ORACLE OF WAR ADVENTURE LOG (D&D Eberron solo player/DM campaign - need editing part1)

 Please note this campaign is currently still being played and log being updated. We're using a text based app so all die rolls aren't included here as well as game calls for sake of story flow and convenience.  Normal rules are in play instead of AL ones and some sections were modified to suit solo play. 

Tips for any DM who wants to run AL content as a normal game: depending on your group size and what they want, converting AL stuff is easy as it only uses RAW and only official printed materials. There's suggestions on how to scale encounters within them so don't be afraid to tinker to suit your group. Oracle of War is so far the only Non competitive AL campaign and is pretty simple to ajust on the fly if you read at least 1 module (they're short) ahead of your players to help you decide where things will pan out and what you can egnore. With Eberron don't be afraid of firearms - if players use them you can up the encounter difficulty and beef up enemy AC a smidge to cover that and don't be afraid to give that one soilder enemy a musket to up the stakes and use difficult terrain mechanics by giving half damage if the PC or enemy is in cover. Eberron is on the verge of a magitek revolution that while magic is used everywhere,  no general in their right mind is going to waste time, energy and money on troops to give them wands or battle spells. Those are for the chain of command and one off units. Everyone else? Crossbows or the newly invented firearms as best place to test them is in battle, far away from the command post.

Tips for DM running it for a solo player: give them a companion NPC with a full character sheet to aid them and let your player roll their dice outcomes. Depending on your player they may or may not want to choose what the NPC does within combat, and you as the DM only has to narrate the rest of the NPC dialogue. With this campaign in particular you can recruit other NPCs as needed and do the same thing with them, giving the solo player more opportunities to take on harder encounters. Only have the NPC companions at same or below the PC'S level as well as keep thier spells in the support range, as you're ment to be making that player the star of the show. Don't be afraid of having a player get attached to the companion, infact encourge it! It'll make them much more invested in the game!

Warning,  contains slightly graphic content in form of combat violence, war PTSD and implied sex scenes. 


According to myth, three mighty dragons made the world. These were the first dragons: Khyber, Siberys, and Eberron. They were the most powerful of all dragons. They lived in harmony until they discovered the mysterious Prophecy. The evil Khyber fought the others to seize control of the Prophecy. Noble Siberys was torn to pieces and became the Dragon Above, a ring of glowing shards that circles the world. Eberron wrapped herself around Khyber and bound him in her coils. Khyber became the Dragon Below, a monster-filled maze of caves that fills the planet. The last of the dragons became the surface of the world. She gave birth to all natural things. This is Eberron, the Dragon Between.


A conflict had raged on Eberron for more than a century, radically changing the nations that inhabited it. After the last King of Galifar died, his children fought one another to become the new leader. Each one controlled one of the five nations: Aundair, Karrnath, Breland, Cyre and Thrane, but also throughout other nations of the continent of Khorvaire. The war was thus named because the people thought it would never come to an end. 

In the hundredth year of the conflict, a great cataclysm destroyed the nation of Cyre and killed nearly all of its inhabitants. The remaining nations fought even harder after Cyre was destroyed. The leaders of the remaining nations, however, soon became willing to reconcile. The Treaty of Thronehold ended the war thanks to the current ruler of Breland. The peace it brought however is fragile as suspicion, mistrust, and resentment run high. Many think that another war is coming. The Last War might not have been the final war after all.


23rd of Nymm, 997YK, three years after the Great wat in Sharn the city of pillars, tucked away in the southern reaches of Breland - a large opulent party was taking place at the cities most highly accredited and sometimes shadiest of institutions, Morgrave University. The celebration in question is over a new acquisition that was acquired by the Dezina Museum within the last week, though the rumour mill has it one of the professors of the university is already planning to pilfer it for the black market. The party is being held in the large ballroom where hundreds of academics are mingling, drinking expensive wine. Everyone is dress in high fashion of the 1920's, with furs sequence and lots of precious gemstones. There are a few who stand out in the crowd, they are from the Dragon marked houses and they are the most extravagant and expensive looking creatures in the room. Dwarves are wearing ceremonial axes, Gnomes in a mix of expensive and not so rich attire (of course as they are from the newspapers) 

There's something large in the front of the ballroom hidden under beautiful red curtains, standing beside it is Flamewind, a beautiful Gynosphinx with the body of a lion,orange stripes rippling across her deep black fur, giving the appearance of flames. Her falcon-like winds are also pure black, her head resembles a beautiful elven woman with glittering golden eyes. Her face's features are distinctly feline and her hair matches her black-and-orange fur. She wears some extraordinary jewels and occasionally she checks under the cloth to make sure no sticky fingers get a hold on the treasure beneath. 

She's talking to some rather unusual guests, unlike the rest of the nobles, professors and delegates at the unveiling. They are dressed in simple formal attire looking as if they don't often go to parties of this magnitude. There're two halflings that look as if they bare dragon marks and a very well dressed shifter of unusual colours with a winged monkey on his shoulder, All three are wearing name tags.

Cassidy: _The elf Cassidy Sekinth wacthed over the gathering from one side, she wasn't much one for this type of thing, preferring to read about such than be actually be living it. She had relied on a friend for help in borrowing an outfit and fixing her hair and make up, her friend had picked her a sexy little dark green number with black embroidered beads and a tasseled hem, black gloves to her elbows, earings, a pearl necklace, hair ornament, black heels and a fur wrap of some white silvery spotted cat completed the look. Looking around Cassidy couldn't spot her friend "where is she?" She thought as she looked for a waiter for her third glass of champagne_

GM: The shifter looks slightly ill at ease though he is frankly dressed up more than you usually see one, heck he looks quite educated compared to ones you usually see out and about the city who deal with the world through their fists though still someone who doesn't spend alot of times indoors. He's of some unusual colouring too, but then to most people Beatmen all look alike - savages from Droaam.

Z'ev: _has been nodding along to Flamewind and his companions, looking around the room feeling out of place..._look at all these snobs and their finery! So many of these so called academics wouldn't know what real history and education was if their heads were yanked out of their behinds.

Rathian: Shhh! Z'ev you shouldn't say that out loud,we're in plain sight of everyone here!

Rathalos: _gruffly folds arms_ he's right Ian, these toffs wouldn't know a fossil from a lump of coal.

Z'ev: Why are we here? _looks at Flamewind who's checking under the  covering again._

Rathian: _rolls eyes _ because we're the team that went and brought it here.

Z'ev: Yes but they've never cared before

Flamewind: I invited you, for you are the examples all our museum staff should be.

Rathalos: They won't think that. You know that as well as we do.  They only like the ones in it for profit, not for the good of the people

Z'ev: _pulls shirt sleeve _ I'm just going to get something to drink, I'll be back before the unveiling _bows and heads into the crowd of bodies, trying hard to avoid getting too close to what he sees as 'fake' education before he stops at the buffet table._

Verne: _climbs around on Z've's shoulders until she spots a lady in a very warm furred collar dress and makes a leap for Cassidy _

GM: Cassidy,  you see something from the corner of your eye an immediately drop your drink as you manage to catch 3kg of leaping flying monkey into your arms. You're not taken by surprise by it but it definitely wasn't welcome to decide to nest in the collar of your dress.

Verne: Eek eek ook? _looks at you with endearing eyes_

Z'ev: _realises Verne has gone and starts to mildly panic_ Verne? Verne!_looks under the buffet table _ Verne!

Cassidy: _Does her best to look completely composed despite the primate's sudden drop in_ Ahhh hello there, where did you come from?_ Asks as she looks around_

Verne: Ooo ooo ook! _give Cassidy a big grin_

Cassidy: _Seeming to have no other option she begins searching for the monkey's owner_

Z'ev: _stands up, arms on hips_  where could you have gone you cheeky little... oh no..she couldn't have _glances in the direction of the hired orchestra _ Verne? Verne! _ people around him are starting to stare but he doesn't care being used to it_ Verne! _ spots her in the arms of a lady in the crowd_ Oh no no..Verne..._pushes his way through  the mass of people until he can tap Cassidy on the shoulder _Exuse me miss, it appears as if you've got my monkey..._he falters as Cassidy turns around for a moment he's bedazzled by your looks before he glances away embarrassed to clear his throat realising you are well above his station_

Cassidy: Oh she's yours _tries to hand her back_ I must say I was quite surprised by her sudden "greeting", usually individuals aren't quite so forward with their first introductions _Smiles and gives a soft laugh_

Verne: Oook? _verne lets out a confused sound as she's handed back to Z'ev _

Z'ev: Yes, she's not usually like this at parties...well the few she's allowed at . _he's very embarrassed, but Verne straight away climbs up to his shoulder and sits there like nothing happened, checking out the people around them_ she's not a theif, if that's what you're worried about..she used to be my mother's before she passed...I just aquired her as she had nothing to leave in her will. Er...nice..nice party isn't? Sorry I'm not very good with these things, usually I'm off digging up old fossils and such, though they're more interesting than some of the old fossils at this event.._he lets out an awkward chuckle before bowing slightly and proffering his hand to take hers, keeping his head low_ Z'ev  Ozone, professor of Archeology of the Dezina Museum, your Ladyship.

