The wild beyond the Witchlight (D&D campaign - expect updates here and there)

 This is a transcript of our D&D campaign. It can be an interesting read but it's mostly here for prosperity incase google docs crashes. Please note we had no format till like part way through so uhhh bare with us...


On the 27th of Olarune 998, a sky coach travels from the lower levels of the city of Sharn to the upper.

Its passenger received a letter of summons from the warlock Madryck Roslof to meet at their town house to discuss a matter of importance.

Roslof's assistant in the Brelish army is invaluable and Lt. Blouse has ordered he, be assisted in everything possible.

Dinjin is reading a peice of parchment. I think the leuitnent sending me in his stead is a mistake. What if this bloke thinks it's an insult? Looks at the other official letter he had to give in return with Lt. Blouse's seal on it. Oh man oh man oh man....

Dinjin is a young 35ish man dressed in the uniform of the 485th Brelish Heavy Infantry. He has dark brown hair that's cut short as required by the military though also wears goggles around his neck and a gas mask hangs loose from his belt. Slung over his back is a large 'firecracker' which has made people on the other side of him in the sky coach rather nervous and very eager to get off at the next stop as they're afraid it could explode.

Dinjin is slighly grubby, underneath the gun powder residue is tanned skin and if you were to look at his face long enough you'd see some of the strangest unnaturally faint grey iris's you've ever seen that would easily have one mistake him for being blind. 

Looks out the coach window and is tapping the papers against his fingers nervously. 

There is a tiefling however who doesn't look nervous by your presents at all on account they have been asleep the whole time.

They're laying across three of the seats with their back to you, other passengers have looked annoyed their taking up the seats but have done nothing about it. 

You noted them when you first got on how could you not? Dressed in a kaleidoscope of colours and patterns, not to mention their bright white hair and blue skin, a decorative shield and spear rest against the wall beside them.

As they roll onto their back all the jewellery their wearing chiming noisily a piece of paper falls from their person onto the floor.

Dinjin picks up the paper and taps the teifling on the shoulder. Excuse me, mate, you've dropped something.

A ferret darts out from who knows where from their clothes and grabs the paper, the tap on their shoulder wakes the tiefling up who sats up, sending the ferret and paper tumbling to the floor.

Awww what huh, we've arrived? Looks around than back at Dinjin confused with shining golden eyes, when he sees the coach is still moving.

Err no, Not unless you missed your stop. Y-you dropped this. Hold out the paper that landed on the floor.

Reshoulders the 'Firecracker' as is slips off his shoulder.

The tiefling takes the paper Dinjin you notice the it has the same crest as the letter you received.

Excuse me.... Gentley coughs. I couldn't help but notice on your letter... it has the same mark as they one My commanding officer received.

Oh you know old Madryck too? He ask as the ferret climbs up his leg and into his lap.

Errr... no frowns. My commanding officer must do. I have a reply to give him as the Lt. Blouse can't attend.

Has no idea the other letter has him dropped into the request instead.

Awww okay, his said he has some 'dealings' with the army, well than. Slaps his knees causing the ferret to jump off him. I can show the way.

Dinjin hesitates but follows anyway. Afterall he has never been to upper Sharn before and once anyone asks for his identification papers, chances are he'll be thrown off a high ledge somewhere as his 'Kind' aren't allowed beyond the Lower and Middle Duras. Having someone lead him around 'might' not get him pulled aside for questioning.

From the station and onwards Atticus walks with every confidence people stare but his use to that here. Compared with the fey wilds where his just another one of the crowd. Atticus. Says over his shoulder.

Follows in step behind, snapping his goggles on to hide his 'unnatural pigmented eyes' and jogs a little to keep up with the speedy lithe Teifling while continually shifting the weight of the firecracker as it is indeed quite heavy to carry around. Excuse me... e-excuse me! I didn't quite catch your name!. Pauses when he sees the ferret again blowing a raspberry in his direction.

Oh. Stops and turns around putting a hand out, jewellery chiming, cloven hooves clip cloping on the sidewalk as he walks. Atticus sometimes known or the blue jay or fey dancer, and this is Hugo. Nods to the ferret on his shoulder.

This is one thing he's confident in, he grabs Atticus by the hand in a firm calloused grip of a man who normally wears thick leather gloves and smiles. Nice to meet you, they call us Dinjin, I'm an weapons expert. So who exactly is this Warlock that knows you and my superior?

As Dinjin shakes Atticus's hand, his skin colour starts to change to match the Teifling's and because he's distracted he doesn't notice.

Nice to meet ya, or should I say pleased to meet your acquaintance? Be all proper like. Takes hold of Dinjin's wrist and holds his hand up looking at how the pigment of Dinjin skin now matched his own. Oh you're one of those changer people. Says in a lower voice before letting his hand go. Anyway Madryck. Says as he starts walking again I meet him a few years ago when I came back to the material plane, he helped me out so the last I can do for him is the same.

As far as I know he served in the army but is now "semi-retired" after he suffered a leg injury, and of course he's a warlock so can use magic so valuable bah bah… but I've no idea how your superior knows him. Finally looks over his shoulder to see if Dinjin is still following.

Dinjin is in shock, looks at his hand, swears and clumsily puts his gloves on as they should have been on EARLIER but he was so frazzled he had forgotten.

C-Changer people? N-No idea what you're talking about! Shape shifters are BANNED in this part of the city!

It dawns. Changer people! Grabs Atticus by the collar of his costume. Not so loud! Rich people here are paranoid and I could get locked up!

Ouch you're strangling me. Tries to get lose. Why are you yelling?"

Dinjin you can see your begin to cause attention, as people are starting to look your way.

Lets go hurriedly and pats the teifling down, brushing imaginary lint off his shoulder. Sorry sorry just.. X-Nay on the ELIGCHANG if you get my drift. He said nervously. There's people around here who'd throw the likes of me in jail just because of my species….

Atticus raises an eyebrow. I'm really not bothered by what "species" you are, come on it's just up here.

Dinjin eyes him sideways. That'd be a first. Can I get that in writing? My sibling would get a laugh.

I'll sign it with love if you like, but how about we get off the street first, speaking of which we're here.

Atticus stops at one of the three story townhouses. 

