. "Pretty sure I wouldn't still be here if I had hurt anyone. You know Virgil, Kayo and John wouldn't tolerate that kind of shit. Also pretty sure Gordon wouldn't be trying to help me if I'd hurt him in any shape or form… at least I hope so as I know I wouldn't if someone had." He relaxed a little when his thoughts drifted to the one person who was still looking out for him. "I didn’t intend to drink yesterday, heck I asked Virgil for lemonade whenever he offered me one." He ran his hands through his hair nervously. "I don't remember shit after having a go at him and John for purposely not inviting Gordon to the party, the arseholes."

Scott gave a sad smile. "I'm not surprised by the lows they will go to these days, it seems a real coincidence that after Virgil gave me a drink, I don't remember anything." He rolled up the cuffs of the pants, the legs being too long, before looking back at Alan. "Also you don't really know me, I tried to give you some advice and you made it pretty clear you don't want to know me, if you had asked for help I would have tried to." With that he  headed for the door and back towards his own room.

Alan looked at the floor and started picking cans up, putting them into a small trash bin. "Actually, I did. You all ignored me… the same way you guys had Gordon before his accident. You'd laugh, make fun of and encourage our behaviour while ridiculing us for it behind our backs. Heck, you just said you'd have been there if asked when you never once paid us attention when we needed it?" Alan threw a can in so hard that the force made him drop the entire trash bin, spilling its entire contents on the floor. "You are in for a rude awakening once Gordon realises you're just taking advantage of his need for company. You know… I bet you didn't once say happy birthday."

Scott opened and closed his mouth not knowing what to say, instead he turned and left Alan to clean up and headed back to his room. He was quick to change his clothes and stuff some into a bag, his mind only on getting off the island now.

With John and Virgil scheming and now whatever had or hadn't happened with Alan, oh gods if Gordon found out it was bad enough when he told him about Virgil and John, and now them having drugged him he couldn't believe they would do this, he needed to comfort them and put a stop to this before someone really got hurt.

He picked up his holo watch on his nightstand and saw a new message saying his order was ready - shit he'd hoped to get it last night, it was almost five if he left now hopefully no one would even know he was gone.

There was only one ship that would get him off the island quietly as he quietly  headed through the house, and down into the hangar and prepared the water craft for launch.


Gordon stood out the front of Scott's room, awkwardly shuffling from one foot to the other. They couldn't avoid one another, especially since the camping trip was tomorrow.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. "Scott? Are you there? We… we need to talk."

After waiting several minutes, Gordon opened the door to find it devoid of his eldest sibling, all tidied up as if his brother had gone on one of his long holidays.

He sat on the bed and picked up the holo watch that was on the bedside table and started to fiddle with it while glancing around wondering where his brother had gone. Placing it back down carefully, Gordon ran his hands through what little hair he had left before pausing to stare at the horrifying scars up the insides of his arms.

So much for trying to fix things. Scott straight up had abandoned him because he was so easily upset over something stupid.

There had to be another reason right? Scott loved him… didn't he? Gordon was beginning to think he fully deserved his brother's dislike of him. 

Heading back to his own room next door he glanced at where he had tossed his own holo watch because he no longer had use for a waterproof one when he could no longer go on rescues. It was beeping but not in a way that suggested it needed a charge. He reached down and picked it up and saw that the tracking device was active.

Someone was using Thunderbird Four without going through proper procedures.

Gordon gave it a shake before activating the audio call, in case someone had stuck around on the island after the party and decided to take a joy ride when they thought the rest had been taken home. 

"This is the Global Defence Force, you are in possession of a stolen unauthorised water craft! Surrender or you will be taken into custody!"

Gordon then flipped open the watch cover, exposing a collection of hidden dials and buttons that allowed him complete remote control of the craft. It was an emergency feature in case the holographic display was compromised and failed to function under water. Hopefully he didn't have to use it.

Gordon's voice came over the com, damn it Scott was so close to his destination, he chose not to answer.

"I repeat, this is the GDF. If you don't turn that stolen vehicle over to us now we will take it by force." Gordon's fingers hovered over the engine kill switch and when no response came he pressed it.

Suddenly the power cut out, Scott flicked a switch or two but nothing happened he was dead in the water literally. 

With no choice now he perched into the coms. "Gordon it's me."

"It's me who?" Gordon said automatically, irritated that he couldn't tell who it was from only a few spoken words. Everyone's voices sounded different via the communications relay and without a hologram attached people's voices just merged together.

"It's Scott."

"Oh. How come you're in Four? It's not like there's an emergency."

"Well… it was a surprise, and I had hoped to go last night, but didn't manage to get away."

Gordon frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?"

There was no point in Scott acting coy now,  the cat was out of the bag. "I'm picking up your birthday present. It's been custom-made and wasn't ready till now."

Gordon's voice hesitated over the com. Afterall his brother's had more or less wilfully chosen to pretend he didn't have one for a few years now but things between him and Scott had changed… but they had also avoided each other - heck Gordon could remember looking over the balcony and watching Scott talk to the friends he invited to the party the same way Virgil, Alan and John had, not one of them noticing that he wasn't there nor had any guests either.

There was every chance Scott was just saying this because he was trying to put space between them, though there was also the slight chance he could be genuine.

He couldn’t think of how to reply.

"Gordon?" Scott said when he heard no answer. "Are you still there, Gordon?"

The power to the submarine started back up again, bringing Four back to life around him.

Gordon moved his fingers away from the emergency buttons on his watch. "Yeah. I'm still here. I'm sorry Scott, things are a mess. My head, heart and my feelings are probably the biggest one. I -" he paused, unsure how to continue that sentence until it dawned on him that he in fact did but was too afraid to be the one to say it. "I think I should sort the mess out first. I - I need to give us both space."

Scott felt his stomach twist in knots had Alan told Gordon about last night or had somebody gotten in his ear? "Oh, ahhh okay…" He was surprised how his voice broke and felt himself choking up, calm down he told himself. We are not breaking up, it's just a break. As he tried not to let himself worked up over it.

"I love you Scott. I just don't think I'm ok enough to hold up my end in a relationship, at least for a moment. It wouldn’t be fair. That party…. Those people… were the last straw. Nothing to do with you or anyone else." Gordon's voice over the com was shaking, suggesting he didn't really want to do this but if he didn't he knew he'd be dragging Scott with him, something he thought no one deserved to go through while he became more unhinged. He was already paranoid that Scott was or could walk away from him and a bunch of other thoughts that he knew were unhealthy to have in regards to someone you cared about… they needed to start on better footing than that.

"You deserve better than this." Gordon lowered his watch. "I want to be better for you. Can't do that when my brain is constantly trying to sabotage everything."

Scott just listened, taking it all in. "No matter how many times I tell you, you are good enough you won't believe me, I hope you will realise you always have and I've never thought you weren't… I love you Gordo and I'm not going to force anything on you."

"I know, that's why I'm saying something now." Gordon let out a very heartfelt sigh. "Just so you know, I have had some pretty far out dreams involving you, from showers,  werewolves and incubi… all at your mercy, desperate to play with you, someone that was beyond my reach." Gordon's little cheerful tone vanished during what he said next. "There were nightmares too. Some involve monsters with masks, fire, hot coals and weapons. It's those that won't go away, Scott. I can't run from what's in my head. When I say I'm scared - I mean it."

He closed the controls on the watch and shut off the voice feed, sitting in the silence of the small bedroom. It had occurred to him that he did indeed sound rather heartless but what would be truly awful would be to keep Scott hanging on for him when Gordon practically had zero ideas on how to pull himself out of the negative emotional sinkhole he was being sucked into. He no longer had the energy to be himself let alone fake it for appearance sake… it sucked.


Though the craft had hummed back to life, Scott hadn't yet reached for the controls. 

Never did he think that Gordon would ask for them to take a break, he strongly believed if Alan had said something about last night Gordon certainly would have let him know about it.

He switched the craft back on and continued on his course. After picking up Gordon's gift and loading it in Thunderbird four he was about to get back in, but he stopped on the threshold not able to bring himself to head back home.

Instead he switched the autopilot on and sent it back unmanned. He went into the city and took a train, he wasn't far from an old familiar place he used to frequent.

Gordon hadn't moved off his bed, lying on his back with his eyes shut tight, his mind trying to force his body to relax.

It wasn't working.

Trying to imagine yourself floating on water is difficult, especially when your body instinctively knows what feeling weightless and yet still very much deadweight at the same time.

Heck even laying on a waterbed wouldn't aid his imagination here, not when you know you could attempt replicating the feeling in the bath and yet you weren't allowed to in case someone thought you were trying to drown  yourself.

He had to admit being unable to chill out the only way that worked for so long was part of the reason he was having so many problems. He couldn't adjust his mood without going for a swim, surfing, scuba diving - just anything with water - was getting really difficult.

The fact anyone else could simply jump into the little submarine and just escape whenever they wanted and he couldn't made him die a little more inside. It wasn't Scott fault he was in this position, it wasn't anyone's but his own.

He could feel the muscles in his arms and legs being pulled tight to the point his calf and forearms felt like they were numb… No, not numb, dead…. No, dead implied weightlessness … they were hollow, like the nerves in his body thought they were incredibly heavy yet void of internal substance. That strange feeling also sat in his chest, like sinking into quicksand underneath a gigantic rock. The desperation to draw a breath, to keep the head above the sand as the pressure of it closed in, crushing him alive.

Gordon gasped, his lungs clawing inside his chest for air unable to cry out for help as sand started to fill in…

There wasn't a sound as his body landed on a black surface that felt as hard as concrete and as cold. No blood pooled around it though parts began to calcify and harden, yet still remain fragile so pulling himself off the solid floor had him crumbling with every struggle until what was able to stand was nothing more than a frail skeleton of a man with bits of calcium flaking off with every painful step he took to move forward.

As his feet clicked slowly along the floor coloured lights started to appear and come closer as if they were swimming through the inky darkness, playfully dancing around him, weaving and spinning, bathing him in enough luminescence that he could see the true damage his body was dealing with. His skin was charred and flaking off in bits of charcoal to reveal crispy bloody red burnt muscles beneath.

The lights briefly darted in front of his face as the swam around, like fish with beautiful long fins leaving streaks of colour in thier wake. 

A sudden stab of pain in the chest made him collapse against the black surface which glowed in a red ring around him on impact, throwing up water droplets into the air. As he lulled onto his back and opened his eyes he could see iridescent jelly fish of blues and purples float upwards into the inky void above. Pain shot through his chest cavity again, this time illuminating it in a red glow before forms started to shape and a giant squid pulled itself free to join them leaving his body an empty husk.

John had only just touched down from his shift on Five and was planning on taking advantage of the lull in activity to take a long shower when he heard a loud thud come from Gordon's bedroom. He knocked on the door only to get a few violent sounding thumps against it that didn't come across as intentional. He gently shifted the door and found some resistance though it wasn't the kind from someone actively trying to keep him out… no it was because Gordon was on the floor with one of his shoulders against the door lying contorted during a seizure, an extremely intensive one at that.

As the squid was trying to free itself, several of the fish swam in and out between its tendrils, occasionally nit picking pieces of the calcified charcoal skin from the frail broken bones that made up what was left unconscious on the smooth cold black floor. From above the jelly fish had scattered and the silver silhouette of several sharks had started to circle lured by the fresh smell of prey. The squid began to pull for freedom harder as the first of the sharks with a pinkish streak in its silvery scales went in for the first attack, taking two of it's long arms that were still connected to the body beneath. 

"ALAN! VIRGIL!" John yelled at the top of his lungs once he squeezed himself into the room to shift his convulsing younger brother away from the door and try to lay him on his side. The sudden violent jolts weren't making it easy, it was if his body was reliving the intensity of the electric shocks it suffered. "Somebody! Gordon's in trouble!" John tried to find his sibling's pulse, pawing at his clothing to loosen it to expose his chest knowing that by the time the others arrived the seizure would have progressed to cardiac arrest.

"Hang on Gordon, don't you dare give up this easily!"

As the sharks kept attacking, more of the squid's blood filled the inky void making it turn cloudy and full of strange red fluid that spread outwards but failed to disperse. They were in a frenzy tearing it limb from limb as it struggled. 

From the darkness there was a loud harmonious tune, the gigantic eyes of the squid darted around panicking to see what it was, afraid this new predator would deliver the killing blow. Unknown to it from the body below, more tentacles were emerging and fighting off the sharks while wrapping around the remains of the squid to pull it back down to reconnect with the body it was trying to leave. The tendrils started to change shape into human hands to get a better grip on the squid to try and return it home.

"What's the emergency!?" Virgil poked his head around the door to find John pressing all his weight down on Gordon's chest as the younger Tracy's heart and lungs had been shut down due to the constriction of his muscles. "Shit." He swore loudly darting across to the bathroom, swinging open the cupboard under the sink and pulling out a large field medical kit that had been stashed there as emergencies at home had happened often enough, usually thanks to delayed shock and other incidents from rescues.

He thudded it on the floor of the bedroom and was quick to pass John a manual oxygen pump while he set the dial on the mini defibrillator to use, giving John a serious look as his sibling checked Gordon's pulse awaiting for the signal that there was no response.

The remains of the body were raised off the cold surface from the chest, the jolt illuminated the void with an electric blue hue that was brief and made the jellyfish turn around, as if they were attracted to the light. Another jolt raised the body higher, as if it was hovering, the jellyfish started to dance in excitement as if they were waiting for something to happen.

The last shock wave from the corpse filled the void with a brilliant blue light, the calcified remains shattered, spreading out in an explosion and turning to dust. The jellyfish started to change colours rapidly and surround the renewed awakened body that floated amongst them. Gordon’s eyes opened and he looked down at his hands that were now aglow in a flurry of colours that he could control like that of a cuttlefish, two long elegant feeding tentacles reached up to meet his palms as they reached out to touch the jellyfish which acted like affectionate puppies wanting belly rubs. He started to join the playful dance, the eight arm tentacles flaring out for the jellyfish to swim around.

Suddenly, he shivered and the jellyfish started to flee and the light started to fade. Looking back into the encroaching darkness he could make out a large shape approaching, Jaws opening wide -

"Alright, be careful with the stairs." Virgil instructed as Alan tried to find footing in a way that had him half treading backwards,  holding Gordon by the legs while Virgil was holding him up under the armpits in a way John could squeeze himself against the only wall of the staircase, still manually puffing air into his lungs to keep him breathing.

"Yeah, easy for you to say." Alan muttered. "You're able to see where your feet are going."

The orca called out in confusion. It's prey was being stolen by three sea lions that where fast in the inky blackness and were racing after the fading light and the jellyfish.

It wasn't happy and gave chase, calling out after them, threatening to devour them all.

"That's it, that's it. Alan, can you give Dad a call, let him know what's happened?" Virgil issued instructions as years of training took over once Gordon was securely on a gurney and John had taken over hooking him up to various machines.

"Sure, what exactly do I tell him?"

"The truth." John said flatly as he was busy concentrating.

"Right." Alan took a deep breath before leaving the infirmary. "Do you think he's going to be ok?" He asked, pausing in the doorway.

Before John or Virgil could answer a very weak thumbs up came from the least expected person to be conscious. 

"I think I got my answer." He said hurriedly.


Scott sat in a little bar called Night birds. It was a club for entertainers - mostly drag queens-  round tables were set on the floor facing a stage, on which the curtains were now drawn the show didn't start until the late evening and business was currently slow outside of show hours.

The bartender and owner by the stage name of 'Delilah' was an old friend of Scott's and somewhat a mentor of his. 

With a drink in one hand and Delilah filing the nails of Scott's other one whilst in a rare stare of pre-makeup she said, "Really darling you'll never get a man with nails as atrocious as these."

Scott took a slip of his drink before answering. "It's never stopped me from landing any before."

Delilah smiled and tapped his shoulder with the file. "Oh behave, you bad boy."

Scott smiled back but all too quickly it faded.

"Sounds like that's the problem, want to talk about it?" She asked.

"Not really it was my bad nails after all."

Delilah tapped his shoulder again. "You're a terrible liar hun." She trilled before looking up towards the doors. "Well now that's a face I haven't seen in here in a long time. I think this one's for you sweetie."

Jeff looked around the empty venue and caught the smile and polite wave of Delilah and looked quite unsure for a moment as the last time they had met they were dressed up like Dolly Parton. He smiled after the initial card in his memories was flashed before him making the connection. He nodded and smiled before walking over.

"You know, the first time I was in here, you had the courage to show me your first boyfriend."

Scott looked up as his father slided into the seat beside him. "Except we were sitting over there right at the front row of the show. What was their name again?"

"Dad." Scott replied in surprise, pulling at the collar of his shirt trying to cover the love bites Delilah had pointed out on his neck. "Stacey." He answered before his father noticed. "I'm pretty sure mum and you already knew, I mean I asked for my first Barbie doll when I was seven after all."

Jeff smiled. "Yes and no I mean when you were four you did drag me into a store to get a princess dress up kit and we didn't think much on it. It was Virgil who wanted a ballerina costume that made your Grandfather give us a grand old lecture about us letting you play with whatever you boys wanted. Personally I never saw the issue but my old man unfortunately grew up when alot of things being socially acceptable radically changed. He was right to worry too as laws indeed change enough to the point I wasn't comfortable living in America anymore. You all deserved better than what was going on there at the time." He grinned as a drink was placed in front of him and said 'Much obliged Mam.' which got a giggle out of Delilah. 

"Unfortunately it's worse now than even I could have imagined. You're mom was very concerned that you wouldn't get to grow up how you wanted and I couldn't have agreed more, which was why we moved down here once the space program was more established. Sure living in the middle of the Australian outback wasn't ideal but we couldn't keep living at your mother's family homestead in Texas with what was happening there."

Jeff gave a bit of a grunt before taking a sip of his drink. "I mean I don't think I'd have sat up watching the Mardigra in Sydney on the tv if I didn't have an inkling you, Virgil and John were there when you boys decided to take your university holiday to Sydney instead of Queensland conveniently around the same time."

Scott smiled. "I don't think we can express how lucky we are that mum and you were so accepting, I know many others weren't quite as lucky and we'll never know what that's like. I know I couldn't have lived lying about who I was for my whole life."

Jeff grinned, though mostly to himself this time. "I know Scott. Truthfully I wasn't expecting any grandkids, though I won't lie your younger brothers did have me wondering what it would be like for a while and I can't say I didn't like the idea of being one though I think it made me blind to what one of them was going through. I'll admit being stranded in space all that time has made me a little oblivious to things these days." Jeff took a sip of his drink. "You know if that O'Bannon lady wasn't already married John probably would have taken her out on a real date." Jeff carefully avoided mentioning what he recently found out, having an inkling something had happened between Scott and Gordon as they were suddenly avoiding each other just as fast as they were spending time together; that was the cherry on top for the younger boy's mental breakdown. He didn't want to trigger that in the eldest one as well.

"Penelope once said she wanted to have a baby. She asked me if I would be the donor, I would like to. I want to find the right person first and raise any children we have together and always be able to be there for them."

This made Jeff raise an eyebrow. "Really, now that is interesting."

"What is?" The way his dad said it, it felt like it was about more than just their general conversation.

"Both." Jeff took another sip of his glass.

"Well it's natural isn't it? You start thinking about how you're getting older and maybe it's time to settle down and you worry if you wait too long it will be too late, that's what she said when she spoke to me about the whole thing."

"Would you have done it?" Jeff asked carefully, putting his drink down. "Though I sort of expected a man like yourself to adopt. What made her ask you think?"

"Like I said no, I want to be with someone I genuinely care about, and Penelope asked me because she wanted the father to be someone she knew, and thought I was a good choice."

"So you never once thought that something was off?"

"You want the truth?"

Jeff leaned back on his chair and gently toyed with his glass. "It would be much appreciated."

"She is two faced and manipulative, she has strung Gordon along having no intention of them having a real relationship but kept him holding onto the hope they would. Then there were the rumours that she had been sleeping around, even while she was "with" him. I won't deny her info and help have been invaluable at times but as a person she has some real narcissistic tendencies."