Cassidy: Cassidy, charmed _Offers her hand_ I work at the university as a librarian _Fees its a lesser profession next to his_ So... _changing subjects_ Professor of Archeology you say, here at the museum, just what is under that sheet?

Z'ev:Erh, I'd love to tell you but that'll spoil  Flamewind's surprise. _he smiles akwardly_  it's smart never to second guess her motives, her predictions of people and their reactions are usually fairly accurate to the point if you mess them up it gives her a big bloody headache and a strike against you as her next meal...though I'm sure that last part is to make anyone around her be compliant.  Er...usually us folks from the museums don't mingle with you it's actually sort of an occasion that we're invited. Most of the lecturers at the university don't like us because we get our hands dirty unless they can bribe someone with money to do something illegal. I assure you I wouldn't have our Gynophinx's confidence if I was to be a sell out...erh..look, I'm sorry your Ladyship, I don't quite think I caught your name...I'm probably talking nonsense to you right now.

Verne: _ flicks her tail into her masters face like a cat would in order to try and get attention, only to have it gently swatted away_

Z'ev: _he takes a breath and tries to relax a little_

Cassidy: Cassidy... Sekinth _The Sekinth family are business entrepreneurs mostly in manufacturing and trading_

Z'ev: Pardon for me being rather frank Lady Sekinth, I apologise if I've been rash. Er, may I get you a drink or something perhaps? I feel I owe you an apology

Cassidy: Oh yes I'd like that please

Z'ev: _smiles and takes Cassidy's hand and leads her over to the buffet tables, as he does so Verne runs down his shoulder and up to Cassidy's her feathery wings flapping lazily as she finds a perch._

Cassidy: I neglected to ask what this little lady's name is? _Takes one of her hands in her own_

Z'ev: _smiles rather warmly as he sees Verne affectionately nuzzling Cassidy's dress ruff loving the attention._ Verne, after the famous Eberron deep sea explorer. My mother was rather into his tales and adventures. Here, _hands Cassidy's a rather square glass of brandy as opposed to the usual wine and cherry going around the room_  this is probably the most normal drink here at this event..umm you said you worked in the library here? it big? I've seen the dome from the outside many times and often wondered what fascinating histories it contained.

Cassidy: It is _excepts the glass_ Four stories in fact the middle is open under the dome and houses a number deck for students to study, there is a splendid veiw some of the city from the dome, often I like take my lunch breaks there to read _takes a sip_

Z'ev: Wow, sounds breathtaking. I'm sure you also see lots of skyships from there too

Cassidy: Yes you can often see them flying over, it's been sometime since I last road on one

Z'ev: Oh? Beg my pardon, I'm not quite up on elvish physiology but you look rather young and amazingly beautiful compared to others I have met, are you perhaps a Khorvare? 

Cassidy: Well thank you and to answer your question no, I'm a Aerenai but I'm a Brelish citizen and yes I'm only 107, if you don't mind me asking you wouldn't happen to be a shifter?

Z'ev: _laughs aloud_ what gave it away? The fact I need more than a shave? It's the teeth right? Joking aside, fair is fair I did ask an invasive question. Indeed that I am Lady Sekinth, my family are from Varna though I am also a proud citizen of Breland. I'm also probably a meer pup compared to yourself so I apologise for being an upstart.  Honestly I'm just glad we have some sort of peace for now... I'd rather not be reconscripted into another war anytime soon, such is unfortunate of my kind. Even when you try to better yourself with an education some still don't see the brains under all the fur. _he looks troubled for a moment but it seems to pass._ we've all done things we're not proud of unfortunately...though looking around this room _indicating the nobles from some of the Dragon Marked houses_ there are some who seem to wear their ill gotten gains from people's suffering with pride.

Rathalos: _muscles way through the mess of people, Rathalos or Rath as he gets called, is a stocky and very muscular halfling that looks like he'd be more at home behind a bar, infact the large Dragon mark on the right side of his face denotes he's from the House of Hospitality though he'd probably deny it with a passion.  He makes his way over two the two of you and gruffly pulls at Z'ev's arm_  You've been gone too long. Seriously  next time you plan on ditching me with Ian and a bunch of pretentious stuck up intellectuals with more money than sense, I'll serve your innards in a tankard.

_he looks at Cassidy with arms on his hips _ whose the bird?

Cassidy: I beg your pardon _Unimpressed_

Z'ev: Er... Lady Cassidy D' Sekinth, this is my colleague Rathalos Kathua D' Ghallanda

Rathalos: _Rath looks at Cassidy and his gruff exterior drops for a moment as he nods_ pleasure

Cassidy: No, the pleasure is mine _Teasers_

Rathalos: _goes back to complaining gruffly to Z'ev _ you got to stop him, it's getting out of hand!

Z'ev: _peers over his short friend into the crowd _ Ian seems fine to me. Don't know what you're on about

Rathalos: Fine? Fine! He's damn giving these toffs fashion advice!

Z'ev: _almost chokes on his drink and splutters while smiling_ wh-what? Ian giving FASHION advice? But you and I know he dresses like a dead peacock!

Rathalos: Exactly! Though some of this lot probably could use some colour in their skivvs. _ he manages to smile and let out a chuckle_ allright, he can have his fun.. but it's on your head if we end up carrying his drunken carcass home! _he gives z'ev a dirty look before pushing his way back to where he came from_

Z'ev: You'll have to excuse him, he comes from the more wilder parts of Talenta. He used to breed dinosaurs. I've yet to meet anyone with knowledge on biology better than his, rather invaluable when you're digging holes in the ground looking at dead things from billions of years ago.

Cassidy: Indeed, dinosaurs you say, anyway should you not check on your friend?

DM: The orchestra has started playing some more jazzier tunes, building up some excitement for the eventual unveiling ceremony. People are starting to make some room in the middle of the ballroom to allow for dancers

Z'ev: _sighs_ nah, he deserves the change to mingle. I don't mind taking a drunken halfling home and Rath knows it. Besides, _winks at Cassidy _ Rath's jealous that Ian is getting all the attention and would rather have him drunk all to himself. _lets out an amused chuckle _

Would...would you like to have a dance before the unveiling? _offeres his hand. Soft pure snow white fur line his fingers_

Cassidy: I'ed love to _Takes his hand the fur of his fingers was rougher than she thought, maybe from all that digging in the field she imagined_

GM: The rest of the evening is a bit of a blur, you remember you did quite alot of dancing and drinking fancy wines, the unveiling was of some kind of statue? After all the fun you had the memories of the night in the latter half are a bit on the hazy side. You had a real blast though.

PRESENT DAY (6 months later, 1st of Zarantyr 998YK)

The weather is warm, boarding on hot and the ground is like a huge bowl of dust. As you step into town it's clear you've left civilisation several miles back before you got off the lightning rail at this....dump

The town is run down, full of buildings that wouldn't look out of place in a Sharnwood moving picture..something called The Wild Wild West with Clamp Eastwink?

There's a sign at the end of the run down platform the reads 'SALVATION' in sun bleached letters with a handy little pamphlet stand, though the information guides look yellow and quite old.

The town itself is quite large, kind of like a frontier sort of place where people would raise roaming cattle though it has a more junkyard quality to it...infact Salvation was originally founded by salvage teams and junk traders who venture deep into the Mourning of old Cyre, finding whatever they can to sell to make ends meet. The place is home to waifs, drifters, people who just want to disappear and many Cyre and Galifar refugees still trying to pick up their lives after losing everything they ever knew.

Cassidy: _Ok I guess I'll leave the station heading into town see what's there_

GM: You pick up a guidebook and flick though and see a crudely drawn map of the town with a badly written key beside it.  Currently you are on Rail St, most of the buildings are residential rundown looking things, though the first build you recognise is the smithy not far from the station, however at the other end of the street the map has the apothecary marked in fancy letters. From where you stand you see two streets leading away, the map says they are Second and Third Avenue.

Cassidy: _no one had heard from Sedric since he left home all those years ago, he had come to Salvation she had heard " to play cowboy" their mother called it, if that was true and movies had taught her anything it was that cowboys hang out in taverns, seemed the best place to start her search, she heard in the direction of it_

GM: There are two taverns and a hotel marked on the map in Cassidy's hand. The two Taverns are 'The Grey Beyond' and 'Tin Pot Tavern' both have two stars beside them and the hotel 'Salvation Hotel' has no star reviews. However...there is a building that's marked without anything written beside it, though the map icon suggests is a old Ghallanda Inn, though without taking a proper look it would be impossible to tell. 

