Oracle of war part 4

 DM: Few hours later, both Z'ev and Cassidy are ascending the stairs to Flamewind's residence inside the University library dome. As they enter there are two other familiar faces in the chamber.

Iris: _is excited_ Oh Hello! Fancy you guys being here too!

Vincent: _rolls eyes and snorts_ what are the chances. Khorvaire is too small

Z'ev: _is already on edge, despite his clothes hiding everything just enough that no one can see the demonic marks._ Iris? Vincent...._says one in surprise and the other with a 'Of course' tone _

Mr.Grayson: *Ohhh hello, is this the sister I heard the voice of the other day? Wow why aren't you bonking her instead o the elf? She's more likely to repopulate your manginy species that are already imbreed. Or maybe the elf's bastard brother is already!* _ he starts pretending to roleplay as sex scene between Iris and Vincent _

Z'ev: _whispers to Cassidy _ I'm going to have to wait outside…

Vincent: Summoned here too I take it?

Iris: Of course! Why else would they be here! _slaps her forehead in a 'Well Duh' moment_

Cassidy: _It was understandable why Z'ev had stepped out she could only guess it wasn't because of Vince alone but likely Mr. Grayson had said something_ Hello again Iris, Vincent _Says pleasantly_ Yes we were, I wasn't aware you were associated with Flamewind as well

Vincent: _shrugs_ Not really. We just got a summons here

Iris: _waves him off_ ignore him, he's just upset. We got some bad news about something happening back in the Reaches.

Everyone's heard of Flamewind...unless you've lived under a rock in Droaam

Vincent: _grunts, visably showing his fangs_

Flamewind: _enters the chamber and takes her place amongst the thrawl of beautiful satin cushions._ Welcome, Iris, Cassidy,  Vincent...and Z'ev _she says that bit careful as he stops almost about to slip out the door and comes back as if summoned by her gaze to stay put_ I have called you here as destiny requires your assistance.  The Prophecy has been spoken again and deciphered.

Vincent: Prophecy?

Iris: _is all excited as she's only evet heard of Flamewind's riddles_

Flamewind: _her eyes start to glow like jewels as she recites her translation _ "When dark lanterns flicker in the light of the silver torch, the king in green rides north on a bolt of steel. Two nations prepare for war as all eyes turn to sky blue "

Vincent: _frowns _ this isn't about the Sliver Flames plannef attacks on the Reaches is it?

Z'ev: Dark lanterns....

_looks at the gynosphinx_ You're referring to the King's Dark Lanterns? 

Flamewind: _nods_ yes. Luckily for you I don't think Endless Time is aware of this one. Though If suspicions are correct, if war can be stopped it might also give publicity to those wanting to defend the Reaches with a powerful Ally

Vincent: _This makes him stand taller as he considers the implications of getting the plight of the druid Gatekeepers heard_

Iris: Bolt of steel? What's that?

_looks at Cassidy _

Cassidy: It means the lightning rail

Iris: What's a lighting rail?

_looks confused _

Cassidy: Oh you haven't seen the trains before... there like a series of motoisied carriages for transportation

Iris: Er...whatsa motor?

Z'ev: _explains it with a little more detail until she understands _

Iris: Oh so it's a horseless carriage made out of steel powered by a elemental? Wow... ohhh do we get to ride one?

Vincent: I don't think so. But king would refer to a human king....wouldn't it?

Z'ev: Yes, specifically the heirs of Galifar. Those in line for the throne used to wear green sashes in court..._backs down when he realises he's said a bit too much_

Vincent: _raises an eyebrow_

Flamewind: I also did a bit of extra research into this and found what I think may help you from the few books of the Prophecy we've acquired here in the library which states, " The dog of war dances on water by the light of the silver torch"

Z'ev: Hang on, hang on... The Silver Torch?  We're dealing with Thrane?

_is aware everyone is looking at him._  The Silver Torch is 'a rumor' but it's no relation to the Silver Flame other than both originate from there. The Torch are supposed to be the equivalent of the Brelish Dark Lanterns. _hopes Cassidy takes the hint_

Cassidy: The hiers of Galifar on the lightning rail together, sounds like a great target for an assassination attempt

Z'ev: That doesn't sound right... they wouldn't usually be caught dead in the same room.

_shakes head _ not any I can think of unless it's about the Treaty and how they can bend it

Cassidy: What if they had a common goal

Vincent: Like keeping peace? _he is doubtful, especially as the reason he's in Sharn in the first place is because of the crazy overzealous religious fanatics of Thrane_

Z'ev: _is suprised Vincent and he are on the same page_ that's a good joke.

Mr.Grayson: Who needs war? It's just another distraction to let us open a few portals....slip some aborations in from the dark dimensions…

Z'ev: _visibly twitches _

Iris: But what does 'Dog of war' mean?

Z'ev: It's a moniker for an assassin. Spies don't usually kill, only information gather....least that's what it uses to mean.

Iris: _her face makes a huge 'Oh.' _

Flamewind: Tomorrow night, there is an Armistice ball to be held on a river galleon called the Montulet. It's moured on a pier on Wroat's Howling River and many people of nobility will be there, including all those involved in the treaty of Thronehold.

Vincent:'re sending us to stop a killer. _straightens up with self importance _ That shouldn't be too hard. You didn't need to send for my sister and Iris's goofy brother.

Mr.Grayson: _makes Z'ev's eyes glow and his voice mumbles under the shifters breath in lead undertones_ Since when is the chickenwuss the know it all? There was a reason he wasn't tied to a demon…

Vincent: _blinks and looks at Z'ev with scrutiny _ what was that?

Z'ev: Huh? What was what?

Vincent: _pokes him_ you just insulted me!_

Z'ev: _can't remotely recall ever doing so. But steps right up into it_ It's not that hard to do apparently.

Vincent: _pulls himself up to his full height._ Cassidy is old enough to be your great grandmother.

Cassidy: Stop it now you two! _Moves in between to push them apart before things escalate_ You're both adults so act like it!

Z'ev: _looks up and over his glasses_ is that so? Exactly how old do you think I am?

Vincent: _sneers, as he towers over Cassidy as well and chooses to ignore her_ a meer child

Z'ev: _gives Vincent a dirty look_ says the man who looks as if he's in the middle of puberty. When does that happen for elves exactly? Say...around age 60?

Vincent: _is offended _ how Dare you! I'm almost 80 years old!

Z'ev: Ah so... late teens then?

Mr.Grayson: _laughs inside Z'ev's head_ he's young enough to still get a spanking over your knee, that's what he is

Vincent: _red with rage_ I don't have to put up with this!

Cassidy: Enough! _Pushing them further away from each other_ Doesn't matter how old either of you are because both of you are like children!

Vincent: _snarls and spits_  least I live longer than feral creature!

Cassidy: _Glares at him_ Your insulting your own father Vince, don't be unfair to him like that _Sounding disappointed in him_

Z'ev: _shrugs_ I may have lived almost half of my life already, but I also don't regret a second of it or resent anyone for whatever has occurred in it. Maybe with your longer existence you will eventually figure that out.

Vincent: _is simply broiling for a fight that's not going to come_

Iris: _tugs Z'ev's sleeve_  you don't really mean all that do you?

Z'ev: _expression softens in front of his sister_ sadly I do. Bloke doesn't know when he's got something good and can't be happy for others, while blaming them for all his problems. If we're going to work together rather get the air clear now so we don't stab each other later.

_lowers head and sort of gives Cassidy a shameful bow_ sorry about that.  Words are better than fists, rather keep it that way.

_is in one way impressed the demon agreed with him that Vincent is a sheltered self important tit_

Cassidy: I'm not the one either of you should be apologizing to _Nodding her head towards Flamewind_

Flamewind: _ was finding this amusing up to a point. Afterall Gynopshinxes live even longer than elves and after spending a few hours already in Vincent's presence before Cassidy and Z'ev arrived she had to agree he was getting on her nerves with his whining_ are we quite finished?

Z'ev: _nods_ yes, I think so.

Vincent: _folds arms in a huff and grumbles under his breath_

Cassidy: _Elbows Vince to actually speak and not just grumble_

Vincent: _grunts, the stubborn boar side of him won't relent_

Cassidy: I apologise on his behalf _Not wanting to be rude_

Flamewind: Sometimes we cannot help how we are made. Life is like a rose, beautiful yet harsh. I am requesting your assistance to travel to Wroat and infiltrate the ball. I asked for all of you as you would have the perfect cover as an envoy for me representing the university _and gives a little nod_  the museum and the Planar Observatory.

_she strolls in front of the group and hands them their special invitations _ the ball starts at six in the evening sharp, with fireworks at midnight.

Z'ev: Do you want us to simply stop the assassin, or find out what they're there for?

Flamewind: _she smiles._ you've always been a bright one, it's why I've always asked for your little team for Acquisitions in the past. I trust you to use your judgement to foil and expose them. However, this is an interpretation of the Prophecy.  I could be right, or very wrong and it means something else entirely.  Whatever ends up happening I'm willing to pay you for the job.

Iris: Wait, so your saying there may or may not be a killer?

Flamewind: That is correct. I hope for the sake of the interpretation I got that I am right

Vincent: How will we get there?

Flamewind: Via the midnight express. I have enclosed tickets. It leaves tonight. Please dress accordingly and take care.

_she hands Cassidy the Oracle _ take it with you. It may prove useful.

Cassidy: Thank you _Pockets it_ We'll meet you there

Z'ev: _says to Cassidy as the four of them leave_ I might send Shelly to Salvation and get Rathalos and Rathian to come meet us here when we get back with Nimble and Verne. It should be able to carry one of Zell's sending stones to them.

Vincent: No way, we're coming with you. Got to make sure that lout doesn't buy something to wear that'll upstage us

Iris: _rolls eyes_ yeah...sure Vincent.  Doubt my brother's going to be wearing something as flamboyant as the outfit you wore to the meeting  with the Aundair consulate

Cassidy: I'd like to hear about that _Says to Iris_

Iris: Gladly! _ proceeds to describe an outfit that sort of at first sounds like a clown costume, but is infact a sacred attire worn by the Gatekeepers though Iris thinks the leave and feathers all hanging off every inch of it is ridiculous and like walking into a building with a giant parrot_

Z'ev: There's one thing I need to do before we go Cassidy.  Would prefer it if only you came with me.

Iris: So you'd rather meet us at the...what's it called?

Z'ev: The station

Iris: Right! We'll head right there!

_grabs a reluctant Vincent by the arm and drags him away_

Z'ev: _watches them go._ we're going to need a shovel.

A few hours pass, after obtaining a shovel and Z'ev has Lead Cassidy to the area known as Lower Sharn to a district known as the 'Beast Quarter'. The denizens walking around this dark and sunless area of the city are creatures you'd not usually see walking around in broad daylight like Beholders and Kobolds flogging wares, Minotaur blacksmiths, Halfling Dinosaur meat traders, Ogre doormen for night clubs and Medusa hairdressers.

He stops in front of a burnt out shop front that doesn't remotely look as if it is going to be repaired and pushes through the loose hanging door. Inside you see stuff scattered everywhere,  anything that wasn't burned of any value would have clearly been stolen and sold off by now.

Z'ev: It used to be a nice little Potion and Antiquities shop. _frowns as he hears glass crunch under foot_ of course I never really sold much of anything, it was just extra money to fund expedition expenses when it was open...which was mostly once every few months.

Cassidy: This is oh... _Remembering the fire he had spoken of_ Were you... very badly hurt? _She had never really asked as he didn't seem to have wanted to talk about it_

Z'ev: Five months. It happened not long after meeting you at the unveiling.

Wasn't just burns.... someone tried to kill me. The fire was just collateral.

Rath...said I kept sliping in and out...whatever that means.

_leads the way carefully up a blackened staircase up into the living quarters of the structure._

Like most of the buildings in lower Sharn, they're build on rock, mud, sandstone and solid dirt. Z'ev's old house is no different,  the floor in the living room hearth is made out of mud brick layered ontop of hardened mud.

Cassidy: You have been through alot, I could see you had been through something when we meet again, I didn't know you well enough and thought I shouldn't pry _says with sympathy_

Z'ev: It's alright _reassures her_ it's taken me a while to peice things back together. Happened fast so still draw a blank.

As you walk around the blackened hearth, you spot a burnt out skeleton  behind what looks like they used yo be chairs infront of a large shell of a bookshelf.

Cassidy: Oh no, were they...? _Such a terrible way to die if they did, trapped in a burning house_ Someone you knew?

Z'ev: _shook his head_ it explains why Zell said they found a corpse that they assumed was mine. They were hooded and struggled with me before slamming me into some of the bookshelves in my study before stabbing me. More than once, I eventually saw the scars. Only reason I'm still here us because Verne got help...that's unfortunately all i know.

Cassidy: Its quite remarkable you did than _Looking at the skeleton_ I wonder who they are

Z'ev: _picks up a smashed photoframe with a burnt painting of him and his siblings,  the only person the fire didn't burn was Dawn._

As you inspect the bones you can see the tell tale signs that they belong to a human, roughly about  five foot nine and that they were male.

Under the ashes you can see a small hardened pool of silver that once belonged to a ring, or possibly a necklace that melted.

Cassidy:_Bushes the ash aside to take a closer look at the pool of silver_

The pool of silver has long since hardened and is just a blob.

Cassidy: Whoever this was they were a human male, and were wearing something made of silver its malted that I can't tell what it was _Relaying her findings to Z'ev_

Z'ev: _shrugs_ it's been eight months. If no one's identified them by now, I doubt we are going to.

Cassidy: No I wouldn't think so _Let's that hang in the air_ We're here to bury them obviously, why were they just left here? _Wasn't really expecting an answer to that question_

Z'ev: _shakes head._ no. There's something in the study, well I'm hoping it still is. Have to dig it up.

He leads Cassidy into a smaller room that's covered in shattered glass, burned paper, destroyed shelves and other furniture litter it. Under the ash is pools of dried blood and the only clear spot in the room is where someone had been once lying on the floor. Z'ev visibly shudders.

The room, had it not been burnt out would have looked like a small laboratory like the one's in the university,  completebwith microscopes,  chemicals and other typically expensive equipment,  some of which still retain some shape butbare warped beyond repair

Cassidy: What are we looking for? _Noiticing the old blood_

Z'ev: Something that probably should stay burried, but might get us in some of the more 'Closer cirlces' at this ball

_he grabs what's left of the heavy wooden bench and starts trying to drag it across the floor from it's original place, where a fire eaten rug had barely surivived. It's odd in that the entire building so far hasn't got any rugs or coverings on the floor whatsoever.

