Oracle of war part 5


Cassidy, you haven't seen Z'ev for several days though being pampered and looked after getting much needed rest hasn't made you worry too much, as your also aware he's in good hands. Rathlos has come forth on some of what he's been up to, but he's used alot of Halfling words that most of it doesn't make sense. Though the words 'Sharman' and 'Ritual' did make you a bit jumpy though. 

Tonight, as you're studying your spells and contemplating to give Vincent the 'Black book', you hear a knock on the door.

Cassidy: Come in _Calls out as she closes the book and gets up from the desk she's sitting at_

Z'ev: Not going to open it yourself, Miss?

I don't exactly have keys.

Cassidy: _Her heart leaped at the sound of his voice, as a grin spread across her face she couldn't get the doorway open fast enough before he caught her in his arms_ I missed you so much _Almost crying she was so happy_

Z'ev: _is standing in doorway with a huge bunch of Orioth roses, fur all trimmed and dressed pretty reasonable in a vest, shirt, trousers and flat cap. New glasses too...the roses get slightly crushed in their embrace_ missed you too, Cas. _kisses her cheek_

I bought these for you.

_hands her the rare Aerenal flowers_

I remembered you liked these...._if he could blush he would be_

I'm sorry I had to...sort something out. My head hasn't been right and needed looking into.

Cassidy: Thank you they're beautiful, and I... understand, I'm just so glad your safe…

Z'ev: I also have something else... was hoping we could lock it in a suitcase and bury it

_he holds up a Jar with a very red and very angry glowing orb inside of it_ don't open it, last few days have been hell trying to get him out of me.

Cassidy: _Gasp_ By the ancestors is that really...? _Shocked by what she is seeing_

Z'ev: _nods_ Rath knows some pretty wild halflings and let's just say I don't think I want to spend another day in that part of Sharn.

That and I never want to eat dinosaur meat again. _pulls a disgusted face_

Cassidy: I never thought... I thought he would haunt me for rest of my life... the things he made me do... _Has a look of real piercing hatred as she stares at the jar_

Z'ev: Well let's make it so he NEVER gets out. He's going to be tied back to me if he does.

Not sure I can handle it again.

_looks terrified of the very idea of being stuck with Greyson in his head again_

Cassidy: _Nods she couldn't imagine how much worse it had been for him_ I wish I knew how my grandmother put him in that skull, it was a prison for him…

Z'ev: Well I couldn't tell you what the halfling's did either.... I was barely with it and all the strange herbs.... and smells

Cassidy: I don't think I want to know _Shutters at the thought_ Let's just get rid of him, out of our lives forever hopefully…

Z'ev: _smiles_ right now? Or…

Cassidy: Or what? _Curious_

Z'ev: _pulls her in for a passionate kiss_

Cassidy: Oh I see now... _ Smiling back she pulls him into the room_

Z'ev: _carefully places the jar down next to where the flowers were tossed and starts nuzzling Cassidy with a great deal of joy, a little sound of happiness resonates from the back of the throat _ No more interruptions.

You smelled so... tangy ..._licks her neck_ and taste strange... but i like it.

Cassidy: Mmm _Agreeing_ We can take all the time we like, refamiliarise... _Kissing him back with a promise of so much more to come_

Z'ev: I thought we were...._growls a little pleased _ you smell so different than you normally addictive. _makes little nips down her neck to her collarbone_ low cut night dress of satin, mind if I slide it down?

Cassidy: Do you even have to ask? _Says playful, she really had missed him so much in so many ways_

Z'ev: I like to be polite. _slowly slips the arm strings down and nips, laps and nuzzles the revealing skin _

Cassidy: _Can't help laughing_ Always a gentleman first _As she doesn't ask permission to start unbuttoning his shirt_

Z'ev: Would you rather me be an animal and just take hmm?

Cassidy: _Wispers in his ear_ I like both sides of you _Says before playfully nipping at it_

Z'ev: _trails his furry hands over her soft skin, watching her with delight as she shivers to the touch._ Same with  you Cas. You're like a dream that has stolen my heart

Cassidy: I love you _Says breathlessly, before pushing him down on the bed, slowly crawling on top of him she kisses him fiercely, intending to finish what they started back in the store room_

Z'ev: You're feisty tonight Cas! _chuckles as kisses her back with a similar amount of passion _ you haven't drunk a lust potion have you? _yelps a bit as she bites his lip_ maybe I should show you how much I love you too. _he grabs her tight and rolls over on the bed so Cassidy is pinnned beneath him as he raids her body with lavish attention, making sure to leave a few love bites that will last a few good weeks_

_it's not long for scent and desire to kick in as he finds that sweet spot again, toungmanship in good form as he can feel Cassidy squirm and tighten as he laps it all up. He's never really smelled his own speices on heat before but if it's anything like what Cassidy is giving off at this moment then he's certain he's going to stick by her side and pleasure her with a deep long ride any chance he can get her alone... unsure of why he is thinking like that but there's no way he'd let another man get her alone if she's this tantalising to a moth to a flame._

_something deep in the bones of instinct is bringing out a little bit of possessiveness.  Hopefully she doesn't mind_

Cassidy: _She knew that it was different this time that they were being driven by an instinct that existed in all living things, and they both want to fulfil it deepy_ I need you... I need you now please…

Z'ev: _he was more than happy to oblige her, as if he was under a spell of enchantment from her beauty alone. After the first hour or so he noticed how her body would go into a trace as the reached crescendo,  fueling her to keep going something that while he was more than willing, started to be apparent his body wasn't capable of doing. He was learning that male elves must go through this tantric resting state too and that it must slow down the need for sustanance and rest recovery because long past the sun rising and starting to set over into the next set of twilight hours Cassidy's body was still wanting more, far more than he could give. Sure, his species had evolved to stay copuled for long periods, but that was so they could rest in between and mating cycles were irregular enough that both parties could sleep and eat in between...but it really was obvious elves while they mated for life and lived a long time had cycles that could last way longer and were by design given the ablity to mate for pure endless pleasure until the cycles ended.... however long that maybe. Sure he knew of the Brightfest and Wild Night back in the reaches were times where you showed off how desirable a mate you were and how much he tried at those he never seemed to meet anyone even though Wild Night had parties and some lycans and shifters were all a bit busy for the entire event since it was along side the beastial mating season, he realisef he now was feeling what the  other outsider races who joined in felt like when they found a mate on heat. At least shifters and Lycans had wind down periods....Cassidy's elven biology was something was like everything slowed down as thier souls entwined, like it was being savoured forever incase afterwards the moment would never come again which to him sounded silly, but then what if elves only ever got a small window of fertility? Would Cassidy know that if it was? _

_ as the room started getting dark again, hours and hours later from when they first started, many positions and places in the room weren't spared from their lustful drive to be as one, He made sure that when the last blissful moment he could give came he could pull her close, embracing her tight so she knew he wasn't going anywhere and would stay connected to her but his body really did need a break as he couldn't keep up anymore. She could probably even hear his tummy rumbling at this point but he was too exhausted to care, as sleep started to take hold he could see faint colours dancing around the room - their souls mingling and making magic of their own, calling out to the beastial spirits that Z'ev only knew from his parents that were supposed to come when children were being created. The canine soul was dancing with the fey as his eyes grew heavy and he cuddled Cassidy into his arms. Hopefully she won't be disappointed and would be ok if he continued pleasing her tomorrow _

Cassidy: _Never before had their differents been so apparent as they were now, they never said it but somethings they could never understand about each other._

_She could see he was struggling willing but still struggling but having no past experience with this time, she didn't know how to slow herself down, instead of being a slave to her body's demands._ _However she was blissfully happy, now while watching the coloured dancing of their souls intertwining with each other, she was so thankful she could truly share herself with him now with any fear, but he needed rest and food now, and through it was hard she pushed herself into her trance like state but knew she wouldn't stay in it for long..._

Z'ev: _nuzzles Cassidy in his sleep, occasionally he tenses up as if something dark crosses his dreams but he relaxes just as fast as the smell of his lover is blocking out everything else.

Vincent: _from outside the room's door_ Cassidy? You alright? You didn't come down stairs to join us today. Can I come in if you're decent?

Z'ev: _growls in his slumber_ mine.... can't take her... Cas is mine…

The canine soul thats lingering moves towards the door where a ghostly growl is emmited from it.

Cassidy: _She wasn't at all deep in trance and was easily brought out of it_ Vince _She had really lost all sense of time_ I'm not feeling well, think I'm coming down with something, don't come in I don't want you catch it_It was a terrible lie but no way in Khyber was she telling her brother or anyone for that matter what was really happening_

Z'ev: _pulls her close though she probably doesn't need a reminder they're joined at the hip as he feels her legs tighten around them._ all he needs to do it ppen the door and i think he'll get the message. _tummy rumbles but he egnores it, Cassidy all needy and lustful on whatever the elven equivalent of being on 'heat' is enough to get him going again for another twelve hours after a short break. He secretly hopes Vincent does open the door just so he can shut it and leave them in peace...especially if Cassidy is in a very compromised position and very much too busy. Besides, after a few things were explained to him about her family she eventually divulged, Vincent was hundred percent competition - especially since inbreeding seemed to be how they manifeasted the first of the dragonmarks...and no way was he letting her brother get close to be on the safe side_

_it's not as if Cedric wasn't open about his need for Cassidy either....with that thought he rolls over enough to be sitting up with Cassidy on his lap, knot still deeply in place and starts kissing her_ let him find out...what's he going to do about it? _growls deeply_

Vincent: (Still outside) You don't sound ill and you were perfectly fine yesterday shopping with Iris and Rathian. _waffles on a bit_

Cassidy: I'd prefer... _He kisses her again_ he didn't... _Vincent's voice was easily drowned out, as her need for more overtook her thoughts now that Z'ev was ready to continue_

Z'ev: _grins playfully_ so he thinks you don't have any fun like himself? _gives her ribs a tickle so he laughs aloud_ my and I'm told I'm borish. _nips her shoulder teasingly _

Cassidy: _Can't stop herself from giggling_ Z'ev he'll hear you _Managers to say between her giggles_

Z'ev: My dear Cas..._ he growls lovingliny while smilingly and shifting his hips to make her squeal_ that's the whole point

Vincent: _has stopped knocking_ are you ok in there? Is there someone with you?

Cassidy: I'm fine Vince _Tying not to gasp too loudly and stop him for just a moment to speak_ More than fine _As he shifted his hips again getting another gasp from her grinning enjoying this too much_ We're busy right now and don't want to be disturbed, I'll be down later _Not realising she had let it slip she wasn't alone_

Vincent: _pauses_ I really think I should check on you

Z'ev: _is genuinely having too much fun with this, his playfulness is getting naughter, getting the occasional cheeky slap for a love bite or two. His silly growls and canine whimpers are becoming like excited barks of a very large but friendly dog as he laughs at the situation _ Has he always been a spoil sport? Or is he jealous and guarding you from me?  _starts tracing Cassidy's breasts with his tounge, making sure she stays very ticklish as he loves the giggles she makes_

Cassidy: Vince you open that door _Trying so hard to be serious now_ I promise you will regret it _Still giggling as he won't let up_

Z'ev: _snorts snd starts laughing really hard _ oh wow we're pulling the big sister card?

Vincent: _Shocked and annoyed tone_ have you got a man in there? You shouldn't go around cavorting with creatures you pick up at Bordelos! You don't know where they've been!

Cassidy: _He was really starting to get on her nerves now_ Really Vince  don't you lecture me! and yes I I'm busy with someone! so walk away now and leave us in peace!

Z'ev: _can't help himself with the laughter even when he's getting playfully poked in the ribs and tries to raise his voice loud enough, leaning back so he doesn't make Cassidy deaf_ We would invite you in, but we've drunk more than enough wine and cherry to fill a bathtub! Actually that's a great Idea! Maybe we should fill the room with bubbles and dance in it naked!

_to Cassidy in a lower tone_ why mess the boy around. Hasn't he been told anything about the dragons and the butterflies?

_smiling cheerily as he says so_

Cassidy: I'ed be worried if he hasn't _Says to him_ Look Vince I'm engaged for the next few days, in the making of your future niece or newphew, I wanted to save you you the embarrassment but you're not taking the hint _Says to Z'ev_ Too much? _Can't help laughing_

Z'ev: _nuzzles Cassidy and whispers in her ear_ is that the aim of the game? I mean I'd love that but we don't have anywhere to raise them...and we're kind of being hunted down by killers. Though I don't think you'll find me stopping unless you make me. _kisses her lips tenderly_

Vincent: _is fuming on the otherside of the door_ That...That's just...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Vincent has shouted loud enough people are stepping out into the hall, curious what he's yelling at, making him all hot, flustered and embarrassed as hell

Cassidy: Why would I do that? _Having had enough of talking, she makes her intentions known that she's impatient and wants to continue, running her fingers through his fur as she plants kisses here and there_

Z'ev: Damn Cas, you are something else! You make me want to howl...._starts to really get into the groove now, making sure she stays pleasured as she rides him harder_

Vincent: _rather furious and deeply embarrassed he storms off, mumbling how his sister is a harlot_

Cassidy: Feel free to _She encourages, uping the pace further_

As people are starting to return to their rooms, they all hear a bunch of boisterous barks and joyful howls from the door Vincent stormed off from, infact he only made it to the end of the hall when they started, adding even more to his anger

Rathian: _nudges Rathalos with a huge smile_  sound familiar to you?

Rathalos: our wedding night?

Rathian: _laughs_ and many after that!

26th of Olarune 

It's been a wild few days, towards the last it was pretty clear Cassidy was also starting to feel the burn out as he drive to mate started to settle, though it was probably helped by the fact Z'ev couldn't move anymore, his own body giving out though it's fair to say if the inevitable happens,  the resulting kids are without a doubt certainly theirs. 

It is raining, though you don't often see it fall from the sky when you are entering in the catacombs of lower Sharn, but you both agree that navigating the labyrinth to bury the wretched demon is worth the risk. With you are Iris, Rathalos, Rathian and Vincent trailing along behind though the others are quite unsure why he bothered as he's done nothing but complain.

Iris: Wow... it's creepy down here....

Rathalos: Well the city was built apon over and over again. It is bound to be empty enough down here.