It doesn't look any different to the others you have been pasting red brick white rimmed windows and a grey tiled roof, all have black iron fencing and stairs to the front door. 

Atticus opens the gate and heads for the front door.

Dinjin stares in awe. The buildings up here are incredibly beautiful, unlike the cramped mud holes of the Lower Cogs.

Atticus rings the bell looking back at you questioningly, the door opens and a lady answers their outfit suggesting she is a servant.

Butler: Good afternoon sirs, how may I help you?

Uh... hello. 

Er... is your boss home? Realises he has no idea how to talk to someone who works for someone with lots of money.

Butler: He is sir, may ask who is calling and what it is in what regards to?

Salutes. Dinjin, of the 485th Heavy Infantry here on the behalf of Lt. Blouse. The Lt. Couldn't make it and sends his regards. Hands her the sealed letter.

Butler: Excpets the letter Of course you're expected Looks towards Atticus. A pleasure to see you again master Atticus right this way if you please.

Looks at Atticus. Expected? Uh I wasn’t-

Mmm you got a letter didn't you? Replies.

My superior did. It's not addressed to me specifically.

You sure? 

Nods. I'm just a messenger really.

The butler leads you to an elevator and moves aside for you to step in.

Lift is a tight squeeze…

No funny business. Laughs.

Funny business? Looks confused. I meant once you squeeze both of us in there we'd barely find room to breathe!

I can tell you're going to be so much fun. Says smiling showing off his canines.

The lift stops at a nicely decorated and cosy sitting room, a man in his late 50s has short hair, neatly trimmed moustache and a cane stands by a fireplace he turns when he hears the lift. 

Is trapped in the corner with a weapon preventing him from moving. Hey Madryck a little help!

Taps his cane on the floor and lift suddenly becomes bigger. Well that's one way to make someone's acquaintance.

Falls forward out of the lift on his face.

Helps Dinjin back to his feet. I was right you're going to be great fun. Laughs. Thanks Madryck how ya been?

Been better its why I called you in fact.

Dusts self off and ajusts his weaponry with alot of clattering before saluting

Lt. Blouse couldn't make it sir! I uh gave his letter to.... where'd she go?

Looks around for the help who answered the door.

That's quite alright he wasn't who I ask Dinjin. Indicates for everyone to sat.

Looks very confused. But is says so on the.... letter….

Does it? Has a devious smile as he sats.

Enough playing with him Atticus, nature of the fey. Sighs.

Okay, okay I've known the whole time, I fellowed you and boarded the the same sky coach I was meant to escort you here.

Me? Ohhh no no no no you... you don't want me.... Waves hands nervously. I'll only make things become explosive…

Puts a hand up for silence. Once I explain things it will all become clear.

Errr ok…

Nervously takes a seat.

As you know I I'm a warlock and as such I receive my powers from a patron, however for the better part of a year I have been unable to contact her and I'm beginning to become deeply concerned.

W-wait.... patron? We're dealing with... Swallows hard. d-deamons?

Not at my patron is a an archfey, one you are familiar with Dinjin my patrons name is Zybilna.

D8 roll = 8

Zyblina? Laughs nervously. They're a fairytale! Not real! Something Changeling parents tell their children! Coughs. Heck to be honest I DID want to be them as a kid... WE ALL DID back in the day but surely…

Dinjin hearing Zybilna name triggers a memory that you had long forgotten. 

When you were a child you and your sister were playing on a frozen pond. 

You went out to a part where the ice was thin, it broke and you fell in.

You would have drowned if a statuesque woman with long white hair and a small tattoo of a chicken's foot below one eye, hadn't pulled you out.

She wrapped you in a blanket and comforted you while your sibling went to get help, you fell asleep and by the time you woke she was gone.

Falls awkwardly silent.

Oh wow Madryck you're good, this all starting to make sense…

Is still very much lost_ uh... excuse me one moment. _gets up and slips out the room to for a few minutes uncontrollably shift shapes...well sort of. His skin turns white along with his hair looking VERY ghost like and after getting himself to calm down he re-enters the room with his human persona back on though unbeknownst to him there is a streak of white in his dark hair which is a give away he mildly panicked. It slowly starts to change to match the rest of the dark brown colour.

You good? Looks a little concerned.

Good? Totally Totally FINE….

Atticus: Hey its okay the same thing happened to me, when Madryck said Zybilna's name, I suddenly remembered her.

When I was a kid I had trouble talking properly I had a really bad stutter. But than Zybilna she came and put her hand on my head and it was gone, from that day I never had trouble talking again.

Dinjin's white streak in his hair comes back. No idea what you're talking about.

Flat out lies.

Anyway... what about them?

Without Zybilna I have no power, that puts me in a difficult position as a warlock drafted in the military. 

Therefore I I'm asking that Atticus and yourself travel in my stead to her realm of Prismeer and find out what has befallen her, as I can not myself. Gestures towards his leg. Though even if I were capable I'm not so easily able to simply leave.

Roll investigation D20= 11 -1 = 10

Looks and thinks 'it's a leg alright. It's there it's not missing'.

With all due respect sir….

As he has as much tact as an inflatable dartboard.

That's your leg.

So it is, but not as it once use to be.

Wants to desperately say, 'yeah but it's still attached and you're a magic user...' but stops himself as magic user also means - 'man who can burn you alive with a click of his fingers'.

So where was your patreon last seen?

In her realm of Prismeer which there is only one way to travel there, through a fey crossing hidden in the Witchlight carnival. Looks back at Madryck. Which is why Madryck called me here, because I grew up in the cranival but despite that I don't know where the gate is or how to open it.

Prismeer? Realms? Again Dinjin feels lost and being spoken to in tounges so he just nods along.

So where was the Carnival last's wearabouts?

The elevator came up at that moment with the butler from earlier. It seems we're out of time, and Atticus for what its worth I I'm sorry, and Dinjin come back when you can, someone will be here waiting for you.

Wait sorry for what?

There's no more time they're waiting for the both of you outside.

Pushes Atticus along, as someone who's used to being shoed out of a building in a rush because someone outside of it is probably here that'll put your life in danger. I'm guessing the service entrance? We'll be in touch.

Wait what's happening?!

We're being told to 'politely' leave.

Butler: Shows you the way out through the back. Good luck sirs.

