Oracle of war AL 3

 9th of Olarune.

You eventually end up in Sharn, after a house of Orien merchant Caravan sighted you both along a coaching road and offered to take you the rest of the way for a small fee.

When you arrive in Sharn, the first thing Z'ev does is honour his word and take you to a Magewright shop in the middle partion of the epic city.

The store on the outside looks very old fashioned,  but inside it's full of everything a magic user needs. It's called Chantels Wand Emporium  and while indeed it stocks a ton of wands for wandslingers (Chantel makes them herself by hand) there are beautifully bound leather books, some of the more pricey ones are self writing...there's magnificent oakenwood staffs and all mannor of quality ingredients for spells.

She even sells spell scrolls, though they are ones anyone can typically obtain (cantrap, lvl 1 -2 ) but there is indeed more older more expensive ones behind the counter

Z'ev: _is looking his normal self, though probably needs some non bloodstained clothes and a bath_ choose whatever you need.  Promise is a promise.

Cassidy: _Gaves him a look unsure how he will react to it_ How do you feel about tattoos?

Z'ev: _shrugs. _ you already have a mark. Those can take over your body pretty quickly

_it's not like I already am going to have to get used to it in the bedroom he thinks...especially now you look like your twin_

_who shot me_

Cassidy: Just wanted to ask I know some dislike such body modifications, spells can be tattooed

Z'ev: _shurgs_ your body. I'm probably wrong one to ask. Tattoos are a part of my culture,  though I don't see the point when fur grows over them

Though I did say I'd replace your book and some spells. That's already going to be expensive. _is aware he will jot be able to afford a weapon of his own, but luckily everything else on this trip is paid for. Now within Sharn he can bill the Dezina Museum _

Cassidy: It was a thought but I would rather not _As she looks through the tones_ Z'ev I've been thinking, the book I showed you _Sure he knows what she means_ I could teach you Aerenal to read it, if you like…

Z'ev: _smiles_ that sounds like a challenge

Cassidy: _Smiles_ Its very important it has history that's unknown to most Aerenal, and shows bloodlines, going back... if anything happens to me please destroy it, its better its lost than the wrong people get their hands on it _Casually pulls out a book_

Z'ev: Sure. Sounds like a big weight that you shouldn't shoulder by yourself _he looks at the books with you and sees a very interesting but very plain brown leather volume. I hasva very impressive price tag and boasts the self writing ablity_ how about this one?

Cassidy: _Looks closer_ No _and puts it back pulling something more plane out_ That's too much if I lose it again _Stops and looks at him_ Thank you _says very genuine_ I... haven't truly trusted anyone for... a very long time, I know this is alot for you, and I'm truly sorry for that, as you have your own burdens to bear…

Z'ev: _ leans over to nuzzle her_ not at all.  Anything to help

Any spell scrolls?

Cassidy: _Careesses his cheek_ How many can I get? _Laughes at that_

Z'ev: Well..I'm just going to send the bill to the museum.  They owe me alot of backpay.

_as Cassidy looks at scrolls, Z'ev looks at the alchemy kits and spell ingredients as frankly those are familiar ground for him and are a common area of expertise where magic and science mingle. He's looking for something in particular as well as a new kit, as in a basic book for alchemic recipes to start replacing the one's he lost when his home went up in smoke several months back...and something very specific that he's hoping might just be in a magic shop. Afterall there's creatures hearts in jars and all sorts... but he's after something very...different _

_eventully he picks up a jar with what looks like a creatures heart inside, but something not typically used in spell creation. Besides, mini griffins,  nine tailed foxes, flying reindeer are all well and good -afterall he has a pet flying monkey- but something that can take commands and be a little more useful when trapped in a corner._

_he picks up a Siberys shard and some other bit's and peices he knows he needed for potion craft

After we're finished here, I was thinking we could go to the hotel I booked...clean ourselves up for the main event of the evening.  There's still enough time to get dressed, do a bit more shopping.... that sort of thing

Cassidy: light up_ I would love that

Z'ev: _holds her hand and gives it a playful squeeze.  At this point just sitting beside her would be enough for him to try reconnecting with her better_

After you big shopping trip, Z'ev takes you up to the higher levels of the city to a very grand front entrance of the Summer Set hotel, a fancy Chalate looking place that has veiws that look out from the edge of the city to the mountains and rivers below. It's an incredible vista.

After you've signed in and taken up to your room you are greeted with a very expensive and lush King's suite. Z'ev spared no expense on this.

Cassidy: This is absolutely stunning _Can hear she is very impressed as she looks out the windows_

Z'ev: _putting stuff down_ glad you like. Honestly never been here myself, but I know it's usually the 'Honeymoon suite" because it's the fanciest one I could find.

Before we clean up to go and join the festivities in Oceanveiw district, I have a few things I need to do with the stuff I bought...if you don't mind Cassidy.

Cassidy: Honeymoon _Puts her arms around his neck_ Something you want to tell me? _Teasers_

Z'ev: _pulls out the jar with the creepy beating heart inside, along with some dead animals of various descriptions _

Hmm? No just thought after all the dust and living in the dirt of Salvation it would be a nice change.

Cassidy: Oh _Seeing the jar_ Well have fun with that, _not at all phased by such things_ I'm to take a long bath.

_She sits on the bed taking her boots off and thinks to ask_ What's your view on necromancy? _Hoping it's not too random to suddenly ask_

Z'ev: Well, let's see...if what I'm about yo do works then... guess I'm fine with it in small amounts. Not all necromancy is bad, just like not all monsters are. It's how you use it I guess. Some say healing spells and the like are Necromancy and well.. if it stops someone dying or from the brink then I guess so. Why do you ask? _carefully starts to carve bits of dead creatures and carefully laying them out_ I might have enough left over for something extra. A surprise if you will. Don't worry I'll wash. I don't enjoy taxidermy a lot but I just need to do it because...frankly the stuff I used to have written in journals in my house was quite expansive and I'm only just remembering bits as I go...making notes of everything again before I forget them for good. They might be useful for someone 

Cassidy: I know some believe it a truly evil practice, but to us Aerenal it's more a central part of our culture, those known as the undying court elves who achieve great deeds in their lives, live on through necromancy guiding in the ruling of the Aerenal

Z'ev: _looks up_ really? That's impressive.  A way to preserve the knowledge of your ancestors.  I assume they hold many secrets that someone like me wouldn't be allow to know...out of historical curiosity

Cassidy: Only those worthy can become part of them, when I teach you to read the book its all in there, even from the beginning when elves were enslaved by giants.

Z'ev: Giants? I thought those were... stories

Cassidy: _Gets a cheeky grin_ No there real same as dragon and you and me, but you'll have to read it to find out

DM: The bits of creatures Z'ev has been putting together are starting to twitch

Z'ev: _grins, his Archeologist interests are indeed piqued _ again, that sounds like a challenge. You know I know Dwarvish and can read ancient Dhakaani.

Cassidy: Then I expect you'll be a good student, far better than some I tutored at the university, who only wanted to know how to curse _Rolls her eyes_

Z'ev: _laughs_ yes, that is the nature of students. Until they realise everything they learned that was useful they didn't understand and can't get a job.

_starts doing some very careful stiching_

Sounds like I'm going to be doing a lot of research to keep up with you. I don't know what I can offer in return…

Cassidy: You're offered plenty, I wanted to do something for you in return…

Z'ev: Really?

Cassidy: I worry I seem cold I don't think I remember how to show I care, back than _She means the war_ I saw so many die, those I was friends with... it just became easier to stop getting to know anyone... it hurts less when they... _Feels tears threatening_

Z'ev: _sighs _ I know. Why do you think I try hanging onto the few I have? We don't always get along...but we're all just holding whatever we can together. just got to  give in and let others get close.

DM: There's a flapping noise from the table and a big grin crossing Z'ev's face. He sits back and let's Cassidy take a look at his abomination/ creation

It's smaller than the real thing of course, the face of a barn owl, wings and body of a bat with crows feet and horns of a jackalope. It hoots and flaps its wings, making cooing noises.

Z'ev: I saw the heart of a Kipine...and I thought I could probably make a homunculus with it. It's..been a while since I have..._he coughs_ they...leave a good scar on you.

DM: On the chest of the little homunculus you can see a pattern in it's fur, kinda like a talisman. As Z'ev rubs his neck you can now see at the back of it the same symbol has mysteriously appeared on his fur

Z'ev: When I first was shown how, the mark showed up in my inner thigh....wasn't supposed to but I know more since then.

Cassidy: Ahhh congratulations it's a... is it a boy? _Trying to bring to mood back up_

Z'ev: House of Cannith was useful...even if they killed many in the process...I feel ashamed they taught me so much and yet build killing machines...and just..._sighs heavily _ I don't want to think about it

It's not anything. Usually you make them out of metal, clockwork and clay...but why not from flesh?

Cassidy: _Comes over to him and puts her arms around his neck while standing behind him_ Let's not talk about it anymore than _Kiss him on the cheek_ Think it's time for a bath don't you?

Z'ev: And there's still animal parts left. Perfect for one more thing....but It'll have to wait..._pinches his nose_ It'll take a bit for it to transfer what I know into shares your can be...a little taxing. I think I'm ready for that wash…

_leans into her embrace _ Still not great after the fun on the train...even with healing afterwards.

Cassidy: I'll be gentle than promise. I'm not one hundred percent as well.

Z'ev: _smiles and brings her into a deep kiss, searching and exploring softly lettinf her do so in return_

Cassidy: _Moans with pleasure enjoying the taste of him, she breaks off and take his hand pulling him up from the chair and guiding him over to the tub_

Z'ev: _starts nuzzling her affectionately_ may I? _tugs at her clothing_ pamper you first while it's hot.

_runs hand through the water and the drips some across some of Cassidy's exposed skin, watching her reaction_

Cassidy: You spoil me _enjoying his touch on her bare skin_

DM: Z'ev helps Cassidy off with her armour, the heavy weight gear hitting the floor with a thud, along with the rest as she's slowly undressed ready for the bath.

Z'ev: _picks up a spounge_ ready?

Cassidy: _Smirkes_ Always. _Getting into the tub and sinking down into the hot water was a nirvana in of its self, as the water worked to relieve aches and pains of the last few days_

Z'ev: _removes his jacket which also makes an impressive thud on the floor, a reminder that it's also pretty damn heavy despite it looking fashionable.  Removing his shirt also he proceeds to pick up the spounges and starts filling it with water and drizzling it over Cassidy's now short and rather messy hair cut. _ when we're finished, let me fix this'll look very sleek and not look like you were hit with a hedgehog.

_he gently starts massaging the tension out of her shoulders and neck while wetting her body with the sponge, caressing it lovingly but also still rough enough to get at all the knots...occasionally nipping in places because he just can't help himself but be playful _

_he lathered up his paws and started to massage a scented shampoo into her hair, something he remembered about a special flower they had was a pain to acquire but eventually he found someone who would sell it. He runs his fingers through her hair, trying to make her feel good before he has to rinse it out_

Cassidy: _Gods it felt so good him working her stiff muscles she hadn't realised how tight they were_ Brought a potion from the lady at the emporium, meant to grow hair, said it was mostly used by bald man or these with thinning hair, but I'm not sure how much to use _Runs her fingers over the scar_ And this…

Z'ev: I'm sure it can be fixed... as for your hair, I'm a wonder with a razor. You'll have something very stylish when I'm done I assure you. _keeps lavishing the attention _

Mr.grayson: _from the bag he poofs out and onto a dresser to get a full veiw_ aw yeah...this is a sweet reward…

_wolf whistles_

Cassidy: _Not at all surprised to see him again, she almost groans aloud, can't say it wasn't off-putting to have him watching, especially when she could do little about it, without Z'ev noticing_

Mr.grayson: _is aware he's a voyeur but doesn't care as frankly if this is the only entertainment he gets as a feind, he's going to enjoy it._

Z'ev: _while Cassidy is relaxing, eye closed, he gets up and takes the rest of his kit off before slipping in the large tub with her. The water has cooled down enough that the tepid temperature is ideal and the sulfer smell that accompanied the hot water has started to disappear.  Water that imitates that of a hot spring is all well and good, but the artificially heated stuff just doesn't smell as inviting as it's supposed to. He gets the sponge and starts washing Cassidy slowly down the front soaking in the sight and letting her enjoy it because lately there's been little opportunity to have simple pleasures. His hands caresses her breasts, her sides and across her belly as he explores and pampers her body. _ you're beautiful,  you know that?  You could probably have as many lovers as you wanted with a  figure so incredibly lovely as queen. _chuckles as he adds the last bit_ 

_finds himself sinking into the water as he lifts Cassidy's legs up to wash them, rub down her calves and give a foot massage_

Cassidy: What? _She is quite taken back by this, the sins she has committed makes her see herself as a truly ugly individual, if he knew all she had done, what she was still doing would he still think that? It's why she can't say she loves him, her fear of losing him stops her from being honest_ You really think that?

Z'ev: _nods_ I do.

Cassidy: _Pulls her legs back and moves over to him putting her arms around she leans into him_ You're the only one I want.

Z'ev: _still aware he's got a lot of dried blood and dirt stuck in his fur, especially from when he went for the throat of the Emerald Claw Guard_ Never had anyone say that to me before. _rests his forehead against hers_

Never...never had anyone special until now. Didn't think it'd ever happen you ever think about what would happen if.. someone with a shorter life where to suddenly leave...does that worry you?

Does that affect how you see others as friends and lovers?

Sorry, it's...been sitting in my mind like a don't have to answer Cas... _ moves his head to rest on her shoulder as he holds her close_

Cassidy: I... didn't know you were thinking these things... What worries me the most? That you'll be gone and I'll go on without you? Maybe remaining alone, or there maybe someone else one day? _Wants to understand his fears_

Z'ev: _holding her slender frame, he can feel all her well honed muscles tense up as she queries, which was not the plan_  No, not really. I'll enjoy it for as long as it lasts.  It's more so I'm worried about must be hard knowing that anyone you bring close  to you that isn't long lived will eventually cause heartbreak because they're gone faster than you  get to know them for. _ pulls back and just let's himself sink onto the water. His skin is getting humid underneath the fur that isn't wet already_

Cassidy: How long do you think elves live? _It was a simple question but she wanted to know_

Z'ev: _is probably under longer than necessary,  but resurfaces and looks a bit cleaner than before, though some blood staining on fur just won't come off._  well, you've already lived longer than me...and say you have another hundred on top of that...and I know that well, I don't get to live beyond eighty if I'm lucky....something to do with being a species that's an amalgamation of two others I guess…

Lycans live for a long time, several centuries if left alone....humans well...and I'm a mix of the two from years of evolution. We got the short end of the they say anyway.

Cassidy: _Takes this all in and thinks on it_ I don't think I can say for certain, I may live for two hundred you may live for eighty, but life isn't so certain, I could be gone before you…

Z'ev: That, that is true.  part of me is still amazed and a little bewildered you find interest in something as supposedly savage _he snorts at that and grins because he knows he tries to be everything others of his race just accept they are because they're expected to_ guess everything I've ever been told is wrong. Shouldn't listen to strangers and read the newspaper romance and dating sections _lets out an amused chuckle_

Cassidy: _Laughs amused_ If you ever meet my mother and Blanca, there such opposites that most can't understand how they are together, but there is no denying they love each other, they had Vincent as well... some let differences divide them too much I think

Z'ev: You keep telling me about your other brother... What makes him different? I mean, Khorvaire aren't as strange as you might think _making the assumption Vincent is half elf and half human_

Cassidy: Vince no, his not half Khorvaire, his half Aerenal half shifter... _Just let's that sink in_

Z'ev: _brow sort of knots together _ really?  So this...isn't unheard of then.

Cassidy: Seems not his living proof, though it's rare from what I understand, I didn't know it was possible till I meet him

Z'ev: not someone you grew up with? _starts looking for the soap. Soaking isn't getting him clean_

Cassidy: Here let me _Holds her hand out for the soap_ Can I ask you something?

Z'ev: Sure, go ahead _hands her the soap_

Cassidy: Pyre, are you related by blood? _Carefully starts working on some of the blood staining_

Z'ev: If you mean the same parents, of course. _ he grabs Cassidy's arm _ not so rough. Fur isn't like hair...there's two layers _he shows her by parting the wet hairs to show her the undercoat which is surprisingly not wet wnd soapy. He guides her hand and shows her how to get it clean by being slower and more gentle. _ you work it in real good, massage it into the strands otherwise you don't get at the dirt and strip the oils out. The oils keep my skin healthy and clean... kinda like with your hair, keeps the dirt out. You don't want dandruff all me. 

The massage helps stimulate the hair to make the oils after having a bath. Sure, it makes a musky odor but it's better than scratching. The oils also keep out ticks and have no idea how big a problem those can be in some places. Not all inns and hotels are as  tidy as they should be....ummm you're going to probably find me pretty pungent for a while _ had forgotten that they had their first time not long after him having a wash but he can't be certain she was attracted to him because she had been drinking and he had been kind by trying to look out for her or because he was very musky, something that would usually put other races off romancing his species but would send his own crazy as the smell declares how fit, healthy and desirable a mate you are for breeding with. Humans, Lycans and animals he decided a long time ago had it extremely didn't have the added complications of looking attractive via your fur condition,  it's colour, patterns markings,what decorations you had in it, what species you could shift into because that gives your offspring a fifty-fifty chance to be one of the other heck even where you show your shifting abilities were a huge deal...Z'ev fully aware those who only got tougher skin, other body parts morphing and getting stronger were more desirable than someone who became more intimidating because their head could shift....and even then that was no guarantee you could predict your children would shift the same way. Z'ev knew he would never be able to explain all of that to Cassidy and have it make any sense. Since the purge by the Silver Flame that sort of knowledge was lost to his own people along with their culture and everything else. They started to assume they were the product of Human and Lycanthropes breeding together for centuries creating a new species but something about that never sat right with him... mostly as that's what the silver flame told them...your genetic abilities is because you're a mongrel species. It was why he wanted to study Archeology to try_

_and solve the mystery because there can't just be nothing before the purge. They were around when the Goblins had an incredibly technologically advanced civilisation on Khorvaire, one that was of steam and coal and didn't use magic. He hoped digging around in their history would yield something....but so far he found nothing. Unless he can ask the dragons who made the world he was probably going to die not knowing anything of his own people._ Look, Cassidy I know it's hard to understand why siblings would have different creature traits and shifting abilities...truth is we shifters don't really know why it happens either. We lost that information a long time ago and while many probably don't care enough about it..._swallows hard_  I do. I want to know what were were before the Silver Crusade commited genocide of my people and my culture. I don't buy the evolution from Humans and Lycanthropes breeding story. We're not like either of them. All elders that would have passed that stuff one were murdered, leaving nothing. I can't explain why myself and Pyre are different despite being related by blood. There were no other shifters in the village and the only reason we weren't driven out was because my parents kept the Lycanthropes and Humans living in sister Dawn currently does that now. Without her, the Silver Flame would come back and kill everyone. Lycans didn't deserve to be hunted because some idiots got it into their heads to fight back and take back their lands from the humans that declared it theirs from nowhere. Usually they're peaceful people....but do you blame them? They were losing farmland and hunting grounds to invaders....we were just unfortunately in the middle.  "We don't own the land" as halfings say, "It owns us."