_flashed the torch at a nearby wall_ Unsure why we entered via the old monastery....they used to burry the dead down here as well. Many a plague victim and dead soldier were built into the walls

Indeed Rath is not lying, as the light of torches bounce off the walls you can see the skulls and bones of the dead set up in a rather decorative architecture

Cassidy: I hope this is the last time I come to a place like this _Says in a melancholy tone, it was creepy yes but all these bones once of living individuals now long gone was sad, she could see the differences between skulls of different races an orc there a tiefling over ways, a human in front_

Z'ev: _is holding one of Cassidy's hands very tight_ I thought I could handle this....really really did..._heart is racing_

Rathian: _ taking the lead_ long as we don't go too far in we won't get lost.

Rathalos: _gruffly _ it's not getting lost I'm concerned about. This place is oozing with raw magic. I don't like

Occasionally when the torches aren't  illuminating the halflings,  you can see the dragonmarks they bare are glowing,  and Cassidy on your own skin you can feel yours tingling too with strange energy

Iris: There's no wind down here, we'd at least be able to follow our noses back out

Vincent: Unless we get caught in a cave in. I doubt many places around here are stable.

Z'ev: _already jittery_ didn't want to be t-told that.

Cassidy: How much further? _The pounding of Z'ev heart was so loud now and the tingling of her mark was unpleasant_

Rathalos: As far as you want. You were the ones who said you had something dangerous to get rid of.

Cassidy: Seems as good as place than _Not sure how much more Z'ev could take, how long had they been walking now anyway was seeming like ages_

Rathian: Not going to lie, but I do have to agree with everyone here Rath. It's very unsettling in here.

Iris: _nose is in the air sniffing it_ you sure? It seems like there's a opening further ahead. The monk did say that there was old houses and all sorts down here too.

Z'ev: _manages to hold himself together, squeezing Cassidy's hand whenever he thinks he's going to panic and for now it's keeping him calm_  well let's find them fast t-then. Anywhere but here

Rathalos: _the shadows on the walls of the skulls are getting to him, as Vincent walks carelessly into him he turns and grabs him and demands_ Are you trying to kill me soldier? Didn't I just give you orders to march? Those Cannith killing machines are going to slaughter us if we don't move it!

Vincent: _Is taken back by the halfling's sudden outburst_ What? _Tries to pulls himself together_ Soldier? _Hits his hands away_ N-never in my life…

Rathalos: _raises voice _ deserter eh? Well we have ways to deal with you lad!

Rathian: _squeezes between the two just as Rathalos's fist swings, hitting his armour. He pulls him close to look him in the eyes_ Rath, what's gotten into?

Rathalos: _tries to push Ian aside_ Out of my way field nurse! The defector needs to face the firing squad!

Z'ev: _leaves Cassidy's side to go over_ Hey, Rath, you alright?

Rathalos: _shrugs him off_ don't lay your paws on me Lantern! We have every reason to not trust the likes of you! _storms off deeper into the tunnels_

Z'ev and Rathian exchange worried glances. This is not the halfling soldier they're familiar with. If anything, it's as if Rathalos has started experiencing flashbacks prior to meeting them and just acting as if he's still leading a regiment.

Vincent: If he wants a fight I'm more than happy to give him one

Z'ev: _snaps_ lay a finger on him and I'll blow a nice hole in your head!

Rathian: Easy on! Look, something has triggered some burried Stress and trauma in him. Not surprisingly, claustrophobia can mess with anyone

Vincent: I'd like to see you try _Says under his breath_

Z'ev: _terrified and not thinking rationally,  he grabs Vincent and pins him to the nearest wall, skulls and bones crumble on impact_ Try me. _growls viciously like a animal lashing out to defend itself in the only way it knows how_ I've killed more people since the war ended than I'd ever wanted to because they were after me and my companions. Don't think I wouldn't hesitate to add you to that list, sibling of my fiancè or not. _voice is shaking by the time he lets him go, the place is getting on his nerves begging him to snap next_

Iris: _wraps herself around her brother in a tight hug_ calm down, we can all hear your heart pounding like crazy.

Z'ev: I-I can't...genuinely can't

Cassidy: _Rubs his back a bit before going to speak with Vince, who's holding his side, seemed his ribs won't healed completely_ Can you stop please, everyone is on edge as it is and you're not helping

Vincent: _Gives her a hard look_ I'm not talking to you until you apologise _Walks off still holding his side_

Rathian: _frowns_ what's shaken his palmtree?

Nimble: _one Cassidy's shoulder_ every keeps wandering off

Iris: Well then we better catch up to them! Before we all get lost underground!

Rathian: _nods in agreement and leads the way forward with his torch_

Z'ev: _trails behind the group, not quite sure what came over him back there but a little relieved it's not him whose fractured of mind right now_

As you wander deeper the macarbe tunnels do indeed open up wider until to all step out in what looks like old run down houses all aged with time, floods, fires and centuries old wars...more deadly and nation crumbling as the Last War itself.

Cassidy,  they remind you a bit of the sight you saw of Z'ev's burned out home in Sharn, all made of mudbrick and sort of dug out the the ground. But this is Old Sharn - what Sharn was long before Humans set foot on Khorvaire.

The city of pillars was build upon it over and over until the Dhakaani history of the original city was forgotten

It is damp here, though you hear water you cannot see, even with night vision the shadows in the darkness here blink back at you like dark holes of the abyss

Z'ev: _pauses and breath out_ woah....Rathian,  why have we never come down here before? The Museum would go nuts over this.

Rathian: I don't know... maybe they didn't know it existed?

Z'ev: I doubt that.

Cassidy: Some what reminds me of the dwarven holds, an underground city

Z'ev: With the exception the structures are fortified with copper or bronze. Not steel.  Dwarves think those materials are inferior. _runs hand over what appears to be mud brick covered in moss but is infact lime scaling on Bronze _

Rathian: _is getting excited_ this is just stupendous! Such an incredible discovery!  Although....

_scratches his chin_ there could be a reason why it's been left to be forgotten.  Remember Xen'drix?

Z'ev: Yes, ok easy done especially when paranoid. _is now looking around corners checking for scorpions _

Iris: Do you R-really think that?

Rathian: Unfortunately

Cassidy: _Moves closer to Z'ev_ Do we have an exact place in mind?

Z'ev: Well I was thinking you could take Iris and bury it while we look for your brother and Rath...I'm not keen on separating but I also want to be far away from that Jar as possible if something goes wrong.

This place gives me the hebejebes, but not as much as that *Thing*

Cassidy: Alright we'll meet you back here than, ready Iris?

Iris: _nods and stands tall_ yes ma'am! Maybe you could tell me more about yourself since we're going to be family?

Rathian: Alright, let's go Z'ev. I thought I heard Rath shouting orders down this way.

Z'ev: _follows behind Rathian _

As the groups part with objectives firmly set, Rathian leads the way winding around hollowed out crumbling buildings.

Rathian: _stops dead_ I can't hear him anymore, can you? Or at least smell the grease on his shirt..._is starting to get very worried _

_remebering shifters see better in the dark via their noses than their eyes_

I don't like this, not at all.

Z'ev: Leave it to me _Says removing his glasses its difficult getting them to stay, no sooner does he his head morphes into a canine form._ _Sniffing with nose in the air he turns this way and that, ears swiveling as well as he tries to put up anyway that would indicate the direction Rathalos headed_

Rathian: _is always impressed with how one can morph between one shape to another, but worry about his husband is getting to him_  anything?

You in fact do smell Rathalos, his hair gel and the grease on his clothing along with his typical smell of electricity and gunpowder, but also pick up traces of the home of your childhood, the wild woods of free magic that are also drowned in the unmistakable smell of feral pigs. The smell of the wilds is much stronger and easier to follow, however while the other scent is fainter it's accompanied by something indescribable, you clearly never smelt anything like it before

Rathian: Z'ev? _ asks hopefully though truthfully he's been worried about him of late as well, the shifter being like the son he and Rathalos couldn't really have at times though he'd never tell him that_

Z'ev: _The unknown scent has him concerned, his ears turned back betray his feelings_ He went this way _Heads in the direction the scent of Rath trails_

Rathian: Right! _falls in step behind, almost at a jog to keep up with Z'ev's longer stride_

_his strange armour clanks along, occasionally scraping along a wall when ducking into narrow openings behind the shifter_  these buildings seem to be getting very strange. _stops to inspect a wall with the torch_ Z'ev...I don't think these belong to the ancient Orcs anymore…

_looking away from the wall he blinks and rubs his eyes, for a minute no can't have been it's the claustrophobic space that's trying to get to him. He looks at the wall again_ Z'ev,  something really strange is happening here...I'm not sure what but I really think we better find everyone before we all start going mad

Z'ev: I couldn't agree more, were close his scents getting stronger _Walks a bit fast despite Rathian struggling to keep up, just wanting to get out of here as soon as possible_

As you keep moving you start to see a weird purplish light reflecting on all the walls, illuminating the strangeness Rathain stopped to look at before. They are covered in scripture....but look like scrawlings of someone writing them as if they'd been driven crazy.

As you look at the walls you can make out the text is indeed goblinoid in origin but none of it makes any sense... it's as if it really was written by a delirious mad gobbo. The light is making you feel weaker though but your able to press on ahead towards it.

Vincent,  you've been wandering around for a while now in total darkness, your eyes trying to adjust to the hollowed out gaping portals of inky blackness frame with hints of grey. Your darkvision usually gives you more to see but this darkness is something's as if it is an entity trying to prevent you from seeing it's true form. The further you walk, the more it seems to swallow you.

Echoing around you, you hear a faint but delirious voice.

Rathalos: _far off_ watch out for those buggers! They have chainsaws for arms and wyvern shards that can fry you with Warpfire! Stick close lads and you won't go home in a box! _then starts talking uncontrollably in Talentan before his voice fades off into the catacombs _

Vincent: _In hindsight storming off hadn't been the best idea, though he would never admit it._

_Thanks to his elven heritage he had some supreme vision but right now he may as well be blind, at last he had his nose to rely on not as great as a true shifter but still, he could hear the halfling's mad rantings somewhere ahead of him, not wanting to run into the crazy bugger he tried to retrace his footsteps_

You think you have a pretty good idea, nose to the air and letting the weird colours that it is translating into objects lead you around....unfortunately Vincent since you barely learnt how to engage with your sense of smell-a-vision it isn't long before you've come to the conclusion you've padded around in a sort of bizarre weaving and winding circle.

You can also hear a dripping of water.

Vincent: _Highly frustrated by his lack of ability, unfortunately his father had passed when he was still very young, and he hadn't had the chance to learn certain things._ _He felt his best now was  to find the out of their mind halfling they would be looking for the him, Vince didn't believe anyone would come to find him, he could than just follow them out than, he headed in the direction he had last heard him_

Rathalos: _voice echos around the catacombs _ Don't harm civilians! Get the factory workers out and capture the Cyre Cannith Scum! Round them up for them to face trial!

Vincent: _He seemed close well at last he thought he was, the echoing made it confusing to pin point him, straining his ears he continued moving were he thought the voice was coming from_

As you turn past a few corners, ducking in and out of what used to be doorways you stumble across a bright pinkish purple glow bouncing off the walls.

Vincent? Those shadows illuminated by the sicking light.... fo they look like elves wearing masks of the undying court to you? You know the ones the guards used to wear when they beat you?

Vincent: _They were coming frantically he turned this way and that but there was no escape_ Please if you want coin you can have it _Pleaded to the masked shadows, he would be walking in a town he was being followed, he'd try to run lose them, they would find him corner him chanting, taunting knock him to the ground kicking and punching him repeatedly laughing were they did, passes by would see but wouldn't lift a finger to help all because he was a "half breed"_

Rathalos: _comming out from the darkness behind him and putting his hand on Vincent's shoulder _ easy son, Breland is here to shut down the forge. They cannot hurt you no more, we'll get you home. They can't treat you like a slave, not on our watch

Vincent: _He squeals out of fear at the sudden touch, and crawls away across the floor backwards, til he hits a wall_ NO YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND! I WON'T BE TRICKED AGAIN! I KNOW YOUR GAME! _More times than he would like to admit, other children had pretended to be a friend, only later to show their true colours, humiliated him ridicule him it so much more wounding than just beating him, no longer would he be fooled by them_

Rathalos: _ clutches his head and stumbles against a wall before shaking himself in order to focus. He sees Vincent cowering in front of him and despite not recalling the previous hour or so he rolls his eyes, grunts and reaches down to pull Vincent up_  What on earth are yer doing wandering around down here without the others? Are you trying to get yerself killed?

Vincent: _Sees a masked guard reaching out to grab him_ No please don't! _Cowers away further_ I haven't done away thing wrong, please just let me go _Tries to get to his feet as he continues pleading in Aerenal, searching for an escape_

Rathalos: _sighes and lets out a gruff cough_ If it we're up to me I would, but you're related to our lass so You're going to need to get up off your arse before a Beholder does it for us.

Vincent: _The guard yells and threatens him he sees a chance to escape as others part_ No stay away from me! _Makes a dash for that gap_

_All the years of others trying to pin from had made him very good at escaping like any good suidae he slipped from Rath's grab easily_

Rathalos: DARN IT! _picks himself up out of the slurry the mud has become_ I'm starting to think maybe we're better off leaving you here to rot!

Cassidy: _While walking they chatted about their lives Cassidy told Iris some general stuff about growing up in Aerenal that she and Cedric were raised by their grandparents the family business, and deciding to leave and such_ This seems like a good spot _Says stopping_

Iris: _ears had been upright and alert the entire walk_  If you say so. Z'ev didn't exactly tell us why you wanted to come here but if it's to do with....with that thing we saw on the train then I'm happy to help with whatever it is. _shivers _ that thing was scary Miss Cassidy... it could have killed us and..and I don't know what my brother did but it was gone as fast as it came. You're brother seemed very knowledgeable though and eager to call the silver flame on my brother....he wouldn't really have done that right? They don't help people like everyone assumes they least, they don't help anyone outside of their own.

My kind especially.  _ears flatten back against her head_ some do go to them though and say they've seen the light,  but really it's because they've been brainwashed to believe the silver crusade never happened.

Anyway, shall we?