Gives the butler a wink. Thank you ma'am.

Now outside. So... I'm going to ask again.... where was the Carnival last? I suppose we have to go there first. Er, sorry Mr. Atticus. I'm not great this sort of thing, used to being given orders, not thinking by the seat of my pants. It's been a long time.

In middle Sharn Tradefair.

Dinjin: Right... we should be able to get a sky coach... Looks around the corner suspiciously to make sure the coast is clear.

Investigation check. D20 1 + 4 = 5

Dinjin the best you can ascertain is that there are several people dressed in Brelish uniform, but you can't see anyone's faces clear enough, one seems to be arguing with the butler at the front door.

Squints. I don't recognise the regiment...maybe let's go the 'other' way

Aren't they part of your lot? Asks,Not really understanding the difference.

I can't tell. There's alot of people walking around in the same looking uniforms but different countries armies since the amnesty. 

I don't recognise them so….And they look angry.

Okay so we want to give them the slip than, take a right up here, we can circle round back to the station.

Alright... let's get out of here.

Let's Atticus take the lead, praying he knows what he's doing.

Before he follows behind, he pulls a small metalic ball from his many pockets inside his jacket and inserts a wind up key before rolling it out towards the unknown soldiers. The ball stops a few steps away from them and it clicks open, letting out a shrill air raid siren noise.

The soldiers looked around in a panic but one officer quickly begins shouting out orders, and they began hurrying away.

It won't take them long to figure it out! shouts as he catches up to Atticus We need to hurry! Points. Over there! There's a Sky Coach!

As you're running for sky coach you note too late there are two soldiers close by they note both you running and make towards you.

Reaches into his cloak and pulls out a slippery bottle and throws it on the ground before the guards get close, as it smashes it spreads out in a large black puddle of slippery machinery oil (casts grease)

The two soldiers lose their footing in the grease and fall they struggle to get to their feet shouting at the both of you.

Nice work. Says as you make to the coach doors before they close.

Huffing and puffing and coming down off an adrenaline high. ALRIGHT! Jumps around inside the coach excitedly.

I knew you were going to be fun. Says laughing.

Dinjin's hair has now a white zigzag running through it as he can't contain the excitement. He's dancing around like a kid, even grabbing Atticus by the hand and dancing around him.

Atticus: Was only too happy to dance along still laughing.

Suddenly something hits the side of the coach throwing you both off your feet.

Dinjin stumbles around and grabs onto a rail inside the coach. What was that?

Pulls himself to his feet by the window to look out. Oh ahhh there's people shooting at us. Points out the window.

Struggles to make his way over to the otherside of the coach, trying NOT to touch people incase he accidentally shape changes and looks out the window to see what the Teifling's looking at.

Out the window you see several soldiers up on one of the walkways with hand cannons.

Soldier: That was a warning shoot surrender now before any civilians are hurt!

They seem pretty serious.

Yeah. Remember what that Warlock what's his name said though? Something about them not being on our side or something along those lines? Shrugs off the large 'Firecracker' off his back and now as he places it on the floor it looks like a brass and steel lion but only at the front end and its leg stands. The rest is 100% iron cannon that has a slot on the top for a wind up key. (Summons eldritch cannon) He pulls what looks like a toy key from his pocket and inserts it into the abomination and winds it all the way and when he lets go the tjongs eyes light up glowing blue as energy surges through it and it leaps out the window and onto the roof of the sky coach. Dinjin gives Atticus a wicked grin and removes one glove to whistle with his fingers. On command Firecracker inhales the air around it and forms a ball of force that it then spits out aiming it towards the attackers of the coach (bonus action - force ballista)

Soldier: INCOMING!

You hear a soldier yell as they try to run, but are caught in the blast, as the smoke clears you see the soldiers are still standing as they get back to their feet.

Brilliant Says as he opens a window. That will make them think twice. Sats on the windowsill back facing outside. I think we should exit, before we really ruin these people's day.

I agree! To the Carnival!

I'll see you there then. Says as he disappears out the window.

Hey wait you just can't - holy smokes! Clutches the door as it swings wide into the open air and is now dangling from it. 

Strength saving throw 20 + 2 = 22.

You manage to hold on as you see Atticus float down to a walkway, by the soldiers and hits it running, the soldiers take off in pursuit of him.

Dinjin looks up and hears the door hinges creaking and sees Firecracker trying to climb back down as it winds down from it's mechanical spell.Ohhhh no you dont! Stay boy, S-T-A-Y….

As the coach approaches the station you see more soldiers there and waiting, including your lieutenant with them.

Dinjin looks confused. Last time he saw Blouse was when he gave him the letter saying he couldn't go because of some business at the King's moving fortress which is currently on the border of Breland and Droaam due to something involving the Sora Kell (apparently Dinjin heard way more than he should of but that's Blouse for you - the man never learnt to shut up and could rattle on for hours complaining about stuff he wasn't supposed to. If Dinjin WAS a spy for Karrnath the Brelish army would be super fucked right now) Something smells FISHY.

He squints to try and get a better look before Firecracker does something dumb like leap into his arms.

Dinjin! The lieutenant yells. Stand down now soldier, before any of these people get hurt!

The soldiers with him aim their guns at you, to show they mean what they say.

Dinjin: shouts back but is probably unheard. Hey! I didn't start opening fire on civilians! That was YOUR doing! (Can I make a insight check please?)

investigation check D20 18 -1 = 17.

As you look now you notice small details that are off about the lieutenant, mostly that he doesn't seem as polished as usual, his clothes seem creased as if they were put on in a hurry, the colour of his hair seems lighter than usual. 

Blouse always stands with his arms behind his back with his chest puffed out, but he stands with his arms crossed.

Dinjin has realised that is NOT his superior officer but doesn't get time to figure out much beyond that as Firecracker leaps for him forcing him to let go to catch it and they both start to plummet through the sky like a ton of bricks.

D20 roll = 5.

As you tumble through the air you hit the roof of another passing by sky coach, but roll right off before you can grab anything, taking 1 D6 roll = 1 point of bludgeoning damage.

As you continue to fall you suddenly land on a hard surface, you take 1 D6 = 4 bludgeoning damage but you're still alive, you find yourself lying on a soarslead that seems to have appeared from nowhere.

