ORACLE OF WAR AL P2 (will be updated often as we're still playing this campaign)

 DM: Outside, rain patters against windows, it's still humid out but at least it's no longer scorching.

Z'ev: How about you above...this time _he starts to kiss her and use his fingers to tickle_

Cassidy: Oh... now I like the sound of that

DM: Over the sound of the pouring rain outside....there is a loud mechanical roar that reverberates all throughout Salvation, causeing buildings to shake and things to fall off walls and shelves as if there is an earthquake.  Stuff starts crashing around the bedroom and before long the outpost sirens begin to wail.

Salvation is under attack.

Cassidy: By the ancestors! What's happening? _Fear creeping into her voice as she clings to Z'ev tightly_

Z'ev: _ is mild confused _ Can't be... it can't be! _ leaves Cassidy's side to look out the window._ Holy Shit! _shouts, backing away from the window_ Cas, Get dressed now! Grab any weapons, spell books, wands...come on! _starts getting dressed rather hurriedly,  occasionally glancing out the window._ I thought those things weren't able to be activated anymore!

Cassidy: Activated? _She confused, but starts searching for her clothing, she knows from experience when she's told to prepare for a fight, you should never waste time with lots of questions, as it could mean the difference between living and dieing_

DM: As Cassidy reaches for her clothes, the strike of lightning outside illuminates a dark figure outside the window in the impossible feat for an upstairs window unless the figure was incredibly large....

Cassidy: Ancestors above _Though she's keeps dressing despite the sight, with her trousers and shoes, on she's already running out the door to fetch her gear, while throwing her blouse back on_

DM: As Cassidy runs to get her gear, a booming magically amplified voice cries out: "DEFEND THE OUTPOST! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!"

Z'ev: _has already made it down and out into the street, crews from Acquisitions Incorporated are also standing around looking confused,  people are running around all over the place, some other salvage teams are gathering together with their weapons and directing others where to go and what to do. He calls back for Cassidy and is drowned out by the crash of lighting and rolling thunder

Cassidy: _Gear equipmented Cassidy is making it down the stairs and to the front door as the roll of lightning hits so loud she covers her ears_

DM: As Cassidy runs down to catch up with Z'ev,  The other salvage are fighting, magic zipping about and guns armed soldiers dressed in the rotting armour of Cyre march through the rain soaked streets, slaughtering any innocent bystander unlucky enough to get caught up in the battle.

DM: Four undead soldiers advance on Cassidy and Z'ev. As one,the four undead soldiers lurch forwards as if they share the one mind. Two of the undead make contact,  flailing limbs around, trying to get a bite… 

Cassidy,  they sink their teeth in whatever they can grab and do some damage with their rotting jaws.

Z'ev: _realises Cassidy is in serious trouble, clicks a fresh alchemic vial into the back of his pistol and fires it, a blue chilling liquid spurts out of the barrel at one of Cassidy's attackers_

DM: One of the Zombies that sunk it's teeth in suddenly lets Cassidy go and a shrill scream comes out from the corpse as it is hit by a frozen cold blast, chilling it's insides

The zombies advance, unrelenting,  unforgiving

Cassidy: _Cassidy pulls out her own pistol and fires it at the already injured undead hoping to finish it off_

DM: The Zombie recoils back from the blast, half its face now missing and hanging off the skull is its half decomposed brain. The zombie that was hit with the frozen shot lunges forth again and grabs Cassidy's shoulder,  sinking in it's teeth again.

Z'ev: CASSIDY! _shouts in the rain as it's now chucking it down. He clicks the pistol over to normal ammo and fires that the one trying to eat her_

DM: The bullet hits true to home, hitting it through the side of it's torso and out the other, causing the Zombie to spilt in two quite explosively

Cassidy: _Cassidy cast an orb of cold at the three remaining undead_

DM: The one missing half its head it just fully frozen to the spot and shatters as lightning strikes it, the other two don't seem too bothered by the fall of thier conrads.

The two slower zombies continue to groan and slowly advance. They reach Cassidy and loom over her, Cassidy successfully dodges to first one only to get grabbed by the second and it sinks it's teeth into Cassidy's hand which didn't get free in time.

Z'ev: _realises the pistol might not be enough fire power, slings the blunderbuss from his back around, steadies his feet in the red mud and takes aim at the Cyre Zombie that isn't attacking Cassidy,  knowing that  if he hits the wrong target with it Cassidy would be hit too. He fires a shot_

DM: Cassidy, as the zombie that is nearest to you has it shoulder torn from it as bullet shrapnel tears through it, what are you going to do about the one trying to eat you?

Cassidy: _Cassidy puts her pistol against the side of the undead head and fires_

DM: The zombie recoils as it's head it blown clean off, slumping to the ground....but the hands still drag it's headless corpse onwards to get up and attack. They both start heading for another target as if they're under a spell, this time turning towards Z'ev

The one with it's head still attached snarls and charges at the shifter

Z'ev: _ is taken by surprise as the zombie throws itself into him, colliding with such force both slip into the red mud. grabs a vial of acid and throws it as the zombie, uncorking it before doing so_

DM: The zombie shrieks in pain but starts  to get back to its feet

 Cassidy: _Still on her feet but likely not for much longer, her wounds are bleeding heavily, but manages to lift her pistol and fires at the closest one, before collapsing to her knees. The bullet rips through the zombie's chest cavity, it stands for a moment more before falling hitting the ground with a wet thud_

DM: The remaining Zombie goes for Z'ev,  who's slipping in the mud to get onto his feet.  The zombie lurches forwards, but the ground is so churned up now in the heavy rain it slips over and misses its target.

Z'ev: _recovers the blunderbuss and aims it at the zombie and shouts_ This is for Cas! _and fires. The blast from the gunpowder is loud, echoing around the street despite the drowning sound of rain and thunder as lightning crashes through the sky...the blast rips through the undead abominations chest, tearing it limb from limb. As others in the street start turning the tide on the horde, he makes a dash for Cassidy,  holding her in his arms, as she slumps down,  blood coating her body as her arm is bleeding heavily. Viciously tearing at the leg of his trousers he rips enough fabric free to be able to tie a torque to stop the bleed_

_the torque holds well and some of the bleeding does stop. He tilts Cassidy's head up to check her eyes, making sure she's not about to black out on form from the blood loss. She's extremely pale from what he can see and on her lips, he traces the alchemical transmutation for healing word with his fingers before kissing them, breathing some of his life into her. Drastic measures needed as he knows just doing it on the wound would be enough._

Cassidy: _Feels some of her strength returning_ What would I do without you? _Says as she caresses his cheek.

Z'ev: _breathes out heavily in relief and hugs Her tight as if at any moment he's afraid she'll vanish_

DM: As Big Moe lumbers closer and reinforcements from the population of Salvation start pushing the undead back, the brokers of Salvation are calling the salvage teams they know together in an effort to band enough of the local riff raff together to take on the Colossus.  As Z'ev helps Cassidy out of the mud, Garundah catches them, relief crosses her face as she approaches while riding on top of her steel defender

Garundah: There you are! I was told to find you! Where's the Halfling with the glowing face mark?_sees the state of Cassidy _ are you alright? Do you need a Doctor?

Cassidy:  I doubt there is the time for it _Says leaning against Z'ev for support _Rathalos isn't here his on a job in the mournlands

Garundah: _pulls out a bottle from a pocket and uncorks it_ drink this.

Z'ev: _nods as Cassidy looks at him_

Garundah: _hops off her steel steed and helps Z'ev lift Cassidy onto it to give her a rest as they start to move along with the crowd pushing the zombies back_

Z'ev: You said Belaluur was needing us?

Garundah: Yeah, I did! _grins a knowing smile_ we're planning on taking on the Colossus but we need all the help we can get! _ puts on her 'pretend to be like her mother' face_ Garundah! Find That Elf, Shifter and Halfling that went to find the Grey Dogs, Would ya?! They might know how to stop this thing!

Z'ev: _entire expression goes dark_ If it happens that one of us does....what's the plan? You have to get close to it let alone inside of it, that in itself isn't as easy as it might look.

DM: As he says this in the distance,  Big Moe is seen lifting one of its arms and a belch of flame of gigantic proportions belows out and sets fire to many buildings,  the stormy weather doing very little in preventing the rickety wood that Salvation was constructed with from going up in a spectacular ball of flames

Z'ev: _expression couldn't look any more grim_ there isn't one is there?

Garundah: Well not yet, hopefully with everyone in town we will though!

Z'ev: _stops dead and pinches his brow under his glasses._ That's not ...I mean...someone other than me has seen one of these on the battlefield before, surely?

Garundah: _jaw drops_ whut, you've seen one of these before?!

Z'ev: _voice has a low growl in it_ Not in combat, no. I know...I know how they're built...._swallows hard_ you have to get inside of it, though getting within a few feet of it is...Wouldn't say impossible, difficult would be accurate ...and even then you need to be able to fight, those things can fit a small platoon inside them like a Aundair Horse.

Garundah: _grabs  Z'ev and shakes him_ well if you can stop it why are we wasting time! The sooner we can disable it the better!

DM: Garundah and the Defender pick up speed, Cassidy still on the back of the metal creature as it darts forwards. Z'ev hangs back a few minutes before giving in and following at a slower pace behind.

Z'ev: _ sighs_ should just call us the suicide crew…

Cassidy: _Looks back at him, his deeply troubled of course it would be an understatement to say things looked grim, she had been in dire situations, but not getting up close and personal with a colossus before._ 

_She heard Mr Grayson cackling from her bag, damn she had unlocked the draw when looking for her gear, was surprised the lock had kept him there, or maybe he wanted her to believe that._

_Cassidy can't quite understand what he was saying "spy boy", "death", "despair", "sacrifice" "soul, soul, soul" she had stopped listening at this point his laughter became louder_

DM: Eventually Garundah stops, though it's rather hard to push through a crowd of heavily armed salvagers.

Belaluur: _ within the center of the crowd, iver a megaphone, she shouts_ WE'RE NOT LEAVING THIS PLACE! THIS IS WHERE OUR FORTUNES LIE, IN THIS MUD!

DM: There's a loud chorus from the mob. Another salvage broker, called Draev Shaldor wheezes out "WE FIGHT THE COLOSSUS HERE! WHOMEVER TURNED THIS THING AGAINST US WILL LEARN THE STEEL LIES WITHIN THE PEOPLE OF SALVATION!"

Belaluur: _looks around before lifting the megaphone again_ TRIUMPH HERE AND THE BROKERS OF SALVATION WILL PAY YOU WELL!

DM: The other brokers all nod...however one, Irullan Karnach is suspiciously absent.

As the cheers cry upwards from the mob, Cassidy you see Z'ev suddenly start pushing his way towards the center, a look of fierceness fire in his body language and a part of you can see an aura around him, and you realise that everything Greyson was teasing you about other's souls is true - you own a piece of Z'ev's soul and with Greyson's powers you can see it as if it was your own personal possession.

Z'ev: _takes the megaphone off Belaluur and starts talking into it_  WAIT! Before you go charging off into obvious suicide, you need to make a proper approach otherwise you'll die for nothing!