Jeff simply nodded as if Scott had given him the answer he was looking for. He finished his glass and ordered a drink, then turned back to Scott, changing the topic. "I was surprised when you wanted to join the military like I had. Though we sometimes have the habit of doing things we think would be a good idea at the time instead of what we really want. As John would call it, 'The Tracy Family Curse.'" Jeff seemed amused by the very idea that being crazy, reckless and thrill seeking was considered a curse but he couldn't deny that while these traits had him signing up to be an astronaut without any guarantees of returning to Earth and being one of the first people on Mars, it also cost him the love of his life which he vowed to prevent happening again…. Almost at the cost of his own years later and would have been the end of him if his own sons didn't have the same tenacity and single bloody mindedness to find him out in deep space at the risk of their own lives.

"I'm not sure about it being a curse but like you said it seemed good at the time, I was young and felt I needed a job that was respectable of a son of the great Jeff Tracy."

"And you still are young. You're not over the hill yet. I like to think I'm not even close." Jeff winked at Scott and chuckled.

He leaned back on his chair."Listen Scott, if you ever want a break to chase after something you really want to do, all you'd have to do is ask. You boys work like you don't need a vacation and it's starting to show. I didn't realise how seriously you took rescuing people you all had forgotten to have normal lives outside of it." Jeff knocked down the rest of his drink and politely asked for another whiskey, his southern drawl getting noticeably thicker under the alcohol.

"No it's not that…" Scott stopped himself. What could he say to his father about his problems? Nothing. "It's complicated…"

"Heck Son, that's life for yer. If everything was easy and handed to you in a gilded dish, would you take it? We never started out with money and you boys certainly weren't born into it like other folks. Worked arses off to get to a point where it feels good to give back. However that's not all there is to life, you got to go out and experience as much as you can."

"I've done a lot more stuff than many people will ever do in their lives, but helping people is the thing I most want to do."

Jeff gave his son a look that suggested he didn't believe a single word that had come out of his mouth. "Really? Are you sure it's not because you had seen myself, your mother, Tanusha's father and Lee Taylor fly rockets, planes….and getting into risky behaviour with the law? Before we ever build the TV Twenty One I distinctly remember a young Highschooler who was very, VERY talented in singing who would break into song everytime his younger brother tickled the ivories."

Scott laughed. "Of course, you offered me the chance to fly rockets and do something so meaningful with my life. I save people's lives, what could be more meaningful? Everything else I would have chosen to do would have paled in comparison."

"True enough, though I can't help get the feeling you're currently not satisfied with that."

"Maybe not completely… with my current position…" Scott replied hesitantly. "It doesn't matter, I just have to learn to let go. " He didn't want to say to his father that he wasn't the leader anymore, but he would never think of overstepping his father.

"Taking a back seat was never your style, nor was it any of your brothers. Unfortunately you got that from me." Jeff sighed heavily. "But we're offering you the chance to try something else."

Scott looked at his father with some suspicion. "Why are you pushing this? You're not thinking of disbanding international rescue, are you?"

Jeff finished his drink and shook his head when offered another. "Do you have any idea how many people badger Colonel Casey about getting promoted beyond the GDF? Many of them think that the next set up is working for us, as well as some from the most famous rescue services in the world. There are many fire fighters, earthquake responders, trauma specialists, pilots, mechanics…. The list goes on but they have one thing in common, they want to join us."

"So even without any of us it would continue on, you have to be proud of that?"

Jeff let out a hearty chuckle. "Well I never intended it to be a 'Tracy only' affair. You boys really wanted a part of it and I wasn't going to say no."

"You'll need help in training new recruits than if it ever comes to that."

"I'm sure that can be arranged." The smile didn't leave Jeff's face.

"What about the others? What's their plans?" Of course Scott knew this would happen especially, not everyone would want to go on with IR forever but still he didn't feel at all prepared for it. "I feel lost." He murmured.

Jeff shrugged. "Going to give them the same opportunity as you.  Pretty sure they have stuff they've always wanted to try. Stretch their wings as it were."

"Well whatever they decide, I'd like to stay on if you'll have me?"

"Of course. Though I do think you're throwing away a chance to try - hold on a second." Jeff frowned in annoyance and pulled out his wallet. As he opened it it revealed a little screen where a portrait of his sons as young children usually was projected. Instead Alan's worried face was there.

"What's the emergency, Alan? Someone needing a rescue?"

"You could say that…." Alan winced. "More of a 'We need you here' sort of one."

Jeff smirked. "Grandma baked a cake, huh?"

Scott always tell when his brothers were being serious. "Alan what's happened?" He really hoped it wasn’t what he was thinking.

"Scott? Oh uh… I was just told to get Dad…."Alan's voice trailed.

"Alan, is there an emergency?" Scott pressed asking him to spit it now, they may have little time to act for all he knew.

Jeff pushed Scott away a little, indicating that this wasn't the right time nor place to get aggressive. He also had a pretty good idea what it could be if it wasn't a rescue or his mother's cooking. "Have you got it under control?"

"I think so. At least John and Virgil have. They asked for me to get you specifically though."

Scott had gotten up from his chair and was pacing back and forth now as he listened in. "For god sakes is it Gordon? Is he okay?" He was frustrated by Alan not just saying what was going on.

"I'll be right there. Tell them to hold tight." Jeff said as calmly as possible before closing his wallet and looking at Scott. "You know it could be any number of things they want me for. Brain's last experimental engine design had us trying to pull his arm free before the battery exploded. When they don't want to tell me it's usually something along those lines."

"I have a gut feeling, I think we should get home now."

Jeff looked at Scott quizzically. "Since when have you taken an interest in what goes on around our house the last few years?"

"What would you know?" Scott bite back before he even really thought about what he was saying. "You have been gone a long time and I had to keep everything together and stop it filling apart. It was hard but we managed it and then we got you back and you started changing everything, it feels like you don't trust us, sometimes I think it would have been better if-" He clamped a hand to mouth before he said what didn't even allow himself to think.

He started shaking uncontrollably and tearing up before he could stop himself, what the hell was wrong with him.

Jeff simply smiled and patted his son on the shoulder. "I didn’t mean to sound harsh. But you and your brothers have lived separate lives since you found me, to the point where I thought that maybe picking up some of my old duties you boys would have more free time to do things you wanted to. I'm aware now it didn't pan out like I thought it had."

"And you're right, the call probably has something to do with your brother. However panicking and worrying isn't going to change anything, we're still going to arrive after whatever has happened - has happened. I know he's going to be alright as Virgil wasn't the one making the call. He has a very….gruff way of making Alan and John fall into line emotionally which backfires when something more serious occurs."

Scott simply nodded feeling too embarrassed to say anything after his outburst, he was meant to be a professional and he should deal with this like he would any other emergency, he took a deep breath to calm himself. "Okay."


"You don't have to carry my stuff guys. I'm pretty sure I can handle it."

"It's not a problem Gordon. Besides, I wouldn't want your short legs getting too tired before we reach our first stop." Alan joked, giving his brother a playful nudge. 

"It's the least we can do." John added, placing a hand on Gordon's shoulder. We all know an apology isn't enough."

"No, it's plenty as long as you guys just don't go back to being - you know - arseholes, we're cool."

"Well you're not to go around giving up on yourself alright? That a deal?" John smiled smugly, poking Gordon in the ribs making him squirm.

"Hey, quit it!" Gordon laughed as he squirmed to get away from John. It had been a long time since the redhead showed his playful side for him to see. It was a welcome change compared to his usual demeanour towards him.

Jeff walked around Thunderbird Two and headed towards them; satisfied that leaving it behind hidden in the bushland was indeed reasonably safe from anyone who'd want to steal it; with a stern expression on his face.

"Have any of you seen Virgil since we landed? He said he was taking the shovel to go 'native' and I'm wondering if he's gotten himself lost." 

"Go native?" John's face contorted, trying to figure out their father's slang. 

"He means number twos." Alan elaborated. "Hence the shovel."

The flicker of unapproved cringe flicked across John's face quite quickly before it settled with an expression of mock joy. 

Gordon couldn't help himself and started laughing as he jabbed John playfully in the side. "At least burying it is better than wondering when the toilet in space is going to malfunction and have it all flying everywhere until you vent it out." He then smiled. "Hey, anything is better than keeping a special 'pee only' canister on board a mini submarine. Having one get dented and leak isn't the nicest thing that can happen on the seafloor."

Alan was half expecting John to snap back but was surprised when the redhead smiled and chuckled. "You're right, it's a hell of a lot better."

Jeff looked back behind him and waved Scott over. As Scott approached, Gordon ducked out from between the taller two and walked further back, pulling out his compass and short wave radio as if to look as if he was going to start finding Virgil. He promised to give him as much space as he needed and since they last spoke Gordon had got the impression that Scott needed far more than just space… but someone his own age who could keep up with his active lifestyle. 

"I guess we fan out like we do on a rescue huh?" Alan asked Scott, oblivious to how both his siblings were both acting around each other. However he wasn't entirely complacent, he could see how John was acting and he was already becoming suspicious of the red head's intentions. "Virgil couldn't have gone far. Hey, has Dad had a talk with you yet? He seems to be giving out private chats. Maybe that's why John's suddenly being so nice? Can't imagine any other reason other than Dad getting involved. I mean it's nice but you can tell he's playing pretend right?"

"Yeah we've talked, don't worry it's nothing bad, dad just wants to have a D and M with each of us." Scott implied it wasn't to go into the details about it. "I can't believe there are still places you can't get a good signal in this day and age." He held his watch up to see if it would help.

"The idea is to be electronics free for a week Son." Jeff said gruffly, hauling his own pack onto his back. Emergency radios only."

"But it would make finding Virgil a lot faster." Scott huffed, as he shouldered his own pack.

Jeff sighed. "You boys have let your survival skills get rusty and rely on computers too much."

"We should fan out then each one of us a north, south, east or west heading and meet back at those coordinates in an hour."

Alan snorted. "Tell that to those two over there, they're already keen on wandering off."

John walked over to Gordon and placed a hand on his shoulder, with his voice low he asked, "Everything alright with you, Gordon?"

"Huh? Yeah um.. everything's fine John." Gordon absently reached up to brush fingers through his hair out of habit despite there being not enough there and no signs of it growing back. "Why do you ask?"

"Just concerned about you. I mean, this is going to be full on for you compared to the rest of us so I guess I can't help but be a little worried." John quickly glanced over at Scott who seemed to be unwillingly teaming up with Alan to start searching the surrounding bushland though considering his alternative options he was going to choose it over them.

"Want to look for Virgil together?"

Gordon finally looked John in the eyes. Just one glance told John more than Gordon wanted him to know about how he was feeling and it made him feel guilty for everything he had ever said about him in private to the others - a majority of it rather nasty.

Worst part, none of them disagreed or bothered to tell him off… At least until Scott started sleeping with him which to John stank of pure convenience and was why he wanted to find out for himself.

Gordon's gaze fixed on Scott and Alan a moment before returning to his compass which was being held in a death grip in his fingers, the joints going white from the pressure. "Sure. If you can stomach being around me."

John's shoulders sagged. "I don't expect you to be nice to me after some of the shit I've said and done, Gordon. But -"

Gordon held a hand up to stop him. "Don't. Please… don't. I've made too many mistakes falling for it, for people who suddenly want to be nice to me just to be taken for a ride. If you genuinely want to make it up to me then don't sweep it under the rug like it never happened and just… accept it has done damage."

He let his grip on the compass relax. "Let's just find Virgil and go hiking ok?"

John simply nodded, though he changed tactic in order to keep Gordon talking. After his sibling's rather quick physical deterioration the day before the trip, the unnerving silence that followed had him on edge. He shouldn't be on a trip like this, though they couldn't exactly leave him at home as it wasn’t up to Grandma, Brains or Kayo to keep an eye on things.

"Feeling better with the compression gear?" He asked gingerly, as it was probably the safest question to get an answer to.

Gordon smiled a little. "A bit. Medical grade stuff is a lot tighter than my old dive suit but I don't feel a dull ache anymore. Thanks for lending me them by the way." Gordon rolled up the loose long sleeved t-shirt to show John he had the garments on underneath. "They bunch up at the wrist and ankle but I guess being shorter than you is going to have them do that. They won't stop the muscles sezing up but they'll certainly reduce the damage that it does."

John pulled his shirt sleeve up to show he was wearing them too. "Suprised no one suggested them to you earlier. They really help with decompression sickness. My space suit maybe extra tight and great for zero gravity but it doesn't stop me getting it after a few hours on the ground. Can imagine it's the same for you."

"Yeah the pressure from being underwater is a lot different to dry land. It's like the body really needed the extra pressure on it to keep it chugging along."

"I know right? The only bit that sucks though is how hot you feel in them." John mused, eliciting a laugh from the shorter Tracy.

"Well long as they stop me from collapsing from my body trying to attack itself from the inside I say it's a win." 

John hesitated. "I'm still surprised you're upright as if nothing happened yesterday."

"If it makes any difference, so am I but here we are." Gordon shrugged. "Dad's given me a shorter route to follow that stays along the base of the trail you are taking and said at any point I have permission to just head back here and wait for you to return. Honestly? I wouldn't mind if at least someone wandered around the lower trail with me instead of Dad."

"I could do it, let's face it I'm not as fit as everyone else is these days, working long hours in space has done a number on my muscles." John was a little relieved that Gordon had left an opening for someone worried about him to keep an eye on him.

"Sure, clear it with Dad first though."

They walked a little way into the undergrowth, far enough to still be able to see the big green behemoth through the brush.

"How come you're being - you know - nice to me?" Gordon asked when they seemed to be more isolated from the others. "I thought you hated my guts?"

John was taken aback and couldn't hide the surprise that lingered in his features. "I don't hate you, just… well I found you rather frustrating, loud and obnoxious to be around." He admitted with a shrug. "I knew you didn't think much of me either but at least in a dangerous situation you had your head screwed on far more than Scott and Virgil do and that's saying something because they're always the ones seen as the pinnacle of calm control. It was the only time we got along and well… we kind of don't have that anymore and I'll be honest I'd rather that than us constantly at each other's throats."

Gordon wanted to grab John by the shirt collar and demand what the whole 'Ugly as sin' thing was about and why they desperately wanted to stop Scott spending time with him before yesterday but had over time found the desire to know had worn off.  Maybe ending his short relationship had something to do with it, he couldn't truthfully say. John did care about him in his own weirdly daft way after all - heck he saved his life for what little it was worth, so it was probably time to drop the hatchet somewhere and build a bridge instead.

"Well, so you know… I appreciate it."

"Same." John seemed to let go of a deep breath he had been holding, as if he was expecting a different response.

"You know if Dad didn't make being a hero sound epic, I would have been a competitive surfer." Gordon mused. "The chance to be somebody more than I've ever been in my entire life, who the hell wouldn't take that chance?"

"I know how you feel. To be seen as more than just a computer nerd who stares at code all day was extremely inviting." John admitted. "You know, being smart isn't all it's cracked up to be either."

After picking their way through the scrubland a bit more, John out of nowhere gave Gordon a hug that lifted him up off the ground.

"Hey! Woah put me down! What's the big idea?" Gordon yelped startled.

John carefully put him down and laughed. "Sorry, I'm just still glad you're still here to you know… try and set things right with. You had all of us pretty scared yesterday - heck I was really fucking terrified that the last real conversation I had with you was pretty awful….I wouldn't want that to be the last memory either of us had of each other that's all."

"Really?" Gordon smirked. "Well there's a first for everything."


Both John and Gordon looked back to the direction of the shout. "Well looks like out heart to heart is over. Feel better?" Gordon gave John a playful nudge.

"I won't tell you if you don't. "

"The fact you're sentimental? Secret is safe with me."


Scott and Alan heard Virgil long before they could see him, when they finally located him, they found he was speaking to someone on his holo watch, will more yelling as most the conversation seemed to be 'can you hear me?' And 'Damn signal!' along with a lot of cursing. "Yeah we can hear you, anyone from a mile away can." Scott called as they came closer.

"Fuck! Uh look gotta go - I said GOT TO - NEVER MIND."  Virgil swore and scowled as he ended the call he was struggling to maintain. The larger muscular Tracy rolled his shoulders back making him stick his chest out in an intimidating way. "You guys didn't hear anything." He snapped, unusually aggravated.

Scott looked at Alan a little taken aback by the usual laid-back Tracy's aggression. "Maybe later?"

"Not open for discussion." Virgil clapped his hands together. "Dad's all ready to go? He said on the way over there's going to be two parallel routes for us to take."

"Two routes?" Alan frowned. "Are we getting split up?"

"A bit of friendly competition maybe, who can make it to camp first" Scott said his competitive streak coming out.

Alan perked up. "Now THAT is something I can get behind! What are we waiting for? Let's hurry back!" He was quick to turn on his heels and head back to the resting Thunderbird.

Virgil rolled his eyes, smiling briefly as he folded his arms. "He's going to be disappointed that the secondary route isn't for us three. It's mostly for Gordon and is relatively flat compared to what Dad's giving the rest of us. Dad's idea is to walk it with him though if John can't hack it Dad reckons he can walk it instead. John failed his last two fitness tests and Dad's concerned his time in space has affected his muscles."

He let out a slight snort and waited till Alan was further enough away before continuing. "Mind if I ask you a question? Kinda personal."

Scott crossed his arms, he was still pissed at Virgil for giving him that spiked drink. "Yeah?" He said, willing to listen.

Virgil scratched the back of his head. "I threw John under the bus at the Valentine's party, having some ladies partner chase him around demanding a paternity test. Truth is I think it might actually be me who's the father."

"What?" He wasn't sure which part was more crazy, the fact that this hadn't happened before was unbelievable. "Who?"

"I forget the chicks name, bit of a blur..

 She's probably not the only one you know how it is at a swingers party - people say they want it, will screw multiple people at once and when a baby happens they haven't a clue who the real father could be…" Virgil's voice trailed off.

"Really? That's not at all who that call was to then? Not talking to the possible mother."

"Look, you got to understand Scott, some of these people only want to find the father because they've learnt someone they were with was loaded with money. It's all they're after and when they've slept with ten to fifteen different people that one night… who the fuck knows who's kids that'll be. Could have DNA from everyone they were with." Virgil slouched to one side. "Nothing to do with that call, though similar lines are involved… and I have PROOF that it ain't mine."

"I don't have a personal understanding, but I know there are some who do it for money, honestly I think you would be better off getting a sample frozen and giving the snip if you're going to continue 'your lifestyle' cause it sounds like there's more than one woman involved."

"Look you know I'll own up if it is mine. The thing with John was because he was also involved that night. But I'm gonna tell you here and now I don't make a habit of sleeping with Penelope. Yeah ok the Valentine's party was a mistake but frankly she was hunting for Alan after drinking so much so either way she was seeking one of us to get under the covers with. She'd probably have jumped Gordon; she was so desperate." Virgil coughed. "What I'm getting at is she's just HAD a baby and is blaming a bunch of us - not just myself but Alan, John and Gordon. Now, I've admittedly slept with her before when she invited us to those swanky parties but the last one she ever invited me to was three years ago and frankly you can't be pregnant for that long so it can't be me. I can't speak for John or Alan though but I doubt they are either."

"I don't expect you to believe me after the other stuff I said just now but frankly any of us giving that spoiled princess a F-" Virgil restrained himself before letting fly with his language, afterall it wasn't something he did unless he was very angry. "The chances of any of us having a baby with her is extremely small."

He then mused, "Unless Gordo hasn't told us something about his relationship with her that we actually aren't aware of. We all knew she'd jump in bed with anyone even while supposedly dating him and we have no idea when they officially stopped and kept living a lie….. it could be possible?"

"Your right I don't ever since you gave me that drink at the Valentine's party, which the whole party was a real dick move in the first place, I hope when you say you'll own up you really will, and if you won't you should at last tell the others about this you owe them that much" He turned away from Virgil and started back in the direction Alan had headed.  "We need to get back, everyone is waiting for us."

Virgil sighed. "All the drinks were spiked, Scott. I dunno who but I can assure you as someone who's been drugged that way many times it's not something I'd personally wish on anyone, though it would explain a lot of weird shit that went on. Both John and I got a long lecture from Dad over it already. When Dad's polishing the hunting rifles while he does it you KNOW shits hit the fan."

"I'd like to believe you, but after you just admitted you threw John of all people under the bus, how can I trust what you're saying?"

"Fine. If Penelope starts chasing after someone for custody money then don't say I didn't warn you." Virgil snorted reluctantly, heading back to the group.