Dinjin Rolls onto his back and groans, holding onto the heavy Firecracker while falling was a BAD idea. His arms and shoulders ache… something has to be broken SOMEWHERE. Firecracker gives him a nudge before it sits on its hutches as it's mechanical winder whirrs down making it inert.


Atticus waves at Dinjin from a walkway close by, there's someone else standing with him.

Come on, we gotta get out of here!

Dinjin: yep… just a second… tries getting up and yelps as applying pressure to his left arm was a VERY bad idea. He does however still get up and slug firecracker over his shoulder and it clunks beside a long barrel gun and while the motion makes him wince, he still manages to limp over towards Atticus and the newcomer.

Hey what happened I thought you were right behind me? Puts a hand gently on Dinjin shoulder.

Dinjin you feel a sensation of warm flow through you that relieves some of the pain you're feeling. 

Take 1 D8 5 +5 = 10 healing.

The other individual is a woman you don't recognise who wearily is keeping a look out.

Dinjin: I guess we better get going then. Shuffles shoulder thanks, feels good as new! Uh… excuse me miss, are you a friend of Atticus?

A friend yes and more than a friend to you. Looks says the woman amused to Dinjin confusion. You really haven't changed. She smiles.

Dinjin frowns. I'm sorry, we've never met.

She laughs. It always did take you a bit to catch on.

Hay Jinx Jumping in to interrupt. As touching as this reunion is, we should make ourselves scarce. Points out two soldiers that haven't yet spotted you but are heading your way.

Before anyone can move, Dinjin has pulled out his pistol and has it aimed at 'Jinx'. Call me suspicious and frankly I am - what's stopping me blowing a hole between your eyes? 

Okay sure can we put a hold on first go somewhere with less people around, then you can shoot both of us.

Raises an eyebrow at Atticus.

You expect me to trust ANYONE after getting almost blown out of the sky by someone 'posing' as my superior officer?

Well of course not and I'm glad you don't. Keeps her hands up. But like Atticus said we're attracting a lot of attention.

Bullet suddenly hitting 'Jinx' in the shoulder and throws them off their feet, people begin screaming and running as the two soldiers make towards the three of you.

Hauls the one claiming to be Jinx to their feet and hisses in their ear. I have NO idea who the hell you think you are using my siblings name but I suppose I'm so used to them never wearing the same face or sex twice that I'm not about to trust you neither - but even impostors deserve a chance to explain themselves. Go on, move! I'll catch up!

Reaches into his pocket for another round device and throws it down a nearby alleyway and as it huts the ground a loud explosion sound can be heard that echos around the streets. There's no real explosion, it's another trickery tinker's sound he had recorded from when artillery fire from practice drills. Either way the sounds should draw the pursuing entourage away from them in a different direction.

Atticus catches 'Jinx' before they hit the ground putting one of their arms around his neck, they head off down one of the alleyways.

The two soldiers lose sight of the three of you in the panicked crowd, you spot them heading in the direction of the siren.

Leans against a wall in the mouth of another alleyway. They just don't know when to quit! Looks around the corner to check if it's all clear.

Roll to hit D20 11.

A bullet takes a chunk of the wall above your head.

"Don't shoot you idiot, we need them and the tiefling alive!" You hear someone yell.

Pulls off gloves and touches a shopkeeper and apologies profusely and before he walks out of the alley on the other side he now looks just like the Brelish shop keeper in a soldiers uniform and weaves his way through the crowd, looking for anything that could direct him to the Carnival.

Soldiers lazyly make their way through the crowd, a number of people are all heading in the one direction, you hear some are talking excitedly about the carnival.

Posts around advertise it and point in the direction the crowd is moving.

Two soldiers stand guard at a checkpoint randomly stopping people and checking their papers.

Roll deception check D20 13+2 = 15.

The soldiers don't give you a second glance as they wave you through, their attention soon on someone who refuses to show their papers.

As twilight draws near you finally reach the carnival.

A large crowd is beginning to gather outside, eagar to buy tickets and enjoy the carnival's many attractions. As you gaze upon the crowd, one or more visitors catch your eye. Something about them suggests they're not usual rabble.

Dinjin has changed back into himself and has started to wander over towards the crowd. What's the hub-bub? He asks someone on the outer edge of the audience.

A lady in some colourful clothing looks at you.

Why the carnival of course she laughs. It's so exciting. This is the last night. If you miss you won't get another chance to attend for seven years.

I gathered that, I mean what's everyone gathered around for? Is there a performance on?

She laughs again. No this is just the line to buy tickets, my mum said you definitely must buy a ticket or you may regret it.

Digs around for his coin purse and counts the coins. Does it say how much?

It's eight silver pieces a ticket.

Do they give change? I only have gold pieces.

I would say so, just remember to buy one.

Thank you. Starts to idle around before grabbing his gas mask and reaching into his coat and pulls out another little round metal orb and presses it. Within minutes a foul smell emits from it. 

As the noxious smell fills the air the crowd begins to disperse people coughing or holding their noses as they try to escape the foul smell the line is soon clear to the ticket booth.

A silver statue of a dancing faerie is mounted on the roof of the ticket booth and surrounded by fluttering butterflies. The booth is decorated with an animated depiction of the night sky, with shooting stars arcing across it.

An elderly goblin perches behind the ticket counter, peeing at you quizzically through a spyglass. He lowers it and calls out to you.

Greetings, fair fairgoer!

Clicks the little device so the smell stops and repockets it as he removes his mask. Greetings, would there be any tickets left to purchase by chance?

Why plenty as of now sir. Says in good humour looking around. One than?

Yes please. Hands over 1 gold Dragon 

Hands over a ticket and charge. Now listen, each ticket is good for eight attractions, your ticket will be punched after each one if you want to attend more you'll have to buy another ticket, those are also for you. Gives you a map and a pair of colorful cloth butterfly wings.

Thank you. Proceeds to enter the Carnival.

The first stars of the night twinkle above the apricot sunset. Giant dragonflies whir overhead, trailing streamers, and a low mist curls over the ground.

Through a floral archway, you glimpse wondrous and vibrant creatures - elf stilt walkers, dancing faeries, and performers. Everywhere there is laughter, pixie dust, bubbles, and the wistful tune of a whistling calliope, all the fair goes are wearing the fake butterfly wings.