Belaluur: _Snaps at him and can be heard through the megaphone_ And what makes you think we'll listen to you? Our homes are BURNING!

Cassidy: _Gets down off the steel defender  and starts pushing her way through the crowd as well_


DM: From the confused crowd comes a shout from somewhere, "YOU BUILT THAT THING? GET THE TRAITOR!"

Z'ev: Wait! No I didn't say -

DM: The mob starts closing in, weapons brandished, ready to kill.

Cassidy: _Cassidy makes it to them before the mod completely turns, grabs the megaphone off Z'ev_ Wait! This is not the time to be divided, especially now!, I know many of you were soldiers like myself, and know the dire consequences of not being united with your comrades!, never do the enemies work for them, my commander told me, so don't let them win now!

DM: The mob slows down, though an overzealous crossbow bolt lands inches from Z'ev's feet, passing just a hair's breadth from Cassidy's head, narrowly missing it. Cassidy now has their complete attention.

Cassidy: Z'ev what do we need to do? _Asks off side_

Z'ev: Tell them they need to divide up into squads, five should do two for each leg, two for the arms, one to attack  the chest and another for the head. The legs are where troops are deployed from, though I forget which... the left arm team needs to disable the flame thrower while the team going for the right needs to take it's magic shield generator down, otherwise we can't attack it from the outside.

The head needs to be accessed to disable the controller and the person manning it...while the chest team...somehow needs to get the power generator offline.

_is trying very hard to stay level headed in all this_ I'm happy to take responsibility for the team going for the chest, even if it's to only prove I'm not a traitor by cutting the power myself. _there is clear anger and pain reflecting in his features. He really means this is do or die for everything he's been through_

Belaluur: I doubt anyone will follow you after that previous speech, Ozone.

Z'ev: That's fine by me, I'll do it myself if I have to

Belaluur: _gives both Z'ev and Cassidy a sly smile, as if she's seeing them in a new and much better light_

Cassidy: _Wastes no time in organising range and close combat groups appointing squad commands to each, she could see them from experience the leader types, giving them their orders and sending them on their way_

DM: As the mob disperses, hurrying off to complete their new objectives in taking down the Colossus, you find those you assigned to your group have disappeared into the other groups....all except a wide eyed goblin with green hair and her bog metal dog. Garundah is mightly impressed- so much so she might honestly have a bad case of hero worship inbound in future. 

She steps forward and puts her hand across her chest, standing as tall as a goblin can.

Garundah: I'll come with you! Anything to repay you back for rescuing me. _she glances at Belaluur who nods with pride and approval _

Z'ev: You too Cas?

Cassidy: Of course _Says looking at him_ Think I'ed let you go alone _Wasn't going to say exactly what she was thinking in front of Belaluur, that this could be suicide_ I wouldn't forgive you…

Z'ev: _his expression softens a moment to give Cassidy a cocky grin, something he's never given anyone before_ Nice to know you wouldn't give me any quarter. I'll add it to the list of sins shall I? Right, so first things first, we got to get up there. There's a ledge the goes around the front of the chest hatch but it's in the middle of the monstrosity.  Any ideas?

Garundah: We could catapult up?

Z'ev: _glances at Cassidy,  hoping she has a better idea_

Cassidy: _Gets out spell book_ I don't have any spells that would help unfortunately _She catches a scroll that was about to fall to the ground, she had left in there_

Garundah: We could always try jumping from a nearby roof?

Z'ev: That might be the better option. Got any feather fall tokens?

Garundah: _shakes head_

Z'ev: Well, if we suddenly go splat...we won't need to worry anymore.

Cassidy: _Thinks_ I could maybe use a mage hand to tie a rope.

Z'ev: _perks up_ that's an idea.

DM: We return to our heroes, they are as of now, standing on the nearest rooftop to the moving colossus. They've just seen another squad jump onto the flame thrower arm from the same roof tops and another one get catapulted into the mouth of the behemoths

Z'ev: _hands Cassidy three ropes_ Hope you're mage hand can tie a good fast knot

Cassidy: Just where am I looking to tie them through? _Wacthing as it moves closer_

Z'ev: _points to the rim going around the middle _ that ledge. There's enough bits and pieces of pipeline you can tie them to. Don't do it infront of the hatch, we could have that come off and us with it

Cassidy: _Nods, she waits for the clossus to come into range as she will only have one chance to get this right, she brings a spectral hand into being and hands the ropes to it, before sends it out towards a bit of the pipeline Z'ev indicated, she manipulates it by having it mirror the movements of her our hand doing her best to tie the ropes in double figure 8 knots, though she can do them in her sleep its not that easy with the hand and she hopes to any higher power she's got it right_ Ok _Finishing the last_

Garundah: _Gets on the back of the defender  and it does a running leap and lands perfectly on the precipice. _

Cassidy: _It was one of these realise you have done the wrong thing but its too late now moments, she swing too early had too much slack and missed her mark, hitting some loose wire that gave her a jolt for having crashed into them_

Z'ev: _also misses the ledge, clips a pipe loose and he falls before grabbing onto Cassidy's boot, dangling from her shoe._

Garundah: _whistles, and the defender grabs the rope and hauls them up_ You sure you're adventurers?

Cassidy: _Looks at Z'ev_ Have to redeem ourselves now.

Z'ev: Definitely not. Pretty sure I'd be dead a long time ago if I was. _gets a glare from Cassidy _ what? You've seen my luck lately,  heck I've gone from two to an entire town who rather me dead! Can't say that's great luck in anyone's eyes.

Cassidy: Not on my wacth _Gives an annoyed look_ Do you think I'll sat idly by while a lynch mob comes for you?

Z'ev: _is quite surprised and doesn't do too much hide it well_

Cassidy: _Coughs a little awkwardly, feeling a little embarrassed, she can't yet say those three words she wanted to, to him this wasn't the time as well_ We ahhh... have to stop the... colossus…

Z'ev:  Yes...*coughs politely *

Garundah: So how do we get in? _ stablises herself as the Colossus moves again, the ledge easily small enough to fall off_

Z'ev: _grabs onto the piping to avoid being jolted off_ That hatch needs to come off. Cassidy, can that...spell of yours tie all three ropes to one arm and to the hatch? Those arms are swinging with such force it'll easily tear it out.

Cassidy: Yes _As she rides out the movement as only an elf can, she unties the ropes and braids them together tiring one end to hatch, and uses mage hand to catch it them on one of the arms as it swings their direction_

DM: The ams of the Colossus start to move, the one with the mounted flamethrower the slower one to engage. The first arm swing causes it to buckle, one of the three ropes snap in the process due to pressure. Another rope snaps, whipping out into the sky, this time pulling the hatch open in a concave shape where you probably could squeeze through, but the defender would be stuck outside.  The last rope breaks free and while the hatch doesn't completely tear away, it does fall oppen with a massive CLANG! The shockwave going through the entire colossus.  If they didn't know intruder's were getting in, they certainly do now.

Cassidy: They must know we're here now, we best be prepared _Says this mostly for Garundah_

DM: Inside the hatchway is a 35 foot square chamber with a 10 foot high ceiling. Gravity works differently in here, you find yourselves walking along a wall which feels like a floor. Small creatures of shadow weave in and out patches of total darkness and gears spin on walls, pipes jet hot steam into the air.

In the corner of the cavity, is a large strange creature trapped in a gigantic clear tube, it thrashes and hisses, bound inside by ropes of dark energy. Plumes of flame surge from the creature through the ropes and into the rest of the Colossus's body.

Z'ev: Holy hell...they've modified the entire furnace! This is not what I was expecting to be inside.

Cassidy: _A thought has been nagging at Cassidy for awhile now_ You don't think this could all be the doing of a certain "group" do you?... _Hopes he knows who she means_

Garundah: Certain group?

Z'ev: She means the Emerald claw and yes...I suspect so....the heart is supposed to be a hot elemental furnace.. it looks like someone just gutted it and used some kind of...well definitely not tech.

Garundah: _looks at them both blankly _ I thought they were like the boogeymen the way ma spoke about them. They're not real are they?

DM: Three darklings arise from the shadows and lunge forth. They make the first strike towards Garundah, Striking with their daggers they slash at the goblin.

Z'ev: _unsecures the biggest of the two handed guns he procured, the 'Bad News' and pulls the trigger, aiming for the elemental first to see if he can stop it producing power_

DM: The glass around the elemental shatters into billions of shards, some unfortunately hitting the elemental in the process. The creature now really fighting at it's bonds to be free now it can taste it the glass is gone.

Cassidy: _Spells are a bad idea in such a confined space, Cassidy aims her pistol at the closest creature to her attacking Garundah_

_The bullet rips through the creature's head, black inky blood sprays about as it hits the floor_

The fire elemental screams in pain as more of it's energy is violently drained from it being.  The creature then lets loose a burst of raging flame which flies out of the belly of the Colossus.  Everyone inside his hit by the flame, With Garundah and Z'ev's clothes catching alight along with one of the darklings. Cassidy gets mildly singed in the blast.

Garundah: _Garundah orders the defender to attack the closest darkling, it lunches for it and snaps it steel jaws at it_

_The defender clamps down on the darkling in a lock jaw grip, shaking it violently from side to side as it screechs inhuman sounds, dropping it once it's limp_

_Scratch that than Garundah shoots it with her crossbow_

Garundah gets off a shot, but it pings off a metal pipe wildly as she tries to put the fire out that's leapt off her clothes and onto the crossbow.

The last of the Darklings makes a ditch effort to get one more attack in before fleeing…

It draws it's blade and slashes at Z'ev

The knife cuts deep, slashing across the face.

Z'ev: _Unable to see through the pain of burning fire and blood, he pulls the trigger on the blunderbuss, randomly firing it_

The bullet hits a nearby pipe, bursting it and having hot steam blast out into the room.  it puts all the fires out, but not before Z'ev takes more damage from the burns to his clothing.

Z'ev: _had dropped to the steel flooring like a heavy stone, the burns where fire latched onto his fur are all along his arms and his shoulders, clothes are charred and smoking where the flames had almost gone through the alchemist jacket._

The elemental bellows as it tries to escape it's entrapment,  power shooting through to the Colossus and outside you can hear the flame thrower going off again

Cassidy: _Seeing Z'ev hit the floor she felt like her heart had stopped as fear rolled in, only past training helped her remain forced immediate threats needed to be neutralised first, lines up a shot at the fleeing darkling. shooting it in the back is cowardly they say but so is fleeing as well, the shot hits square in the back the darkling moves a few more step before it hits the floor black blood pooling around it_

The elemental cries out in pain again, thrashing and can't get free

Z'ev: _body is starting to shut down_

Garundah: _pulls out a vial filled with a strange gas and then hurls it at the elemental and orders the metal dog to attack, it jumps towards the elemental_

The defender lunges for the panicked and shrieking elemental and tears at one of it's flaming arms

Z'ev: _there's a cough as he fights the throes of death's grasp_

Outside there's an explosion as something somewhere else on the Colossus explodes into a fireball

Cassidy: _Heart lapes at the sound of Z'ev's cough but it's too soon to celebrate, Cassidy calls on her archaic powers to create an orb of cold which she hauls it at the elemental_

The elemental lets out one final jolt of energy as it dissipates into the Colossus,  the entire chamber begins to rumble as pipes burst and start to explode.