As they approached they could hear Alan already complaining about the alternative route to their father.

"It's more than just a walking trail. It will involve teamwork for some of the rock climbing and absailing along the way. Why? Would you prefer to walk along a flat unchallenging hiking trail to get to our first camp? You'll miss out on some spectacular views." Jeff was busy trying to make the trail more exciting than it probably was. "You'll be above the trees in no time calling down to those below."

"What's wrong Alan? Afraid of a bit of a challenge?" Scott taunted playfully.

"Hell no! It's just far TOO easy compared to what we do when someone is in danger."

Gordon smiled and shook his head. "Yeah, right, sure Alan. Though it'll be more fun than following me around like the babysitter you're trying to be."


Gordon poked out his tongue gleefully in the knowledge that he had called Alan out in front of everyone and their father was entirely oblivious to it.

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and show us how it's done then?" Scott was pretty confident Alan would raise to it he was a Tracy after all.

"You bloody bet I'm gonna! I'll show you Scott!" Alan snapped with a competitive grin plastered across his face.

"This will be interesting." John mused. 

Gordon chuckled. "Yup and thank hell I'm not going to have to watch it."

Virgil put a hand on Gordon's shoulder. "I think you shouldn't be here after yesterday. It would be better if you just waited in Two for us to come back."

Gordon carefully removed Virgil's hand. "Thanks for the concern but I think I can handle myself. Brains gave me the all clear and thinks the drug withdrawal symptoms will ease off if I move around more. If we can't, we'll head back. It's not like your 'Bird is going anywhere."

"If anyone needs supervision, it's you three competitive nut jobs." He added with a smirk. "I bet you'll get lost and never mske it to our first meeting point, even with Dad's help."

"Are you issuing us a challenge?" Virgil raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. If you think you're so much more competent than, say, John and I walking along on a flat trail that winds and snakes around at the base of yours then I guess I am."

"I bet you won't even make it halfway to the first camp." Alan teased, joining in with Virgil. "The snakes and lizards will have you sitting back in Two within an hour."

Gordon twitched briefly but it was hidden by an even more sly smile. "You're on. Just don't fall off a cliff before you get there." herpetophobia aside, the fact of the matter was despite Dad being with them there was little chance Alan was going to work together with Scott and Virgil without at least him getting a twisted ankle or wrist from climbing up something wrong. As long as the reptiles kept their distance, Gordon knew he'd be the one at camp without something sprained or broken. He had proven despite his phobia that he was more than capable of keeping up with them, as did John who's agoraphobia could get out of hand even just around his siblings from time to time, proving that you can live your life still and work around it. Everyone was afraid of something, just some are easier to cope with than others.

"Are you sure this is a smart idea?" John hissed. "Not everything needs to be a competition!"

"I'm just glad dad is here, otherwise I'm sure they might leave me for dead at the bottom of a cliff."

"Why? What have you done?" John looked at Scott confused.

"Just not making friends at the moment." Scott then turned to Gordon "How are you feeling?"

"Right now? Slightly tired." Gordon smiled weakly. He knew as of the day before giving Scott space wasn't going to be easy - or in some cases, impossible - with everyone more or less in helicopter mode thanks to how bad things had gone. "John's asked Dad if he can walk the first stretch with me though he's been told he has to attempt some of the other trai sections with you guys. Maybe you could walk a bit with me too?"

"Sure." It was awkward not being able to really talk, hopefully they would get that alone time. "You look after yourself til than, and I'm counting on you to look out for him John."

"I'm sure I'll be onto it." John gave Scott a thumbs up. Twice now Gordon had him on the edge of his seat and terrified things were going to turn grim. It had been enough to make him stop and re-evaluate how he spoke to and treated him. Besides, Gordon's advice about paternity tests at the party helped clear his name so he was more than willing to show how grateful he was.

"Just don't jump off any cliff edges." Gordon suddenly added. "I'll never forgive you if you do."

"Of course, I can't break a promise now."


Scott took the lead on the first incline. This was the most important job as he had to find the safest route for everyone, in his youth he had often free climbed purely for the adrenaline rush, of course he had to take proper safety precautions now with a harness and ropes.

Still he was in his element, the fresh crisp wind and spectacular views of the surrounding bushland stretching out around them.

The second wasn't so bad either, Virgil taking the lead to the second incline and nor was the way up to third at first, their father took the lead with Scott taking the rear.

It started with a few stones being rained down on him, there were loose stones around so Scott thought nothing of it at first til some bigger ones hit him painfully, he yelled at them to knock it off, their dad quickly diffusing anything before it started.

They continued upwards when Scott heard someone yell to look out, by the time he looked up it was too late to move as he saw a sizeable rock coming towards him and strike him on the forehead so hard he saw stars, the last thing Scott remembered was dangling from the rope with voices calling out to him that sounded so far away he couldn't make them out, he blinked a few times before everything went black.

When Scott had come to he had found himself at the top of the last incline and he'd been out for only around fifteen minutes. His memory was a bit fuzzy on what had happened.

When they reached the camp his dad and brothers had set up his tent first, which he was grateful for as he was nursing a splitting headache and had a sizeable bump coming up which he'd been using an ice pack to try and reduce the swelling of.

He hadn't said to Virgil back then he knew all too well about Lady Penelope's pregnancy and birth in fact the whole world did. You would have to be living under a rock not to.

He looked again at the last message he had received in which he suspected Virgil had also gotten when they had arrived. 

She has your eyes.

If the baby was Virgil's it was possible they could have the same eyes but Scott had a sickening feeling she meant it quite literally. 

His mind drifted back to a the night after Gordon's accident. She had called him saying she was upset with his sibling for mistaking the Hood for her then she asked him to come over and it was the lest he could do after skipping out on her from Ball with his shoulder injury. She confessed that she had always been in love with him and asked him to have a baby with her. 

Like he had told his father, he had said no but what he hadn't told him was she had started crying afterwards, apologised for putting all this on him, she was afraid if she didn't try soon she would be too old... then she suddenly kissed him and asked would he sleep with her.

Maybe it was all the alcohol, he remembered he just wanted to make his friend feel better and things were admittedly a mess at home so he wasn't going to say no to trying to forget what had happened that day.

He looked at the photo of the baby she had sent and even staring at it he couldn't tell if the little looked like him or Virgil as the eye colours wasn't very clear.... he felt like such an idiot.

He lay down in his tent and stared upwards at the canvas, occasionally glancing at the phone. If both he and Virgil got the same message then who else had gotten it? Their Father? Scott was aware he wasn't the only one who slept with her either, Virgil did throw both John and Alan under the bus….then there was Gordon, who despite them all having sex with Penelope behind his back, could also be the father if he were to choose not to believe he was still a virgin after how incredible he gave head in the bowling alley. He had to have picked that up somewhere if he wasn't into porn magazines.


Meanwhile, despite being the easier of the two trails that Jeff had organised, Gordon was having a tough time. John had to stop frequently to make sure he was alright and get him to sit still before he overexerted himself.

They were the last ones to arrive at the designated campsite and as John unceremoniously plonked his pack down, Gordon crashed himself down beside it and was out like a light up against it. 

John gave him a nudge. "Hey, you still got to help with the ten - never mind."

"How often did you have to stop?" Jeff asked, kneeling down and checking on him.

"A bit. Dad, I think the only walking he's going to do tomorrow is back to Two." John admitted. 

"And yourself?" 

"Yeah I don't think I'll be rock climbing." John laughed weakly. Just that track alone was enough to show how unfit I've become."

Alan had slowed down as he pitched his tent as his ears picked up snippets of John's conversations with their father. Gordon had admittedly been physically and mentally unwell and unable to help Alan as he intended; however, instead of accepting that it was obviously inevitable that Gordon's health would have been an issue, he started looking for any signs that he had been lied to.

He wiped some sweat onto his t-shirt and shook it to get airflow underneath it. He was feeling extremely hot despite the fact the temperature seemed to be dropping, cold enough that Virgil draping a blanket over Gordon's snoozing form made him feel even hotter.

Alan walked over towards John who smiled.

"Mind giving me a hand? Could use the help. The instructions aren't exactly easy to understand."

Alan reached down for a tent pole and casually tossed it aside and kicked the small mallet that was near John for the tent pegs into a gap between two large heavy rocks.

"Hey! What did you do that for?" John snapped, standing up and towering over Alan. Unfortunately his height alone was no longer intimidating enough to make the youngest Tracy back down and Alan made sure John knew it by stepping as close to him as possible.

"What's your strategy here, John?" Alan hissed, bearing his teeth. "You're acting far too nice, even for someone who's been told off for being an arsehole. Yeah, I overheard Dad's talk with you and Virgil - I wasn't spared from one either but still - you going from jerk faced prick towards Gordon to nice, friendly and caring is awfully SUSS."

"What are you on about Alan? Just because we didn't get along doesn't mean I stopped giving a shit." John's brow knotted. "Next you're going to tell me we didn't do anything to stop you drinking, even though I'm the one who locked all the drinks cabinets behind Dad's bar in the pool room that you pried all of them off with a crowbar."

Alan sneered. "Don't try to deflect your sudden 'change of heart'." He poked John hard in the chest and snarled. "I'M ONTO YOU."

John tactfully moved the accusing finger away. "I don't know what's gotten into you Alan after this morning but this is complete whiplash. Are you sure that you're alright?"

Alan had wiped his face hurriedly on his shirt sleeve but kept putting the pressure on.  "Nothing's wrong, you're making shit up." He shoved John backward aggressively and was about to try again when one of Virgil's strong arms grabbed him roughly by the shoulder.

"Knock it off Alan. You have eyes, you can see how Gordon's health has turned and started spiralling wildly all over the place. We've all already fucked up so much, treating each other like inmates of a prison and egnoring all the messed up shit going on in each others lives instead of being there to help drag each other out when we're in too deep. Least we can do is try to change that before… you know-" Virgil glanced briefly in Gordon's direction who while still asleep had also acquired their father sitting beside him, reading a book on campfire cooking. It would be disingenuous to assume he wasn't listening and for now had decided that they were grown enough to sort their own problems out. The last thing anyone needed to see was the 'colonel' part of their father's prestigious military background be present on the camping trip.

John glanced around. "Speaking of which, where's Scott?" 

"In his tent. There was a slight incident on our trail and we've checked him over and for the moment there doesn't seem to be any sign of a concussion but he might have to swap with you tomorrow." Virgil replied.

"We were going to anyway,  though at this rate I might be escorting them both back to Two for the rest of the trip."

"No way are you being left alone with-"

"You honestly think I want to sleep around with everyone don't you Alan." John stated, surprisingly calm with his voice low so their father couldn't hear. "Sure, Virgil and I are on and off again far more often than I'd like but I wouldn't waste my time chasing around after Gordon when Scott's just as freely on the menu of options."

He took a deep breath and before Virgil could butt in to correct him he added; "Gordon has been nicer to me in the past few weeks than I deserved. I've also seen him fall apart defeated and broken. I know I've been partly responsible for that as much as any of us and I never knew how much damage it had done."

John shuffled on his feet. "I want to make things right. He deserves that."

"That means leaving his relationship with Scott alone, you know that right?" Virgil said carefully, as not to let Alan know that they had already interfered more than once.

"I know." John hung his head. "But I think even without us it's already on the rocks."

"What makes you say that?"

John looked both his brother's in the face with a deadpan expression. "You really need an answer? If you two don't mind, I have a tent to set up."

As John watched his brothers disperse, he pulled a shabby looking holophone from his pocket. Gordon tossed it to him before they started walking and told him to drop it from a great height when he was finally able to do some rock climbing. Everytime they had stopped John had snuck a peek at it and had noticed messages accumulating on it like crazy. Either his brother was getting  an ungodly amount of spam or someone was desperate for him to respond.

Flicking it open he could see they were all from the one person: Penelope.

What the hell would she want from him now? John was already suspicious because of the Hood's hacking had almost got his brother killed. Could he be trying again posing as her?

Flicking through the 'spam' a few things caught his eye. One, why was Penelope sending him photos of a baby - at least fourteen he counted - and two, why was she saying he would be a great daddy? Had they actually been a real couple at one point? With everything going on with Penelope and the stuff she did, could there have been a real relationship going on while she was inviting the rest of them out on dates of an escort nature?

His brother had only replied once and before he had given John the phone.

'I hope whoever the father is, they take that kid off you. It deserves better than a sleezy whore for a mother.'

John slipped the phone back into his pocket. 


The rest of the evening at the campsite was quiet, Gordon being awoken to assist with preparing dinner while the others were all taking turns checking up on Scott. Very little seemed to be exchanged and it was universally agreed they'd all turn in early.

Alone together in the same tent, Gordon lay staring at the canvas overhead while John messed around in his pack.

"Virgil didn't look too happy when you volunteered to share a tent with me."

John shrugged it off. "He'll get over it." 

"I don't understand how you can… be so accommodating with his swingers lifestyle." Gordon had now sat up on his elbows and watched John who was staring up at the apex of the tent.

"Who says I am?" John gave a snort. "I'm not around enough to keep his attention on him so his wandering libido just… tends to get let off leash." He sighed. "I tried it along with Scott and neither of us enjoyed it, myself probably the least. The fear of getting someone pregnant and having an illegitimate kid genuinely scares me. I…. I don't think I'd like the idea that I ruined some ladies' life like that when they didn't want it. Though pretty sure Virgil has a high chance of doing that, he has tried to drag me along to a 'pregnancy party' before." John thought for a second before adding hurriedly, "Before you ask, it's EXACTLY what it sounds like."

"I don't have to." Gordon winced. "I know."

"Wait, you do?" John looked shocked.

Gordon gave his brother a stare that suggested that questioning him over it wasn't a good idea so he politely dropped the subject, though curiosity about his relationship with Penelope was indeed growing as not only from the outside did it come across as strange, it seemed it was even weirder from the inside - that's if it was truly one to begin with.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was the deal with you and her anyway?" John couldn't help asking even if he tried. "You never really went on dates and she did kinda try to sleep with all of us at least once when you were supposed to be a thing." He frowned. "She used to bad mouth you to me all the time so it did make me wonder what was going on occasionally."

The silence in the tent was extraordinarily, as if the crickets and cicadas had all stopped chirping in anticipation of the answer.

It was eventually broken, though it didn't sound as if Gordon was too willing to talk about it. His voice was very quiet as everything was coming from a place that had repeatedly hurt him, his relationship with his siblings and everything else that had alienated him from others.

The worst part? He still had feelings for her despite everything she had done and John could hear it resonate in his tone. It was the same pain he recalled when he talked about his relationship with Scott not working out. 

Gordon genuinely loved them.

"We made a deal. She promised to be serious with me as long as we had an open relationship. I didn't really understand what that ment until she started introducing me to other men she had met, calling me her boyfriend to them and then they'd have gone off somewhere together and I wouldn't see them afterwards. Boyfriend in name only till I was sick of it. We also knew if we were to say we weren't together anymore everyone would have had a field day digging up why so we agreed to just fake it till people lost interest. Thing is, you guys never did trapping me even though it was pretty obvious things were long over. I didn't have much alternative but to hope maybe she would eventually change her mind or one of you asked what the hell the deal was. After a year or so it was obvious no one cared that much about me beyond her need for a fake boyfriend."

He sighed. "I've lived that lie for so long it even killed whatever chance I had with Scott which is as weird as it sounds because both you and I know what feelings we have for our brothers are wrong…. Yet I don't feel like we've been brothers for years thanks to that mess, you're all a bunch of strangers to me."

Gordon sat up and rested on his knees. "My first ever time was with Scott. Even now I can't tell if it was legitimate or the fact my misplaced attraction was convenient as boy, he didn't want to physically let me go. It was fun too, one time Kayo wandered into the bathroom while we were busy in the shower and had a conversation with Scott unaware he had me pinned to the tiles because the coloured glass is so damn dark. I'm sure that if there wasn't a risk of Dad or Grandma finding out he'd probably never withdraw himself and take me whenever he could around the house in the open."

"Yeah he does have a bit of a sex monster streak in him." John admitted. "It was sort of why Virgil and I sort of missed him when he decided swinging wasn't for him. I'll be honest with you, Virgil isn't much different but it's impossible to keep someone with that intense sexual need satisfied. Getting between the two of them was very rough sometimes."

John grinned. "You know, Scott may have a thing for redheads but he also has this thing about being on the bottom, like under someone, especially if they're short."

Gordon gave John a suspicious look. "And just how would you know that? You're not saying that just to make up for telling me I am easily replaceable not too long ago?"

"Swingers nights remember? That's sort of HOW the three of us all started. Actually, while we did get into our fair share of orgies before deciding it wasn't for us, Scott never once went further than heavy petting with Virgil and I. He was more into the blokes that joined in with us that were half our size but he never seemed entirely happy to be the one on top with them. Just putting it out there that if he REALLY likes being 'in you' that way there's something clearly special about it."

John then politely coughed. "If you were to surprise him though…"

"Yeah, I dunno John." Gordon hesitated. "I think he's misguided if he thinks something like me is special."

"Normally I'd agree with that." John said without thinking. "However that's not for me to decide, especially since I am not the one attracted to you. I have to admit that seeing you getting changed inside this tent almost made me reconsider but I'm more into what someone looks like so take my admission with a grain of salt."

Gordon's eyes narrowed further. "Wait, you were perving on me?"

"Hard not to. You might have lost some weight but you definitely have not lost the muscle mass. You look like you could go several rounds if it wasn't for the seizures and shit."

"Gee, thanks. I still wouldn't sleep with you even if you did."

John laughed. "Good. Glad that is cleared up." He then said, "You know I'm supposed to check in on Scott next. Would you like to instead?"

"Sure, you're ok with me checking in on his concussion?"

"Yeah. I mean you're qualified in first aid like the rest of us. Just because you've been taken off active duty doesn't mean you're completely useless at it." John gave him a smile. "If anything, losing you from the team meant we lost the one person who kept everyone else out of trouble and safe."

This got a snort and a smirk from Gordon. "Nah, you just lost your human lab rodent. The amount of times you all used Thunderbird Four for stuff it wasn't designed for was insufferable."

"You can blame Scott for that." John chuckled. "

"Already have and forgiven him too. I just hope he can forgive me for being a melodramatic pain in the arse."

"With the uncertainty you're going through Gordon, I think you're allowed to be a mess of unbottled emotions. I would be too if I knew a day would come when no one could bring me back from the other side."

Gordon stood up and pulled on a warm jacket. "Well just so you know, it's not something you can avoid thinking about. However, you can think of other things instead…. You just need people around you to change their minds too." With that he stepped out of the tent in the dark and waited till his eyes adjusted to the darkness before heading over towards Scott's tent which had been set up a little bit away from the main camp.

Gordon stood outside it and called in. "Hey Scott, you awake?"

Scott who was still struggling to tak his mind off his phone, quickly stuffed it under his gear before opening up the tent to let Gordon in, though blinding him first by flashin a flashlight in the face just to be sure it was him as waking up next to Alan had him highly paranoid the youngest Tracy would attempt to crawl in with him again.

"Ah! shit Scott!" Gordon winced, recoiling as the light erased any ounce if night vision he had. "You didn't have to blind me with the heavy duty floodlight!" He stumbled backwards and tripped over a branch, landing heavily on his back. The 'Oomph' as air escaped his lungs was loud, along with the drawn out groan as he rolled over and dragged himself to his feet. "I just wanted to know if you're ok!"

"Gordon, shit sorry." Scott helped him to his feet. "I've been a bit on edge after today… you ahhh come to check on me I'm guessing?" He suddenly felt self conscious about the cut on his forehead; he didn't know why as he'd sustained alot of wounds over the years in his time with IR.

"Sort of. I mean, yes but -"

"Right, thanks." They stood there awkwardly for a moment. "You want to come inside, it's kind of cold out here."

"Actually, I was thinking of a bit of a walk around in the dark. Want to join?" Gordon said nervously, aware Scott was dismissing him.

"Sure I'll just grab my jacket, are you warm enough in yours?"

"I think so. I've only got my boxers on underneath though so we can't wander too far." Gordon waited patiently as Scott ducked back in and rummaged around in his tent. As night vision returned, he could make out John sitting with his tent flap open in the dark watching out of curiosity.