Wanders around gawking at all these bright colourful whimsical things, sees children playing around and parents laughing. Without thinking his feet have brought him to a stop in front of a big marked off area called Pixie Kingdom.

A satyr fiddler dances by their music causes plants to burst from the ground and dances along.

Unslings Firecracker and ties the fairy wings on it before flinging it back and walks through the pixie kingdom 

A copse of ork trees shelter a miniaturized fairground. At its heart, a hamster runs inside a tiny ferries wheel, encircled by minuscule wagons and candy stalls. A pixie sits cross-legged in the hollow of a tree at the entrance to this realm.

Hello there my name is Jeremy Plum its one ticket punch to enter the best attraction in all of the carnival. He grins.

Uh… ummm…. Look, I'm looking for an acquaintance of mine. They said they'd meet me here… somewhere. Tall bloke, blueish tan bouffant hair, tail of a blue jay and the most clashing bright coloured clothes… goes by the name Atticus.

Atticus! Atticus is here?! I thought I recognised Hugo over there. Points out the ferret wearing tiny butterfly wings over by the tiny candy store. He'll do anything for raspberry drops, anyway if his here he'll be visiting lady Scarlett.

Lady Scarlett?

She is a retired dancer of the carnival, her caravan is in the staff only area.

Ah. Well I guess, stamp my ticket and I'll hang around here a bit. Is happy to enjoy himself a little, besides he has no idea where the staff area is and maybe he could learn by watching where the staff bunk off to.

Alright. Says as he stamps your ticket he then throws pixie dust over you and hands you a potion. Take this it will shrink you down to tiny size for one hour it's the best way to enjoy the greatest attraction! Enjoy.

Looks at the ticket holder and smiles. Bottoms up! Sculls the potion down.

Rapidly you begin to shrink even your equipment and clothes til you stand at only a little over a foot tall.

The pixie kingdom is a tranquil oasis compared to the rest of the bustling carnival. The air is filled with the aroma of blackberry wine and flower blossoms. Eight brightly painted doorways are nestled in the bark at the bark at the bases of the surrounding trees.

Curious about where he could get some of that blackberry wine he moves towards the coloured doors for a closer look.

Why hello new comer enjoying the kingdom? A pixie calls to you.

Ah well I'm still a little taken back by it all. Bit of a culture shock really.

I suppose it is, never been down to this size before? The whole world looks very different doesn't it?

That indeed it does! Though sometimes it's good to see things from a new perspective. Smiles. Must be nice being a part of the carnival, travelling around to see different places of the continent.

For some I'm sure but for me this is the greatest place in all the realms… well not completely as of late with that Kenku causing trouble.


Mmm she uses magic to disguise herself and cause trouble in the carnival, so far no one has been able to catch her.

I'm sorry, but what's a Kenku?

They're a kind of bird people who mimic those they talk to, the worst conversationalists.

Oh so easy to spot them. What sort of trouble are we talking?

Jeering the performers and harassing everyone, Master Witch and Light want her gone.

If I can get her to stop without causing too much of a scene, would you be able to get me in to see Lady Scarlett? 

Well of course, master Witch and Light would greatly appreciate it if you could.

Alright, then lead the way!

I wouldn't know where she is or how she is disguised, but she is mostly said to have been around the silversong lake.

So how do you know for sure she's a Kenku? Nevermind, I'll figure it out. You wouldn't happen to have a crow's feather on you? I'll pay for it if need be.

I don't but I know someone who does follow me. 

The pixie flies off, she leads you to a palace made entirely of old cocoon husks beautifully woven together, they shimmer and sparkle like tiny stars.

Inside are several more pixie with one standing out next to the others, he is pale dressed darky with dark eyes and hair as well his wings are like those of a moth, and he wears a grey crown with a clock of black feathers.

Greetings humble fair goer enjoying our kingdom? He smiles, you see his teeth are tiny and sharp.

Takes a bow, clearly he's in the company of pixie royalty. Indeed I am your majesty! I was wondering if it was possible to make a trade? Something of value for one of your fine shimmering feathers? It's for a good cause, I'm offering to help out with a heckling Kenku problem.

That's noble of you knight of the state. Indicates you may raise, he appears to think for a moment. How about instead we play a game?

The pixies around gasp excitedly.

Certainly. May I be permitted to use my normal face?

Normal face? If that is what you wish.

Dinjin smiles. It's not something that spectacular I'm sure. He takes a deep breath and as he exhales like a chameleon changing colours all the colour drains from his face, his hair… everything until his features all match the eerie ghost white and gray of his irises. That's better. I don't often feel comfortable enough in my own skin but in your presence I strangely do, so thank you.

You honour us hidden one, our greatest aim is that all our guests feel comfortable and enjoy our kingdom, and now for the game He rubs his hands together. We shall play… hide and clap.

Hide and clap? Never heard of that variation before. Hide and seek being a VERY popular game amongst Changeling children which allows them to practise their shape changing mimicry. But I'm willing to give it a shot! How do we play?

I will hide and you have chances of finding me, by three claps, if you fail to find me after three, I won the game, if you won I will give you a feather as your prize.

Sounds good to me. Smiles. This is his type of game.

Wonderful we will play in the flower bed.

The flower bed is home to several talking wildflowers. They're rather conceited and bicker over which of them has the silkiest petals and the finest aroma. The king calls for silence, the king covers your eyes with a blind folded.

Now then are you ready, hidden one?

Dinjin gives him a thumbs up.

The king spins you round counting from one to ten, you hear the flutter of wings and you are left alone its quiet expert for the distant sounds of the rest of the carnival.

Dinjin tries to filter out the faint sounds of kids screaming, people laughing and animals being… well animals and asks aloud; First Clap?

A sharp clap rings out.

14, 9+4 = 13

You move in the direction you think you hear the clap coming from, feeling around you find nothing but leaves.

Second Clap.

As another clap rings out you hear it very close by turning your hand caches soft feathers.

Oh you are good at this. The king laughs.

Thank you. Reminds me of my childhood! Ok… let's see… Third Clap!

The pixie all around clap laughing, their king pulls off your blind fold.