Cassidy: Here let me help _Grabbing one side of the  bench_

Z'ev: _gives her a smile_ thankyou.

As the bench is moved, and the scorched rug pulled back, Cassidy can see the ground here is a different colour and more sandy than the rest.

Z'ev: _starts digging _

Cassidy: _Not able to help much now, she stands back and watchers_ Z'ev what you said back there, how old are you?

Z'ev: _stops digging a moment and gives the fur on his jaw a scratch_ you won't be upset, will you? You've said before you'd like to have kids...and all that.

I'm asking as some would say I'm past prime breeding age. _brow furrows as he returns to digging_ personally I don't think so, but so far I've lived a fairly decent amount of time, more than most of my own race that I've encountered. 

Cassidy: I already know you'll be... gone before me, I struggle knowing that, but what can I do? I will have to come to accept that…

Z'ev: Unfortunately there's few records of life expectancy before the war.  The Silver Flame saw to that

Cassidy: Is that something you want?

Z'ev: Of course. _pauses to give Cassidy a big warm smile_ it's just...the only person I know that's lived longer than me was my mother and even then, she's an outlier. Otherwise I've never met another Shifter besides my siblings that have lived beyond thirty. They all have kids in their late teens early twenties...then you're showing up to their funeral before their twenty eighth birthday…

I'm thirty eight, if that makes a difference

Cassidy: _Nods taking it all in, she can't deny hearing this doesn't upset her_ As I said what can I do, maybe just take things as they come…

Z'ev: War, starvation, being shunned by everyone around you, murdered because you're mistaken for something else... shouldn't be surprised that mortality is high. My mother lived until eighty so here's hoping that's the real average.  _hears a thunk and a jolt of something solid through the shovel_ I think we've found what I'm looking for.

Cassidy: still happening from what Vince told me...

Z'ev: _ sighs as he dusts off a wooden box in the dirt hole_ And he knows what exactly about an individual's biological time clock? Not everything is set in stone and who knows what affects magic has long term on the body when you've been exposed to it long term? Sure, House of Healing hospitals exist now but even they can't tell you the fertility of someone, let alone how babies are born. Some people still think it's via magic and not sex. Midwives are a very high demand profession as they know more than any trained doctor does. _ thinks for a few minutes_ maybe I should change profession? I'd probably be better at learning how the body works than I do uncovering rare artifacts.

After all you've told me I'm not at all surprised he doesn't approve of our relationship, but pox to him.  No offence,  but your brother who barely knows you has got a few carrots stuck up his bum.

I don't need a demon in my head to tell me that.

_pulls the box up and out before adding_ what has your decisions in life got to do with him anyway? If you get married and have kids, shouldn't he be happy?

Cassidy: It was hard for him growing up, he thinks it will be the same for our children, but that was Aerenal and yes many elves there are very xenophobic, its the reason Cedric and I didn't know about him growing up our grandparents wouldn't acknowledge him

Z'ev: That's a shame. Still not a good enough reason to tell you how to live your life. What's to say we're going to have any kids go through the same? What If, let's not beat around about ourselves a little cottage in the wood in the edge of some quiet little village, maybe a small farm or orchard...whatever...somewhere where the community is made up of others like us who just want to be left in peace to raise a family....he'd still disapprove, it wouldn't make a damn difference.

I mean, sure my brother wants me dead but it's not because he doesn't want me to have a family.

DM: The box he pulls free is very dirty, but very tightly locked. You watch him hunt around the study looking for a way to open it.

Z'ev: I don't think the key would have wouldn't happen to have lockpicks would you?

Cassidy: No sorry they would be back on the train... not sure any spells I have would help _Starts looking through her spellbook_ I would very much like that _Smiles warmly_ Truly anyway with you I would be happy, and Vince  maybe one day he will change his mind, but for now think we need to be very careful around him, I don't want to believe he would do something but... _Looks back at her spellbook_ Don't think arcane lock can unlock locks... _Says under breath_

Z'ev: Not an ordinary padlock. Well I guess when in doubt, smash it with something hard. _aims the shovel end at the lock_

_very candidly _ what's Vincent going to do, Hand me over the Pyre in a cage?

_he hacks at the lock a few times before it breaks, though the box is now pretty battered with pot marks for every strike he missed_ you can do the honours, Cas. You're going to be better than me at deciding how useful this stuff is.

Cassidy: _Nods coming over_ No but his familiar with Greyson_Says as she opens the box_

Z'ev: Yes, well I've realised whenever he takes over I'm not going to be aware of anything I say or do so that'll be fun.

DM: Inside the box is a rather ornate wand, resting on top of a very pristine and unworn military uniform that is adorned with several medals. Underneath is another uniform that is dirty, covered in blood, oil and other mysterious marks and bears the Cyre symbol as well as the shield of the house of Cannith.

Z'ev: They were the only things I had when I arrived in Sharn four years ago. The medals aren't anything special like you'd find for most soldiers... At least I don't think so. They're undeserved as far as I feel but that's probably because of the people I know I didn't get out of the factories alive.

But, the uniform at least might give us leverage. The wand was given as some sort of service reward... never used it and no idea what it does.

Cassidy: Oh my word you kept them... _She looks the medals over_

Z'ev: You can take it, you know more about magic than I do.

That's basically it... probably time to burn this stuff as it should have been

Unless you want the medals too of course

_snaps slightly _ I didn't intend to keep them. I buried the blasted things to forget them.

Z'ev: Was hoping someone had stole the medals at the very least

The wand as far as I can tell is a war wand, whatever those things are supposed to do.  That's all I really came for.

Cassidy: What're you just going to burn them? Why did you keep them all this time then?

Z'ev: It''s not like...I'd want to wear it again.

Cassidy: Alright, I understand that_Dust herself off a bit_ I'm going to wait outside

Z'ev: _strikes a match _

_he pulls out the Cannith uniform and starts to burn it, the smell and sight of death on it almost bringing him to tears as Cassidy leaves him alone with it_

Cassidy: I could be wrong though maybe I haven't been around long enough, to see when something could be a possible advantage.

Allowing you to rub shoulders with certain people or act as a decoy.

We all have to do things we don't want to do, some harder than others…

Z'ev: _looks at Cassidy standing in the doorway _ what do you mean by advantage? Most people I know besides a select few think I'm dead or a changeling posing as me. I don't know how much of an advantage it would be having me wear it and getting possibly arrested

Though that would be something huh?

_stands there, the burning Cannith uniform of disgrace starting to really flare up as grease and everything else on it is reacting to the flames and he's not paying it any attention _

Cassidy: I still think you would not keep something like this, unless you never thought you may have need of it again someday

Z'ev: You can't tell me you've haven't hung onto something before despite not wanting to?

Ow! _drops the burning ball of fabric onto the dirt floor and stubbs it out with his foot while sucking his fingers_

Cassdiy: _Gives a knowing smile about that_ I won't make you do something you really don't want to, even if I feel it could mean the difference between if we succeed or fail…

Z'ev: _Cassidy's smile makes him feel very hot under the collar, her tone sounds slightly suggestive but slightly threatening and he's unsure what that means_

_he loosens the leather jacket he's wearing a little_

Well... I ....

_ admittedly he knows he's walking on thin ice with her after last night, lying naked on the cold floor tied up because he hurt her... ok so it wasn't him in control but it was still his damn body that hurt hers...and she has spells he's seen kill other creatures with. It wouldn't take much for her to kill him to if she really wanted to._

_takes a deep breath._ what will you do if I don't?

_sighs heavily._ give me a minute..._indicating for her to leave the room _

Cassidy: _Rises an eyebrow at that_ You asked my advice and you said it yourself _Turns to leave_ Always liked man in uniform _Sounding suggestive as she goes_

After ten minutes, you decide enough is enough and start to head back to the study, just then Z'ev steps out, wearing the Black and Red trimming uniform of the King's Dark Lanterns,  the standard Brelish uniform being the reverse colour scheme. He's still holding the medals,  conflicted that already he's in the uniform and not completely fine wearing the badges that remind him he isn't a real hero, as he only got them out of the factories...the real heroes are the ones who got the survivors out to Breland and beyond to the Reaches.

Z'ev: One...last time. Then we burn it

Cassidy: _More taken back, he looked even more handsome than she had thought he would, hides her smile behind a hand_ Such a shame that, mmm I'll have to keep an eye out for the possible wandering glaze of other ladies

Z'ev: I'm flattered you think that, but in this outfit I think they're more likely to throw their wine glasses at me, and anything else very sharp

Cassidy: That doesn't sound very pleasant, so just let me admire you while you're still in one piece. 

I should probably wear the uniform I did at the university, I had one in storage or maybe just get another from the university

Z'ev: _nods_ need me to come with you?

Cassidy: If you like the stuff in storage may have been sold off, as I may have forgot to pay the lease

Z'ev: I'm sure the university can spare a uniform.

Though I think you look great as you are... _is flustered_

_steps forwards and gingerly places hands on her shoulders. _

_heart is pounding as a sneaky demon is laughing at him in his head, happy to fill his mind with very vivid flashes of Cassidy standing in front of him, dead, dismemberment, skewered...headless...yet reality is she's in front of him alive and well.  It's hard to shut Greyson out though, demons know how to manipulate thoughts. _

Mr.Grayson: *hehehehe look, this time she's missing an eye! Where is it? Of damn stop blinking and taking my fun off me!*

Z'ev: _to shut Greyson out he pulls Cassidy in tight and just holds her, aware she can feel him shaking. _ times ticking...._he whispers, aware she knows things are getting messy already in his head and needs her to take the hint that he's not thinking with a full deck of cards anymore._

Mr.Grayson: *Yes! It's ticking! I'm getting peckish myself! Some souls would be nice! Where's the nearest orphanage? They won't be missed....*

Cassidy: _She let's him take comfort in embracing her, she could only guess what Grayson was telling him, and it scared her what it was doing to him, guilt gnawed at her and the things he may say about her, worse of all deep, deep that she didn't want to admit is that she kind of mis... no, no she pushed that thought out of her mind before finishing it_

Z'ev: Just want you Cas. Promised to end this nightmare for you but made it worse. It won't stop...won't let it... _squeezes her very tight, head resting on the side of hers_ won't let it take you from me.

Mr.Grayson: _audible to Cassidy this time as it's spoken from Z'ev's lips in Greyson's voice_ awww how touching....that's too bad. I'm hungry and need to feed soon...or it's his soul on the menu, Elf.

Cassidy: _A shaver runs down her spine_ I knew that was you before

Mr.Grayson: So? He was thinking about it. I just helped it get some air.

Scared little boy....but something lurks here that even I am not sure what it is, but I like it's savagery. Maybe I'll let it out to play? Won't that be delightfully fun?

Cassidy: Not now, I'll let you have what you want soon, I always have _She was too afraid to pull away, see him staring back at her_

Mr.Grayson: Really? You're too good to me. _chuckles_ it's nice you missed me. Maybe I should lock him out of this head more oftern now it's all coming back to me.

Maybe I will take over full time? Afterall all he wanted to do right now is breakdown and beg for forgiveness for being an idiot. To be fair I agree, he is an idiot.

And kiss you... blegh.

And what's this thing called dancing? No way would I stoop so low

Cassidy: I should have taken this on myself, wasn't his burden to bear, we were always going to be together as I wasn't going to kill Cedric but you knew that…

Mr.Grayson: Anyway getting very hungry...shall we go? Want to see the choice buffet you have for me to devour

_laughs _ of course. And now his body is mine and he'll eventually be no more.

Z'ev: _ unknown to Cassidy,  Greyson can hear something growl in Z'ev's mind...something he swears has the demon feeling watched_

Mr.Grayson: Shall we party?

_pulls back the shifters body like a puppet master still learning which string is connected to where before proffering a hand_

Shall we?

Cassidy: _It struck her now, that in trying to lift the demon's hold on her they had instead had succeeded in tighting it._ 

_He could likely make her do anything, as he was holding her greatest weakness hostage, but if there was a chance she wouldn't lose Z'ev she probably would do whatever he asked._

_It suddenly felt hard to breathe as she broke out in a cold sweat, her heart was pounding as fast and she couldn't help shaking, but she refused to cry, to breakdown it would be so easy to, but no Z'ev needed her more than ever before, she had to be strong for him now_ I promise you'll have what you want, but gave me back what I want 

Mr.Grayson: _looks affronted but then smug, they eyes a purple poison glow _ of course. Why wouldn't I if you keep your bargin?

As The demon reaches out for Cassidy's hand again, the other hand with the engagement ring in it grabs it and yanks it away. Confused by the lack of control he suddenly has Greyson snarls at it

Mr.Grayson: _hisses_ Oh come now, I'm being civil. Most other demons wouldn't be....give me control.....

Cassidy,  you notice the ring is sort of glowing,  as with the one on your own hand. Since you can sort of see and feel your lover's soul but now can't because of Greyson... there maybe a way to tell if Greyson has kept his promise or not  in the palm of your hand

Eventually Greyson gets the rouge limb under control and straightens himself up. The ring is glowing very fiercely.

Mr.Grayson: Now...where was I ah yes.... shall we go? I promise I'll be good, no one will know I've taken any souls...._grins wickedly_

There's a slight tingling feeling from the ring as it glows

Cassidy: _The rings seemed to be trying to tell her something, she was sure she still had some of his soul, and remembered him saying that meant she "had a claim on his soul" was that true?_ 

_She concentrated on her ring now seeing if she could feel his soul through it_

Cassidy: _She had chosen to get her uniform from storage as well her hair grown out at a salon, black midnight waves flowed down to her waist, the stylist had braided part of it back off her face her white forelock crisis crossed through one of the plaits on the left, and the broach of featherfall Z'ev gave her was pinned in the middle_

_Vincent was dressed very classically Aerenal druid ivy was embroidered around the him of his clothing, his arms were bare showing the matching ivy tattoos that twisted around, his clothes were quite loose fitting, she knew this was to allow him to shift without ripping them, and he had wend some of his deadlocks around the rest to pull it back._ 

_She noticed the wolf headed torc on one wrist_ That was your father's wasn't it? He'd be happy to see you wearing it _Says trying to get his froces off Z'ev_

Vincent: _snorts_ no. It's entirely mine. Wouldn't be caught dead in those other rags. _pulls himself up hauntingly_  had it custom know the Lycanthropes really do know how to tailor an outfit

Iris: _rolls her eyes as she stands beside Vincent in her unusual dress. Her hair tonight is no longer tied, but loose, her ears now no longer tied into the plate sit up tall and very alert on her head_ No it's definitely not cheap to dress like a tree.