If however it happens to be a Ghallanda dragon Inn, you surmise, it perhaps wouldn't be in as squalid condition as some of the residences seem to look and probably a far more promising location to temporarily stay until you can procure one of these...shanty homes to stay in while you continue your search.

As you head to your first point of call  as the nearest tavern is The Grey Beyond, you see someone familiar stumble out of a nearby building along with a large bag of stuff.

Rathalos: _shouts back towards the retreating shopkeep_ Yeah!? Well your prices are a bloody ripp off! 200 peices of salvage for 50 feet of hemp and rope? May as well charge 20 Dragons for it!

DM: Rath straightens his trousers and picks up the pack with a wild swing  but the weight if it makes him topple over as it swing him around. What would have been a dramatic storm off turns into a hilarious scene...several passes by crack up with laughter

Rathalos: _swears in Talentan_ *Fuck the lot of yers!* _gets up and dusts himself off._ bunch of ungrateful tossers.

Cassidy: _Cassidy stops in her tracks wacthing the sence unfold, the shouting dragon marked seemed familiar but she couldn't think from where, Cassidy stares at him trying to place him_

Rathlos: _grumbles, picking up the bag with less gusto this time, grunting as he does so and starts walking off down a side street_ Bloody humans, think they own everything just 'cause we have to deal with their kings...their fault Galifar was wiped off the damn map!

DM: He stops and looks as if he's trying to read a really well-torn bit of paper. As he does, stuff falls out his pack.

Cassidy: _Raises an eyebrow over the continued ranting, and refers back to her map, making sure she's still heading in the right direction_

DM: There's now more commotion going on. Apparently someone who stopped to help has just gotten into a fight with the Halfling. You peer over the map as the thief starts to escape and see the halfling pull out a large cannon- like gun (think MH heavy bow gun but it dwarfs the gunner) and fires off something like bolt of electricity which is instantaneous and where the thief once stood is nothing but a smokey smear of black dust against a corrugated wall...which comically falls over. 

From out of the corner of your eye you see a warforged dressed like a cowboy saunter over and hand the Halfling a ticket as he's trying to pack the weapon away. He snatches it, grumbles about having to take matters into his own hands because the law here is a bunch of slapdash bull crock, only to get a pistol aimed at his head. He concedes and fishes through his pockets for coin and once the fine is paid, the 'Sheriff' saunters off with a bit of a jerky motion.

Cassidy: _After the events unfolding had ceased, Cassidy noticed the warforged was the sherif by his badge, she thought of asking them about her brother than thought better of it, what if Sedric were an "outlaw" asking a figure of authority seemed a bad idea, she would be better off talking to the disgruntled gentlemen, though for the sake of politeness she should tell him of his fallen belongings, she approached him_ Excuse me sir, you appear to be losing some of your belongings.

Rathalos: _grunts_ yes I'm aware of that, though I think I may have vaporised the other half..._looks up to see who his talking to and blinks before some vague recognition sets in_ hey, don't I know you from somewhere miss?

Cassidy: _His sharp retrot joged her memory_ Oh you're the rude gentleman, I meet some months at the unveiling at the museum.

Rathalos: _he gives you a smirk_ And you're the 'Delicate Flower' my colleague wasted his entire evening with. Must say you have some voodoo magic to 'ave done that. _he laughs_ I may be rude, but I'm not as bad as some around here. I don't enjoy rubbing shoulders with people who look down on me and not because of my height if you know what I mean. _pauses_ How come some as posh as you is in this hell hole? Though it was reserved only for the likes of us who've fucked up.

Cassidy: Firstly I apologise if I made you feel that way, I was raised to always be a proper lady, secondly I didn't... mess up I'm searching for someone and thirdly _she says in a deeper unamused tone_ my voodoo isn't any of your business.

Rathalos: _bursts out in loud throaty laugher _ sure, sure. _wipes a tear from his face and gives Cassidy a bemused expression _ well I'm going to be extremely blunt with you miss, but after the war EVERYONE is looking for someone, mother's,  fathers, son's and daughters...many never will either. But if you are planning on sticking around a while I suggest you come with me as the hotel owner here is as crooked as a keyhole and the taverns have mostly hay sacks making up the bed...if you could call them sacks. _as he makes this offer the mark on his face gives a sort of bluish glow as if to indicate he isn't lying about the other places._

Cassidy: I would appreciate that _Knowing she of course didn't know anyone and little of Salvation_

DM: he picks up his remaining gear before leading the way down the alley and into another street, heading towards the run down looking Ghallanda road house. Across the street there seems to be a huge line outside the opposite building, also just as shabby but has rather new gold and royal purple tapestries hanging from the windows.

Rathalos: _waves it off._ don't mind them. Bunch of posers trying to muscle in on the salvage trade.  They think something valuable can be found in the Mourning...good luck to them. _opens the door to the rundown inn and beckons Cassidy inside. _

GM: The building is two stories and of a decent size, probably around before the town was established when there was only a coach road. The inside doesn't look as bad as the outer however, clear effort has been made to bring it up to some kind of standard. The front desk has been converted into a clientele table,  with a noticeboard behind with lots of paper attached to it. To the right is a stairway leading up and to the left the room opens up into a former tavern and restaurant that looks like it's been transformed into a waiting/meeting room with a pool table, bar with old but comfortable looking arm chairs by an old fashioned fireplace. There's a few rooms leading off from there, one clearly a kitchen and a small bathhouse that's typically common with these kind of places but off to one side there looks like a room for storing adventuring gear, a room that looks like an alchemist lab and one that is crammed full of bookshelves.

The place could be described as one of those exclusive men's clubs, but the atmosphere in the building suggests somewhere that the people who frequent this place just call it home.

At the counter is another halfling, this one very flamboyant in his clothing, wearing some very lavish glamour weave though unlike the more expensive ones you've owned yourself that shift into multiple different outfits, this one looks like it changes colour depending how the light hits it. Purely aesthetic of course but a reminder that even out here in this backwater magic usage is common, even if at the most basic level.

He seems to be talking to a bunch of creatures, taking notes and pinning them to the cork board as they leave. You notice some have monetarily rewards listed beneath them.

Cassidy: _Cassidy making her way over to the board curious of the rewards list_

Rathian: _looks at her as he catches movement at the corner of his eye_ Excuse me miss, but if you want to put a request notice in you'll have to wait in line!

Rathalos: Nah Ian, she's here to sign up with a crew. Got her own search too.

Rathian: _lights up_ Really Rath? That's absolutely magnificent! We do need people to help us with all of these. We cannot have them giving them to Acquisitions Incorporated on us now can we?

Rathalos: _smirks_ too right, we offer a more personalised service after all. _winks at Rathian in a very suggestive way_

Rathian: _walks around the desk, temporary leaving the small que there to gently take Cassidy's hand_ Simply splendid! Do come this way and take a seat miss, someone will be here to give you the ins and outs in a few moments.  _after he ushers you to a comfortable arm chair you catch him kissing the other halfling before bustling off._

Rathalos: _has gone quiet in a way husbands usually do when slightly embarrassed and thrown in the deep end_ er...that's my better half... _coughs_ I'll just put this stuff away.

Cassidy: _Juat nods, not knowing what to say, with everything happening so fast_

_Cassidy looks around and notices the room of books, and can't help herself in going to see what's there_

GM: The room at first feels a bit pokey till you realise it's actually two of the original ground floor bedrooms full of large shelves and crammed with old tomes, similar to those little places you occasionally find in Sharn where the owner you swear mostly collected them rather than sells them...hording the most precious ones at the back where they do anything to persuade you to by something else from the front of the store.

Cassidy: _Cassidy browsers the tiles especially of anything that looks very old or of the spell book kind_

DM: As you move amongst the shelves you notice a place on one where there's no dust collected and a book is sort of poking out that looks alot like a fake wooden one.

Cassidy: _Cassidy observes the odd book, before trying to pull it out_

DM: There's a creak as the floor beneath Cassidy shifts and the wall rotates around slowly before locking into place. You are now no longer in the libary, but in a very small hidden study, filled with papers and a desk. There's an everlight lantern on the desk flickering dimly.

Cassidy: _Cassidy rummages in her bag and pulls a skull out with three horns protruding from its crown, she holds it up showing it the room_ What do you think Mr Grayson? _The skull's teeth chatter as an eerie whispering seems to come from it_

Mr. Greyson: _chatters and moans__chatter becomes more audible _ s - s -spies.... _ chatters louder and eyes glow _spies everywhere!