Well done as I promised your prize. plucks a feather from his cloak and hands it to you. Come play with us again sometime. Smiles a sharp teeth grin.

Bows and takes the feather. Thank you, it was alot of fun! Before I go, want to see one more change?

The pixies look at each other expected by what you'll do, the king bows to you that you have the stage.

Pulling two items out of his pocket, one a pretty but dull colored pin he pins to his coat and the other a little orb, as he touches them the broach turns his coat into one that imitates the beautiful glamor weave that imitates the night sky with glittering stars while the other starts playing music (proof of a hero starts playing) and as he pulls off his gloves he touches the feather and his skin starts to change, adorning itself with glistening glamorous black feathers and his head shape morphs before their wide open eyes to that of a crow, giving them a wink.

The pixies applaud you and their king bows.

Thank you for gracing us with your presence tonight hidden one, we hope you enjoy the rest of your night.

Takes a bow. No, I am honored by you and loved spending time in your company! Walks out of the kingdom and no wonders how to get bigger to search for this Kenku.

As you leave the kingdom you find yourself returned to your normal size.

Wanders around the carnival, swaggeting around like a Kenku who is looking for a good time and has yet to find it.

As you wander through the crowd you notice a girl, she has gray skin and is wearing a pig mask. In one hand she holds an oversized lollipop, she stands eerily motionless in the crowd.

Spots the strange lady and takes a grandiose bow, licking flicking the starry clock so it playfully dances..

The girl cocks her head. You get a strange sense that no one else seems to see her, she turns her head quickly to one side as if she's seen something and starts walking that way.

Tilting his unusually shaped crow's head, Dinjin takes a page out of the book of inquisitive birds everywhere and starts to follow while still acting nonchalant incase the Kenku spots him… after all he wants to grab it's attention although he seems to to attracting one of little Children who think his theme tune is hilarious.

You fellow the girl she passes by a wooden mannequin of a grinning, raven-haired young woman in witch's attire and a green flowing cape hovers inside a glass cabinet. At the top of the cabinet, a sign that reads "Tasha the wizard- known for her hideous laughter."

A halfling couple holds hands as they approach the glass cabinet. One of the halflings is wearing butterfly face paint. As he drops to one knee and pulls a small box from his pocket, his sweetheart bursts into laughter and begins rolling on the ground. The halfling in face paint begins sobbing and darts into the nearby tent without getting his ticket punched.

As they disappear inside you see the girl appear and follow after them.

Dinjin looks up to read the banner in front of the tent. 

The banner reads hall of illusions its a large tent painted with a mural of shifting images that show grinning faeries diving into pools of color. The helical stripes of the tent's pointed canopies rotate in spirals, and the whole display seems designed to befuddled onlookers. A clown dressed in muted garb stands at the tent's entrance, blinking at you.

The halfling that was laughing has stopped and is now calling the name Rubin.

Pats the halfling on the shoulder and croons like a crow. Rubin? Lost Friend?

Looks at you. My boyfriend I didn't mean to laugh, it was the mannequin I swear, I don't know what came over me.

Need help?

You would help me find him?

Help? Certainly help. Gives the halfling a wink and taps his beak before walking further ahead crooning in a crowlike mimicry voice, "Rubin! Rubin!"

The clown at the entrance waves at you to get your attention, they point to the tent and make a rectangle shape in the air, bfore holding up one finger and make a pinching action.

Dinjin offers up his ticket to be punctured.

The clown smiles and punches your ticket before waving you in.

Inside tall mirrors line the interior walls of the tent.

The ones at the entrance reflect back yourself as you were when a child.

Dinjin chuckles at the reflection. Reflected back is a young Kenku and it occurs to him that it doesn't see what he really is. He's not completely surprised since dispel illusion spells don't work when you're a physical shape shifter but it is amusing how the reflection is trying and inventing a version of him that doesn't really exist. He calls out for the halfling again.

You don't get any reply but you do hear the voice of a young girl talking though you can't quite make out what she's saying.

D20 Wisdom check 9-1 = 8.

As you travel through the hall of mirrors the images reflected back slowly change becoming older.

The hall is confusing? it's like being in a maze you tell if you're heading in the right direction.

The voice sounds only a little louder, you hear the voice of a young man calling out as well.

No, don't listen to her! You see the reflection of a kenku wearing butterfly wings running about in several mirrors.

Dinjin calls out questioningly. Why not? Why shouldn’t I just follow the sound of a beautiful voice? Beautiful voice! He repeats the last two words, like he has copied them from somewhere. Is it not yours? You're so sweet?

Not getting a response he tries again. Why not follow your beautiful voice, oh beautiful one?

Who is that? Who's there? The kenku stops looking around. "Hey did you see the little girl in the mask?

The one that was crying? Her friend is looking for her.

"She's trying to lure him away we have to stop her, find her now!"

Dinjin is curious. "lure him from what, my dear?" He rests a feathery hand on her shoulder.

"To the other realm, she is trying to get him to make a terrible mistake" She moves in a direction she thinks the voice is coming from.

"Ah. Well how about we find them and have a talk, see if we can't change a few minds?" He gives her the best smile you can produce with a beck.

"You'll help thank you, thank you, I doubt there will be any talking to her though"

Dinjin nods and holds her feathery hand in his and walks with her, calling out the halflings name. "Rubin! Rubin!"

You easily navigate the maze of mirrors and come upon Rubin he gazing worriedly into a mirror, in it you see the girl in the pig mask whispering to the younger reflection of the halfling. As soon as she sees you she turns and disappears.

The halfling looks around confused as if they just came out of a trance.

Dinjin kneels down to Rubin's height and puts hands in the halflings shoulders. "Are you alright my friend?" He croons

"Hey what, what's going on that girl…" looks back at the mirror. "She was asking me the strangest things"

The kenku inspects the mirror as you speak with the halfling, knocking on it and pushing at it.

"What girl?" Dinjin decides to play dumb pretending he can't see the girl in the glass. "You're friend is outside, worried. Worried about you she is. We promise, promise to help find. She sorry, sorry embarrassing you."

"Ween" looks unhappy "I don't understand why she laughed like, I trying to ask her to marry me"

"It's Carnival. Maybe they mistook? Mistook for joke? Not everything is as seems in Carnival. She worried, worried she hurt you."