Cassidy: I I'm sorry we are keeping you in the dark about this, we would rather you not have to be involved,  as believe me none of us would like to be and hopefully won't ever have to be again _Starts digging_ As for Vince _Sighs_ I hope he would never do that but his anger does get the better of him, why he dislikes Z'ev so much I can't say, only that maybe he worries our children will have a hard time growing like him, but I feel he is better than he use to be, and I think that's thanks to you…

Iris: Oh no I can't take credit for that. I think there's an owl lady who should that I know he really adores back at the Observatory. _watches Cassidy dig a few moments before saying_ you know I have a better idea that won't get your hands dirty. How deep do you want the hole?

As for my brother, he would make a great dad. Dawn and I have always thought so, it's just he never found the girls back home interesting enough, like he wanted someone who was worth the chase if you get my meaning. It used to annoy Pyre who wanted all the girls and would fight tooth an nail to show off how good he was but the girls nevet seemed to want any. I mean Lycanthrope ladies love a strong man but one who they can rely on you know? Pyre had the brawn but Z'ev had the brains to run a farm and keep a family afloat that my eldest sibling didn't. Infact Z'ev did alot for us around the cottage before he left from Breland to study.... and then the war draft happened. Pyre wasn't a slouch he just... brute force isn't going to pay your bills.

I mean it's great on a farm with the heavy and hard work, but there's areas where more than muscle is required

Cassidy: _Smiles warmly thinking it all over_ Its when you meet that someone you just... know _not really sure how to explain it_ and well that could be happening soon... _Winks knowing no one failed to hear their activities of the last few days_

Iris: _laughs_ well that would be nice, but you never know what the future holds, especially in the journey yet to come. _claps hands together and cracks her knuckles_  anyway shall I make us a hole?

As Iris moves her hands, the ground seems to lift up and move to one side, leaving a very large hole. However, you notice a glint of silver within the new pit - the edge of a small wooden box.

Cassidy: What could that be? _Uses mage hand to pull the box free and up to her_ Well, it looks like we aren't the only ones who have buried something here_

Iris: _peers over Cassidy's shoulder _ I wonder what's inside?

Cassidy: _Checks the box over first that there's no nasty surprises, someone may have intended this never be found_

It's just an ordinary wooden box with a standard simple padlock which could easily be broken like one's on a cheap diary. No engravings just the silver corner peices.

Cassidy: _Finding nothing suspicious she uses her dagger to pry open the lock_

Inside you find several hand carved animals

The animals are of a bronze griffon, a pair of golden lions, and onyx dog and a trio of ivory goats.

They are sitting on a plush velvet inlay of beautiful purple and in the lid of the box is an inscription:

'Throw me and summon my powers"

Iris: Ohhh those are so beautiful! I wonder who left them?

Cassidy: They truly are _Wonder why they left them here _Picks up one of the goats_ Maybe we should test one out

Iris: Ohh could we?

The goats all have words carvered on them. Traveling, Travali and Terror

One word each.

Cassidy: Let's try this one _Picks up the one that says traveling and throws it aways from them as it said_

As the figure hits the dirt a large POP is heard as it bounces and a large goat the size of a riding horse stands where the Figurine had been.

The goat looks at you before trying to much on your sleeve


Cassidy: Still working absolutely wonderful! _Gives the goat a pat on the head feels just the same as a real one_ I think we'll look over them later, we should finish up what we came for than find everyone and get out of here

Iris: _is checking the goat out, ummining and ahing as she's trying to work it out_ it really is a wonderous object....

Cassidy: _While Iris marvels over the goat, Cassidy takes all the wood carvings and pockets them, than places the demon fulled jar  in the box, inside the lid she uses her dagger to carves an arcane lock and activates it after closing, this will make it a challenge to open it again, before finally putting it back in the hole_ Ready to full back in _Says to Iris_

Iris: _disappointed she can't figure them goat out she leaves it alone and moves back to the hole and waves her hands about before the earth moves back into place with a wet squelchy Thwamp._

Cassidy: This is a great weight off our shoulders _It was different to believe that he was gone, hopefully for the rest of their lives_ Thank you

Iris: No problem. _smiles sweetly _ now can we get out of here? This place is really giving me the heebee jeebiees

Cassidy: Definitely, can you find our way back?

Iris: _ears prick up high above her head_ easily!

We return to Z'ev and Rathian,  who are on the trail of Rathalos. They've stumbled apon some strange garbled goblinoid writing and a pinkish purple glowing light. As they head towards it the enter a cavern filled with pinkish purple crystals growing from the floor, walls and the ceiling.  The glow is making you all feel strange....

Z'ev: Are these...? _ Says inspecting the nearest crystal_

The crystal sends a chill down Z'ev's spine as he touches it,  giving him a momentary flash of Cassidy in serious trouble and him turning feral on her but it passed so quickly it causes him to blink and realise whatever that was, was caused by the power from the crystal

Z'ev: _It wasn't real but he still felt deeply disturbed_ There's crystals have some kind of hallucinating powers... is it possible they made Rath act the way be did…

Rathian: It's possible,  but I've never heard of anything doing that before. _leans down to inspect a crystal himself_

Rathian: _seems to freeze before ducking as if he's in the midst of a firecracker raid, diving forva place of saftey before curling up into a ball_ No...nnnono no... they're going to blow us to peices this time! They're not supposed to open fire on feild hospitals!

Z'ev: Ian, Ian what's wrong? Slap out of it _Shakes him by the shoulder_

Rathian: _shaking, he grabs Z'ev's arm_ what are you doing soldier? You were supposed to evacuate the patients! Why are we being attacked?

Z'ev: _Was pretty sure now the crystals were causing this_ Come on Ian its Z'ev, its not real, come on slap out of it

Rathian: Who are you and how do you know my name? You're not from Joscaro are you? I'm not doing anything illegal by trying to save lives! Just because I won't charge them coin when they're on deaths door for the privilege does not make me a terrible doctor! It's the opposite! Tell them they can shove it and I'll keep hold of my oath! Get the injured out first man!

Save...them please.

_is begging_

Z'ev: _Not able to slap him out of his delusion so easily, just what were these crystals perhaps he should take a closer look_ Don't worry I'll save them _Playing into it_ Wait here I'll come back for you _Hopefully he would couldn't afford to have him run off as well_

Rathian: _nods_ I know the drill, we get evacuated last.

_grips his knees which is a feat due to the armour_ the patient for the frontlines first. We're collateral.

Z'ev: _On the ground by one of the closest crystal lays out his tools to aid in a more thorough inspection_

_Carefully pulling on some leather gloves and some blast proof googles,  he chips a tiny chunk of crystal off one of the deposits with tongs to avoid touching it before dropping the tiny piece into a flask of phosphorus acid and watching to see if there's a reaction_

The liquid bubbles and hisses, turning copper and releasing a sulphuric gas, the gas which is a key part of Delerium stones. Highly toxic as well as deadly at prolonged exposures, the gas is known to cause hallucinations and long term mutations.

Rathian: _shaking where he had hid_ please don't hit us with Wyvern fire again, please don't hit us again....

_shaking where he had hid_ please don't hit us with Wyvern fire again, please don't hit us again....

Z'ev: _They needed to find Rath now and get out as soon as possible, sniffs the air to see if they're close_

Despite the heady dizzing smell of sulfer and delirium you can pick up a faint trace of the other halfing in the air, a little ways to the left of your position

Z'ev: Come on we need to go now _He says to Rathian_

Rathian: _allows himself to be pulled up even though he'strembling_ yes... yes of course, before they blow the place sky high…

Z'ev: _Leads them in the direction of Rath's scent_

Alright, we're going cut to Ratholos whos currently stopped to take a breath after trying to chase Vincent through the maze of holes and doorways.

Rathalos: _puffed out_ these ol' bones aren't made for this shit. _shouts _ Your sister ain't gonna like it when I get my hands on ya and drag your sorry arse in front of her bound and gagged!

_slinks to the floor _ ah...hell's bells....Cannith nerve gas.....

Vincent: _Rath yells sound like the taunting of the guards as they chase after him, suddenly he feels a hot burning pain along his spine, falling to the floor he cries out from the agony of it_

Rathalos: _stands up and stumbles forwards_

I'll arrest you myself, D'Cannith and you can face justice for unleashing hell apon us all. _starts trying to track Vincent down_

_eyes start to focus a bit better in the dark, withdrawing his weapon and holding it defensively as he approaches Vincent scrabbling in the muck_ Don't move, Cannith. Got you surrounded.  Want you alive to face trial for war crimes.

Vincent: _The pain in his back begins to subside, he tries to crawl away but stops when he sees a weapon being pointed at him_ Please... I won't try run again I promise... I'll do whatever you want... just don't hunt me anymore... _Believing the guards caused the pain he felt_

Rathalos:I Wont, but I dunno what those higher up will do. _halls Vincent roughly to his feet_

Around them there's a bunch of slimy thuamps, sucking sounds of something stuck to the mud on the ceiling and a few Gloops as the shadows around them start taking festering hollowed formless shapes

Vincent: _His first thought was to run but they were completely surrounded, their was no choice but to fight so he called on that beastial side for aid, for him it wasn't as fluent not painful but uncomfortable, as bones and muscles stretched, lengthened and thickened, his height increased as his skin became tougher as his overall fame increased in size, what he didn't know was the pain he felt before, was from some strange green spines that had grown out of his back webbing run between them, and shifting had made them become more prominent_

_Sweeping his hands outwards and he sends a thunderous wave out towards the creatures_ _(thunderwave)_

Three of the malshapped and undescriblable skins lash out towards Vincent as he was originally the first target they spotted almost prone...the smell the fear the delirium is causing

Rathalos: _The spider legged cannon spins as it sends flames shooting in all directions_

_Aims at the group closing in on them_

While two slurp towards Rath, another drops from the ceiling

One of the ones on the ground on fire is screaming an contouring in pain as it missed (it had a critical fail)

Vincent the creature gets thrown off you as you rage into the nearest well with a sickening Thump and it oozes to the ground before it starts to move again

Vincent: _Agian he feels pain in his back this time its more agonising than before as his spine feels like its being ripped out as a long scaly tail grows_

_Enraged by pain he slashes at the one that was on him with his sword_

You lashed out at the one tgathad held you prisoner,  slicing the skin to shreads, the festering flesh tears eaily with little blood spray

The other two contort, and leap as well as a bag of skin could, suckong sounds are made as they leave the mud

One manages to slam one fleshy loose arm against you Vincent

Rathalos,  as the flaming skin is starting to burn you in it's hold, it snaps you out of your delirium and you need to break free

You successfully tear the skin free off you,  not before getting burned

Rathalos: _Shoots at the flaming skin bag with his crossbow_

The bolt from the crossbow hits home true, tearing the flaming flesh bag a huge gaping hole as it is being incinerated

The creature grabs Rathalos into a choke hold, bringing him to the ground, Rath is kicking, struggling for air and is being choked unconscious

The other mound of boneless flesh sucks over the mud to also pin Rathalos to the floor

Luckily the fire turns it to ashes as it tries to move

Z'ev: _The last couple of feet from Rath he could hear the sounds fighting, he practically dragged Ian with him as they rushed towards it, it was worse than he thought the scene they came upon, horrid flesh monsters milled about Vincent between two clearly showing signs of the crystals effects, a ridge of spines running down his back and a reptilian tail like a dragon, none of that mattered when he spotted Rath unmoving on the floor one of those things atop him_

_Shoots the one on top Rath with his pistol_

The fleshy mass ontop of Rathalos writhers but stays in place, continuing to choke him

Rathian as you stumble along behind Z'ev the bullet from the pistol startles you enough to snap you out of your delirious state...what you are confronted with is your husband being suffocated on the floor, two other disgusting flesh monstrosities verging towards you and Z'ev and a mutated warthog going on a rampage , lizard tail whipping about and sharp vicious spines are protruding from its back 

Rathian: _Runs to Rath's aid stabbing the monstrosity atop him and pulling it off_

Ok as you pull the flesh beast off Rathalos,  make me an attack roll please for the stabby weapon

Vincent: _As his head clears the pain really hits, that he struggles to stay on his feet_ Where...? _Having no idea what's happened but seems his still in this forsaken place, his whole back felt as if someone had banged nails into it and some kind of horror flesh monsters were around him as they closing in_ Get away! _Yells at them disgusted as he throws a shard of ice at the closest (ice knife)_

Noticing that the new intruder halfling has it's back towards it,the one that attacked Rath before makes a go for Ian

And Rathian is now grappled and being choked by the flesh

Alright another skinbeast attempts to attack Vincent

Vincent: _Dodgers the creature's attack but trips over his newly sprouted tail, is completely confused by what just happened til he sees it and realises its a part of him, screams in horror_ WHAT THE FUCK! _Freaking out_

Z'ev: _By the screaming it seemed Vince had discovered his new appendage but he was in no danger of dying from it, Ian however needed help right now, he fires another round into the flesh monster trying to suffocate him as he runs to his aid to pull it off_

You manage to get the kicking and almost suffocating halfling free, as you do so you put the gun into the creature as it wraps itself around you and fire

That one dies in a shower of vicieral spray, flesh exploding and decorating the mud walls.


One gloops it's way from behind while you were distracted Z'ev

It's hits with both slams, one a critical

Rathian: _These creatures were tenacious no sooner had Z'ev pulled one off Ian after had appeared and was attacking him, but if he didn't go something now he would lose his husband Z'ev would understand, he layed his hands on Rath and let some of his energy flow into him stabling him (spare the dying)_

Cassidy: _Seeing Z'ev needing help she waves together a blade of shadow and swipes at the thing on him_

The flesh tears apart and falls in a heap. The remaining ominous blob of living tissue stretches up to reveal a dead orc skin with a gaping maw before it goes for the unconscious halfling on the floor while everybody is distracted

The gelatinous blob of rotting flesh misses its target as it's distacted by all the new ones on offer

Iris: _Shifts into her more nimble form and calls a chaotic bolt of lightning down on the flesh horror before jumping away_

Z'ev: _Pulls a shell from his belt with a murly green liquid the smell from its so bad it makes his nose hairs curl, loads it into his pistol and aims it at the monster's maw_

In a last ditch attempt it makes a swing for Rathian whose pulled Rathalos to him in a tight protective embrace

Rathian: _Hits out at it when it closes in with one hand sending a wave of pulsing energy into it_

_Desperately trying to protect Rath he more lashed out at it and miss his target as it easy slided out of the way_

Cassidy: _Send a blot of cracking energy lancing across the ground at the thing (witch's bolt)_

The skin smells like rotten bacon and wobbles about, attaching to a wall to try to escape

Iris you get one last chance before it disappears into the darkness

Iris: _Sends a wacth bolt of her own after it as a parting gift_

Hurt, burnt and scorched, themound of rotting orc flesh slinks away into the dark, the suckling sound of it crawling over mud echos throughout the ruins

Z'ev: _looks at everyone_ what in the hell was those things?