Garundah: It's Going to blow! Quick! Grab him and get on top! _indicates the defender_

Cassidy: _Makes for Z'ev and drags him across the floor, Garundah helps to pulls him onto the defender, Cassidy sats behinds to stop him falling off_

Garundah: _kicks her heels into the defender. It barks and makes a dash for the open hatch and makes a leap for freedom _

The defender lands with a loud thump on the nearest rooftop and as it darts away behind you a explosion bursts out of the chest, throwing the Colossus jump back (which isn't impressive until you realise this is several hundred tons of steel being moved a few meters) and other various parts start exploding too as the other attack parties are making their escapes. The last thing both Cassidy and Garundah see before passing from exhaustion is the gigantic Juggernaut shudders as it falls…

16th of Zarantyr....Cassidy awakes in her room, wounds all bandaged and injuries taken care of. Beside you is Belaluur and Garundah (who's also bandaged up) who both perk up as you come to. Rathalos is also in the room, though he's just putting a food tray down on the bedside table

Rathalos: _smiles_ nice you could join us.

Garundah: I filled everyone in with what we did! _ sits up proudly _ we're heroes!

Cassidy: _Feeling a bit confused with having just come to for a moment before her mind catches up_ Where's Z'ev!? _She ask urgently as she tries to sat up_

Rathalos: _grabs her and pushes her back_ Easy there missy. You need rest, especially after looking at those bite marks we found on you. Had to make sure you didn't have any infections

Belaluur: _nods_ indeed you need to get better.

Garundah: _grins knowingly_ if you don't, pretty sure someone would be upset.

Rathalos: _gives Garundah a odd look but doesn't say anything as he kinda didn't tell the goblins how bad Z'ev really was_

Cassidy: _Smacks one of Rathalos' hand off annoyed_ You haven't answered my question!

Rathalos: And I won't.  It can wait. _gives Cassidy a glare to try and get the point across that no everyone present should hear the information _

Belaluur: Salvation is forever in your debt, Miss D' Sekinth.  Though something feels off about the whole thing...mind sharing what you know? We have reports from Sheriff that you were found around Big Moe several days earlier

These are suspicious times, afterall.  Would like to be able to clear your names on your behalf before the newspapers have a field day

Cassidy: _Glares back at him but backs down, she doesn't have the strength to fight him after all_ Yes _Looks at her_ Z'ev and I were contacted by a man named Evanazer, said his boss had salvage rights to big moe, they suspected raiders had been stealing from them, and asked us to investigate

Belaluur: _nodds as Cassidy explains everything. _ that does explain the disappearance of our lovely ruthless salvage broker who owned the right to the thing too...especially if Evanazer was involved. Hmmm... thank you for your honesty, I'll be sure to spread the word... look forward to doing business with you and yours in future,  and I hope Mr. Ozone recovers too. Garundah has gotten much better with her alchemy through his lessons.  You'll also receive some generous compensation for the trouble

_she stands up to leave and bids Cassidy good day_

Garundah: _ also stands however gives Cassidy a huge hug and a tight squeeze _ thank you for believing in me out there

_limps off out the room after Belaluur _

Rathalos: _waits until he's sure their footsteps are long gone before carefully closing the door so he can talk to Cassidy _

Rathian is busy treating him now. We had to get extra help from 'associates' _doesn't like naming the Dragon marked houses directly _ but he'll be ok. Not as if he hasn't had third degree burns before

Cassidy: Thank the ancestors _Deeply relieved, and breathes a sigh of relief. She's quiet for a moment thinking on the last part he said_ You know all about that?

Rathalos: Not particularly in as much detail. We did wonder where the hole in his chest came from.  Guess that answered that

Cassidy: not getting what she at it doesn't matter at the moment anyway though she wasn't going to say anything if Z'ev hadn't already told him about his part it wasn't her business to_

Rathalos: Fixed your fight too I see. _grins_ left a pair of knickers on the sofa in the rec room.

Cassidy: _Turns a deep shade of red_ Ahhh... did you?... _Not sure what she should say to that_

Rathalos: _laughs heartly_ hey it was pretty obvious there were going to be sparks. Just Don't lose your underwear enjoying yourselves. Couldn't happen to a nicer pair.


Cassidy: _Still very embarrassed_ Thank you I guess... _Puts her face into one hand, what can she say really_

Rathalos: Anyway you should eat up, build back your strength.  Rathian will check in shortly, he'll probably have more to tell you about Z'ev's condition than myself. I better get him food too I suppose.

_he gives Cassidy a nod before leaving himself, leaving Cassidy alone_

DM: Outside the room, you can hear Rathian's chirpy voice along with Raths, eventually they leave the hall.

Mr Grayson: Bugger. Almost had two for the price of one. Don't tease me like should have eased his pain and put his soul in a jar for me. Tortured souls are bittersweet..And yours...ooh boy such deviousness and lies...would definitely make my collection stand out in my lair.

Nimble: _is curled up on Cassidy's desk, head resting on mr greyson _

Mr. Grayson: Also.. get this damn lizard off me! Or I'll bite it's tail off!

Cassidy: You need a hobby, besides souls some would call that obsessive.

Mr.grayson: I'm a demon. It's my job. Souls are my hobby! Few demons care for mortals.

Cassidy :  Wish you would get a new one than _Doesn't really have the strength to go and throw him out the window again_

Mr Grayson: Hey, you humanoids are interesting.  Not a lot us demons can do to you that you already do to yourselves. 

DM: There's a quiet knock on the door.

Cassidy: _She beckons Nimble over and calls out from them to come in_

DM: There's a bit of fumbling of the knob before the door eventually opens up slowly....entering the room is someone Cassidy didn't really expect to see wandering around, though granted, they're not one for taking injuries lying down either even though in this case they should.  Shirtless, you can see glowing bluish bandages that had been dipped in some kind of healing salve winding up both arms, across the chest...and some crossing over the eyes. If he wasn't desperate to find out if Cassidy was ok he probably would have done what he was told and stayed in bed.

Z'ev: Cas?

Cassidy: Z'ev! _Despite any pain she is feeling she all but leaping out of bed, and throws her arms around him_ I'm so happy you're alive! _There is tears of relief in her eyes_

Z'ev: _arms wrap tightly around her in return,  not so much as to hurt her nor so that the bandages on the burns don't sting like seven hells_ I don't remember what happened after that strange creature attacked me....but I'm glad you're alive too. _buries his head umin the hair resting on her shoulders.  The smell is safe and comforting, something needed when he can't see and feels exposed_

Cassidy: It doesn't matter now, we stopped the colossus and made it out alive _She let's go and guides him to sit on the bed with her, as she's sure he shouldn't be walking let alone standing_

Z'ev: _takes her hand and follows her lead, even if rather clumsily _ Sorry you put your life on the line... you really shouldn't have.

Cassidy: _Any look she give would be lost on him_ Its not the first time and... certainly won't be the last _She sounds a bit tried when she says this_

Z'ev: Yes... but you didn't have a hand in building those things. I should have gone down with it. There's many who would preferred that. Just knowing there could be more potentially activated still out there... _hangs head_ the screams never stop, even close to death…

Cassidy: I understand how that feels forever hunted by the things you have done.

Z'ev: I could hear them...bouncing around inside the machine....echoing...round and round.

Cassidy: _She guides him to lie down with his head in her lap, and runs her fingers through his hair_ I know... _She knows all too well, looking at Mr Grayson_

Mr.grayson: How about taking more for yourself? Soul ripe for taking

Z'ev: _finds himself relaxing and giving in to Cassidy's attention _

Cassidy: _Can only glare at him since she can't say anything_

Z'ev: _mildly dozes...afterall took all his strength to get over to her room_

Cassidy: continues stroking his hair, her mind running off to other things Cedric and Pyre they would be seeing them again just when was the question, they may not come out as well as despite that idiot doctor_

Z'ev: _does a very dog- like thing where he rolls onto his back and legs stretch out, he's enjoying Cassidy's's making everything else just melt away even only briefly _

Cassidy: _Lieing on his back she couldn't help wondering, and moved her hand low to rub his belly_

Z'ev _ Let's out a gasp and a small sound of enjoyment. Can't really help it, he's let himself be taken in by her wonderful touch_

Mr Grayson: _starts cackling _ woo, is it getting hot in here? I need a fan

Mr Grayson: _She stops well that answered that question , even with Mr Grayson's chatter being very off putting, at last he hadn't been around than..._ We should get some rest

Z'ev: sighs heavily,  his entire chest moving as he does so._  I guess you're right. _ Sits up and proceeds to stand up in very wobbly legs...he couldn't help giving in to how nice Cassidy was to him for a brief few minutes. All good things end eventually and going back to being alone in the dark with his nightmares was inevitable ...he just wished it was only when he would sleep, now they're all the time and will be until the bandages come off._ good night,  Cas. _he starts to feel his way to the door before letting himself out,  pausing in the hall to lean against one of the walls. Really he wanted to be there in her arms forever but she's right, rest is important.  He tries to move again, but his legs buckle and he's face first on the hallway wooden floor. He lets out a hiss in pain but gets himself up in hopes Cassidy or anyone else didn't hear him fall before finally getting to his own room safely _

Mr Grayson: Wow, you're even more heartless than me! Sure I'm all about the souls but damn woman! That was cold

Maybe your soul is going to go in my special collection, the one I keep for heartless men who want nothing but power

I never said he had to leave idiot _Feels like crying_

Mr Grayson: Yeah, well despite being a spy and all the other stuff there's still a very clean, if tainted soul there. _sniffs and flames sprout out of his nose_ is it weird to feel sorry for a humanoid? I mean after all these centuries seeing your family commit atrocities towards one another it's eye opening to see what others are like outside of you elves. Coming here was an eye opener.

Cassidy: _Ignoring him she gets off the bed and heads out after him, opens the door to his room_ Hay! When did I say you have to leave!

Mr Grayson: _just loud enough Cassidy could catch it_ There were a few pure souls in your family..I remember one Iron face Mackleroot Sekinth, that elf walked the line between the rich and the poor as an officer of the undead council law. Many tried to corrupt him, many more failed as he was a side all by himself. Unfortunately those like him never live family said he died in battle...HAH! he died because of a murderous and cancarus sister-in-law infront of his own kids....heck even the kids weren't's why his bloodline died out and the noblity of the Sekinth family with it!

Z'ev: Everything alright? Did I do something wrong? Thought you wanted time alone to rest so…

Cassidy: I'm sorry if I sounded cold and made you think that no, I thought we would... together...

Z'ev: Would..._realises what she meant_ oh of course, only...only if you want to...ladies choice

Cassidy: _Shakes her head amused, as she walks up to him and puts her hand on his cheek_ Don't run off so quick in future _Says putting her lips to his_

Z'ev: Cas...._he leans into it and falls intoxicated to her taste, her smell and her touch_

_His hands carefully trace over her, feeling her bandages beneath her nightdress. It's a much slower delicate process than last time, it's like he's reading her body through his fingers. Eventually he says in her ear_ come lie with me…

4th of Olarune, two weeks later...