You knew I was avoiding talking to Scott, you bastard! Gordon's eyes narrowed. But John had also gotten enough information out of him to poke him into having this awkward moment with Scott too. He knew he wouldn't do it without a slight push.

"Alright." Scott said as he emerged, zipping up his coat, before turning on his flashlight. "Ready?"

Gordon directed the light away from his face, wincing again as his night vision was taken away a second time. "Yeah. I'll follow your lead."

Scott aimed the flash light at the ground ahead of them and headed off on one the trails that surrounded them. The walk was mostly silent between them until a crunch from something nearby had Gordon reaching out and grabbing Scott's jacket. Afterall some snakes were known to hunt at night, right? And feral pigs were known to be out in this part of the bush….

"Hey, it's alright." 

"Y-yeah, sure i-it is." Gordon stammered, his fear of reptiles trying to take over."

Scott put an arm around Gordon shoulder and pulled him closer for comfort. "You know we haven't really talked like we use to for ages."

"Is that because we got sick of the sight of each other as siblings or because we started a different relationship that started off mostly sexual with not alot else?" Gordon grabbed onto Scott's jacket tighter. "Either way normal hasn't factored in between us for a few years now."

"Like you said in the past we didn't really know each other desipite being siblings, we kind of started out dating by getting to know each other."

Gordon sighed. "I dunno if fucking each other senseless in a bowling alley bathroom, the kitchen, Alan's bedroom cupboard and Virgil's art studio counts as getting to know each other, unless memorising each other's bodies counts." He gave a small amused chuckle at the thought. "It was admittedly fun though."

"Is that partly why you wanted to take a break, too much fun?"

Gordon frowned.  "I've almost died three times and that's all you're worried about?" He stopped walking and folded his arms while looking anywhere else but Scott. "Dying isn't the scary part in all of this, heck I think I'm ready to go and be done with it. It's the people I care about that'll be left behind that I worry about. Whether or not they care about me too…" 

He threw his arms out wide and shouted, "I CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT FOR FOUR FUCKING MINUTES! SO MUCH STUFF IS GOING ON IN MY HEAD, FEELINGS I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH!" Gordon then sat down in a heap and just stared at the ground. "Sorry, this was a awful idea, I don't even know why-"

"You don't think the thought of that terrifies me so much that I feel like my heart will stop, thinking that every moment could be the last." Scott ran his fingers through his hair, he wasn’t going to burden Gordon with his own stress, he had enough on his plate. Scott felt like he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. I don't want to fuck up someone else's life despite how readily and wilfully others do it to me." Gordon picked up a rock and tossed it before standing back up on wobbly legs and closing the gap between them. "I also don't want things to end between us… but I don't want… I don't want… to go, I want to stay-"

He pulled on Scott's jacket so he was forced to bend down to his level and kissed him softly, letting his lips linger in place, not wanting to pull away. Gordon’s fingers relaxed and slid down from gripping the jacket, letting Scott stand straight again.

He let out a heavy sigh. "Life's fucked up, isn't it?"

Scott pulled him into his arms and hugged him tightly. "I know." He broke the embrace and held Gordon at arms length. "Listen Gordon I love you but I think you're right we both need to take a break in our relationship, we both have stuff we need to sort out first, that doesn't mean we can't still do stuff together just more as brothers for now."

"Sure." Gordon hung his head. "Hopefully that works out." He turned around and started heading back towards the camp making sure his face was hidden in the dark. He didn't want Scott to see the tears that had started as he knew full well he was pushing his luck already. He paused and called back when he knew he was far enough to not have himself be blinded by the torchlight.

"Are you coming or not? You need sleep if you're going to hike tomorrow!"

Gordon thought he was masking it but Scott could hear the emotion in his voice.

This was for the best, with everyone going their separate ways, the future of IR uncertain and now Penelope and the baby his plate was just too full right now.

The walk back was in silence, Gordon ducking into his shared tent with John and waiting until he saw the torchlight from Scott go out through the material. He immediately dug into John's belongings until he found the holophone he told him to dispose of, stuffing his stuff into his pack and dragging it out of the tent. Using the little illumination from the holophone he checked the map, shouldered the pack and almost buckled underneath it before he started leaving the camp, heading back towards where he knew Thunderbird Two should be. 

Navigating in the dark was something he was quite good at, occasionally having to surface on solo rescues to use nautical and star charts to work out where he was in the middle of the open ocean so directions weren't an issue but after his first stop he ditched his pack and continued on with only the map, some water and his phone. When he made it to Two he could always tell them to grab his stuff on the way back.

While he had his phone out, four more messages popped up with various attachments. After opening them he sat down on a rock and made an audio call. Most of the conversation was quiet until Gordon had to raise his voice to get the other person to stop talking over him.

"Hey, listen… I'll take responsibility if that's what you want. It's not like I'm good enough for anything else. I actually had a bit of money of my own tied up in a few things… Huh? No, nothing like that… What's the names? Heh, that is really cute. Well if there's one thing I can do right in my life i-it's this. Oh sure ok, will let you go tend to them. See you."

He hung up the call, sluggishly got onto his feet and continued to walk along the trail in the dark until the battery power on the holophone winked out.


John awoke to the sounds of birds, something he wasn't used to and groaned as he sat up. It took a few seconds for it to dawn on him he was alone in the tent but more importantly, that his stuff was everywhere and Gordon's was nowhere to be seen. He got up hurriedly, hoping his younger brother had only decided to move tents to 'sleep' with Scott, crossing across the campsite towards his older brother's tent.

John unzipped Scott's tent and scanned around, swearing loudly. "FUCK! He's not here!" Before ducking his head out again, his feet crunching on gravel as he broke into a run for Jeff's tent. "DAD! Get up! We've got a problem! Gordon's gone!"

"How?" Came a voice behind John. "You were supposed to keep an eye on him!"

John spun around and got directly into Alan's face. "I'm not his keeper Alan! He's a human being, not some animal in a cage! What did you want me to do? Police his toilet habits all night?"

Alan shoved John hard so he tripped over backwards. "YOU said YOU'D keep an EYE on him. That IMPLIES going with him when he wanders off in the dark!"

"You've really lost your min-" John's voice cut out as Alan kicked him hard in the guts.

"Alan stop!" Scott yelled at the youngest Tracy as he pulled him away from John. "This isn't helping!"

John stood up and dusted himself off. "Gordon could be anywhere by now. I've already called his phone and there was no answer. Last time I checked we haven't left the range of the phone towers so it's either dead, or he's trashed it."

Alan looked confused. "Why would he do that? That's stupid!"

John gave Alan a dirty look. "If I knew I'd have mentioned it. He's currently as unhinged as you are so anything is possible."

"Now wait just a damn minute!" Alan snapped, trying to get out of Scott's grip. "You take that back!"

"No, you're right Gordon's suffering from a serious depression episode and not a complete mental shutdown from addiction withdrawal."

"Enough both of you!" Scott grunted as he struggled to keep his grip on Alan. "For all we know Gordon is lying at the bottom of a ditch, every moment we argue is another moment he does."

John gave Scott a stare that suggested he was fully aware he was the last person to see their brother but avoided voicing it. Unlike Alan and Virgil, John had seen what damage shoving someone under the proverbial bus could do. He broke eye contact and headed towards the edge of the camp and started calling out for Gordon.

Jeff emerged from the trail that they were supposed to be going along next and jogged up to Scott. "What's the commotion? I was setting up the next leg of our climb with Virgil when I heard the ruckus."

With Virgil and their father now here Scott falt it was safe to let Alan go he couldn't hold him any longer anyway. "Its Gordon, his missing.."

"What since when?" Virgil asked looking around.

"No idea." Scott replied.

"He could be hours away by now.."

"I don't think so Gordon is easily worn out, so we have a good chance of catching up to him, if we know what direction his headed.."

Jeff scratched his chin. "I seem to recall John saying he was better off walking back to Thunderbird Two. We didn't see him from where we came from so it's the best direction to start."

"I'll take the track we took yesterday." Alan volunteered. "We might be able to see him from a higher vantage point. Agree Scott?"

He could see what Alan was doing, his erratic behaviour was obviously from withdrawal he was suffering, Scott could see him sweating and his hands trembling, but this wasn't the time to deal with it, they needed to find Gordon first. "Agreed."

Alan nodded and led the way back towards the track they had taken yesterday, Jeff indicating toward John and Scott to go with him. Then he and Virgil split up, Jeff heading down the lower track back towards Two while Virgil took the lower track towards the next camp.

John clearly hesitated as he tagged along behind Alan, stopping every few feet to shout and look around and give him distance between him and the youngest.

"I hope he hasn't destroyed his phone." John muttered aloud as he pulled out his own and attempted a call. "Though I wouldn't blame him after those messages I saw yesterday."

"Messages, what messages?" Scott hoped it wasn't bad news from a doctor or specialist.

"Huh? Oh just… Penelope being stupid. I think. I didn't read them but…" John hesitated. He knew he shouldn't have looked and didn't feel comfortable discussing private conversations he wasn't meant to see.

"You just said you saw them, why were you looking through Gordon's phone in the first place?"

"Wouldn't you be curious if I handed you a phone and told you to drop it off a cliff?"

"So you admit you did read the messages then." Scott crossed his arms. Virgil and he had also received messages from Penelope. Was she messaging Gordon for the same reason she had them, trying to snag a fish on her hook? But Gordon had said he had told him he had never slept with Penelope, he didn't believe Gordon would have lied to him. "What did she say? Was it about a baby?"

"Well there were pictures of an infant. Many in fact." John admitted after checking to make sure Alan wasn't in earshot. "He only sent one message but they were still coming after he handed it to me."

"You haven't received any from her have you?" He was curious just who exactly she had been messaging.

John tossed Scott his own holophone. "You can check, but I haven't used mine until today. Why, when Thunderbird Five is an over-glorified one with an AI who will scan all my messages and calls?"

He frowned. "How'd you know the photos were of a baby? Did you get them too?"

"The fact she had a baby is plastered across every tabloid in the country and…" Scott held his own holophone up for John to see all the messages he had received from her.

"Shit." Was all John could say. Admittedly spending most of his time in space kept him out of the loop with whatever was going on in the news so all of this was genuine surprise. "If it helps, I don't think it's-"

"Guys, I think Dad's found Gordon's pack!" Alan's voice cut in from further up the rocky terrain. He was standing on a rocky ledge that overhung the trail below.

"At least we know we're definitely on the right track." Scott replied as he closed his holophone, and checked over edge Gordon wasn't lying at the bottom or suck on a ledge.

"I still reckon he would have headed back to Two the way we came." John said, cautiously looking over himself. 

"What, in the dark?" Alan snapped.

"Gordon knows the stars better than anyone. He could navigate this place without a torch." 

Alan rolled his eyes. "Get real, John. Ocean maps aren't the same as star maps. He's probably collapsed somewhere nearby, I mean we split his pack to carry so that would have been too much for him."

"Either way we know now Gordon is headed to Thunderbird Two." Scott interjected before an argument started again. He then turned to John.. "Can you get a lock on his signal yet?"

"On that?" John indicated the phone Scott was holding. "No. Also don't have access to Thunderbird Five's systems. Dad wouldn't let me." He turned back to Alan. "For the record, oceanic travel for centuries has relied on knowing the stars in the skies as a point of reference to knowing where you are and what direction you're headed. Nautical maps are the most accurate you'll ever get."

"They're still useless on land!" Alan snapped angrily, shoving John backwards again though this time there was enough loose gravel around for him to slip and lose his balance before rolling off the edge of the ledge, gripping onto it to avoid plummeting down the rest of the rockface below.

Alan was quick to walk over to him but instead of pulling him up, slammed a spiked mountain boot on John's left hand with a sickening crunch.

"JOHN! fuckin hell!" Scott shoved Alan away and grabbed John's other arm and tried to pull him back up over the edge. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" He yelled back at Alan, it didn't take a genius to know he had just broken several -  if not all of John's fingers and that wasn't even the worst part, it was how Alan had just suddenly turned. It was terrifying and completely unexpected.

John attempted to pull himself up while Scott grabbed his clothes to help him. Some stones that had become loose when John went over were making the grip of Scott's shoes unsteady and causing his legs to slide out under him.

John's weight was all it took to have them both go over the side, John thumping hard on another ledge a few feet below but Scott wasn't so lucky.

Scott didn't panic when he first slipped off the edge. He had trained for situations such as this, though having no safety rope wasn't ideal.

His first thought was to stop himself falling, that was until his shoulder clipped the ledge stunning him for a few seconds but that was enough for him to collide with the rock face several times, before he came enough to his senses, to try and reach out and grab something anyway.

Fingers scrambling he managed to get a hold on the cliff side stopping himself from sliding down the face of it, and held on for dear life.

John groaned, shifting around until he could get up on all fours and dragged himself till he could peer over the edge. Alan was shouting something, most likely yelling at him. That wasn't important right now. 

"Scott!? You ok!?" John shouted down to where he could see his eldest brother. "Hold on, I'll pull you up!" He looked around for something to hold onto and spotted a tree branch that could get him closer to him.

He dragged himself across onto it and lowered himself down, the branch creeking under his weight. The closer he got the more obvious it became that Scott wasn't going to hold on much longer. John hooked his legs around the branch and dangled himself downward inches from his brother's hands.

"Scott, grab hold!" He shouted loudly. "I'll pull you up!"

"DON'T COME AN- ARGH!" Scott yelped in pain as he tried to shout back, sharp stabbing pains from his rib cage made the intake of air difficult. The next lot of words were garbled underneath hissing as he redoubled his grip and felt fire shoot through his arms. "Thund-Tw-'' he gasped desperately, "G-G-T Thun -"

 "Don't be stupid! It won't arrive on time!" John growled through gritted teeth as the blood was rushing to his head making him flush crimson in the face as he stretched himself far as he could dangle, fingers inched away from brushing against Scott's. "Just need one hand -" 

The branch John was hanging from began to groan and complain. "Scott hurry up!" The redhead shouted desperately.

Fire shot through his right knee which had smashed into the cliff side as he fell, he now was forced to lean on as he stretched to his limits for John's hand. Suddenly his knee gave out, and Scott descended downwards.

It happened all so fast, he barely had time to comprehend it, he felt sick to the pit of his stomach, that he could do nothing as the ground rushed up to meet him and everything went black.


Gordon tapped one of the supports that kept Thunderbird Two off the ground. He finally made it, though if it wasn't for the frequent stopping he would have arrived sooner. He sat for a while before activating the lower hatch lift to board the craft and was about to make himself comfortable when he saw the console in the pilot and co-pilots seats light up as its remote manual control had been activated. Either Virgil was alerted that someone was on board or something bad had happened. 

Gordon sat in the co-pilot's seat, something that while completely natural to him felt slightly alien after being off duty for so long and made a radio call.

"Don't panic Virgil, it's only me-"

"Gordon? Where the hell have-? We've been going out of our fucking minds looking for you!"

"I had to wait till I got to Two, my phone had di-"

"Never mind that!" Virgil cut him off again. "We need to fly someone to the hospital ASAP -"

"Copy that Virgil. Switching to manual control and be there in ETA two minutes -"

"No way, Gordon. She's staying on auto. Dad banned you from flying as co-pilot and I'm sticking to it. You better not bail out either as Dad wants words with you."

"Well I'll prepare for transfer then-"

"You won't do such a thing. You are to sit tight and stay out of the way." Virgil then cut the coms and the big green behemoth started to shudder with life, retract its supports and start moving upwards into a hover move across the top of the bushland.

Gordon tried shifting gears and the steering but to no avail. Virgil wasn't going to let up on Dad's ban because he didn't have a pilot's licence. He thumped the control console before getting up unsteadily and moving to the middle of the craft to set up the emergency medical transport as even though he had no idea what was happening he knew by Virgil's tone it was serious and there was no way he wasn’t going to lend and extra pair of hands.

When Two settled down and the lift lowered, Gordon was immediately shoved aside as Virgil and Jeff carried what looked to be Scott as they boarded, Jeff shouting orders to John and Alan while Virgil darted off to take control of the Thunderbird. Gordon could barely see what was happening and peventually Alan was yelled at to leave so he grabbed Gordon, dragging him to the front of the craft to force him into a seat for the flight, only getting him to stop struggling after hitting him across the face while Virgil was occupied.

"You are in seriously deep shit, Gordon." Alan hissed, yanking the shorter Tracy's shirt so they were both eye level. "If you hadn't disappeared none of this would have happened. It's all your fault."

"Knock it off Alan and sit the fuck down." Virgil growled. "You're both lucky I don't simply abandon you here in the bush."

"What happened? Did Scott have a fall? Wasn't the guide ropes secure?" Gordon asked, panic in his voice.

"Nether, just… Don't ask ok? Your fault." Alan snapped from his seat. Gordon only had to get a proper look at him to realise that something was odd about Alan, like he was on the edge of exploding and there was nothing stopping him if he did. 

He sat there, trying to look as unthreating as possible as well as not to shake with terror everytime Alan glanced his way. Something MUST have happened involving Alan… but what? Gordon could think of hundreds or reasons but only one made him wish he could meld into his chair and vanish.


As Scott was rushed into emergency along with John, Jeff made it abundantly clear Alan and Gordon were not to set foot in the hospital but to wait in Thunderbird Two.

The wait to find out what was going on was getting to Gordon and so far no one wanted to answer any of his questions. However being trapped inside a large transport ship filled with dangerous equipment and an alcoholic suffering withdrawal who was more than a bit possessive over him made him feel as if he was definitely getting punished for thinking he'd do the right thing and let them continue the camping trip without needing to worry.

Gordon wanted to be inside the hospital. He wanted to be there when the surgeon came out regardless of what they had to say. Scott was like the ultimate unbreakable person Gordon had ever known, he'd leap out of a fucking jet plane going at a thousand miles an hour just to land on another that was put of control and save the pilot without a single bloody scratch! The guy who damn knew how to fly something faster and more dangerous than a fighter jet before his thirteenth birthday! If it was risky as hell and batshit insane he'd be the first to volunteer and walk away saying it was a piece of cake. Scott was invincible!

It would be all over the news. Scott was more or less the face of International Rescue and the Tracy family these days, more famous than the bloody British Royalty.

He watched as Alan paced around the hull of the craft, getting more and more agitated as he worked himself up. He was jittery, twitching and looked like he was barely holding onto reality. Gordon slid around him to reach the medical supply cabinet when a fist slammed into the cabinet door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Alan's words were uttered in a slightly hysterical tone. "This isn't our stop. We're several stations away."

"We're not on a train, Alan. We're in Thunderbird Two's hangar." Gordon said carefully, worried Alan was going to hit him unprovoked again. He hadn't noticed it before but sweat was rolling down Alan's brow, there was a twitch in his jaw and his eyes were wide as if he was experiencing an unknown mania going on within his head.

"Look Olivia, I promised your dad I'd get you home safe after the movie and I intend to keep it."

Gordon hesitated. He knew that name…. Short young lady, Alan's age with short chic stylish haircut… oh fuck.

The last double date Alan dragged him and Penelope on three years ago before he started drinking. The one where his date was pushed off the train platform by a guy who was being chased down for stealing someone's bag.

Gordon remembered how awful he felt and how much he tried to go along with Alan on similar things, making sure he never let him out of sight until Alan's alcoholism made doing anything with him in public difficult that even Penelope who had even slept with him would be embarrassed by it - which was saying something since she had worse behaviours in public that Gordon was stuck cleaning up. He knew he failed as a sibling when Alan started trying to drunkenly make moves on him, trying to get him to admit everything with Penelope was a sham.

He had gotten that admission too - with the possibility of Scott overhearing it before kicking Alan out of the bathroom.

Though the fact Gordon also told him he was into older men and women didn't seem to change Alan's mind, even when sober - though he was wondering why as so far everyone older than him he had been involved with seemed to treat a relationship with him as a complex mess that he was at fault of.

"Ok Alan. I'll sit back down."

"Look I'm sorry the night didn't go as planned. The types of people my brother seems to be around are stuck up rich wankers who wouldn't know a decent day's hard work if you chained them to some farm equipment." Alan said smoothly without missing a beat, Gordon could see his hands shaking as he was led to the cockpit and made him take a seat.

"Oh?" Gordon prompted Alan to continue talking. Sure, he didn't like where this was going, nor the topic of conversation but there was no way of getting out of it.