But I'll try my hardest to be your best student.  Never know, might find something useful in your history that might help me find mine.

Cassidy: Mmm _Responds mostly because she concentrating on getting right, how he showed her to clean his fur, she hoped it was pleasurable what she was doing_ I love your passion and drive, we're alike in that we both seek knowledge, I hope in some way I bring you closer to finding answers _Now on his shoulders and neck she applies a little more pressure moving her thumbs in a circular motion, working at the tight muscles there maybe it was the heavy jacket or more likely the weight he bared on himself that caused the tension she could feel_

 Z'ev: Not for you to stress .....about ....mmmm .....thank you. _just gives into her attention she's lavishing out on him, it feels incredibly nice like something in his brain just opening up the floodgates of euphoria as it just feels that good to be touched to start with_ you don't....need too....uhhh .....hmmmm…

_there's an obvious growl of pleasure _

Will fix that armour .....for you..._mumbles between the little sounds of enjoyment _ maybe use some of the leather from my jacket to add to it....make it look more ...magical...I can always get another jacket.

Cassidy: Don't go and sacrifice, alot for it, removing that symbol I've really appreciated _A long life meant you picked up a lot of different skills, and she had found a point in his shoulder out of place_ Can you put your arm across your chest out straight for a moment…

Z'ev: It's no trouble, honestly.  You should look good while showing off your advanced skill afterall. _does as he's told and winces in pain as it hurt to move his arm into position_

Cassidy: _She rotates his shoulder a little before pulling and pushing it into place there's a crack and he gasp, from surprise and a feeling of relief but mostly how good it suddenly feels_ That's better

DM: Back at the table the strange looking homunculus had been indeed listening and had started laying out leather working tools and the smiths tools and grabbin the alchemist jacket to start carefully unthreading the stitching. It runs on a pretty decent level of telepathy, at least as long as it's first carrying out an instruction

Z'ev: Where'd...where'd you learn how to do that? _moves his arm and it feels normal, like whatever was wrong is all gone._ I thought I got shrapnel or something lodged there

Cassidy: You tent to pick things up when... you live long, I've noticed it wasn't quite right since you broke it.

Z'ev: _if he could blush, then he'd be doing so right now._ thank you. You're  really something special you know?

Cassidy: Stop your making me blush _Laughs in good humour_

Z'ev: It suits you. _leans back against her, head resting in the crook of her neck_

Cassidy: _Runs her fingers through his hair just enjoying being close to him_ By the way when was the dinner reservations for?

Z'ev: Tempting to just not go to the main event tonight....but seeing the carvings and the Crystals being shattered and set adrift towards the river is usually beautiful as the sun sets. Dinner? you been to the Diamond theater before? It's classer than The Ten Torches theater restaurant,  more spacious too. And definitely no opera.

Cassidy: Oh I love Luca Syara plays _Excited by the thought_

Z'ev: Yes, I'm hoping she's still preforming there. Rumour has it some of the upper echelon want her to preform for the rich only.

We.. probably should be getting ready.._nuzzles into Cassidy _

Cassidy: _Seeking his lips she pulls him into a deep kiss_ Are you sure? _Says when she breaks away_

Z'ev: Well we have a few nights to do what we like if we just want to hang around in here...but it would be a shame to miss Crystalfall. _kisses her back with alot of affection_ besides..this water's getting freezing.

Cassidy: Mmm _Agreeing_ I have a new dress too…

Z'ev: Ohh now that I won't want to miss seeing enhance your already enchanting figure.

_sits up and helps her out before getting out too, though he does brush his lips against Cassidy's wet skin before doing so._

Cassidy: _Can't help giggling as she reaches for a towel_ Oh and Z'ev... I like your smell either way…

Z'ev: _grins_ well it's not something I can make go away....

DM: As you both dry off and start getting dressed,  you glimpse Z'ev picking up your adopted armour and giving it to the creature he created and giving it some instructions before getting dressed himself in something that's a geat deal more elaborate than anything he's ever worn on a date before. Glamourweave is a beautiful magic fabric and something usually not worn by many men unless they're performers or nobles and even then they're items that look like they're on fire, or running water or in some cases animated landscapes that have bird sing as the wearer moves.

Z'ev didn't go that crazy, but the deep midnight blue suit with the void black shirt and the shimmering blue cravat with matching jewel was rather stunning...but the most impressive thing about the outfitwas how it looked like stars twinkled inside the fabric, as if the night sky was indeed infused into the weave.

Z'ev: _trying to fix the broach but having a hard time because of the ruff._  You know, I haven't worn anything like this since my mother's funeral. Sure she was a drunkard,  but many witches...wise woman were. Didn't mean they weren't smart, they just thought better when the world was on the hazy side. 

_smiles softly as if he's recalling something he likes thinking about_  My parents built the cottage in a place they thought they would be left alone from the war. Turns out, they ended up seeing many Aundair refugees fleeing to the Reaches, mostly woman and children....or just children found wandering around after their villages were burned to the parents started to look after as many as they could, eventually building homes and just a small community where they could be safe. My father got on with a nearby werewolf and werebear tribe which were more than happy to trade food from hunts for clothing and other things the refugees in the village could make for them. Eventually the tribes began to mingle with the humans and we ended up with a pretty big village of multiple different cultures....and it was held together all because of my parents.  They'd do anything to keep the people there safe, the Lycanthropes provided protection and the humans provided care and other things they could do together were pretty amazing, growing up. Guess it's why I never bought the Silver Flame Mongrel race theory....I know lycans and humans who have kids together.  They don't become like me. They're born one, or the other. We never knew any other least until we stepped outside our little bubble. I don't even think Dawn knows any because she never left.....we're not scarce by any means....just scattered.

Anyway, how do I look? Presentable? _ tries to fix the suits jacket_

Cassidy: _After drying off Cassidy threw her towel over Mr Grayson, ending his peep show, and heads into the powder room, where she puts on the ivory white lingerie she picked up, something she had hoped he would really like as well._

_Satting at the vanity unite she uses a concealer that was meant to cover any imperfections the women had assured her that included scars, as she applied it spoking words of power to active it, and was pleasantly surprised to see the scar gone as if it were never there, with foundation applied over mascara next and lines her eyes in a coral based Aerenal liner that was especially black, made her emerald eyes stand out more so._

_Finally colours her nails with a scarlet red paint that was a applied by a simple spell touching her lips they turn the same red as well_ 

Your family is so much more noble sounding than mine... I think Vincent would be very interested, he studies holistic medicine and healing, biology seems to be part of that, I think due to how individuals of different races react and metabolise things, but he has a general interest as well

_Half of this was just to see if he was listening, he had been just standing in the doorway for a few moments now, her lingerie seemed to be having the desird effect, she looked at him now, finishing colouring her lips_ Well now so very handsome, think you'll be the one turning heads tonight _Gets up from the table and goes over to him now to fix his jacket_

Z'ev: _gives a polite cough_ kind of spoiling your suprise early to me huh? _is amused_

Cassidy: I haven't even got to the dress yet _Smirks. Satisfied his jacket's right, she returns to the table and picks up a glass vial_ Not sure about this, too much and my hair maybe to the floor or even longer…

Z'ev: _gabs her hand before she tips the vial on her hair._ let me at least attempt a fix first. If you don't like it then...go nuts.

Cassidy: Alright I don't really an ambition to be the next Holakrana _A story of an elven lady who grow her hair so long it could be used as a rope_

Z'ev: _he guides her back to her swat by the dresser and takes out some scissors and a comb and starts to fix up Cassidy's hair_

_is covering the badly cut areas with curls, making a new part and in effect giving it a little more volume than it did after her impromptu hair cut. It looks lovely and to top it off he pins a broach of feather fall into it, since being in Sharn and most walkways don't have secure railings it doesn't hurt to carry one on your person._ you may want a proper hair salon if you're going to use a potion of regrowth but this will probably be alright for now. Hope it's alright... I mean I think so but it's your decision in the end to keep or to get it done properly

Cassidy: Oh ancestors I love it thank you, I had no idea what to do with it _Hugs him_

Z'ev: _gives he a deeply passionate kiss_  your welcome.

Cassidy: I don't want to ruin the rest til I'm ready…

Z'ev: Ok, well I'll wait for you in the lobby. _kisses her again, this time alot longer so she knows he'll be waiting_

Cassidy: _Gets him a playful smack on the arm_ Go, go or we'll never get there

Z'ev: You're not making it easy..._smiles_ _leaves Cassidy to get ready_

Cassidy: _All but having to push him out the door, finally unboxes her dress its silver in with a black tasseled trim embroidered with 1000 of gold and coloured sequins that shimmered when caching the light she finished the look with heels in the same silver and a pair of pearl tear drop earings, as she putting the earings in she returned to the bedroom and pulled the towel off Mr Grayson_ You were gone a long time, what happened after we left the train? See or hear anything interesting? _Though he maybe in a bad after not getting more souls, but after the free entertainment of wacthing them he may not be_

Mr.grayson: Not particularly.  I did find myself rolling in some mud at some point. Must have thrown me out with all your stuff. But hey since we're bound by contract it's not like I can go far from you....embarrassing as that is for me.

Cassidy: It doesn't really matter if they did, Cedric knows why I'm around, it's just now he will take my soul or force me to take his…

DM: In the background the Homunculus is busy crafting something to specific instructions.  It's too busy on it's task to pay attention to much else. It is a servent for it's master afterall

Cassidy: I'm going keep out of trouble _Says as she heads out the door.

Mr.grayson: Like that's ever worked...ah bugger _gets transported into her handbag because of the contract binding them . it's just as inconvenient for the demon as it is Cassidy _

Z'ev: _looks at the time of the big clock in the lobby_ wonder where she got to?

Cassidy: _Takes the elevator down to the lobby, and almost breaks into a run realising she was longer than she thought_ Sorry, lost track of time. 

Z'ev: _is taken aback by her stunning outfit, keeps himself from having his jaw hit the floor. Heads were already looking at him out of interest because shifters are rarely seen dressed to the nines but now... with Cassidy as glamorous as she is joining him they're definitely getting watched by a lot of people. He takes her by the and and kisses her cheek_  You look amazing. Are you sure you're not secretly an actress?

Cassidy: _Amused_ Very funny but thank you , I should be less stand out for reasons you know but... the nine hells with it, hide in plain sight as they say

Z'ev: _grins excitedly _ You only get one life, should try to live it as much as possible. _ winks and then taking her by the hand he leads her out of the hotel_

DM: At the Oceanveiw park, many people dress in exquisite finery are flocking together around these massive Crystal sculptures, the artisans standing proudly around their creations as the sun set makes them glow in beautiful incandescent rainbows, perfect for the judging of them before they are all pushed off the edge of the gardens platform and into the sea millions of miles below. The veiw from these gardens is simply breathtaking,  here you can see where the land meets the sea, though you don't want to go too close to the edge or that maybe the last thing you'll ever see.

The houses here are very opulent,  this is a rich neighbourhood afterall where the only way you'd be allowed to move in would be by vote from the existing residents so regardless of how much money you have, unless you flashed it around in the form of bribes you wouldn't even be able to purchase a stable, let alone a house.

The towers of OceanView are among the highest in the city, allowing a beautiful view of the water to the south. The central spires are surrounded by luxurious mansions and well-kept gardens. Private guards stand at the gates of most of the manors, and strangers are watched carefully. Infact the only reason you were allowed in at all was because of a small argument Z'ev had with a guard over his ID papers, apparently the fire that destroyed his home in the middle echelon of the city had gotten around despite him only ever dealing with the high class as patrons for Archaeological reasons with the Museum.

As you wander around this glorious park with all these rich folk, mingling, drinking champagne and eating elaborate delicate finger foods, eventually you both stop to admire this massive crystal spire.

As your standing there, a unusual lady seems to spot you in the crowd and start coming towards you. She's dress sort of like a druid, but more like an astronomer, her outfit glittering like the heavens and very much looking as if they're here as an ambassador from somewhere not from around Sharn. She has a long braided plat of silvery white adorned with silver charms and her face... is furry, covered with a myrtle bluish grey pattern over her left eye. She throws her arms open wide and says:

Iris: Z'EV! Oh my goodness! It's really you! _arms fling around him tightly _ I thought you were dead! Where've you been? _slaps him_ Dawns been worried out of her mind! Why haven't you written if you've been alive this whole time!

Z'ev: Iris? Thought you were at the Planar Observatory?

Iris: I am, I am..._waves it off_ here on official business,  the usual. Aundair and The Silver flame can't keep their stupid hands off the Reaches despite us being a nation now...all the fun with that.... _sees Cassidy and smiles_ And who might you be? You must be a friend of my brothers! Are you keeping him out of trouble? Bet that's not hard to do, he's easy to baby sit this one…

Z'ev: Hey! _ almost barks in annoyance _ Not the time or place Iris!

Iris: _reaches out to shake Cassidy's hand, egnorring her brother_ Iris Ozone of the Planar Observatory in Eldeen Reaches. And you might be?

Cassidy: Cassidy D' Sekinth it's nice to meet you _Doesn't have a job description on a count of not having one anymore_

Z'ev: She's my date

Iris: What? _looks shocked_ No way...why would you want to date my brother? Seriously you'd want someone like Pyre, now he's a real man if any lad-

_stops because Z'ev is glaring at her_

Well well fancy bumping into you here...well Dawn will just be so ecstatic to know your ok!

_to herself and out loud_ and dating too..ohhh so exciting!

Z'ev: _is embarrassed _ er...please don't. Better for now she doesn't know, especially if she's been in contact with Pyre…

Iris: Oh... why not?

Z'ev: We'll explain later...right now we're just enjoying a night out.

Iris: _can't stop staring at Cassidy _ you know, you remind me of someone…

Z'ev: Iris…

Iris: No you definitely do! Come, come! Join us for a glass of bubbly! _ she grabs Cassidy by the arm and starts leading her away, almost as if she's skipping joyously under her heavy garments, leaving her brother to follow behind_

DM: Eventually,  she stops infront of a group who look like they're definitely not from around Ocean veiw let alone Sharn and while finely dressed, the druids and mixed armour of the guards of the Reaches haven't quite got an official uniform yet. One of the druids is a half orc, a Guard who looks very Human but very much got a look of the wild about them and someone Cassidy will recognise.

The tallest of the group, is at first glance an Aerenal elf with a hair colour strikingly similar to Cassidy,  but the white forelock is on the opposite side and the hair is worn in dreadlocks tied back with silver beads like Iris. On closer look you can see his eyes are more round than Almond, his skin covered in a fine layer of brownish fur and his jaw doesn't quite sit right, because as he speaks, two tusks can be seen in his lower jaw, not quite big enough to stick out, but enough to give him a very square underbite as he smiles and nods towards you

Vincent: Hello, Cassidy. You look nice this evening.

Iris: Wait? You know each other? _whistles_ jinkies it's a small world!

Cassidy: Vincent! _Throws her arms around him_ I'm so happy to see you I'm sorry I left without telling you and... everything _She really hoped he wasn't upset with her_

Iris: _give Z'ev a nudge_ clearly you weren't the first huh?

Z'ev: _rolls his eyes at his youngest sibling _ Vincent is her brother. _ when Cassidy has stopped hugging him he offers to shake his hand_ it's nice to finally meet you,  I've heard alot about you

Vincent: _looking at Cassidy _ all good stuff I hope?

Cassidy: Of course what would I say bad about you?

Vincent: _nods_ of course. Though I know nothing about you.

Iris: Oh that's fine! My brother's not that exciting to talk about…

Z'ev: Iris _hisses_ A word? _Takes her aside and leaves Cassidy in the company of Vincent. The guard is busy keeping watch as the Orc druid is talking to someone else _

Vincent: _very softly spoken_ You're looking well. Life treating you fairly?

I mean you're still alive so I presume you haven't run into him yet.

_eyes narrow_ between you and me, rather have you around than Cedric.  Word gets around,  even in the Reaches. It's not like the Gatekeepers don't talk about what the Demons are up to... they keep a close eye on any they're aware of.

Cassidy: That's sweet of you to say but if I had a choice wouldn't be dealing with them at all, I did run into his joined the Emerald Claw I've no idea what his thinking

Vincent: They don't know of..yours...but his gets mentioned a lot. That isn't good.

Cassidy: There's more... I've recently got a dragon mark…

Vincent: _gives you a worried look_ that's... that's not good. They'll start sending hunters from Aerenal if they sense you. The only reason we weren't killed was our family were good at keeping low and getting as far from the place as possible.  What do you plan to do?

DM: Over with Z'ev, Iris is lecturing him on  mating rituals and how elves wouldn't understand them and other things that Z'ev is just eye rolling and asking where she heard all this garbage, and then says all this is because his little sister is jealous  and then there's a lot of shouting, pouting and denying everything just like little siblings do when the sibling they admire is possibly going to no be there as they're now off having a life of their own...

Vincent: It's not like I haven't been keeping a low profile myself...but the Emerald Claw isn't bothered with the Reaches...yet. Honestly,  you'd think those that support the damn dragon and our bloodline would be...less fanatical? _bares his tusks a bit_

Cassidy: That's good to hear I'm glad to see your safe and well

Vincent: Yes... for now at any rate. I'm here because of other...affairs

Cassidy: Oh such as?

Vincent: As Iris said, there's rumours that Aundair are planning to invasion...via the Silver Flame, saying it's to finish the clean up the Lycan disease....but the keepers have known how to cure it since the start of the war, thanks to some very crafty Shifters. There's been peace in the area for so long the king of Aundair thinks something  is going on and wants every creature screened by an inquisition to root out Lycanthropes with this illness....which to me sounds like an excuse to kill anyone with that blood, a second purge. Even the old one doesn't want that. He's afraid his people will be slaughtered and he's right, they won't discriminate. There's more than Lycanthropes lives on the line, but the few elves, humans, orcs and shifters who live with them.It's not something you need to trouble yourself with, though it seems my assistant envoy is getting your _frowns in mild disappointment _ date involved. You're not going to repeat mum's mistake are you? Sure, I'm a fine gentleman but...being torn between two worlds is not as fun for a child as it sounds.

Cassidy: I haven't even told him everything, not sure how he will react, it actually scares me…

Vincent: _looks up and watches Iris and Z'ev a few minutes,  things seem to have been sorted out between them at the very least, before he looks back at Cassidy with his beautiful animal shapes eyes with long lashes_  you should end it

Cassidy: It's not your business Vincent. _Irritated, that he would tell her what she should do in her personal life_

Vincent: It is. It's a life I've struggled to live with for almost a hundred years, with another two hundred to sit through. Other Aerenal bullied, chastised and harassed me and the jobs I was given were that of a slave. The few Shifters I have met treat me with extreme distrust, they know I'm not one of them. They will never be Aerenal,  nor will they be Shifter...they will be forever on the outside. _his eyes narrow as he looks over to Iris again. _ There may be a few exceptions,  however you are my half sister and Iris is my student.  That's the only charity I'll take from anyone. _the tusks show again, a reminder that while he can't really shift properly, he did get blessed with some boar like qualities that while he may be friendly,  he does have a few unpleasant tendencies _  _holding a grudge is one of them. _

DM: Cassidy,  as your following Vincent's gaze you can see the subtle twitch of Z'ev's ears...something you've noticed he does when he's listening out for you or others in a busy room (especially in a place like a busy pub) and you are well aware he's listening,  though not sure what he's heard. You've been around him long enough to notice this, as you've started doing the same.