Rathian: Rath, Rath...please..come on Rath... _patting the other halflings face_ come on sweetheart, need you here buddy! _ can smell burns but can see them in the dark_

Iris: _gets down to help Rathian _ he's in no state. Better carry him back up to the surface 

Z'ev: _ walks cautiously over to Vincent _ are...are you alright? Vincent? Please say you're Vincent and not my sence of smell going stupid

In the darkness you can hear more sucking sounds

Vincent: _Is slumped down on the floor, looks up at Z'ev just starting for a moment_ I, I don't know... _His eyes suddenly become slits and he snaps at him hissing like a crocodile his teeth look a whole lot sharper than before, as Z'ev pulls away he puts his face in his hands tails curling around him its apparent his crying_

Z'ev: _looks at the others_ get Rath out, Cas...might need your

Iris: _helping Rathian with Rathalos,  slung between them_ already on it

Rathian; Don't need to tell me twice, love.

Cassidy: _Is already down by his side pulling him into an a tight embrace as he continues crying into her shoulder as she tries to claim him_

Z'ev: _takes a deep breath_ I don't know if... look, least let me try something while we're down here to help. Before those things come back. _walks back towards the area he and Rathian cane from which omits a pinkish purple light_

_eventully comes back and keeping his distance as not to get Vincent any more mutated, he pulls out his traveling alchemist kit and starts mixing powders and liquids and crushing the crystal delium in the pesel to add into the mixture, which causes it to glow and faintly smell of marshmallows _

_carefully hands Vincent the liquid_ have to try. If it fails you can feel free to maul me and leave my corpse down here.

Vincent as you drink the liquid you feel a strange warmth and slighlty painful the spikes seem to remain but shrink a little, the large tusks remain but the tail drops off, hissing in the mud.

Z'ev: That's the best I can do on the fly, I wish I could do more..._ listenes a few minutes_ but if we don't get going we're going to be swamped...i can feel it.

Cassidy: Vince please, we have to go _His easy coaxed along by her she mouths a thank you to Z'ev_

Z'ev: _just nods, doesn't want to say anything incase Vincent thinks it's such a poor job of offering him help_

Back at the hotel with Cassidy,  looking after Vincent along with Iris and after checking on Rathalos and Rathian,  Z'ev heads towards the door of the toom he and Cassidy are currently sharing and notices a letter  that had been slid underneath

Z'ev: _opens it up and has a bit of a read, before thinking it's best to wait till Cassidy was there after attending to her brother_

Cassidy: _Vince wasn't doing well he wasn't angry like she thought he would be, more he was numb, which deeply worries her_

_She's been talking with him for hours trying to get through to him, living most of his life in Aerenal had made him strongly narrow minded, getting pass that is very hard, but she feels that something has gotten through its small but its something and hopefully it will grow, finally she feels satisfied she can leave him but ask Iris to keep an eye on him, and returns to her and Z'ev's room_

Z'ev: _is tired and worn out, but looks up and smiles at Cassidy when she walks in from his seat by the bay window_ how is he?

Cassidy: Ahhh not reacting how I thought he would honestly, but I don't think he'd do something... _Can't finish that thought_ His resting now Iris is keeping an ear out for him, thank you for what you did.

Z'ev: _ can't look her in the eyes_ it could have gone either way. That stuff is crystal could have gone either way and I don't know if the 'cure' is permanent. I failed both him...and you

Cassidy: He was very surprised you helped him after... how he acted he didn't say it but his thankful for it

Z'ev: _gives her a weak smile_ yes well... I'm not a complete arsehole, whatever one might think and neither is he. We just see things differently that's all. _indincates for her to come over to put his arms around her_ and how are you feeling since the last few days of frenzied love making. If I'd had known that's what you were going to be like I'd have tried taking that demon out of the skull sooner.

Cassidy: _Laugh as they embrace_ Certainly not unhappy, but have felt guilty I didn't discuss it with you first, that was abit hard when _Smiles devilishly but is back to being serious in a moment_ And now we'll be knowing soon…

Z'ev: Knowing what? _curious_

Cassidy: That I'm pregnant

Z'ev: _suprised_ already?

Cassidy: Its too early to tell yet. But I still should have talked to you about it before

Z'ev: _smile widens_ well that's  great if... if it's true! _expression changes a little _ well if it's early that means we've got time. There's something I thought we should do before we had any, nows probably the time I guess

Cassidy: _Looks at him curious_

Z'ev: You know in my village,  humans and lycans mix freely yes? Well when they do have pups sometimes things can get a bit dangerous for the mother, especially human ones. So we have a ritual of sorts, for the mother to be where the father goes to 'capture' a unicorn from the nearby wood. Well capture isn't quite the word but I don't know a better one in common. 

The unicorn is then brought back to the village and gives the mother it's blessing which gives her protection through the pregnancy and the birth. No mother has been lost because of it.

Though same can't be said for some of the fathers. The wood is very dangerous afterall and many creatures want to eat the unicorn. There's a bit of danger bring it back to the village. 

I remember as a kid seeing some come back with some new scars, one guy lost an eye and part of his ear to an owlbear....and there's alot of venumous snakes in there too.

Sometimes only the unicorn comes without the father. The village goes searching when that happens...but it's the sacrifice you will give to making sure your family is safe. Only if you want to of course....but I don't like the idea without it you're going to risk your life and the Children. I don't know how easy you have it having kids. You'll have plenty of time to think it over at least. _hands her the letter he found_ we've been summoned by Flamewind again

Cassidy: Unfortunately I don't really know my mother is only one I know of has ever had, and I can't ask her... _Always looks troubled whenever talking about her_ I'll think about it... _Opens the letter_

DM: The letter reads that Flamewind has bequeathed your services as she has found out more about the last part of the Prophecy and needs you to attend post haste before it's too late

Cassidy: Should we go now or rest a bit first?

Z'ev: Now I should think. The others have things on their plates and this does seem urgent. Besides... that blue sky she mentioned last time...I'm curious what that meant. _grins_ love a good mystery don't you?

Cassidy: _Smiles_ Alright, I'll check on Vince before we go, forgot to ask how's Rath?

Z'ev: Crispy _ chuckles _ he'll be right.  The old soldier can take a pretty hard beating. Besides _the smirk intensifies_ we're not the only ones who act like horny little bunnies.

Cassidy: _Can't help laughing_ My ears are as good as yours _Says as she heads for the door and opens it_ I'll meet you in the lobby

DM: (time skip) As you ascend the staircase in the Morgrave University Library, you are greeted by Flamewind and her intelligent and all knowing smile.

Flamewind: _curtsies as best as a Gynosphinx can manage_ Good evening  my Chosen, Cassidy _nods towards her and then Z'ev _ Z'ev...I see you siblings Iris and Vincent are not gracing us today?

Cassidy: No I'm afraid not, there was an incident that Vincent is recovering from, Iris is looking after him.

Flamewind: Ah, very well. I noticed it hasn't stopped you my dear child,  glow ever radiant

Cassidy: _Not sure what that means_ Your letter said something about the last part of the prophecy?

Flamewind: Indeed! Wonderful news, the fates have conspired to draw us together again. _she hands you a copy of yesterday's news paper_

Cassidy: _She seemed awfully excited about this_

Flamewind: This thief, must be connected to the Prophecy in some important role..perhaps involving them in the uneasy tensions between Breland and Thrane, thanks to you. _looks squarly at Z'ev _ However I do not know where the theif is hiding. However there was another passage from the Prophecy I uncovered in the library they might be of use to us in that regard.

" When the eyes of the sphinx turn to the sky, the robber steps from her crimson tower in the clouds"

The only place of that colour I know of is the airship landing beacons in Skyway. Could you both perhaps find Sky Blue and bring her to me for a chat? I will pay you quite handsomely for the trouble, afterall 200gp would get you from here to Varna. _her eyes twinkle like starlight_

Cassidy: I think we could try _Looking to Z'ev, what he thought, as she may have to start thinking about being more careful now_

Z'ev: Well if we find them, they're probably going to be doing the rest of the Oracle's predictions right? It'll get us off the hook.

Cassidy: _Nods the coin didn't hurt either_ Alright we'll do our best to find them

Flamewind: Wonderful! Now, Skyway is very dangerous and Sky Blue seems to be outfoxing the guards up there meaning they're very apt at flying around out of reach. Before you go you should do some practice around the University rooftops in a steeple chase on these. _she leads you over to several glowing disks_ All you need to do is a circle the five spires of the university and whomever arrives first back here will  be the winner

Cassidy: I have to admit I have always wanted to try one of these

Z'ev: I'm not so sure.. _inspects the magic disks_

DM: As you both fly up and hover just above the glass dome under Flamewind's gaze, the graceful Gynosphinx rises onto her rear paws and calls to start the race!

AND THEY ARE OFF! Cassidy has taken the lead, followed close behind by Z'ev who's a bit wobbly on his feet, heading for the first tower!

Cassidy: _Elves were naturally gifted with great balance so to Cas this felt quite easy that she felt confident enough to try a dash_

Cassidy dashes forth and atound the first tower, skillfully rounding it and zipping forth to the next

As Cassidy vanishes on up ahead, Z'ev  flies a bit too close to some magic window cleaning equipment

Z'ev clips the bucket and it flies into the air, soaking him from head to toe and getting it stuck on his head

Z'ev: _Cas was already way ahead if he didn't try now to catch up to her now he likely wouldn't he had to take the risk_

The bucket doesn't stop Z'ev one bit, tossing it aside as he flings himself around the first tower to catch up with Cassidy

Cassidy, as you approach the second tower a marble flings out if a window as a student fires a slingshot at you.

Despite the hit, Cas nimbleness gets her around the second tower without and problems

As you approach the tower, a rouge firebolt spits out of another window from a wand training class

It misses, but still singes Z'ev's fur just a little

Z'ev also rounds the second tower hot on Cassidy's heels!

Cassidy,  the firebolt that missed Z'ev has been hit by a directional wind change!

Hastily putting out the flanes hasn't broken Cassidy's stride, she's set on the forth tower as she rounds the third still in the lead!

Z'ev flies too low again and a statled professor throws an armful of pspers into the air!

Papers stick to Z'ev everywhere blinding him and making him fly erratically

Z'ev: _Tries to remove the paper before the next turn_

The papers rustle off and blow away inyo the breeze, clearing Z'ev's vision to continue the race

Cassidy, as you dive around the rooftops for the fourth tower, a Gargoyle is spooked and roars at you giving you a scare as good as it got

Cassidy,  the fright makes you loose your footing and you fall off the soarslead!

Luckily,  as you tumble towards the roof of the hall your decent is slowed down as if you were made of feathers, until your feet touch the roof of the glass dome. A little clink of metal lands beside you as you see a broach of feather fall tinkle on the glass.

And that, is the end of the race.

Z'ev: _brings his soarslead around and stumbles off it onto the roof and grabs Cassidy, panic in his features _ You ok? You're not hurt? I threw the Broach in time right?

Cassidy: fine really, I just wasn't expecting that _Glares at the gargoyle who hisses back from on high_

Flamewind: _from her position amongst her fine pillows and cushions under the dome, she smiles as if she knew they are the right ones for the job_

Z'ev: _holds Cassidy tight_ you had me really terrified there.

Cassidy: Sorry never intended to _Was holding her so tight it felt like he was crushing her a little_

Z'ev: Look, I'm not going to stop you putting yourself in danger as frankly I fell in love with you because you take risks that I wouldn't. However, just once you might need to consider that this is the one time you shouldn't. Again I can't stop you and won't because it's a decision you need to make.

You got singed, bruised and fell from a deadly height. Just don't take it lightly.

Cassidy: I know you're worried for me, I I'm too... but you can't do this alone I wouldn't let you, and none of the others are up to stepping in for me I believe

Z'ev: _kisses her softly_ I know, that's why I'm leaving that decision to you. Only you know what feels right.

DM: As they ascend through the thick rain clouds, passing the city's highest spires, emerging into the warm sunshine you see the mansions of Khorvaire's wealthiest citizens rising from the cloudbank in front of you, spires glittering in the early evening light.

Z'ev: Wow...never been up here before....Is this how the rich live?

Cassidy: Yep we're among the elite now, reminds me of Aerenal... _Says the last part more to herself_

Z'ev: Do you see a lighthouse?

Cassidy: _Looks this way and that if she can spot one_

DM: You both notice alight house beacon blinking from a stout tower on the edge of Skyway, perched on the very cliffhanger edge of a solidified cloud

Cassidy: Right there _pointing to it_ Is that where we're headed?

Z'ev: I'd say so. Be careful on you sled

Cassidy: I will be _Winks, as they start heading that way_

DM: As you arrive at the hideout you can see the top chamber has windows filling it with light that's of a pulsing red light. You hear voices inside

Cassidy: _Indicates they should get closer_

DM: As you approach you can see a dwarf enforcer interrogating a human bard in faded coloured clothes. There are huge windows all around the room and an orb of red light that blinks, flashing light out into the sky.


Stormflower: I-i don't know!


Stormflower: I don't know what you're on about! I just work here!

Cassidy: Mmm I wonder if they really do know...We need to get that officer away first to found out

Z'ev:  _whispers_ what do you propose we should do?

Cassidy: We could try a distraction lure them away

Z'ev: Ok so what do you suggest?

Cassidy: One of us will cause a distraction while the other gets to the bard to have our own chat, I could act as someone needing help maybe…

Z'ev: Invisibility potion? _grins_

Cassidy: That would keep them running around in circles _Giggles_ Wait would I have to be naked? _Reminding when he first drank one_

Z'ev: Yes. If that's a problem I can do it.

Cassidy: _Nods_ Alright, I'll sneak in as soon as they leave and free the bard

Z'ev: _nods and withdraws a vial from his alchemist bag and chugs the liquid in one gulp, his body vanishing from under his clothes which eventually fall to the floor before he sneaks around inside_

Bugrila: _hears a noise_ what was that? _ Spins around and wildly swings her sword at the air_ SHOW YOURSELF! _swinging wildly she doesn't hit anything and sheds her weapon before continuing shouting that the bard_ Who's her target!? Who is she working with!?