Cassidy: Mmm _Heads to the desk to look more closely, she places Mr Grayson there, before sitting in the chair_

DM: Some of the papers look like general accounts, stuff about local minerals, soil deposits, rumours...and pages of weird text that look like symbols. They remind you of your most rare and prized spell books, the symbols of another language that took you many years of training to be able to read.

The revolving bookshelf creaks and turns without you on it, revealing a very familiar but highly worn out furry brown and white face...with their arms folded

Z'ev : _quiet voice_ You know snooping about can get you killed around these parts.

Cassidy: True but I'm a wizardess its in my nature to seek out knowledge _Puts up Mr Grayson and stands up_

Z'ev: Yes, but this isn't the university in Sharn. People here are a bit less forgiving when a lot of them have pasts they'd rather forget were bathed in blood. _voice is gentle and very calm_

Cassidy: Yes that does seem wise, I'll keep it in mind in future and, hello again Mr Ozone _Feels a bit sheepish now_

Z'ev: _nods_ Lady D' Sekinth. Fancy seeing you all the way out here. _he walks over to the desk and picks up one of the papers in the unusual calligraphy _ not that you'd find alot here. I've been trying to decode these a while now...a lot is unfortunately mad gibberish written by a madman. They say he Cannith went crazy inventing some maniac weapon, supposedly more deadly than a warforged colossus. All I can  see is that he certainly was indeed mad. _looks at Cassidy as he places the paper down. _I trust you've been keeping yourself well for the last six months?

Cassidy: I studied philology but these symbols are unfamiliar to me_She pushes the chair back and stands up_ Yes I've been well thank you, yourself? _Moves around the desk to where she put Mr Grayson down_

Z'ev: Wish I could say the same. I wouldn't be here if things were going 'well'. But I'm alive so that's probably plenty. _he takes a deep breath._ so, how come you're here, if it's not too personal a question to ask. I doubt it's for a job on a salvage team, though more hands would be appreciated.  Wish we didn't keep losing them to those magpies across the street...but they unfortunately can pay a lot more and get better clients.  However some people can't afford to post jobs there, no one in the town has that sort of money so it's a bit of a mystery. If it helps, none of us planned on being here.

Cassidy: _There was no real point in being all secret about it, it wouldn't get her anywhere_ I'm looking for my older brother, well his only older by two minutes but never let me forget that _Realises she getting of topic_ Last I'd heard he was in Salvation_

Z'ev: Well, this is the place to find someone who wants to vanish.

Cassidy: _Nods_ But  I'm not completely sure not where to start, one of your colleagues seemed to believe I have no hope in finding him

Z'ev: You might do. There are quite a lot of elves in town. Not sure if many are willing to be chatty though.

Cassidy: Not sure if it helps but we both have awhite forelock of hair, it's very unusual

Z'ev: _nods_  well if it's any help I haven't seen anyone with that vague description, though I'm rarely here at the moment. Something I thought was long finished had followed me to Sharn and since it's bent on chasing me around forever I tend to move about a lot. I would have preferred to have met you again in better circumstances.

Cassidy: Oh dear

Mr.grayson: _hisses from his place on the desk and starts to manically chuckle_ Spies ! I tolds you about spies....

Z'ev: _ he goes to stand back by the book shelf_ well I suppose we can't stand around here all day, you've probably got places to check out on your search. Though if you are looking for a place to stay, taking a job with us will give you free accommodation while you are in town

Cassidy: _Seemed a good idea who knew how long her search could take_ If you think I can help

Z'ev: We can see what we can do. Hopefully he's alive and just in hiding.  The war did a number on many minds.

Cassidy: _Puts Mr Grayson back in  her bag before fellowing_ 😉

Mr. Greyson: _from the bag_ spies, spies spies....._it's as if it's chanting it_

DM: He pulls the book switch and the shelf rotates around back to the pokey libary. Z'ev leads you to the stairs and up to the second floor where rows of doors line the corridor.

Z'ev: The one's in use are marked, the rest you can take your pick. Rath put great pains into acquiring decent beds though the rooms are admittedly bare. You'll find many opportunities to make it homely I'm sure, M'lady. Ian can easily rustle you up shelves, bookcases, cauldrons, wands..whatever you require. Being healer means he gets alot of freebies here and there.

DM: There are 7 rooms, only three are taken. The two at the left front near the stairs and one at the end of the corridor.

The second door on the left is open, inside ut looks quite cozy and has a weird construction in the corner that you can see. It reminds you of a cat tower, only this one is for a sleeping flying monkey.

Z'ev: Make yourself at home. Rath makes a mean Roast Ducktrodon. We'll probably start tackling those requests in the morning too, it'll let you explore the town a bit. _ he gives Cassidy an awkward tired smile_ come back down when you're settled.

DM: He leaves Cassidy in the hall, as he goes you notice he looks rather worn out and seems to almost hobble his way down the stairs.  Something had happened in those six months since you last saw him, the childish spring in his step he had when he spent all his time dancing with you seems to be absent, though seeing you looks like it's lifted a weight as it were.

Cassidy: _What could have happened, Cassidy would ask but that would be rude when she barely knew him, she walked over to the first door on the right and opened it_

DM: The room was of a medium size, though smaller than her apartment at the university. It was expected since it was a old coaching in and long stays weren't normal in these old buildings...there was a proper wooden bed with sheets, though nothing like fancy satins or anything too elaborate. There is also wooden draws at the end of the bed, quite rustic looking but a nice place to store clothes.

Cassidy: _It wasn't too bad she thought bed enough for a desk, a bookcase or two, oh and a record player would be wonderful_

Slow down Cassidy let's not get too ahead of yourself. _Let's check out the draws look through them and pack some stuff away_

DM: The draws are empty mostly and very tidy. Top ones are Perfect size for trinkets, one contains a key, presumably to lock those top draws when they contain items of value. There is an unfamiliar smell in the room however the closer you are to the bed.

Cassidy: _She tries to hunt down the strange smell, down on her hands and knees she checks under the bed_

DM: There isn't anything under the bed, but the smell is coming from the mattress itself.  It's not straw, but is certainly not the smell of goose down either.

Cassidy: _Investigating further she pulls everything off sheets and all_

DM: As Cassidy pulls free the sheets you can see a hole in the foot of the mattress with brightly coloured down feathers sticking out. Either whomever stuffed this mattress was into killing exotic birds for a living or no expense was restricted in obtaining it. The feathers have a waxy quality  which look like they'd be great to use in ingredients for spells however they feel extremely soft to touch....and they smell…

Cassidy: _What a find, though why someone would use such exquisite feathers to stuff a mattress was beyond Cassidy, she collects a few before putting the bed back to right_

Verne: Oook ook ook eeek! _is standing at Cassidy's door, spots the tear in the mattress and goes for the bright feathers. A cloud of them just PFFFT! Into the air_

Cassidy: _Laughs as feathers rain about the room_ That's quite an entrance _Says to the flying monkey_

Verne: Eeek oo oooh ook! _Verne takes a armful of feathers and half hops, half glides as she makes a run for it, dropping pretty feathers in her wake_

Cassidy: _She fellows the amusing primate out the door_

Dm: Verne bounds out of the room and down the stairs, heading straight for the hearth (i think that's what they actually call it) and leaps onto a chair specially made for her. Arthe table the others are slowly arriving to take their seats as Rathalos brings out the large stuffed and roasted goose. There's a considerably decent amount of food at the table for four people and a monkey who's already helping herself to a plum despite dropping feathers everywhere.

Rathian: _takes a seat next to Rathalos and looks up at Cassidy with a smile_ So you are staying after all! That's absolutely splendid! _notices Verne and all the feathers_ er...something wrong with your bed M'Lady? Are the Archeopteryx feathers in the mattress a problem?

Cassidy: No not at all there quite useful for spells in fact _Reassurances_

Rathian: _claps his hands_ Splendid! They're the softest you'll ever rest on though they do have a very eloquent odour.

Z'ev: _looking at Verne as he takes a seat closest to her pedestal _ Do I want to ask?

Verne: _offers her master a feather_

Cassidy: It's nothing to worry about _Smiles_

Z'ev: I'm sure of that. _takes the feather and tickles the monkey under her chin_

Rathalos: _plonks down roughly and thumps the table with a stein_ Well, it's time to dig in, sorry there's no servants Miss, it's a help yourself feed.

Cassidy: I haven't lived at home for along time and have taken care of myself for several years, I can manage _Says as she takes a seat_

Rathalos: _chuckles_ You're definitely a keeper!

Z'ev: So, what's the plan for tomorrow?