Cassidy: Vince calm down please, your getting worked up over something that may never happen, the possibility is very low you know that.

Vincent: _snorts_  not now you have the mark. Your ability to have kids will be twice as high...I've studied our bloodline as much as you have and know what Grandmother did to stop us getting it and passing our bloodline on to outsiders.I know what they did to mother. Only alive because they didn't know my elven blood. If they did...I'd be dead too.

Cassidy: _Shudders at the thought_

Vincent: The only good thing about the Observatory is stars can't judge you. Wish I didn't have to teach students,  they're a waste of potential.

DM: Iris starts coming back over and looks a bit ashamed of herself,  gives a look at her brother quickly before talking to Cassidy

Iris: _bows profusely _ I'm sorry! I was just joking around! Honest! _looks guilty_ it's just... you've been spending time with my brother the entire time I thought he was dead...and I got jealous. 

Sure, I have two of them...but you've had my favourite one all to yourself.  _pouts_

Cassidy: Oh its ok, that's understandable _Its hard under Vince's disapproving gaze_

Z'ev: _has undone the broach on his cravat and removed it, is feeling very uncomfortable and is slower to return to the group_

Iris: promise to look after him for me won't you? I mean...I don't understand what I was told other than you guys saved a whole damn town and you saved his life more than once....would you promise to keep doing that?

Z'ev: _sighs_ Iris....she doesn't have to promise anything. You're just a worry wort.

Vincent: _eyes really narrow and there's a small upturn in his nose_ Iris, we have some important duties to attend to, so we need to say our least for now. Maybe we'll run into you again soon _hints at Cassidy that next time hopefully she's dropped this...walking carpet_

Cassidy: Take care _Knowing their not parting on the best of terms now_

Iris: Awww.... _looks disappointed_ Well work is work! It was a nice break while we got it. _gives Cassidy a hug and then gives her brother a very tight one_ promise to message on a sending stone sometime ok? Just... don't leave our Dawn in the dark. She...hasn't been the same since know.

Z'ev: _hugs her back just as tight _ I will. Least I know where to send a letter if need be._as he goes over to be civil and shake Vincent's hand who is clearly doing so begrudgingly, he purposely stands on Vincent's toes and applies all his weight on it before leaning in and saying in a low growl_ ezzel a hozzáállással nem csoda, hogy senki sem fog megbízni benned.  Iris egyértelműen jobban járhat egy jobb tanárral, és ami a nÅ‘véred velem való kapcsolatát illeti ... meg fogjuk egymást dobni, bármennyire is szeretnénk köszönetet mondani.

_ he let's go of Vincent's hand and removes his weight off his foot before smiling at his sister before taking Cassidy's arm and walking into the crowd.

Cassidy: What did you say? what did you say? _The last she sees of Vince is him looking furious, it was lucky he can't truly shift or he may have disembowell Z'ev with his tusks where he stood_

Z'ev: I let him know I heard what he said about teaching Iris...about us. Hard not to after what Iris told me. He shouldn't be teaching anyone anything...if he was working for the museum he'd have been kicked out in disgrace.

As for us, what we do behind closed doors is our business. That's alright by you? _he's not giving a direct translation,  but it's probably better he doesn't _

Cassidy: He... told me to end our relationship, I told him it wasn't his business, he disagreed…

Z'ev: _looks Cassidy in the eyes, the sunset making him stand in shadow and his Azure blues meet her dazzling Emeralds_  And? What do you think?

Cassidy: I don't care what he says, I'm not ever going to end it _Takes his hands in her's_ Z'ev I love you

Z'ev: _he pulls her close and kisses her, a little more fiercely than he ever has before. Sure, he hasn't said the words himself but it's pretty obvious he's totally lost in her and would lay his own life down for hers...all said in a kiss_

DM: After the wonderful dinner and fantasy show, heavily plied with alot of fancy Chardonnay, Cassidy and Z'ev are not quite stumbling into their hotel room...but more a bit too eager to get things going just before they even get through the door. Z'ev didn't lie about the Musky smell from his fur as it is clearly very strong now, though having that mild confrontation with Cassidy's other sibling, it's clear he's feeling a lot different about their relationship…

Z'ev: _has Cassidy pressed up against the door, kissing her and occasionally nuzzling her as he fumbles for the door knob to get inside_ Cas... _his voice growls deeply_ You know I'd risk everything...just for keep you safe... _finally gets the door open and almost lands on top of Cassidy as the fall over themselves getting inside,  though Cassidy is on top of him_

Cassidy: _Bites at his neck playfully, hoping he will enjoy her frisky behaviour_ I don't doubt it... never make me doubt it... _catching his lips with hers, her tongue partnering and dancing with his_

Z'ev: _his hands slide up along her legs and up under her slip on dress, trying to wiggle her out of it without pulling it off and tearing it. Her raids of kisses are making getting it over her head quite hard so he lifts his hips and raises her up, letting her know his intentions...not that it isn't hard from where she's sitting,  her legs laying open on either side of his waist. If she couldn't tell by how tight his trousers were it wouldn't be long before he'd try and show her, the alcohol making sure he's bolder and wanting to take the lead this time_

_he runs his tongue along the tip of one of her long beautiful ears as she kisses along his neck before his voice suddenly sounding very gravely with need for her rumbles_ Cassidy,  please ride me...right now, her on the floor...I promise tonight you will be so fulfilled, your soul sent to the rings of Siberys and back over and over all night long....because I won't want to let you part with know I won't part with you until you are beyond the need for ecstasy and need sleep for days…

Cassidy: _His scent had become so strong but rather than deter her it only seemed to drive her more, she could feel his desire for her, and when he spoke those words she felt her body responded in kind, leaning into him, she whispers in his ear_ Tear me free then _As her hands worked on freeing him from his own restraint_

Z'ev: _spurred on by her taunt, something primal stirrs..fingers tug desperately at the lace at the back of the 'baby doll' bodice until he sits up and starts pulling at it with his teeth, growling as he does so. Sure he's probably going to ruin it but he doesn't remotely care_

_fustrated by the lack of give the undewear was taking, humaniod features start changing into canine and fabric starts to tear at the seams in strong animal jaws. Cassidy's chest which had been neatly hiding behind the garment dropped free with a perky little bounce that were immediately set upon by a long warm and rough tounge, teeth from an elongate snout brushing against soft skin , warm breath making the peaks of her breast rise in excitement as the contrast between the warmth and the chilly night air made them crave attention. There's no right way to describe a muzzle with a wet nose drawing them into the jaws to lap up and suckle them but that's essentially what it's doing...every inhaled breath draws in Cassidy's smell like a glorious painting dancing across his nose that by closing his eyes he can not only trace her entire body by feel, but picture it in millions of fantastic colours, some indescribable to anyone to without a beasts sense of smell. He was being rough but the alcohol wasn't going to hold him back and say 'no, don't behave like an animal' ...infact it was encouraging it....he knew he'd be apologising like crazy in the morning for forgiveness, but that was all for tomorrow...that can wait._

_he rolled Cassidy off him and lifted her from the floor and carried her over to the dresser, putting her down facing the mirror, letting her see his beastal face behind her like a predator hunting prey before whispering in a growled voice_ little red, my what a beautiful body you have... may I have a taste while you watch?

Cassidy: Why hello there bigby wolf _Reaching a hand up to caresses the side of his face, while watching him in the mirror_  Do you want this body of mine? Do you want to devour me? _Saying Teasingly_

Z'ev: _the sounds of his trousers dropping to the floor and being kicked aside are made very clear, then he presses his body close to hers and says_ Brace yourself.

_slowly and deliberately he makes himself known, listening to his love gasp and then let out a little noise of surprise when the knot is in place...his hips move with hers, making sure each one is strong and feels good, while enjoying every little sound uttered from her lips whenever the more intense sensations are made. He knows his breathing is more of a pant, his tongue lapping against her cheek as he leans in, nuzzling her, marking her with his scent..._ oh...Cas...Cassidy  you're magnificent....can you see it? Enjoy how beautiful you are as you move, as you breathe and experience pleasure.. see what I're glorious, magnificent...a real queen... _hand wrap around her waist and chest to support her as the more intense stuff is to come_

Cassidy: _As he moved she felt her body begin accepting the sensation of feeling so full, to the point she might just burst, murmuring sounds as a feeling of euphoria overtakes her building more and more with each wave of movement, as her breath begins to match his_

Z'ev: _ his jaws gently grip the back of her neck as he brings the intensity forth, the dresser moving slightly along the  wooden floor as all his weight and hers push hard into it and as he reaches his peak, he lets out a very possessive howl that sends shivers into Cassidy's already shaking body ...and he catches her before she collapses on the dresser.  Awkwardly he walks her backwards towards the bed as the disadvantage of his anatomy is kind of apparent since they'll be together for a little while...helping her to sit comfortably on his lap, legs wrapped around him and still as one, letting her lie against him, his fur really pungent with sexual smells, even the shirt and jacket that's still on are dripping in sweat and heavy musk. As Cassidy rests a moment the head shifts back, the wild untamed creature sedated and happy it got let out to play. He'll be more gentle the rest of the night after that as frankly a part of him feels guilty he's still nothing but an uncivilised beast, especially when serious lust and desire is involved...amongst other it hot in here? Where'd all that come from? The protective side of him holds her close, ashamed he got possessive and doesn't quite understand why_

_breathes out harshly, body shaking in a way he's never felt before...maybe it's guilt? Possibly. He nuzzles Cassidy _ Cas, you alright? I'm..._swallows hard _ I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me…

Cassidy: _Catching her breath as she lies with him her mind fuzzy high her whole body tingles as she comes down from her own pleasure_ That was... oh my gods... _Looks at him now_ You look hot should take this off _Pulling at his jacket he shifts about as they remove it and his shirt_ That's better _Says as she cuddles into his fur breathing him in_

Z'ev: _his heart rate hasn't slowed at all, it should have without the clothing and Cassidy being fine with his behaviour but it isn't. Looking up at their reflection in the dresser mirror he can see the mark on Cassidy's back glowing brilliant blue and slowly as he watches it changes if what they just did together helped it grow..._

DM: Cassidy, the thing about sharing one's souls usually involves both parties taking a part of each other and mixing it into something new....though as part of the contract with Greyson...your soul can't be shared with another for the moment. It does however mean your still getting parts of Z'ev soul...and it might not be a good thing for him if the transference doesn't go both ways....maybe the mark knows...maybe it doesn't and it's using it to fuel her new powers

Z'ev: the mark....supposed to...change? _he's only ever seen Rathian and Rathalos with them before and occasionally he's seen them glow when using specific magic but he's never seen anything like this happening before...especially since he has no idea what powers it's given Cassidy to start with. Watching it he's starting the feel drained, probably more than he's supposed to. _Cas?

_his voice is slightly trembling,  breathing getting laboured and harder to speak_ Cas....what...what's happening.....

Cassidy: What? _Finds it awkward to try and look around to see as she doesn't want to cause him discomfort, she can just see it, his right it does look different_ I don't know... why it... _Looking back at him_ Z'ev, Z'ev! What's wrong? _Ask anxiously_

DM: The homunculus senses danger and flaps its wings and hops off the table where it was stationary after completing it's assigned task and flies over to where Greyson's Skull is. Cassidy,  you can hear the demon laughing maniacally...but you're not alone in hearing him anymore.

Mr.grayson: Oi! Buzz off you horrible abomination! We're just getting to the good part! Watching his soul be consumed because it can't take hers is hilarious and great entertainment! Oi! Flip off you stupid flying thing!

Z'ev:  Everything.....heavy...where's that...laughing from...._falls back onto the bedsheets and as his head lulls the mark of the Homunculus is also glowing on his fur as the effort to try communicating with both it and Cassidy while losing energy rapidly is a bit too much to handle_

Cassidy: MAKE IT STOP! _Screames at the skull_

Mr Grayson: What? Wait! I MISSED IT! BLASTED BLEATED BUZZARD! Stop? Hahaha no..can't do that. Blame you Granny for this not me. Sure it's hilarious but it's not me taking his soul. _he explains how soul transference works with laughing, cackling and heckling thrown in and how her Granny made it that if either her or Cedric got them at all without fulfilling the bargain anyone who shares their souls with them will not get the transference back until it is completed.  As much as Demons are arseholes, they abide by a contract..part of their weird ways. _

DM: The homunculus crashes into the floor as all contact with it is temporarily stopped. Cassidy now knows that through that...creature, Z'ev can hear her demon skull now

Cassidy: No, no... _Tears steaming down her face_ This can't be happening

Z'ev: _breathing is slowly returning to normal, one body can only take so much all at once. _

DM: You fix your position up on the bed, cuddling Z'ev's heavy, but limp frame into yours running your hands through his hair and his fur, feel every breath he takes and feel his body still tremble from the over exertion that it's gone through in the past few days, even weeks. Cassidy's own isn't much better though she has noticed that she always feels better just being physically around him, anywhere within touching distance seems to make her relax and let her guard down. Sure they haven't been at it like jackalopes with each other much, but each time they have it's as if all her body's exhaustion just melts away feeling fresh and renewed. Maybe it's the soul transference problem or maybe it's just because the sexual encounters have just been so good and much needed by her own body as with his, Cassidy can always be ready to conquer anything the next day with her companions encouragement through the night.

In the morning of the 10th of Olarune, you awaken to the sound of gentle cooing and the sound of soft wings being flapped. Sitting on the end of the bed is the Homunculus,  the mark on it's chest all a glow, looking at you. With a Glance at Z'ev who's still very much buried into your embrace beneath the sheets, despite his body still shaking involuntarily the mark on his neck is glowing as in his sleep he is somehow still controlling the creature...or at least linked to it in a way that he needs to be reasonably ok for it to function and carry out tasks.

The miniature Kipling hops along the bed frame, it's wings flapping in the direction of the table where a pile of shredded clothing leather and left over fabric are all on the floor....but in the table laid out neatly is a beautiful new outfit that is obviously designed for Cassidy's feminine figure,  using the studded leather she stole, Z'ev's alchemist jacket and of course the blue areas shimmer with the stars from the Glamour weave suit Z'ev had worn yesterday. It's a leather armour fit for a wizard.

Beside the outfit is the Oracle and a small intricately carved box. Z'ev did say he had another surprise, however he didn't actually get around to giving it to her.

Cassidy: _She embraces him more closely as if the warmth of her body will make him stop, though she knows he shaking has nothing to do with being cold, how can such pleasure turn into such torment, but seeing the little creature moving again inspires hope he is recovering._

_Her resolve now that she no longer has a choice but to become completely clean, his life at risked just by being with her, she holds him more tightly as if she can protect him from it_ I'm sorry, I didn't know... _confesses  tears threatening to spill again_

DM; There's a clicking and a whirring coming from the Oracle before it spouts

The Oracle: For Eberron's Sacrifice,

Her children were bestowed powers untold.

For Siberys wanted them a paradise untold.

One had split, another was stolen 

There needs sacrifice ,

Summon a dragon foretold.

Like a phoenix a heir comes forth

The 12 changes unfold

The stolen will return to the forgotten,

The last children of Eberron 

DM: It clicks...whirrs and stops

Z'ev: _stirs, under his eyes are very dark a sign he needs proper rest. He didn't really hear the Oracle and he only just heard Cassidy as his head feels like it's been kicked in with a boot._ didn't...didn't know what, Cas?

Cassidy: Your wake oh thank the ancestors  _Smiles with relief_ How do you feel?

Z'ev: Like you hit me with a mallet. _burries his head into her bare chest more_

Cassidy:_Rest her chin on his head as she strokes his back_ There's a lot I have to tell you…

Z'ev: Ok...I don't know if I can retain it right now.... gees why do people drink? Ergh....

But I'll try... hit me.

Cassidy: _Uses mage hand to bring Mr Grayson over catching him in one hand_ It involves a third party…

Z'ev: _tries to sit up_ the weird Skull? Thought it was an heirloom or something.

DM: The Homunculus flaps its way over and perches above the high headrest of the bed

Cassidy: No... his a demon Z'ev…

Mr greyson: That's right missy, blow the entire show. Who knew that having chromatic dragon blood would let you blurt out all your little secrets.

Z'ev: _ understood Cassidy but then heard something in a very horrible noise he not only didn't understand but made him cover his ears._ what was that? That..that noise?

Mr.grayson: Ah yes, I forgot only through the contract you can understand my infernal. Going to have to try something else kid, otherwise he's going to...oh look my voice made his ears bleed.

DM: There is infact a small trickle of blood escaping Z'ev's ears as Mr. Greyson talks as infernal is dangerous to listen to through a seconday conduit, which is precisely the only way he's ablebto hear the talking creepy skull. He can't take his eyes off it though so he's definitely believing the Skull is talking.

Z'ev: Can...can it stop?

Cassidy: _Can't help laughing at that_ If only, Grayson whatever your trying to do, hurry up and do it _As she dabs at the blood from his ears_

Mr.grayson: Do what?explain your personal problems? HA! _He starts going into a lecture_

Z'ev: _after having enough of the noise, afraid his ear drums will rupture, he snatches the skull and throws it,  Greyson flying across the room and landing with a thunk and a rattle in the bottom of the bathtub_

Mr Grayson: OI! What's the big Idea! I didn't take your soul you miserable creature! _mumbles, won't shut up complaining_

Z'ev: _looks at Cassidy not just confused, but slightly pleading hoping she can make the horrid noise stop_

Cassidy: Grayson shut up for once! _As she gets off the bed going for her bag and throwing him in there, not sure if that will work, but no point throwing him out a window_

Z'ev: _ the noise eases up enough for hm to lower his hands. Blood is in his palms and staining this fur_ T...thank you...._looks at Cassidy worried_ you're in trouble....aren't you? ...not...the otherway around? ...please tell me... _is looking alot weaker than before, but is going to go down fighting just so he can get to the bottom of all this._ Cas?

_gets up on shakey legs and walks over to Cassidy,  placing his hands on her shoulders and looking her in the eyes. He knows regardless of what she says he's in it too deep and there's no way in Khyber's embrace will he let any harm come to Cassidy.  He made that promise to her, good or evil whatever it is...there's someone he loves inside it all and he'll do anything for her... sure he could walk away but something is drawing him into the danger and he's going to pull Cassidy free...even if it kills him_ whatever it is,  I'll still be here with you...the journey yet to come. I keep my promises...even if they're possibly bad ones....

I don't understand....maybe I don't have to....maybe best...but I'm not going anywhere and no cursed skull or weird magic mark will change that..._ he kisses her fearcly as he dares_

Cassidy: _Looks at him terribled and trembling as she gets him to sit down as clearly his still quite weak_ You may regret that so much more than you realise…

I wanted so much to keep you out of this, but now its hurt you I don't think I can anymore…

Z'ev: if you're in doubt...there's something on the table....that might help you... see through any wavering...loyalty...Then....tell me everything.

Cassidy: _He indicates the box, which she retrieves and sits back down next to him, and opens it_

DM: Inside the box are two beautiful bands of platinum encrusted with Electrum so they shine with a dazzling speckling in the light.

Z'ev: Proof...enough?