People around you have caught on very fast that you're not a salvage crew to be messed with,  in fact thanks to Belaluur and her interviews with the Salvation Times, you're practically the talk of the town. Also in the last week, the Oracle has started calling out again 'Third protocol,  Third Protocol' despite Z'ev's best efforts to try and figure out how to shut it up without resorting to using a mallet. Words gotten around to about your romance, though it's hard not to see it if you aren't looking for it, even if everything is generally pretty private. While recovering you had joined a few of the local celebrations about the victory everyone had against Big Moe..dancing and doing other activities that involve a lot of mingling and getting closer to each other in public...

Today, as you both step outside of the Inn, you see panicked people run past you dressed in the uniform of those who work on the lightning rail.

Rathalos: _also steps outside and states gruffly_  What seems to be going on out here?

Cassidy: Not entirely sure, don't they work on the lightning rail? _Indicating those in uniform_

Rathalos: _nods_ this ain't good. That's the only way to get into town.

Z'ev: Should we check it out?

Rathian: _calls out_ Hey! Where do you think you're  going? As your doctor I think you should still be resting! Those burns don't heal with a snap of the fingers!

Z'ev: _laughs uncomfortably as he is aware he's hiding bandages under long sleeves_ well why not come check it out with us? Keep us out of trouble?

Rathian: Not a bad Idea! Give me two shakes! _ducks back inside _

Rathalos: _gives Z'ev a dirty look_ he's not a fighter, why are you dragging him into it?

Z'ev: _rolls eyes_ do you honestly think he'll let us go without him into danger again?

Rathian: READY!

DM: You all turn to look as a halfling in a weirdly designed suit of ...well armour is a loose definition of the term...but that's exactly what it is despite all the light bulbs, wires, gears and two large gauntlets  that crackle with dragonshard energy.

Z'ev: Woah

Rathalos: So that's what you've been working on in the lab?

Rathian: _grins wide and true_ of course. Can't let you all have the fun all the time can I? _smile broadens_

Z'ev: _circles Rathian and taps the armour in places, he's extremely impressed _ this... this is so cool!

Cassidy: _Boys and their toys, she thinks as she watches amused_

Rathalos: _ his little Eldritch cannon sits on his shoulder with it's spidery legs and lets out an impressed whistle _

Rathian: Yes well, I may not be a fighter...but I certainly know how to build things for protection. _puffs out chest with pride_

Rathalos: _looking at his husband in a way that screams to everyone that knows them that things will be interesting in  private later_

Rathian: Shall we get going?

Z'ev: Er yes! There might not be a station left if we don't!

DM: As you advance towards the station,  it looks like something is indeed going on the platform.

Z'ev: _thrusts arm out to stop everyone._ wait...I have an idea. Who's lightest on their feet?

Rathian: _shakes head with a clunk of his armour_ not with this thing on.

Rathalos: I was back in the day....

Cassidy: You would think but no…

Z'ev: _pulls a vial out of one of his pouches, the liquid is clear though there's a very intricate handwritten label on it _ it's just that I have something that might get one of us close without getting spotted.

Rathalos: _eyes widen_ oh no way am I drinking that! I saw what you did with it in the lab! There's no way that's safe to use on people!

Z'ev: _looks at everyone _ No takers? Fine. You better watch my back ok? _he pops the cork and chugs the entire concoction,  gives you a wink Cassidy before he vanishes, clothes hanging in the air and the vial floating _  Just don't look when it starts to wear off ok? _ clothes & gear just suddenly drop into the dirt as the invisible shifter undresses._ Right, be right back.

Rathalos: _Blinks_ son of a- where'd  'e go?

Rathian: _is laughing _

Cassidy: _Shakes her head_ I feel this is not going to end well.

DM: Z'ev sneaks over towards the station and stays out of sight incase the potion wears off, but is able to get a good idea of what's going on before he slinks back, doffs his clothing back on - with brief moment of everyone seeing clothes just dress themselves in thin air. He sneezes and suddenly he appears, with a cloud of sparkly silvery dust hangs in the air before vanishing

Z'ev: Oh wow..._is genuinely amused_ that was better than expected

Rathalos: Well? _ taps foot gruffly_

Z'ev: Ah yes, of course.._ getting to the point_ it seems we've got a problem..._he digs around a pocket and pulls out the Oracle of war _ they're looking for this.

Rathian: _eyes wide_ What is that?

Rathalos: _takes it off Z'ev to look at it_ it's a music box....

Z'ev: _gives Cassidy a glance_ should I tell them or do you want to?

Cassidy: _Nods_ We find in the in the grey when we were looking for the grey dogs, after we destroyed the bracon its started broadcasting something it calls the third protocol, the... draconic prophecy

Rathalos: _fowns_ I see. _hands it back to Z'ev _

Z'ev: Yes...turns out it's valuable in more than just military tactics which is what it was designed for... and that commotion at the station was six hired killers all spreading out demanding where it is. One of them has already pulled Sheriff apart.

Rathalos: _Swears in Talentan_

Rathian: Oh my...that... that's a right pickle

Cassidy: If we could separate them our chances are better.

Rathalos: _grunts_ agreed,  but we can't split our forces either. We'll just have to move quickly before they harm anyone else.

Z'ev: Agreed.

Rathalos: Did you get a gauge on who the weakest target is?

Z'ev: Uhhh well, there's an Orc, an Ogre, Half orc..some kind of construct I've never seen before, some kind of metallic giant snake and a Gnoll. The leader is definitely the half orc .

Rathalos: _thinks a minute or two_ Right, that means if we attack them, the others will converge and we'll be goners....that snake....poses a danger,  never heard of one that didn't kill outright whatever and whoever it finds. I say take that out first, then the Ogre as it'll be too dumb to call for help...the others? We'll pick them off as we go as they're going to home in on us eventually.

Z'ev: _nods and whistles loudly, looking up at the rooftops as he knows that if they're all together,  she won't be far behind._ we'll get Verne to scout them out for us, she's got good eyes...hey Cassidy,  maybe call for Nimble? He's got telepathy right? We could use that so he knows exactly what to look for!

Cassidy: Right, I could try a sleep spell as well if even one goes down still better odds.

Rathalos: Good. Maybe if we capture one we'll find out why they want...that thing.

Rathian: We better hurry then, otherwise they're probably going to kill someone else.

Cassidy: I need a clear line of sight to them to cast it, don't have to be close…

Rathalos: You'll get your chance.

Verne: _comes bounding down from the rooftops and glides to a roost on Z'ev's outstretched arm. He winces a bit but she doesn't notice._ ook ok?

Z'ev: _gives Verne instructions before letting her glide off and bound off along the rooftops. _

Rathalos: Let's hope this works....

Nimble: _wing flap loudly as he looks for a nearby perch next to Cassidy _ you summoned Mistress?

Cassidy: _Tells Nimble what she wants him to do_ Oh and Nimble if you see a safe opportunity arise maybe use your sting on them.

Nimble: Yes mistress  _unfurls his wings and flaps gracefully upwards. He doesn't need to fly very high before Cassidy gets a message into her mind_ down Second Avenue, near the Tin Pot Tavern, Verne spotted them..hurry, looks like they've started killing!

Cassidy: Nimble says they have already started, second avenue by the Tin pot tavern!

Rathalos: Right, let's move out! Ranged at first, try to keep them from getting close, only get physical if you have'll keep us alive longer!

Cassidy: Right! _She was fine with him giving out orders, it was like the old days under one of her many commanders_

DM: As you run around the block towards Second Avenue,  indeed you are greeted with the first of the killer thugs. Unfortunately, the gigantic steel snake has already struck, killing  a few innocent bystanders....and has an Orc maiden and a child trapped against the wall of the Tavern,  raring to strike.

As the serpent bares down on the civilians....

Cassidy: _Summons three missiles of light and throws them at the snake_

DM: Sardzarka is impaled,  rearing up and hissing loudly...allowing the Orc Maiden and the child to make a run for it. As the metal serpent turns…

Z'ev: _as soon as Cassidy unleashed her spell, he was already behind the cover of a market stall with the 'Bad News' raised and ready to fire, carefully lining up a sniper shot _

DM: The shot completely misses, however it hits the sign of the tin pot taven and causes it to fall on the serpent's head

Sardzarka: Ow! _Hisses loudly_ Who did that? Come out of Hiding NOW! _Her metallic tail rattles with irritation. her flame eyes lock onto Cassidy,  as she's the first person to be visible in the street...she rears and hisses, fangs dripping with poison....she's a trained killer in the body of a makes her grumpy, furious and wanting to kill anything in her way... she launches herself towards the elf, teeth sharp and jaws wide_

DM: As her fangs pierce into your thigh Cassidy,  you feel something enter your bloodstream.... Cassidy you manage to fight the toxin that was injected into your body, as if some natural resistance has occured to you over the years.

Rathalos: _While the serpent is froced on Cassidy, Rathalos grabs its tail and unleashes a shock into it from his gauntlets_

Sardzarka: _Lets go of Cassidy and screams in pain, smoke comes out from under the armour as the malicious elven assassin's soul is burning within the armour she is infused in_

Rathian: _ charges in and rams the gauntlets of his arcane suit of armour into the machinery of the snake_

Sardzarka: _shrieks in pain as Ian discharges electricity from his gauntlets and tears out wiring as he pulls it free_

Cassidy: _While everyone's focused on the serpent Cas grabs a strange rune jar from her bag and opens it and the creatures soul is dragged in before resealing it and puts it back in her bag. She whispers a command word and the runes of the jar glow, only those with demon eyes such as her's can see the soul as its ripped from its body, and suckered into the jar, she reseals trapping it inside_

DM: There's a rumble as the market carts in the street shake, Thundering around the corner is the Ogre thumps his way around, smashing doors and dragging people outside of buildings...until he spots the commotion around his companion, Sardzarka....and then sees her metal body in ruins... he bellows and storms forward like a gigantic living siege engine…

Gorg: _top of his lungs he shouts,  making windows shatter and people flee in terror_ SARDZARKA!!! _Charges for the nearest target, unfortunately it's Rathian who is the slowest to react to the charging Ogre... a club comes out of nowhere and connects with the Halfling in power Armour _

DM: The club slams against the halfling, and because he's small in size,  he's lifted off the ground and slammed into a building wall several feet away.

Z'ev: _from his position still in cover he throws caution to the wind since the ogre is a huge target and fires a normal shot at the enemy with the blunderbuss _

Gorg: _growls loudly, something stung him!  He flings his arms around trying to swat whatever it was, smashing the club into the nearest start crumbling off the building and the the roof starts to slip off...he's getting destructive _

Rathalos: _Uses his warhammer two handed aims at the ogre's kneecaps_

_Screams something in Talentan  as the Warhammer swings around hitting the Ogre in the knees_

Gorg: _yelps and hops on one leg, before stomping it down again, the loose roof from the building begins to fall sooner than expected_

_some of the roof slating lands on his toes and he roars in pain, picking it up and throwing it at another building...masonry begins to slowly shake_

DM: As the roofing falls and lands on Gorgs toe, Rathalos manages to dodge and roll between the creature's legs to avoid being crushed....Some of the roof tiles crash down on top of the stall Z'ev was using for cover. As the stall collapses on top of him, barely allowing him to escape, as for Cassidy a slate hits her in the back as it falls, narrowly missing her head. Cassidy then fires her pistol at the orge, he had to be taken out soon, before he caused much more damage, and hits Gorg in the arm, he slaps it as if something has bitten him again - pesky flies are everywhere in Salvation it seems - roaring in frustration.