"Yeah. Like that lady he's with, sure she cared about him once after he stupidly went to get something that was asking us for help." Alan explained as he sat down himself in an opposite chair. "Good thing as we'd never have gotten Dad back but stupid all the same. You know he's the only one out of my brother's who dropped out of school? The only reason they're dating is because she's doing it out of pity and it'll stop him chasing her around like a hopeless puppy."

Gordon sat there silent as Alan continued, his opinions finally unfiltered. He had some pretty brutal ones about his other brothers but boy the disgust and vile amusement he got out of tearing him down were horrific.

"I swear that she only keeps him around as bait so she can lure someone more attractive because there is no way in hell anyone with half a brain cell would ever find that idiot worthy of having sex with-"

"I've heard enough Alan." Gordon cut him off before more vitriol spewed out. "Just let me leave please."

"Olivia I promised your -"

"So? Do you even listen to yourself Alan? You've sat there telling me some of the most awful stuff I've ever heard. So you have any clue how terrible you sound putting others down to justify your own jealousy and how gross it is that you find the situation your brothers in something to mock behind his back instead of stepping up and intervening? Ever thought that he's trapped there because no one seems to care about him but despite how awful she might be she's the only one to give him the time of day? On the surface you maybe a 'Nice Guy' but it's pretty obvious that's not what you are deep down." Gordon fought back the tears that were threatening to burst. No way was he going to give Alan the satisfaction of making him cry.

"Please, let me leave." Gordon asked as calmly as he could. "I have to go to the bathroom." He made an effort to stand but felt a hand grip heavily on his shoulder in an attempt to keep him seated.

"Olivia," Alan put his hands on the sides of Gordon’s face, "I'm sorry I really like you and I wanted this evening to be perfect, let me make it up to you, please."

Gordon grabbed Alan's hand and pried them away, annoyance in his eyes. "Alan, let me go or I kick you like a mule." He stood back up and ducked underneath his brother's arm only to be grabbed by the neck of his jumper.

Alan pulled him back towards and held him tight in a grab that felt like a vice. "It's okay Olivia I know you're a little scared after all it's your first time but don't worry I'll take care of you."

"Get your hands off me!" Gordon snarled and clamped his jaws around one of Alan's wrists that was too close to his mouth, digging in hard as he could to draw blood.

Alan howled in pain and let Gordon go, holding his injured hand. "What is wrong with you? Are you insane?!"

"I could say the same about you!" Gordon snapped, darting towards the lift in the cockpit and punching the button for it to lower hurriedly. "Come on, come on, you slow piece of junk!"

Alan slammed his hands against the lift as he went down his expression darkened. "Just you wait, I'll make you sorry!"

As Alan stepped down onto the partially lowered lift and made a grab for Gordon, the smaller Tracy ducked and weaved around him jumping up and slamming his hand on the lift button, starting it again and lowering Alan downward further until the lift was clear from the craft though not far enough to prevent the taller Tracy climbing back in. "Are you blind Alan? It's me, Gordon! Oliva died years ago!" He shouted as Alan made another lunge which he avoided. Gordon then made the jump down to the platform that was half way down to the ground but too far for him to jump off without ending up like Scott.

Suddenly the lift jerked and started going in the reverse direction, knocking him off balance enough for Alan to pin him down from landing on top of him.

"Come on Olivia, don't be like this!" Alan shouted as he struggled to keep Gordon's arms down and prevent him from sitting up, his older brother's legs thrashing around under him in an attempt to roll Alan's weight off him without success. "It won't hurt I promise."

Gordon's shouts got louder and incoherent to Alan's ears as he fought back wildly. For a brief moment the lift jerked and started to act as if it was stuck, the shrill noise of the machinery mingled with his siblings hysterical screaming and squirming until there was a crunching sound and the lift started moving upwards. In that moment Alan saw his brother's face suddenly go pale, his arms shook violently and his eyes went wide, pupils dilated as shock took hold and his body fell limp with uncontrollable shaking as the lift clicked back in place in the cockpit.

Alan was confused at first but then he swore he felt something warm on his leg. Looking down around him he saw a puddle of red starting to form at his feet. He jumped up, realising what had happened.

He had to act quickly, grabbing Gordon and carrying him to the back where he could elevate his legs. He pulled out a med kit - though there wasn’t much left inside after treating Scott - he'd have to make do. He removed his belt and tied it around Gordon's legs to try and slow the blood flow.

He checked Gordon’s vitals; his breathing was shallow, his heart rate erratic and his temperature was dropping. He grabbed a med blanket and threw it over him.

He ran to the ship's controls and punched a few keys. "Dad, dad it's Alan, it's an emergency!"


"How many surgeries has he had now?"

"At least six. His spine is seriously fucked though. He'll be lucky if he can move his head let alone any limbs. We won't know until he regains consciousness. He's not needing any vital assistance so he's not brain dead, just sleeping I guess."

"So is this what it's like every time I've ended up in hospital?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"It's scary being the one waking up not knowing how you got there. I didn't realise it was just as terrifying being someone who has to be awake through it all."

"You get used to it."

"I don't want to get used to it, Virgil. It should be preventable."

"Like your foot?"

"I told you, Alan was hallucinating and I had to get out before he seriously hurt me. I'm lucky it was only my foot, it could have been my skull."

"And it could have been me instead of Scott with how Alan suddenly turned on me, Virgil. Hell he clearly had it out for me. No idea what his problem is."

"I might."

"You do?"

"Yes and it's not just alcohol, though that hasn't helped."

"Care to share Gordon?"

"Not particularly."

"And why is that? Something to hide?"

"No. Alan needs real friends, like outside ones. He's been trapped here for so long he's turned to whatever he could to make up for the lack of socialisation. There could be other things but whatever was going on in his head isn't helping him either."

"He jammed your foot -"

"Virgil, the security footage doesn't exactly give you what was going on in his head, hell it doesn't give you any audio. Sure, I was terrified but you would be too if someone twice your size that can mince your face with a fist - wait you'd never know what that would be like - never mind! Point is Alan had no idea it was me despite trying to tell him, there was no way he would have noticed until something snapped him out of it. I have no idea how to explain it but something did otherwise I wouldn't be here!"

"What was he saying to you? Who did he think you were?"

"I - I can't tell you that Virgil. "

"Why not, Gordon?"

"Because it's the reason he started drinking. We all failed him by not being there. Just fucking trust me."

"Trust you? Pfft like I'm about to do that since it was you Penelope was trying to flush out with all those baby pictures. Never had sex with her huh? What a joke."

"Says the guy who fucked her on multiple occasions like everyone else had thinking I wasn't aware of it."

"Did you really knock her up?"

"Yes John. Those twins…..are… mine."

"Fucking hell. And here I was thinking you were nicer than I thought you were. Guess I was wrong."

"That's fair. You won't have to worry about it longer anyway. I'm moving out and taking some responsibility for my actions. Something you guys could learn to do."

"Fuck you Gordon. You're a loser."

"I know Virgil. At least I didn't sleep around with multiple different people."

There were footsteps heading out of the room and a slam of the door, leaving the medbay recovery room in silence. After a while, Gordon shifted in his chair and looked at Scott still lying on the bed and said, "Don't tell anyone Scott, though suppose you can't even if you could hear me… but those kids aren't mine. I'm going to treat them like it though because Penelope can't look after them with her lifestyle and regardless who their real fathers are out of you bozos I'm the only one who can physically and mentally take that responsibility."

He smirked. "For the first time since that accident, I think I've found something meaningful with my life that I can do that none of you ever will without feeling I need to compete or stand out from you all. Just a regular person, being a dad to two kids who need a parent. I hope everyone understands that."

"Besides. I got a feeling you're done with me, everyone else certainly will after this. That might be a good thing, might not. I know I'm not worth having a relationship with and that- that's ok. Sex with me is probably a drag anyway."

Gordon patted Scott's limp arm. "Anyway, I better start packing. Word gets around fast and when Dad hears what I've just done I'm fucked so… better get lost before he physically kicks me out." He stood up and brushed himself off and straightened his bright coloured shirt. "I've had months to organise and think this over, with Alan now out of rehabilitation and you still in a coma… I realise that I have to get out. I doubt you'll both notice I'm gone." Gordon then lent over and kissed Scott's forehead. "My problem is I can't let go, no matter how bad someone has been to me and vice versa. Leaving…. Leaving will break the cycle, I hope. I love you. I also still love Penelope. I also feel pity for you both and for Alan. That's why I can't stay."

"Goodbye Scott. At least, for now."


John sat by Scott's bedside, reading a book and occasionally glancing at an ancient flip phone. For the past month he had found himself struggling to get into any routine beyond avoiding doing any work for International Rescue. He couldn't bring himself to do it though with EOS running things Jeff, Virgil, Kayo and Alan hadn't really noticed.

Grandma's funeral had been tough to sit through, especially with THEM there. John had to wait until their father wasn't looking in order to slip him a private number and had been looking at the flip phone since.

John knew something was off and the longer this 'farce' continued the more it started to smell, especially with Penelope hanging around the place again as if she never dumped her kids on Gordon. 

Why did he think about her? His brow wrinkled and his glasses slipped down his nose. Ah yeah… the reason he and Virgil broke up….

"If you keep frowning like that, it's going to be permanently stuck on your face." A low hoarse voice said.

John froze before swivelling towards the direction of the voice. "Scott? Scott, your - you're awake!"

Scott coughed before answering. "How long have I been out?"

"F-four months." John stammered. "Uh… I need to get Dad now you're awake!"

He tried to call out to John as he rushed out of the room but his voice failed him, as he realised he couldn't move, his legs and arms didn't respond when he tried to lift them, in fact it felt like they weren't even there.

There was a lump in his throat, that fall had been bad and this time he hadn't walked away barley scaved.

John came back into the room after an hour with Jeff, Kayo, Virgil and Brains in tow. Alan however stayed in the doorway, as if he was ready to sprint at any moment. 

Jeff immediately reached down and pulled Scott into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're alright son. We were worried we might have lost you."

"Dad, you're smothering him." Virgil said calmly, prying Scott free from their father's death grip. "Let him breathe."

"It's good to see you awake." Brains pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Can you feel anything? Can you move your fingers and toes?"

"Easy Brains, we all want to know that too but give him a minute to, you know, wake up." Kayo added.

"I'll raise the mattress, that might help." John offered. The bed started to bend at the head and shift Scott into a seating position, allowing him to see the worried yet relieved faces of his family present around him. John looked carefully at the others before ducking out the room, not giving any of them eye contact. As he brushed past Alan the younger Tracy grabbed him and there was a frantic murmur between them before Alan would let him go.

This certainly wasn't the first time Scott had woken up in the med bay. Maybe he was imagining that everyone looked more concerned than usual.

He started to feel self-conscious with everyone staring at him, his father looked more grey then he remembered, Kayo's hair was shorter, Virgil looked thinner, he couldn't see Alan properly lurking in the doorway and Brains…was that a moustache? "Has it really been four months? Looking at all of you it seems like it's been longer."

"It certainly feels like it." Jeff tried to lighten the mood. "Between you, Alan and your Grandmother, I'd say it has been an eternity."

"You had been drifting in and out." Brains chimed in. "We wouldn't have been able to perform the operations necessary until we were sure you were conscious enough."

"Operations" Just how many had he needed? "How serious was my condition?"

"Both your legs and arms were broken in several places along with a number of ribs, your skull was fractured and you suffered a severe concussion with internal bleeding."  Brain replied. "Your first surgery was to relieve the pressure and stop the internal bleeding and for severe lacerations, the next was to start setting the bones and implant a pacemaker, then part of your spleen had to be removed, others were for infections and setting more bones…" 

He looked at everyone before continuing. "The most severe was your spine with multiple fractures and damage to your spinal cord the full extent of which we don't yet know…"

"Until you attempt to move." Virgil chimed in. 

"Well unless he can wiggle his toes, I say it's pretty obvious he's a quadriplegic. No need to beat around the bush about it. Straight to the point, right Scott?" Alan piped up from the doorway. Jeff shot him a warning glance.

Scott felt a lump in his throat. He was terrified to test that it was true, and he certainly didn't want to test it in front of everyone.

"You can take your time on your recovery, Scott. We've been busy thinking of how to get you moving again if worst comes to worse. Brains has been experimenting with his nano technology and while we had a setback with the testing phase, it shouldn't be a problem." Jeff tapped Scott's leg though frowned when he didn't get a reaction.

"Yeah thanks dad… and everyone, I'm feeling a bit tired though maybe we can talk later."

Jeff nodded and led everyone out of the room leaving Scott all alone.

He watched them go, Alan lingered in the doorway before leaving as well. Scott turned his head and looked up at the ceiling, well at least he knew he still could move his head.

But he couldn't feel anything below his neck; it was like his body didn't exist.

Looking down he could see his body was still there, but he couldn't move anything when he willed his toes or fingers to move they didn't not even a little.

Alan's words came back to him, he knew being in IR he could face severe injury or even death but he had never really been prepared that it would actually happen.

John stepped back into the room and paused, feeling awkward that he came in after everyone else had gone "A-Are you ok? I can go if you need to be alone. Though frankly I'd rather hang around here if…if that's alright with you." He approached cautiously. 

"No stay… I'd rather not be alone…"

"You know he sat here with you every day, at least until a month ago. I-I felt that someone else should have after…" John felt Scott's eyes staring at him so he quickly coughed, realising that none of them would have dared openly talking about Gordon in front of Scott, not with how he was even if he had asked. Instead he opted to sit in the chair by the side of the bed he occupied earlier and sat quietly.

"How…how do you feel?" He eventually asked.

"Physically or emotionally?" John looked uncomfortable so Scott changed the subject. "Where is Gordon?"

"Gordon? He uhh…." John hesitated. He didn't quite know how to explain what had happened, heck he still had issues with it himself. He breathed out and relented. "That kid Penelope sent you all? Turns out it wasn't just one, it was two. Gordon said they were his and once dad was done tearing him apart he was kicked out, disowned. None of us allowed any contact with him, at least until last week, at Grandma's funeral even then Dad was controlling everything to prevent us even getting close."

"Fuck, Grandma died and Gordon is gone…" It was just getting better and better. "Can I just go back into the coma?" John didn't look amused "I didn't expect dad to be so hush" 

John winced before he pulled out the flip phone from his pocket. "I managed to slip him a number for this old analogue phone. I know Gordon collects this kind of thing, but I don't know if he can get him working. I really want to make contact with him, Scott. Not just to tell him about you…. As he did ask when I got him alone but because I miss him. The entire situation around him is-" he frowned before looking at Scott again. "Off. Even more so since I found out Virgil's been sneaking off with Penelope not long after Gordon was exiled. As of the funeral it's clear she offloaded those kids onto him and with her track record? I wouldn't be surprised if those kids aren't really Gordons."

"Sounds like she is looking for her next baby daddy, I just wouldn't put it past her, maybe she can collect the whole set." Scott realised he was lashing out at John for no reason. "I'm sorry, you're right though and Gordon knows it."

"Problem is Scott, he looked better than I'd seen him in a long time. Those kids are clearly making him happy. Sure it would be nice to confirm my suspicion and have him back but I think finding out who they really belong to might do more harm than good." John licked his lips nervously. "He's finally free from whatever this hell hole has become, or more to the point, has been for him. I don't want to ruin that either."

Scott nodded. "I guess it's over then."

"What's over?" John looked confused for a split second. "Oh… I see. Yeah.. ummm about that." He hesitated again. "We talked a lot when he was here, about your relationship. Seriously, he sat here on this bloody chair by your side right up until Alan was coming out of rehabilitation and the whole baby fiasco. I don't blame him for taking the fastest way out he could after what Alan did." John lowered his voice. "Alan was behind bars for his entire time in rehab. He has me scared too, though Dad has to be responsible for his probation so he can't leave the island until he's done his community service."

"Ah sorry, look Scott in regards to Gordon, I think… I think you should ask him yourself if he makes contact." John gave a weak smile. "I don't feel right putting words in his mouth, though last time I saw him… I'd be pretty surprised if he was dating, I mean his hands are pretty full with two infants but he's…."

John paused in thought and a warm expression settled in his features. "Ruggishly attractive." He chuckled and avoided eye contact with Scott briefly, aware that he was admitting to something that could get him in trouble but he had time to think and time to spend with Gordon which had him change his perspective a great deal in the same vein Scott had. "I mean, who doesn't find scruffy single dad hot right? Remember before Dad got lost in space he would constantly get offers from women who thought they could tame a rogue single father. Not say Gordon is, fuck he even might be for all I know now but the point is when I last saw him it was hard not to notice all eyes on the 'dream daddy' in the corner."

"John I can't feel anything from the neck down, I can't wiggle my fingers, I can't wiggle my toes, I'll need full time care Gordon already has his hands full by the sounds of it, and now with Penelope and the kids, it sounds like there's no room in his life for me anymore, even if there was its risky, what do I have to offer anymore anyway?"

John sighed and tilted his head to one side. "Scott, you've only just regained consciousness and are still heavily medicated. You're not going to regain full use of anything that is fine for at least a few weeks as they ease the doses. We've also got a live in nurse on stand-by for you and well, Dad's making sure he's not repeating the mistakes he made."

"As for no one wanting a relationship with you after this? You're underestimating yourself and assuming the worst of people without understanding the full picture  especially in regards to your health." John tapped Scott's knee. "Besides, worse comes to worse, Brains said he does have something he can try that might be able to help you. Sure, he's not great with medical things but he's a damn brilliant engineer and making things move is in his wheelhouse."

John then beamed a little. "Afterall, I had three months of seeing his genius in prosthetics. The fact he connected up nerve tissues and made it functional like the real thing was impressive."

"Really?"Scott felt a bit off suddenly, he turned his head away and vomited. "Fuck… I think you're right about the meds" He felt a bit embarrassed though it was common for some meds to make people nauseous, it was more that he couldn't clean it up. "Sorry about being such an arse, I don't think I'm going to be the best of company at the moment."

"That's understandably fair." John didn't miss a beat and started grabbing cleaning equipment to tidy up. "You might feel a lot worse once rehabilitation starts."

Scott groaned. "I've done so much, I must be qualified in it by now." He waited for John to finish up. "I'm about him now."


"Gordon, of course Penelope had those kids for money, and I'm sure she took Gordon for every cent, what happens when she decides it's not enough? It's easy for her to take them away and Gordon wouldn't have a leg to stand on. I kind of wish they were mine, cause I'll fight her for them and make sure she can't… even if he never wanted to speak to me again…" Scott sighed. "But this is real life, not a Hollywood movie ending."

John finished up and sat at the end of the bed. "Now hold on there, what makes you think she took him for a ride? Yeah I'm suspicious of those kids belonging to him but don't think Gordon let her off, not for a fucking second." He looked dead at Scott. "If he didn't take her for everything she had and what she had done, she wouldn't still be hanging around still trying to get our families money out of Virgil."

John gave a slight evil smile. "She no longer lives in her mansion. Gordon made sure of that."

"Really?" Scott's eyes widened. "He got some balls good for him." He smiled, impressed by Gordon, how he had managed that must be quite a story.

John's grin widened as he grabbed a holotablet from the bedside table and found some articles to show his brother. "It was all the news was talking about! It's not exactly what you want to be known for but no one is going to be digging around to mess with him after he publicly humiliated her in court and then sold her bloody property! He had so many recordings and photos of her bring a terrible person that it was unanimous with the family court who those kids would be safe with."

"Wow." Was all Scott could reply, he was completely blown away that they were even talking about the same Gordon. "How about that, I'm proud of you little bro, tell him that if you hear from him."

"Heh, if I hear from him." John sighed. "Been staring at that flip phone for weeks and not a single-"

The flip phone that John put on the side table by Scott's head started to ring.

Scott looked up at the phone before back at John. "Can you answer that for me?"

John took a deep breath, flipped open the phone and held it to Scott's ear.

"Hello?" Scott's voice croaked from the extended time he hadn't been speaking, he coughed to try and clear his throat before trying again. "Hello Gordon, it's Scott." He said, sounding a little more like himself.

The line crackled heavily as if the person on the other end had put the phone against some fabric, followed by a muffled "It can't be? Can it? I was told he was brain -"

Eventually someone answered in a warm voice, slightly deeper than Scott remembered it but still very familiar.

"You - you're awake?"