Cassidy: _Is speechless feeling so deeply torn between being so happy she could cry and a kind of despair for him_ Z'ev... I... I don't know... what to say... _Looking at him completely lost for words_

Z'ev: Who ...needs words? _ rests his head on her shoulder and closes his eyes. _ actions are...louder…

Cassidy: _Closes the box and hands it to him for the moment hopefully_ Hear what I have to say first and... see if you still do... _A feeling of pain this started in her chest like she anticipating the worst_

Z'ev: _bloody hands close around the box as he sits back up to listen_

Cassidy: I... told you about the house of Vol and the purge on them, only one child of Erandis Vol survived a daughter my ancestor, she wrote the book its how we know all this... we have had to remain hidden as there are those who still hunt us down til this day... they can sense the mark when we use it... my grandmother wanted to keep as safe stop us from ever developing the mark... she made a contrast with a demon this passed to my mother and now to Cedric and I…

Z'ev: _all the information is just being blurted out all at once. Before Cassidy continues he holds a finger to her lips._ Don't. I...think....I think I'd rather not know...for now at least. _puts the bloody box back in Cassidy's hands_ I think you'll find the decision isn't mine to make...and right now you're....trying to avoid ...making choices, even if their mind is already made up. If Dragons and elves legendary terrible as you say and you still won't take my decision then... I don't know what to say. You are not...your past. It can haunt...terrorise...all sorts but it never should define your future.'s because I never had history...or culture...tradition but I'm seeing that maybe...just maybe it's those that hold ...hold you back ...m..making... choices…

_puts his hand ontop of hers and holds them, keeping the box safe_ the journey yet to come hasn't been written yet. Don't let...your family failings be...yours too.

_is really feeling too weak for this. _

Cassidy: No Z'ev! Its because of this contract I'm taking your, your life from you!, its why you feel so weak don't you understand?! _Is kind of desperate that this he has to understand even if he won't listen to the rest_

Being with me could kill you! _She is in tears now_ I can't stop it unless I gave Cedric's soul to the demon!

Z'ev: So... you want me to give ...up on you? _ he's had this sinking feeling a while...that the few moments of peace he's felt with Cassidy are slipping out from underneath him. Only now he can't go anywhere unless he gets arrested in the lobby for indecency and sent somewhere as proof the 'Lycan disease' threat has frankly he's looking like he's got something seriously infectious even when it's not true..especially after what Iris had told him_ I point still stands... but your is important.... _he gives up fighting it, knowing he's lost._  sell them...take the money, the armour...and go runaway and hide....hide from ...I don't know... _tears are starting to fall, accepting the fact he's getting pushed further away despite him trying so hard to help...see it her with whatever was to come. He lies down and just...well not quite accept it, but what else can he do? He's can't get energy, can't leave for the same reason and yet something is still calling out to him from Cassidy.  Even if she ran, hed be drawn to her, find her. _ 

If you run.... put a bullet in me. _ he mumbles._ I'll...always want to find you... so don't let me.

Cassidy: _Its almost indescribable like she can feel the pain as her own she has inflected on him maybe its because of having the pieces of his soul she can't say, the pain in her chest hurts so much, is this what it feels like for your heart to break? _ I love you more than anyone, the thought of losing you... you asked me what I'll do when your gone... I can't even think about it... it hurts so much... _She breaks down in hysteries_

Z'ev: _has closed his eyes to just focus on  getting rest. Can't put up much of a fight the way he feels. He's disappointed in himself mostly as he knows he can't throw his weight around like Pyre can. Other shifters he knows would have shown her by taking charge, maybe getting a bit dominant considering they're both naked....Keeping that animal, the monster chained up isn't going to do any more damage than letting it loose would. He just has to hope, it's all he's got going in his favour, especially since there's not alot more to say without begging her on hands and knees._

Cas..._arms out stretch, hoping she'll  just lie with him.....if she's not there when he reawakes then he knows it's over_

Cassidy: _Takes his hand like its a life line to him_ Z'ev I love you more than anyone, the thought of losing you... you asked me what I'll do when your gone... I can't even think about it... it hurts so much…

Z'ev: _there's a sort of attempt of a smile on his lips_ then say yes...and we'll figure it out....together. you don't have to alone. If...if we can..._ pulls her in close and kisses her though chances are she probably doesn't really want to be covered in his bloody hand prints bu he doesn't care. _ I love you...will walk through the pits of Khyber itself to keep you will me...even if...stuff spirit will. _finds himself slipping ito a fitful sleep_

Cassidy: Yes _Says almost breathlessly_ stay with me always... _Kiss him back with all the weight of her words behind it_

_She stays by him for awhile just enjoying being near him, eventually getting up to leave him to rest, she begins tidying the room finding her ripped clothes, one corner of her mouth upturns at the memory of last night.__She finds all of Z'ev's clothes are in tatters, seeming to have all been used in the making the armour by the homunculus, looking at it now it beautiful parts of it shimmering and shining, she bearly recognises it as the piece she stole.

_Puttting it on she still isn't use to the weight of armour but its something she'll have to adjust to, it fits perfectly as she admires herself, looking back at him sleeping, he'll need clothes noe when he wakes, she writes a note in case he wakes while she gone and kisses him on the check, as she goes to leave she spots the box, and takes the rings out put one his finger and the other her's, satisfied she heads out the door_

_Though it was tempting to keep him there naked at her mercy a wicked grin spends across her face at the thought, that wouldn't go well long term._

_She didn't have expertise in armour and such never having worn it before now, but with the help of a shop assistant she found something that's tougher and stronger, moving forward she was sure he would need it, picks up a new dagger for herself as well as four potions and sends the bill to the university, being owed some back play for working some late nights, hopefully its enough to cover it, and heads back to the hotel_

DM: Back in the hotel room, Z'ev hasn't really moved from the bed, still in a fitful sleep. The Homunculus has recovered Mr. Greyson from the bathtub and is on the floor trying to shove leftover material into the skulls eye sockets, much to the annoyance and frustration of the demon

Mr.grayson: Oi! Fuck off you ugly buzzard! If I had my twelve arms I'd have crushed you! _his voice becomes muffled once a significant amount of stuff is shoved inside his skull_

DM: With Greyson muffled, Z'ev seems to stop struggling,  though there's no real proof Mr. Greyson was having fun at Cassidy's lover's expense or the fact that it's the usual nightmares Cassidy's seen a few times before. She knows how hard it can be to rest when you know you've been responsible for the death of others

Or at least complicit in it

Cassidy: _Places the items she brought down on the couch, before putting Mr Grayson in her bag and going over to Z'ev, she lies beside down beside him running her fingers through his hair and fur, hoping to help chase his back dreams away_

Z'ev: _feels as really nice tickling sensation through his fur to his skin and let's out a very happy little growl_

_stirs and rolls into Cassidy,  nuzzling in affectionately._  You look great...fits alright? Was worried I gave wrong measurements know it isn't appropriate, nor is servant...needs a name.

Cassidy: Like a dream _Gives him a kiss on the cheek_ What do you want to call them?

Z'ev: Not entirely sure. What do you call an amalgamation recreation of a real creature in minature? _sits up and is looking slightly better, despite probably needing a wash_

Cassidy: Are you hungry?, I'm feeling a bit peckish _Says as she sats up as well_

Z'ev: Sounds like a great idea. Hey, did you still want to drop in the university libary today? I can probably manage that at the very least...after a bath of course. I don't like lying around if at all possible.

Unless..._ there's a very devious grin_ you're with me

Cassidy: _Smiles back_ We can I may still have some connections, to more restricted material, there is a professor of history there as well I think you may like

Z'ev: _did have some idea what he planned to do there, afterall Archeologists tend to when there's something in their possession that's a huge mystery to them_ sure, why not. Never miss an opportunity to learn something new. 

Cassidy: Oh I got something for you as well _Winks_

Z'ev: Oh? _intruigued_ it's not a muzzle with a silence spell is it? Wouldn't be surprised after this morning…

Cassidy: _Amused_ More saving you from indecent exposure

Z'ev: Uh yeah... forgot about that. _coughs awkwardly. Right, well... I best get ready then huh?

Cassidy: _Amused_ More saving you from indecent exposure

Z'ev : Uh yeah... forgot about that. _coughs awkwardly. Right, well... I best get ready then huh?

Cassidy: I never heard any complaints from any other rooms _Gives a wicked grin_

Z'ev: _pauses_ you'd still be fine after...after last night? If that happened again? _he's just checking as it threw the biggest scare into him that everything felt like his life just vanished from his body after being a bit too rough with Cassidy in the spirit of fun_ _obviouly it did to Cassidy otherwise they wouldn't have had the messy morning either_

Cassidy: I don't know _Draws her knees up to her chest_ I have no control over it... I can't ask you to... I don't want to lose you…

Z'ev:_he lifts her chin and locks eyes with her a few minutes before kissing her deeply. As he does do the rings on thier hands glow, completeing the commitment attunment without words needing to be exchanged. _ but if I was the one deciding....because it's my life to live as I choose, would that make you feel less guilty that I willingly ignored the risks involved..because welll _he whispers something very dirty in her ear, mostly involving how beautiful she sounds when they're joined together and other things..._

Cassidy: _Deeply brushers and playfully pushes him away_ You're such a beast... don't ever change _Can't help smiling_ Its on the couch _points out_

Z'ev: Alright... after I clean up. Dried blood isn't sexy anyway right? _he gets up and walks towards the tub to start filling it with luke warm water and then vlicks his tingers as if he's having a eureka moment_ I know! I know what to call it! Shelly, After the famous necromantic witch from Droaam! She was an amazing writer, pitiful  spell caster but loved her book Frankenstein!

Cassidy: Sounds perfect, I'll order room service

Z'ev: _looks astonished_ oh no, no need. There's so many fancy places on the wat to the Museum, we could easily dropnin somewhere. _stretches and reaches around to scratch his lower back_

Cassidy: _Wacthing him she was so very tempted to join him, but they would likely never get out the door, was that so bad?_

_Her elven eyes allowed her to see things in greater detail, even with his double coat of fur she could easily see his well toned muscles underneath, he wasn't muscle-bound say, but she had never gone for those types, he really did have a great ass that she so wanted to grab a hold of, and his smell she had no idea why but it seemed to stir something deep within her, was it because of her draconic blood? It was stronger when he shifted and she had really liked how he had taken charge not so gentle manned he had been than, it was surprising how different he had been she could still hear his spine-chilling howl, the thought making her body feel tight_ Maybe we should just stay in... _Bites her lip_

Z'ev: _turns to Cassidy _ really? Well...I suppose solving the mysterious of the planet and the universe can wait..._visably looks a bit torn between wanting to find out more about the Oracle and staying in bed with Cassidy -  both things he's passionate about, mysteries and mysterious woman._ _only the thoughts of one of them visibly makes him very much at attention however. It's a litle hard to hide that when your nude_

_looking at the table though... the blasted box was driving him bananas...he had tried opening it with everything in his tools box, giving it commands, inserting paper into it.... damn! It made him itch just thinking about it._ Ah sod the's just my hands and face...those are easy to wash, besides, can't keep a hungry lady waiting _ especially if I know I might be on the menu of her desires and while he doesn't mind a bit of danger he's not that desperate to try again so soon. Cassidy isn't a mystery anymore, she's a danger and while that is VERY HOT and makes him want to sacrifice himself to her like the godess she is.... maybe not killing himself in the process because it would break her heart was alot more important...even if parts if him physically are not in agreement.  Sometimes having your anatomy very visible is a massive downside. _

Cassidy: _Notes how his looking at the oracle, with more interest she can't help feeling a little disappointed, but in the scheme of things its better to let him get his strength back first_ It was speaking again earlier... _She mentions_

Z'ev: Was it? But I never her- _ stops himself and thinks. _ I was out of it when it did, wasn't I?

Cassidy: Yeah you were... _Feeling guilty she's the reason for that_

Z'ev: Well.. I guess I'm not the one who's ment to hear it then. Maybe you are?

Cassidy: What did it say...

For Eberron's Sacrifice,

Her children were bestowed powers

For Siberys wanted them a paradise untold.

One had split, another was stolen 

There needs sacrifice ,

Summon a dragon foretold.

Like a phoenix a heir comes forth

The 12 changes unfold

The stolen will return to the forgotten,

The last children of Eberron

I think that's right…

Z'ev: _ he frowns._  gee that isn't confusing _obvious sarcasm _ worry about it later. ...I can't get my head around a puzzle now.  _ he is thinking about it, but not enough to stop washing up and getting dressed. _ want to stop by the Drunken Dragon? They do a nice  bunch....Could do with an owlbear steak..._proceeds to put on the outfit Cassidy picked._ ohh feels good...smells...nice for leather, where'd you get it?

Cassidy: An emporium called Knights in White Satin, I'm sure that's a double entrance _Amused by the thought of it_

Z'ev: It looks very stylish, just hope no one mistakes me for a soldier! _laughs_ nah, probably more like a pretender. These are way too nice Cassidy.

Cassidy: You deserve it really

Z'ev: Well I'm...uh.. Guess I'll have to get used to I love how this crosses over the chest. _ plays with it a bit_ sorry, no one's bought me anything before, I..I don't know what to say other than thank you. _feels warm and special _

Cassidy: Your welcome _Says coming over to him_ I'm glad you like it

Z'ev: Honestly? No idea. I'll have to get more creative than getting kidnapped, meeting your grizzly other sibling and screwing up sex in a beautiful hotel with the most wonderful lady I've ever met..._grins as he is teasing _

Cassidy: _Gives him a look_ Just how much did you hear when Vince and I were speaking? _She wasn't sure if it was the time to bring this up but there was one very big thing she wanted to know, she knew it had been on his mind as well but they had never really talked about it_

Z'ev: Not alot. He's face is terribly easy to read and Iris admittedly has better hearing than me at times. You can thank her I guess. It was pretty obvious how he didn't want to shake my hand and how his nose wrinkled that he knew you and I were intimate.  Sometimes I wish I could turn my smell off, but I can't and passive aggression stinks like you wouldn't believe.

I know my sight isn't that of a beast, but I can smell what's going on like you wouldn't believe. It's trying to identify what bizzare information you're getting that's the kicker. It's like the quality of this jacket you gave me. I can smell faintly it came from a deer, but not just any deer, this one was brought from Zilgaro, and it was tanned using fancier stuff than the usual dog muck and urine from the dunnykin drivers. I can't tell where that stuff is from...but the deer definitely because I've smelled them before. If I already know where the smell is from I can place it...otherwise it's a mystery odour on the nose.

I'm sure he was able to do the same with me. Hard to hide what smell like  after you've been really nice to me. _grins_

Cassidy: You can really tell all that _Quite amazed_ I'm sorry I can't defend his behaviour he does have a kind heart really deep down and likes your sister, that's quite big for him, but he has fears about things and I can't say he hasn't put some of them in me as well…

Z'ev: No..._glances at his feet_ can't say I helped either

Cassidy: You worry too much, unfortunately I don't have the best brothers, and its still not Vince's business... _About to say more but decides its just not the time_ We'll talk about it another time, ready to go?

Z'ev: Yes. You must be starving as we've taken so long!

Cassidy: One last thing you haven't screwed up anything, you satisfied me deeply _She kiss him like its a promise_ Don't doubt that

Z'ev: _smiles_ there wasn't any doubt, otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation

DM: Morgrave University stands on the Upper Menthis on the Dalannan Tower. The surrounding area is dotted with grand theaters and upscale shops the focus on fashion and fine cuisine. You stop at the Drunken Dragon for a quick bite to eat, it's a huge place with a magical illusion of a dragon drinking out of a tankard as it's billboard out front and is very very classy.

Back out front of the universities  giant double doors, you push them open and enter the large courtyard with its carefully manicured garden. As you walk through the garden to the front office, a quick flash of both your identity cards has the intern out front slighlty confused, though a older member of staff recognises Cassidy as one of the many on her payroll and you're allowed free passage to the University library.

As you pass a few magnificent windows to your destination,  Z'ev stops and looks out towards another building, which until last year Cassidy you weren't even aware it was the Dezina Museum of Antiquities, being too busy with your least until your fateful encounter with a certain Archeologist.

Z'ev: You know, I've had never set foot in this place until the day we first met at that unveiling. _says absentmindedly as if thinking about it as a lovely memory_

Cassidy: _To Cassidy its wonderful to be back walking the familiar halls, as students move between classes, the sound of a teacher giving a lecture as they pass by a room, views over the city and courtyard are like an old friend she has missed greatly missed_ That seems so long ago now _Thinks back_ You were so nervous to speak to me if I remember

Z'ev: And you as well. _ Z'ev's now started to pay attention to some of the people walking past them, some possibly people Cassidy knows, though there's a good few who have stopped and started whispering  who he recognises and has had the unfortunate dealings with, as there is some in the University who have stolen things from the Museum and sold them on the black market... or would have, if he and Rathalos hadn't caught them when they weren't on an expedition somewhere and looking after a certain collection. He disappeared without a trace after the fire in his home and was aware there would probably have been alot of rumours, especially since the news reached his sisters hundreds of miles away in another different nation and he knew what they thought had happened. He winced, recalling it in not so great a detail as he had no idea how he got out alive, though the months recovering from serious burns weren't a joke.  He frowns just thinking about it as it seriously hurt not just physically,  but mentally too. He lost everything - his own studies in Alchemy and Science, his extensive collection of first edition books and some original scriptures he obtained from his favourite writers and of course peers in the feild....and of course one very priceless gift he received as a thank you from the current ruler of the new Dhakaani for helping them reclaim stolen treasures.  Sure he never used it once it was sitting above the fireplace, but it was a very ornate and professionally hand crafted sword and still ment alot, a symbol of redemption for the stuff he was parley to during the war._

_four years trying to fix the mistakes in his life...all gone__coughs_ Let's get a move on, shall we? Who is it you wanted me to meet? Are you sure they still work here? _he knows he'll have to tell someone what happened during the fire...though he's not entirely sure he remembers enough. _

Cassidy: I believe he still does, Professor Zell Mar

Z'ev: _just stares at her._ Zell Mar? Wait are we talking about a young human,  mostly hangs around Gnomes…

Cassidy: You know him?

Z'ev: Unfortunately

Cassidy: Unfortunately?

Z'ev: Yes. Zell is a little obsessed with the creations of house of Cannith..._leaves that hanging as Cassidy could easily fill in the gaps with what Z'ev's told her about his 'apprenticeship' during the war_ 

Cassidy: _Understands_ We can skip seeing him then

Z'ev: _relents_ no...he's probably our best bet. Not like we'll get an audience with Flamewind unless she summons us first.

Cassidy: Alright if you're sure? _Preferring he not be put into an awkward situation_

Z'ev: I'm sure it'll be's not as if I have any of my old books to look through to find the information we want.

Cassidy: Ok than _Continues down the hall_

Z'ev: _takes a deep breath_ what could possibly go wrong? Other than have him rub it in my face that he figured something out that I didn' might be the only way we'll get parly to Flamewind...._follows slowly behind_

DM: As you enter the library you feel a familiar warmth coming from the towering shelves of books, staff who know you come up and stop to have a chin wag ect.... the greetings are very welcoming though a few you can overhear as you continue towards Zell's office are whispering  things like, "I thought he died?" "Really? I heard he went rouge, burned his house and ran off with a bunch of artifacts to sell on the black market!" "It's not him, it's a changling pretendto be...."

Z'ev: _pretending so hard not to hear any of it_

DM: "Do you think she knew and ran off to find?" 