Rathian: Ah! I knew you'd ask. _ passes three notes to Z'ev. _ We've got three jobs, though each do look like they'll take some time. So What I was thinking was, we could split up and do at least two of them.

Z'ev: Hmmm _looks at the notes before handing them to Cassidy _ what do you think? What one sounds worth taking?

Cassidy: _Looks them over_ What is the Gray?

DM: They all look at each other before Rathalos coughs.

Rathalos: The Mourning is what folks around here call The Grey. It's no wonder, especially when you can see the cloud around for miles here.

Cassidy: Oh I see... _Goes quiet though she was deeply curious of what was left there_

Z'ev: Either way we'll probably end up venturing in there at some point. So, how about it, which one sounds good to take?

Cassidy: I don't believe you will like it but... _Puts the first one on the table_

Z'ev: Sounds good. Ok so who do you want to go with you? New salvager's choice.

Rathian: _looks at the other two you didn't choose while eating a mashed potato_

Rathalos: Belaluur..._ rolls the name on his tougne_ she's one of the salvage brokers, right?

Z'ev: Indeed, if we get on her good side, maybe she'll give us discounts on supplies and salvage rights.

Cassidy: If it's alright with you than Mr Ozone, would you accompany me?

Z'ev: _smiles_ of course. It looks to be an easy one, we can look around the town at the same time.

Rathalos: _nudges Rathian _ Worry about that later Ian, dig in before the ants do!

Z'ev: _laughs in amusement before putting food on his plate. There's alot of meat though that's sort of expected, though alot of fruit gets added too._

Rathian: I was wondering what the Silver Flame's unusual they'd come to the likes of us instead of the church itself.

Verne: Ook ook eek?

Z'ev: _passes verne some fruit_

Rathalos: Who cares? They're not exactly welcome here.

Z'ev: there not. That poor child they keep locked up because they think she's a reincarnation of their's not right

Rathalos: They're fucked in the head, that's what religion does to your brain. It rots it

Rathian: Yes, it's not like they value much else when you get to the top, but not everyone is like that.

Cassidy: _Cassidy was enjoying this lively dinner conversation, reminded of the kind they use to have when her father was still live, they were not so enjoyable now..._

Z'ev: No, everyone had to adapt or fight wars...funny, I don't remember our people every fighting each other before humanity came along...though history from the Reaches is patchy at best.

Rathalos: I dunno, our history is like yours mate..all Oral. Sure stories are good to pass on but it messes with history  the further you go from the original source

Z'ev: I'm sure if the Gnomes suddenly stopped sabotaging one another they'd have taken over some of the cities.

Rathian: That is a rather ghastly thought.

Rathalos: Rather put goblins and orcs back in control

Z'ev: Well we've dug up enough ruins around Khorvaire to know they had a vast empire centuries ago

Rathalos: The way humanity is going it'll self implode

Z'ev: Let's hope not, I don't think the continent could survive another hundred years of decimation

Rathian: _to Cassidy _ Are you enjoying your meal, Miss? I recommend the dumplings myself they're divine

Cassidy: Yes thank you, I will _Takes some of what's offered_ Sorry was caught up in my own thoughts _continues eating thoughtfully_

Rathian: It's quite alright. It happens when you're around chaps you don't know well. But I assure you we're probably the most harmless around here

Rathalos: _thumps stein down spilling beer everywhere _ speak for your yourself,  Ian.

Rathian: Yes well not all of us served in artillery units

Rathalos: _grins at Rathian _ certainly, but then wouldn't have met you and joined the Breland resistance if I hadn't

Rathian: That is true. I Don't think I'd have gotten married after it was all over either _laughs merrily and drinks his glass of cherry_

Z'ev: _To Cassidy _ if it wasn't for them two I wouldn't be here. I owe them my life more times than I can repay

Rathian: Pfft it's nothing. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do...and if danger follows you around afterwards then so be it

Cassidy: How long have you known each other?

Cassidy: Ohhhh about five or six years, give or take. You lose track of time when you're behind enemy lines as a Triage nurse

Rathalos: Probably more 

Z'ev: We've certainly done alot for the museum since the war ended...but that's all gone.

Rathian: Unless we start out on our own of course.

Z'ev: Of course _smiles_ we just need to get our things in order first

Rathian: What about you love? I know elves live a long time and you're rather young I've been told...did you get involved or travel to Khorvaire just as it ended?

Cassidy: The Sekinth family are in the business of maintaining, we supplied magical goods to the "war effort". I started being taught to read and write spells at a very, very young age. 

When the war finally ended I was able to leave Aerenal and pursue an education in philosophy, and was later offered a job at the university as a librarian

Rathian: _recoiled a bit_ Ah yeah I recall those elf made wands that were distributed buy the house of Cannith.  Needlessly your family made buckley's amount of money out of that deal. I treated many hit by those spells…

Rathalos: Yes, then Cannith discovered hand cannons and fire-power off us halflings and forced artificers to mass produce them.

Rathian: It makes me so sorry for the warforged....

Cassidy: Its not a good feeling, to know my family profiled off the suffering of others, it wasn't til some years ago I understood that, back in Aerenal I was sheltered from outside going on's

Rathalos: They wouldn't have made much. Too many others profited instead. It's a wonder why we eventually got a cease fire.

Z'ev: And the head of the house of Cannith was murdered

Rathalos: A blessing.

Cassidy: I wonder if Cedric enlisted, really what he's been doing at all, he's been gone all of Vincent's life _Says in a low voice_ How old is he now?

Z'ev: Fingers crossed you find him. But don't get your hopes up. Most within Galifar at the time of morning were wiped off the map with it

Rathian: Yes. It didn't discriminate

Z'ev: Let's just say alot of people we know  we're certain aren't coming back

Cassidy: I don't want to think that, never having the chance to make amends, never having meet Vincent, never seeing him again _Getting a bit emotional_

Rathian: Vincent...he's your brother's son?

Cassidy: _Looks a bit amused by that_ No not at all, you see Sedric left home after our father passed and our mother announced that her and Blanca our father's business partner were going to marry, only a few after father's passing, we were both of course shocked, but Sedric wouldn't stand for it and left, it was some months later mother gave birth to Vincent, the reason behind their hasty marriage

Rathalos: Nice to see elves living lives as complex as our short ones

Rathian: _nudges Rathalos to hush him_

Cassidy: He attended the university as well but dropped out, he wasn't comfortable being indoors for long periods or the city very much as well, said he felt like a caged animal sometimes, maybe that was due to his heritage I can't really say

Z'ev: Err... don't mind me, but we're not familiar with your kind at all. You're all very secretive...Not that it says a lot. You're sitting around the table with what other races call typically savages, Or a curse…

Rathian: Vermin

Rathalos: Primitives

Z'ev: To be wiped out

Cassidy: Yes there are too many who think that way, and for Vincent being of a mixed heritage is obviously difficult

DM: They all sort of nod,  though truthfully someone's race was never something they took into too much consideration.  You are who you are and that's that and if you fell in love with someone completely different to you that's your business

Z'ev: Anyway, if we're going to make a decent start tomorrow we should get some rest. I'll help with the washing up. _stands up and gives everyone a bow._ thank you for the meal, Rath. See you all in the morning. _he starts clearing away dirty and empty plates

Rathalos: _gets up too_ if that's that I have some preparations to make to everyone's gear in case things end up having us leave town a while. Goodnight

Rathian: _pours another cherry glass_ one last one before bed!

Cassidy: Need any help? _Asks Z'ev_

Z'ev: Oh no, I'm quite alright. _smiles_ thank you for the offer though.

Cassidy: Well than gentleman I bid you goodnight _Says as she stands to leave_

DM: The next morning, you have a light breakfast with Z'ev before grabbing the packs Rathalos had left out for you (this is your rope, lamps ect... your adventure inventory) and head out into Salvation. Occasionally you stop and Z'ev shows you a building of note or two, you meet a few locals ect as you make your way towards this big warehouse that was once a storage facility but now it is home to the Salvage market. The market is full of heavily armored and armed stalls where there are many Traders and salvage brokers haggling prices.

Z'ev: Ok Cassidy,  we're looking for a Goblin who wears a fine leather cloak and is missing an ear. Belaluur  is usually the most jovial around so you'll find her easily. _ has stopped to look at a stall selling tubes that look like the glass blower was drunk when making them_

Cassidy: _Cassidy thought this was a good opportunity to pick up some supply for a summoning ritual as well, she begin looking over some of the stall's wares as she keeped an eye out for the goblin as well_

DM: Indeed, Cassidy finds a small stall tucked away near a run down hot food van that looks as if it's out of place and put where it is as people aren't sure whether an apothecary  counts as a food stall, even if the only thing edible is some odd coloured cookies and the rest looks like mystic mumbo jumbo and weird bunches of weeds. The lady behind the table is of Tiefling persuasion,  her horns are adorned with flowers and everything about her says Bohemian nature lover.