"Yeah, a new record." Scott joked. This was the longest he had been out for. "How are you? John tells me you have been doing some big things lately."

"I wouldn't say so." Gordon's voice seemed still in shock. "Still surprised he was able to give me a way to make contact after what Dad did. How are you feeling? Can - can you move at all?"

Scott didn't want to make Gordon worry, but trying to protect him from the truth hadn't gone well in the past. "Honestly I don't know yet."

"Oh, well then look, when you do get your first physical therapy session, get Jonathan there to let me know and we can try to arrange something…" Gordon's voice faltered. "John won't need telling but don't let Alan or Virgil get a whiff of it. Otherwise we can forget this call ever happened."

"I understand mum's the word, I'll text you and we'll organise something sometime." Scott could understand being cautious around Alan he could understand but Virgil as well, it seemed that lines were being drawn and everyone was picking a side, he better be careful he didn't end up on the wrong side of it, at least not yet anyway.

"That - that would be great. Please, get some rest."

"I will and Gordon, I still love you, don't doubt that."

The phone went dead. John looked at Scott as he only heard one side of the conversation but Scott's face seemed to say it all. "I'll do what I can."

Scott sighed. "Thanks John, I'm feeling tired, I'm going to get some sleep now."


Recovery is a long process, especially for those who have lost majority of bodily autonomy. Every piece of success was a fight against soul crushing anger, fear, self disgust and self loathing but after seven months Scott had made enough headway that he was finally able to go into rehabilitation to learn how to look after himself to the limits of his ability. 

Gordon had made contact over that time, though John had been very careful as to when they could talk. Scott had some volatile moments, without the ability to let loose and be reckless his frustration and hot headedness had him throwing his temper around and while it was expected, it ment John had to keep certain conversations to himself.

It took some doing but John had managed to convince their father to let him take Scott instead of Virgil and as soon as Scott's session was done, he took Scott to a remote country town outside of the city, the drive from where he landed the pod went deep into darkness of the bush where the only lights were of the truck John drove.

"So…. You haven't said anything since the physio session. I take it that it didn't go well?" John asked carefully while watching the road. He was dressed more respectful than usual, hair all meticulously styled and wearing a subtle aftershave. Between them sat Scott's nurse, a dumpy old lady build like a brick outhouse who was smoking away with her arms folded, giving John the side eye and making him extra nervous.

"Shit house, don't know why I go fuckin useless, ouch!" Scott replied as he was hit over the back of the head by the old lady.

"Language." she said.

"Oh come on, and give us a puff will ya?" She held the cigarette out for him to take a drag on. 

John rolled his eyes. "Would be nice to go somewhere and NOT smell like an ashtray." He then mumbled aloud, "You all started smoking the second I quit you utter arseholes."

Scott started coughing when he tried to answer, the woman smiled and mumbled something that sounded like wuss.

"What are you all dressed for, pretty boy, going on a date?" She asked.

"You're not really are you?" Scott was finally able to say as he got his coughing under control. "Why are you dragging us along?" He took another toke on the cigarette she held out to him."

"I'm keeping a promise." John frowned as he made a turn off onto a dusty dirt road. "Though unsure why since the other week you were swearing and calling him every name under the sun, enough for Alan to be interested.  You are aware Alan tried to fucking kill him right?"

"Wait, you don't mean we're going to see…?" A stub of fear went through him, from seeing him again or if their found out. "Ahh Gertrude you how you really love me?" The old woman snorted and rolled her eyes. "Think you can not tell my father about this?"

She inhaled deeply from her cigarette. "What would you give me?"

"Look, does it matter? You're getting paid a lot of money from one of the world's richest billionaires and get to live in his house for free to look after his son. Least you can do is pretend we went out for dinner somewhere." John growled. "This might be the only chance Scott and I get to see our brother. Last time I saw him his health was all over the place and I want to know he's ok and I can guarantee he'll want to know how Scott is."

"He also has two little one year girls." 

A smile broadened on Gertrude's face, Scott knew she loved children and missed seeing her grandkids. "Okay, I hope his serving dinner."

John gave Scott a glare in the mirror. He knew his brother was aware they weren't even a year old yet but mostly because there was every chance the old wind-bag would ask Gordon questions about them and their mother that would get them booted out if the house.

The ute pulled up a long driveway and John parked it right out front of a small farmstead that looked as if it was admist having a facelift. He hopped out to grab the motorised wheelchair from the ute tray while Gertrude hopped out and stretched before helping John lift Scott out the cab. John them wheeled the chair across the loose gravel and took the brunt of lifting the chair with Scott in it up a few stairs onto a wooden balcony which creaked under the weight while Gertrude rang the doorbell.

"I don't think anyone's-" Gertrude started to complain before the door was unlocked and opened by a young man shorter than her, with dark dirty blonde hair. He looked unshaven and tired with a blanket over his shoulders and a sleeping infant in his arms.

"You guys are late." His eyes narrowed, starting at Gertrude and Scott. "Unless you put that thing out you can stay out in the cold. I don't tolerate smoking here."

The place was interesting inside to say the least, Gordon's love for vintage things from the late nineties and early twentieth century had been allowed to flourish and take over. There were little signs of holotech or modern robotic conveniences, Gordon making the effort to go completely off the grid and self-sufficient after how much publicity his court case against Penelope had been.

"I thought he would have been loaded." Gertrude remarked as she looked around, pushing Scott through into the living room.

"I am." Gordon replied without much emotion in his voice. "Whatever was left after the vultures had their fill is put aside for the kids. It's the least their mother can do for them. I may not have my brother's levels of intelligence but I'm resourceful and good with my hands." He turned to face the nurse. "Is that sufficient enough for you? Or are you like my father who thinks I can't handle responsibility?"

Gertrude started to open her mouth but John was quick to cut her off. "We didn't come here to say anything of the sort. We just wanted to see you."

"Well? Take a good look. There's nothing else to see beyond what's here. Could I get you a drink or something to eat?" As Gordon spoke the infant in his arms stirred while another loud wail started up from the other end of the house. "Uh… in a second. Here, hold Mae while I get Sally. I'll be right back." He said hurriedly while handing the baby to John before wandering off to get the other child.

"Hey John." Scott whispered. "Maybe we should go, I'm not sure we are welcome here."

"I get that impression too." Gertrude replied.

John rolled his eyes. "You're talking nonsense. You've had a bad session today and it soured your outlook." He smiled when the baby yawned and wriggled as it stretched in his arms. John lowered her down for Scott to see.

Scott's breath caught when he saw the infant, she had a very striking resemblance to him as a baby, surely Gordon must be able to see it too. 

Wait, he shouldn't jump to conclusions. Children can sometimes look like a relative more than their own parents right. 

After learning who the real Penelope was, could he believe anything she said was true? It was hard not too when he was looking at a baby so similar to himself at that age.

"She's beautiful." He replied hoping he didn't sound nervous.

"Yeah. Looks like Virgil huh." John had been thinking along similar lines as his brother though not necessarily hitting the same conclusion. He was now trying to stop the child from choking him because she had discovered he was wearing a necktie.

Gordon eventually returned with Sally who was also clearly a grabber, she was trying to pull at the scraggly beard Gordon had grown. "So, how did you go? Did they try removing the fluid in between the vertebrae?"

"Yeah, that might be the only good thing about not being able to feel anything from the neck down, a spinal tap is a piece of cake." He said, trying to get a look at the other babe in Gordon’s arms, without making it obvious.

"They would have numbed it regardless." Gordon winced however he knew what having that done felt like and how little you could move around afterwards. "Come on through, I had the table set, I'll just bring the food out of the warmer." 

He led them to a large dining room with a large mounted fish tank in the wall that allowed diners to see into the kitchen. It was beautifully planted full of tiny nano fish. There were two high chairs in which Gordon lowered a bubbly, giggly Sally into while John helped Mae into the other before helping Scott get into a seat next to Gertrude before tapping John on the shoulder to help bring out the food.

There was a lot laid out onto the table, it was obvious Gordon had spent a good chunk of his afternoon preparing it - a large turkey, barbecue chops, various salads, pastas…. The young Tracy had gone to a lot of trouble to cater to his visitors.

He sat down between the two high chairs and started picking out various foods from the selection and put them in front of the girls who in their own way seemed excited and fascinated by all the different food, though Sally was more interested in playing with it while Mae was trying to grab whatever else Gordon was trying to put onto his. "Well?" He said, aware of the stares he was getting. "It'll go cold if you sit watching it."

While John loaded up his plate, Gertrude took sanitary wipes from her bag and used them to clean Scott's plate, glass and cutlery, before pouring him a drink and putting a straw in and putting food on his plate.

Gordon’s eyes narrowed with all her 'extra' sanitisation of everything. 

"My day isn't complete without everything tasting like disinfectant. "

Gertrude rolled her eyes "What your brother means is he has a weakened immune system thanks to having his spleen removed." She said as she started cutting his food up, Scott was so used to this now he didn't even feel self-conscious about it.

"I see." Gordon's eyes rolled. He knew more about Scott's predicament than he should have since he himself spent more time in hospital from various injuries though he had to restrain himself as one: Scott was completely unable to care for himself and two: hadn't ever cared much beyond him being an inconvenience whenever he had been knocked out of action…. At least until a year ago and Gordon had struggled hard to bury all of it, knowing that now Scott was the one needing care the world had begun to revolve all around him again.

He didn't think being in the same room as him would be so hard. 

"Well at least you'll find everything edible." He said, directing his attention to the kids and playing with them, trying to get them to eat. "It's not like you have to be on a specific diet."

This was when Scott's eyes really took in what was on his sibling's plate. Barely anything from the feast he had made for them was on it.

If something was wrong he hoped Gordon would tell him all in his own time."So how else have you been keeping yourself busy, besides looking after the two munchkins?" As he said this Sally dropped some of her food on the floor and laughed after watching it fall.

Gordon was smiling and playfully tapped her on the nose as he picked up the piece of pineapple while Mae made a grab for the food that was on his fork and stuffed it in her mouth. "Nothing much. Currently just writing a book, uh… nothing too special really." He felt really awkward admitting he wasn't doing anything considered of value with his time. "John was telling me you started aquatic therapy? How's that going?"

"It will take time to rebuild my muscles and strength if I hope to be ready for surgery. Even then it's experimental so it may not work or I die, whatever. " Scott said casually, as Gertrude fed him a bite of turkey.

"Surgery?" Gordon paused trying to recall any phone conversation about it. "This the one with Brain's new neuron technology he was working on?"

"Yeah that's the one and I'm his first guinea pig, squeak squeak."

Gordon smiled, though not at the rudeness of the comment. "That's great! Imagine getting nanites to repair your nervous system to make it functional! Does it do the spinal column too or doesn't that need to be cybernetics?" He was genuinely interested even though he knew he'd never get a doctor to approve him for the technology if it worked. He was at the very least excited for his older brother.

"Brains will need a whole new spine, the vertebrates will be 3D printed off scans of my own, there will be a few gaps to fill in but with the scans it will be easy to do."

"That's fantastic!" Gordon cheered. "Sounds like you're next lot of rehab will be you walking around!"

Scott was taken back by how genuinely excited Gordon sounded. "Yeah… I guess it is" He accepted another bite from Gertrude offered. "This is really good by the way."

Gordon smiled. "Thank you. I have missed you guys but telling Dad to shove it has probably been the best thing I've ever done. Sure, I'm disowned but these two I'll do anything for even if it means giving up everything."

"I bet." Scott however could not be completely angry with their dad he'd done a lot to accommodate for him, upgrades on the house, the fancy wheelchair the career, well careers who had to be dismissed after it had been found Virgil was sleeping with them, so far hiding grumpy old Gertrude had only somewhat deterred him. "You look happy." He meant it, he had never seen Gordon like this before he seemed free and unburdened.

Gordon laughed. "I guess. Not having to struggle with being the family idiot anymore helps. " he coughed. "So you planning on going back into the rescue business if Brain's thing works out?"

"You're far from that I never once thought of you that way" Gordon shifted uncomfortably under Scott's gaze so he changed the subject. "I don't know, I mean I might not be able to, I would be lucky if I even had partial mobility back."

"You never know unless you try Scott. You of all people should know that."

"I'm not as young as I used to be Gordon. I don't just bounce back like I used to, plus I don't do well under anaesthetic… Truth be told, I'm kind of scared."

"I don't know about that, Scott. I watched you go through plenty of operations and come out the other side of them in one piece." Gordon looked at his plate before pushing it aside, nothing on it being touched. "I'm certain you'll be ok."

Scott looked troubled noticing Gordon's plate. "And you? Are you okay?" He asked even though he knew Gordon would shy away or deflect from the question.

"Of course." Gordon said, brushing Scott's concern about him aside. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"He's lying." Gertrude sniffed as she cut up more food for Scott and held up his drink. "Lying through his teeth."

"I'm not, I swear. I'm perfectly fine." Gordon assured her. John from his side of the table, clattered a fork loudly and was indicating with his hand to Gertrude to drop the conversation but the nurse ignored him.

"Ok Mr. Exile," the nurse sniped, getting onto her high horse. "Then why are you ALL the way out here in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE  with two kids that aren't even yours? How do WE know you're putting up a front but you're really a monster with ulterior motives?"

John's fork clattered to the table in horror, his mouth was agape as he couldn't believe what came out of the woman's mouth.

"How dare you its really not your fuckin business" Scott snapped. "I mean I'm going around telling everyone that you slept with Virgil'' he gasped aloud "Oh no did I say that out loud?" 

Gertrude gave Scott a haughty look. "And I'd sue you for deframination. Besides, aren't you the least bit curious? Highest profile child custody case in YEARS and yet it's got a smell of something fishy about it? Especially when the mother doesn't get custody…. And that your brother who's been 'disowned' publicly by your old man is the one who has them? Don't you think that's suspicious?"

"It's still not your business so go ahead sue I'm sure your drug habit won't be a problem."

All eye's fixed onto Gordon as he held a large cake knife and was cutting up a large lemon meringue tart that distinctly clicked as it hit the plate. "Is that all you got?" He replied calmly. "I was six when our mother died in a serious accident. Dad raised five - I REPEAT FIVE - of us to be respectable grown adults who dedicated our livelihoods to saving people who typically wouldn't have a chance to survive. Do you think he's a monster too?"

He leaned over the table and picked up her plate which she hadn't started eating yet. "When I was supposedly meant to be dating the girl's mother, she was sleeping around, getting drunk and all sorts of things … and still is. These two kids deserve better than whatever life of abandonment and mistreatment they would suffer if they were left with her. It doesn't matter if they're mine, some weirdo she met in the back of an opium den or a porn star - I stepped in because nobody else would."

Gordon then hawked and spat into her food before dropping the plate down, its contents spilling everywhere. "I may have nothing much to offer compared to the great achievements of my family, but I'll be DAMNED if you sit there high and mighty judging me for giving these kids a PARENT that they actually DESERVE."

Gertrude snorted and crossed her arms. "It's pretty obvious who their real father is and everyone can see it, you would have to be blind not to, there's so many skeletons in the closet of this family."

Gordon sat back and started serving the tart. "Shut up for a second." He said, his tone unchanged. "If Lady Creighton-Ward really wanted to keep her children, wouldn't she have ASKED for a DNA test to be done? Heck she wouldn't have put MY NAME on their BIRTH CERTIFICATES if she didn't think she could dump them onto me when she was tired of them. These children deserve better and even she KNEW that."

"You are so fuckin fired." Scott said.

Gertrude picked up her drink and threw it in Scott's face, before standing up from the table and heading out the door.

"Real mature." Scott called after her. "Forget a good reference." The front door slammed shut and Scott looked troubled. "John, did you leave the keys in the ute?"

"Shit, my wallet is in there too!" John swore, jumping up from his chair and running out the door.

"Don't worry. I'll take you back if you're waiting for Virgil to give you a lift home. If you brought a pod you could have used your holo watch to autopilot it here." Gordon said giving the kids a small piece of cake before giving ones to his brothers while grabbing a tea towel to help dry Scott's clothes. "Need help eating it?" He asked politely, pretending that Scott's nurse never existed.

"I'm sorry Gordon" Scott replied. "I was looking forward to coming, this was not at all how I thought today would turn out."

Gordon huffed, seeming to stare at the wall beyond Scott's head. "Why wouldn't it be? It's as if I should be completely fine with random strangers calling me something awful and threatening to take the kids away." He brushed himself off and helped both the girls out of their high chairs. "If you'll excuse me a few moments, I have a few things to do before they sleep. I'll be back." With that, Gordon left the room, the girls giggling and wriggling in his arms.

Eventually John returned, though Scott could hear him talking to Gordon in the next room before coming through. "Ok all my cards are cancelled and if I've missed one they have to go through dad's checks so she'll get caught. Gordon's asked me to bring you through to the living room to dry off by the fire. He would have but - " John looked worried. "You'll see."

He wheeled Scott into the living room where a portable cot with two playfull infants was sitting back away from the heater behind two old but comfy chairs. He was left between the two saying, "Don't worry I'll tidy up the food and do dishes, it's the least we can do."

Looking around, Scott could see Gordon sitting to his left, flopped on the chair in a heap. Beside the chair was a prosthetic poking out of a shoe, for the first time Scott realized that one of his brother's feet was missing. Gordon looked a wreak, more than just the typical exhausted parent vibe.

"My god Gordon what happened to your foot?" He was shocked by what he saw.

Gordon shifted and looked sore while doing so. "Same reason you're in that chair."

He didn't have to say anymore for Scott to understand, Gordon didn't look like he wanted to talk about it so Scott dropped it. "I don't  really remember all of what happened that day but I know I'd do it again, I would have tried to save whoever fell off the cliff that day, I don't regret trying to."

There was a snort but a slight smirk. "Always the hero." Gordon murmured. "I dare say mine was less so. Alan out on probation I hear? GDF radio tapping has become a bit of a pastime for me."

"Dad put him on pretty much permanent space duty so far when his home he has avoided me and barely spoken to me. Maybe it's because he feels guilty but I doubt it. I've never had to be alone with him, and I don't want to, if I had one hope it's that the operation will work and I can move off the island one day. " Hopefully before Alan pushed Scott and his wheelchair into the swimming pool, he'd like to think he wasn't capable of that, but after everything he wasn't so sure anymore.

Gordon's smirk widened with interest before saying, "Well once you do, make sure you don't tell him where I live. I may have to move house again before your 'nurse' contacts the tabloids. Won't be the first time I've been forced to, possibly not the last."

"Ahhh fuck, sorry we came along to ruin your day and life, you can just call us a taxi and we'll get out of your hair."

"Don't be an idiot. This entire town would be grateful if we left. They're suspicious of anyone with money." Gordon let out an amused chortle. "Actually considering getting a bigger property, more land for livestock and a few greenhouses. Maybe a slightly smaller house in the middle of nowhere off the grid…few horses…"

Gordon shifted again to look back at the portable cot where laughter could be heard along with a cacophony of noise from various toys. "I maybe be the biggest fuck up on the planet but I'm pretty sure my lack of intelligence is balanced out by practical skill. I can make it work…if I can keep the press and people like your nurse further than arm's length."

"That's not true you're doing an amazing job and a very selfless act, raising one child by yourself is hard but two and as a single parent I can't even imagine the difficulty of it." Scott sighed. "I can't really do a lot right now and I'll have to focus mostly on myself soon, I've had a lot of time to think, and I know I let you down when you needed me.. I just hope you're not going to cut off all content, cause I'd like to still be part of your life even if it never is how it was, we are still brothers for whatever that means."

Gordon sat up straighter and leaned forward, not taking his eyes off the fireplace. "If I did, would it affect your life much?"

Scott was a little taken back, he sighed. "You know if you're that determined just say it."

"My life didn't really matter to you much before things got messy and I'm not exactly in any position to help you out now your life is upside down and back to front. I can't offer you a new spine or a relationship that won't be on the verge of emotional disaster. Do you honestly think you want to deal with my shit on top of what you're going through?"

"So you regret I ever got to know you, I ever got to care about you, would you rather I just stayed out of your life? I wasn't expecting you to fix things but you didn't even give me the chance. Instead you closed yourself off from everyone, how can anyone know what's happening with you?"