Mr.Grayson: _can't help it_  nor is it to look like a Queen. You sure you're not overdressed?

Vincent: _starts laughing_

Iris: _frowns with hands on her hips_ where'd that come from? Never heard you sound so nasty before.

Mr.Grayson: _walks towards the train away from the group_ you'll get used to it.

Vincent: I knew he wasn't any good for you, I was right you know.. sorry Iris but I know people more than you do.

Iris: _looks up at Cassidy _ Something happen?

_looks concerned _

Cassidy: She didn't want to say anything if it put Z'ev in danger, but it could them in danger as well, best to stay quite_ No its fine

Vincent: _proceeds to leave Cassidy and Iris for the train too_

Iris: _concern only gets stronger but she will drop it for now_ Oh... ok... well..we better get a move on too

Cassidy: _Can tell she has made her worry more, as she heads for the train_

As the overnight train to Wroat sweeps out of Sharn and into the Brelish countryside. Moving through the train to your compartments you enter the busy dining carriage. A gaggle of nobles and patricians relax under the light of the everbright lanterns, swapping stories and sipping wine.

A young man dressed in white and gold finery leans against the bar.

Jovi ir' Graccen: The annual armistice ball is sure to be a delight this year! A veritable  who's who of Breland's finest! Who here is going?

Mr.Grayson: _leans into Cassidy _ that's is isn't it? Hard to concentrate with all the...tantalising prospects here....

Iris: _steps forwarx to shake Jovi's hand _  it's a pleasure to meet a fellow ball attendee! I'm representing the Planar Observatory on the bequest of Flamewind!

Jovi ir' Graccen: _eyes light up _ You've met Flamewind? Wow you MUST be A very important Viszor! My name is Jovi ir' Graccen and yours dear lady would be?

Iris: _acts all flirty as Jovi hold her hand to kiss it_  Lady Iris Ozone, Ir'Graccen

Jovi ir' Graccen: _smiles_ call me Jovi

Cassidy: _Clears her to throat to remind them that their still there as well_

Iris: _still flitiuous _ may I also introduce you to my Aquaintence, Cassidy D' Sekinth from the Morgrave University,  her brother and my Associate Vincent D' Sekinth and My Brother Z'ev Ozone From the Dezina Museum of Sharn.

Jovi  ir' Graccen: And Black Lantern I see?

Mr.Grayson: Not by choice, Though it is a fetching uniform if I say so

Iris: _one ear twitches, she knows Z'ev hated that uniform, he said so in his letters but doesn't show it, planning to confront him later_

Jovi ir' Graccen: _Shakes Vincent and Z'ev's hands and kisses Cassidy's _ Very charmed to meet you all!

Why yes, myself of course! Actually,  more because my mother can't attend in an attempt to marry me off. _leans close and whispers_ no offence to you two beautiful ladies, but I'm here to snatch a man, not some lady my mother wouldn't demand I must sire Childern with. Love should be up to the individual don't you think?

_he gives you a wink_

Cassidy: I agree _Maybe he noticed her and Z'ev's rings_

So Mr Ir'Graccen are you attending the ball on someone's behalf yourself?

Vincent: _snorts and rolls his eyes_ so is there anything interesting happening at this Ball besides you finding a date?

Iris: _slaps him_ don't be so rude. You have the social grace and presence of a perpetulnt child

Jovi ir' Graccen: _laughs_ oh sir is no problem,  I've  met worse nobility believe me.

Cassidy: _Tries to hide an amused smile, they certainly had a nontraditional student teacher relationship_ Perhaps you could enlighten us than of those we best avoid

Jovi ir' Graccen: Avoid?

Mr.Grayson: _has decided to wander around the tight but opulent space in the carriage,  nose yo the air occasionally sniffing out a choice target for future endulgence_

Jovi ir' Graccen: Well I suppose..._ scratches his chin and pulls at his goatee in thought_ anyone you're brother come across in the war...otherwise I'd have said the Dark Lanterns but seems you might know them already.

_he starts subtlety pointing out guests, the first one being someone with the head, scales and tail of a dragon dressed in a officers uniform_ That's  Balthazar ir' Dranots, he's the minister of war, he's quite charming actually and has the attentions of this charming lady _ points to a half elf dressed in a ornate and lavishly jeweled dress_ Cesaria ir' Starn. Then over there, as your brother might recognise is Lady Mercutia ir Gontarli _points to a lady dressed in the exact same uniform as Z'ev _ and Tybalt ir' Starn is the half elf who's talking to her _he lowers his voice in a conspirorial_ way he's Cesaria's brother and self appointed guard, but I fail to see him ever lifting a sword…

Mr. Grayson: _digs through Z'ev's memories though a name does look familiar but can find a face to it so fakes it_ Lady Mercutia? I don't seem to remember the name... must have been on the feild far too long.

Z'ev: _back of Greyson's mind_ *she used to be my superior you frigging stupid demon*

Cassidy: _As Jovi pointed out other guest, she suddenly realies that she has been sizing them up, like she use to though maybe she has always been, or old skills were coming back to her, she had even with Z'ev just earlier and he realised it, she shivers at the thought of that_

Jovi ir' Graccen: Anyway, you here officially on business or pleasure?

Cassidy: Business officially, but no one said there doesn't have to be some pleasure involved _Says partly in an attempt to lift the dark thoughts clouding her mind_

Jovi ir' Graccen: _chuckles_ you don't say?

Well then, it's been interesting meeting you all, hopefully we can chat some more at the ball and mingle together, but  I'm afraid I must turn in, otherwise we won't be our best for the ball. I do hope to see you soon! _raises the last glass of the evening to you all and drinks it before making his way towards the end of the carriage and towards the sleeping ones_

Vincent: He's got a point, we should be turning in too

Iris: _looks around the emptying carriage _ I guess so. It's not like we can't talk to these people once we arrive_

Cassidy: _Nods_ Rest well, see you in the morning

Vincent: Aren't we in the same carriage though?

Iris: Would assume so. Z'ev? You know your way around a train?

Mr.Grayson: Er..._Grayson draws a blank as he was in a bag everytime he's ever travelled _

Vincent: Care to shows us around, Cassidy?

Cassidy: If you like _Beckons them to fellow_ This is your first time on a train, isn't Iris what do you think so far?


Iris: _wobbles a bit as the train moves _ it's very...strange. like an earth tremor under my paws. _you can see she isn't joking about that, her feet are oddly shaped for a humaniod. She stumbles into another passanger and apologises_

Vincent: _is using a hand touching the ceiling to stop him flailing around, stopping every time there's a very sudden jerk_ how does one sleep on a contraption like this? Without wheels I thought the ride would be smooth. Those things on the stone track that seemed to light up as the rail got closer to the station, what are they called and what do they do?

Mr.Grayson: _wobbles around behind them, looking panicky grabbing chairs to keep steddy_

Cassidy: You become accustom to it _Though as an elf she had naturally good balance that she didn't realise the difficulties of the others_ As for the stones I know they serve a purpose in the train's operation but how I'm unsure, I advise not looking out the windows too long as it can make you feel ill _Says as she continues down the carriage_

Iris: Oh, ok will take that advice then. So where do we sleep?

Cassidy: In the sleeper car we have a cabin _Checks her ticket for the number_

Iris: Oh... so we get beds?

Mr.Grayson: I hope there's a bathroom _tries to hold down a wreching sound_

Cassidy: I'm not quite sure we'll have to find our cabin first _Says leading the way_

After picking your way through two more carriages you eventually find your sleep quarters, four very small single bed cabins

Cassidy: This is it _Checking ticket number again_

Iris: _looking in them_ at least they're better than skyship hammocks...look! They even have mini bathrooms!

_is impressed _

Vincent: _snorts_ how Am I supposed to fit in there?

Iris: By shrinking. You don't really sleep anyway from what I've seen

Vincent: _grunts_ good thing I have a few books to read_

Mr.Grayson: _streaches_ well I'm ready to turn in. _there's  not alot here for a demon to be interested in but over the years he's gotten used to sleeping_

Vincent: At least I aprove of the arrangements.  _glances at Cassidy and Z'ev,  still disapproving of their relationship _

Iris: What? No hanky panky on the train? _chuckles_

Vincent: Especially that

Iris: _laughs_ clearly you haven't seen their hands then _she laughs as she enters a cabin she's chosen_

Vincent: What's that supposed to mean?

Cassidy: Would you like to be a bridesmaids?! _Calls to her before ducking into one of the cabins_

Iris: _closes the door _ why not ask? Night night everyone

_door reopens_ ohhhh yes please!

Vincent: Wait, what?

_glares at Cassidy _ your not serious are you?

You're just testing me

Iris: _rolls eye_ oh really Vince? You're such a stick in the mud. _chuckles_ though that explains everything I know about you at great lengh

Mr.Grayson: _snuggles up to Cassidy to play it up _  oh we'll figure something out. I'm sure we can get creative with a single bed.

Cassidy: _Trying to act natural even though he just about made her skin crawl_ Since we don't have a mother to ask this, when are you going to find a nice girl and settle down?

Vincent: _fumes_ I don't have to answer that....can't believe you'd  be like HER. _spits the last word before entering his own cabin and slamming the door_

Mr.Grayson: Well now... he's a sour puss

Cassidy: Which her is he referring to? _Concerned by that_

Mr.Grayson: _whispers_ your mother

Iris: _yawns _ well, let me know when the date is final... _excited sqeal_ i get to be a bride's maid!

_closes the door_ night night!

Cassidy: I ahh, I think its time for bed night everyone _A dark mood hangs in the air as she as heads into her cabin_

Mr.Grayson:  So... are we still... shacking up or... _shivers_

_realises he's alone._ well well... time to do some..._yawns_ exploring of my own. I have a body now so why not?

_wanders off towards another carriage _

Vincent: _Hears the door close and footsteps fade away, someone had left their carriage maybe it was Cassidy like him she didn't need to rest long, finding his reading not that interesting, he decides to take a quick check, and finds both the girls still resting._ 

_ Well than just where was "he" slinking off to, thinks as he follows after_

As Vincent ducks his head into Cassidy's room, he sees his sister slumped exhausted over the bed, suprised at how much she's gone native living away from Aerenal.  However he's not so lucky checking in on Iris, especially when a pillow is thrown at his head, followed by :

Iris: Eeek! Get out get out get out!

The sound at the end of the carriage has stopped...infact eerily so.

Vincent: _Grabs the pillow she threw, after that she wasn't getting it back_ Calm down Iris! I heard a noise _Backs out with the pillow under one arm, before she throws something else, feeling unnerved by the sudden quite_

Iris: _ears twitch like a paranoid rabbit_ I don't hear anything, you're just got a bee in your bonnet, that's all. You got what you wanted, everyone sleeping separately and now you're all obsessed with us getting into mischief.

_looks at Vincent critically _ you really are quite selfish,  you know that? Your sister is quite happy she's moving on with her life and it boggles the mind how little you can do the same... or why she insists trying to get you to. Sure, my brother can be a little pig headed but so can everyone.

_yawns_ go to sleep...or whatever you do....that creepy eyes open... meditation whatever _ shivers 

_pauses abruptly._ did you hear that? It's comming from the extra toilet at the end of the carriage. I swear I heard something shatter.

Vincent: What is this gang up on Vince? I haven't done anything wrong! If anything you're all mocking me!... _Still on all that she said not having heard anything and can't let that go_

Iris: _grabs the pillow, tossing it aside and grabs the half elf shifter and drags gim along the carriage _ Come on! Someone could be in trouble!

When you reach the end of the carriage there's a sign something has been going on, the door to the extra bathroom while firmly locked has several large dints in it popping outwards.

Iris: _ ears fold back and she starts to get scared_  w-what d d d do you suppose did t-that?

Vincent: By the ancestors _Examining the door_ Something unsavoury... with a great deal of strength

Iris: _ears twitch._ someone's s-still inside there! I can h-hear them

Vincent: You want to open it after... this? _Indicating the dints_

Iris: Whoever is in there needs help! _pulls her self to her full height, which is still very short but nevertheless impressive in her underdress and holds up one of her hands so Vincent can see the sparks of a potential spell waiting to expel her fears_  I'm....I'm ready....

Cassidy,  whilst you are unceremoniously flopped on furnishings in the small compartment,  you feel hands searching your pockets for something,  breaking you out of your trance.

Cassidy: _Too many times of others trying to get the jump on her while she is resting, have made her paranoid she grabs the dagger from under her pillow, and has it at their throat in a flesh_

I wouldn't do that if I were you _A promise in her words she wouldn't hesitate in using it_

The light fingered theif all cloaked in shadowy greys pulls back before reaching out, grabbing her and demanding in a language she hasn't heard in years

Deyker: Where's the little box that tells the future!?

Back in the main hall of the Carriage,   Vincent is about to freeze and break the bathroom lock - roll me the spell dice for the spell when you can.

The lock freezes over

And glinters with an icy sheen

Vincent: _Smashs at it with the hilt of his sword_

The ice shatters and the lock breaks. As the door swings outwards there's a pungent smell of blood, smashed porcelain and a cold draft coming from the large broken window, a hole big enough for someone or something to climb out of. Sticky dark blood pools along the floor, a clear sign there's been a struggle,  the smashed sink spraying water and soaking a very familiar face with a head injury and holding onto a knife wound, the handle still sticking out from their side.


There's a smash of glass and a rush of cold air behind Iris and Vincent and a feral snarl as something clambers through the window.....

Cassidy: _Desperate to break the hold of her assailant, she manages to retrieve her dropped dagger and stab them in one arm_

Deyker: _chuckles and then growls in Aerenal _ Nice try. Where is the device? Tell me or I'll gut you like a fish.

Cassidy: Better than you, have tried! _Answers back_

Deykar: You mean those two clowns that got arrested? Heh, they're insignificant flies in the ointment

Cassidy: Emerald claw scum! _Still trying to break free_

Deyker: _tuts_ come on now, all I want is something you have and you can live. Why make this so damn hard?

Cassidy: You'll have to kill me first!