"Of course, see the ring on her finger?"

"They only danced once, how do you make this crap up?"

 "He wasn't the only one, Rathalos and Rathian vanished too..."

"I can't believe she'd be in cahoots with them for a second"

Cassidy: I so do miss this don't you? _Says to Z'ev with great sarcasm _Expected it of course

Z'ev: Yes...especially since several of the lecturers I've walked passed I've personally caught and had arrested for stealing from museum collections.... _glares at one that scurries past in particular, trying to avoid his gaze_ why they're still on staff is a mystery I could never figure out…

DM: Two more professors walk past, both arguing over how to correctly pronounce 'Cyre'. When you reach Zell Mar's office and knock on the door,  a lanky young man with long brown hair, wearing grey blue robes opens it up wide. Behind him you see a disorganised office filled with books, machinery and metal working tools. His eye light up the moment he sets eyes upon you.

Zell: _Blinks_ Cassidy? Cassidy Sekinth is that really you? Oh my stars! It's been so long! _embraces Cassidy like an old friend_ Did you find your brother? Was he alive? Woah, since when did you get married? Congratulations!

Cassidy: Hello Zell, yes I did find him his alive, and no I'm in engaged, I think you know my fiance though Z'ev Ozone

Zell: _looks behind Cassy in that way you see people do in comedy films until something clicks into place._ Wait...really? NO....NO That can't be... _steps up to Z'ev,  pokes him a few times and walks around as if to study him._ You're really good, whoever you are, but you are definitely not Z'ev.  Z'ev died in a fire, they even found his body! Come on, show your true self, we're not going to bite!

Z'ev: Har har har. Can you stop that? _grabs Zell by the shirt collar and yanks him upwards so they are face to face. While doing so his head shifts forms and Zell is slightly terrified but seems pretty reassured that Z'ev is indeed the real one_ I'm very much alive, though I'm slowly beginning to wish I wasn't.... _the glint of sharp canine teeth are a sign of aggression that's luckly under relative control though you don't want to find out how little that is_

Zell: _nodding profusely _ yep, yes, definitely you are the real deal,  now doubt about it...uh can you put me down now please?

Z'ev: _more than happy to ablige_

Zell: _brushes himself down_ my word, how..I...That's absolutely fantastic! Did you rescue any of your work? Where have you been for the last nine months? Wait, if the body they found wasn't you then -

Z'ev: Can we talk somewhere more private? People around here have ears the size of satellite dishes.

DM: Indeed, people are peering around book shelves and over reading material in hopes they can catch wind of gossip

Cassidy: _Not even five minutes and Z'ev had seemed about to maul Zell, she can't help running a hand over her face and mouthing for him "to drop him" when he picked him up_

Zell: Yes, yes of course! Do come in! You have to tell me everything!  It's not eveyday my peers go missing and suddenly just show up out of the blue!

Cassidy: How have you been Zell? Keeping busy as usual, you remember to grade papers from time to time don't you? _Asks as they head inside_ Now that I'm not here to go it for you.

Zell: Of course I do! Though I don't usually grade papers much these days, I'm now head of the department  _beams with pride as he closes the door behind him_ I mean, that's probably all that's really happened...I do feel bad as it was the promotion you were gunning for, but truth is, there is bugger all pay and too many buckets of coal delivered to my office every week...I give it away of course...can't have open flames in a library

Z'ev: _is aware that was a jab at his expense, tries to distract himself by looking at some of the piles of books_

Zell: did you run into each other again? I mean, you two dancing at the last big University thing was the talk of the place for months! Then of course..the fire and well that did put a damper on that…

Z'ev:It was? _ the museum staff didn't have a clue and probably wouldn't have cared, though he did get a few bad jokes from the halflings_

Cassidy: _Knew all this already as she had questioned many times by colleagues about it_

Zell: I'm dying to know! _is genuinely excited_

Cassidy: Oh? _can't hide his disappointment in the fact Cassidy isn't going to tell him anything _

Zell: Oh? _can't hide his disappointment in the fact Cassidy isn't going to tell him anything _

Z'ev: _pats him on the back_ if it helps, Rathalos and Rathian were there too, still are infact, busy trying to get an enterprise off the ground. No where specifically,  just some backwater near the Mournland...we've been checking it out know how everyone wants to solve the mystery behind it and the race to find out first…

Zell: _perks up_ Really? My that does sound very fascinating!

Z'ev: _nods, knowing how to exactly pull Zell's strings - it's like he's done this before and in reality probably has_ it is! Infact we've found some really interesting bits of Cannith Technology, parts mostly that we wouldn't mind you coming to identify

Zell: Really? I mean, I'm flattered! _is lapping up all the 'praise layered on top of bribery'_ but aren't you more well suited to that? I mean, You Worked in his factories during the war... I only made schematics and research...but would have LOVED to have been there in the factory making some of those incredible inventions!

Z'ev: _visibly winces upon hearing all of this and says very carefully _ yes, they were interesting to say the least. _ rubs under his glasses knowing full well he's just told a huge lie but for what it's worth, it's better not to tell Zell about the people he saw die and treated like slaves in those places... everyone knows house of Cannith were commissioned by every damn side except Breland to make the Colossus and the other elite classes of warforged... they just don't know what went into making them with the exception of the Brelish king, much to Z'ev's relief as his time as a spy wasn't wasted. If they did they wouldn't have made them._

Cas, I'm just..going to step out a minute.._ passes her the Oracle, before heading out the office _

Zell: _to Cassidy _ Was...was it something I said?

Cassidy:_Can see its all been too much for him, they did also come for a reason_ Zell have you ever seen anything like this before? _Shows him the oracle_

Zell: _ completely forgetting Z'ev and his odd behaviour which to Zell isn't that strange, the shifter has always acted odd around him even when they had to work on anything together in the museum, his eyes have lit up brightly  at the sight of the Oracle_  Oh my stars...what is it? May I take a look?_

DM: Outside Z'ev has shifted back and leaned against the wall, glasses in hand while the other is covering his face. He's unable to hide the emotions that have come from the trauma he keeps thinking he's put behind him...which have gotten worse rather than better. Least he was smart enough to get out of sight - from Cassidy and Zell anyway. Would look very suspicious if he broke infront of them, though Cassidy probably knew it was coming a mile away.

Zell: _gingerly takes the Oracle and holds it up, looking at it from every angle, though it's not as if you haven't seen everyone else look at it innthe same way and try pulling it apart..which he seems to want to do as he pulls out some tools and pokes it.

Where did you find such an unusual object? Was there anything else with it?

Cassidy: No nothing, we found it in the Mournlands, only reason we did was it was speaking _Not too worried he'll damage as Z'ev hasn't been able to open and its never appeared to be_

Zell: Hmmm....Interesting. _ Carefully inspects it, prying parts slightly open as best he can_ looks like a music box...but a very odd one. Does it do anything? _plays with the paper on the spool_

Cassidy: When we found it a piece of paper with it said "oracle of war", its spoken the draconic prophecy and another since than... _Is really more worried about Z'ev than the box_

Zell: _suprised._ really? That's fascinating... _seems to have found something, pulls out a magnifying glass before stepping back and pinching the bridge of his nose before getting a handfull of books. He then starts to search for something in particular. _

Don't tell Z'ev... if he knew before the end of the war I was working for the Arcane congress he'd probably shoot me and while he may think otherwise,  I respect him quite highly, even have a few of his research papers away neatly on the shelves .. but anyway I was only there for a few months as I lost interest as killing people and coming with ways to use divination magic to do so rubbed me the wrong way. It gave us nothing but a century of ashes. I'm under no illusion that some stuff built for the war weren't designed for anything but murder, however you cannot blame a hammer for murder in the hands of a killer, though I still would want to have had a poke around the factories.

_he points to a descreet symbol etched into one of the Oracle's releifs_ see this mark?

Cassidy: _Makes a note of it all_ What is it?

Zell: It's the mark of a Dwarf Artificer from the Mor Holds. He's quite legendary _shows her the book page he was on, it has the matching mark,  a iconograph of the dwarf in question and stuff he had invented along with alot of tiny hand written text_ though you might not have a lot of luck locating him, as he was reported missing in action on the day of Mourning. _he hands it back to Cassidy,  just as Z'ev seems to slink back into the room_  As for the Prophecy you really need to talk to Flamewind... _drums fingers on his desk _ I might be able to pull a few strings to get you an audience...the fact Z'ev is with you might make it easier, afterall the artifact that got unveiled at the event was commissioned by her.

Z'ev: _nods_ yes she did. Xen'drix isn't my idea of a safe expedition, but she was accurate enough that we had no trouble.

Zell: I'll try my best then! _ claps hand together_

Cassidy: Thank you Zell we would appreciate that

Zell: Not at all! It was my pleasure! It was incredible seeing you both again!…

Z'ev: I sense a 'but'

Zell: Ahhh a exactly though...since you two are engaged, you wouldn't be able to provide me with pointers?

Z'ev: _is in genuine shock_ I'm not just know, happened?

Zell: _shakes his head_ no no nothing like that.... see, there's this woman who's beautiful and brilliant and it's taken me forever to ask her on a date..anyway she said YES  to dinner tonight! _very excited but then looks worried_ I'm so worried I'll mess it up though, you know yourself Cassidy I'm hopeless around ladies at times. Would you be able to help me find a way to impress her? _he straightens up and the intense look on his face is very threating_ you can't do anything to her mind, no charms, spells, potions...if It's not genuine I'll never forgive you.

Cassidy: Wait you want us to be there on your date?

Z'ev: _ Z'ev, looking at Zell's sheer determination has made him think, good grief did I look as bad as this trying to get Cassidy to stop pushing me away? I know how he feels, you don't want to be given excuses or feel like you had to trick them into being with you...both are very dishonest, especially if you love them for who they are and would want them as is, with all the respect given to them that they deserve._  We'll do it.

We'll help

Cassidy: _Looks at him_ We will? _Says in surprise_

Z'ev: It's the least we can do. He's helping us afterall _doesn't want to admit he would have loved back up when everything fell apart this morning. He was so scared Cassidy would push him away so much he'd just wouldn't know what to do with himself for weeks...or months maybe years if she turned him down. It's a very terrifying realisation that until Cassidy entered his life, things were just stagnant. Sure, he'd rather not be inches away from death most of the time around her but he wouldn't change it for anything. She gave him something to look forward to, to really live for every day and he couldn't imagine what would happen if he was left behind._

Cassidy: _Finding out about the oracle was that important to him_ When is your date?

Zell: _proceeds to tell you what he plans to do. The date is in an hour and he's looking to come across as romantic and confident. He doesn't want anyone to trick Jia (his date) nor does he want to lie to her. The Tavern just outside the University is called Detention is where they're meeting and Jia regularly goes there on her breaks so other patrons may know her. He hands you both a Sending stone which he's spent a month tweeking it to hold 6 charges which turn to normal after they have been spent (one per a day). He's looking for any information or help you can to impress her that you can send over the stones during the date. He's even made meticulous notes about her likes and dislikes and hands them to you as well. He describes Jia as a very tall half orc with deeply tanned skin and dark red hair, usually all braided. As of this morning,  she was wearing it in a fishtail braid and had a embroidered  navy tunic on over leather breaches _

Z'ev: _before Zell pushes you all out the door, saying to hurry and not to be late_ Hey Zell, have you gotten her a gift? That usually is customary on a first date if you have the time in advance. _skims the notes_ says here she likes beads....know anywhere around here that sells any on short notice?

Zell : There's a few shops...but I don't know if I'd be back in time. I still have to get ready!

Z'ev: No ok...good to know _ is thinking about a back up plan already_

_outside the closed office door, he looks at Cassidy and shrugs_ how hard can this be? If he just takes it easy and acts himself....It's not going to be that simple is it? _looks at the paper again_ I guess we could go buy her some hair beads.....maybe ask around the tavern for ideas? I mean...can't hurt...though it'll sound creepy if I do that. _can't understand why Zell just simply talk to Jia and see what happens? She can't dislike Zell if she said yes to a date_

Cassidy: _Reading over the paper with Z'ev she looks troubled_ Oh Zell how long have you been following her around for? Some may consider that a felony _Shakes her head_  Jia, Jia sounds familiar_Tries to think if it is_

Z'ev: Name doesn't ring any bells for me.  Though it's not like I went to many taverns when I lived here. You never forget the first one when it accidentally drops from the sky...I promised never to go drinking with Rathalos after that experience

Cassidy: Drops from the sky? sounds like magic gone wrong, more importantly are you alright?

Z'ev: More like a ship crashed into the tower the tavern sat atop of. Why couldn't he just.. I dunno...take her to a flicker or something? Be way easier if you're nervous on a first date...sharing some popcorn watching the D'Cannith code or something..._takes a deep breath_  alright in what way? It has been a bit of a messy day Cassidy, surprised my brain hasn't fallen out of my head. It's not like I couldn't hear them, or see the stares...Probably shouldn't have come. _gives Cassidy a weak smile_  doesn't matter, we're here so let's at least help Zell out. He's going to put a request in for us anyway and it's not like he's asking us to teach him how to sing in orcish.

Cassidy: _It was very true it had already been a highly emotional day and that had only been the morning, now it was seeming better if they had just turned over and gone back to sleep, and had this day be over with, grabs his hand_ I'm sorry I don't realise it would be quite so difficult for you coming here, let's get out of here

Z'ev: _grins_ not at all. Perfectly fine... _can see people staring at them already, probably been doing so a while_ lets just help Zell and maybe that'll be enough to get their attention on something else

Cassidy: Maybe we should go look at some of those hair beads, we have some time

DM: There's a bead emporium not far from the university,  it's run by a Talentan Halfling who has some of the most incredible dreadlocks you've ever seen, all adorned with coloured beads from different precious metals. He's more than happy to show you his rarest ones of white opal as well as ones made from tanzanite and Siberys shards.

Cassidy: _Explains the kind of lady there looking for, and if they have any kind of recommendations_

DM: The halfling nods in understanding,  gives you a wink and pulls out some beautiful platinum plat in beads that glinter like moonlight on a clear night sky

Cassidy: _Purchases a few and ask for gift wrapping_

DM: The halfling wraps it up in obsidian paper with a red bow and hands you the small package.

Z'ev: Right...want me to take this to Zell while you check out the tavern for anything else that might help? I'll be ok to do so, promise. We could probably do dinner there ourselves if it helps us blend in...we've got... _looks up at the nearest large tower with a beautiful ornate clock face_ half an hour. That should be plenty of time.

Cassidy: Alright I'll meet you there than _Gives him a kiss, before heading to the tavern_

DM: Detention isn't that far a walk away from the university, and you can see a few students going in and out of it's doors. It's a large two story tavern that serves delicious food and drink though sometimes the students get a bit rowdy.  That's when the bouncer at the door Bumper steps in. He stays near the entrance and keeps a close eye on the tavern. He's a dear friend of the owner Brandy though being Warforged he hasn't got a sense of humour but doesn't mind a bit of a chat.

He gives Cassidy a nod as she enters the building. The inside is like almost every taven you've been into before except alot more upmarket with tapestries hanging off the wall and a huge menu board boasting today's meal.

Currently elsewhere, Z'ev has seen Zell's outfit for the date and has dragged him off to a nearby tailors to get something a little less....'show off' as you don't do that on a first date - that's the ladies be the most gorgeous person in the building...maybe if you're planning to get married you go for the glamourweave

He doesn't mention that he was going to do that himself and that didn't go to plan...but at least Cassidy liked what was in the suit far more than the expensive duds...that was important

Cassidy: _enters the tavern.  the inside was like most taverns, it was the outdoor area that had began being built before Cassidy left that was hoped would be the real highlight._

_It appeared it was all finished now, she just want to take just a quick look_ 

_Big sold double doors were open to the outside, through which was an open garden with tiled pathways set about with grass between them tables and chairs were set on the tiled places, and one enormous twisted tree right in the middle its canopy covered the entire area that would have to be the work of druids_

_Over in the far corner was a small stage for a band to play, she could see the majority of students were gathering here_

_With her curiosity sated she headed back in to the bar to speak with Brandy_

DM: Brandy is a Halfling with the mark of hospitality brandished prominently on her right arm. It looks exactly like Rathalos's but much more vibrant and very much in constant glow with magic usage. She has raven hair tied into a high topknot that's heavily styled and she's very finely dressed. 

Currently, she's working the bar along side a silver Dragonborn called Sterling pouring drinks and taking food orders from the human table staff.

While Cassidy is ordering a drink to initiate small talk with the Barkeep, Zell has been asking Z'ev where he's been while he's getting fitted for his outfit at the tailors and while Z'ev has been pretty good at avoiding anything too personal as he's unsure who could be listening he has caved and told him about how the salvagers of Salvation stopped the towns destruction of Big Moe as Zell loves hearing stories from the Mournland and anything to do with Warforged and technology. Z'ev is very careful in omitting he and Cassidy had any association with it however as Zell wanted to know things about the Colossus itself and Z'ev is trying very hard to describe how one works without trigging any PTSD over it. Zell can tell something is up but doesn't press for details, afterall he's barely ever spoken to Z'ev when he saw him around the museum, hearing enough stuff about him (mostly from those staff caught trying to steal from the place) to make him stay clear incase he was mistaken for a potential theif. Zell also gushes about Jia though Z'ev is finding out zero information of value other than how intelligent and brilliant she is.

Brandy: _leans on the bar and winks at Cassidy _ Hello lov, what will it be today?

We have Dwarven spirits imported from the Mor Holds, Talentan corkpopper nut whiskey, Brealish Rum and Brazin and of course a very beautiful Starveiw Red that was delivered this morning all the way from Droaam.

Cassidy: That's quite a selection _Looking at the sleeves of offering on display behind the bar as well_ The starveiw red sounds quite nice

Brandy: _nods and fetches a bottle off the shelf and shows Cassidy.  It's a beautiful purple bottle though once uncorked it turns out the bottle's glass is blue as the luxurious red wine pours out into a dainty flute glass._ here you go lov, anything else I can do for you? You look like you're expecting someone? Lover perhaps?

Cassidy: _Can't help smiling_ Fiance as of recently, but tonight we're here on behalf of a friend who needs help in the dating department, promised we would help as a favour, his meeting a young lady named Jia..._Takes a sip of the wine_

Brandy: Really? _interest is piqued_ Wasn't aware my friend was dating anyone. I don't recall your face though...are you from around here at all or just passing? _a mild tone if suspicion is detected _

Cassidy: Oh I beg your pardon I was unaware she is a friend of yours, I use to work at the university until some months ago, my friend does still _Feeling quite awkward now_

Brandy: _interested to the point she's now leaning on the bar_ Really? I'm guessing this 'Friend' has a name?

Cassidy: Yes of course, Zell Mar... _Leaning back hopefully out of reach_

Brandy: _rubs her right ear_ Mar...Mar... hmm name rings a bell, skinny bloke who usually sits at the table in the far corner with piles of books and odd bits of machinery?

Cassidy: That sounds like him yes…

Brandy: _smiles_ well well well! That's certainly interesting.  Well I hope he doesn't need too much help, if you get my drift. Jia might get suspicious if he's getting advice from a unknown source. Enjoying your drink? _gestures to it_

Cassidy:I hope so too, and thank you.