Gordon sat back in the chair and looked out the nearest window into the black of night outside. "Maybe I don't want you to know because it's none of your business? Maybe you should stop trying to control other people's lives and treat them as if they're a temporary pitty project that you 'Scott Tracy' perfect in every way a human being should be' has to rescue them from?" He shifted to look Scott back in the eyes. "How would you like it if I suddenly did want a relationship with you, right now? How would you feel about it in your current physical condition and mental state? You'd think it would be out of pitty and hate every fucking second of it. If you're not thinking about it then you are as dumb as I was when I desperately needed someone to be there."

"The only one who was ever going to get me the hell off that depressing shit hole that was eating me alive was myself. Now that I have, I'm expected to just…. What? Let it all back into my life? To have all my overachieving 'better than you will ever be, super perfect can't do no wrong' family members surround me again to put me back in my place?"

He looked back at the fireplace. "You can get fucked if that's what you want me to do. For the first time I actually feel great about something in my life because saving people who never said thank you or saw the amount of emergency rooms and fucking therapists… None of it meant anything to anyone besides us. We were taken for granted, fuck I was so blinded by it other people took me for granted, including you. I just want it to stop."

"I don't mind keeping contact, just don't expect me to play happy families when we know it's all horse shit.

The silence hung between them, the only sounds the crackling of the fire and the girl's giggling. "You know, being in IR wasn't actually my life's plan."

"It wasn't anyones." Gordon agreed. "We all wanted to do it though because we thought what Dad, Kyrano and Taylor did was awesome, especially with those damn huge rockets and that ridiculous cargo plane they used before building Thunderbird Two. We're all a bunch of adrenaline junkies, we wanted to be in on that action."

He gave an amused snort. "Did Dad ever give you any conditions when you asked to join? I was told I wasn't allowed to disobey instructions from anyone and that I'm only there as extra helping hands, no more no less. Remember my first time in Thunderbird Four? You, Dad, Taylor, Kyrano and Virgil all arguing over what the hell I was supposed to do so John took the initiative and since I wasn't allowed to argue with orders it almost got me crushed alive inside a deep ocean cave. I got a nice big permanent scar all down my right thigh and across my knee joint from the multiple surgeries it took to fix. You know even when dad wasn't there, you still put other people in charge over me unless it was something you didn't want to deal with. Guess neither of you could fully trust me in that position."

"But I fully understand. The only thing I've ever had control over was dropping out of high school, something that upset Dad and made you all think less of me for a while." Gordon then laughed. "Don't get me wrong, I'm mostly to blame. I didn't exactly go out of my way to be likeable."

He looked at his remaining foot and his expression softened before it returned back to Scott. "Sorry I'm a hostile, insuffurable fuck wit. I deserved every ounce of shit I got."

"So…. What is the plan now that saving lives at the risk of your own has lost its charm? I mean, once you get that new spine you'll be like what…. Robo-Scott right? Maybe get into one of those violent blood sports like you and Alan used to watch and become a star player? Or a skydiving instructor? I mean, you have more experience than anyone on the planet jumping out of high speed aircrafts at twenty thousand feet."

Scott was so taken back by Gordon's outburst he couldn't even answer for a few moments.

He'd tried hard to raise to the expectations that everyone often without even realising it had put on him. In trying to do so he had failed completely. He wasn't only a bad person he was a bad brother as well, Gordon not wanting to have anything to do with him again would be understandable. "Ahh no…I don't think so… not anymore." He finally answered.

"Oh." Gordon fell quiet before picking up his foot to attach it. "I guess I better organize a place for you to sleep. Are you and John ok to share a room? There's a spare downstairs, though it only has one bed."

He got up and brushed past John who had just entered the room.

"Is everything -"

"It's fine John. Listen, if you need help calling the pod over I'll give you a hand. The manual slave controls are a doozy." Gordon said as he wandered off down a hallway and around a corner out of sight.

John deflated, his shoulders visibly sagging in defeat before he took Gordon's previous seat by the fire. "I assume you told him about us, right?"

"I hadn't got around to it yet, it's already pretty awkward if you hadn't noticed, I know I owe it to him to be honest but it also still kind of still feels like rubbing salt into an old wound."

John simply nodded. "That's fair." He glanced at the two kids still babbling away together. "What do you think?"

Scott looked over at the girls. He didn't doubt Mae was a Tracy, Sally however looks like her mother just with red hair. Penelope had lied about so many things he didn't know what to believe anymore, there was only one way to know for sure, but he couldn't do that to Gordon he'd caused him enough pain. In the end he would have to learn to live without ever knowing, even if the possibility of being a deadbeat father didn't sit well. "They're beautiful girls, aren't they?"

"Indeed they are and I think Gertrude is wrong about them… and maybe we've been too." John turned back to Scott. "I doubt Gordon would have let any of us off the hook if we were. We weren't exactly nice to him, nor did we step in when we all knew the lies he was forcibly burying himself under. I'd have been surprised he agreed to our visit if it wasn't for the fact that he still cares about you. Sure, he's a nice guy but you would have been made to suffer if those kids were yours."

"I tried talking to dad about it, but he refused to listen, but he might be happier not knowing and he seems happier now then he ever was before, I think he wanted us to see that." Scott watched the flames dance in the fire for a few moments. "Anyway Gordon has offered for us to stay the night, if you're fine looking after me, there was a bag Gertrude left behind with my meds and stuff at least I hope she did."

"Yes, well I did try to explain how good and proper Gordon burnt that bridge." John replied. "But, Dad instigated it and he and Virgil more or less pinned him into a corner. In a way I'm glad he's ok."

"I'm fine to stay, though if you can't cope with Gordon being hostile, the pod is around the back now, made sure to remotely shift it."

"Maybe we should go. I think we have worn out our welcome, and the way I I'm now I can't really do sleepovers with too much stuff I need.I'm not looking forward to the possibility of a shit storm, I don't doubt Gertrude called dad on her way out."

John nodded. "I think Brains should try making you a robot nurse, though even then I think Virgil could be tempted."

"Hopefully I won't be needing one much longer."

"Hopefully" John said, getting to his feet. "I'll tell Gordon we're going".

"Gordon said he'll be downstairs,  I'll be right here when you get back." Not that Scott could go anywhere.

Gordon had stepped back into the hallway as John entered it. Already John could see that their brother looked preoccupied but was very quick to hide it. "I asked Scott if you guys didn't mind sharing. Only got the one guest bedroom but the bed should be big enough."

"Yeah about that, I'm going to take Scott home, it's been a long day and he needs specialist care, so we can't really do a sleepover."

Gordon looked as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "I suspected as much but that's alright. I suppose Dad's probably going to blast you from orbit for visiting in the first place."

"Don't even worry about it, the trip was worth it, sorry about everything, but it's been good to see how you're doing and the girls as well."

"I'm sorry I couldn't have been a more pleasant host. I'm glad you're both doing alright. Though once Scott's spine is repaired, do yourselves a favor and get the hell off that island ok?" Gordon had gripped John's shoulders, squeezed them then let go. "For his physical and your own mental health."

"I want to believe me, I'm packing my bags as we are getting home, I was going to stay til Scott started pushing me to go, for the same reason."

"Good. Don't let them trap you like they did to me. Now, guess you better get going. No hard feelings?" Gordon held out his hand.

"Yeah." John said, taking Gordon's hand in his and pulling him into a hug. "Take care of yourself Gordon." he said before letting go.

"We'll try. You'll know if I fuck this up royal pretty quickly."

"Don't be a stranger." John called as he walked away.

"I may not get much of a choice." Gordon mumbled to himself. It wasn't as if his siblings couldn't cope without him. They were beyond more capable than he was - they just needed to get out into the real world and re-experience life…. And let him discover it on his own"

Gordon watched from a distance as John spoke to Scott and they both said goodbye to the girls before heading outside for the pod. As it rose up and disappeared into the sky from the kitchen window. As much as it pained him he needed to be the one to put a stop to them endlessly going around in circles with each other. Besides, the way John was with him, he knew Scott would be ok -more than that, he'd move on quite fast - especially with how fondly the red head was looking at him the whole time. 

He had no time to dwell on it however. While he was tidying the room for his brother's Gordon had heard on the wireless that there were reporters trickling in the nearby town asking about him and his kids. 

He spent the next few hours packing whatever he could into his rusty four seater ute that was hidden on the shed and now it was time to go. Putting the girls into their seats in the back, he stopped to take one last look at the place as he wanted to finally call home as the sun rose before getting in himself and driving off the property in the opposite direction to the township.

Another week or so of hotel hopping and he can organise a furniture removalist to grab what's left that the news media and general public hadn't trashed or stolen. It was why there weren't any photos up in the house, there was every chance they'd end up all over the place thanks to Kat Kavanar who had a thing against the Tracys. She would love having fuel to destroy their lives even if they were minding their own business and he couldn't afford to have it destroyed further, the court case with Penelope and the public disownment from Jeff Tracy did enough of that already.

Gordon used to think no one knew who he remotely was, that being in the shadows of the monolithic titans his brother's were was a bad thing. He had no idea that the reverse could be worse. The only thing that was preventing him from handing the girls to his brother's was his own pride.

He knew if he did they would be DNA tested straight away, his father would want to know. The thing is Gordon already had to so he knew they weren't even Tracys. Sure, he could have outed Penelope for lies but what good would that do? These kids NEEDED someone to love and raise them, not get palmed off into care where they'd never get a stable home now laws made it impossible to adopt. They were lucky Gordon's name was on the certificate.

If there was something he could do, it was to save them from an uncertain future being passed around from strange family to strange family. With IR he was always saving someone, this to him wasn't any different. 

And they would hopefully never learn that.


"Honestly girls, do I really have to do this?"

"Yes you do Dad. You need to meet someone."

"The parents at school don't count."

Gordon’s eyes stared fixedly at his twin daughters. "Since when?"

"Since forever because - ew." Mae said, outwardly cringing.

Gordon laughed. "You kids make getting back into dating hard you know?"

Sally poked her father in the side. "You're a good catch, Angelina's mum said. She's worried you're working yourself to death on the farm."

"We all are." Mae added sternly. "You've had heart surgery twice. We don't want to lose you to another possible complication Dad." She brushed his shirt down as he straightened it. "Haven't you got anything neater? You still look like you've been rolling around in the dirt with the horses."

"I had been training a colt before you two and the old Dragon lady from the cottage threw me into the back of the ute to bring me here. If I'd known this was your plan I'd have shaved!"

"No you wouldn't have. You'd have done everything in your power to not come." Sally adjusted his collar. "Besides, the red and white hairs make you look distinguished.

"Unfortunately your clothes don't scream sophistication." Added Mae before Gordon fended her off.

"Yes, like I'm about to take fashion advice from my two twelve year old daughters!" He coughed, straightening up. 

"We've seen your wardrobe Dad. We KNOW there's some expensive stuff in there." Mae scowled. 

Gordon scratched his chin which these days sported a full well groomed beard. "Ever think there's a reason I don't wear those anymore girls? I'm not exactly as well built as I used to be."

The twins wrapped their arms around him. "You're not as sickly thin either." Mae said, giving him a squeeze.

"Just a more rounded hair bear. Wouldn't have you any other way." Sally added.

"Thanks girls. Hey you keep an eye on that neighbor of ours while she takes you out for dinner alright? Don't let her drink or she'll get a bee in her bonnet on the ride back to the farm."

The twins laughed. "We will Dad. Wouldn't want her to be our stepmom."

"Yeah, she'd be less fun that way."

Sally and Mae both gave him a kiss and said in unison, "Rope one in tonight Dad."

As both his daughters joined his neighbor and wandered down the street Gordon looked at his reflection in a nearby shop mirror, fingers grooming through his neatly trimmed beard which was going white with stress & age to match the wild chunks of it through his once light sandy hair that had gotten lighter thanks to working long days in the aird heat. He was still unhealthy thin but build very solid with a surprising amount of bulk around his middle from manuals working fields. He did after all have a mistrust in technology these days and now major of farm equipment was all computer operated to the point he found using a scythe to cut grain and corn less of a hassle on the old brain.

He straightened up and gave himself one last dust off which clouds of dried mud he hadn't noticed cascaded off the hems. It'll have to do, he decided before heading into the fancy bar where the speed dating would begin.

The bar room was full of single people, many of them staring down their nose as Gordon walked past them to register his name. They were all elaborately dressed as if they were all intending to go on dinner dates with whoever they clicked with straight afterwards. Not only was he dressed completely wrong for the evening he was older than a majority of those hoping for a night of love.

There were notable exceptions as Gordon noticed as he moved from table to table, one older woman had seen his daughters outside and spent two hours talking to him about children which had been a welcome break from talking about sports teams with the previous two young blokes he had sat with. Another woman scoffed at the idea of other animals being companions than cats in which Gordon raised a bit of a stink and the words, 'How dare you insult my prize winning goats!' were loud enough to make people at the surrounding four tables refuse to talk to him for the next few rounds.

In the end, Gordon found himself alone at the bar nursing a root beer and wondering why he had agreed with his daughters about this. None of these people wanted anything to do with someone from the countryside.

The seat beside him eventually became occupied by a stunningly dressed man in a blue glittery dress with a side split that revealed a very toned and shapely leg which ended with feet in a pair of dainty strappy heels. Their hair was styled wavy and windswept, their make up heavily applied as if to show their stage persona more than the person beneath. They were incredibly beautiful, Gordon nodded to them with a smile and tapped his glass.

"Mind if I buy you a drink?" He asked.

The queen placed their handbag on the bar top as they slided onto a stool, she was just about to order a drink as she dug through their bag for their purse when they heard a voice beside them offered to buy them one.

They regarded him for a moment and if he was being genuine, after the evening they had, had it was getting hard to tell who was, but they didn't get that feeling from him, she smiled back. "Sure, hun but something virgin or I'll never make it home, without breaking my neck in these heels." They joked.

"Sure. Creamy soda? The one they have here looks alot like Root beer without the aftertaste."

"Sure that sounds delightful." She looked him up and down as he ordered her drink. "If you don't mind me saying, what are you doing in a place like this? No offense but I knew as soon as I walked in the door this wasn't my crowd."

Gordon let out a gruff chuckle. "It was my kid's idea. They've got a bee in their bonnets that 'Ol Dad might start dating one of their school friend's parents." He signaled for the bar hostess. "One large Creamy Soda for the lady please, my treat." 

He turned to the Queen and smiled. "I dunno where the kids got that idea from, none of the single Dads are suited for life on a farm. All office types. The ladies think they got a shot but I don't think they'd last a single lambing season."

She smiled. "My brother pushed me into this, now that he's married he seems determined that I should be finding myself a husband too. I only argued to come if people saw the real me, if they don't like that, I haven't got no time for them." She said wave a hand in dismisses, her nails flashing and bracelets jiggling as she did. "You come to a point in your life where you have to be yourself and not what everyone expects you to be."

"Or you stay in hiding hoping no one finds out. I like your philosophy better." Gordon sat back on his chair with his drink. "What is it about married people that want to push that onto everyone? Your brother sounds like a handful."

"Oh he has good intentions at heart, like your kids but I wish he would mind his own business." She took a sip of her drink. "You're right, that is pretty good."

"At least you don't have to live with him. Though in a few years I don't think I could keep the girls on the farm either. They're already starting to outgrow me and there's a thing or two I'll admit I know nothing about they will have to figure out for themselves at one point or another. As long as they know I'll still be there for them, it doesn't matter if we're still single right?"

Gordon took a swig from his glass. "From around here? Or blow in from elsewhere like we have?"

"I live and work in the inner city of Brisbane, I've had a few health problems over the years, last time I had a scare my brother and father insisted I be closer to a hospital, working in one wasn't close enough it seems."

Gordon nodded. He knew all too well about medical issues, his own becoming a hindrance of late. "Doctor? Surgeon?"

"Paramedic. I had a bad accident a few years ago and had a lot of time to study while I was going through rehab, so what about you? Said you had a farm cattle, sheep, chickens or something else?"

"Bit of everything really. One point we were raising deer, at least up until my first heart attack."

"Oh that would have been quite the scary for you and your kids, I had double pneumonia a few years ago, I was too weak to get out of bed, and to even call for help, if my brother didn't come to check on me when he did, I wouldn't have made it, it's why I had to move to somewhere warmer."

"Sounds nice to have a sibling like that."

"Well next to two of my other two siblings it's not hard to be, so he doesn't have to still care he has put up with way too much shit from me over the years but he does, anyway what about you hun any siblings?"

"Well I do. We don't talk. Not a fault of theirs, more like mine. They're probably off changing the world, exploring the furthest reaches of space… that sort of thing. They always land on their feet, couldn't be prouder." Gordon looked like he had been cornered in memory lane. "Fine bunch of gentlemen."

"I see." She replied, feeling saddened. "One of my brothers disappeared years ago, I wish I had said goodbye the last time I saw him, I've always regretted I didn't." She signed and downed the rest of her drink. "Anyway thanks for the drink, I'm sorry you didn't meet someone, maybe if you're out my way in the future, you can come to the club I perform at on weekend nights, maybe you would have more luck there."

"Well I would if you told me your name. I don't think someone like me would be allowed to step foot in a fine establishment like yours without knowing someone there." Gordon was quick to say before they grabbed their purse and left. Seems the talk about family struck a nerve and while unfortunate, he didn't really want them to go.

She stopped and looked at him before opening her bag and pulling out a card along with a pan and scribbling on its back she pressed it to her lips before handing it to him. "I don't really do this but here is my card and my ahh personal number."

Gordon smiled politely. "Thanks. Have a nice evening, wish you luck."

As the Queen bustled away back to the event, Gordon glanced at the name and number. Skylar Platinum, huh? Probably a fake number too if they only wanted me to know their stage name, He thought. He wasn't that surprised, anyone with a brain would avoid the scruffy looking bear that looked as if he was dragged behind horses for several miles. He put the card into his wallet anyway as at least it would prove to his kids that he just wasn't ready for the dating game and probably never will be.

He ordered another soda and played with his phone for a while. A short search of his brother's names resulted in information he knew already - that they were doing well and that he had made the right decision despite how heart wrenching it was to do. 

Alan had made a career out of astronomy, his papers on interstellar space bodies hitting the news, Virgil had gotten into politics as a US senator, John was always posting to social media about his wild travels around the globe and his recent wedding and Scott was in the news at least once for saving a life of some rich old lady who donated her entire fortune to the hospital he worked at as a thank you. His father's company was leading the way with some new technology and it seemed to him that they had all finally found a calling in the outside world.

As the event ended and the participants started to leave, he remained at the bar until the next lot of patrons came and took over before escorting himself out and calling his daughters.

It was going to be a long lonely walk to the restaurant they were at.

"Is it over already?" Sally's voice over the phone. "Did you meet anyone? Hey, how about you bring them to meet us?"

"Sally, I… look where are you guys having dinner? Right, don't go anywhere, I'll come meet you. Uh no I don't… Sally it's nothing really, what did you think I was going to introduce myself to people first? Oh yes I'm sure telling them I'm Gordon Tracy would have them swooning. It doesn't work on your friend's parents. It's fine we're not going to have a stroke on the way, you're overreacting sweetheart. Alright see you soon." Gordon hung up the phone and stared out into the street. 

Skylar headed outside and pulled out a cigarette, ignoring the looks she got from passers-by, she wasn't sure what she had been expecting - not true - Skylar fully knew like she said to the stranger she wasn't going to continue not being themself.

Maybe there was a her kind of club around here, she pulled out her holophone to start a search after a while she headed off down the sidewalk as she tried to remove her shoes.

Suddenly she crashed into someone dropping her phone and almost hitting the sidewalk, though her descent was prevented by a set of arms grabbing around her waist.

Gordon helped them up and handed them their phone. "Staring at these can be dangerous, you know. You alright?"

"I'm so sorry I…" She stopped when she looked up. "Oh it's you, I didn't expect us to be meeting again so soon, I didn't hurt you did I?"

"Not at all. I uh…. Was about to meet up with my daughters…mind if I walk with you for a bit? I would at least be able to accompany you to the nearest place for a taxi." Gordon offered. "If you're alright with that, that is."

"Oh I'd love to be chaperoned by such a big strong bear." She said putting her arm through his and winking.

Gordon chuckled. "Wouldn't say strong, but we're certainly pot bellied." He poked himself at the waist a few times. "I can't help it when the kids insist on cooking though. So, where would you like to stroll to M'Lady?"