Alright Cassidy is now free, however Deykar has already withdrawn his knife out and -

One of his stab motions hit

As Vincent and Iris turn around, a creature not entirely half elf crawls through the shattered window, it's tounge half hanging out of his head, claws instead of hands and three bloody horned protrusions sticking out of it's skull. Unknown to them, Z'ev had been more or less keeping the demon on a leash even while it was in control, but now it has found a host when not only could it devour the soul, but possess and transform its corpse.

Mr.Grayson: Nahahahahaha!

Iris: _moves to her brother's aid, too terrified to fight the creature_

Mr.Grayson: _in his new found mangled body he gloats and starts cackling_ Nothing binding me to a Contract now! Shame your body will be a vessel for any future demons... shouldn't have made yourself a gateway! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You think you can Infest me? When I'm already the cure for this mortal's malice

Vincent: Oh demon now I understand, wonderful _Trying to play it cool even if it was a first time against one, his first thought was to put some distance between them, speaking the powers of power he motions for it to move as well_

Mr.Grayson: _drool drips on the ground, steam rises off it like acid melting the bottom of the train carriage floor_

Z'ev: _faintly between coughs of agony_ you should be acquainted.. ..he's...Cassidy'

Iris: _bewildered_ it's what!?

Vincent: Mr. Grayson! _Surpised_ What have you idiots done!?

Mr.Grayson: _grins and shows all his magnificent malformed teeth as he's trying to reshape the skin he's in_ I liked you....Vince...._hisses_ pure chaotic hartred for your own people.... you'd have kept me fed on selfish elvish souls....

Z'ev: take it to...Dawn.... banish... it....

Iris: She couldn't do that, could she?

Z'ev: Witches......


Time to extract what's rightfully mine after centuries bound to lies and false promises!

_he flicks the malformed mangled hands out and huge bone like protusions shoot out of the nails like long sythed claws_

He lunges for the nearest target, unfortunately, it is Vincent

Iris: _Iris  burries her head into her brother as Greyson lunges and attacks Vincent, but looks up as she hears the click of a pistol,  shakely being held in her sibling's free hand_

The bullet hits true, the basterdised amalgamation of undescribeable morphing flesh recoils and staggers backwards affording Vincent time to get out of it's way.

Back in Cassidy's bunk with her hands now free…

Cassidy: _Takes out her new wand, and can feel her fingers crack with energy she uses it to tip into a psychic force harnessing it and lashes at her assailant with it__(Tasha's mind whip)_

Deyker: _shreiks and clutches his head, his brain is throbbing and trying to beat itself against his skull. In his confusion he lashes out with his short sword (his only action)

Cassidy: _With quick relaxes she grabs her pillow and uses it as a shield against his swing_

Feathers fill the air in a huge cloud of Acxypoterics down.

Iris: _As she watches Vincent dodge out the way to safety she looks at her brother_  did you do this?

Z'ev: Would it make a... difference...?

Iris: You'll tell me everything?

Z'ev: _gives her a weak nod_

Mr.Grayson: _now stands between Vincent and Iris, sizing up his next target and chooses to advance towards the weakest, his teeth gnashing hungrily for another meal_

Iris: _stands up, determination now in her features, blue energy crackling off her fingers as she's particularly mad, not just at the creature or her brother, but at herself for not picking up the signs sooner. She shouts as she throws her arm out infront of her and a bolt of lancing energy leaves her fingers straight at the abomination _ BEGONE!

Mr.Grayson: _is struck by a blue beam of crackling energy, he convulses as skin burns off the stolen body revealing more to the creature inside, skin tearing holes and splitting as forms change more rapidly_

Vincent: _Its was time to get more serious or none of them maybe making it out alive, he slaps his hands together and slowly draws them apart ice forming in the air between them into a great shard, and throws it at the malfunctioned creature_ Brace yourselves! _Yells at the last moment_

Mr.Grayson: _recoils forwards as a shard of ice spears one of his mangled arms and then it shatters_

Iris: _ Iris immediately drops to the floor as the ice explodes and showers her cloak with tiny shards_

Z'ev: _raises his arm to shield himself a little too late and gets a few shards tear through his arm, shoulder and some to the face narrowly missing his eyes thanks to the glasses...though they're now cracked and need repairs _


_his bone claws swing wildly, at first going for Vincent and then he feints and goes straight for Z'ev _ SHE WILL LOOSE LIKE SHE IS MENT TO! YOU WILL DIE AND HER SOUL WILL BE MINE!

_first clawswing hits the remaining intact part of the bathroom sink spraying chunks of broken porcelain everywhere...then the second claw rises...._

Vincent: _Just as the demon was about to strike the jaws of a great wolf suddenly close on its head shape fangs sinking in causes a creaking sound, as the canine drags it backwards like its pray to be devoured later_

_The demon amalgamation thrashed about wildly trying to slash at him, screeding and screaming inhuman sounds, that made his ears feel like they were bleeding, he bite harder in response hoping it would silence its infernal terrorist onslaught of outwardly sounds_

Mr.Grayson: _screeching with an almost benevolent laughter it grabs the wolf with the other arm and throws it into the small busted bathroom and Vincent collides into Z'ev,  Vincent lucky to have his body cushioned,  but the recoil has Z'ev's head hit the wall_

Z'ev: _is stunned and cannot attack this turn_

Cassidy: _With the assassin still swinging his sword about wildly, she needed to stop him before she was skewered, she picked a spell that she had used countless times on victims for Grayson, one that immobilised them helpless, making a vice like gripping action with her hands (hold person)_

Deyker: _Decides this isn't worth the measly 2 gold he was paid and tries to escape out the window_

Cassidy: _Decides to give them a hand as they're perched on the on the window seal, she gives them a good shove in the back_

Deyker: _manages to slip out of the window faster than Cassidy can get to him to shove him out and in a moment he is gone _

Iris: _picks herself of the floor and starts to shift, he legs changing to be more Nimble and rabbit-like and dodges out behind Greyson _

Vincent: _Struggles to get free of the tiny bathroom and back on all four paws_

Mr.Grayson: _Starts to Gloat_ YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE BEFORE I MAKE YOU EXSTINCT! _ lunges his claws towards Iris, wings starting to tear free from the skin he has stolen_

_the claws lash out and tear through the cloak and through Iris's night dress, blood soaking her white fur as she lands on her knees_

Z'ev: _pulls himself to his feet and staggers forward, clutching where the dagger is sticking into him.  He looks a sight, as if he had no choice between letting the demon out or getting his throat slit. He stops near the demon and throws his arms wide in a act of something that would be seen as stupidity and madness by everyone elses but logical sense to him as the original containment host ...and shouts_

ERAGROTHSOTH! RETURN TO YOUR PRISON! _ shutting his eyes tight and knowing if this doesn't work the demon could just slaughter him outright_


There's a loud sonic BOOM, the carriage violently shakes and jumps around knocking Cassidy onto her bunk, Vincent off his paws and Iris onto all fours as the demon bursts in a spray of viscera,  flesh splattering everything and every surface, the half elf body torn to ribbons

There's a hole in the train floor where the demon once stood, melting steel dripping onto the conductors as the train flies over them.

Z'ev: _collapses to his knees before falling forward unconscious_

Iris: _Despite the pain down her back she drags herself carefully arounx the gaping hole to her brother and starts trying to rouse him, calling his name in desperation _

Vincent: _Transforms back from his wild shape, and starts swearing in Aerenal_

Iris: _looks up at the half shifter pleadingly _ he's dying.... please you have to know how to stop it

Cassidy: _Rolls off her bunk to her feet, ears ringing still from the boom, can hear shouting outside, as she makes her way to the door and opens it_

Looking down the other end of the train, Cassidy can see the carnage of the aftermath

Cassidy: _There a lot to take in but none of that matters when she sees Z'ev, laying on the floor unmoving a knife in his side and blood everywhere she gasp in horror as she runs to his aid_

Iris: _feeling weak herself_ we need the hospital or something as soon as we   get to the station.

_looks Cassidy over and sees how dishelved she is_ I guess our guy wasn't alone huh?

Cassidy: We will don't worry his going to be alright _Just who she's trying to convince isn't clear_

Vincent: Are you insane? Just what in the abyss?... care to explain all this? _Sounds like he can't wait to hear it_

Cassidy: Not right now Vince

Iris: Explain what? We got jumped by someone possessed by some sort of entity that seems to know YOU, Your sister and my brother PERSONALLY.  If ANYONE needs explaining to you it's you all TO ME.

Cassidy: Entity, possesed, knows us... _Trying to put it all together_ I don't know what…

Iris: Look, _sighs and looks very weak_ I actually don't care... I just want my brother safe. Maybe I'll find out later, but right now...._sniffs_

There's a hiss and the carriage fills with steam and dust through the hole as the Lightning rail screeches to a halt at Wroat station. Within minutes city guards are surrounding the carriage and everyone is taken away to the nearest hospital/house of Jocasro under armed guard and as you're being treated you're subjected to a hefty amount of questioning.

Cas: _She tells the guards, she doesn't know anything about the going ons in the carriage hall, as she was attracted by a Aerenal assassin at the time_

Iris: Iris says it was an attacker, mentions how they found Z'ev and then says a spell the killer had went horribly wrong.

Vincent:_All the questioning is too much for him, brings up some childhood trauma of being bullied,  he tries to keep his story straight, "something" attacked them and were banished or vaporised his not sure_

DM: The guards go off to one side, there is a brief murmuring and one makes cuckoo noises and they start to laugh before walking away

As the guards all start to leave you, Cassidy you see a familiar small creature flap at the window trying to get inside. The Kipling isn't alone, infact it's brought a very familiar scally face flapping beside it.

Cas: _Goes to open the window_ Nimble! It is you _cuddles the tiny dragon_ How did you get there?

Nimble: I followed your messenger, mistress. Message was received of course. Rathalos and Rathian are heading towards Sharn as we speak. They will meet you back there. The monkey unfortunately can't make it.... old age you see.

Cas: I see did you leave the book with them? _Had asked him to guard it_

Nimble:Yes.  Rathian has it in a secure box

Cas: You're done will Nimble I'm pound of you

Nimble: Your messanger... unusual.  Doesn't speak. _looks at the kipling_ undead?

Cas: Have you heard if a homunculus?

Nimble: Yes.  It's very old magic. Didn't expect to see it, The speices was made extinct by human hunters. What happened? You look a mess master?

Cas: I can guess why..._Something like it would never be allowed on Aerenal undead unless the undieing court were great abominations what would something made from the dead be concerned, she wasn't going to tell Z'ev she didn't approve of it, her strong cultural background ingrained into her influencing her, somethings can never be let go_ Z'ev made it calls it Shelly, we should go check on him.

DM: Shelly is way ahead of you,  the mark on her chest glows a minute before she takes off for her master's bed

Cas: I got off lightly _Says to the dragon_

DM: The kipling tries to land at the far end of the hall, getting brushed off and attacked by nurses.

Cas: _Has to rash over to diffuse the situation is very against just grabbing "the thing", and just tries to encourage it in the right direction_

DM: The kipling doesn't bite Cassidy and croons as it calms down. It's omly hysterical due to it's telepathic link with it's master being severed for so long.It's horned owl head swivels to look at it's master, who's currently a mass of bandages under a heavy blanket.

Cas: There, there now... no need to get so worked up _Says in a soft voice_

DM: Shelly coos.

Cas: _Sats down in the chair beside the bed_ Z'ev can you hear me? _Says in the same soft tone_

Z'ev: _there's a slight twitch and a light groan _

Iris: _has limped her way over, dressed properly now and looks better than you saw her last, ears retied back into her plat_  oh, didn't think you'd be up yet Cassidy.  How you feeling?

Cassidy: Quite well... yourself on your feet again that's good to see _Offers her the chair to sat_

Iris: _says thankyou and carefully sits, doesn't lean against the back of the chair as her own back still stings_ I'm ok....I think. Never thought I'd use any of my spell training outside of the Observatory. That...that was something. I know my brother doesn't tell me everything as he doesn't want me to worry but that...winged thing that was ripping the half elf apart. Was that really inside my brother? Was that why he was acting strange?

Cas: _Deeply worried now knowing none of this is going to end well_ I'm... not sure how much I have the right to tell you than…

Iris: _sighs_ i suspected that might be the case. _smiles_ my brother was always keeping to himself. Only tells people he can trust things and even then I'm sure it's not the whole story. Very much like Dawn though she's got a reason to be secretive. Pyre on the other hand.... less said, the better. Always looking for a fight. Your other brother as weird as Vincent?

Cas: Vincent told you about Cedric? _Surprised_

Iris: He said he had twin half siblings, only one was a woman. That's about it. He doesn't talk family alot. You don't with your superiors.

Cas: I see, Cedric... I don't know anymore, I've run into him but... a long time ago we were close before... I haven't even told Z'ev this, we were raised by our grandfather and grandmother she was an awful woman was controling and manipulative its why our mother... left us there's no other way to say that…

Iris: _looks ashamed for asking_ sorry to hear that

Cas: No I shouldn't have said anything I'm sorry, you don't needed that ahh Cedric sorry no yes he reminds me of him a little but Cedric was back than a joker, a prankster, sarcastic a smart ass, always reminded me he was older and he knew better and I should listen to him and do whatever he said _Smiles at that reminding good things_

He always looked after me...

Iris: _falls silent,  unsure what to say_

Cas: Sorry he "was" a good brother, you reminded me I need to speak to Vince about some things he said when I last saw him

Iris: _stays quiet.  Feels terrible dredging up Cassidy's tragic past and current predicament, especially since she's never had that be a problem with her own family until now_

Cas: _Feeling awkward one of the resumes she never made a lot of friends, she often said something that made things awkward_ Maybe I should speak with him now, excuse me…

Iris: _nods and lets Cassidy go._

DM: Shelly sits on the back of the seat Cassidy vacates and Iris gives her a loving scritch.

Iris: Well now, I haven't seen one of you in a very long time....aren't you a pretty one?

Z'ev: _slowly sits up, pinches his brow_ Feel like I've eaten sand....any chance of a glass of water?

Iris: _ immediately hugs her brother in a joyful embrace _ It's so good to hear your voice again!

Z'ev: _suprised _ Iris? _events from last few hours are a complete blank. Wha...where....

Iris: _hugs tight_

Z'ev: Umm...Iris? Your  sort of squashing my ribs...

Cas: _Speaks with Vince in very hushed tones, hoping for some of his thoughts on what Cedric said_

Vincent: Why do you care what Cedric thinks? You don't care what I say so his delusional thoughts could be easily dismissed. _he's sitting up on a bed, looking disapprovingly at the tray of hospital food_They expect me to eat this...slop. heal broken ribs they said...PAH! It's mulkr paste! Should be feeding people boiled moss for treating that! Besides...they all think I'm crazy, but I KNOW what I SAW.