DM: Cassidy, you see a piece of wood being picked up off the floor and raised up high behind the dwarf getting ready to strike. You know the moment it hits, Z'ev will become visible.

Cassidy: _Can see just what's about to happen, quickly she grabs his clothes, and as soon as he hits the dwarf she teleports almost right beside him_

DM: The plank of wood hit's the dwarf who cries out in shock, and as it hits Z'ev becomes visible and Cassidy teleports in behind the dwarf as she turns to face her assailant and there's a brief pause in confusion as she's confronted by a naked shifter.

Z'ev: _while Bugrila is in shock he dives for the gear Cassidy dropped on the floor as she teleported in, grabs the Bad News from the top of the pile, aims and fires_

DM: the gun fires and hits Bugrila 's armour but the shrapnel bounces off and hits Cassidy as well as Bugrila in splash damage.

Cassidy: _Depsite the unexpected upset the dwarf hadn't yet seen her, with dagger in hand she went for a sneak attack_

Bugrila: _enraged by the surprise attack she lunges for Z'ev who's still unclothed with her greatsword_

Z'ev: _takes three large slashing wounds to his bare body, all three making him reel back in pain and firing the Bad News at the Dwarf in close range _

Bugrila: _roars in pain as shrapnel hits her in the face and ruining her beard_

Z'ev: _yelps and drops the Bad News, heavily bleeding from the deep sword wounds and the shrapnel that  has not only shattered the lenses of his glasses from blow back but lodged glass in his left eye_

Bugrila:What is the meaning of this!? You her Accomplices? I demand you Surrender and tell me where Sky Blue is - Or I will toss your corpses out the windows!

Cassidy: _Gasp in horror seeing the state Z'ev was in, one more hit and... they couldn't possibly take her the dwarf was too strong, they needed a new plan_ Maybe we are! _She yelled at her_ Or maybe I I'm Sky Blue herself _says taunting_ But you'll have to catch me first to find out _She Planed to make a run for it, if she took the bait_

Bugrila: Why would I chase you when I could just gut your accomplices? _grabs Z'ev's  head pulls it back exposing his throat to the blade of her sword_

Stormflower: Psst! Untie me and I can help! _says out the corner of his mouth_

Cassidy: _With options limited she took the chance and cut him free_ Don't make me regret this

Bugrila: _raises her sword closer to the neck_

Stormflower: I won't disappoint you, miss!

Cassidy: _With wand in hand she gestures for the dwarf to drop her weapon and move away from Z'ev_

Bugrila: _eyes strangely gloss over in a sheen haze of white, causing her to drop her sword and move a few steps away from the shifter_

Stormflower: _is shaking, but licks his lips and holds his short sword out at arm's length, awaiting What to do next, looking at Cassidy _

Z'ev: _ is holding his neck in shock, but also looking at Cassidy unsure of what just happened and a horrible thought is crossing his mind.... what the hell is that spell and how long has she had it?_

Cassidy: Tie them quick before they break free _Tells the bard_

Stormflower: _nods and starts to tie the dwarf up before whatever happened to it wears off_

Cassidy: _Goes to check on Z'ev while the bard is tying them up, swears when she sees the state of his eye up close_

Z'ev: _withdraws from Cassidy somewhat _ You have mind control spells? _blood is on his lips as he speaks_

Cassidy: _Hesitates for a moment she hadn't told him absolutely everything, afraid he would he look at her just as he was now_ Yes _Says timed he knew what he had seen, no point in lying about it_

Z'ev:  killed anyone with them?

Cassidy: If, if you mean harm themselves? No a spell can't make someone do that…

Z'ev: _relaxes somewhat._ I guess...that's ok then.... _unsure how to feel about it but now isn't the time_

Stormflower: Well that should do it. _ looks at Cassidy _ you really a friend of Sky Blue too?

Z'ev: _pulls out a jar of weird experimental ointment that looks as if it's glowing blue and starts, mixing it into the cuts, wincing as he does so as now his fur is caked in blood, glowing goop and a strange smell _

_starts to get redressed_

Cassidy: No but we would like to meet her and so does someone else, who would like her help

Stormflower: You're not the dark lanterns are you?

Cassidy: Wait, what do they have to do with this? _Asks as she helps Z'ev_

Z'ev : They're the King's secret police, Cas. He's asking if you're the "fez". _to Stormflower_ no. I was during the war but I want to be as far apart from them as possible.  Preferably millions of miles away. _says darkly _

Stormflower: Then you're working for another gang? I already ran into a bunch of you on the way here after I received Sky's letter!

Cassidy: Gang? What gang was that?

Stormflower: You've never heard of the fallen fangs either? Just who are you working for? _confused_

Cassidy: The oracle Flamewind 

Stormflower: _perks up_ Really? You're her favoured?

Cassidy: Well she asked us to find Sky Blue so yes

Stormflower: Well... you're out of luck as am I. _hands Cassidy a letter_

Z'ev: _arranging his vest as he comes over_ what's it say?

Cassidy: _Reads the latter out loud_ And you've no idea where she means to go?

Z'ev: _tries reading it over Cassidy's shoulder as she waves it around_

Stormflower: Well I can actually.  I helped her plot the heist, but I didn't think she'd go ahead without me. I'm really worried about her, especially with so many after her. If you plan on chasing after...may I join you? I may not be the greatest swords smith but I can weave a spell or two with my lute.

Cassidy: So it may not be too late, we  would very much welcome the help in finding her 

Stormflower: _is ecstatic _ oh thankyou! Promise you won't regret it! _kisses Cassidy's hand before he shows the map on the wall to them_ here's the plan: We can either catch her on the heist, Or afterwards at one of these places where she'll retrieve her stash... though I don't know which one she'll go to as she changes them

Z'ev: We can't really wait around, Cas. How reliable is it going to be hanging around one of these places when there's no assurance she'll show up? That gang might get her in the meantime...._glances at the dwarf_ how do we know she's not part of a second gang? Afterall,  those after us might also be after her too. If that Oracle can stop a war, it can easily start one too.

Cassidy: No you're right we can't hope we're right she will come to any of these places _pointing to the map_ We're have to try and catch her on the heist it's our best bet

Stormflower: This is soo exciting! To be doing a heist with real adventures! _to celebrate the new partnership he starts to strum his lute and sings_

Your orator came very close to his death, 

At the hands of a barbarous dwarf with bad breath, 

But heroes from yonder did save him from harm, 

A light in the towering shadows of Sharn

Z'ev: _as Stormflower sings like a bird, he finds a barrel to sit on, takes his glasses off and carefully touches his face where the shrapnel hit that he didn't put any ointment on. He can still feel glass and bits of lead not just around the eye but in it too. He'll never be able to get it all out himself but even if he could it's too late, sight in that eye is permanently gone_

Cassidy: _Notices Z'ev isn't standing behind her anymore, sees him struggling to remove the glass and such from around his eye_ Z'ev are you alright? Do you need help? _Deeply concerned_

Z'ev: Unless you have some tweezers, I'm not sure there is alot you can do Cas.

Cassidy: _Looking more closely_ No I think this is better left to Ian, I'm afraid I'd make it worse, _Says more quietly_ Your beautiful eye... _No expert but it looked bad really bad_

Z'ev: At least get the bigger chunks out. If we get into another fight I don't need  someone seeing a area that'll be a great target to punch 

Cassidy: _Nods_ Hold as still as you can _Says as she gets to work_

Z'ev: _holds as still as he possibly can_

Cassidy: _Having a closer look, this was going to require some tools_ Do you have a med kit?

Z'ev: No. There's probably tweasers in the theives tools you picked up... and some in my alchemist bag.

Cassidy: _Checking through hers and his stuff she finds a pair as well as some alcohol to sterilise them with, and rips a strip or two from her common clothes to clean his wounds, she carefully and gently as she can begins removing what she can_ If we had some fishing line and a needle I could stitch those cuts as well _She was pretty good at self treatment as she had, had to patch herself up more times than she could count_

Z'ev: _trying hard not to wince while being administered to_ I don't think stitching it will look any better, Cas. Unless you don't want to see an empty eye socket of course. 

Cassidy: I was more thinking the sword slashes _As she removes another peace_

Z'ev: _a smile starts to form_ oh? You don't like a shifter with scars? I thought that was what we all eventually started to look like. _chuckles_ A sign of one's strength my dad would say and one of stupidity from my mother.

Bugrila: _slowly comes too, her voice making a sort of gurgling noise_

Stormflower: I think we better get going.... before things get interesting again!

Z'ev: _places hand on Cassidy's. _ I think we should listen to the singer, especially if we have 'plans'

Cassidy: _Squeezes his hand_ You know I love you scars and all _Says with a smirk_ And yes times up we had better go _Starts putting everything away_

Stormflower: For Favoured adventures you guys don't come across as heroic as people in the flicky pictures

Z'ev: Yes, well.... reality is better than fiction And puts stuff into perspective 

Cassidy: That is very true _Smiling to herself as sometimes she can't believe this her reality_ Let's go _Finished packing everything away 

Z'ev: Alright... Stormflower,  lead the way

DM: Following Stormflower and the hand drawn heist maps, you're taken to Cloudpool Park a swirling solidified cloud where gold benches rest under vaporous trees and has a large crystal window that looks down over the sprawling city below. A gazebo stands prominently on a nearby cloud with a knot of nobles gathered around.

Cassidy: Alright Stormflower just what was Sky Blue's plan for this heist?

Stormflower: She's going to get her father's medals back. I assume the sky coach that's due to come through has someone on it transporting them to their final auction... that's why she plans on stopping it

Cassidy: _Thinks about this_ As I see it she will either try for them when she's delivered, before the auction or after they're brought . If we can we should scope out those three places.

Z'ev: That newspaper article Flamewind gave to us though suggested she wouldn't wait for it to reach it's destination if there was a risk of getting caught. And if the guards are as dangerous as that dwarf was….

Stormflower: But what about the Fangs?

Z'ev: Hmmm…

Cassidy: If that't ture we'll have to catch her on the skyway than, Z'ev I want you to take a look around the skycoach landing, Stromflower check out that group at the gazebo and I'll see what I can find along the skycoach path

Z'ev: _nods and hesitates_ where's it landing again? Can you show me the map?  _needs to know what direction the stage coach landing is_

Stormflower: _ hands Z'ev the map before having it handed back to him_

DM: As Z'ev hops on a sorasled and it shoots off towards the landing platform for the sky coach, Stormflower goes to check out what the nobles are up to.

Stormflower sneaks up to the Gazebo but someone from the band that is playing spots him and his loot and joyfully asks him to join in, the crowd of nobles egging him on tha cheering to convince him. Cassidy, as you watch Z'ev zoom off on the soarsead you suddenly see movement from the glass floor beneath you and see two orcs and a Gnoll, the Gnoll ordering the two Orcs to throw spears at the Soarslead as they think Z'ev is sky blue. Z'ev,  despite only one eye your heari g is good enough you can hear the spears  come out from beneath you and your able to evade them.

Sky sees all this from her hiding spot and realises her cover is broken, sge whistles for her seagull companion Earl and both of them take off on soraslead.

Cassidy: _Sees an human with a bird take off, didn't the article say there was a bird spotted with Sky, it couldn't be a coincidence that must be her, she hops on her soarslead to give chase_

DM: Ok, Cassidy you zip past Z'ev on the slead, speeding up to catch up with Sky. As Sky stays reasonably ahead of you, the sky coach that she was supposed to heist comes into veiw, knocking her off balance.

Sky Blue: _is knocked off the sled but lands on the roof of the skycoach, almost sliding off it. She regains her grip and leaps again for the Soraslead_

_succesfully makes the jump_

Khurse: _snaps at her two orc companions to get on their sleds in pursuit while getting onto hers, While she does, a Gargoyle messenger flies right into her._ 

DM: The creature missed hitting her and she throws him off, The orcs are just as unlucky, they knock a griffon rider off it's mount and both take damage from it's claws getting tangled up with them.

Z'ev,  you're a bit distracted by everything happening at once, and zip through into a narrow alleyway between the towers, criss-crossed by bridges. You have to slow down twice to avoid hitting any of the bridges, so you cannot dash, however as you come out the otherside you're now tailing behind the Fallen Fang's gang.

Z'ev: _Puts out his pistol and aims at the nearest of the gang and fires a shoot at their soarslead_

DM:  The orc looks at his wound, to him it's like he was bitten by a mosquito 

Cassidy,  to catch Sky off guard yo duck into an alleyway with arches and bridges in an effort to get ahead. You duck through the allyway pretty fast, though forced to slow down as a old lady flying her pet dragon crosses the allyway. You come out the other side now behind Sky at a greater distance, but now in close range of the Fallen Fangs. 

Cassidy: _Sees she's falling behind, but also an opportunity to remove some of the competition she pulls tendrils of magic from the air moulding it with ancient words into a flaming sphere which she throws at the gang and also finds the griffin carving and throws it summoning it into being to fly alongside her_

DM: The bronze statuette flies out into the open where you threw it and starts to tumble out of the sky beyond the clouds. Fearing you just threw something valuable away you swear.

Below the cloudline the statuette tinkles as it lands on a rooftop far below.

As curse words leave your lips Cassidy and you keep on flying onwards, you notice the clouds start to shift around and move as  something below them is trying to break through.... then it happens, the clouds behind all of you burst open and a giant bronze griffon is gracefully flapping its wings soaring along in the skies behind you all in the case for Sky Blue.

Cassidy: _Putting two fingers in her mouth she whistles to the griffin to catch up_

DM: The griffon calls out with a roaring shriek and flies past Z'ev and Khurse at speed, catching up to the Orcs. Z'ev,  you think it's worth chanceing the alleyways again to try to catch up, Two of the bridges slow you down trying to get around them.

Z'ev: Realising he's never going to catch up at this rate, he leaps off the soraslead as is comes within range of the nearest rooftop and starts scrambling for a good position where the chasing sleads swing around the building, cocks the blunderbuss and fires it hoping to catch the Gnoll as she comes past

Khurse: _swears and curses, whistling to the orcs and signalling that it's not worth it _

DM: The orcs look disappointed but they know the boss knows better than they do and break off the chase. Sky blue however is still trying to escape

Cassidy: _If she had a hope of catching her she needed to slow her down somehow, waving her wand in a strange rhythm, she creates an image of one of those flying dinosaurs she has seen making it appear its about to crash into her _

Sky Blue: _ panics and falls off her soraslead and starts to plummet from the sky_

Cassidy: _Calls out to the griffin to catch her_

DM: The griffon skydives after Sky and beneath the clouds. There's nothing but the sound of your heart THUMPING hard in your ears...