"Down this way is fine, I think there is a club in this direction." They walked for a few moments. "Sorry I left before. When I think about the past, I get so down and I'm just not the best company anymore."

"Let me be the judge of that." Gordon waved it off. "Not everyone has a past they'd like others to dig around in and if you aren't willing to accept that then you shouldn't be putting yourself on the line to find love in another. We all have dirty laundry, some just more colorful than others. Nothin' wrong with that. I've certainly thrown many red socks in with the white linen, as it were."

"Oh, I'm getting the impression you were a bit of a bad boy?"

Gordon shook his head. "I wish. I just made a lot of mistakes, some I regret, stuff I don't but should have…. Also had one of the rarest and unique opportunities in my life that only about-" he paused as he frowned trying to mull out the mental arithmetic. "Thirteen people have ever been a part of their lives. All of it's behind me mind, since then I spent many years of my daughter's lives constantly on the move, too many caravan parks and hotels to count… Once they hit five it dawned on me that my knowledge wasn't sufficient enough and we needed something permanent. With what little I had left I purchased what some might say a big patch of bushland, cut up a lot of fallen dead trees to build our house and the furniture, tidied the place up and slowly purchased our animals and a bit of extra land here and there."

 Gordon shrugged. "Not the most exciting life story. How about you? You mentioned being a Paramedic? Done it for long?"

"Like I said I was in a bad accident years ago, they said I'd never walk again, but I had an operation that made it possible and like I said again I did rehab and studied while I did. When I finally got back on my feet I traveled around Australia for a year before doing my residency. I've been a paramedic for seven years now." Skylar smiled before patting him on one of Gordon’s hands."I understand what you mean about mistakes and regrets, my father put a lot of expectations on me, I had to set an example for my younger siblings, I tried hard to live up to those expectations but in the end I failed to. I don't completely hate my father for that, it was because of him I discovered my life's purpose."

Gordon nodded. It wasn't an uncommon story afterall, parents with high expectations and unneeded pressures to perform and have your entire life laid before you when all you wanted was something completely different. 

As they walked they passed a large 'crime stoppers notice board' that the police would pin up missing persons. Gordon had to fight the urge to pull up his collar when Skyler stopped and stared at one of the flyers.

Gordon politely coughed. 'That politician, Virgil Tracy really is something isn't he? Still putting up wanted posters and sinking money into finding his dead wife's missing daughters. The criminal has probably skipped the country by now." He carefully made sure he didn't get too close to the noticeboard incase Skyler made a visual connection to him and the badly decaying photocopy photo on the poster as you never could tell who was able to see through the thick beard.

"His dedication to her is something to be commended, even after her reputation was ruined and their relationship was so highly controversial he stayed with her, even after she became sick." She looked back at Gordon. "Despite the kind of person she turned out to be, it's still such a shame for their young son to lose his mother."

"I guess. You don't see that side in the papers." Gordon said very carefully, as this was news to him, however they wanted him arrested for kidnapping, falsifying documents - the entire nine yards. Hard to have any sympathy when they've hounded him down like an animal for so long. "Know them personally?"

"My family is in certain circles, sometimes gossip reaches my ears, but it's that only and I shouldn't spread rumors… that's naughty of me." She glanced at her phone. "A lot of people see me as my name only, my persona allows me to be myself without being  judged by it, I'm like a Dr Jekyll by day and a Ms Hyde by night."

"I wouldn't say that. You're quite beautiful, I think being Cinderella dressed for the ball suits you more."

She smiled radiantly. "You're sweet flattery will get you everywhere as they say, maybe even get you a date." She winked.

Gordon chuckled. "Never judge a book by the cover until you've been able to become acquainted with the text in its pages." He coughed politely. "Where is this club you're looking for, again?"

She looked back at her phone. "It's not  much further, this way." She pointed as she started heading in the direction they had been.

"Lead the way. I'm not in a hurry to face my kids after tonight, nor the neighbor they're with - especially her actually.  She already makes my life hell about me being a single dad as is."

"There is only my dog waiting for me at home and she is fine." She showed him her phone on which a dog could be seen on the screen sleeping on a couch. "But are you ready for that, though? Or is it everyone thinks you are?"

"Bit of both." Gordon admitted. He opened his own phone case and pointed to the photograph in the picture pocket. "These are recent school photos. They haven't had a mother since they were born, I'm not sure I'm ready to give them one but they certainly think it's about time."

Skylar looked at the photo he showed her in it were two girls of around twelve or thirteen in matching green and gold uniforms the girl on the left was pale blue eyed with red hair the other had a darker complexion than her sister but her eyes were the same blue though her hair was dark almost black and highly curled.

Skylar frowned; she quite couldn't put her finger on it, maybe it was just her but did the girls kind of look familiar?

"I'm not sure what the ultimate goal of them playing matchmaker is, but I'm not going to ruin their fun by saying no." Gordon grinned, pocketing the phone and hiding the photo away. "It's a fun game and I meet new people so I can't complain."

Skylar blinked a few times after he put the phone away, she dismissed her thoughts. "They are beautiful girls you must be proud of them. I guess like my brother they worry you will be lonely but it's up to you, not other people, what you think will make you happy."

"True. Wouldn't be standing around flapping my gums if we weren't having a good time." Gordon gave her a wink.

Skylar blushed; she hadn't felt like this in years. "Maybe we can do it again sometime."

"Well I still have the number you gave me. I should probably do the same." Gordon chuckled and dug around in his pockets and produced a scrappy looking notebook. "Mind if I borrow your lipstick? I don't seem to have my woodworking pencil on me."

"I can do you better hun. " She dug through her bag and pulled out a pink fountain pen with a gold heart. "A lady is always prepared." She said, handing him the pen.

"Much obliged." Gordon gratefully took the pen, scrawled down his name and number as ledgeable as he could before tearing out the page and handing it and the pen over.

She looked at the card. Togrod Yanrc? European, she guessed as she put it in her bag. "Don't forget to drop by the club sometime."

"Next time we're in the city we'll swing by. I don't really get out much with looking after animals and making custom furniture. working for yourself means you don't get proper holidays. I think this is your stop, M'Lady." Gordon indicated to the nightclub. "It was wonderful talking to you but I think the kids might be wondering where I got to. Maybe we will take you up on that offer soon. G'night and enjoy the party." 

"Thank you for the escort such a gentleman." She leant in giving him a kiss on the cheek. "It was nice meeting you, have a good night hun."

He gave her a wink and a kiss on the cheek before waving and heading off further down the street.

Eventually Gordon made it to the restaurant where his daughters were immediately all over him asking him questions.

"Did you meet anyone?" Mae asked excitedly.

"Where they beautiful?" Sally grinned. "I bet they were drop dead gorgeous!"

"Hey who said I did?" Gordon laughed, amused with how fast the girls had jumped the gun. "But if you must know I did talk a lot to someone there and yes, they were indeed very beautiful."

Mae elbowed him playfully in the ribs. "Guy or a girl?"

"Lady obviously." Sally rolled her eyes.

Gordon's laugh became awkward. "Both, actually. Man by day, Lady by night."

"A cross dresser?" Sally was taken aback.

"Well.. I suppose. Drag Queen."

"Called it." Mae was now grinning from ear to ear. "I kept trying to tell you dad swung both ways but NO you wouldn't listen to me Sal."

"Easy Mae. You know it's a bit more complicated than that." Gordon said carefully. "Anyway we had a walk and talk and I realised that I'm just not ready to get back into dating just yet. Nothing against them, they were lovely as pie. It's me that has the problem."

"Aww Dad. You've been alone for such a long time! You should be able to move on by now!" Sally pouted.

"You can't rush people Sally. We'll be ready in our own time. Anyway, you up for one last dessert before we head out of town?"

As his daughters tucked into some cake and hot chocolate, Gordon stared into his ice coffee, swirling the whipped cream deep in thought. On his remainer of the treck he did a little bit of digging on his phone on Skylar's background as something seemed odd about how much they seemed to know about his Virgil, especially information Gordon had to 'hack' into computer data bases to find out about his sibling's private life.

What he found was interesting to say the least. It was tempting to give a call later or maybe flick a message to them but years of being in forced hiding thanks to Penelope and Virgil hunting him down, accusing him of falsifying documents - which he technically did on the birth certificates when Penelope originally asked him to and again to erase her from them with a fake name of a non existing dead parent so they could go to school - and threatening not only to take them away but lock him in prison…. Where he knew he would be sentenced to lethal injection regardless if he hurt them or not now kidnapping was a killable offense.

It was a shame too. Gordon would have really liked to spend time with them again but until the girls were eighteen and legally able to move out on their own he knew having any contact at all would tear them apart.

Hopefully they could wait a few more years.

"Is everything alright?" His neighbour asked as she sat watching him carefully now the girls were fully occupied. "You don't seem too happy."

"It's complicated. I also ran into an old face, sort of. It didn't occur to me until I was almost here."

"Is that good or bad?"

"I'm not sure. For now? Just going to leave it."


Skylar didn't return home until well after midnight.

She kicked her shoes off as she entered her apartment where she was greeted by a rhodesian ridgeback, who followed her to the kitchen where she put the kettle on and fed the dog.

After she headed to the bedroom for an intense make-up removal, she sat at the vanity table and removed her wig first along with all her jewellery and earrings, before using a cotton pad with makeup remover using it to soak her fake lashes for easy removal then moved on to rest the mascara  foundation, eyeshadow took several pads to fully remove, and the lady with it revealing the man beneath it.

Scott looked at himself in the vanity's mirror his hair was flattened from being under the wig for hours he picked up a brush to fix it, he had grown his hair out long enough that it fall in sort waves he hadn't let it be this way since he was a kid,  his brown hair was now touched with gray along with a white streak all the operations and rehab had taken its toll.

Standing up he removed his dress revealing the patchwork of scars across his body, the covering of his artificial spine stuck up through his skin giving easy access for maintenance and adjustments, the tattoo he once had was ruined, he had thought about removing it, but had never brought himself to go through with it.

He was still toned but didn't have as much muscle mass as he once did not being part of international rescue. He no longer needed the kind of strength he once had, but that only worked better for his persona.

He took a shower to wash off any leftover makeup before collapsing on his bed and falling asleep.

The next thing Scott knew he was being woken by the door buzzer, he sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he retrieved a dressing gown and headed for the door. "I'm coming alright" He called as the buzzing continued, opening the door revealed a woman of around his age.

"Morning sleepy head." Kayo said. "A… late night was it?" She said playfully looking at him, as his dog came running out excitedly jumping around.

"Have you been talking to John?" Scott asked as he tried to grab his dog by the collar.

"I have no idea what you mean, can't I drop by for breakfast with my big adoptive brother?" Scott glared at her for a few moments but Kayo didn't at all buckle.

He thought about it for a moment, before stepping aside.

Kayo stepped in and removed her coat before leaning over to kiss Scott on the cheek before giving him a tight embrace. "So I guess the cat's out of the bag then." She mused playfully. "Why don't you tell me over some coffee? You can do that while I make some waffles."

"Sure I think some flesh berries and mint are ready in the hot house." He called his dog back and followed Kayo to the kitchen, his head was still pounding from the night before, the clanging of her going through his cupboards did little to help as tried to make the coffee. 

"Ahh you wore the blue dress, nice." Kayo said as she stirred the batter.

Scott looked up at the loft of the apartment, his dress from last night hanging over the railing. "I wanted to look nice… of course."

"So are you going to tell me about him?" She said pouring the batter into the wattle iron.

Scott sat down at the kitchen's island bench with a cup of coffee. "He was a country boy, around my age, owned a farm with two teenage daughters and was getting back into the dating game."

"That doesn't really answer my question."

He sat back and smiled thinking about last night. "He was a bit rough around the edges, in a rakishly handsome way, he was a real gentleman and knew how to treat a lady."

"Ohh… so does this gentleman have a name?" Kayo asked as she headed into the greenhouse attached to the side of the apartment.

"It was…" Scott hesitated, trying to remember what it was. "Wait, he gave me his number." He got up from his chair and went upstairs to find his handbag, finding the card he looked at the name again and frowned. He took out his pen and started scribbling on the card, his eyes suddenly widened in shock. No it can't be that's… What are the chances?. Scott started thinking about how the man he met had acted and what he said but there was the possibility it was all just coincidence.

He typed the number in his phone and saved it before blocking it. If it was really Gordon and he wanted to speak to him he would have by now but it was obvious he wasn't going to and like he had said if someone couldn't accept him as himself then he had no time for them.

"Well, did you find his number?" Kayo asked, coming back to the kitchen with a bowl of assorted berries.

"No, I must have lost it."

"Maybe you can look him up and contact him."

"No, I don't even remember what it was." He came back down and grabbed a plate of the flesh cooked waffles. "Come on, let's eat out on the balcony." Scott held the door open for her. "Hey maybe we should get married and you can make waffles like this everyday."

Kayo laughed. "You're not serious?"

"I am and I'm completely up for a two guy threesome anytime you want."

Kayo laughed hysterically as Scott followed her out the door swinging closed behind them.


"Dad, is everything alright? It's just that since we've come home you've barely moved from the shed."

Gordon didn't look up, though he did shift his weight a little acknowledging he was being spoken to. Mae walked over towards her father while carefully weaving past his latest wood sculpture. He was always working on something in-between making custom peices of furniture though this one had seemed to be consuming a great deal of his attention since the night out in the city.

"I'm sorry Mae. I'll come back inside for tea -"

"No you won't." Mae folded her arms. "You said that yesterday and the night before. When is the last time you slept?"

Gordon let out an amused chuckle as he turned on his seat. "Ok. You got me. I'm suprised you girl's noticed with all your excitement of going to that… boy band you're all head over heels for."

"They're not just any boy band, Dad. They're re-inventing music." Mae said, matter- of-factutally as her father rolled his eyes. She playfully punched him in the arm. "And yes, we DO notice because you go all queit and lock yourself up when something is up."

The brunette folded her arms before giving her Dad a poke. "So what's eating the old man inside alive this time? You're still thinking about that person from the other night?"

"Hey, watch where you point that." Gordon smiled as he deflected her finger. "As it just so happens, yes - yes I am still thinking about them. Infact I have never not stopped thinking about them, not since before you were born."

"Oh Mrs.Whittaker said you knew them from your past!" Mae beamed. "Old boyfriend when you were in highschool or something?"

Gordon coughed. "No, not exactly."

Mae's eyes lit up. "Ohhh a secret love affair? We're you cheating on mum?"

"What? No!" Gordon looked shocked that Mae had reached that conclusion. "Before I met her." He lied, wincing as it was so blantenly obvious he was though Mae was still young and neieve enough to not pick up on it. "But definitely someone I still love and think about all the time. It was very complicated. I was an emotional mess whom they didn't need dragging them down, then after an incident I couldn't do what they did to me back to them though, frankly it wouldn't have mattered if I said yes… damned if I did, damned if I didn't."

He stood up off the bench stool and walked over to the sculpture he'd been working on and ran his hands over the smooth un polished surface that had just been sanded down. "Your old man is a fool who ran away and hasn't stopped trying to hide. For that all others will ever see is a betrayal, a coward and they'd be right. However if I followed my heart back then, I wouldn't have you or your sister and probably wound up with my lifeless body washing up on a beach somewhere long ago. This is from a part of me that while sad to see it go, would have been the death of me."

"I have never once stopped thinking about this man. They were my hero who I looked up to, wanted to be like and failed in every way to match. They were someone I had loved since I was little but couldn't ever express it until they started to care about me. Sometimes I'm not entirely sure they really did beyond the fact I was someone who felt unloved and was so happy to return it. I didn't know what to do with what I was given either… we had to give each other up."

He gave Mae a hug. It was the embrace of someone who knew that right now, everything that they had worth living for was right there at this moment in that very shed. Mae could feel her father's body shake as it was wracked with tears, unaware of the choices he had made that while still even now could pull their small family apart with the slightest misstep, where ones that he made knowing fully that if he hadn't he wouldn't still be alive.

Eventually when Gordon let go he said, "You girls have given me the best years of my life. Watching you grow up and become amazingly smart young ladies….I am honored to be in your lives. Sure, I may miss some things about the past but I look forward to seeing you both have an incredible future. I would never have had that if I didn't stick a knife into my heart and move on…. At least tried to until recently. You kids are everything now and I wouldn't trade it for the world."

"I know Dad. We wouldn't trade you for anyone else either."

"There maybe a day I'll ask you to remember that."

Mae turned to the sculpture. "What do you plan on doing with it?"

Gordon eye's wandered over it. It was what in his heart he always wanted, what always could have been but he knew could never be. The two naked male lovers were meticulously crafted, one with a body of burn scars replicated into the wood, the other a taller more stronger man with a very delicately carved tattoo down their spine that would come up once the wood of the ghost gum was varnished.

"Give it away. Failing that, burn it."

"Burn it? But its so beautiful! You've poured your heart and soul into it and your going to give it away or destroy it?"

"I don't know if anyone wants my saddest memories as a stature in their home, Mae. I certainly don't need a reminder of them."

"At least sell it Dad. As something this beautiful would be worth something to someone out there."

"Guess you're right. Come on, since I clearly screwed up dinner, how about I make you kids some fresh apple pies?"


Delilah was setting up the club for another night when a postman arrived at the bar with a large parcel.

"My word, I wasn't expecting our new menus to arrive until next Wednesday!" She said, astonished.

"Package is for a Skylar Platinum?" Asked the delivery man.

"Oh that's for one of my girls? Probably from an admirer."

The postie gave her a strange look. "Well whatever it is, it's sure damn heavy. Whomever sent it must think she likes furniture as gifts."

Delilah signed off on the package then walked around the back of the stage to the dressing rooms after her attempt at carrying said parcel by herself became a challenge to even lift it off the bar. She knocked politely on the dressing room for Skylar.

"Honey? A package just arrived for you. Big one too! Could you please be a dear and shift it off my bar?"

Scott had only just put on his undergarments and dress gown and was about to start putting on his makeup when he had Delilah at the door. "Package, from who?" He asked as he opened the door.

"I don't know Hun, there was no note with it."

Scott brought the box back to his room. Delilah was right, it was anything but light! As he placed it on his dressing table, he picked up a nail file and used it to cut the tape.

Carefully he lifted the lid off revealing a large wood carving.  At first Scott wasn't sure just what he was looking at so he inspected it closer and then his legs almost gave out from under him from the shock as he realised it was two man engaged in intercourse. That wasn't what had taken aback however, the carvings backs were facing him and on one of them ther was a familiar tattoo.

His tattoo.

Hands shaking, he reached out to turn it around, although he already knew just what he was going to see, yet still he couldn't stop the tears flooding his eyes. Twelve years of hurt, pain and anger came pouring out of him though the message of the sculpture was clear - Gordon still loved him, just as Scott still loved him.

He had never been able to let Gordon go, it was why his relationship with John had failed and lead to his falling out with Virgil due to his relentless pressing him for information on his brother's whereabouts….and Alan almost killing him and himself.

It was the reason he had never had the tattoo removed. It reminded him of all these things no matter how ruined it looked.

He ran a hand over the smooth surface of the carving feeling all details under his fingertips. So what now? How should he respond to this?

He picked up a chair and set his holo watch camera on a timer before removing his dressing gown, revealing the red lacey corset, stockings and suspenders he was wearing. He unleashed the corset exposing his back and sat down on the chair facing away from the camera and repositioned the sculpture so the carving faced it too before it beeped.

Scott picked the holo watch up and threw his dressing gown over the statue. He redressed in the clothes he came in, before running out the doors.

"I'll be right back!"

"Scott, where are you going? Scott!"Delilah called after him as he raced out the door and hailed a taxi home.

His dog jumped around him excitedly when he arrived and walkedin the door."Not not Amber." He said trying to get up the stairs without being tripped up.

He opened his laptop, checked his holo watch and took out a piece of rare expensive paper from a box he kept and printed the photo onto it. Scott flipped it over and started writing on the back, when finished he put some lipstick on and pressed it to his lips.

Folding it he placed it in an envelope and copied down the address the package came from, letter in hand he left the apartment and dropped it in the nearest post office.

On the ride back to the club Scott started thinking about how his old lover might respond. If somehow it turned out not to be him, someone out there would have a very interesting story to tell about the time they received a letter from a sexy crossdresser.


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