Its not what I was expecting its not bad though _Takes another sip_

Brandy: It's an Orc favourite. Your travels take you anywhere interesting? I love hearing tales from adventures recruited by the university and from the archeologists from the museum. There was one particular halfling who came in and drank here alot...had many a good story to tell about places he got sent to though did have to get his friends to help him out on more than one occasion.  It's rare anyone can knock Bumper out flat but boy... it was hilarious enough we didn't ban him for it.

Cassidy: _Can't help laughing_ Well let's see there's the search for my older brother after the war, heading into the mournlands and almost being eaten by drakes zombies and undead, a town attracted by a colossus, being kidnapped on a train…

Brandy: That sounds...incredible _ you pick up a tinge of disbelief that so much could happen to one person but it shouldn't be a surprise.  It's a innkeeper thing_  care to share a bit more? _ tops up wine glass_Or are you saving them for your friend to tell her? She loves a good war story as much as anyone else around here.

Cassidy: Oh no Zell would never be dishonest, his very against it _Can see what she's doing, but she's looking out for a friend so can understand_

Brandy: _nods_ You vouching for his character?

Cassidy: Tell you what if he proves me wrong, Jia, you and I can take turns to throttle him how does that sound? _Says light heartly as a joke_

Brandy: I tend to leave that to Bumper. _ indicates the warforged bouncer_

Cassidy: _Looks around at them_ Ahhh of course, they should be here soon... _Says seeing a wall clock_ Beautiful garden by the way, excuse me _Taking her drink with her, heads over to the warforged_

DM: You feel her eyes watching you carefully as you walk away and over to Bumper. The warforged isn't typically expressive but Bumper is more so.

He continues to stare looking over the tavern patrons.

As you try to grab his attention,  Jia has already walked in and sat at a table right under the big beautiful tree. Her hair is done up the way Zell had described,  however she's dressed in a rather fetching but plain blue dress. She doesn't look too comfortable in it, however it's clear she wanted this date as well as she wouldn't have put in the effort.

Jia: _looks about the Tavern in nervous anticipation _

DM: A few moments pass and Zell appears, not as flamboyant as he was in the University libary infact very much toned down but still dressed classy and respectable.  He's holding a parcel in his hands and when he spots Jia he smiles and goes to join her, giving her the gift

Zell: _says hello and talks a bit before sheepishly giving Jia the nicely wrapped gift box_ these are for you. Hope you like them

Jia: _sees the beautiful beads_ oh they're  wonderful! Thank you, you didn't have to

Zell: No no, I did. I asked you out afterall

DM: Zell sits opposite Jia and they start off with some awkward small talk. He flags a waitress down so he can order drinks and while Jia is watching the lady come over Zell quickly whispers into the sending stone.

Zell: _whispering _ psst,  what's her favourite drink?

Cassidy: _Had been making small talk with Bumper when she hears Zell's voice_ Excuse me, I think my friend is here, it was nice speaking with you _ She says before heading away_ The starveiw red _Answers_

Zell: _starts to place the order and pauses, as if he has had a blank on what to order_

_catches himself about to flounder and smartens up as he orders a bottle of Stardew red_

DM: There's a little more small talk about classes, students and the faculty as the drinks show up and are being poured and through the stone you can hear Jai say to Zell:

Jia: Have you heard any interesting jokes today? You always know a good one

Zell: _flounders_Ah yes... ahh... hmm let's see…

Cassidy: _Jokes Cedric was better at that but any of the ones he told wouldn't translate_ What do you call a group of wizards? A staff meeting _Slaps a hand into her face that was so bad, maybe the wine was going to her head_

Zell: _ repeats the joke only to get Jia to stare at him blankly _

Jia: _blinks_ you know you really are starting to sound like one of my lecturers.  That's terribly unfunny

Zell: Uh yeah...umm sorry…

Z'ev: _ slipped into the Tavern and sat quietly with Cassidy,  making sure to stay out of eye sight of the 'love birds'_ how's it look..._sees Cassidy's expression _ that bad? Have they ordered dinner yet?

_picks up a menu and thumbs through it._ let's see... you can either tell him to order the Droaam delight which is Grilled Marinated Venison steak with lemon zested roast carrots, Khorvaire's best which is is a Talentan veal slowly roasted with lamb meat from Thrane with Audarian goats cheese and butter roasted potatoes,  or the Richness of the seas which is seafood from the Thunder sea...stuff like squid and octopuses and muscles…

Just don't order that..

_ points at something listed as substitute human_

Cassidy: Wow... mmm _Not knowing she will like, will just have to guess_ Order the venison, and she likes war stories _Remembering what brandy said_

Zell: _proceeds to order food, he orders the Droaam  delight and Jia seems to perk up, impressed he knows her favourite dish as well as her favourite wine_

Jia: _to Zell_ so... heard you had some  interesting visitors in the library today? _ rests head on her hands as if she's intrigued _ did they have any interesting stories to share? Or was it all boring business?

Zell: _glances around unsure if he should tell Jia about Cassidy one of her former professors or about Z'ev coming back from the dead._

Cassidy: _Doesn't want to maybe trigger Z'ev_ Tell her about me _Says into the stone_

Zell: _smiles and tells Jia about Cassidy showing up and how she was looking for her brother. He doesn't go into too much detail but just enough to keep the conversation interesting and even joking about one of Cassidy's teaching quirks_

Jia: Then asks if Zell has heard anything from the Mournland recently since he's got ties to the Museum.

Zell: _pauses_

Cassidy: We didn't really talk about the mournlands... _Trying to think what to say_

Z'ev: _takes a deep breath. Well he'd have to fully come out with it sooner or later_ allow me. _indicates for Cassidy to pass him the Sending stone_

DM: So as you pass the stone the Z'ev,  you can already see he has a something begging to get off his chest,  more so to Cassidy but at least talks slow and clear enough for Zell to pretend he's recalling this story from recent memory. To start with it sounds simple enough, talking about the warforged factorys in great detail and eventually he stops dancing around the truth of what they were which was civilian slave labour camps where anyone who wasn't a Cyre citizen ( some of them too) were forced to work on the forges....a few times he has to pause and rub his eyes, the trembling in his voice pretty evident as he's trying hard not to break down into tears, the marks under his eyes where they stain his fur plain as day on his features. He mentions how the first real 'living warforged' was made successfully, when someone died in the forge and the warforged being created suddenly awoke with a sentience that up until that point, didn't exist in the machines being made. Soon workers would go missing,  mostly Childern and it was discovered they were having thier souls transferred into the warforged creations via some pretty brutal murder, giving them a innocence that the first one didn't possess and of course it was to prevent them going rouge on their masters since they didn't have much of a past life to remember.

He then talks about the first one again, how it was given many weapons of destruction before it realised it had memories....and went rouge. It was called Blades and Cannith decreed to not use exisying souls... but it was all lies. Some older workers who died in accidents also lost souls into the creations, some retaining memories, others did not. At that time, Z'ev and several other workers using his connections to Breland were smuggling as many as they could out, though Z'ev was heart broken that many older folks died trying to get the few Children out or Cyre safely. When he pauses Cassidy can hear Jia ask Zell if he was told of any survivors and what became of them and Z'ev gives Zell the answer of 'Yes.'

Those who did get out were taken to the Reaches from skirting the boarders of Aundair to a safe place. 

Eventually Cannith found out and started hunting down those responsible for the smuggling and killing them on sight as an example to others....until a Brelish heavy artillery unit one day raided the factory.

Z'ev also very carefully skirts around the fact he was almost killed in that raid, painting a halfling soldier as the spies saviour (which he kinda was) but eventually stops talking as he can't keep composed anymore.

Z'ev: _slides the sending stone back to Cassidy before he really falls apart at the table_

Jia: _is in edge of her seat_ woah... that's not the usual I heard it in a pub tale

Zell: _coughs as it was certainly alot darker than he was expecting_ yes well...war isn't exactly considered a fun time....

DM: There's an awkward silence as their food arrives

Jia: Got another joke, Zell?

Zell: Uh yes, definitely let's see…

_aware he has to lighten the mood a bit and fast despite Jia's morbid fascination of the story he repeated_

Z'ev: _sits up properly and regains some composure _ sorry. He did ask, I delivered. _deep breath with a mild sniff_ you know...that did feel better getting it all out. Hopefully less nightmares over it...I hope

Cassidy: _Pulls her chair around so she can sat beside him and put an arm around him_ I know, and how difficult it is for you to talk about it, its very brave of you to do so... I'm so sorry that I acted as a crowd than and unburdened myself on you the way I did, it was very... cruel... _She holds back tears of sorrow she feels for him, but doesn't want him to feel she is making this about her in someway, she believes him a far better individual than her, if her own problems had never affected him, she may never have told him, she had always been taught to run and hide than confront, and that seemed to have extended into all parts of her life_

Z'ev: What burden? If you were one, I don't think I'd try again to ask you properly to marry me. _gives her a kiss_ no it was sitting there for some it's out and it feels good. Maybe moving forward will be easier with nothing to hold back in fear.

Zell: Ergh I'm sorry Jia ...I'm all out of

Jia: Yes? Something on your mind?

Zell: Well yes...there is alot actually.

Jia: Such as?

Zell:Well for starters.... I  uh... well... _clears his throat_ I really, really like you Jia. Well not just like, more I have a crush on you.

Jia:_blushes _ don't say?

DM: They start talking about things they're more comfortable with and soon there's alot of laughter from their table. After Jia leaves to go back to her transmutation class, Zell gets up, walks over and helps himself to a seat.

Zell: Thank you for you help _he says grinning from ear to ear_ I've just scored another date!

Cassidy: That's wonderful! _claps hands together_ See you're not as hopeless as you think

Zell: _blushes_ well shucks, but in all seriousness you did get me out if some sticky bits..._something seems to be on his mind_

Cassidy: You look like you want to say something

Zell: Well...if it's not too personal…

Z'ev:What could be more personal than helping you on a date?

Cassidy: _Rises an eyebrow_ How personal?

Zell:That...story you said over the stones. Was it someone you knew?

Cassidy: _Looks at Z'ev before saying to Zell_ They survived, and found happiness with someone _Says as she takes Z'ev's hand in her own_

Zell: _doesn't quite get it but will leave it alone. He pulls something out of his breast pocket of his vest and hands it to Cassidy _ this came before I left the university.  You've been granted an audience with Flamewind.  _he smiles_ I think the name drop helped.

Cassidy: _Looks over just what his given her_

Z'ev: Name drop?

Zell: Yeah, All I did was mention your name and she seemed to recall something and then granted an audience. 

Z'ev: _just shrugs _ you don't argue with a living oracle.

Cassidy: Thank you Zell we appreciate it

Z'ev: _nods_ yes, thank you

Zell: No..thank you. You better get a move on, she's not the kind of creature you want to keep waiting.

Cassidy: Oh right now we need to go now?

Zell: _sheepish_ well sorta. There's no actual time set for it…

Cassidy: Should we go now than? _Asks Z'ev_

Z'ev: most definitely. It's  been interesting Zell. Hope you and Jia have many more wonderful evenings. _shakes Zells hand before standing and offering to escort Cassidy back to the University _

Cassidy: Goodbye Zell _Hugs him_ Good luck with everything _ Says before taking Z'ev's hand_

Zell: Oh, just before you go…

DM: Zell imparts some information about Flamewind you might find handy:

-her home is located in the dome of Lareth Hall where the Bursar, the headmaster and the registrars offices are located. All office doors are protected by a magic alarm system if you are trying to enter without permission.  Flamewind lives in an office chamber at the top of the dome. At night the offices are all closed but faculty might be floating around.

As you walk back through the museum you can see the building named the Lareth hall from the outside. It's a huge domed building that looks like an giant Observatory

 Z'ev: Well, as long as we don't upset the higher ups I suppose we'll be alright just going straight on in. Not like we're breaking in, we're expected.

Cassidy: _Leads the way as she has been to the head master's and registers office before_ I'm guessing you have never been to Flamewind's office before?

Z'ev: Not personally no. She usually deals with the head of the Dezina and they tell us what to do. Have you been before? _recalls exactly how she spoke to them at the unveiling months ago_

Cassidy:Yes the veiw over the city is splendid, and when the skyships fly over breathtaking... _Let's that linger_ I've never meet Flamewind personally though only heard of and seen her

DM: As you enter the hallways it streaches along in a curve, with plush red carpet and rosewood wainscoting on the walls.

Doors are evenly spaced on one side, the other has framed portraits of people with deadly serious expressions.  A small plaque on the frame of each us the names of the professor and their years of tenure. There's a bunch of marble pedestals with detailed busts with the previous masters of the university and their years of service. There's five large archways that lead into a large common room.

Large panels of glass form a dome overhead, which stretches out over a hundred feet high and is decorated with stained glass that depicts major  events in Khorvaire's history (at least the history recorded by humans.) A spiral staircase in the center leads up to the apex of the dome. 

Rosewood reading tables and elegant seating are spaced throughout  while more curved bookcases follow the lines of the walls. A stern faced woman sits at a table near the staircase, nose deep in a book.

Z'ev: Suppose she got the memo? _to Cassidy _

Cassidy: Excuse me _Says to the lady_

Professor Nidren: _looks up and peers over her glasses, no smile forthcoming _ may I help you?

Cassidy: We're expected by Miss Flamewind, Mr Ozone and Miss D' Sekinth

Professor Nidren: _stares at you for longer than necessary _ do you have a summons?

Cassidy: _Shows to the lady what Zell gave her_

Professor Nidren: And what is it in regards to? _is not convinced_

Cassidy: In regards to preventing the possibility of another war _She doesn't think for a moment the woman would believe her, it was more that it wasn't her business and she had a bad attitude_

Professor Nidren: _she hands you the paper back and looks back at her book and waves you off._ any trouble and I'll get the watch.

DM: As you ascend the staircase, a tinkle of glass lands on the floor....before massive shards and the sound of the dome being shattered from above ring through the hall. The professor dives under a table in fear and two very familiar figures assail ropes from the ceiling.

Pyre: Fuck it's YOU again! This time you will die!

Cedric: There will be no escape!

Pyre: No need to keep you alive this time!

Cedric: _swings around expertly on the rope and lands in front of Cassidy who's leading the way up the stairs and raises and draws his short sword before making a lunge_

_ the sword swipes and catches Cassidy's armour, skittering across and catching her arm _

Pyre: _does the same and lands behind Z'ev and swings his long sword twice_

_both wild swings catch Z'ev as he raises his arms in defence_

_the swipes are so strong, the knock Z'ev off the stair case onto the floor below_

Cassidy: Z'ev! _Yells as she sees him fall she was now in a bad position stuck between the two, thinking quick she brings her hands together in a loud clap, and a great thunderous burst rings out (thunderclap) before she jumps over the side_

Cedric: _is struck by two bolts of lightning hitting his shortsword as he raised it again to try and get Cassidy with an opening, he grabs the railing of the stairs and clutches his chest_

Z'ev: _ groans as he gets up off the floor from prone_

Cassidy: _As she jumps Cedric's sword caches her collar and necklace the chain snaps with a bit of pressure, but suddenly having the chain cut into her neck puts her landing off causes her to land hard on her left ankle causing it to twist under her weight as she hits the floor_

Cedric: _spits and leaps over the rail also after Cassidy and using the rope, swings around and comes towards Cassidy,  short sword drawn and ready to make two slashing swings_

_the first swing is wild and misses wildly, making the rope swing around out of control, but on the second swipe it catches Cassidy _

GM: While this is happening, the professor has been crawling under the tables and reached one of the locked office doors, activating the alarm system

Pyre: doesn't bother with the rope and leaps off the stairs, long sword pointed downwards and in both hands... aiming straight for Z'ev who's just get to his feet_

_the long sword plunges into Z'ev's back, the force of the attack and Pyre's full weight pushing him back to the ground. Blood is pooling around him as Pyre struggles to yank out the blade_

Cassidy: _Gasp in horror seeing Z'ev stabbed, but she can't reach him, as she on the floor with Cedric looming over her circling around, looks up at him_ Why, why are you with them?

Cedric: _pauses_ with the claw? Isn't it obvious sister dear?

I mean... she is going to return

And return us to glory

Cassidy: Who, who's going to return?

Cedric: Are you thick? _snarls_ the rightful queen of course. The one to unify us with all of Eberron!

Pyre: _finally yanks out the blade and slams his boot into Z'ev under him, barely getting a satisfactory grunt so he does it a few more times before lining the blade up side his brother's head, as if to size him up_ that little box...WHERE IS IT?

Tell me, or I slice off your head

Cassidy: _Wanting to stop Pyre attacking Z'ev, Cassidy stretches out her arm and fingers towards him blue lightning crakes from them towards him (witch's bolt)_

_The blue lighting tears acoss the floor zipping Pyre causing him to arch back in pain as his muscles locked for a moment, a smell of singed fur hangs in the air_

Z'ev: _free of the weight sitting on him, he drags himself onto his elbows, enough to roll over and withdraw his new unmodified pistol and shakely aim it at Pyre, vision blurring from loss of blood _

_the gun fires and the bullet is so far off the mark it can be heard shattering a book to paper shreads on a shelf nearby. Z'ev's body is starting give out_

Cedric: _holds his short sword at Cassidy's eye level, the tip inches from her nose_ Are you still trying to get my soul, dear sister? Tsk tsk. Such barbaric practice our grandmother devised, especially after all the traumatic things that House of Vol did to our lineage. We could have manifested the mark without the need for draconic blood! us.. she is alive,  ohhh so very very much alive... and when she takes her rightful place Aerenal and Argonnessen will burn and will be purged for what they had done!

Cassidy: _It was so much to take in was he really saying what she thought he is_ Your mad, Erandis is long dead she was murdered

Cedric: _laughs in Cassidy's face_ that, is where you are wrong.

Cassidy: That's not possible _Says almost as a whisper, its too unbelievable what his saying_

Cedric: Oh... but it is... why not join me? Come, see for yourself? We can lead her insurgents into battle together like history demands us!

Pyre: _is even looking at Cedric like he's a few marbles short of an oasis _ what are you saying! We don't need her on OUR side! _lip curls back to reveal sharp teeth_

Cedric: _snaps_ You just GRAB the device! That is your job!

Cassidy: What happened to you? _It was hard to believe that this elf was her brother. He was nothing like the one she remembered_ You want to start another war? no I never want to be part of one again…

Cedric: What war? They'll be wiped out. Without the stupid prophecy,  magic and undeath the world might have peace!

_he raises his blade, ready to strike _

Cassidy: Genocide for peace? insane!

I would never be part of that!

GM: The sound of heavy boots start to fill the hall and within seconds the entire room is filled with the Sharn Guard, two of which are warforged and they go straight for Cedric and Pyre, dragging them to the ground to make an arrest. Two other guards pick Cassidy roughly off the floor and two have lifted up a limp Z'ev to his knees,  the guards also intent on arresting all parties involved in the Fracas

As Cedric and Pyre are hauled away, you can still hear Cedric's maniacal laughter and cries "She is coming! She'll take her place just as prophesy demands!"

Before the guards start dragging Cassidy and Z'ev away, a strange figure appears at the top of the stairwell. There is a thunderous voice that sounds like a purr and is sweet as honey on waffles

Flamewind: Up here do doth bring thy researchers. Summoned they were to aheed for me.

GM: The guards all look at one another and shrug, letting Cassidy and Z'ev go. Z'ev just crumpled to the floor, still bleeding heavily from Pyre's sword wound.