Rathian: _picks himself up from where he had fallen from being thrown against a wall, pulls out a pepper box and lets it rip_

Gorg: _roars in sheer pain, he really felt that one hitting him in the legs! Calling for reinforcements and spotting the halfling he swatted earlier he decides to attempt to flatten him in his armour _

_Misses hitting Rathian because he miss judged the halfling's height, though the strike did got right through the masonry of the building and it breaks, shattering everywhere and raining down onto the street_

DM: As bricks, mortar and scaffolding fall around the street Rathalos manages to duck for cover, bricks smash down on top of the table he skidded under but the table seems to hold. Cassidy makes a run for it as shrapnel rains down. A rock clips her shoulder before she manages to make a dive behind another stall, it leaves a nice swollen bruise, but nothing that won't heal. Z'ev makes a dash for another area of safety, diving and rolling into an open shop doorway while Rathian who was under the building when the club struck… Gets pinned to the ground underneath some heavy slabs of mortar and brickwork.

Z'ev: _after seeing Rathian disappear under a pile of rubble, he darts out of cover and tries to make it over to him, while withdrawing his alchemic pistol and firing it point blank upwards at the Ogre as he runs past_

DM: Z'ev's aim for once is top notch, skiming under the Ogre and firing upwards blasted the bullet through the creatures jaw and out through the top of its skull and before it hits the ground causing the street to shake, he's already leaping and jumping over rubble in order to reach Rathian to start digging him out.

Rathalos,  from where you are you can not only see Z'ev run through the street as the Ogre falls, you can also see the creature's reinforcements arrive, one an Orc with gauntlets sprouting steel blades, and something that's beyond description flying in from another direction in armour. What will you do?

Ghanji: _points at Z'ev as he is seen running and indicates to Indomitus (helmed horror) and motions for it to pursue_

Rathalos: _Sees the pair making for Z'ev, he needs to get their attention off him, dishes out from under the table and let's his little cannon fire at the flying monstrosity_

DM: The cannon ignites and a beam of raging hot blue flames explode forth from the little machine, setting fire to the Helmed Horror, scorching the orc and giving Z'ev a temporary new hair style as he dives for the rubble.

Indomitus: _is now hunting for a water source _

Cassidy: _Makes for the fallen ogre it may not be too late to take it soul as well, she takes a shoot at the on fire flying creature as well partly as cover to the dark work she trying to undertake_

DM: As soon as Cassidy fires the shot, she starts muttering the spell...however her ablity to navigate the difficult terrain in the street has caused her to trip and let go of the jar....and it sucks in the Ogre's lingering aura as well as sucking out the life of the Helmed Horror who's scream as it's soul is torn from it's body echos around the wall off buildings....the jar lands with a thump in the dirt and the glass lit snaps shut. Unfortunately little did Cassidy know that her desperate attempt at getting souls for her contract  would be both the Orc and Rathalos saw everything! Though in Rathalos's defence he assumes it just another weird spell...but Ghanji knows better...and with that information he flees, hoping to relay it to his boss back at the station.

Z'ev: _trying to shift the rubble on his own_ come on, come on…

Rathalos: _scrambles over to help_

Cassidy: _Scoops up the jar and goes to lend a hand_

Rathalos: We'll shift it together....ready? Three two.. one!

DM: The debris shifted and easily moved between the three of you, revealing Rathian who smiles, relieved not to be trapped under the rubble. Z'ev helps pull him free and as he does so, Rathalos pulls Cassidy aside so the others can't hear and speaks in a low voice...and as he touches your arm the Dragon mark that covers the right side of his face begins to glow.

Rathalos: Be frank with me're truly from Aerenal? Not Karrnath?

Cassidy: What do you mean? _Confused by his sudden line of questioning_ No I was born in Aerenal was raised there

Rathalos: _the glow from his dragon mark is bright, clearly it's telling him something Cassidy isn't aware off._ I suggest you check yourself out all over when we get back. _he lets go of Cassidy's arm to give Rathian the hug he's held off on due to pride_

Rathian: AH! found them at last!

DM: Cassidy,  you feel a burning sensation in the small of your something hot has left a mark.....

Mr.grayson: Mmm can taste those bloodline will thank you…

Cassidy: Why did he ask me that? _Says in a low voice_

Rathian: _ approaches Cassidy and holds up a jar of healing salve_ rub some into your wounds. You'll feel better

Cassidy: Thank you Rathian.

Z'ev: _sniffs it before rubbing it into places he feels were brused_

DM: Suddenly,  a magically amplified voice booms around the outpost coming from the lightning rail platform.


Z'ev: That doesn't sound good…

Rathian: _shakes head_ indeed!

Rathalos: We better get a move on then. _gives Cassidy a glance before leading the way_

Cassidy: _Follows a bit farther behind he definitely had suspicions about something, she would have to be more careful in the future_

DM: As you approach the lightning rail platform, the Orc you saw earlier is reporting what happened to the other killers and Saal's face looks pissed...then it starts to change into a very malicious smile as Ghanji has better news that makes him delighted. Behind them are six humans, two dwarves, a goblin and a warforged who are tied up as hostages. He catches everyone in his vision and starts moving towards your salvage crew drawing a sword, grinning with malice as you approach

Deathstroke: Ah...there you're the ones who created the...Inconvenience.  _holds forth a palm_ Give me the Oracle...and these lives will be spared...._grin widens _ and the surviving descendant of Erandis Vol....whom will make an excellent prize

Z'ev: _steps forward to respond_ We don't know what you're talking about. We don't know what this..Oracle is you want or who Erandis Vol is, but we want you and your murderers out of town!

Deathstroke: _chuckles, then bellows with laughter_ You must be so stupid! _ Points at Cassidy _ blood of the dragons is amongst you and you cannot see it! Very well...if you won't give them to me, then you shall die!

_clicks his fingers and gestures Ghanji to attack_

Ghanji: _obeys his orders and charges for Z'ev,  the obvious target as he dared speak back and deny the existence of the Oracle _

_swings his bladed gauntlets and before Z'ev can move one slashes across his chest, the other sailing past as the Shifter was able to duck and weave the extra blow_

Rathalos: _Grabs hold of one of Ghanji arm's and unleashes a shock of lightning into him _

Dreadstroke: _Grabs Rathalos before he can get his hand on Ghanji with his sparking gloves and grins, making Rathalos turn pale as he bends his arm backwards as if to break it_

Z'ev: _is engaged in a fight with Ghanji, pulls out another clear vial of liquid,  smashing it onto the ground and the enveloping smoke cloud makes him invisible,  and he disengages with Ghanji to saftey_

Ghanji: _ Looks around in confusion _

Cassidy: _How did he know?, how did he know? She was still in shock but had to get her head back in the game, chatting quickly she creates a blade of pure shadow and stabs it into Ghanji.

Ghanji: _As the ethereal shadow blade slices into his skin, he gives Cassidy a growl and says _ we know what you are.....

Dreadstroke: _has Rathalos at his mercy, pulling back his greatsword..._

_ Thrusts the blade into Rathalos, the only thing preventing it from killing him is that it missed anything vital...Saal then withdrawing the blade as the halfling soldier falls to his knees_

Rathian: _eyes wide in horror at the sight of Rathalos almost getting executed and fires off his pepperbox, hoping to hit the half orc_

Dreadstroke: _roars as a flaming bullet  collides with the side of his face, tearing skin off bone, removing an ear but not killing him. He gives a blood curdling cry that inspires Ghanji to attack with fury_

Ghanji: _lunges for Cassidy,  both sword gauntlets ready to strike_

_the blades whirl around as Ghanji spins his body, both sword slicing into Cassidy's skin, breaking her concentration spell and cutting deep wounds_

Rathalos: _Not going down so easily, with teeth gritted he gets back to his feet and swings his hammer at Saal_

Dreadstroke: _grabs the hilt of the warhammer, yanks it out of Rathalos's hands and throws it away, laughing maniacally as he does so_

Ghanji: _behind him he hears the click of a pistol, but can't see where it's coming from_

Z'ev: _as the shot is fired, Z'ev's invisibly wears off and he reappears, the bullet piercing through Ghanji's skull and out the otherside, the Orc falling dead to the ground, body convulsing from shock. Z'ev's face is dead pan with a slight twitch in the corner of his one hurts Cassidy and gets away with it...though the headshots today are going to scar his dreams_

Cassidy: _She needed to kill Saal now if he got away... didn't want to think about it, she up and running towards him summoning another shadow blade the most powerful she can and rams into him_

Dreadstroke: _the Blade slices across his arm and it is indeed painful, however he parries back with his great sword,  teeth bared for the opportunity strike_

Cassidy: _She knew she had done something foolish out of desperation and this was her price to pay, she didn't feel herself hit the ground in fact she didn't feel anything, there was a piercing ringing in her ears as everything went black, but a voice with such clarity cut through "nice try girl" and laughed_

Rathian: _is quick on his feet, sliding over to Cassidy as Dreadstroke moves on to   his next opponent,  pulls out a large syringe filled with Adrenaline and rams it into Cassidy's chest_

Rathalos: _Makes a drive for his lost hammer and smashers it in Saal's chest_

Dreadstroke: _Roars in rage at the halfling, but before he moves into a ranged attack against him -_

Z'ev: _slings out the Bad News, Cocking it and letting it fire_

DM: The bullet blasts a hole within the half orcs arm causing him to flinch, but he now sees an easier target within his vision that would be better to strike down

Dreadstroke: _raises his blade and snarls, bringing the weapon down towards Rathian whos trying to keep Cassidy alive_

_the great sword swings down with force but Saal is taken by surprise when Rathian's gauntlet has shot upwards and blocked his strike_

Rathian: _looks at Saal through gritted teeth_ Never interrupt a Medic on duty. _electricty sparks from the gauntlets as he gears up to throw a punch with his free fist_

Dreadstroke: _catches the other gauntlet coming for him and laughs_  that tickles

Rathalos: _Fires a shoot from his crossbow hoping this will finally end him_

DM: the bolt hits, but sticks out of the half orcs shoulder and doesn't affect him in.thr slightest. 