Teifling apothecary: Ohhh hello! It's so lovely to see a new face! Can I help you? We have charms to attune you with your chakra, gemstones for your spiritual rituals and guidance,  stuff for Wickans since that's totally what we're all about now, wizards are so last week…_ Her bangles and bells jingle as she moves about like she's on a good trip_

Cassidy: Oh I see _Looks up at the stall keeper when she hears the last part_ Well I happen to be a wizard this week and I hoping to find some things for a ritual but... _She says very casually_

Teifling apothecary: Ohhh! well now I might just have something useful here just for you! _reaches under the counter and produces a box, as she opens it she looks around to make sure only you can see this unique item_ I have a rather rare Khyber shard all the way from the Mror Hols. You know as well as I the Iron Council is very strict on how much they let out of the dwarvish mines....usually you only get enough for a ring, but here...._ she opens the box to reveal a black and purple dragon shard that pulses. It's as big as Cassidy's hand_  we have something special

Cassidy: Oh my now that is something... _Without the spell for it, Cassidy can't tell if this truly is a genuine piece, if it was she certainly couldn't afford it she was sure, best set her sights lower for now_ However I was aiming for a more simple ritual of summoning my familiar at this time.

Teifling apothecary: Ah I see! Well then you'll need these... _pulls out some unusual herbs that are not on the counter_ Let's see.. Rosewater nettle, zanrenka blossom, Emerald Daisies and Frogmouth feathers. _lays them out on a velvet cloth for Cassidy to inspect quality_

Cassidy: _Not the usual pieces she would use anyone of the herbs would work though _ Mmm this zanrenka blossom is awfully dry, its oils are almost gone... _Says as she inspects the items closely_

DM: The dry leaves you notice would make great fortune telling spices in herbal tea, however without the oil it won't burn the exact way you'd like. However the Rosewater looks freshy picked from the garden this morning, still holding its very strong fragrance. The Frogmouth feathers are also very exceptional, the subtle markings on them traditionally used in making invisibility cloaks and those require brilliant quality otherwise they fail to hold the spells within them...the Emerald Daisies admittedly don't look very special,  they usually don't,  but these ones do look as if they took a while to get to her...which in this backwater is to be expected.

Cassidy: What are your asking prices?

Teifling apothecary: _grins_ well I could exchange them for three parts of scrap, or 6 dragons. The scrap would be better, helps me make the garden bigger to grow more instead of importing and having fresh ingredients is always the ultimate goal. Unfortunately not many magic users around here, though there's a halfling who does regularly buy stuff for medicinal purposes.

Cassidy: _The currencies were certainly different here, she didn't really understand it all yet_ Do you sell incense as well?

Teifling apothecary: I do, but not currently in stock today. I could try and have it here in two days. I'm waiting for the next train with my delivery.

Cassidy: A shame thank you though _She could maybe find some of the other things more easily but not the incense, it was no rush anyway_

Z'ev: Z'ev is wandering around now, stopping to study stuff on display through some bizarre looking goggles, occasionally talking to traders before moving along to the next one that catches his eye. Something he looks around but with the press of people it's hard to see a short goblin amongst them

Cassidy: _Cassidy continues browsing maybe a little too much at the stalls, and losing focus of why she's here, she takes notice of things she may wish to purchase in future, if she finds books of interest you may just lose her altogether_ 

DM: Down the end of the row of stalls Cassidy is roaming down looking at bits of junk, furniture and old books. You spot Belaluur as you can see a goblin trader with her coat flourish as she kicks a thieving customer away from her stall, the Human just receiving a boot to the groin for trying to rob her.

Belaluur: _cheerfully_ be glad I didn't cut them off mate! Next time anyone catches ya here with ya thevin' fingers you'll get more than a few months of no brothels! Be off with ya!

_pulls a timepiece out of her pocket, looks at it with a strange worried expression on her face and looks around a bit before going back to her stall. She's looking around occasion as if she's expecting someone_

Cassidy: _Looks around to see if Z'ev is near by, before she approaches the goblin_ Good morning to you madame _She says stepping around the man on the ground riving about in pain_

Belaluur:_eyeballs you from her short height_ eh? What's an elf like you want? Sorry _clears throat_ it's been s bad day

Cassidy: Oh yes I apologise madame, my name is Cassidy D' Sekinth, you must be Belaluur I'm here about a notice you posted about a missing scout.

Belaluur: _gives her an odd look and pokes Cassidy in the guts with the end of a metal pipe_ Pushy, aren't we? I like you, you get to the point, no piss fartin' around. _grins. Her smile is lopsided to match her missing ear_ what about it? You don't look like the blondie I spoke to yesterday about it. Didn't know they employed a highbrow lassie! _Muses and chuckles_

Cassidy: _Cassidy rubs at the spot she was painfully jabbed_ I have business in Salvation but that's not of importance now, who is this blondie individual you mentioned?

Belaluur: _now looks at Cassidy with suspicion _ you tell me. If you don't know then you're from that other mob. _folds arms_ I don't do business with Acquisitions Incorporated. Tell your bosses to keep noses out of honest people's business.

DM: As she says this she glances over her shoulder and then tries to look around you.

Z'ev: _is two stalls away, has made a purchase with a rifleman _

Cassidy: _Notices how she seems on edge_ Something wrong?

Belaluur: No.

Cassidy: May I speak plainly with you, you obviously have some resentment towards these people, however if you allow me to search for your missing scout, I may very well find them, or I may never return from the grey, in the end you have nothing to lose as I see it. Maybe someone who is deeply important to me, for them I would willingly risk my life for the chance to see them again _There is great determination in the way she says this_

Belaluur: _looks as Cassidy,  still unsure what to make of her but the grin is seeping back slowly. Cassidy is starting to sound very familiar to her, so familiar infact..._hmmm. Who's Your boss?

Cassidy:  My boss is Mr Ozone _Though she wasn't sure as Rathalos had brought her to this "group" maybe he was in charge, she tries to get Z'ev attention by waving to him hoping to catch his eye_

Z'ev: _sees Cassidy waving from the corner of his eye, places the vial he was holding down carefully before coming over, lifting his weirdly handmade googles up over his forehead before speaking_ Everything alright?

Belaluur: _looking at Z'ev, arms folded and smug as if Cassidy is going to be caught lying_ This Lady says she's one of yours. This true?

Z'ev: _nods_ of course. Belaluur, Cassidy, Cassidy Belaluur.

Belaluur: _relaxes_ ah fine. _looks at Cassidy_  so you're vouched for. Sorry about that, can't be too careful around here. There's plenty of vultures around. _peers over her shoulder again, concern flashes in her eye breifly_

Cassidy: is something worrying you? _Says to Belaluur_

Belaluur: No you're here for the job then?

Cassidy: This missing scout they're someone very important to you _There is compassion in her words_

Belaluur: _Belaluur takes one more glance around before her shoulders sag. _ Garundah. She was expected back a few days ago. She went into the Mourning as some horned bimbo was flashing some Khyber shards around and was proclaiming it was from the Mournland along the old Lightning rail track. So of course Garundah got it into her 'ead to go looking...She's got me worried.

Cassidy: Kybar shards could that be true? _She asks Z'ev_

Z'ev : It's possible. A Lot of stuff in the Mournland. Galifar was a rich nation at one point. Before my time of course, but they did have a lot to throw at the war I know that.

Cassidy: By the way, I stopped at a stall that's vendor was a Tiefling, they made a claim that they had a kybar shard in their possession _Says to Z'ev_

Belaluur: That's the one. She's tried flogging it for days but it's got so many impurities in it it'll mess up your machinery let alone spells! _spits on the ground_ ain't even worth half a crown. But, she sells other stuff that's useful. It's why she's still in business. But she ain't got a clue how to value squat.

Z'ev: Garundah..._closes eyes trying to remember _ green hair, runic tattoo on one of her shoulders...has the big mechanical bulldog? Wasn't she taking Alchemy lessons?

Belaluur: _nods_ And I'm wishing I got you to teach 'em. I swear that metal headed machine knows nothing about chemicals. What he got her to try at home last time almost blew up my house!

Z'ev: Maybe I can once we find her.

Belaluur: I hope so. If anything happened to her…

Cassidy: We'll do our best madame

Belaluur: Either way I'd want proof.

Z'ev: _nodds in understanding. _ we'll get right on it. _starts heading back to the entrance of the salvage market_  Ever ridden a Rapter before, Cassidy?

Cassidy: Not particularly.