Cassidy: _Her ankle was worse than she thought as she could hardly bear any weight on it, and has to ask one of the guards to help her over to Z'ev and help him drink a healing potion_

GM: The wounds at least stop bleeding, but still looks very nasty and probably never fully heal

Cassidy: _Concerned with how bad his wounds still looks, she gives him the other potion as well_

Z'ev: _hisses and grabs Cassidy's wrist before she forces another one into him. _ that...stuff burns more than....the sword…

GM: The wound at least looks a bit better, not free from scaring, but not as if it'll become the home of unwanted nasties

Z'ev: may need it

Cassidy: That was all I had, your wounds were alot worse than mine _Justifying giving him both_

Z'ev: _frowns_ Cas…

_Gets up and helps Cassidy slowly up the winding staircase_

Cassidy: You were bleeding out... _ His need was greater than hers and she was willing to put him first, but now she felt guilty he disapproved she had_

Z'ev: _Feeling guilty_ sorry. You're probably sick of saving my behind

Maybe we need some sort of training... we seem to get alot of close calls with them... _coughs_

Cassidy: _Says in a low voice_ Forewarning would be nice, as a demon Grayson can sense the souls of others, he just chooses not to always tell me... _Regrets saying it instantly, she isn't really sure how he feels about the "tag along" demon_

Z'ev: You mean that...skull that makes that horried noise?

Cassidy: Yes…

Z'ev: And a deamon not telling you about something terrible because that's the nature of them is odd is it?

Cassidy: Not at all as well as telling you things you don't want to hear or know... Z'ev understands me. I don't feel strange about any of it, he's been tethered to my soul since I was born... my normal I guess

Z'ev: Yes... you've tried to tell me this morning. Not sure I'll fully understand it even if you drew me a bunch of diagrams.

Cassidy: As long as you don't think I'm crazy that I'm talking to myself... or a skull

Z'ev: I can't say alot about that... you've probably got a similar definition about me by now. _gives her a weak smile_

GM: As you reach the top of the stairs, you can see the apex of the dome is solid Rosewood,  with what remains of the steel framed glass windows that give the most magnificent veiw of Sharn. As you enter the chamber, Flamewind takes place upon a dias adorned with pillows. Her lions body shimmers with her glorious black and orange striped fur, and her elegant torso of a raven haired elven woman watches you intently. She unfurls her great magnificent black wings and says:

Flamewind: Cassidy Sekinth, Z'ev Ozone...together you have travelled far and faced many challenges. Are you strong enough on your own to find the truth of the Draconic prophecy? Accept my challenge and I will tell you. Come to the center of the room and begin a duel.

Z'ev: She's... she's not serious, right?

Cassidy: If she is... I would be in no condition to _As she's still leaning heavy on Z'ev_

Z'ev: _he wriggles around a bit, trying not to knock Cassidy over. He tosses his three weapons on the floor at his feet._  Then I refuse.  I just asked you to be my fiance.  A fight without a private hotel room wouldn't be my style. _he gives Cassidy a cheeky wink_

Cassidy: _Smirks_ You have already win one of the most difficult battles already _Sure he knows what she means, there were still difficulties to overcome but with Z'ev by her side she has started thinking of the future something she hasn't done in a long time_

Z'ev: _gives her a kiss_

Cassidy: I also refuse

Flamewind: _an amused smile crosses her features. It's as if she was expecting it... though who knows what an Oracle knows?_

Cassidy: What now than? _Mostly just wants to sat down as her injured foot is painful to stand on_

Z'ev: I have no idea..._glances at the Gynosphinx _

Flamewind: You have a better understanding of your companions than I. State your business.  _her voice seems to have an ethereal eco_

Z'ev: _fills in the details about the Oracle, shows the device and mentions the first prophecy_

_ Hesitates and looks at Cassidy _ should we tell her the other one?


_Being able to sat was a relief she felt a better with her weight off her foot, but it was starting to become an effort to not pass out, the wounds from the sword slashes had long stopped bleeding, she was sure Z'ev would be able to smell blood but his likely cover up any of her own_ If we want answers... yes... I think so

Z'ev: _fills Flamewind in on the other thing it said to Cassidy, while his free hand idly makes a few sigils on Cassidy's back, the transmutation for Healing word_

Flamewind: Hmmm... it seems the Oracle of War has spoken, neither for the first nor will be the last. It's tongue speaks in the language of Draconic Prophecy,  the greatest riddle of our world that even Dragons themselves don't fully understand.  It seems to be your destiny to unravel It's verse...If I read the signs correctly, fate rests in your hands. The Prophecy is serpentine, pinning it down will twist It's verse and others will shift too. I shall study what you've given me and call for you when you need to act. Until then, you may leave in peace.

Z'ev: Thank you.

GM: It's a long walk back to the hotel, Z'ev stopping more than once to piggyback Cassidy on the way.

Z'ev: _lets Cassidy clamber/roll off his back onto the bed before sliding to the floor exhausted, opening his leather jacket and inspecting the huge hole where Pyre ploughed him through._ could have been an easier one considering.... how are you feeling now after having to stop and vomit over the side of the sky walk?

Cassidy: _Lieing on her back with an arm covering her eyes_ I don't think there is an overall word to describe how I feel, you?

Z'ev: can confirm I'm breathing,   right? I'm not dead and this is my brain's last moments trying to hold onto some sense of normality._even as he says it, there's a tone of uncertainty in his voice_ I get the feeling the universe wants me gone and you're the only one clawing me back.

Cassidy: Don't say that _crawls across the bed to him, til she can put her arms around his neck and rest her head on his shoulder_ You don't think your sisters and friends care about you as well?

Z'ev: Not as much as you do.... and it's very appreciated. Though right now I'm more concerned about you. _reaches up and kisses her before continuing his train of thought_  I did a little bit of digging around the library after helping Zell get a makeover while you were staking out the Tavern... I think there's something we can try, if you're up for it.

Cassidy: Try? _ Giving him a curious look_ Try what exactly?

Z'ev: Well it will involve sex... and demon summoning....

Cassidy: _Pulls back suddenly as if something burnt her, a dark look on her face_ You don't want to go down that path…

Z'ev: _pulls a little book out from under his jacket which luckily is unscathed from earlier, it's got a black leather cover which is quite unique, especially with the naked Demons on the front in what looks like some kind of weird sexual position_ Found it in that weird little corner of necromancy books. It's clearly written in arcane runes and they do indeed glow and other weird stuff on the pages.

Cassidy: _Gingerly takes it from him to have a closer look, common sense tell her not to, but her curiously gets the better of her_

DM : Inside the book under your gaze as someone fluent in arcane scripture, the words stop misbehaving on the page, glowing a little furiously in spite. It is indeed a spellbook about summoning demons but in a lesser known but older and also more garenteed way of getting the attention of one that is more likely to make a bargain without having to sacrifice a few dozen chickens and several unruly goats. All it requires is two willing participants in a wild passionate frenzy. And it even has a list one names of various demons that can be summoned along with the symbols for the floor markings, and the positions one must be in in order to please them.

Z'ev: Is there any chance of a demon that looks like your pet skull? _sounding hopeful_

Cassidy: What?! You want to summon Mr.Grayson?!

Z'ev: If we can... and get his name from the book, he'd have to be in our service right? We could get him to drop the contract or...i dunno write a new that could have benefit us maybe?

Cassidy: _Struggles to find the words_ It, it can't be so simple... demons hide their names for that very reason... _Though she is looking at the book a lot more closely_

Z'ev: Well if it's a fake it's still ...._grins wickedly _I mean...what other way would appease him to play nice? If all goes pear shaped....we can find a person to revive the dead in Sharn surely? Charge it to the university.

Cassidy: Souls... would have those that interest him like Cedric's..., Pyre's... and yours... pearshaped may be having yours taken…

Z'ev: Ummm more hoping you'd absorb it all but you'd be able to give it back i hope. Don't think it could claim one if it's currently being claimed I should think. It's a risk I'm willing to take. Long as we don't accidentally bind the thing into one of us. _looks into Cassidy's eyes, removing his glasses as he does so._ I'm feeling lucky, though not sure how long I can keep cheating death for you but you do agree that it's time to renew your families bargain with the demon, afterall the stakes have changed and we have a better deal.

Cassidy: _She was very much considering this, his logic was sound in that respect, and it was a ray of hoped if she broke the contract she could move forward with her life_

 What deal are you thinking of making?

Z'ev: I hadn't thought that far. You said he was interested in my soul. _frowns a little _ why? Unlike yours, Cedric's mine has little value and Pyre's even less.

Cassidy: He... can not only sense souls, but can see into them, your... past... makes you interesting... _Doesn't want to tell him he enjoys the pain and suffering that tortures even now_

Z'ev: So it's nothing to do with the fact that he can use it to bend you to his will or anything?

Cassidy: _Dislikes he see through her lie_

Z'ev: Cas? _his eye search hers_  you know I'm not an idiot. Sure I don't listen or understand alot of the stuff you tell me..but what happened last night, that's nothing to do with my past and taint on my own soul because I willingly gave that to you....back in Salvation. You've had it longer than just last night. Otherwise it'd have happened before.

I'm willing to bet that...that was a warning.

Mr grayson: _mumbles from Cassidy's bag_

DM: The homunculus looks asleep on the table by the window.

Mr.grayson: _incoherent cursing_

Cassidy: _Feeling ashamed to have been lying to him_ Yes... I knew... I can see it… Last night was the most... passionate and... you give more of yourself… 

Z'ev: _ Nuzzles Cassidy _ pretty sure I can put in way more effort.  We were drunk too, don't forget that.

Cassidy: I'm not questioning if you can _She had no doubt there_ I don't know what will happen to you, to us if I take your soul…

Z'ev: _sighs heavily, remembering Cassidy is going to nitpick over every single negative outcome before reaching a decision_ if you don't want to, then say so. I'll figure something else out. Least this way if anything was to go wrong we'll be in it together and not alone. I'm sure there's some Witches working in the city somewhere I can ask for potions or at least make an elixir though that's probably more dangerous....Rather risk losing my soul to you than anything else.

I imagine there's a word you have to chant while we're doing it. Bet it'll be sexy.

Cassidy: _Couldn't help laughing at that_ You are a strange one Z'ev Ozone most would be terrified by all this, and you willing want jump right in _Kisses him_ I don't know if I should tell you this but, the "third party" wants to say something, should we listen?

Z'ev: I'm sure I can cope with bleeding eardrums for a few minutes..... _holds one of her hands tight, but it's clear he's shaking, possibly more terrified than he's letting her know. _

Mr.grayson: _muffled_ HA! YOU CAN TRY BUT I DOUBT YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT TYPE OF DEMON I AM! For all you know you'd probably summon Yeenogu! _muffled cackling_

Cassidy: _Flicks through the book seeing if there is a demon that looks similar to the skull_ What we really need is something to bargain with first... _Says to Z'ev_

Z'ev: may not like it but maybe offering me, you know my body as a vassal for future summons...._shuts his eyes tight, expecting Cassidy to really hate the idea but in truth it might be the best way for him to stay alive. It's not like he isn't aware of what demons can do after all he specialises in the history the fall of the Dhakaani empire and spent roughly four years uncovering relics and tales that lead to their ruin, the Dalkyer doing so much damage that when Humans arrived they only had to mop up the mess that was left to take over as the dominant race on Khorvaire _

DM: In the book Cassidy you come across a page where a demon with a similar head shape to Greyson's skull is painted. It even mentions its love for devouring souls and how it's  the most useful and cooperative of friends provided you can keep giving it a steady supply of souls. While Greyson likes to collect them, you remember it's only a select few...possibly ones that would give him indigestion but are nevertheless worth keeping for novelty like a child keeping bugs in a jar.

It is called a Nabassu, Though the book says they typically have individual names that most creatures can't pronounce. The ritual looks simple enough too, though the diagram shows one of the summoning lovers tied to the floor with each limb between each point of the pentagram giving extra points to the star. It doesn't tell you anything that may happen during the ritual other than the Nabassu have a fondness of watching two souls combine when sex happens in this way and then the book goes into how sex is old world magic and waffles until it opens a pages on the next feind and position.

Cassidy: I had thought the same _That she agrees with Z'ev's idea_ This is also disturbing that my grandmother may have done just this to summon Grayson…

Z'ev: _opens his eyes and can't help but look a bit surprised she agreed. But then he reminds himself she's practical so of course she'd have thought of that._ well then, what are we waiting for? Let's set it up...._takes a deep breath and swallows hard, a sign that if this wasn't for Cassidy he would never do this in a billion years_ and start summoning.  Worst case scenario it's just an occult themed bondage book and nothing happens right?

Cassidy:Worse case scenario, we won't be around to know _Looks around_ We need room for this to help me move everything.

Z'ev: That's...reassuring…

Cassidy: Everythings a risk _Says getting off the bed_ Just some things more than others of course _Looking at the bed_ We could rip up the sheets to use or ties…

DM:  Once everything in the room is cleared so there's empty wooden space on the floor, you draw out the pentagon and the spell seal in special invokers chalk which glitters as you mark the woodwork. At the top point you place Greyson's skull and at the other four glowing everbright Crystals before a naked shifter lies on the floor as directed and Cassidy proceeds to tie him down.

Z'ev: _ as Cassidy steps inside the glowing circle, from his vantage point below_ you know, from here your body looks very ominus and ghostly...._he can't help himself but sound like he's panting. It's not like Cassidy can't tell how much he's secretly enjoying it as being bound naked on the floor has obvious disadvantages but his body is clearly begging for hers just by sight alone_'s ...ethereal. If I die like this... it's one hell of a way to go. You're so incredible…

Cassidy: Mmm _There is a deep sound of desire_ I have wanted to get you like this... at my mercy _She sats atop him now and whispers in his ear_ Powerless to stop me _Says seductively, she runs a finger slowly down his chest, and he responds strongly to her touch, good to know he wasn't going to have any performance problems she smirks in satisfaction_

Z'ev: _getting a very strange feeling_ Really? Should I be concerned? _pulls at the bonds, his desire to touch her back is being prohibited,  making him powerless_ Come on then Cas....take it for a spin...._breathing is heavy and he's occasionally swallowing harshly as he is already feeling tortured _

Cassidy: _Grins wickedly but for this to work she needed him to bring an intensity he never had before, she was sure his beast side was up to it, but she didn't want to tell him that oh no, she wanted to see if she could tease the beast to come out and play_

_She stopped and stood up hearing him whine as she does, and slowly very slowly, starts removing her clothes grinning the whole time_

Z'ev: Cas... _is starting to have reservations about this, there's a slight growl in his voice _

_pulls at the restraints, archs up his back off the floor as if the woodwork  is starting to burn_

DM: The ever bright crystals glow and start to hover in the air along with Greyson's skull, illuminating both their naked figures_

Cassidy: _Can't say she wasn't feeling a little apprehensive, and Z'ev was as well, she was sitting atop him again legs on each side putting her hands on the sides of his face_ Do you trust me?

Z'ev: Would I lay here naked tied to the floor if I didn't?

Cassidy: _Nods_ Focuses on the feeling _Leans in and catches his lips with hers pushing his lips and teeth apart with her tongue til she can find his, as she does she guides him still not being able to help gasping when she feels him lock into the lover's embrace, she pulls back and slowly starts to move her hips as dark words spill from her lips_

Z'ev: _responds in kind as best as he can, frankly tying him up was slightly Cassidy pulls back to start to ride, chanting the strange tongue found in the book the ever brights around them start to hover and glow various shades of reds and yellows, the floor really now feel like it's burning his flesh as he struggles hard to not knock Cassidy off though clearly she isn't noticing his distress as with every raise of his hips things get a lot more intense for her as she is getting him as deep as he will go._

DM: The crystals begin changing colours again as the orgie of bliss continues, aided by deep growls, some of them sounding more dangerous and deadly as things get more intense. 

Suddenly as the heat reaches it's peak the everbright crystal colours change to green with blinks of purple  and beneath the chanting Elf the Shifter starts to change....

Then the crystals all explode, shattering shards everywhere, plunging the room and everything in it into Darkness.

Cassidy, you are still joined to Z'ev and can't currently pull out, though as your night vision kicks in you notice the beast beneath you is familiar...not right either. Blood is foaming out of it's snapping jaws as the rest of the body convulses and the eyes.....they're no longer your lovers.

Greyson: _voice comes out of Z'ev's jaws, eyes glowing with malice, the mouth pulls back to reveal impressive sharp rows of teeth._ Got Bored did we? _ the dull leaded tones of an infernal tongue are being spoken_

DM:The skull is also shattered in pieces....Greyson has now found a host

Greyson: No wonder he likes... you're warm and snug. _purrs_

Cassidy: _Realising it's no longer Z'ev beneath her, she tries to get free but quickly realises she can't and starts to panic, on the verge of tears_

Greyson: What exactly were you expecting to happen when trying to summon me? Waste my time and I'll definitely give you a reason to cry, elf. Personally I'd rather not be here longer than Necessary.  Got souls to munch.

Though would be nice to inspect my new home. _the head moves rather unnaturally as  if whatever is in control hasn't had a physical form in several thousand years. _ feels good to see through eyes again..

Cas: _The only thing Cassidy had on her side at the moment was that he was still bound_ You... know all, all, already what I want... _Can't help her voice being shaky as frankly she can't stop shaking with fear_

Greyson: Sorry, do I? _the jaws snap and grin, hot drool leaving the lips ,sure he can't sit up but he's trying to so he can look Cassidy in the eyes_  if it's to end your contract you have try a bit harder,  especially when you have nothing to offer in exchange

What's stopping me killing you both now anyway? _muses_ however you do fascinate me going to all this trouble to suddenly wish you hadn't bothered

_makes Z'ev's body move and elicits a gasp of pleasure from Cassidy, making the twited mockery of a grin widen_  Although....this could be fun.

Cas: I would try, of course I would, that's why... _She gasp again, he was enjoying this sexual torture a lot_ I want to make a new bargain... _Another gasp_

Greyson: _pauses his little game_ with what? You have nothing to bargain with

Cas: Z'ev's willing to... _Moans its hard to remain serious when he was keeping it up_ Have his body used... _Agian_ As a vassal for future summoning…

Greyson: Oh? And what's in it for me? What do I get out of it? Besides having to share a body with another creature I could eat at any time I like and pretend we're all dany? Hmm.._he weighs up his choices_

Cas: What else... _Is getting very flashed_ Would you want?... _If she was in her right mind she wouldn't ask and have held firm_

Greyson: Souls. As much as it seems to upset  everyone, including other demons. Sometimes you got to eat, unfortunately you don't get to choose your diet.

Cas: There's nothing else?...

Greyson: You were expecting me to have something more sinister? I'm not Yeenogu nor Orckus. Not every demon wants much else other than to survive.  It's you mortal creatures who want our powers or want us to seal things away, fight for you...._growls and spits on the floor beside _ never expecting us to want anything but carnage in return. It would be nice, but I've been tied to your cursed lot for so long... guess I've gotten lazy.

Siberys forbid...domesticated. _snorts_

Are we still on the old contract or is this new one to replace the old one? And you're not just making it without ever planning to give me my part of the bargain?