Z'ev:_is aware he can't get too close without being dropped like a stone, but knows he has to get to Cassidy to help Rathian out. He reloads the Bad News again and shouts at Dreadstroke_ Just fucking Die already! _ then fires_

Dreadstroke: _eyes widen as Z'ev speaks but doesn't get a chance to retaliate as the blast from the Bad News rips a hole through his chest and out the other side. It's as if it's happening all in slow motion as his body recoils backwards before toppling over_

Z'ev: _doesn’t hesitate a moment longer, sprinting across the platform for Rathian and Cassidy while Rathalos looks stunned at how dangerous the shifter has become with gunpowder before turning his attention to the hostages...Z'ev gets to his knees and while Rathian pushes on Cassidy's chest with his thunder gauntlets on low power, he acts fast with the alchemic symbols on her wounds before giving her the breath of life which begins to heal the wounds._

Rathian: Come on Miss Sekinth, pull through for us!

Cassidy: _She gasp loudly, her eyes fling open as she takes her first breath in, and starts coughing as she struggles to breathe normally again_

DM: Rathian begins to cheer, though Z'ev  is quick to scoop her up and hold her tight to his chest, in fear he might lose her again.  Rathian, deciding she's ok for now, goes off to help Rathalos with the hostages...and there's a faint noise coming from Z'ev's pocket.

The Oracle: Third protocol deactivated. Threat to functions removed. Return to normal function.

Z'ev: _pulls it out and stares at it, a loss for words, unsure what any of it means._

DM: Cassidy,  over Z'ev's shoulder you can see something sticking out of Dreadstrokes's long and black but definitely broken

Cassidy: _Somewhat still very out of it_ Has... Something... _Best she can do is point it out_

Z'ev: _turns to look_ what is it? _sees it and reaches for it before inspecting it infront of Cassidy. He doesn't look amused by it_ so that's how they tracked the Oracle.._shows Cassidy something on the inside of it _ this here is a diffuser, kind of like a counterspell. It stops a magical object being..well magical. It must have had the Oracle's signature.

Cassidy: We can expect... others to come looking than... _At last she able to breathe a bit better now_

Z'ev: I don't really know. I hope not

Cassidy: I'm sorry shouldn't... have done... didn't want to scare... you like that…

Z'ev: Honestly, I'd probably have done the same. _holds her tighter and kisses her_

Cassidy: Have a lot of explaining to do _Something she had never wanted to do_

Z'ev: It can wait. Right now you need rest 

DM: 7th of Olarune. Cassidy you've had time to check your injuries in the mirror and even get a look at the place on your back where you felt your skin burn...and you now see a small, blue mark in the small of your spine.

You've questioned Rathalos about it in Private and he admits he doesn't really know anything other than it's a dragon mark he's never seen before, but will ask around with some other outcasts like himself to find out more for you. He tells you not to worry too much, as Dragon marks aren't dangerous... at least to most people who have them.

After which...your left to your own devices.

Z'ev: _knocks on Cassidy's bedroom door_

Cassidy: Its open _Calls from were she's lieing on the bed_

Z'ev: _slowly enters, closing the door behind him_ how you feeling? _takes a deep breath as Cassidy is dressed still in her night's an amazing sight though he's trying to keep a lid on it as he knows how badly she was hurt yesterday _

_clears his throat nervously_ don't mind me asking…

Cassidy: Much better than I was thank you _She would rather not tell him just how bad she really still did feel_

Z'ev: _expression softens _ that's good...umm. listen I know I haven't been around alot today, but it's for a good reason. I was trying to secure us tickets on the lightning rail to go into Sharn for a break...Crystalfall is coming up in two days and I thought maybe you'd like to go? It's a full day on the train, so we'll arrive on Crystalfall.

_hold up the tickets for Cassidy to see_ we could book a hotel stay...that sort of thing...just us..Nimble and Verne will be looked after here of course.

First know the fancy carriage with the private sleeping/travel compartments

Cassidy: Oh, oh wow _Quite surprised by this, she looks troubled though as she sats up_

Z'ev: _looks worried _ er...not a good idea then?

_ notices the two jars with glowing orbs inside of them next the the strange skull Cassidy always seems to have out on her desk. He only glances at them as he assumes they're some sort of small elemental or something similar _

Cassidy: I've realised... the secrets I've been keeping can't remain so anymore, they could put you and everyone in danger…

Z'ev: Oh, whys that? You're pregnant? _ makes a guess however unlikely it is._

Cassidy: What! _Puts a hand over her face_ No Z'ev I'm not_Looks at him_ Its about what he said back at the station, that I'm a decenent of Erandis Vol

Z'ev: Oh _ sounds disappointed _ Go on.

Cassidy: _It hadn't occurred to her til now, there could be a good chance of that in the future, with twins being so common and her mother having so easily with Vincent, could her family have higher than normal fertility, this was not something to think about now though_ Do you know anything about elven history?

Z'ev: No. None whatsoever to be truthful.  Elves born in Khorvaire don't like talking about their pasts...unless you're from the rougher wilder parts beyond Talenta. It's normal.

Cassidy: _Reaches for the draw beside her bed, it unlocks when she puts her hand on it, and pulls outan old  tone that looks like its bound in reptile skin, and opens it_ Let's not go into the entire history than... _Says as she flicks through it_

Z'ev: Er..ok. so what do you need to tell me?

Mr.grayson: _sits to attention as only a skull can_ ohhh this should be good

Cassidy: _Turns it around showing a drawing of an elven knights fighting a dragon_ Over 2500 years ago elves and dragons were at war, many hoped that by... combining the bloodlines of dragons and elves would end it

Mr grayson: Ohh i love a good story, don't you? Remember to add the bit about me yeah girly?

Z'ev: _nods along, though it's alot of information to take in_

Cassidy: And they succeed lady Minara Matriarch of house Vol and the dragon known as Emerald Claw had a daughter Erandis Vol... _Turns the page to a drawing of Erandis_

Z'ev: What's this have to do with you? _ is coming from a Character whose own race would love to have such a rich lore and culture but sadly due to the silver flame and mass genocide have little to nothing left. It's why he was fascinated with Archeology...maybe his race had something lost like the Dhakaani empire as they have been around just as long before humans came to Khorvaire.  Not jealous of Cassidy in any way or form, but it is alot for him to see someone alive able to talk so candidly about their family history and origins _

_ is trying not to go into full Archeologist mode, cranes to have a better look at the book, well aware Cassidy probably wouldn't let him touch it with a ten foot pole_

Cassidy: Cedric and I are both descendants of Erandis Vol _Then says less dramatic_ Well Vincent is too but it doesn't seem to affect him maybe because his half shifter, we've never really been sure about that.

Z'ev: I see... so what does that mean?

Mr.grayson: Come one we're getting to the good bits... don't hold back now! _ hears the sound of infernal popcorn eating_ About your granny, how she wanted to protect her family and made a pact with me to deter you from finding out your birthright...and how his soul will eventually be mine...Make him feel small, that his race doesn't matter for they are not a part of the Darconic Prophecy...a race the Dragon's themselves even consider an accident...and one they wouldn't defend even if it begged and pleaded... _laughs manically _

Cassidy: Well the dragons and elves came to fear the house of Vol and their power so they united to purge them, this could so have been due to the dragon mark Erandis possessed.

Z'ev: But you don't have a dragon mark?

Mr.grayson: Elves, humans , lycans, dwarves, changlings...even us demons were mongrels? You were Yeenogu's little drunken joke. Even Vol was prediced in the Prophecy. _eats more infernal popcorn_

Cassidy: I do... as of recently…

Mr.grayson: Go us the glowy thing then girly

Cassidy: _Puts the book down and turns around on the bed, pulling her nightgown off as she does_

Z'ev: _ takes a step back at the sight of the dragon mark_ it's really true. _swallows_ all the stuff they said. _places the tickets on the desk_ I.. need to...need to think about this…

Cassidy: Z'ev wait... _Puts her gown back on_

Z'ev: _reassures her_ it's fine really.  It's just alot to take in. You should get ready for our trip tomorrow.  I need some air to think. I'll be fine, promise. _kisses her on the cheek before he turns to leave_

Cassidy: Ok I understand…

Mr.grayson: Oi! You forgot the part about me!

Z'ev: _smiles._ I'll meet you at the station. First class remember?

Cassidy: _Nods_ Yes, I'll meet you there... _Not sure if she should just grab him and beg not to leave_

DM: As Z'ev leaves Cassidy for the night,  Rathian catches him on the way out of the inn, he assures him he's just going for a walk to get some more ammo and other things for the trip he has planned before stepping out into the evening air.

8th of Olarune. 

As you get up and get ready to have Breakfast,  Z'ev is nowhere to be seen. Asking the others, Rathian admits he hasn't seen him since he went for a walk yesterday evening.  He assures you that he never throws a planned date and will eventually turn up as planned at the station.

When you arrive at the station with your luggage and your traveling gear, the platform looks very empty indeed as the train pulls in and sits in the station, though workers are loading on and off goods towards the end of the train.

As your eyes scan the platform you spy two very familiarish shapes towards the guard van at the rear. They're familiar as they are wearing the Armour of the Emerald claw.

Between them, they're wrestling somthing into the guard van...but sparks bound past from the lightning rail and in a moment they're gone.

There's a final call from the station master to climb aboard. Z'ev is still nowhere to be seen.

Cassidy: _The Emerald Claw what were they doing here? she started to feel very aware of the dragon mark on her lower back and couldn't say she didn't feel a bit scared as well, the station mastet gaves the last call and Z'ev still hadn't shown, what should she do?, find out why they were here no that would be foolish, but before she knew it Cassidy was climbing aboard on the train_

DM: The porter checks Cassidy's ticket and shows her to a very decent carriage,  it's fitted out as royalty would one day travel on it in style. As you are lead past the expensive upholstered seats towards the back end of the carriage,  the porter unlocks your travel cabin and then gives you the key as well as tells you about this and that before leaving you to soak in the extravagance of the tiny space.

Cassidy: _Putting her bags down she looks around impressed, curious how he managed this as well_

DM: As the train pulls away from the platform,  it's clear that Salvation is the end of the line where few people get on let alone off (though you knew this from your arrival in the town a month ago) the carriages will be somewhat empty until to get closer to Sharn, leaving the first class carriages extremely private for over half the journey.

Cassidy: _Where could he be? After their talk last night... it had been a lot for him and still not everything... saddened as she was by his absence, she was still resolved to find out why the Emerald Claw were here and with fewer passengers at this time it would be easier to move around now than later_

DM: As you wander out your first class carriage and through another one just like it you enter a carriage the has an opulent bar with barstools, booth seats and a piano, where a half orc bard dressed in a black suit is playing beautiful classical Jazz. At the bar however are several rough looking folks who don't quite belong in first class.

Each of the ruffians are wearing the insignia of the green dragon. They haven't noticed Cassidy enter the carriage, even if they did, they are aware other passangers get on the train. They're drinking alcohol and seem to be having a discussion.

Cassidy: _Steps up to the bar and orders a drink, before takes a seat close by to hopefully overhear_

DM: Eventually a pint of winkles arrives at your booth and you start to hear the conversation getting rather loud.  

"Did you see the weapons they took off a 'em? Talk about someone armed to the teeth!"

"Wouldn't you be if you knew you were a target?"

"Did they though? I thought the scavangers of that backwater were all armed to the bloody teeth!"

"Didn't help 'em did it? Still knocked out nice and clean like. Bosses were very specific about that."

"Wonder why? Not like Captain Ozone to take hostages. Sergeant Sekinth sure, but usually the captain just kills everything."