Z'ev: _gives her a grin_ they're a lot faster than horses. If Garundah is a few days ahead of us, we're going to want to catch up as fast as possible...that and raptors don't spook as easily going through…_as he reaches the doorway he points to the clouds outside in the distance that are looming over Salvation _That.

We haven't enough to hire any transport, but our own beasts will do

Cassidy: _Nods_ When do we leave?


Now. _starts walking at a faster pace back towards their base of operations, moving swifter and before long almost running into the caged corral around the back where there's a fortified animal shed. He tosses Cassidy some riding gear  before he goes in to retrieve two rather large Raptors, both pulling at their ropes. Z'ev avoids being snapped at, glares at the beasts till the look away before putting on their  saddles_

DM: The raptors look at you Cassidy and one of them tries to roar at you but changes its mind and goes for your bag, spilling some of its contents on the ground as it tears it

Z'ev: _comes to help Cassidy's and picks up the demon skull _ good luck trinket?

Cassidy: More a talisman _Doesn't think she should give all her secrets away_

Z'ev: It's ok. I know some orcs and goblins that drink out of old human skulls that are family heirlooms. Things change but creepy trinkets don't...Even if this one is worth studying. _hands it over after trying to resist looking at it through his goggles_ If only I was an anthropologist.

Cassidy: Demonologist _Smiles_

Z'ev: Ha! Even better! I'll stick with lost civilisations if it's all the same. Need a hand up to the saddle?

Cassidy: If you would be so kind. _Says as she puts Mr Grayson back in her bag thank the gods it wasn't the book that would harder to explain away_

GM: He helps her into a saddle, as he does so the creature lets out a snarling call and the other snaps at it. He also gets on the other after unroping Cassidy's and securing it to his one's reins.

Z'ev: Just until we're in the Mournland. Can't have us getting seperated in the veil. _brings both dinosaurs around and gets them to both start moving towards the station to follow the tracks that lead beyond Salvation towards the wall of grey smog clouds_

GM: As you get closer, the titanic fog bank extends like a cliff wall along the border of the Mournland. You begin to see ominous shapes: screaming faces, collapsing buildings  and clawing outstreached hands. Explosions flash in the gloom, spooking the Raptors as the temperature suddenly drops and the whispering starts...scratchy voices inside your heads. You're being watched from all sides but before you decide this is a terrible idea you come out the other side...onto a grey blast riddled can feel the land twisted and contorted by magic, it makes you fingers crackle a little with energy from a wound that will never heal. It's barely recognisable in places, the ground has become fused jaggard glass where's in others it is cracked, burned and scarred. Skeletons of the dead from every nation litter the landscape, as well as the bodies of soldiers and citizens of Galifar that refuse to decompose. It is a giant creepy graveyard.

In this vile landscape, magic still lingers in such quantities that monsters mutate into abominations and more wild untamed magic pours from the sky when the storms that never dissipate....a place where living spells roam free - War magic that's now living entities that hunt in a merciless search for new victims  and ghosts that will continue to fight even in death…

Z'ev: _gives Cassidy full reign of the raptor, patting its neck like a horse before shuddering from the cold._ We'll stick to the tracks. We'll have more luck this way

Cassidy: The archaic power here is so strong I can feel it all around, it pricks at my fingers _She holds a hand up, what looks like electricity travels up two of her fingers like a jacob's ladder_

Z'ev: Yeah, it gets all in my fur....not the most pleasant sensation feeling static shocks against my clothes.

Cassidy: _She starting think about what one could do tapping into this raw energy, her expression is almost one of desire_

Z'ev: _glances over his shoulder_  whatever you're thinking it must be good, frankly I'd like to get out of here before something starts hunting us...we haven't got the best gear for staying here long.

Cassidy: If that is the case then why would... Garundah was it? Come alone, I understand khyber shards are highly vulnerable of course, but are they turthly worth what seems possibly a suicidal risk?

Z'ev: Oh it's worth it. Can't have good rewards without taking a risk to find them. It's how most unfortunately survive out here

Cassidy: _Cassidy couldn't really understand that as she had wanted for nothing most of her life, this was all quiet new to her._ _She looked around now at the desolate landscape surrounding them_ I've read about the mourning, but now being here, words fail to truly describe it

Z'ev: It''s something alright..._voice trails off as the wind from the fog that came from starts to howl as if there are millions of voices screaming in pain. He clutches vest pocket, fingers tentatively feeling the reassuring weight of his alchemy pistol. _ we should get a move on

Cassidy: _The hairs on the back of Cassidy's neck stand on end_ Yes I like that idea very much

DM: As the Raptors pick their way along the tracks of the defunct lightning rail at a decent trot, you realise there is no bird song, no insects buzzing...the only sound is the grunting,  hissing and clawing of the raptors as they pace along until shattered black glass starts protruding from the ground and along the rail line. The shards you notice are various sizes from from a few inches to several feet tall, and have disturbed the ground into a circle that's 100 feet in diameter.

The raptors start rearing up and snapping, flicking themselves around out of control.. Cassidy managed to rein hers in enough for it to roar and complain, but Z'ev gets thrown off, and dragged along behind his mount as the beast blots forwards towards something in the center of the circles

Cassidy: Z'EV! _Yells in distress. Cassidy gives her raptor a swift kick and races in pursuit of them_

DM: The raptor catches up to the runaway, but it veers off and goes around to your left,eventually Z'ev is untangled and tossed aside as the creature continues onwards to the middle, only slowing down as it realises that what made it go crazy isn't fresh...but it starts to chow down anyway.

Z'ev: _ gets up on all fours, groaning_ Clothes aren't padded...enough for this…

Cassidy: _Pulls her raptor up and dismounts coming to his aid_ Are you hurt? _Asks helping him back to his feet_

Z'ev: Yeah we're fine. Just bruised. _rolls over stiffly and sits up on elbows, looking in the direction the crazed Raptor went._ You can tell they're definitely not my animals. _takes Cassidy's hand and gets up, thanking her as he does so._ what is that it's eating?

Cassidy: _Ok Cassidy looks in the direction of the other raptor, to see what's its eating_ It appears to be a corpse _I guess she would say this without being bothered by it I haven't had the chance to read all the notes but doesn't sound like she would be squeamish about a corpse_

Z'ev: Corpse? Here where the undead never truly die? _frowns, starts heading over so he can inspect it more closely, walking as if he's knocked his knees out a few paces_ something doesn't add..._starts a stumbled run towards it_  Garundah!?

Cassidy: _Cassidy fellows after at a slower pace, there was no point in rushing unfortunately it appeared it was too late and there was nothing they could do_

Z'ev: _slows down when the smell of rotting flesh gets too much before having to completely stop to vomit_

Cassidy: _Cassidy heads for the raptor and makes an attempt to pull it away_  

DM: As Cassidy pulls the creature away scowling it, she slips in a puddle of blood and drool landing on her back in it, face to face with the corpse and the sudden smell waffs straight up her nose...and she pukes.

Z'ev: _coughing, trying to hold his nose, though he's looking sickly._ are you...ok?

_he just manages to keep whatever was left of their last meal down, though probably wasn't a lot after before_

_offers a waterskin to help wash Cassidy's mouth out_

Cassidy: _accepts it_ Sorry _Says when says done_ I use to be more tolerant_

Z'ev: Tolerant? It's a rotting corpse. Be more concerned if you weren't affected by it. _Coughs and clearly looks uncomfortable about it himself _

DM: In the background the raptors are fighting with each other over blood soaked clothing

Cassidy: _Feeling awkward by making things uncomfortable, she avoids looking at him and her gaze falls on the corpse by their feet_

DM: From just Cassidy's own knowledge on biology and on the assumption of what she can see, she can work out that the corpse was once human, and has burns to its body...or did before a Raptor chewed it

Z'ev: _leans down close aa he dares to inspect the burns carefully,  visibly trying not to gag before getting back up and far away from the remains_  electrical burns...but that crushed chest cavity...that's not normal is it?

Cassidy: Heavy blunt force trauma, seems they were hit with such force it crashed their chest causing it to cage in, furthermore this is no goblin but a human, or was..._

Z'ev: _looks at her slightly confused_ there's nothing around here that could hit with such a force.

Cassidy: Or someone or something did

Z'ev: Hmmm....I honestly can't see how in such and open place

DM: As they both discuss the body, some of the shards start moving, a tinkle and crunch of broken glass...the air around you fills with a crackling,  ringing noises, you hair starts getting a static charge as a lizard like beast with maws of crystal snap filled with razor sharp teeth. 