Cas: _For someone who hated the Aerenal as much as he did he was a classic one_ You want an explanation now I'm guessing?

Vincent: What's there to explain? You two morons figured out how to free one of Grandma's demons. Don't have to know much else. _ grumps_

Cas: Vince _Says in a harshing tone_ Keep your voice down please

Vincent: Why should I? They laughed at me when I told them.

Cas: You told them _Looks shocked_ Thank the ancestors they didn't think you were serious then.

Vincent: Of course I told them. They can't be so stupid to not look at the carnage and think it was a terrorist attack! Come on sis, you know they'll be poking noses into it for MONTHS.

Cas: _Pinchers the bridge of her nose_ Yes I'm sure they will a trained wizard or warlock will work out it, hopefully we aren't around by than _Not mentioning the mess in the hotel room as well_

Vincent: I don't understand WHY you'd do that? Why not give him the idiots soul and move on?

Cas: _Gives him a saddened look_ Its a shame you didn't grow up with us, his my brother as well and I love him, I don't know what's happened to him but to me his still my big brother Cedric _Looks like she is about to cry and trying hard not to_

Vincent: What are you on about? I'm talking about that idiot shifter gigolo of yours! Why not let it eat his soul and be done with it?

You could get a better lover honestly 

Cas: _She could ask him a lot of questions why he was so against it but one could answer it all_ Have you ever been in love Vince?

Vincent: _gives Cassidy a hard stare._ look at me Cassidy,  who is going to like a ugly mug like this? May as well kiss a toad

Cas: It saddens me you think that, and I don't think that's true, but when you are you'll understand _She leaves him with that and heads back over to Z'ev_

Vincent: _mutters_ when the toy boy phase ends you'll find out soon enough.

DM: As Cassidy returns to Z'ev,  she notices he's sitting up on the bed with a wheel table across it, using everything he could reach and get Iris and Shelly to acquire for him and  has made a minature alchemist kit with stuff bubbling away already.  Interestingly enough a few of the Doctors are hovering around and having the odd  question or two and occasionally walking away with a concoction while giving him more ingredients to mess with. It's rare to get an alchemist in Wroat willing to work for free, but Z'ev needed the set up and the trade off was making a batch of healing flasks for the hospital in return for thier equipment.

Cas: _Is impressed by his makeshift station, reminds her of a skilled wizard who can substitute one ingredient for another_ If I told you should really be resting, would you listen?

Z'ev: _looks up and gives her a squinting smile as he's still not wearing his glasses_ no. Got a war to prevent, remember? Ok so that's all I remember about the last twelve hours...well I remember my old burnt house, that's about it. _looks back at his alchemy _ magic as medicine,  would be great if it cured everything wouldn't it? Though there's no cure for stupidity for people who wish to have a monopoly over it.

Iris: _gives Cassidy a happy smile_ it's nice to have him back isn't it?

Cas: More than anything _Smiles back as she carefully sats down on the bed putting Nimble on her lap_ So you don't remember the train anything?

Z'ev: We were on a train? _looks at Cassidy confused_ i woke up here thirsty...that's about it

Cas: _That was interesting to know and worrying_ Iris can you tell us what happened as I wasn't there and Vince is being himself if you don't mind.

Iris: _shakes her head_ best I don't. I'm not quite sure myself and I was present

Z'ev: It doesn't matter, does it?

Cas: _Is still worried but doesn't want to say anything in front of Iris only Vince really knew and he wasn't talking_ No I guess not…

Z'ev: _indicates to Cassidy to come over_

Cas: _Slides across the bed closer_

Z'ev: _reaches up to pull her into a kiss_

Cas: Well you're perfectly fine _Says when she finally breaks away, smiling_

Z'ev: _grins_ I'm ready to be out of here when you are

Nimble: _Climbs off her lap and walks about the bed sniffing stopping to look at Iris_

Z'ev: _gives nimble a pat_ you haven't met my sister yet, have you?

Iris: _gingerly holds her hand out for Nimble to sniff_ N-Nice to meet you Nimble

Nimble: _Sniffs her hand cautiously at first but his loving all the attention of so many he rubs at her hand and purrs happily_

Iris: _giggles and gently scratches him behind the little ear flaps_

Cas: He flew all the way here with Shelly Rathian and Rathalos will meet us back in Sharn with Vance, I'll speak to the doctors _Says leaving them_

Z'ev: Just as well my message got through. Was worried Shelly couldn't travel that far away without loosing the link I had

Iris: It's amazing how dad's taxidermy skills passed on to you

Z'ev: Don't for get mum's other skills... sure I can't do witch craft like you lot can, but i still learned a thing or two.

DM: Cassidy returns from speaking with one of the doctors they advise against Z'ev, Iris and Vincent leaving but they also can't stop them.

Z'ev convinces Iris she should stay and rest, she is disappointed in missing out but knows its for the best, Vincent chooses to stay as well saying its his responsibility as Iris' teacher and murmurs something about being a third wheel, though you notice his trying to hide his in pain.

Z'ev: _to Cassidy as he pulls on less conspicuous gear that's probably not too appropriate for the ball_ do you think we should leave any big weapons with Iris and Vincent incase they need them? If the assassin's come back of course.

Cas: That seems sensible, I hope they don't have to use them though

Z'ev: _feels naked not taking his two big weapons _ it's for the best.... besides a pistol is easy to sneak in.

DM: When Z'ev and Cassidy and arrived at the Howling river they see a grand galleon built from dark oak with bright crimson sails bobs gently at the riverside. On the deck servants wearing red uniforms lined with gold thread are decorating the ship with lanterns and pennants bearing the coats of arms of five nations. The waves in the wind and glints as the shimmering thread catches the sunlight. On the side of the vessel, the name "Montulet" is painted in golden calligraphy.

Four knights stand guards at the foot of the gangplank, only moving aside to let the servants board or leave the ship.

Z'ev: _looks around impressed_ wow that's some ship, hey Cas? _looks up at the large elemental ring at the back and whistles_

Cas: Its beautiful _Ships were not really her thing but can't help being impressed_

Z'ev: The half elves have a huge monopoly on the wood for these things... but it's the Zil who are the genius behind the power. See that huge glowing ring at the back? It's a bit like the Lightning rail, except it's an infused elemental. The blue colour means it's a water one bound the the ship. _as he's talking he eyes skim the peir  for any signs of guests and how they might be dressed for the ball_ 

DM: Ok Z'ev due to your cracked glasses you are having difficulties in seeing anyone well at that distance and you are also very distracted by the feet of marvellous engineering before you to really concentrate on the task at hand

Z'ev: _finds himself drawn to the boat again,  forgetting about the ball_ wonder how much was spent of obtaining this thing?

Cas: _Can see she is losing him, she knows how he gets when its something that his passionate about_ Z'ev focus _Gently says bring him back to reality_ We need to find a way to get on the ship

Z'ev: Huh? Oh yes... of course _coughs_ sorry. 


_ponders _ I wonder.... _looks at the staff who seem to come on and off the galleon_ Cassidy,  those staff that are a..._squints and frowns_ where do they go after getting off the ship? They must be getting supplies from somewhere.

Cas: There's an alleyway a bit farther up the dock they're go down.

Z'ev: Alright...lead the way.

DM: _Cassidy takes Z'ev's hand and leads him over to the allyway down the end she telling him is a warehouse the servants are taking supplies from its unguarded_

Z'ev: I have an idea, but i need a bucket and a barrel of wine

Cas: I've seen the servants carrying crates with wine bottles, I can't see any wine barrels from here we would have to get closer

Z'ev: We'll have to. What i need it for will only work for one of us though, but once inside the other can be snuck in another way

Cas: Better be quite the servants have been coming back and forth quite frequently

Z'ev: I need it to make a full body batch of invisiblity... i only have one shot at it, otherwise it's my untested potion I'm unsure what it will do

Cas: _Always worries when he talks about using "untested" potions_ Alright I'll be your look out than, and meet you on the ship _Gives him a kiss_ Good luck

Z'ev: _frowns_ so you don't want to be invisible?

Cas: You mean for me to be?

Z'ev: Yes. Clothes and all. If you can get in and get a outfit of one of the staff who's on a waiter or something....I have too much stuff that would make a noise

Cas: Alright that's different than _He would have known she wouldn't go being naked_

Z'ev: I just need those items...and the ingredient

Cas: There's a staff member coming back from the warehouse now, and I don't see anymore coming from the ship yet, now maybe our best chance to slip over there unnoticed

Z'ev: I can only make one potion of this stuff Cassidy.  I'd have to find another way in. But if you get in first and get a look around it'll save us time.

Cas: I understand leave it to me

Z'ev: _glances at Nimble_ I have a way to get you in too, don't worry. I have to slip Shelly in somehow too...doubt pets are allowed unless you're of the Dragonmarked house of Handling.

Cas: Look out for us Nimble, tell us if that's any trouble

Z'ev: _looks around at the event staff to see if there's anyone, human or hald elf who looks close enough to his height and build_

Nimble: _Flies off to one of the rooves at the ally entry_

Z'ev: _when the coast seems clear, he sneaks over behind some warehouse shelving by some barrels to check for alcohol_

DM: The warehouse is quite dark but that's not a problem for you and helps in hiding you from others view, as you find several old barrels of wine lining one wall already tapped and ready for use_

Z'ev: _looks for a bucket to put the wine in_

DM: You spot one on a sleeve near by, along with several tools that look for repair works

Z'ev: _takes it off the shelf, checks it over for leaks, satisfied it'll do he starts to fill it with one large scoop into the barrel and starts uncorking and pouring chemicals he swiped from the house of Joscaro into the mixture. As he returns with the full bucket, without warning he throws the entire concoction over Cassidy

Cas: _Gives one of those girly ekes when he suddenly throws it at her_ A little warning would be nice

Z'ev: _gives he a lopsided look_ you'd honestly let me tip it over you willingly?_says to an invisible Cassidy _ right, I should get going if I where you. That stuff doesn't last forever_

Cas: You know me too well _Can hear her voice further away_ As she is already heading for the gangplank where the staff are coming on and off hoping to slip by behind one of them__Easily manages to slip pass the guards when they part to let one of the staff through, and hears one guard accuse another of stinking wine as she does_

Z'ev: _now starts to look around at the event staff to see if there's anyone, human or hald elf who looks close enough to his height and build_ 

 _ didn't want Cassidy to see what he's planning incase she got ideas... after seeing a member of staff that looks close enough to him but human he waits till they're alone and  stealthy tries to choke them out _

DM: Unfortunately Z'ev you have managed to get a little more than you bargained for, as this member of staff enjoys arm wrestling they aren't going down so easily and break free of your grab, what will you do?

Z'ev: _in a panic he tries to punch the guy out instead before there's a cry for help uttered_

_blocks the first blow and weaves under the striking arm to hit the man in the face with his own fist_

DM: The guy can't take a hit and goes down like a ton of bricks his down for the count

Z'ev: _before the guy is spotted, Z'ev strips him of his uniform and tosses him into an empty barrel...dressing in the uniform and tucking his alchemic pistol somewhere under the shirt where the overlaying vest makes it less visable, and tucks his clothes and gear into a lidded box where he can also hide Shelly and Nimble inside before downing his 'experimental ' concoction _

_fur starts to receded and his looks more or less human minus the ears and the canines but long as he doesn't smile that's ok...and tucks the glasses away so he now looks close enough to the guy he just clocked out, picks up the box and acts as if he's one of the staff before  heading towards the knights on the boardwalk.

_nods towards the guards, indicating they're in his way and his job is far more important than theirs.  He has people to impress_

DM: The guards too distracted to really be paying you much attention they're tired and off duty in an about hour and heading to the local tavern when their shift is over is more on their minds you hear them saying as they let you through unchallenged

Z'ev: _Let's out a held breath once on board and when in the storage hold where the supplies are to be left, letting both nimble and shelly out as well as picking up his other things, unfortunately his clothes my have to stay behindin the box. _Now to mingle with the wait staff. Let's hope Cassidy got on board ok. _watches Shelly flap her wing before flying off out the window to get a better veiw on a ship mast and sees nimble slink off out the door down the corridor_

DM: Cassidy,  now you're onboard and still invisible you can see more than just staff. there's a few nobles already on deck,  a mechanical band under the control of a Gnome and being fine tuned ready to preform  and a strikingly dressed woman is wandering amongst the guests occasionally stopping and then walking onwards. You can see she is dressed extravagantly and is definitely a wizard.

Cassidy: _Wizards could always spot each other as they were usually either highly extravagant or the most eccentric, it be best to avoid them, finding a way to blend in was of the up most importants and before she became visible again, following some of the staff seemed her best bet_

DM: There are a few members of staff walking amongst the guests serving them already,  some are setting up and occasionally one leaves to go to the warehouse.

Cassidy: _Follows after one as they board the ship with another cart, they have to taking them somewhere_

DM: You successfully weave your way through the growing crowd to follow the servant. Eventually he moves into a storage hold and starts talking to another Servant  who is odddly familiar but you can't put your finger on why. Eventually both leave the storage together.

Z'ev: _is talking to another member of staff who he met in the storage hold and spies the wizard on the deck, quickly changing the conversation so he can try going somewhere else on the ship. If there is indeed an assassin on board the wizard would be doing everything to make sure no one is using magic....and while under the potion Z'ev doesn't think it's a good idea to get mistaken as threat. There's got to be somewhere where spare clothes are kept for party guests....._

DM: Dim twighligt falls over the docks, and everything becomes illimunated by arcane lights tied to the ship and the crimson sails glitter as the lights cast their glow. Guests are starting to really que up to board the ship in extravagant outfits and the band is now playing as the ball is underway

Z'ev: _is foiled by another sevant giving him a tray and directing him out onto the deck _ _come on Cas... where are you? He thinks as he walks around handing aristocrats drinks_

Cas: _The storage room was a bust, there were no staff uniforms here she would have to try somewhere else, heck she would steal an aristocratic attire if she could get away with it, she leaves the storage room to investigate what's behind other doors_

DM: The first few rooms are empty,  however one turns out to be a ladies powderoom. It's currently empty but there is a place where cloaks are stored. However as you brush up against the furr coats, you begin to uncontrollably sneeze. Suddenly you hear the flush of a toilet and see a very tall lady emerge to wash her hands and at this moment you sneeze and become Suddenly visable in the mirror.