Did it catch her? Did she go splat? 

The clouds move apart as the huge wings of the Bronze Griffon break free and in the Griffon's claws, the 15 yr old Sky Blue is dangling from then by her jacket, swinging around demanding to be let go


Earl the seagull: _flaps around the Griffin's head _ let her go you big brute!

Z'ev: _lowers the blunders and is relieved _ 

_though has no idea where she got the ability to summon a bloody great big Griffin from_

_wonders what Cassidy will order it to do next_

Cassidy: Calm down we're not going to hurt you _Tries to reassure her_

Sky Blue: _squirms more_ I Knew it! You're only after the stupid reward! My Father was a fucking war hero and he's going to loose his medals if I don't stop them selling them! LET ME GO!

Cassidy: Stop suggesting please I really don't want to see you fall, look we're not concerned about any reward, we were asked to find you by someone who wants to meet you

Sky Blue: Yeah, probably the nobility I robbed who stole what was rightfully my fathers! LET ME GO!

Cassidy: _Could see that it was going to take more to convince her_ Alright I understand the medals were your father's, and are of course very important to you, so I'll make you a deal, if we help you get them back, you'll come meet them

Z'ev: _finally makes it over to Cassidy _ did you mention the thing with Flamewind yet? Hello, er... sorry about this….

Sky Blue: _starts to stop swinging herself around_ Flamewind? 

Cassidy: Yes, if we can start over, I'm Cassidy and this is Z'ev we were asked by Flamewind to find you, your friend Stromflower told us what you were intending to do and were could find you

DM: Z'ev can see Cassidy getting fustrated and takes her aside, sitting her down before going back to Sky Blue and explaining everything, at least everything about the Oracle and the impending war that is threatening to start. You hear him admit he has no idea why Flamewind thinks she's important but it's best not to argue with a Gynosphinx on matters so important. Sky Blue eventually gives in but on one condition - you have to help her retrieve her father's medals, as now she's convinced it's her destiny to go into the Mournland and find him. While she's sceptical and distrusts you both as much as she distrusts anyone calling themselves a sage at the university she agrees she'll meet them AFTER you help her first.

Sky's father was Jara Blue, and his medals were stripped from him when he was court-martialed for desertion, but that's not what happened.  Sky had smuggled herself onto the front lines  to be with him forcing him to take her home. This lead to him been sentenced to join the vangard where he was killed in Cyre. Sky however is convinced he maybe still alive.

Z'ev: Hmmm that is a pickle. Cas, you feeling alright? You up for a Robbery? _looks at Cassidy and checks her over reaching the conclusion she isn't fit enough to be helping much and should be resting.  He turns to Sky blue _ we may not be able to be in any condition to pull that off... my fiancè despite her ferocity certainly isn't.  _gives Cassidy a sharp look daring her to speak up before continuing _ but I may know of an old friend who might be a bit more suited to getting in and out of places, especially in a hurry. I'll see if he's available... if he is we can help you, but you must promise us to at least visit Flamewind with us. She maybe able to help you with your search for your father.

Sky Blue: _hesitates_ well... you don't look like theives….

Z'ev: _smiles_ oh I dunno. Some might argue that's what an Archeologist is. Cas, have you still got that sending stone Zell gave you?

Cassidy: _She bite her words back after the look he give her, she didn't want to admit he was right, but couldn't help pouting about it still_ I do... _Says looking through her bag for it_

Z'ev: May I have it a minute? Won't take too long. _pulls some tools from his alchemist bag, though they look pretty ordinary _

Cassidy: _Digs the stone out from the bottom of her bag, just as his about to take it, she pulls her hand away_ This friend yours, do you trust them? _Of couse she trust Z'ev but not knowing this individual can she trust they would have his back, if anything happened to him she wasn't sure she could forgive herself, or them_

Z'ev: _snorts as he sits down in between the two ladies, allowing them both a decent veiw over his shoulder as he jams a screwdriver into the decorative metal on the side of the stone and as he turns it the sending stone starts changing colours, like a tv trying to tune into 1000 different channels at once_

Trust him? Hell no. Which is why I trust him to cause a big distraction at the auction so we can slip in and get out again. High chance he'll get himself arrested but he's slippery enough to wriggle his way out of it... Ha ha….

DM: Cassidy you see Sky giving her seagull companion a worried look and then the stone in Z'ev's hands seems to come to life, though the last thing you were expecting was a  large snout with a wet doggish-like nose on the end of it come into full veiw. The snout puuls back and you get the full veiw of the face of a pastal pink Kobold dressed in pretty average commoners clothes...adorened with chefs tools like a spatula and potato peelers festooning from every single pocket you could stuff things into

Teklo: _glares at it_ Wait, I thought this thing was busted? Why is it buzzing? 

Z'ev: _is a little suprised _ Teklo? What are you doing with Ashley's sending stone? I thought you left him the last time we spoke?

Teklo: _ shrugs, to which the walking kitchen utensil ensemble clinks and jingles a bit_ someone had to pay off his debts.  Not like he could tied naked to a lamppost in the center of Havenglen.

Z'ev: _shakes his head_ well where is he now?

DM: You see the kobold pull back and reveal they are in some sort of dingey looking playhouse, you can see the audience throwing food, beer steins and the occasional chair at the preformer who seems to be preforming some gross act involving bits of his anatomy being used like a puppet.... the theatre is one you've only ever heard of in passing called the Ten Torches, somewhere the students all talked about in hushed whispers as they knew if any faculty found them near the place they would be expelled from the university. 

As the Kobold walks around, ducking under a thrown table she heads for a table towards the back of the establishment where your contact is engaged in a game.

Ashley Roslyn: _Ashley was a young man of between twenty five or twenty seven he wasn't really sure fair with strawberry blonde hair grown out to pass his shoulders which he kept tied back, along with some of the plaeness gray eyes they looked silver, his clothes were not as bright as a lot of bard's preferring more of a dark mustard colour, but when you were in trouble or trying to lay low as often as he was, it was better not to stand out so much._

_He'd spotted a half elf in the establishment with remarkable red hair and a pair of stunning emerald earings that he believed would look fair better on him, he'd sat in on their game of cards hoping to win them, but the half elf and gang were far better players well cheats than him, he'd already lost all his coin and was just about to call it quits when he saw Teklo approaching_ 

Teklo: _pokes Ashley with the pointy end of a ladle and very loudly because she's never learnt the difference between yelling and whispering she exclaims gleefully_ Old friend on the line for you Ash!

_and shoves the sending stone into his hands_

Ashley: _Covers the stone for a moment_ Teklo when you say a friend, do you mean a friend or a "friend"? _Ask in a low voice, thinking it someone he may have forget to pay back_

Ashley: _pauses and looks as thoughtful as a amalgamation of weedy dragon with a dog nose could look_  ahhhhh.....well Friend of mine as of last time we saw each have a bad habit of turning them all into "Friends," eventually _ does the air quotes with her claws a little too jauntly_

Ashley: _Curious just who she was talking about_ Gentlemen if you'll excuse me I need to take this _Goes to find a quite area away from the group_  _Finding a quieter spot close to the restrooms, he uncovers the stone revealing the caller_ Hello...

Z'ev: _sees Ashley's face finally appear on the stone_ you still look as troublesome as I remember.

Ashley: _For a moment he was completely thrown_ Really using the face of a dead man, I'll done some pretty low things but that is a new level, everyone from North market to Stoneyard knows Z'ev Ozone dead when his house went up in smoke 

Z'ev: _gives the sending stone a dirty look_ says the man I used to work with at the Dezina Museum who was obsessed with occult artifacts due to a creepy little secret. _lowers voice_ you know yourself the dead sometimes like to get out and party.

Ashley: Nice try _Not missing a beat_ But the first part is common knowledge, and the second... _Says in a lower voice_ More people than I'd like know about "that" _Says with a strong distaste_ Your going to have to try harder than that

Z'ev: _lets out a low bone chilling growl_ yes, only because you stupid enough to frequent bordellos and hore houses where the ladies have mirriors of illusion around the place. You have the tact and social grace of a bloody cockatrice in a room full of peacocks. _teeth are clearly showing now, he's trying hard not to shift in frustration as already his face hurts like hell, pretty certain not all the glass was taken out if his damaged eye and shifting could imbed whatever is left deeper into the socket. Admittedly he looks a mess, broken glasses, blood mattered in his fur and it all unkempt needing a trim.... He was not having a good day and was tempted to spread it around._

Sky Blue: I don't have time for this, we could be trying to get into the auction right now instead of wasting time with... this blonde bumble head!

Z'ev: _sighs_  you're right, we don't have time. _looks back at the sending stone at the blonde human skulling from a tankard_ and it's true, I'm dead or probably will be if this goes south. If it does I'm sending my wife to hunt you down and get back all the Galifars you owe me... all 700 Dragons (money) before she slits your throat, cuts you up and buries each body part of yours at different corners of the globe, though was hoping if you were going to help I'd forget all that coin you owe and the tomes you stole from the university. 

 Besides, who else do you know that actually knows how to hack a sending stone to get your number? 

_turns back to Cassidy and hand her the sending stone_ Let's go, forget I suggested we get help.

_rubs his good eye and stands overlooking the rest of Skyway from the rooftop they're on. He should have expected that really, but what else was there to do? He really didn't want his pregnant almost wife to go in there with them if the heist went badly,  especially after how the previous encounter with the armed dwarf went... ok so Cassidy might be more capable at looking after herself  than he was but something was making him more protective and self-sacrificing more than usual and it was probably the realisation that he was going to be a dad... or will be if he can stop putting them in danger all the time. It was fun taking a gew risk again here and there but there's that niggling feeling that maybe it's time to put stuff aside for a while, pray the world doesn't explode.....but that won't ever happen as Cedric and Pyre will probably track them down eventually and everythong else they've gotten messed up in turns around to bite them...they're never going to be fully safe and get to stay in one place for long. His shoulders visably sag making him more disheveled and lost than he ever had been before at that thought as it was painfully true that it may never end._

Sky blue: So you helping me or not? As I could have happily robbed the coach if you hadn't stopped me.

Ashley: _Ends the call after the stone suddenly goes dark, well that was different a changeling wearing the face of a dead man calling him out of the blue, to threaten him he was concerned by how much informed they knew about him, some of it about Z'ev was had been wrong Z'ev never had a wife, puzzling as it all was he still had some earrings to try and swap before making a hasty exit_

Teklo: _taps her foot_ so are we going to meet up with old pals? It's been SOOOO LONG! _ in the background her shadow is being projected onto a nearby wall because they're now moved away from a full light source, the projection is acting out the excitement Teklo is barely able to contain_

DM: The shadow, Ashley you're very well acquainted with btw. Teklo's shadow has a bit of a life of it's own a quirk that while charming has gotten them into trouble many times as it expresses exactly what the Kobold is really thinking and has on occasion been known to stab other people's shadows

Ashley: Ahhh _Seeing the shadow dancing about, he really didn't want to tell her this_ Teklo I hate to be the bearer of bad news but... Z'ev Ozone dead... his house was set on fire and he didn't make it I'm sorry _He says this with a great deal of sincerity he really did care for the kobold, she was one of his few friends maybe even his only friend_

Teklo: _tilts her head_ what? That's rubbish.  _her shadow nods and folds its arms_ We where just talking! If he was dead then how would he remember the whole business of you being publicly humiliated in the town closest to his home one? Afterall you DID try to chat up his sister as well as many other woman in the area....sure I PAID for your freedom but where else do you think I got that kind of money? You even got a nice sunburn from all the sun _snorts and giggles as Ashley deserved getting sunburnt down there_

Ashley: Wait, wait _Really now thinking all he had said over_ It wouldn't happen to have been 700 dragons would it?

Teklo: _lights up and grins, her long snout revealing some pointy teeth_ yeah and he told me YOU had to pay for it but I had forgotten about it because honestly the sight of rubbing cream on your sunburns for two weeks was tourture enough. _her shadow is laughing, clutching it's  belly and slapping it's knee_

Ashley: Oh Khyber, it really is him isn't it? _It all dawning on him_

Teklo: Duh, who else would call you on a sending stone? There's only one person who bothered to remember your spell code who you've never slept with and even then I recall you've tried more than once to get him into bed with you to forget about books you stole. 

Ashley: _Hands her the stone_ Call him, call him back please _Not sure he can completely face him_

Teklo: Uhhh _reels a bit_ I have no idea how to call him back. I only know how to answer the've never shown me how to make a call back._her shadow face palms_

Ashley: Right _Taking it back from her_ Good as time as any _As he shows her how it works and reconnects to the last number_

DM: Cassidy, as you stand up and are about to drop the stone into your bag so you can follow Z'ev and Sky Blue to stake out the auction house you feel the stone vibrate and buzz, glowing in your palm

Cassidy: _Opens the connection_ Hello this is Cassidy, who's calling?

DM: Ashley,  on your side of the stone, you see a beautiful Ravenhaired elf with elegant almond eyes and a streak of white through the mass of waves which roll beyond her shoulders with a huge scar down her face. You are sort of captivated by her appearance despite this as she seems to have a strange glow about her

Ashley: Oh _Seeing not who he was expecting_ Sorry I must have the wrong number, however hello _Gives her one of his winning smiles that has worked on more than one individual_ Cassidy you said your name was, its very nice to meet you Cassidy, I'm Ashley _Every word he says dripping with seduction _

DM: Behind him Teklo's eyes roll and  while she crosses her arms, her shadow is reaching out wanting to strangle Ashley 

Cassidy: _Fighting a great deal of temptation to throw the stone as far as possible_ Z'ev! _Yells holding the stone at arms length_ Its "him" he called back

Z'ev: _from where he's standing he waves it off, continues walking down the rampway down off the rooftop_  tell him the Auction House in Skyway. lots of guards, plenty Old money to schmooze, will pay for distraction....maybe if we live.

Cassidy: _Relays what he said but doesn't brother to make sure he got it all before ending the call, dropping the stone back in 

her bag and following_

Teklo: Well? 