I know how Vassals work. You may lose on this bargain if you don't fulfil my end of it on occasion.Madness after all is infectious

Mortals aren't meant to house more than one entity. _you see a visible shrug desipe the body he's possessed is a convolting writing mess_  I may be going soft, but you were always giving me good souls....unlike you Mother.


Cas: _If only he hadn't mentioned her_ Don't talk about her! _Says in an angry tone_ She was selfish to the core! _The animosity she feels towards her still lingers_

Greyson: Don't I know it. It wasn't just you she cheated out of everything. It's why I'm looking for proof you'll keep your end of the deal

DM: As he keeps talking marks are starting to appear on Z'ev's body, through the lighter coloured fur it's clear the demon possession is starting to affect it by marking his skin under the fur making it discoloured.

Greyson: Although...a question has arised...why you've never summoned me before. Did your mother ever teach you any spells in demonic rituals?

Cas: Don't even pretend you don't know the kind of elf she was, I know my grandmother made this contract to try and control her, saying it was for protection _Laughs_ She thought it better our bloodline die _Finding it hard to talk about them and the spitefulness they had with each other_ I I'm not my mother so why should I be punishment like her? All I want is to share myself with the man I love, and have my own family one day, is that so wrong? _She can't stop the tears of frustration, of feeling powerless that much of her life has been dictated by the decisions, selfishness and animosity of her own family_

Greyson: I've said, you've always fed me....And I did let you have your powers despite the contract. Hmmm.. I still don't see the benefit to me since I'm the one stuck here tied to you. Hmmmm _mulls it over_ if I teach you this... summon spell will you grant me the ability to devour souls as I like when unleashed? In return I'll leave his and your souls alone... unless you forget your bargain. It's not like I have many cards in my infernal hands to play either. You have indeed got me trapped, though I do have something you want hostage....and I'm willing to make an exchange.

DM: Beneath you you can feel your lovers body's violent shaking slow down, the fight for possession of his body is starting to be overpowered by the demon.

Cas: _He was blackmailing her and Z'ev couldn't take much more but if she didn't push it they may never get another chance_ Will you use Z'ev's body as a vessel when I summon you?

Greyson: _the feral smile remains fixed _ I don't see anyone else you have me trapped inside of.

Cas: So as I see it your getting two souls contract to you both of which you can take if they fail to uphold their end of the bargain _She should have discuss this with Z'ev first but..._ Make the soul transference work both ways and... you have yourself a deal does Z'ev agree?...

Greyson: The old contract becomes void if you do another. I'm not that strong a feind. Wish I was but we have limits especially when binded as I was to that blasted  tiny planar black hole of a skull. And besides, parly with me and I may bestow some benifits. I am not that malicious. Well..._heckles_ I am, but I do love being a fly on the wall

But I'm limited by your summoning vessle. Mortals aren't ever powerful Like the Lords of Dust.As a token on top of teaching you a better ritual than this, I'll give your other half some extra...zing to make your night worth the pay off._red bloodshot eyes stare into Cassidy's and the flicker of yellow second eyelids blink_

Cas: _She understood just what he was saying_ How do we seal the deal? _She had never made a deal before so didn't know how_

Greyson: _coughs_ same way you trapped me in here..._there's a lustful smirk as the demon makes her lovers hips buck upwards_ don't worry, it's going to be all his... I have no interest in breeding withba mortal despite how much fun it was to taunt you with the entire prospect. Though you may want to untie 'our' hands after... otherwise you'll miss out on the extra benifts.

Cas: _Was thrown by this but should have expected it, it was far from easy to do this when this was her lover's body but wasn't really him, but she had to do this_ Do that again than _Maybe taunting him a little now_

Grayson: My know..._ he forces the body to move with purpose though it's rather rough and doesn't have the constant thought of Cassidy's pleasure in mind other than just hit the knot in harder and faster_ it's unusual how this vessel is designed....typically only humans and teiflings are this insane to try...shame there's only one attachment and no tendrills.

Cas: _Its was uncomfortable and somewhat painful, maybe because her's where never really meant for this kind of set up, and she wouldn't be surprise if there was some bleeding, she had some the first time but never told Z'ev, she just let the demon continue and endure it as best she can_

Greyson: The lack of tentacles is confusing to me... how does one keep the other in place without force? And the lack of multiple mortals are a weirdly designed lot…

DM: As the demon starts getting analytical and giving Cassidy instructions how to summon him normally, Cassidy you can see Z'ev's arms twitch and start to pull at the sheet reatraints, not with the desire to go for you, but more in line of someone trying to fight their way out in sheer terror...a sign his soul is trying to fight back

The head is struggling to shift too, Greyson's demonic voice is starting to just sound like buzzing ear burning infernal mixed in with Z'ev's,  the latter is begging for the tourture to stop. There is definitely more than one in that body

Z'ev: Cas....cas!....make it stop! I can't... Can't fight it…

Greyson: Aww come now, it's supposed to be pleasurable surely?

Z'ev: Not like this! This will hurt! More than you can imagine!

Greyson: _pauses his control over the lower regions _ then what do you suggest smarty pants? It's simple, tentacles go in rammed hard until you hear screaming -

Z'ev: It might not have occurred that I DON'T HAVE TENTACLES!

Cas: _It was truly like something from a deepest darkest nightmare, and she was stuck there unable to flee it, how then she keeped her sanity she didn't even know_ You can! Remember why you choose to do this! _She urges him to push back_

Greyson: It doesn't matter how you do it does it? It does the same thing...impregnating the other in -

Z'ev: _pulls on his restraints so hard it becomes loose enough for his right hand to get free, him to twist his body around and throw Cassidy off him, breaking the embrace as she's made to tumble to the floor outside the pentagon.  There's a lot of withering and self fighting going on while still bound but as long as he's still in the spell star he's at the demon's mercy.  There's a lot of animal and horrific infernal noises as a fight is taking place inside of him_

DM: From the outside - since Cassidy can sort of sense his soul - you can see a brighter more stronger colour aura trying to gain control, though unless you've remembered which colour belonged to him, you won't know who's winning

Cas: _She couldn't let him break free while this was happening, she grabs her spellbook from the nightstand behind, and calls on powers with ancient draconic as sand rains from nowhere above them and disappears as it hits the floor.

DM: As fine dust falls from the ceiling, you see the internal fight start to fact it's pretty sudden and clear as to which one has been made to concede as his head is fully beastial again with the glowing red and yellow eyes.

Greyson: Well now... this is going to be a fun home to be in. _snorts_ This... sex thing... you mortals can keep it. It's interesting...from a distance, Let's keep it that way.

Cas: I'm not going to argue with that _As she was feeling raw and knew walking would be painful for awhile_

Greyson: Yes....i think that we're all fine for the new deal. I stick to soul mortals...reproducing like....quori. I'll be waiting

DM: With that the head slowly morphs back, leaving Z'ev naked and unconscious on the wooden floor, but very much marked by Greyson's new residence,  demon marking burned into skin where fur will no longer grow. As Cassidy wraps herself up warm on the hotel bed and goes into her Topur-like trance, she can see Z'ev makes no effort to move from the floor or escape his bonds as the whole ordeal has affected him as much as it did with her, Z'ev been too afraid to allow himself freedom knowing that as of now he's now a true monster and not just considered a mindless beast. Maybe he should hand himself over to the flame, though they'd be too happy to deem him a Lycanthrope and not bother to help him unless it's his own murder. Shelly, the Homunculus is sitting watch by his side, occasionally it lets out a hoot and a cooing sound as he shivers from the cold, tears a stain under the eyes on the fur as it hits him hard with what they've done.

Z'ev: _ thinks back to when he lived in the village growing up and sometimes visiting friends who were lycans and seeing a special room under the house that was dug out in every home that had a metal door and lined with the strongest chicken wire  and other unpleasant never occured to him that those rooms were designed with a purpose, for when a young one get their first few changes and an older one who seen war and genocide had somewhere safe to unleash the monster on the inside... at least, somewhere safe where they wouldn't accidentally kill someone.  He was finally starting to understand why they had them and his family didn't....and began to wish they had. He tries to remain still, scared of something he's been able to do naturally without fear for his whole life now he's what he's probably always been in that shape - a killer like Pyre._

_he wakes up as the sun filters through the window and warms up the wooden floorboards, he moves his free arm and stares at it, the marks the demon had left caused fur to fall out in those spots like he's got a bad case of mange, the skin underneath blistered and scared to touch. His beautifully soft brown and white fur, utterly mangled by last night's decision.  He doesn't want to move around much, considering it's probably safer he stayed tied up ._

_he shivers and can't help but elicit a slight hopeless whine as he feels so very stupid and as is everything around him is staring at him as if eyes have sprouted in every single inanimate object_

Greyson :*welcome to my world, boy.* _says a voice in his head. *Everything will judge you, Everything will see you for what you are, what you will be. there is no escape*

Cas: _Though she should have likely rested longer she was far too understandably on edge, in the last four hours she had replayed last night, the things Cedric had said and of course the summoning, some things had occurred to her about this new contract as well_ 

_On coming out of her trance she had dressed and started trying to pen a letter to Vince about Cedric, it was more a distraction and she had discarded several drafts that were scattered across the bed eventually giving up, and opened a window she had been leaning out staring ever since, replaying everything again in her mind with no idea how much time had pasted_

_Hearing Z'ev whine she couldn't help tensing up, as she turned her head slowly to look over at him_

Greyson: *You will help me ravange a gloriously feast on souls, it's a rare  privilege. *

Z'ev: _free hand just grips his head in diggs nails deep into the skin. Don't talk back, whatever you do Z'ev... don't talk back....__ doesn't mean to but can't control the whines he's letting out_*got to get up, have to move....* _he starts pulling at the other knot binding his other arm though he's doing a poor job of it, making it tighter rather than looser_

DM: There's a knocking on the hotel room door.

Cas: _Looks at the door wide eyed, if that's hotel staff how would they explain any of this, getting off the bed she winces in pain, picking up her dagger and she drops it by Z'ev's hand, if that's the best idea she's isn't sure right now but a naked shifter tied on the floor in a pentagram wasn't the best either, she opens the door a creak enough to see who's on the other side_ Yes... _Trying to be composed_

Zell: _coughs politely _ Uh .. Hello, I didn't mean to wake you but you did let me know where you were staying. _he waves a piece of paper sealed with wax_ You've got another summons. We were worried you might have already left the city

Cas: Zell yes thank you for that _takes the paper_ I'd ahhh invite you in but Z'ev is still sleeping you see…

Zell: Oh of course, that's fine. _leans in conspiratorial _ I won't tell if you're engagement is supposed to be a secret _he winks_

Cas: _Smiles politely_ We would appreciate that, take care Zell

Zell: You too._ waves and leaves down the hall_

Cas: _Closes the door, before looking behind her_

Z'ev: _has finally gotten up off the floor as Cassidy closes the door, though most of his fur is in clumps all over the wood work. He's silently started up a bath and carefully placed a old fashioned razor by the tub, intent on trying to fix as much of the problem as he can - by shaving off his own fur from the affected areas. Rather be bald than look mange ridden and diseased _ _he's still too scared to talk, let alone look Cassidy in the eyes_

Cas: _Feeling very lost for words but what can she really say after last night's ordeal, the marks on his skin looked angry and painful, as well as his wrist and ankles where the restraints had bitten into them, she want to go to him, look them over, but she just couldn't make herself move_ Z'ev _Says softly_

Z'ev: _there's a heavy sigh, from behind his shoulders sag heavily _ I hope it was worth it. I don't have a clue what was said but will bare the curse for now. Wanted to protect you and failed in that...understand if you threw the ring at me and left. Got to have a better chance of being free now. _the razor looks too inviting as a way out, so he picks it up and tosses it away so it skitters underneath a chair_

Cas: I would never do that _Says in a soft tone, feeling very guilty as she is responsible for this, even if he talked her into it, she should have had the sense to say no, at her age she should have far more wisdom than she did_

Z'ev: I couldn't stop it..._ turns to see her out of the corner of his vision, but can't bare to fully face her_ if...if he takes over I can't stop anything he does... and no one will know it's a demon, they'll think it's me doing it. If it makes me kill and I think - no, I know it will as it's already taunting me in my head - I've already killed enough and it's affecting my sleep and just everything I try to do. I'm not sure if I can avoid becoming some you'll need to deal with sooner or later. But…

_leaves the sentence hanging_

_he's aware he can't tell Cassidy this directly as the demon is now in his head and can hear every word spoken. He just hopes Cassidy will make the connection _  Cottage, Dawn... may know something.... if problem....

Greyson: *Problem with what? You're potential marriage and love life? Oh don't give her that sop. You're going to be a great killing machine!* _laughs manically _

Cas: _Can tell his trying to tell her something, before she could of just thrown Grayson in a bag, shut him up but now..._ I understand, maybe more than you can imagine... _Not sure if his getting her double meaning_

Z'ev: Druid...witch…

Greyson: *Ohhh we're going on a witch hunt? Now that's a soul I want in my collection rather then my belly* _proceeds to natter about why their souls are interesting to collect _

Z'ev: _tightly closes his eyes like he's got a splitting headache_

Cas: _Knows that look all too well as she has made it more than once over the century_

Z'ev: _steps into the bath and looked appalled by the clumps of fur just comming off where the marks are, leaving a permanent pattern of burnt scarred skin. Doesn't want to think about how bad it all looks_ so, what's in the envelope?

Cas: Its ahhh another summons _Suddenly realises that this could be a breaking point for him that she could lose him, and that frightened her far more than anything_ Z'ev... I know what you're thinking, because I've thought the same.

I'm a monster and... you want to run away and hide if you're lucky it won't be for long..., I've done things I don't think I can ever be forgiven for and became so numb to.

_This was some of the hardest things she had ever had to say and she could only hope he wouldn't push her away after hearing it_

Before you my life had little meaning..., I had no ambitious or thoughts about the future I was just existing...

You enrich my life in ways you can't imagine. I want a life with you, I want a family with you. 

They say elves fell in love only once... I now know it's true, and I couldn't go on with you. 

As you said to me "If I was the one deciding as it's my life to live how I choose, would that make you feel less guilty I willingly ignore the risk involved" I choose to do the same now…

Z'ev: _while trying to wash he lets out a frustrated groan... In his head Greyson has started to complain about how 'basic' his wedding tackle are now he's finally seen them and is now describing how 'amazing' demons have it in painstaking detail_

Cas: So yes I think we should go see your sister Dawn, I was going to suggest it after what Iris said but thought you maybe against it… _Letting him know she got his message_

Z'ev: _shuts the demons lecturing off a minute and tries to focus on everything Cassidy said_ yes.. well I did indeed say that. _scanns the words_ wait, Elves are monogamous? That's got to be difficult ...or not if your lover lives as long as you. Guess you're probably expecting a slower burning relationship than this one?

_waves it off_ we've already absolved most sins, though if you prefer to tell me properly I'm willing to listen, at least more readily to now as I should have in the first place.  _gives her a weary smile, but it's the usual genuine one she's familiar with. He indicates to her to come over _  you wanted to know what a shifter with tattoos looks like? Come over and you can get a pretty good idea _muses_ one last attempt and just spending time together before being thrown into chaos? Maybe we can talk about one of those haunting memories you are struggling to share?

Cas: Not sure it will help you feel better _Sits down besides the bath leaning on the rim_ I feel this one was deserving... sure you want to hear it? _Looks troubled_

Z'ev: _is aware Mr. Greyson could and very much will tell him everything dirty little secret to him eventually when he decides he wants to ruin a special moment but would prefer it from Cassidy instead_  yes. Better from you

Greyson: *ohhh story time eh? Which one will it be? Round and round the roulette wheel goes, sure she may only be considered an adult now by her own people, but she's got at least fifty years worth of mistakes. It's going to be fun to see what she picks*

Z'ev: _under his breath _ I have plenty of time, Mr. Skull of malice.

Cas: Alright... under my contract I had to collect souls over periods of time... I would only look for bad individuals but his picky _Rolls her eyes remembering arguing with Greyson_ So during the war there was a tiefling murdering and collecting the belongs of his victims. So I tracked him down we fought sabed him with his own sword, and thought it was over but he suddenly got back up, gabbled me in a bear hug, and the sword went right through me as well... I passed out and ahhh when I came to... _Stares into nothing for a few moments_ I was... I was in one of the pits, and ahhh... _Starts shaking as her voice breaks, her own screaming of waking to find herself buried beneath corpse echo in her ears_ I, I, can't anymore! _As she breaks down starting to cry_

Z'ev:_thinks a bit, brow furrowed though with Greyson about to throw in his answer the demon is taken by surprise that Z'ev already knew the answer _ Thousand Corpes.... they usually incinerate them now than mass graves thanks to the militin Karrnath. _expression grows very very dark and is aware the demon can see exactly what he's thinking about - stories from before the war and what the Silver Crusades were all about, his father showing them as kids special places he called cursed mounds...mass graves that were the result of the Silver flame and the nation of Aundair and their 'death kilms'. _  you don't have to say anymore...sorry I you don't have to continue if you can't.

Greyson: _is impressed_ *you mortals seems to find very inventive ways of being more evil than real demons....that's scary* *hopefully she won't mention the time she had to murfera family of.... erh...forget I mentioned that *

Z'ev: _has a sudden visible eye twitch_A family of what? _forgot for an instant Cassidy is in tears_ Murdered who?

Greyson: *family of Gnolls.... some village mayor said they were committing some sort of crimes against the town...forget what it was... but the entire clan had to go...all the little innocent  little critters in a creche tunnel of the ruins, all burned alive in order to lure the rest of the clan into a trap*

*Here's the rub, it was the humans who stole the Gnolls farms, their

Crops, their cattle. Left them with nothing because the humans wanted them for themselves....just like what you were trying to remember....* _ he let's that sink in_

Z'ev: _his eyes lock onto Cassidy, very much a mixture of emotions_ were you complicit in Genocide?

Cas: _Under his glare it's the first time she has ever felt afraid of him_ What? I... _As it dawns on her_ What's he telling you?

Greyson: * Then there was also the time she...* is off in story mode

Z'ev: Lies....I hope... I don't know how you put up with it. He could tell me anything right? Especially since he can see everything in my own head...everything that scares me

Greyson: _laughs _ *best bit, you won't know what's right or wrong! Just wait until we start collecting souls together!*

Cas: Only if he wants to, and than its not always true what he says, its a... skill to work it out

Z'ev: Great. Well... I guess that's going to be a problem if you want to have a serious conversation with me in future about your might need to teach me. _he nuzzles Cassidy despite being wet and smelling like a wet musky dog, trying desperately to egnore the insane infernal cackling in his mind. Cassidy needs him to stay on top and not give into the bloody thing, she trusted him to do this to help her. Don't...push her away by listening to it and it's lies_

Cas: _Puts her arms around him not concerned by getting wet, just wants him to know her feelings haven't changed_ Two things I should tell you _Says when she pulls away_ You can now understand infernal the language of demons, and you can't tell anyone about your contract, even if you want you physically can't

Z'ev: _swallows hard_ I don't even know what my part in the contract is. All I'm afraid of is him suddenly killing me when I screw up. _kisses Cassidy softly, slightly showing the fear he has still from hurting her earlier_ whatever it was....don't ever let me know.

_nuzzles into the crook of her neck_

Cas: I'll do everything I can to protect you, I promise _Embraces him more tightly this time, to show she truly means it_

Z'ev: That's supposed to be my line. _feels very ashamed of that _


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