Soprano: _turns around in shock horror_ an assassin!? _starts to scream in extremely high octaves _

DM: Eventually one guard shows up yo investigate. "WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE?" The knight flourishes his greatsword before swinging it at Cassidy. Boths swings miss as if he was goving her a warning. "Surrender peacefully and we'll escort you off the ship nice and civil like."

Cassidy: _She had one chance at this but had to try taking out her wand she chants and drawers strange symols in the air as a snaking mist forms and whirls around the two's heads_

DM: The opera singer completely hits the deck, though the knight staggers a bit but the spell isn't quite strong enough to knock him out. He's had too many coffees preparing for his shift

" Miss, I'd rather not do this with any blood shead infront of the guests." Says the guard carefully, putting the sword down out of reach of both of you. "But if I must escort you off by force..."

He lunges towards Cassidy in an attempt to grapple. Cassidy, roll me a strengh check please

Cas: _As she sees them coming towards her she grabs a fur coat and throws it at them, as she moves out of the way_

DM: You doge out of the way, avoiding catching your own legs in the coats you threw at the guard

Cas: _waves her wand to cast a spell to tey and freeze the knight in place_

DM: The knight starts to panic as all his muscles start to freeze up under his armour and out of his mouth you hear a muffled 'OI YOU!'

You feel a tingle in the back of your mind as if something has intruded into your thoughts

Now before you bonk the knight, he gets a chance to attempt freedom

Cas: _Gaves him a swift punch to the face before he makes anymore noise_

DM: Cassidy, as you pull back your fist with speed, for some reason you choose to strike the Knight in the face which is a BAD idea as that's where the Grill in the helmet he is wearing is, a area on the helm that is sharp on the outside to prevent enemies going for the face.

While you are holding your hand in pain, the spell seems to suddenly wear off... as if the spell has been dispelled. On the deck Z'ev notices that the potion hiding his fur is wearing off as well very quickly  - a wave of powerful dispell magic washes across the ship

As Z'ev tries to head off the main deck, the crowd is much thicker with ball patrons all now tightly packed on the ship and he walks right into Nancy of Xandra, and arch mage of not only incredible beauty, but of an incredibly famous vile temper who has been hired to help with magical defences for this event. She immediately sees the spell wear off and begins to shout for the knights.

Back to Cassidy,  while you are reeling with a very painfully cut hand, the spell on the knight wears off and he is now within grabbing distance and he tries for another grapple.

Cassidy, you are grappled with your arms behind your back and ordered to march. The knight with great care not to let go escorts you to the main deck where there appears to be a clearing of guest as the other five knights who were on duty are standing around Z'ev,  swords drawn aimed at him. You are let go into the ring of swords along side him.

Z'ev: __whispers_ well that went up like a gas explosion

Nancy of Xandra: Well well.. what do we have here folks? Theives come to rob all our wonderful patrons blind? Speak up!

DM: The crowd watches in a mixture of awe, disgust and fear that you might be not just theives, but killers, low lifes and other riff raff.

Z'ev: _starts lying through his teeth_ Ma'am, My bosses don't like the idea of a person covered in fur handling any food, so I have to use a spell to make it vanish! It's that or I don't have no job anymore! I got a wife and kids to feed and frankly This is the only job I could get to put food on the table! Please let me go miss so I can get back to work!_

Nancy of Xandra: _cocks her eyebrow in disbelief as she can unfortunately read minds and knows if you're lying_ how droll. You think you could honestly fool me? Lock them away in the hold somewhere, until the party is over and they can be handed to the authorities.

DM: Four of the six knights now escort you to the storage room in the lower hull of the ship where you first crossed paths unwittingly and locking you both inside.

Z'ev: _after the footsteps seem to fade away, though there is a sound outside that suggest they're under guard. He takes off the staff shirt and starts tearing it up to dress Cassidy's cut hand_ I'd at least thought you would have gotten a disguise by now.

Cassidy: Running into a problem a soprano screaming murder

Z'ev: So that's what the commotion was? I noticed one of the knights wander inside the ship. Though can't say I did much better...experimental elixer wore off right infront of that blasted wizard.

Cassidy: Magic is useless while she's around, she can sense it being used and dispell it

Z'ev: _once he is done tending to Cassidy's wounds he goes hunting for the box with his clothes he left in here_ well that doesn't help in the slightest.  What do we do now? We can't kill the guards trying to get out...the real killer might get away or worse, strike and leave us to take the fall.

Cassidy: No definitively not _Thinking_ I wonder just what exactly they're expecting though…

Z'ev: Well there is alot of weathy people on board. Hey, how good is the communication you have with Nimble? He's on board somewhere.

Z'ev: _his back is facing Cassidy so the only thing she sees is when he closes his eyes the mark he shares with Shelly glows faintly very breifly_ There's too much in-between me and Shelly to make a clear channel... how do you do that with Nimble?

Cassidy: I can try after that dispelling though... _Tries to call to him_

_Nimble, Nimble can you hear me? Calls to him_

Nimble: Mistress?

Cassidy: _Nimble we need your help where are you?_

Nimble:  Currently? Hiding in a barrel.  There's a very heavily armourd man down the hall. Can smell his amour polish

Cassidy: _We're in a store room in the lower hull, can you make it to us?_

Nimble: If i follow my nose. You haven't washed for days mistress. _wrinkes nose_ the apples in this barrel smell more fresh

Cassidy: _Feel free to have fun, see you soon_ His coming

Z'ev: Well that's good, but we can't just sit around here. _finds his clothes and starts to redress_

Cassidy: _Looking around seeing him suddenly shirtless, she feels her body responded with a strong desire of need_ No we shouldn't just wait, around... _ Says smirking_ _Before he can say anything she's on him practically leaping on him, lips locking with his not at all concerned by crashing into the shelving behind him_

Z'ev: _pushes Cassidy back a little just to breathe_ are you crazy? We're in hot water right now... _heart is racing very excitedly though, Cassidy could probably feel it, afterall what's more fun than the thought of potentially getting caught in the act?_

Cassidy: I can hear your heart racing _Puts a hand on his chest_ Are you scared or...? _ She ask as she travels kisses down his neck_

Z'ev: Loosing you...._ he openly admits it while simply melting under her attention. _ I haven't forgotten what I think I did.....or hope I  didn't do. Hell Cas! If you don't cut it out I'll...._a predatory sound of enjoyment escapes his thoat_

Cassidy:_ Pulls him closer its no use he can't hide it, she can feel how much he wants her_ I'm afraid too, that you won't touch me again because you think you'll hurt, but that would hurt me even more... _She kisses him slowly more passionately this time_

Z'ev: Cas... _murmmers her name between each escaped breath between kisses_ all I've wanted is to make it up _kisses her back a little more fearcly _ to you, with expensive wine, flowers...lavish places to visit...though right now I want you and not sure you'll let me even if we got all the time....well we don't as I can hear everything in full swing but damn Cas... I want to take you here right now, don't care if it's fast either..._pushes her back against a wall and starts really giving her alot of attention, nipping the nape of her neck and getting his hands under the leather outfit she's wearing, any effort to lay his hands against her bare skin is spurring him on_

Cassidy: _Moans in pleasure his hands on her skin are enough to make her shiver with it_ I just want you more than anything, just you _Involuntarily she claws her nails into his back, moaning again as she brings to feel a deep itch only he can reach_ You have willing done things... you never had to for me, you're more than I feel I ever deserve _Starts to remove some of her armour with a little assistance_

Z'ev: _knows he doesn't have to fully undress Cassidy but isn't going to spoil it, afterall he likes her showing off just how comfortable she is in her own skin_ sometimes I'm surprised how such a beautiful woman like yourself is interested in such a scruffy screw up. Maybe it's time luck went our way a little more_ he growls, pressing himself against her more allowing his hands to roam and his tounge to explore her chest and now slightly exposed navel freely watching as she shivers under his touch. This is always the best part, making her feel so good that she wants more. As he helps her wriggle her trousers lower he gets to his knees and continues exploring,  kissing, nibbling and playfully lapping  places with his tounge until he reaches the spot where his tounge is perfectly capable of being the center of her attention,  feeling her body beg for the real thing around it_

Nimble: _rather urgently _ Mistress...Mistress! There's a woman talking to the guard. I can't get near to open the door without being seen.

Cassidy: Oh gods Z'ev... _Her breathing was more of a pant now, she grabbed fistfuls of his fur between her fingers, parting her legs feather as her body elevated closer to that feeling of bliss but not quite, she was just about to beg him how much she needed it, when she heard Nimble's voice_ No not now _Z'ev looked at her questioningly like he had done something wrong_ Its Nimble his outside, says there's a woman talking to the guards _Is she coming over Nimble?_

Nimble:I think so. There's a jingling of something silvery

Z'ev: _mumbles something incomprehensible before helping Cassidy ajust her trousers and going back to find his gear_ suppose I better find a shirt, wouldn't want this 'Lady' wanting to join in the fun

Cassidy: _She was already pulling her clothes back on, she felt so frustrated that tears weld up what was wrong with her?, she had a suspicion but with no past experience couldn't be completely sure_

Z'ev: _tries masking his own frustration,  afterall he was worried Cassidy would never let him touch her again and he had started to miss what she tasted like on the tip of his tounge all  waiting for him to get the party started. Next chance anyone dares interrupt he wasn't going to stop and they can just leave them to finish... several hours later._

Nimble: Yup... she's getting allowed in. Must be a undercover guard…

DM: The door opens and the knight remains at the door on the inside as  a lady dressed in a bright violet purple gown, gold jewellery and old hair pins in her long flowing black hair. Her skin is an almond colour and as she speaks the the guard, Cassidy you notice Z'ev sort of stand awkwardly despite now in a shirt still needing to be done up and tense up as this woman is someone he knows.

Mercutia: _as she steps forward and starts to talk, she has a very lively and flirtatious air about her movement and her voice_ A Z'ev! I thought you had retired and got a job in some stuffy old museum somewhere! Fancy you showing up here of all places as a spie nevertheless!

Z'ev: _is impassive_ fancy you being here as well, Mercutia. Working I presume?

Mercutia: _giggles_ Always dear, always. Some jobs are never ending as you know. _looks past him and sees Cassidy _ well someone was able to do something I could never. Collage of yours I presume? Or someone you happened to try to sneak into the party for fun?

Z'ev: She happens to be my Fianceè

Mercutia: _reaches out to shake Cassidy's hand despite her being obviously dishevelled and obvious what they were doing_ well it's  certainly a pleasure to meet the woman who snagged one of the best and also clearly rusty and out of practice 'racoon' I've ever had to train. Just how did you manage? _turns to the guard_ are you still here? Be a dear and fetch my... 'guests' some clothes would you?

DM: The knight hesitates and the says "yes Ma'am" and leaves, closing the door behind him

Cassidy: Pleasure to meet you, Cassidy D' Sekinth _Not wanting to be rude_

Mercutia: _waits for the foot steps to fade away_  D'Skenth you say? Ohhh famous elven family line who made magical wands for the war, three surviving members of the house left, one a traitor for a Terrorist group, another a wizard assassin during the war and the other a druid of the Planar Observatory of the Eldeen Reaches.

Cassidy: _Can only blink in shock for a moment_ How do you...? _She hadn't even told Z'ev that, what else did she know about her bloodline_

Mercutia: Suprised? Of course you are. _ she taps Cassidy's nose playfully._ it's my job to know these things Darling, it's how we prevent wars. Sure old fashioned spies used to only  be planted somewhere important to gather information but your _glances at Z'ev and I mean glances as if she's drinking him in_ Groom to be  changed all that and now the Court only uses us to gather information to help us stay friendly with other nations. It was certainly an adjustment and other kingdoms have yet to catch onto the idea but Our king has never shyed away from gathing knowledge, but doesn't mean people still don't like it... unless you're from Zilgaro I suppose.

Z'ev: Cassidy,  Mercutia is one of the daughters of the speaker of the Brelish Parliament and also one of the King's most important spies in the Dark Lanterns.

Mercutia: _beams with flirtatious pride_What about the rest Dear?

Z'ev: _stays very stone faced_ rest of what? That's all Cassidy needs to know.

Mercutia: _gives him a look_ well now aren't you someone who wants everything dead and burried.

Z'ev: It would be nice, but lately we've been digging around in it as much it follows like a bad smell

Mercutia: _taps his shoulder in a very flirtatious mannor_ oh you haven't changed since I last saw you, which is a shame because you used to be fun. Anyway _she claps her hands together _ since your here, you can help me. It is that or they lock you in the cells here at Wroat and frankly I'd rather we work together than having your pretty furry face behind bars.I mean, you're clearly sneaking around looking for something it's obvious but I don't agree with the Wroat governor that you're here as thieves...unless your new job isn't paying you enough?

Cas: Its not like that honestly we were asked to come as representatives in the company of Flamewind _No point in lieing_ But yes we are looking for someone.

Z'ev: Unfortunately we were attacked on our way over here and our clothes weren't up to par. It is important we are here though.

Mercutia: _gives you both a odd look with a curious smile_ Flamewind huh? You're chasing a riddle of hers? That's usually tricky as they could go either way interpretation wise.

Z'ev: _shakes his head._ No, this time it's our own riddle. She helped us with it. Hopefully she's right, she usually is.

Mercutia: Hmmm.... well I may have some information for you, but I doubt it is useful to you. I mean I'm here myself investigating some potential conspiracy that's been going around.  So far it's been a waste of time, but the food is divine and the wine is delightful.  _gives Z'ev a very flirty smile_

Cas: _The mention of food mostly perked her interest, which increased her suspicion she would have to ask Z'ev if he could pick up another possible symptom she knew of later_ Conspiracy? _ She said trying to concentrate on the conversation at hand_

Mercutia: _her flirty smile widens as she touches Cassidy's arm in a friendly fashion_ indeed! It is quite a tasty little morsel, apparently there's a murder plot involving the governor of Wroat and I'm here to mingle and find out if it is true.

DM: The Knight re-enters with a stunningly beautiful blue ball gown and a matching men's suit. He hsnds them to Mercutia and she greatfully kisses his cheek and waves him out of the storage room.