Ashley: Wait, who are you? _Having heared her call Z'ev's name_ She hang up _Sounding surprised_

Teklo: That might be the wife you said wasn't real, right?

Ashley: Ahh so that's wife mmm _A smile spreading across his face_ Right we're going to the Action house in Skyway to meet some old and new friends at seems... Teklo where's my violin?

Teklo: Where you left it, in the kitty of the card game. _points at the table that's ending the game and the winner a half orc is inspecting the violin_

DM: The half orc, who introduced himself to the card game as Thrax, jokingly pretends to play the instrument,  laughing and taunting Ashley. As he turns around to head for the toilets  you see a huge insignia on his ripped studded leather jacket of a criminal gang that's well known in Flame Lights redlight district, the Jagged Fangs who own and run several brothels and opium dens.

Ashley: Of course _As he watches them_ Teklo wait outside, we're likely going to have to make a hasty exit


Teklo: _lights up and grins_ certainly! Plan A or B?

Ashley: Hopefully plan A works out and won't have to resort to B, either way we won't be able to come back here... well anytime soon

Teklo: Right you are then! _she waits till Tharx enters the bathrooms and stands nonchalantly as a pink Kobold can just beside the door_

DM: As Ashley enters, he can see Tharx standing over a grotty urinal taking a leak. A broken mirror is in front of him and the violin is resting beside the urinal. There is also three stalls, one seems to be occupied 

Ashley: _The first thing that caught his eye when he walked in was the mirror, his heart leaped in fright at the sight of it, however he was lucky like everything in here it was filthy so he couldn't at all see himself_ Thank Siberys _Breathes a sigh of relief_

_The half orc was oblivious to everything around him, as he whistled while relieving himself without a care, the dirty mirror giving him no clue of Ash picking up the instrument close by and heading back out the door as early as he had stepped in_ Let's go _Says to Teklo as they head for the exit, walking at normal pace so as not to raise suspicion_

DM: Ashley and Teklo, as you step off a sky lift in Skyway you immediately head over to the Action house. It's not a building too hard to miss, having some very flowering and ornate architecture. Outside there are two guard watching people as they enter the building.

Cassidy, you are currently inside the building which from the inside looks like a giant warehouse filled with antiques and curios. In the middle of all this are the seats where the auction will take place, and people are taking seats ready for when the bidding starts. Nimble is with you, making you appear more well to do as a noble with a pet dragon of quality breeding on your shoulder.

Z'ev,  you are currently lurking around on the rooftop which is made of glass and both you and Sky Blue can see the entire floor plan and are awaiting Cassidy's signal when she locates the medals and is ready to cause a scene for you to get in and out.

As you look down through the glass dome surveying the building layout, Z'ev what are you thinking of doing right now as you watch nobles and Cassidy walking around inspecting the items for auction.

Z'ev: _As he prepares another batch of chemicals for possible need, he he maps out points of entry and exit if the way is clear_

DM: As you scope from your vantage point Z'ev, you see the two guards on the front door just outside the doorway, two guards near the auctioneer's podium and another one hanging around a cabinet on the far left of the room. However with your lack of depth perception you can't tell if they're heavily armed or not. There is a second exit behind the podium but that looks like goes into a storage room, as you can see items getting carried in and out

Z'ev: _Makes sure his weapons are in working order, and checks in on Cas again_

DM: Ashley,  you and Teklo have finally arrived and are walking up the steps towards the front guards, what is the plan?

Ashley: What exactly do you suppose Z'ev wants me to do? I hope it isn't what I think it _Says to Teklo_

Teklo: _looks around_ there's alot of people around, Ash. I don't think he would ask you to do something dangerous would he?

Ashley: I don't think he would at last I hope not, just getting through the door is our first challenge, but I do have a plan just follow my lead _Says as they head for the door_

Teklo: _nods and falls in behind Ashley _

DM: The two guards watch you both approach. One is a dumpy fat man and the other is a short scrawy ugly looking.... no calling it a goblin would be insulting to goblins everywhere. The fat man is enjoying a quiet smoke.

Ashley: Evening gents, the reinforcements have arrived _ Calls to the guards cheerfully as they approach_

Captain Quirky: Reinforcements? _The fat dumpy guard rolls the cigarette in his mouth and thrusts out his hand_ Badge.

DM: Even with his below average intelligence and squashed nose, the guard can tell you're not dressed like one

Ashley: Whoo no sir we're no soldiers no, no, no our employer called us up says this shindig has turned out a bigger gathering than they anticipated and they needed an extra cook and a band member 

DM: The guards go into a huddle and you hear the words "Is there really entertainment at an Auction?" And "The food the rich people eat is utter dribble, it's not even food! What the heck is a Can-a-pay?"

There now seems to be a discussion of the ugly one describing what he thinks a Canapè is to the fat one, his face getting more confused as the explanation gets more convoluted 

Ashley: Gentlemen please let's not make our jobs more difficult than need be, you could take my word for it or you'll have to go your employer to call my employer to find everything is as I said, but my friends do you really want to go through all that trouble?

Captain Quirky: _expression looks thoughtful, though it's more akin to him probably getting a wedgie_ yeah, alright then, no trouble though. The toffs won't like that. _waves you both through_

Ashley: Thank sir enjoy your cigarette _Says as they walk through_

Cassidy: _Had been pacing about the floor, seeing if she could locate any medals, Nimble scouted about for them as well_

DM: Cassidy,  as you wander around the isles of bric-a-brac you get the sense that anything of intrinsic monetary value would be behind glass so you head towards the cabinets where the guard stands and it doesn't disappoint. On the shelves behind glass are things like expensive dragonshard jewellery, the finest of antique pistols, war wands, swords, maces....and a box with a velvet inlay with seven war hero medals.

Cassidy: _Signals to Z'ev and Sky with a minor illusion spell that she's found them and to be ready_

Teklo: _as she follows Ashley into the building she can feel eyes locking onto her, many in nobby circles have never seen a Kobold let alone a pastel pink one. She starts to bow excessively to anyone they walk past, her instinct is to cower and grovel though being around Ashley long enough to consider him her pack prevents her from stooping so low as to attempt to beg off these people. It looks sort of pathetic which is exactly what she wants, as the aristocrats handwave her as nothing more than a harmless servant following her master; she starts to relax when eyes start looking off at something else. Weaving through all the gaudy and ugly looking furniture that these people see as luxury goods,  she stops and tugs Ashley's sleeve. _ Over there! By those things...what do you call them again, those weird boxes you could see though that you had the museum and the art gallery that you humans think is clever to put random useless junk in? It's the lady from the message! What's she up to looking around like that?

Ashley: Ah yes so I can see, seeing her through a sending stone doesn't do justice to her beauty, that lucky son of a gun, well I think we should make a proper introduction _Can see Teklo roll her eyes_ To find out the plan of course, which I have an inkling about _Looking around_

DM: Ashley,  there are few times in your life where being undead has any sort of perk, however as someone who has tried to keep a low profile on it you are very much aware of a bizarre terrorist organisation from Karrnath that give the people who believe in the religion Blood of Vol a bad name, their distinct green wolf head insignia is so distinctive you can spot it even if it's on the smallest button on a shirt collar. You know this as these people would LOVE to get their hands on someone like yourself and dissect you to figure out how you're walking around without necrotic magic.

As you approach Cassidy you notice on the guards collar the distinctive pin of the green wolf.

Teklo: _walks right up to Cassidy, smiling as best as she can and immediately puts out her hand to shake Cassidy's  before Ashley can try anything_ Hello! Wow so glad we can meet in person! So you're his wife huh? How'd that happen? When did you meet? _sniffs and eyes light up_ OH MY GOODNESS ARE YOU PREGNANT!?

DM: Teklo is so forwards with her questioning, she makes Cassidy hesitate and falter,  confused as to where this Kobold came from and how the hell does they know her and looks very panicky.


Ashley: Teklo calm down you're overwhelming the lady _Peolpe were starting to state at them including those he would rather not have the attention of_

DM: Right,on the rooftop Sky is starting to get very antsy, is begging Z'ev to hurry up and is trying to get Cassidy to do SOMETHING  so they can remove the glass plane so they can drop inside, get the medals and get out again.

Sky Blue: _outloud_ come on comeon what's taking so long? How hard is it to cause a ruckus to lure away the guards and create a scene?

Z'ev: _Sees Cassidy's signal that she has found the medals and to get ready, when a bright pink Kobold approaches her and starts dancing around excitedly, as Ash approaches tries to calm Teklo everyone is starting to look their way_ Think that's a big enough distraction? _Says to Sky_

Sky Blue: The guards are still there. They don't seem to be moving 

Z'ev: Come on Cas, it's all on you

Ashley: Teklo please _Still trying to calm Kobold, he ends up just grabbing her now, as he sees guards coming towards them_ Beware the wolf _Says to Cassidy before dragging Teklo away_

Teklo: _her shadow acts like it's being dragged along and it's trying to resist  Ashley's pull, though Teklo only looks sad she's being ushered away but exclaims loudly_ What wolf? I don't see any wolf? WolF WHERE?

Cassidy: _Conposing herself as best she can, as the blondish man drags the kobold yelling about wolves away, she realises its the pair Z'ev contacted on the sending stone, his warning has started to make her aware of the symbol she now notices about, still they had a plan to carry out, she took in the scope of her surrounds for anything that might help_

DM: Cassidy, as you start moving around to get a better look at the guards on duty,  you realise one of them has very distinctive eyes...and a scar despite his freshly shaven head....

Cassidy as you try to make you way away hurriedly you are stopped by a bone chilling voice you know oh so well as a gun muzzle is aimed towards you face, stopping you from  running away. The guard removes his hat and yes, this face is one you were hoping was still behind bars.

Cedric: We meet again Sis.... WHERE IS THE ORACLE?! HAND IT OVER NOW!

DM: As Cedric reveals himself the other guard tears off their disguise and is revealed to be Pyre, his teeth elongated as he snorts and growls hungry for blood.

Pyre: So you did it huh? _ snarls_ well well we can't have THAT now can we? Are you going to tell him what I can smell or shall I?

Irullan Karnach: _pulls off her disguise and aims her war wand_ Oh Shut it you fools! Just kill her, grab the fucking Oracle along with the girl and LET'S GO.

DM: Before Z'ev can stop her, Sky realises this is the only time she can jump in to get those medals so she throws down her rope through the open glass plane and ascends while people are running around trying to leave the building, and makes a dash for the medals.

Sky Blue: _manages to get to the cabinet and starts trying to fing a way to break in_

Teklo: _seeing Cassidy is in trouble, wriggles out of Ashley's grip and launches herself at the nearest ex-guard which is Pyre swinging around her frying pan_

Pyre: _turns_ OW! WHERE'D YOU COME FROM? _is about to maul Teklo 

Ashley: They're coming out of the woodworks _says Teklo as she breaks free_ TEKLO! _Yells as she fling herself at the shifter, the lady Cassidy was in trouble too a elf practically identical to her down to the scar was threatening her, and as well as a wizard waving a wand about by Khyber what had he gotten himself into, he pulls the case of his back and takes out his reacquaired violin and plays a long sharp note on it cause a wave of energy to explode between the whole group _

DM: As the room begins to blur and unfocus and their heads ache in agony from the music, even though everyone including them are staggering around, both Pyre and Cedric draw their long swords and gang up on the bard to try and stop the music

Pyre misses both times, impaling his sword into a chest of antique draws and spending the next few seconds trying to free it only to yank out a draw and hit his own leg.

Cedric however swings wide and wild and both manage to connect, somehow slashing at Ashley, wounding the bard.

Cassidy: _Feeling sick and confused Cassidy's never been hit by something so hard, she stumbles about knocking things over trying not to throw up when cashes right into the wand slinger, tries to cast thunderstep before they can retaliate

DM: Ashley and Cedric get full brunt of the lighting Zap as Cassidy teleports across the room, Cedric practically almost frying to death on the spot, the lightning crackles along the floor and also Zaps Pyre, Irullan and Teklo, the Kobold collapsing to the floor in a heap as her little heart struggles to regain it's rhythm. 

Z'ev: _Horrored by what he was seeing as a number of people fall to floor lifeless, he needed to get down there stop what was happening now, he grabs the rope Sky used and descents down_

_Runs for the kobold to pull her her to safely before checking on her condition_

DM: Z'ev manages to pull the Kobold and all her clanging and noisey kitchen utensils around behind a large dresser and safe behind cover. You lean down and feel for her pulse and find it with relative ease. It's fairly faint, she's alive but she can't take another hit without her body starting to fail

Z'ev: _Tracers a symbol over Teklo which disappears into the kobold's scales, he can hear Cedric laughing and murmuring "Natural born killer, she's so beautifully brilliant in the background_

Teklo: _gasps and starts choking before eventually opening her eyes_ I was right! You're not ...dead!

Karnach: _staggers up and swears_ USELESS! BOTH OF YOU! if I want something done I may as well fucking do it myself! _she swings her hand with the war wand around and starts chanting in tongues, black and red angry clouds start to swirl and bits of lighter furniture is picked up from the isles into a huge great big circular sphere._

DM: As the ball of energy expands and implodes, sending necrotic shockwaves through every living thing in the room within a one hundred and fifty feet.... the choking darkness eventually starts to clear and Pyre and Cedric are both skeletal husks on the stone work floor, Teklo's body is nothing but a skeleton with bones and clothing on in Z'ev's arms and everyone else feels as if their life force has been sucked out of them.....and Irullan Karnach is stand there, a dark necrotic aura around her as her eyes glow and she sucks up the life force from those who were too weak and gets revitalised.

Karnach: _begins to wave her wand again and the piles of bones start beginning to move, until the skeletal corpses of Cedric, Pyre are by her side... and in Horror Z'ev the bones of Teklo grab your throat and start trying to choke you._

Sky: _pukes, and realising she can't get her medals without being killed she decides dying fighting would be more honorable than dying trying to steal, she hurls a smoke bomb in Karnach's direction_

Ashley: _This was insane if it wasn't for Teklo he'd would have been out of there, people dead than animated skeletons the next, his affection seemed less worse he could hear them now coming for him but he couldn't see a thing, he trace a sigil of warding in the air and tries to regroup with the others _

DM: Cassidy,  you're leaning against a faded fabric settee, you're in a great deal of pain, head hurts, chest hurts just...everything is screaming at you to get out of there.