"It was the mannequin get too close it cast a spell on you, not her fault"

"Oh I had no idea, thank you, thank you again" He turns on his heels and heads back out.

"Thank you for your help, if we did not find him, in time she would have taken him"

Dinjin bows. "I was looking for you myself, dear lady. Tell me? Is there anywhere we could have a fine time?"

"Me?" She says surprised. "You want to…?"

Dinjin nods. "I'd love to have someone to enjoy the carnival's delights with." He takes her feathered hand and bows again.

"I ahhh don't know, I'm not really here for pleasure" She does find your advancements charming though.

Dinjin smiles, his beady eyes lighting up. "Dinjin is my name, what is yours m'lady?"

"Kettlesteam" She says battering her eyes.

"Well now kettlesteam, what would you like to see?" 

"I want to see Witch and Light, I I'm sorry forgive me, but they refuse to see me"

"Oh? Maybe there is a way we could persuade them?" Dinjin pauses and thinks. "Are you wishing to be a part of the Carnival?"

"No not at all, I'm a… warlock you see my patron is Zybilna, but something is wrong and I can no longer sense her. I fear something terrible has befallen her, I know that Witch and Light know the way to her realm of Prismeer, but so far they have refused to see me, I've been causing havoc in hopes they would change their mind, but I have a new plan one which maybe you would help me with" 

"What sort of help could I offer? I'm an artificer, maybe I could build you the apparatus you require for a magic trick? Show them what you can do instead of being a nuance and maybe they will come to you? Catch more flies with honey." Dinjin throws his feathery arms wide and flicks his cloak. "If you look about they clearly are looking for those who can entertain. Give them a show and they will come."

"Well I ahh okay why not!" She sounds quite excited by the thought.

Dinjin leads her out of the mirror tent and asks, "what sort of spells can you do?" As he does this he clicks the device making his cloak illusion so it stops and fades and pulls the one making a theme tune out of his pocket and turns that off too. He rolls them around in his hands as he awaits her aanswer.

"Disguise self, friends, mage hand, minor illusion, faerie fire and speak with animals, I can also mimic the voice of anyone. For example I overheard Witch and Light talking" As she speaks you could believe two different people are speaking as she does.

"Someone is going to find out about this! They'll shut us down!"

"We agreed to this pact. Our hands were forced but our eyes were open. We let the hourglass coven take what it wants, and in return, we stay in business. That is what you want right?"

Dinjin leans close. "Maybe don't go around repeating that last one, just incase." He steps back and fiddles with one of the devices until a large illusion of a stage appears before them. He helps Kettlesteam up onto the stage and clicks the other device so it plays some light hearted playful music and he dances around her before saying, "Let's see how good your ability to mimic is! Are you ready?"

As he dances around he starts to sing, leaving room for Kettkestream to repeat back his voice. While he is singing, he changes shape from Kenku to Bugbear, his voice changing as his species changes making Kettlestream's mimicry follow along in tone and beat. He then shifts several more times, from a Gnoll to a Kobold and then to a Tabaxi, twirling and dancing with the Kenku, trying to attract a crowd.

Roll performance check D20 20+2=22 pass.

Your dancing is fluid and flawless, your voice crystal and clear cuts through the crowd, Kettlesteam sings along in perfect pitch her voices harmonising with yours.

Passers-by stop to watch, a satyr begins playing their pipes joining in, children laugh and jump about excitedly as some of the adults dance along, when your show comes to a close, fireworks go off somewhere, and confetti rains down on everyone as people applaud and cheer.

Dinjin grabs Kettlesteam's feathered hand and leads her to the front of the stage and encourages her to take a bow, saying this was all her idea and that she came up with the show. He scans the audience, hoping to see the two she said were in charge but also to see if that lady he was supposed to see with Atticus had come out too.

As you scan the crowd you notice two figures moving through it towards you, the taller and lanky of which is dressed much like a jester, the other shorter and stockier in a blazer, vest and top hat.

"My, my that was quite the performance I had no idea you were looking to join our company Kettlesteam"

The jester says, you notice the pair are elves but they don't look quite different to any elf you're familiar with.

"You know very well what is it I want!"

"Maybe then you should first return what is not yours" 

If it was possible for a bird to look ashamed, Kettlesteam looked just that.

"If I do? You will then speak with me?"

"Of course we are one person short still those" He turns to you. "Greetings I'm master Light and this is master Witch, we were impressed by your performance. You have some great talent, thinking of joining yourself. Just who do I have the pleasure of addressing?" 

Dinjin takes a bow and as he does all the colour drains from him as he reverts back to Changeling form before it recolours as his human persona. He had changed a little too much for one evening and it was nice to be back in his skin. "Dinjin, fine sirs…actually I was looking for some friends of mine who have an appointment with a lady friend of yours in the carnival."

"Ahhh so you Dinjin, yes your friends said to look out for you, we can take to them"

Looks at his watch. "Light it's almost time"

"Right, this way than step lively"

He leads you to an area with a great wall thorns as he steps closer , revealing eight colourful vardos.

"It's the bright red one, we will you after the extravaganza"

"And you have something to give back Kettlesteam"

The kenku nods.

Dinjin shakes the elves' hands. "Thank you very much." And heads towards the Vardos, hoping to spot his 'friends'.

As you do you notice something moving quickly through the glass towards one of the vardos as it reaches the steps you see, it's a ferret. A familiar blue individual steps out the door reaching down to pick them up.

"Atticus!" Dinjin calls out and waves as he jogs over. "It's about time I found you! This place, it's well it's magic!"

"You made it I knew you would!" Spreads his arms wide. "Of course the carnival inspires the magic of childhood wonderment, something we lose as we grow but here you can reconnect with the feelings of innocence and carefree" He grins fanged teeth showing. "So…" He jumps down off the steeps of the vardo. "How'd you do it? How did you give those imposters the slip?"

Dinjin shrugged. "Little bit of old-fashioned trickery, no big deal. Still unsure why they'd be after me though."

 "Well only those who have meet Zybilna can travel to her realm"

Dinjin gave Atticus a confused smile. "I still have no idea who that is."

"Even if you don't you are still one of the few who can, it's why Madryck asked for you and me"

Dinjin nodded. "Fair enough. Lead the way."