Mercutia: _hands you the clothes_ come now, you'll be my guests! I'll leave you to get dressed. _she kisses Cassidy on the cheek and is a little disappointed as Z'ev dodges out of the way of another,  but it doesn't stop her smiling as she leaves_

Cas: _Is a bit confused by Mercutia_ Is she like that with everyone? _Asks as she starts stripping again but not for the reason she would really like too_

Z'ev: _goes to help her due to her injured hand_ more or less, though she has a soft spot only those the others in the Dark Lanterns call 'Exotics'. Some humans are worse than your brother with Xenophobia.

_he inhales deeply and seems to be trying to keep an unwanted memory surfacing._Some took a fancy to her because of her nature. She's not too bad... right up until the moment she fancies you.

Cas: Mmmm _Is her only response as he laces up the back of the dress_

Z'ev: She's forty three now I should think, she isn't much older than myself, we were decent friends,  especially when some of the other instructors training us to be spies weren't.  But I didn't see her as anything more than that. I still don't think of her as a friend anymore either. Tight enough?

Cas: Yes I think so _Does a little adjusting before looking at him_ I do trust you Z'ev

Z'ev: _kisses the bare skin revealed at the dresses neckline _  that's nice to hear for once in my life.  _he pulls away and starts to slowly dress himself as well_ you know why I hate that uniform? It's because of what it stood for. What the Lanterns stand for now I don't care for but I didn't think we were killers..never meant to be, just informants. My experiences changed that and even more so when if found out one of the groups i go out of Cyre were Lycan and Orc Children without parents...just vanished, never making it to where I planned for them to get to safely through the spy network....when i found out I made sure the dark lanterns didn't know where the rest got sent to my sister Dawn who is better at keeping secrets than I realised....anyway... Those kids never made it into Breland. They were buried in shallow graves at the border, apparently the Lanterns killed them. Now I don't know specifics, but I do know she was supposed to be the one that took them across the border.

Someone murdered them. Innocent kids, who were lucky the factories didn't kill them. I blame her. For all of it, even if it wasn't her who did it and someone under her watch...she was supposed to protect them. I trust her as far as I can throw her... like every other Dark Lantern...even Endless Time.

Cas: I'm sorry _Says as she comes over to him_ I shouldn't have pushed you back then, should have let you burn it like you want

Z'ev: It's fine. I don't think I could have told you then if I wanted to. Only kept it because it reminded me of those we did save. Strange, I know. Anyway.. we have an assassin to stop, then we're out of here. _smiles at Cassidy. _ and maybe we finally get some time alone without something interfering

Cas: I hope it doesn't take too long _Says grinning_

Z'ev: _shrugs._ would it change our lives much if we let it happen? I get the feeling at times that's all wealthy humans do to each other.  Pity we can't wall them in a town and occasionally feed them meat like the animals they treat regular folk like. _buttons the last hole on the jacket _  well, shall we? We're guests now. _he smiles and let's out an amused chuckle_ who'd have thought tables would turn like that?

Cas: _Nods_ I know that better than a lot of people, what she said... about me before does that bother you? Upset you? _Ask as they head for the door_

Z'ev: I've met your brothers and when we first met you told me about the wand manufacturing.  What bothers me is why she knows this and the possibility of her digging through your personal history because you're associated with me. _he fails to mention the war wizard part, he figured that out on his own as few wizards would be as powerful as Cassidy if they didn't have some sort of specialist war training and most mage wrights barely know how to control lightning let alone a spell of the power Cassidy weilds_

Cas: That does concern me, does she know about our bloodline as well…

Z'ev: I don't know. I've tried so hard to forget what being one is like. I'll admit I wasn't a very good spy, but I didn't kill anyone.... until now and I'm unsure if people trying to kill me counts. _takes Cassidy's hand_ right now, I just want to take your hand and dance with you... and we can plod along and if Flamewind is right about the Oracle's prediction, maybe we can stop it in time. If not, the world won't suddenly end... it's not like there's any royalty on board who's likely to be a target.

Cas: _Takes a deep breath and let's it out, for now she should stop worrying over things she couldn't control and concentrate on the task at hand_ Alright I'm ready

Z'ev: _he laughs uneasily as he adds_ unless there's someone who was on the train who was important at this Ball. I wish the blanks in my memory recently were due to age and not due to us messing around with other dimensions

Cassidy: Let me think... _Says as they walk_ The only one we spoke with was a Jovi ir' Graccen

Z'ev: _shakes head_ Jovi who?

Cassidy: On the train when... he pointed some others out Mercutia was there too. Where is my spell book? I wrote everyone's names so I wouldn't forget.

DM: As you step out of the storage room all dressed in finery, Mercutia takes Cassidy's other arm so that as you are heading back to the ball it looks like everything was a misunderstanding and that you're now a proper guest. Nimble scuttles along behind you, keeping safely out of sight

Greyson: _how long do I have to suffer being here_

Z'ev: _until I die hopefully _

Greyson: _ergh... still got no idea how…

Z'ev: _I didn't just look up sex positions in that summoning book. There was other interesting stuff. Now obey me. Otherwise, the beast will tear you apart_ The beast… _murmurs aloud_

Cas: Did you say something? _Looks up from her bookspell_

Z'ev: Oh just a thought. Never mind it.

Mercutia: _is looking over Cassidy's shoulder_ ohhhh my that looks exquisite,  the text is all beautifully scripted!

Cassidy: Ahhh thank you _Most of it is written in spiralling calligraphy of a mix of aerenal, demoniac, infernal and a bit of common making it difficult for others to read, feeling self conscious now she closes it hopefully hearing a name will prompt her memory_

DM: As your being lead back to the main deck the ball is in full swing, music is playing from a state of the art animatronic band lead and run by a gnome dressed in a fine black dress, people are dancing, drinking and of course eating and chatting

Mercutia: _Let's go on Cassidy's arm_ well lovelys I still have a few things to attend to so Feel free to mingle! Do keep in touch with me, this party is so full of hushed whispers and secret hand shakes, though there's some who are sticks in the mud who don't play the 'game' like Lady Leera and Lord Olivier who have so far been miserable company though things have perked up since you two made a scene!

Z'ev: _as Mercutia blends into the press of people her jolly voice disappearing into the din he says_ it would be alot faster if we knew who the target was going to be...then we could get out of here. I don't like the states we are getting

DM: In the background the mechanical band seems to sound louder, the machine is of a few farm animals playing instruments all standing on their hind legs dressed in military uniforms. There's a dog with a flute, a horse with a drum, a pig with a lute and a cow with a violin

Cassidy: _It wasn't surprising to be the centre of attention after what happened, it was likely going to make things more difficult though_ I've yet to Flamewind as well _Says as she looks for a passing waiter_

Z'ev: _takes Cassidy's hand_ tell her what? _hears a grumbling sound_ when was the last time we ate anything? There's got to be a buffet around here somewhere

Cassidy: That sounds like music to my ears _Tries to spot where it could be_

Z'ev: _taps the side of his nose and gives her a knowing smile before leading her through the guests until they reach it beside the band_ I had a hand setting this up.  Sometimes you get carried away undercover you know? _looks around _ anyone you remember...what's his name? Jovi pointec out to you?

Cassidy: Oh I was checking _Marked it in her book says as she is already started on the canapes_ Let's see Balthazar ir' Dranots, Cesaria ir' Starn, Tybalt ir' Starn and Mercutia of course

Z'ev: Do you remember what they look like?

Cassidy: I do _Looks around to see it she can see any of them_

DM: The crowd seems to go quiet as the bands music dies down and you see heads all turn towards a Half Elf dressed in a colourful low cut tunic and dark hair tied in a complicated intricate style and has golden arm bands and earings. You recognise him as Tybalt ir' Starn from the train.

He starts to recite a poem called 'When the sky burns'

Cassidy is too busy eating to even notice everyone has gone silent And so is Z'ev,  at least until they're both hushed by another guest who indicates they should watch the speaker.

The poem is by some elven war poet who neither of you care about or even remotely heard off and as it drones on for a good ten minutes you get a decent amount of time to chow down on canapes. After the poem and the applause dies down, a Dragonborn takes the floor (you recognise this as Balthasar from the train also)  and starts giving a speech honouring generals who fought in the last war and invites several others to give speeches.

Cassidy has started on the candy apples and the oyster platters. As Cassidy is well and truly engaged with gorging herself she doesn't pick up that Z'ev has been paying attention to another fellow who didn't look like he was interested in the boring speeches either, noticing they ducked into the captain's cabin.

Z'ev: _whispers in Cas's ear_ I'll be right back, little creature's room. Busting to go.

DM: Z'ev, you carefully shoulder your way through the crowd towards the cabin and as you get nearer you see the guest slip out again, a dark expression on their face.

Z'ev: _Follows after the suspicious character see what else they're up to_

DM: The man, a half elf in an elegant suit with a pin of a silver flame on the breast stops abruptly and turns around

Oliver: _eyes narrow_ are you following me around sir?

Z'ev: Not at all sir, I was looking for the bathroom

Oliver: _nods_ well it's just to your right, back down the way you came.

Z'ev: Thank you _Starts heading back that way, keeping an eye on were the half elf is heading_

DM: As you retrace your steps a bit, you still see the captain's cabin door open

Z'ev: _Slips inside while the coast is clear_

DM: The cabin is a standard set up of a ship's captian cabin, with a large map on a huge table, covered in papers and nautical instruments.

Z'ev: _Starts searching through the papers for anything of interest_

DM: Old habits die hard, your ability to scan documents with speed has you finding a letter that looks very suspicious amongst the other papers. As someone who has always written in code, you instantly spot a hidden message when you see one.

Z'ev: _I know not what to do love, my orders say she must die. It would be the end of us.__Looks for anything else of interest before stepping back out before anyone notices_

DM: After a decent search you come up with nothing else of interest. Cassidy, Feeling full and maybe a hint bloated you noticed Z'ev hasn't come back and the speeches are starting to wrap up. Cassidy,  you also notice since you're standing near the mechanical animal band that the Gnome in charge is having problems with the mechanical dog that plays the flute

Cassidy: _Is starting to worry that Z'ev has been absent for sometime and conceded something has either happened or his up to something, with the crowd starting to thin out, she's better able to move and look for him_

Z'ev: _had snuck out of the office just as people were giving cheers and rounds of applause for the speakers. Looks around but Cassidy is not where he left her company, instead she's wandered off_ _glances at the coded message and ponderes if he should confront the killer now he knows their identity _ Cas, where are you?

Cassidy: _Has made her way towards the restrooms as its her only clue of where he was headed_

DM: Cassy, you hear crying as you start heading in the direction Z'ev went and notice the sound of the tears coming from a beautiful Half elven woman who Jovi you remember pointed out as Lady Cesaria. She's leaning over the edge of the boat hoping no one can see her sadness.

Lady Cesaria: _stops Cassidy by gently grabbing her arm_ excuse me, you would happen to have a tissue I could borrow?

Cassidy: Let me see... _Looks through her bag and finds a handkerchief, she hands it to her_ Are you alright? If you don't mind me asking what's troubling you?

Lady Cesaria: _bows greatfully_ no, not at all.._she sniffs and seems to quickly look around to see if the coast is clear before continuing _ my Love has a dangerous mission ahead of him I do not want him to go through with. _she blurts the most delicate and exquisite nose you've ever seen, it's something a sculptor would have eaten his tools for_ I told him to run away with me tonight, while my brother is distracted by the fireworks  so we can elope and be happy,  but I fear he didn't get my message! Whatever am I to do? Should I wait for him to still show or is it too late?

Cassidy: I may not be the best to ask for advice, as I would not wait but find him _After waiting for Z'ev at the train station in Salvation and he never came her resolve was no longer to stand around and wait after what happened_

Lady Cesaria: I would if it wasn't for my brother. Tybalt would get in the way, there will be a fight and...I just don't want my love hurt. You understand don't you? I saw you with that shifter. Forbidden love and all?

Cassidy: Yes I really do, my brother doesn't at all approve as well, but if you love him, truly love him isn't it worth fighting for?

Lady Cesaria: _nods_ it's why I gave him a message. But he hasn't come looking for me or left me a reply

Cassidy: Maybe he didn't, is there somewhere he's likely to be?

Lady Cesaria: Well... he'll be around the party. You shouldn't miss him; he's very simply dressed, trying not to draw too much attention to himself. Everytime I try Tybalt prevents me from getting near. If someone could distract him long enough I could talk to Olivier and hopefully convince him to sneak away with me. I would like to try before the flower event…

Cassidy: _She realises now that her and Z'ev had been fortunate in some ways, it was no understatement they had, had challenges and still did, but never actively had others stop them being together, she thought of how painful it would be if she was stopped from being with Z'ev, her heart truly went out to Cesaria_ I'll help, however I can

Lady Cesaria: _stops sobing_ y- you will?

Cassidy: Yes, can you tell me a little about your brother _Looking for anyway that would help her keep him occupied_

Lady Cesaria: Well my brother may be a bit full of himself,  but he is into a beautiful woman who he thinks is above his station. He's...very traditional like that. Mind you insulting him and stroking his ego work just as well. But I can't impose on you…

Cassidy: It's alright I agreed to help, I'll do what I can. Where is your brother now?

Lady Cesaria: _she makes a slight gesture towards the colourfully dressed Half elf who read the long poem earlier who is standing tall and just people watching, though his eyes do tend to fixate on his sister more than any other person._ he's over there

DM: As Z'ev can't see where Cassidy has wandered off to, he decides that since he knows who the potential killer is, maybe he could have a bit of a chat, maybe see if he can find out why this... person needs to be removed.

Oliver: _ is standing back from the party as the band kicks back into playing, looking around nervously though occasionally he is catching looks from both Tybalt and Mercutia and pretending his looking elsewhere. He doesn't want to be there nor is he looking as if he is going to not be suspicious _

Z'ev: _Walks up to stand beside him_ Hello again Olivier is it? Seems your caughting quite some attention.

Oliver: Hmm? Uh yes... I saw you talking to ...lady Mercutia earlier after you and your lady caused a scene. Find the bathroom in the end? _terrible at small talk_

Z'ev: I did as well as something more if you catch my drift

Oliver: _the corners of his mouth twitch_ Don't know what you're talking about, sir. If your insinuating a relationship with  lady Mercutia then... I'd rather leave if you don't mind. I saw how she singled you out… _the expression sours as he mentions her name_

Z'ev: I think you know what I'm talking about Olivier, I saw you "visiting" the captain's cabin earlier

Oliver: _stares at Z'ev with his piercing green almond eyes with a very blank expression before moving around him so Z'ev is blocked from view from the party (which since he's not exactly tall is easy for Oliver to do) and makes him back against the ship's railing with a sharp object aimed at the chest_ You're one of THEM aren't you? One of her spies.... How much do you know? What lies has she told? _ he hisses his vice kept low_

Z'ev: Calm down, there's a reason I'm speaking to you and not her, I just wanted to know if this is a path you really want to go down, if you have to go down

Oliver: _the blade stays put even though his expression softens_ It's what they trained me for. It's not exactly what I would have chosen but if Mercutia continues to live there will be war and more bloodshed. I can't let that happen.  Too many have died already for a kingdom that played them like puppets. She has information... that will kill us all.