"Apparently they're important.  Know how a real Colossus is built and runs. Boss finds that useful,  especially since she's got plans to ressurect one of Cannith's most deadly weapons ever made."

"If 'e's in a state to. The Captain really roughed 'em up. Probably arrive in a box."

"That'll suit the boss, the dead are far easier to get information out of"

The conversation becomes more general with nothing of interest.

Cassidy: _Sergeant Sekinth Cedric! and Captain Ozone could that be Z'ev older brother?, and a hostage who knows how colossus is built and run, couldn't be... Z'ev dread pooled in the pit of her stomach, if it was she had to do something before... she couldn't think about that wouldn't think of it_

_Not all battles are win in fights though, she would have to be smart about this, casually she looks around at them_

DM: The Emerald claw agents at the bar don't look as if they're interested in trouble, they look off duty. Infact, other guests on the train have started to enter the bar carriage. It's doubtful they'll cause trouble with so many around.

Cassidy: _Leaving her drink and seat, she heads for the door to the next carriage_

DM: The next carriage contains the kitchens to the left side of the slender hall leading to the dinners carriage. The dinning carriage is just as extravagant as the previous ones, filled with more travellers as people do have to eat. There's several Emerald claw agents here enjoying thier meals, but there's one the does grab your attention, sitting alone tearing viciously into a cockatrice legshank. He looks wild, bulky and brutish...and covered in black mattered a good light his eye's match Z'ev's but only in colour...they're more the eyes of a murderer. He finishes his meal before getting up and exiting into the next carriage.

Z'ev: _slowly comes to, but without his glasses, everything is blurred though it could also be because he's been drugged and beaten into unconsciousness a few time by whatever guard was trying to interrogate him. Last one decided a mallet would suffice and thus now he can't feel his hand as every bone is smashed and swollen. One of the guards notices him coming round and heads over...last thing he sees is a fist grabbing him before a sharp pain to the side of the head makes everything go dark_

Cassidy: _Well that was definitely Pyre, Cedric couldn't be far than, if she remembered he had a brilliant sense of smell too, how would she get by unnoticed_

Cassidy: Excuse me _Asks a waiter as they pass by_ Do you have lemongrass tea?

Porter: "Why certainly miss. Would you like a pot?"

Cassidy: At last four please

Porter: "Brewed or packet, Madam? We know some prefer to brew themselves "

Cassidy: Packeted please

Porter: "Certainly." He goes off to find the trolly cart and comes back with four packets of lemon grass tea. "Would Madam like something else?"

Cassidy: Yes where is your closest restroom?

Porter: "Towards the end of the second class carriages and in the rooms of the first class ones. Have a good day Madam." He bustles off to wait on a table.

Cassidy: _Heading back seemed it would take too long, so she heads for the next carriage, first there isn't anyone would want to run into_

DM: Pyre seems to have just muscled through this carriage right through to the next, clearly has a place to be. Otherwise the carriage is mostly empty as guests are having breakfast in the dining carriage.

Cassidy: _Heads to the end looking for the restroom, was it this one or the next?_

DM: Both carriages have a rest room at the end before existing the car.

Cassidy: _Opens the door and steps inside locking it behind her, and turns on the hot water at the sink, as she waits for it to heat up she strips her clothes and throws all the tea into the sink_

_Dries herself with the hand towel as best she can, who would thought a pot of lemon tea with Vincent one day, and his explanation of canines strong dislike of citronella may help her now, she puts her clothes back on and leaves_

DM: As you exit and look through the window of the next carriage,  you see Pyre talking to a guard who shifts to let him through into the Goods carriage.

As Cassidy is wondering how to get past the guard, Pyre walks past some thugs in the first cargo carriage who are busy inspecting Z'ev weapons - specifically the unusually crafted alchemist pistol - and picks up the Oracle he had also escavated from Z'ev's pockets, picks up a cattle prod and goes into the last cargo carriage, where another guard is on watch at least until indicated to man handle Pyre's captive to his knees. There's a heated conversation about the Oracle - Z'ev insisting it's nothing more than a music box bought for a lady friend to which Pyre laughs,  mocks his sibling before setting the cow prod on him, calling him a liar and demanding to know what the box is. Pyre is frustrated he has to have a captive,  the fact it's his own sibling whom he wants dead adds insult onto injury.

The agent on duty asks why the box is so important after Pyre stops shocking his captive and kicking them when they've hit the cargo hold floor, and he replies that the captive wouldn't be carrying it if it didn't have some Archeological value and probably worth a fortune if it somehow "mysteriously " appeared on the black market, making it something that maybe their boss might want....

Cassidy: _Heading into the next carriage she makes her way down towards the guard, and takes an empty seat close by facing them, without her staff she had no foucs for spells, she starts looking through her bag, maybe one of the jars would work... her hand touches something smooth but with three bumps, looks atound to see if anyone is paying her any mind, before whispering_ What are you doing here?_To the familiar skull_

Mr.grayson: Honestly you act as if I only sit on your desk. _Grumps_ I do get out and about.

You know have a stretch,  get some nice infernal smoke inhalation….

Cassidy: _Groans, but after a moment has an idea_ Could you help me out for once?

Mr Grayson: _sounds intrigued _ what's the catch?

Cassidy: I need a focus can you be one? _Not sure he'll go for it maybe if she sweetness the deal_ There are alot of bad individuals here with souls for the taking…

Mr.Grayson: Hmmmm.... well you did get me that odd one, which was a delight to put on my shelf... that elf was indeed an angry one, bitter in fact her soul was stuffed into a machine...took some pride of place on my infernal mantle many are we talking?

Cassidy: We can start them _The guard at the door_ And see how many more there are _She wasn't going to guarantee him anything, knowing better than that, very much hoping he would go for it_

Mr.Grayson : Ah hell, go on.. just this once... long as I'm out of this blasted bag.

Cassidy: _Nods satisfied, now how to get pass tham, she looks around again to see if anyone is watching and observes the guard more closely_

DM: The guard is very much aware that you're there but isn't making an effort to show it. Afterall people do get on and off the train but being the only passenger he's labeled you as suspicious.

The guard is of Human persuasion

With a hand moving slowly to the hilt of the guard's sword, without warning he withdraws it, swinging it towards you

The first strike misses, hitting the seat where you chose to sit, however the second swipe clips the back of your calves.

Cassidy: should have expected it, but was still caught by surprise, couldn't shoot him male too much noise, she holds Mr Grayson up towards him as she chants, smoke bellows from his mouth as his eyes flash red as two burning coals, (sleep)_

DM: The smoke pours out off the demonic skull and the guard recoils back trying to get as far as he can away , unfortunately exhaling in the gas and falling asleep on the ground

Cassidy: Can you take him now?

Mr. Grayson:Well he's not dying...._sniffs_ soul doesn't even smell exciting _

I got standards. _is a connoisseur _

Cassidy: _Tries the door behind him to see if its locked_

DM: The door pulls open with ease. Unlike the previous carriages  this one has a bit of space between them, with a ring ladder going up to the top of the cargo carriage

Cassidy: _Quickly she strips his clothes and pulls him out the door and pushes him off_

DM: At 200 mph you don't even see the body land, let alone hit the end carriage....

Cassidy: _Closes the door and heads quickly to the bathroom to change_ Think this will work?

Mr.  Grayson_sitting on the edge of the sink_ well if you were naked you'd probably have the advantage of surprise _chuckles_

Worked on yer...well suppose sex slave so…

Isn't that how humanoids have relationships? Can't say it's appealing

Cassidy: _Snorts at his comments and looks in the mirror, no way will this work, she doesn't enough like a ruffian, picks up her dagger and gathers up her hair and slices most of it off in one movement_

Mr.Grayson: Ohhh I see what you're doing....though you got a problem with the boobs and the scar...._heckles_ that and I don't sense his soul around.

Cassidy: _But then feels something under her fingers, looking more closely at the blade, it's the one Z'ev engraved the etchings into, he would do so much and go so far for her, was she willing to do the same... yes because she loved him... slashes her face with the blade_

_Hisses as it burns and strings leaning over the sink blood running down her face, uses some of her last potion to stop the bleeding and an ace bandage Z'ev insisted she carry to binded her chest_

How about now? _Trying to get hair just right_

Mr.Grayson: Close enough. The voice isn't the problem...I don't sense his aura. *coughs* i should know

Casssidy: Hopefully works in my favour, unexpected _Straps sword in place, before leaving and heading back out the carriage door, she climbs the ladder to check the cargo carriage's roof_

DM: The roof of the cargo carriage is roughly pretty flat, with the exception of the ridges that go across the giant crate. It's possible to crawl along,  though with how fast the lightning rail is moving,  it won't be without difficulty

Cassidy: _Climbs back down, and cast arcane lock on the door back to the 2nd class carriage, so that only she and can open it_ How many inside? _Though she's not sure he'll answer that question_

Mr.Grayson _belches_ sorry? You're asking me for tactical advice? That's not in my contract

Souls are and there's only three I'd want in my collection, and you know which one would make the best prize _there's a sort of hint hint in his tone_

Cassidy: _Not going to be baited by him, the only option was to open the door and see what the situation was for herself_

_ Carefully opens the door a creak to look in_

DM: There are two guards, just as heavily armed as the one you disposed of. One is a Tabaxi, the other is another human and both are busy toying with the weapons layed out in front of them. One you instantly recognise as Z'ev's alchemic pistol.

The tabaxi guard sniffs the air and slaps the human before a brief exchange has them looking at the door. The human frowns shaking his head saying that the Tabaxi needs to get his sense of smell checked, although this doesn't stop the cat staring at the door

Cassidy: _The Tabaxi is too suspicious for her liking if they try to run before she can get a spell off and possibly warm others, maybe no choice but to climb over and cut them off, heads back to the ladder_

DM: As soon as you're on the roof of the cargo carriage,  you hear the door slide open just enough for one of the guards to stick out their weapon before stepping out part way to check around.  The Tabaxi's ears are pricked and on alert but eventually goes back inside.

One of the enemies inside are aware something is up,  but not alert to your presence - at least one of them is paranoid.

Cassidy: _Let's out a breath she was holding when hearing the door close, now the next problem was making it to the other side_

DM: The train starts going around a long curvy bit of rail

There's alot of noise as chains clink and metal clacks as every carriage is pulled along in-line

Cassidy: _Despite the danger, this was the best time to move as the noise of the train would hopefully cover any she made, as she crawls_

DM: There's a jolt as the carriage you're on makes its turn, causing Cassidy to let go and start to slide. What will you do?.

Cassidy: _Tries to grab the nearest groove_

DM: As you do so, Cassidy's legs narrowly avoid slipping over the edge.

Cassidy: _Continues having regained her grab_

DM: As you make it across, the next carriage along has the door slide open the reveal what sort of looks like Pyre, but with arms that look more panther like with razor claws holding a cattle prod and tossing something back into the carriage telling whomever is in there to keep it, before moving into the one you're on top of. Infront of you is one more carriage similar to the one you're on and the guard caboose tagging along behind

Cassidy: _Climbs down the ladder glad to be back on safer ground, now for the maybe most dangerous part, and there was three of them now, puts a hand on the door to the cargo carriage and opens it..._

DM: All heads turn and see Cassidy, both guards withdrawing their weapons and Pyre withdrawing his swords in his big beastial paws. Unknown to Cassidy,  Cedric is not onboard this train, instead meeting with important people within the Emerald Claw elsewhere.