Cassidy: _She screams in complete anguish at the scene that unfolded before her, one moment Cedric was there the next he was nothing but bones, it was all so unreal tears streamed down her face at his lost, she realised she had to get out now or none of them may make it, it wasn't just about her anymore, if only she could find Z'ev she couldn't really think of leaving him, but she felt she had to and believe he would come back to her, as painful as it is she gets to her feet, and heads for the closest door out_

DM: Cassidy makes her way to the exist, lying low and in cover, Z'ev you are being choked to death.

Z'ev: _crushes the skeletal hands gripping his neck and gets to his feet at speed, looking around he sees Ashley standing there as if he's trying to play the bloody hero. He runs up to him best he can, shoves him aside and shouts_ Get out while you still can! Get Sky and Cassidy  out of here, I'll hold them off! I got us all into this mess finding the blasted box that tells the Prophecy and I'll be damned if more people die because of it! _he then steps in front of the cloud of smoke, loads a canister of a new caustic version of the acid he had previously been experimenting with and fires it into the cloud, hoping to hit something, anything_

DM: Ok the skeletons inside the cloud step out, acid corroding into the bone of one and of a Kobold without hands starts coming up from behind

Ashley: Where's Teklo?! _Yells at him as he sees the bone Kobold getting up, if the colour could drain from his face it would_ Oh gods Teklo _Sorrowfully, he looks for around for anyone else_

Z'ev: I'm sorry...i tried to save her, but we can at least save you and the others

DM: One skeleton's sword gets deflected with acquired skill Z'ev has been picking up the more he's gotten himself into bigger deeper and more dangerous messes but the other one slashes through the sleeve of his shirt

The skeletal Kobold swings its tail aiming for Ashley's legs

Ashley: _Is easily able to avoid the clumsy kobold's attack_ Teklo stop please its Ashley 

Karnach: Enough of this foolish nonsense! _casts dimension door an teleports outside the smog cloud and is now blocking Ashley and Z'ev's hopes to escape, then with another wave of her wand and a skeletal hand shoots up through the stone work floor and grabs Z'ev's leg sending a shock of cold force through his body_ You've gotten in my way for the LAST TIME! ANSWER ME, WHERE IS THE ORACLE?

Ashley:_Damn she was blocking their only possible exit, and Z'ev was incapacitated beside him unable to move this could be it, and he'll never know the answers he seeks, it was all or nothing the best you can give he weaves power into his words as he speaks_ Lady let me level with you as its obvious we're pretty fucked, so grant me this one request before you kill us and hear me out, I want to tell you a story of a man from Cyre I don't know what kind of man he was or the life he lived, because the man doesn't know anymore either, you see he dead on the day of mourning and that should have been the ended of him, but it wasn't for you see he wake up, but he wasn't the same he now existed in a state between life and death but it more than just his body had been twisted something had crawled under his skin and now lives there and everyday he fights it to try and make sure it stays there as it claws at him wanting to be free _As he speaks "words or terror" he moves closer and closer til his standing in front of her_ Would you like to see it? _He whispers to her_

Karnach: _first stares at Ashley confused, then as his strangely sing-song voice dances into her ears, there seems to be a hollow ghostly haunting rapsy whispery quality to each word....keeping her captivated and still on the spot, enjoying the chills down her spine. She is afraid, but she is still a necromancer and facing the other side is her life's work ...and this hauntingly eerily turn from the bard is intriguing her like under a charm.

Ashley: _Smiles wickedly at her as his eyes turn pitch black, his skin losing colour becomes grey and washed out nails become talons webbing running between his fingers, his hair twist and turns becoming tentacles a sharp spite hidden within each sucker, his lips black along with his teeth turning to needles as a spilt appeared in the middle of his chain and run down his neck to his throat, he looked at her a moment before letting out inhuman roar, his whole bottom jaw open split open all the way down to his throat as a tentacle tube in the horror tried to reach for her_

Karnach: _shreiks, and as she does her control of the skeletons breaks, shattering all their bones into nothing more than dust before she jabbering and jibberingly falls to a heap on the floor, babbling incoherently from a bout of insane and permanent madness_

Z'ev: _has kinda seen it before but even then... it's still very terrifying especially when it's been so long since the first time.... even as the skeleton hand lets him go he's standing there shaking, partially catatonic but is unable to stop himself turning his pistol inwards and upwards as the flashbacks to the horrors he's seen, deaths he himself has caused....his brain is snapping and snapping hard.... Teklo and this....__ he can't handle this, not anymore_

Ashley: _Jaw hangs back into place as the woman cowers on the floor in front of him he hears the click of a pistol and knows its not aimed at him_ That's too easy isn't it _Back still turned_ More difficult to live with it and what about your wife and future children would you leave them, your live isn't just about living for yourself anymore there are others your living for…

Z'ev: don't don't know don't fault....all my fault.....I should be dead, everyone says that...should be dead. Demons....demon vassle....could get taken over....then what? Already a murderer, thoughless killer....could kill family....kill them alll then what? They're not safe....long long long as as.... _there's another click as the pistol trigger is pulled but nothing happens in truth Z'ev wouldn't have the state of mind to remember if it was empty or not or still set in alchemic shot mode. His only good eye is staring off into the void, looking at nothing, but twitching_

No one was supposed to get one ment to die.....yet...probably oldest friend from the is dead. She didn't have to....she shouldn't have ..._another click and nothing happens _

Everyone....everyone around me gets hurt...hurt...hurt....or dies.....hurt or dies.... can't risk it, even if all I want is my own family. My own, my own family. Hurt. Dead......they will die because I'm alive.

They.....they will hunt us.  Cas...Cas...Cas....her mark.....hunted till it is no more.....the claw.....the...the...the Flame....House of Cannith, Cann-Cannith, the Lanterns....they'll all come looking to kill.

She....she...Teklo....._hand is shaking very badly, the gun nozzle is wavering_ only Teklo was....was happy...._his voice starts to get a bit strained. Sure, Cassidy, Rathian and Rathalos are glad he's alive but out if all the people who he knew who thought he was dead, only Teklo was happy he wasn't. The halflings always acted as if he was more trouble than he was worth and all he managed to do was drag Cassidy into something worse than what she was already laying low from. He could remember the stares and the comments from the first time he stepped foot back into the university and how those comments still persist despite him visiting Flamewind more than once of late only louder and more nasty like they were clawing on his soul...the one's aimed at Cassidy for being in his company didn't help any either. Ok sure Iris was happy, but she didn't count as you could never upset that kid.... but Teklo he had known a long time, before he left the Reaches and who introduced him to Ashley after the war ended. That was two deaths of people who were considered friends though Mercutia hadn't been one since the war ended four years ago. Who else was he going to end up killing? Is that what the prophecy ment, the one Cassidy heard that no one else did? In order to forfill it he had to murder everyone he knew? It couldn't...could it? There's another click, this time followed by the explosion sound of alchemic liquids mixing and firing a bullet from the barrel... the bullet hits a set of draws but that's all it takes for him to drop the weapon and curl up in a heap on the stone floor._

It won' won't stop.

Ashley: If your looking for answers an absolving from your sins your talking to the wrong person _He could sympathise with him really, the difficulties he faced and will continue to face, but he couldn't bring himself to forgive him, his tentacles twitched involuntary as his gills quivered even though he didn't breathe he still had them, as he was some nightmare horror that crawled its way up from the deepest blackest sea, and was now trying not to rip Z'ev to pieces as he wanted to_ I can't forgive you, you'll have to learn to live with your guilt, or take the easy way out, otherwise get what you came for and go, either way don't ever contact me again _He changes back as he walks away, pulling a hood up over his head_

Z'ev: _something seems to click in his head, something feral rises up and there's a deep low feral grow from his throat as he stand up, head shifting, teeth lengthing before without warning, he leaps at Ashley,  a feral beast slamming him to the floor. With blood and drool driping from his muzzle, lips curled back and unafraid of the monstrosity Ashley is as now he's possessed by a demonicish entity of his own. the beastal growl is immited and the scars from Greyson's demonic possession begins to glow a flaming hot red and burning orange_ YOU ALSO COMMITED MURDER HERE. CAN'T YOU SMELL THE CORPSES?

 _he shoves Ashley down before getting up, walking over to his pistol and retrieving it, then yanking the short sword that was once the property of Pyre from his pile of clothes and bone dust. He doesn't look back though says Ashley _ War is on it's way. Many more will die if we can't stop it. It's messed my head up so badly I fucking can't tell who the real villians are. I know we're not heroes and have blood on our hands, but there will be more if another hundered years of fucking of blood is spilt because of a stupid fucking machine that can predict the draconic Prophecy. I doubt Teklo would have wanted more people to die from another bloody war. _snorts and starts walking out like a creature possessed. He has to find Cassidy,  keep her Safe.....damn the rest_

Sky: _is unsure how to give Cassidy any comfort,  she's still too young and immature to fully understand the scope of of what just happened _

Z'ev: _ sees Sky Blue look up as he approaches and step away a little, the sight of the canine head with glass shards digging deeper into one eye isn't pretty. Stabbing the Sword into the solid cloud surface by Cassidy's side, kneeling down to scoop her into his arms. _


Cassidy: Oh ancestors... what have I done?... what have I done?!... _Clings to him tightly, as she continues sobbing uncontrollably_ I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... always a killer... always will be no matter what... I deserve to be punished. I deserve the bad things to happen to me... all of it... all of it... I deserve it!...

Z'ev: Cas..._ knows nothing that he could say could change what just happened in there_ blood is on both our hands. It was always going to be. Let's get you out of here, I can take Sky to Flamewind and.. and look Let's forget the Reaches and head back to Salvation. The journey will give us a chance to talk, get it all out and figure out where we go from there. _he helps her up to her feet, but as he does so lifts her onto his back to carry her before shuffling her around to retrieve the sword._ Right, Let's go.

Sky: But I didn't get the medals!

Z'ev: And? I'm sure Flamewind can afford to reimburse you. Come on, before the authorities arrive.

Ashley:_Is back in his normal form when he catches up to the group, acting very sheepish and won't make eye contact with Z'ev at the moment_

Z'ev: _can hear someone else with them, ears twitch but he can't see who it is from the left hand side. There's too many smells around them all atm to pick prominent ones out over the stench of blood_

DM: After getting back to the hotel and leaving Cassidy in the care of Rathian, her brother who was still struggling with his mutations,  his sister and Rathalos,  Along with Ashley the two of them escort Sky Blue back to Flamewind's chambers.

Ashley,  this is the first time you've met the sphinx in her chamber at the top of Lareth hall. She greets you warmly by name and says that she forsaw your involvement the moment she sent Cassidy and Z'ev away to get Sky and expresses her condolences.  She being a living Oracle herself, her own predictions were that you would end up helping stop another war. 

She then looks penetratingly at Sky Blue and after Z'ev recall what happened in the auction house she says:

Flamewind: One thing is for certain,  we must ensure your safety _puts a ebony necklace around Sky's neck and then says_ this will help protect her but it isn't a fail safe. You and your companions are to be her offical bodyguards until I summon you again with more information that I can find. You two will be held responsible for any harm that may come to her from myself personally I hope being my favoured isn't unwarranted. _she also hands the Oracle back to Z'ev,  believing that if it doesn't stay in one place it will be safer for it_ find the maker in the Mournland if you can. Help Sky find what became of her father..... I will call on you again soon.

DM: As you make your way down the stairs to the main library hall, Sky is demanding to know what on earth is going on. Z'ev suspects Ashley does too so sits them down at one of the library tables and tells them almost everything.... mostly sticking to the important and relevant bits about the rescue mission into the Mournland where they found the device, the Prophecy it spouted and the necromancer's hut....then about coming to Sharn to contact Flamewind and all the stuff related to trying to stop the worst parts of the Prophecy from happening.... though he even admits because it's so damn cryptic with double meanings that when they think they've done the right thing it turns out it's gone the other way and vice versa.

Ashley: _Is shaking his head_ I'm sorry that cat lady maybe an oracle, but does she doesn't know me, she has to be wrong, come on really?

Z'ev:  _taps the table_ you can believe what you want Ashley, but working with her before I've learnt you're better off just rolling with it. She has eyes everywhere and isn't someone you cross wires with. Honestly I... I can't make you come with us but it would be more preferable than House Tarkanan pursuing you the rest of your life. Besides, what have you got to lose? You might get some decent coin and some epic adventure to write tales about in those plays you always said you wanted to write. It might be the play that'll get you that prestigious career. 

If that doesn't sway you then I dunno,  I have 266 Gold that might if that's what you want. I wouldn't be too surprised if you still have debt.

Afterall, I was once told by a dead man with a Violin that money talks.

Sky: But what about finding my Father?

Z'ev: We have a place in Salvation, a town filled with scavengers,  ex- military and the odd scoundrel types who might know a thing or two about your father. Anything to do with the Mournland, you'll hear about it in that place first.

It might be where we find a lead to the whereabouts or fate of this box's creator too. _puts the Oracle on the table for them both to see_

If it helps, I didn't want this burden either. I'd had rather I stayed dead least dead enough to be left to live in peace...but I'd rather this is my possession than someone wanting another war to start. Peace is very fragile but I'd rather it be the alternative. 

But so is your own mind. I'm not sure my sanity can keep walking on the knife's edge, none can. But as someone who walks the line every day Ashley,  you're more equipped at this than the rest of us.

Sky: Will that happen to me? _looks worried_

Z'ev: _Smiles weakly_ let's hope not. Mine was damaged to start with.

_sighs_ there was stuff I had planned to do, though I guess a trip back to the Reaches is off the cards right now. _stands up a little awkwardly due to uneaven sight causing misjudgement in his balance _ We'll collect Cassidy and some friends of ours an get on the first Rail, though bit of preparation before we leave here would be a good idea, Salvation isn't somewhere that you can get everything when you want it. My friends own a inn there they've converted up and it's been sitting there far too long....hopefully it hasn't been ransaked, but it would be a good base of operations for us while we look for your father Sky and the Oracle's maker. _looks at Ashley _ if you're still in, we'll meet you at the Sharn Lightning Rail Terminus.

Say..... in three hours

Ashley: Well I could do with a flesh start... I've never been to Salvation, never been back to Cy... the mourning lands since, well everything maybe the only place I can look for answers I'm looking for _Free accommodation and a place where he didn't have a reputation, didn't go astray either_


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