Z'ev: I know there is more to why, you don't want to do this, and I have an old score to settle with Mercutia, you're giving me more of a reason to

Oliver: _raises an eyebrow suspiciously _ Go on.

Z'ev: I misplaced my trust in her once and because of that innocent blood is on my hands, but more than that I want to spare you from it, so your hands can remain clean unlike mine

Oliver: _begrudgingly lowers the knife_ very well. But you can't use the mechanical dog and you MUST do it during the fireworks. I have associates around who will kill you if you don't do the job. _ he presses the blade into  Z'ev's hand, making sure it cuts deep, a warning_ good luck. _ he turns on his heel and disappears into the crowd.

DM: Ok you approach Tybalt you hear the call for the flower festivities and can see guests making their way over to a Teifling who is handing out flower lanterns. Tybalt seems bored or uninterested with the very notion of celebrating lives the war took but such a meaningless gesture of symbolism

Cassidy: Hello there _Laying her accent on thick_ Tybalt isn't it?

Tybalt: _the half elf pauses, looks over the lip of his wine glass and studies Cassidy, his brown almond eyes lighting up a little when he realises he's not being addressed by a human._ Indeed my lady. And you are? I don't believe we have had the pleasure of meeting?

Cassidy: Cassidy D' Sekinth _Offers her hand_ I saw you back when we were on the train, and was hoping I would get the chance to speak with with you

Tybalt: _looks suprised_ did you really?

Cassidy: Oh yes, I know this party wasn't going to be very entertaining, so when I saw you I thought, now there's a man I'm sure is very entertaining

Tybalt: _frowns_ you found my poem droll didn't you? Then again I'm not suprised, you don't celebrate ancestors the way my family do. Through war and fighting spirit is how they should be honoured and remembered, not kept barely alive in tombs.

Cassidy: _Snorts in much the same way as Vincent would_ I see so your just like most other Khorvaires can't say I'm not surprised either, and by the way my grandfather was Khorvaire as well, so I know damn more about it than you think! _If he wanted to go down this road she was more than happy to after that_

Tybalt: _is very impressed now_ try as my family might, I will never dare call us Khorvaire. My father fancies the moinker but I would prefer to be riding on horse back like my grandfather did during the war. Duel bladed scimitars are a beautiful deadly weapon in combat.

Lavish parties and doing nothing but shifting ships around a port are not something befitting our station far as I'm concerned. _grins_ shall I get you a drink, miss...? Sorry I didn't catch your name

Cassidy: _What was wrong with this man? Such an attitude shift had really thrown her_ Cassidy D' Sekinth _A little more emphasis on her name_

Tybalt: _he sips his wine glass and mulls over her name_ skenith....I've heard that name before...are your family in the magic wands trade?

Cassidy: Yes they were _Still not so sure were she was standing with him_

Tybalt: Marvellous! I've always been interested in the war weapons trade. Tell me more about it!

DM: Cassidy, As you take a sip of your own wine glass, you spot Lady Cesaria meeting with a handsome half elf in more plain dress, both looking at you and making sure the coast is clear for them to start planning their leave. Lord Tybalt is too enthralled with you to notice your gaze temporarily shifted off him for a brief second or two.

Cassidy: Are you asking for legitimacy? _Seeing if he got her double meaning as some individuals who asked were more interested in the ungrounded trade_

Tybalt: All above board, leagal stuff. _waves his hand_ illicit business practices only make you profit in the sort term.  I'm interested in future investment opportunities. _he takes Cassidy's hand and kisses it_ may we talk somewhere more quiet? I don't like to discuss business in public. Ears burn around here. _he grins slyly and as flirtatiously as he can. _ though if you were to sway me with something...more interesting _he presses himself up close so he can ply his charms_ I may take other types of trade.

_he taps his glass against Cassidy's _  shall we?

Cassidy: Strictly business only you understand, I'd rather not have word possibly reach my family I'm not acting in accordance

Tybalt: Of course, of course. Business before pleasure I assure you. I'm not some filthy cad. My father might string me up to the mast if I did something unsavoury. Though if I was granted permission he would waver it. _he takes Cassidy's hand and leads her to the captain's office_  I have just the right place to draw up some contracts. Spell wands are weapons in the right hands.

DM: As Cassidy is being led away by Tybalt to discuss business matters, Z'ev is now weaving through the party guests towards the sound of feline flirtatious laughter.

Mercutia: _to another male guest_ Oh my word that does sound exciting! I'll definitely be there for that! _taps them on the shoulder and winks_ Drinks with your lovely daughters would be wonderful! _spies Z'ev heading her way and turns towards him_ Z'ev,  Darling are you enjoying the party?  Oh, where's  your lady friend? Hopefully she's having a nice time. _full inflection on  it implying that yes, she thinks she knows that lady wasn't anything more than a floozy and that maybe if he's so intent on getting it from some random tart that maybe he maybe interested in someone more... substantial __places her hand intently against his cheek and winks_ shall we dance before the fireworks begin? And maybe go somewhere where we can watch them in private? _offer her hand daintily and gives a flirtatious smile of desire_

Z'ev: Reading my mind? _Takes her hand and does his best to return a smile_

Mercutia: _leads him to the main dance area and lets him take the lead _ my, you've grown to be an upstanding gentleman,  even though you were always the most unusual choice for a Lantern. I remember how other instructors were jealous but were also insensitive. They didn't like the idea that someone who wasn't human was better at their jobs than they were. _smiles as she moves close, her arms snaking up around the back of Z'ev's shoulders lustfully, her hands trailing themselves along stroking his fur_  you always fascinated me...and perplexed me also.

Z'ev: Perplexing in what way?

Mercutia: Well, you were always a mystery. A man who would smile and be flustered around a pretty face and yet held no fear or thoughts in 'certain directions' to any ladies that swooned for you and indeed there were many. Always a charmer too.

Z'ev: _Laughs light heartedly_ But sometimes that's all a pretty face is, and you start to realise you want more than just that, don't you agree?

Mercutia: Indeed! Such a wise way of thinking! Which is why I've always wondered why you never chased after me...After All, that's all I really want. Men after your looks is flattering of course, but it feels so hollow. They're only interested in you as a trophy and not because you have a very clever brain. You never did treat me like that.. never an object to be looked at. You were always a smart,  kind friend. Whatever happened to that I wonder? So distant after the war... i never knew what happened.

Z'ev: I needed time after everything to evaluate things that I really wanted and what was important, sometimes you don't realise it even if it's right in front of you…

Mercutia: Of course. It's why I went into politics. It was more interesting than being waited on hand and foot and I got to travel, see the sights. Discover new cultures...that sort of thing.

Z'ev: Can really give you a new perspective on things, speaking of new perspectives perhaps we need one now…

Mercutia: _grins _ you're reading my mind. Let's go around the back of the boat and not just watch the fireworks by ourselves..but maybe make up for lost time. _she kisses Z'ev passionately on the lips as a teaser_ _takes his hand and purs_ might finally find what you want in the right place.

DM: While this is all happening, Cassidy really is in the captain's office talking business with Tybalt and any remaining connections she has to the D'Sekinth wand making company via sending stone, complete with contracts and the rest of the joyous love of paperwork.

As the fireworks start up spectacularly, Around the backend of the ship Mercutia is alone with Z'ev,  and has pulled him close, making her move. 

Mercutia: _her hands are all over him, snaking around trying to undress, her lips forcing themselves onto his_

Z'ev: _While Mercutia's attention was focused elsewhere, he carefully removes his pistol from hiding aiming it into her stomach, his intentions only being given away when that distinctive sound of the trigger being pulled back clicks, before he fires in time with the explosion of the fireworks_

Mercutia: _eyes widen as she staggers backwards, her hands immediately going to the wound. She looks at Z'ev confused before collapsing to her knees, then the deck_ _isn't quite dead, but is bleeding out heavily_ 

DM: Blood is smattered on Z'ev's outfit, Due to close range of the shot blast

Z'ev: _Walks over to where she now lies and fires his pistol again this time aiming between her eyes_

DM: Well she is certainly dead, in fact the second gun shot was fired from too close of a distance as blood has splattered everywhere across the deck as brain matter goes blasting out the other side of the skull, even that small blood splatter on the party outfit you're wearing that could have been hideable is now indistinguishable against the massive splatter that's over your entire shirt,  fur on your hands and flecks on your face and neck (it sprayed)

Cassidy,  as you emerge from the Captains quarters trailing behind Tybalt who is talking nothing but trade with Aerenal, you spot a figure at the back of the ship leant over another on the deck, seemingly frozen in terror.

Cassidy: _Could it be the assassin had already made their move? but just who was it? and who was the target? If it were the case, it would be better to approach them cautiously and alone to investigate, or they may make a quick exit at the possibility of being caught, she certainly would have_ Tybalt its been a "pleasure" but if you will excuse I must find my associates now

Tybalt: _waves her off_ yes yes of course.  I have other matters to attend to. My sister shouldn't be left by herself. Too many men after her you know, we want the right one who'll be perfect for her. _walks off towards the main party_

Cassidy: _Some skills are so ingrained you never truly lose them, it was effortless for her to slip into the shadows and approach unseen for a better view_

Z'ev:_hears a noise and quickly turns, eyes wide, shaking pretty violently, gun poised to shoot straight away_

Cassidy: _She realised they knew she was there and was able to duck just in time, when she saw the gun just before they fired_

Z'ev: _voice wavers_ S-stay back! Or I'll shoot again! I-I won't hang me! _the gun wavers alot as he is mentally getting bombarded with old memories that are clouding everything including judgement _

Cassidy: _Recognises his voice_ Z'ev its me Cas don't shoot _Calls out_

Z'ev: C-Can't be... Cas is… _starts to falter as his mind starts to snap _

Cassidy: Z'ev please just put the gun down _Says pleading with him_

Z'ev: _puts both hands on the grip of the gun_ Stay...Stay back.... _staggers up and slips over in the blood splatter,  gun firing out into the open sky masked by the fireworks_

Cassidy: _Seeing him fall she swiftly made for him intending to disarm him, she makes a grab for his pistol_ _As he struggles to get back up she is able to take him by surprise and pull the pistol right out of hands and toss it out of harms way_ Its alright its me, stop please Z'ev, no one is going to hurt you _Says in a soothing tone_

Z'ev: _Lets himself go limp and is shaking in terror_ _starts to really break_

Cassidy: _She pulls him close and holds him, running her fingers through his fur and speaking softly to him she tries to claim him, she is now able to see the body of Mercutia, not that surprising the woman clearly knew too much_

Z'ev: _can only talk incoherently _

Cassidy: Listen please we need to go before someone finds us, you understand?

Z'ev: _starts to calm down but not enough to think straight_ Dark...Lanterns Flicker..

Cassidy: _They needed to move now_ I know _Trying to reassure him_ Z'ev I need to check on something, wait here a moment _Something needed to be done about the body even if the evidence couldn't be cleaned, she let him go and approaches the deceased Mercutia_

Z'ev: No... no more war.... has to stop…

Cassidy: _A clean shoot through the skull yep definitely dead, she grabbed her feet and started pulling her towards the edge intending to throw her over_

DM: You hear a distinctive splash as the body hits the water.The body doesn't sink, the amount of clothing makes it float in the black water that's being illuminated by the reflection of the fireworks.

Cassidy: _She knew she really needed something to weigh her down, quickly looks around for any possible options_

Z'ev: L-let them find her. Push towards the party. _shivers as can't belive he is saying this_ we jump in water a-and swim....other way w-while they dredge up the...the.....

Long..gone when they do.

Cassidy: I know that's our best option but this isn't ideal _Shakes her head_ but what other choice is there _Admitting defeat she picks up his pistol and takes his hand_ Ready?

Overhead, there's a cooing noise and a flap of leathery dragon wings

Cassidy: _Climbs over the railing with Z'ev and they jump_

They both make it to a nearby pier, Z'ev pulling Cassidy out of the water as her dress made it hard to climb out. There seems to be alot of activity happening around the party vessel as there are more knights around who are also spreading out to patrol the docks

Nimble: _flaps over_ mistress, I suggest we get out of here. Grab your compadres and leave post haste

_perches on a nearby bollard_

Cassidy: _Gets out her dagger and cuts most of the bottom of her dress away to her knees the heavy wet fabic will slow her down, she throws her heels as well_ Let's go _Already running_

Z'ev: _stares at the commotion a little bit before stripping down to his draws leaving them on the salt soaked wood_  meet you at the station. _is aware he shouldn't be seen with Cassidy as of right now, as it's him they're looking for_

As you both vanish into the night, Cassidy you head straight for the House of Joscaro and without telling Vincent or Iris what's happened you convince them that you all must leave immediately for Sharn. Iris lends Cassidy a spare outfit and all four of you arrive at the station (as Nimble is with you). As you Board Iris askes about her brother and looking along the platform you spot a stranger boarding the train a few carriages up from you who seems to have a very unique bird inside a medium cage being loaded onto the train.

When you arrive at Sharn, Iris gently helps Cassidy off the train platform with Vincent behind them and leads Cassidy into the embrace of the waiting arms of a blond Dragonmarked Halfling who starts making a huge fuss over her despite how exhausted she looks. Rathian knows something isn't right and unlike other Joscaro who wouldn't lift a finger unless paid, Rathian in all his flamboyant actions gets Cassidy a hoveringchair to take her back to the hotel where he's not only booked rooms across from Cassidy and Z'ev,  but has even made booking for both's as if someone had been sending him messages while you were all traveling. Rathalos had wandered off along the platform, and didn't return with you to the hotel, mumbling about some personal business.

As your made to rest Cassidy, you brother Vincent has been quite a helpful bedside nurse though he's been under strict instruction to not say anything to upset you. Rathalos has returned a few times, once to deliver the money from Flamewind  and to take Iris to wherever Z'ev has ended up - Rathalos very insistent Cassidy doesn't know, something about Talaenta mystics and other superstition but let's her know he's fine and will join them soon.


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