Pyre: _snarls, the sound of a panther coming out in his voice. He lunges for her with his long sword, swinging it with practiced professionalism of a killer_

_the sword strike misses with the first swing as Cassidy was ready as she entered for any attack, but the second swing catches her across the back of her shoulders as she doges out of the way_

Cassidy: _Despite the heavy wound and pain, Cassidy smirks it's one of those I know something you don't kinds, as she chants holding the skull of Mr Grayson up, demoniac laughter comes from it, as black smoke pours from its mouth_

DM: The two guards hit the floor, however Pyre can still smell the lemon grass tea that you soaked your original clothes in, it still lingers on your skin and the stink is way more overpowering than the sleeping gas

Pyre: _full of feral rage, he charges at Cassidy again with the long sword, his powerful panther arms swinging it with two hands for two powerful strikes_

_The first swing misses again, rage clouding his vision as the beast is becoming more unchained and out of control _

_The other lunge slashes Cassidy across the armour and her arms_

DM: As Cassidy lands on one knee she feels the sword blade slide under her chin, making her look up to meet the eyes of Pyre, his features more of a predatory feline than before. He then swings a fist and knocks Cassidy out.

Cassidy,  you reawake out in the guard van, beside you is a familiar but very barely conscious face lying beside you, arms bound...looking a real mess.  your arms are indeed bound behind you as well as your legs are tied, but you notice Z'ev's are not tied behind, but infront

Cassidy: _Not first time she had been knocked the headaches were always the worse on waking, as she tries to get her eyes to force through the pain_

Z'ev:_is very much driffing in and out of lucidness_

Cassidy: Z'ev, Z'ev can you hear me? _Looks around as best she can, everything coming back into froces_

Z'ev: _face twitches_ Cas?

_through blurred vision and acute smell, he can't make her out as she definitely no longer looks like the Cassidy he last saw, nor smells like her...but the voice..._

Cassidy: _Smiles hearing his voice_ Thank the ancestors your alive

Z'ev: Cas..._finally can see a bit better but still doesn't recognise Cassidy.  A foot flings out and pins her to a crate as he growls_ What have you done with Cassidy?_

Cassidy: _Being slammed into the crate caused saring pain to her injured shoulder that she almost passed out again_ Genetics... are such a... bitch... _Says through gritted teeth, repeating what she said that night when he asked who Cedric was_

Z'ev: _pulls back his foot before asking, probably too aggressively though to be fair he's confused, sick of being beaten unconscious, electrocuted and doped up so control right now isn't a strong point_ what was that?

Cassidy: _Struggles a bit to stary conscious_ I was drunk... said "you were avoiding me"... you said "he looked exactly like me"... and I said "genetics are such a bitch"...

Z'ev: _hesitates. Cassidy's voice is indeed coming from the other captive that doesn't  look or smell anything like her. Then thinks of something only Cassidy would know._ what's my sister's name?

Cassidy: Which one? _Asks she knows both_

Z'ev: _foot moves quickly back ready to strike_ Wrong answer


Z'ev: _the force of the boot hits the create behind, missing Cassidy entirely. He tries to focus on her best as he can._ why...why do you look like...your brother?

And....the smell…

_nose wrinkles_

I...don't...don't understand. You should be.....oh..

Cassidy: A backfired plan... _Tries to sat up_

Z'ev: How'd...How'd you...find me? *sneezes* really do smell....

Cassidy: Sorry about that lemon grass tea Vincent told me canines hate it, hoped it would help... cover up. I waited at the station and saw the Emerald Claw getting on the train, decided to find out why they were hetr, over heard some guilds talking and put two and two together that you were here, and took a huge gamble it didn't pay off…

Z'ev: Not looking around Salvation for me seemed to. _smiles crookedly,  one side of his face is clearly still numb_  I...I'm sorry about last... you know....went to have a drink in the Salvation hotel....don't remember leaving....until

Cassidy: _Smiles back_ I hoped you would still come you promised, the train was leaving and... _Shrugs_ I was on it before I knew it, its maybe the most foolish thing I could have done, you left before I could tell you, my family has been in hiding from the Emerald Claw for generations

Z'ev: _tries to nod_ fair enough. _realises she would have gone even if he never showed as of now, can't exactly hide it with half of his face just not responding properly due to numbness_  Pyre took the Oracle...but I think the guard has it's no use to them long as they think it's a music box....have to get it back and this train....

Cassidy: Alright _It wasn't over til they were dead, manouvers herself pulling her legs up to her chest and tries to get hands under her legs and back in front_

_Cries out as her shoulder is too painful to rotate due to her injury_

Z'ev: _winces at the sound of her pain_  you could have asked.... my hands might be no good, but I still have teeth..

DM:There's a brief and very uncomfortable moment where human features change, morphing into a beast.

It is full on, but the horrors of war Cassidy has already lived through clearly were worse than watching muscles, sinews and skulls change shape

Z'ev: _ it really hurt to shift like that, But at least everything does feel fuzzy anymore. Shaking his head so fur stands out fluffed and intimidating,  he tries to shuffle across ( more like fall forwards) to reach Cassidy properly  and start gnawing through the rope. There's alot of dog like grunting, snorting and growls_

DM: It takes a while, but picking rope knots is not something the jaws of a canid were for. They are at least loosened up for Cassidy to get her hands free

Z'ev: _after freeing Cassidy's hand, he starts trying to loosen his own though has quite alot more difficulty with how the rope is cutting into his swollen hands. He knows right now they're quite useless,  but there's ways to get around that. Guns can be repurchased if he had to ditch them and his custom pistol remade, but the Oracle...for some reason it feels like it's calling to him, like all artifacts tend to do when he's found something worth studying._

_putting his conflicting emotions for Cassidy temporarily to one side, he focuses harder on trying to escape.  Afterall he's aware Pyre's next round of torture will be leathal, as his patience is wearing thing with his lack of adequate answers_

You free and able to climb?

Cassidy: _Unties herself now her hand is free_ Wait let me untie you _It hurts her to see him in so much pain, as she carefully unties him_ Your hand... _In her voice he can hear the deep concern she feels for his suffering_

Z'ev: Thank you. _gives Cassidy a quick lap across the cheek with his tounge_

Now... I can't climb...and after I stuck a boot in you probably shouldn't get roughed up... if I swing some weight around and cause a distraction,  could you climb over the top, grab the Oracle and grt out again? Will figure out the other carriages afterwards....

Cassidy: I'll definitely try

Z'ev: _feels a little guilty about that but not alot he can do to fix that...can't heal without working hands_

_he leads the way to the other side of the guard van to behind the last of the Cargo carriages. He helps boost Cassidy up onto the roof best he can before using all his weight to slam against the door hoping it will give way_

DM: He leaves a big enough dint in the door for the guard to come out and slide it open, it be greeted by a pair of canine jaws going straight for the throat. 

Z'ev: _jaws clench around the guards neck, dragging him downwards and towards the guard van_

DM: Z'ev manages to at least yank the guard across the gap into the guard van, but his jaws aren't designed for killing nor pulling,  the guard is let go mid pull and because he can't get his balance, falls beneath the wheels of the train

Z'ev: _looks st Cassidy,  breathing heavily aware that could have been him, but the blood on his snout doesn't make his expression anymore worrying_

Cassidy: _quite stunned at the close call, but quickly makes herself snap out of it, they may only have one chance to get this right_ We, ahhh better move before anyone, else comes... and don't ever do that again _That I'm a bit angry with you because you scared me comes out in her voice_

Z'ev: It's only one guard... I don't think I could do that around more than that, _helps Cassidy down_ Lycanthropes have it easy.

Blood rages, frenzy...lucky bastards

After you.  Let's find the thing and jump off this train.

Cassidy: Ahhh... _Looks like she has a problem_

Z'ev: What's wrong? I have something that'll make jumping off the train a lot safer than you think.

Kind of need them when visiting Sharn

Cassidy: No, my spell book, I need to get it back or I'm... screwed _Says for lack of a better word_

Z'ev: We can get another, you know them by heart to rewrite? I'm not happy about leaving weapons behind either, but they're replaceable

If there's too many guards on this train, we won't make it

Cassidy: Spells don't work that way, once used up we forget them and have to memorise them again, without it I'll have to start again _Cursing herself for not keeping a backup like her mother always told her to_

Z'ev: Then I don't know what to do. I Can't hold a weapon, and you can't take a hit…

Would nimble know them?

Cassidy: _Frustrated he didn't understand her spell book was everything! And this wasn't the time to argue about it_ If one of us can get it please try

Z'ev: _grabs Cassidy tightly. _ I don't think you understand _low growl_ books and spells are replaceable, shit you can get basic spells ANYWHERE you find a magewrite who sells scrolls.  There is however only one Cassidy....and you cannot be replaced.

I promise, when we get to Sharn we'll get a new book, I'll buy the most expensive one you want... just...please think a minute

Hell we can spend a week in the university libary

Sure to have spells there

Cassidy: _It hit her so hard it kind of scares her, how much he cares for her, how much he loves her, she hadn't really understood that til now, she feels ashamed by putting so much on what was a book in the end_ I'm sorry…

Z'ev: I have a broach of feather fall...if it doesn't work, there's at least me in the way of you hitting the ground... but it should work...wouldn't waste my time crafting the things.

We have to get the Oracle though...otherwise half the trip to Sharn would be wasted

I wasn't going to bring it, but Rath made a convincing argument about taking it to Flamewind...if I could fit it into my romancing schedule

_lets out a amused chuckle to break the tension_ Honestly I forgot about her and how she could help

I just wanted a romantic get away

It's in this carriage somewhere

Cassidy: Flamewind? Was that the gynosphinx from the unveiling?

Z'ev: _nods_ she's a bit of an Oracle herself.Rath making the suggestion is unusual as he finds her creepy

Frankly it didn't cross my mind

_starts hunting around the carriage _

Wish I could leave the stupid thing... but I also don't want to be responsible for another war

Cassidy: _Starts searching around its got to be somewhere on the floor_ Flamewind she's a clairvoyant than? _Asks_

Z'ev: I guess so. I don't understand some of the stuff she says to be fair. Been sent on Archeology digs for her and she's been pretty accurate on what was to be brought back. If anything the Oracle is better off in her care...who'd be stupid enough to steal from her?

As you're looking about Cassidy,  you find the Oracle sitting next to a book filled with terrible jokes in it. The guard obviously thought it was worth something as it's not damaged

Cassidy: Got it _Calls out_

Z'ev: Right. _leads way back towards the Guard van and out to the deck out the back. He holds onto Cassidy  tight after struggling to pin the broach of Feather fall to her newly found armour (which he is for certain going to take off the green wolf heads from it later with some decent and careful applications of Acid) and it begins to glow before they jump off the train_


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