"If your talking about Zybilna's realm, only master Witch and Light know how to get there"

"Oh you mean the guys in charge? I just met them! They seemed pretty cool." Dinjin says casually.

"They saved my life so they're very cool, but they will be busy with THE BIG TOP EXTRAVAGANZA" Throws his arms wide. "So we won't be able to chat to them til after"

"They may if we give them an act of our own. They've seen me goofing around helping a lovely lady get an audience with them, about ten minutes ago,"

"Well near the end of the show they will ask if anyone would like to perform their own act, you have something in mind?"

"Well not that I can think of. Though I do know someone who might be able to help us out." Dinjin smiles. "I ran into a Kenku called Kettlesteam who might have some ideas."

He smiles again. "Look at you! Out there making friends and everything!" Claps his hands together. " Alright then let's go, oh wait got to say goodbye to mana Scarlett." He turns on his heels and rushes back up into the vardo.

"Wait, you're not going to introduce me to your friend, Atticus?" Dinjin called out after him. "Seems a bit rude to not introduce me before you dash off after name dropping them to me." He coughed politely.

"Well now that's refreshing to hear someone has someone has some manners" 

You hear the voice of an older sounding lady say from inside the vardo.

"Atticus, are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

Atticus indicates for Dinjin to come in. 

The inside of the vardo is surprisingly bigger down one end is a bed in which a sleeping changeling lies.

Sitting in a chair on one side is an elegant dressed old shifter. They look to be a bird of some kind with red feathers.

"Mama this is Dinjin, Jinx's sibling, Dinjin this the lady Scarlett, my mother"

Dinjin takes a bow. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Lady Scarlett. "

"Charmed I'm sure" Offers her hand. "Atticus tell me you're looking for a way to Zybilna's realm"

"I guess we are. I'm still not entirely sure why I'm needed specifically but I'm all in for the ride wherever it goes." Dinjin kisses her hand and smiles as he straightens up.

She smiles "Atticus dear fetch that box from up there please" She indicates for Dinjin to come closer. "Look after him please, I'd like to see him again before my time comes"

" I-I will Madame. Trouble seems to be following us around at the moment."

Hands her the box.

"Thank you Atticus" She opens the box and carefully removes two potions. "Always be prepared" She hands them out to Dinjin and Atticus.

"Thank you." Dinjin looks at Atticus. "Shall we be going now?"

"Yes, goodbye mama" Gives her a hug. "I'll see you soon" 

Atticus leads Dinjin back out to the carnival the wall of throns parting when they approch.

"So to the big top then?"

Dinjin nods. "If we're going to help the Zybilna lady then yeah, we have to get access to… where was it you said?"

"Prismeer, I have to say Dinjin I like your go with the flow attitude" He heads off towards the large tent in front "A lot of other people would have been asking a whole lot of questions by now" 

"Ohh don't worry," Dinjin admits. "They'll come eventually when I start needing to make sense of things."

"Well I'll admit it's not my strong suit, Jinx might have been better to ask but… they're kind of out it now" 

"I'm good for now." Dinjin waves it off. "Let's go find who runs this place."

"Alright let's go found some seats"

Dinjin followe Atticus into the big top and sits where he's directing him to be their spots. "I guess we have to watch the entire show first huh?"

"If you want to perform you'll have a chance at the end"

The lights dim and hash falls over the crowd. A second later, a spotlight illuminates a lithe, elven figure sitting in a silver hoop, suspended above the center ring by a silk rope. The elf wears a dazzling suit of diamond-pane mirrors and a pair of butterfly wings. His sceper is topped with a spinning vane. 

"Welcome, one and all, to this evening's extravaganza! I am Mister Light. Prepare to be delighted!"

For the next hour several acts are performed from Burly the bugbear and his feats of strength, Palasha the mermaid who serenades the audience from a clamshell bathing pool, Candlefoot the mime who plays silent games with audience members and faerie dragons with bright streamers tied to their tails perform dazzling acts of synchronised flying as a troupe of acrobats, clowns and fire-breathers parade about.

"Ladies and gentlemen we come now to the part of our night where we invite any of our audiences to perform their own act!"

"I'm not entirely sure what I could preform but I could give it a crack." Dinjin says aloud to Atticus as he stands up and heads towards the ring, pulling Atticus up by the hand to drag him along.

He takes a bow, hoping the Elves remember him and unslings Firecracker off his back and winds up the key so the funny mechanical animal cannon starts to move around. Dinjin then smiles and pulls two little round balls from a jacket pocket and winks before tossing one to Atticus that starts to play music as it flies towards him in mid air and the other Dinjin tosses at the ground to make an illusion of a smoke cloud. As he does this Firecracker belches flames untoward the top of the tent as it jumps around like an excited puppy and out from the fake smoke cloud Dinjin steps out covered in silver scales, horns and a tail of a Dragonborn. 

He then swings around his coat as he takes it off and as it's tossed to the side the Dragonborn becomes a Satyr that jumps and clicks its hoves together before dancing around into the smoke illusion again and coming out the other side as a pearl white teifling who's boobs are huge and bounce around barely staying contained within the shirt, before another pass through the smoke cloud to become a white kenku with pecock feathers and as he twirls the tail feathers open to reveal a rainbow of beautiful iridescent colours before one last trip through the smoke to come back out as himself, with his tanned humanish looks and takes a bow as Firecracker lets loose one last belch of flame and sits at his feet, shaking it's mechanical mane.

Atticus catches the silver ball as he does, he gives a loud whistle the bugbear from before drops a large wardrobe nearby.

He lifts a fan above his head which opens with a shower of sparkles as he spins the fly out across the audience so it rains down over everyone.

The wardrobe then opens and beautiful groms and suits coming dancing out and around the stage, the smoke from the other ball comes out too thickly that half the performance is missed, as he leaps he sends the fan flipping in the air sending puffs of wind out to clear some of the smoke, before catching it mid air.

The groms and suits dancing around as if people unseen were in them as Dinjin performance comes to a close, a flame starts to take hold from the mechanical loin's last blast of fire.

Atticus clicks his fingers causing it to dim before another puff of wind stuffs it out avoiding disaster.

Dinjin takes Atticus's hand and takes a bow. "How was that? You think it was good enough?"



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