Z'ev: _moves in front of Cassdy, pulling a unusually designed pistol out of his pouch and fires it_

DM:  The gun fires, however the bullet just pings off one of the beasts crystal shards

Cassidy: _While Cassidy appreciates Z'ev's chivalry she is no damsel, she moves around Z'ev, and tips her staff on the ground it lights up, she begins chanting as she draws a circle in the air in front of her, a bright shining light hangs where she does inside this she draws three points that turn to long shards, as she shouts the last word of her spell they fly towards their target like three missiles_

DM: The drake screeches as chunks of crystal glass not only breaks off, but it shatters, flying everywhere in every direction. The Crystal Drake snarls and Leaps for Z'ev,  gnashing its jaws. It grabs his arm and the glass cuts deep as he's knocked down by the creature's weight.

Z'ev: _in a panic to get the creature off him he hits it with the pistol quite frantically, still not enough to get the creature to budge and let go_

Cassidy: _Cassidy charges towards the drake, there was no time for finesse, she stops a few feet from it and stabs her staff into the ground chanting as fast as she can, pretty much screaming the last words as the magical shards tear up through the ground and strike the monster_

DM: The crystal drake doesn't even get a chance to let go of Z'ev's arm, it just explodes in a shower of broken glass, tearing through both of their clothes, giving cuts to exposed skin but faces are shielded by arms so you don't take any significantly detrimental damage, but a lot of surface level cuts

Z'ev: _breathing rapidly as he lowers the injured arm from his face, the drake now crystal vapour that glitters in the gloom as it falls_ holy shit…_there's actually quite a lot of blood coming from the wound, some shards of glass teeth are sticking out. He winces in pain as he tries getting up as moving it is slightly difficult _ shhhheet...._stumbles_  I was never good enough for the military...think I know why…

_in the end he resigns to sitting upright on the ground, his free arm rummaging through his pack rather awkwardly to find some sort of cloth to tie a torque around the shards. They're not something he's game enough to pull out and would be better off waiting till Rathian can take a better look_

Cassidy: Z'ev _Says caching her breath as she hurries to his side_ Are you alright? _Sees his arm_ Here let me help _Reaches for his pack_

Z'ev: Thank you. _watches Cassidy pull out his spare travel clothes that'll probably do for bandages_ I'm sorry for making an assumption before. Wasn't aware you were a mage. I'll keep to my place in future.'s been a while.

Cassidy: Nonsense _Says as she starts tearing the spare shirt to strips_ Let's not bring class in now, I don't want "special treatment" _Carefully begins bandaging his arm_ It was my fault anyway... _Says in an apologetic tone_

Z'ev: Class? Oh no...wasn't..._Let's out a heavy sigh, rubbing his eyes under his spectacles._ I meant as in a True magewright, someone who's spent years of study. Unlike the rest of us whose use of magic is rather simplistic because well...everything runs on it. _muses with a slight soft expression. _ Iris would have clipped my ear if I hadn't though.

Cassidy: Iris? Is she a friend of yours? _Asks as she continues bandaging_

Z'ev: _looks surprised Cassidy is taking an interest in him_ my younger sister. I have two who still live in Verna, where my mother's old cottage is. One is into exotic flowers, the other just got a job in the Planar observatory.  Scholars, though not too interested in fighting... Though Iris used to give me a run for my money in terms of knowledge, as the youngest usually do. Yourself? The brother you're looking for... Is he a soldier? I felt a bit forward earlier so I didn't it seems to have been quite rude of me.

Cassidy: Honestly I don't know, I haven't seen or spoken to him for almost twenty-five years

Z'ev: Ah yes, I forget that not everyone sends letters as frequently as I do. You'll find him, even if it's only his body. You'll find him. Even here in the Mourning, bodies of loved ones lost surface to be reclaimed.

Cassidy: Oh he won't be dead, too danm stubborn to be _Gives a crooked smile_

Z'ev: _gives her a reassuring one in return. _ I hope so. You're putting in a lot of effort to find someone who's been estranged that long. Right... We better get moving before another one of... Whatever that thing was. Shows up here. _makes and effort to repack the rucksack before slowly getting up_

Cassidy: Sure you're up to it? _Ask concerned_

Z'ev: I'll be alright. I don't think it's wise to set up a tent where a creature just attacked us.

Cassidy: Very wise _Agress_ We need to find the raptors as well.

Z'ev: I think they're long gone. Doesn't matter. Easier to be more alert on foot then relying on an unpredictable beast. I don't have Rath's affinity for things with sharp teeth.

Cassidy: Not truly a fan of reptiles, prefer something furry and cuddly _Realising how that may sound buries her face in her hands feeling deeply embarrassed_

Z'ev:_stifles a laugh, fully aware she wasn't referring to him but it sounded quite funny_ I'm sure Verne will appreciate the extra affection when we're back in salvation.

DM: As they start walking away from the corpse and back along the involuntary decommissioned tracks of the lighting rail, time feels as if it's frozen, the eerie silence with the exception of the crunching of their footsteps the only sound is of them breathing as the temperature drops slightly, sending chills down the spine.

 After two hours, as the skies seem to get murkier and more grim as night looms and starts to show the moons in the sky, the rail line runs through a group of ruined wooden buildings. A gust of wind blasts across the plain and a roughly roundish stone tumbles onto the conducting stones, followed by a metallic looking hound. As it clunks against them, a WHOOSHING sound erupts from further up the line... A spectral lighting rail emerges from the howling mist with arcs of ghostly lightning flickering around and beneath it. It moves rapidly down the line towards the odd looking ball and the steel beast, that's barking at the spector . 

Cassidy: By the gods this place is like some crazed nightmare, come to life!

Z'ev: _flicks is google's down off his forehead._ Hey, I recognise that mutt… I don't understand what it's doing here though...unless Garundah left it behind...or it's looking for help. But that...that can't be right

Cassidy: There's a goblin hiding over there _Points towards them_

DM: Before Z'ev can say anything, a loud squawk is heard as large cockatrice  bolts out of the mist, making an attack at the Iron defender, which dodges and continues to bark and chase it off as it protects it's master

Z'ev: _the situation dawns quite heavily on him_ we have to get in there and get her off the track!

Cassidy: Maybe we can frighten it away, gave me a moment _Starts to chat spell for minor illusion. Cassidy points her staff towards the cockatrice, and for a few moments nothing happens, than a giant shape appears in the mist as it comes closer it takes the form of a giant orange coloured bearded dragon, the lizard turns its head and stairs at the insect, before puffing out its bearded and makes a bee line for the cockatrice_

DM: The cockatrice pauses and looks around in a panic. The gigantic bearded dragon looks threatening and the cockatrice takes flight, the Iron defender however doesn't give chase, instead staying close to it's master. Being a construct, it hasn't got the intelligence to do anything other than it's alchemic ruins instructions

Cassidy: _It looked bad and Cassidy had to act fast if they had any hope of saving Garundah, getting past the metal dog didn't seem an option and they likely wouldn't make it in time but... thinking quick Cassidy took control of the illusion bearded dragon and send it racing towards the goblin her hope was the steel defender would gave chase, it was a gamble if anything touched it it would dispel, her hope was it would run into Garundah barreling them off the tracks, she may be hurt by it but better than being hit by a train_

DM: The steel defender barks, but is unaffected by the illusion. 

Z'ev: _ Z'ev drops his pack and frees a shovel, tosses it to Cassidy and pulls out a large vial from his pocket pouch, which has a large skull and bones motif on the label. He inserts it into the back of the pistol before running towards the defender and fires a spray of Acid from the weapon_

DM: The acid hits the defender with a slight sizzle, but it's  reinforced metallic hide is still intact. The steel dog growls and barks before launching itself at Z'ev, he moves out of the way just in time, the defender instead grabs his pack and tears it wide open.

The ghost train continues to advance.

Cassidy: _While the defender is distracted, Cassidy makes for the goblin, she tries to push the goblin unsuccessfully, looking at the shovel Z'ev throw her she gets an idea and plants it under the goblin and tries to leverage it off_

DM: Cassidy puts all her weight onto the end of the shovel and the stone goblin shifts and rolls off the tracks with a thud and stops at the foot of a gnarled tree. The iron defender moves away from Z'ev and passes Cassidy to check on the safety of its master.

The cockatrice that you scared off before however, has emerged from the rundown buildings where it fled...and it isn't alone.

Cassidy: _Cassidy moves away_ Z'ev you may want to move _She taps her staff on the ground twice, and chunks of rock burst up from beneath, as they hang in the air pieces break off revealing ghostly blades within, they begin circling around Cassidy_

DM: Both cockatrice's are hit, one gets a spectral blade splicing its wing causing blood to splatter everywhere around the creature and wherever the blood drips, turns to stone

The original cockatrice continues to charge forward towards you Cassidy, lunging and snapping at her giving her a nasty bite.

Z'ev: _Z'ev swaps out the vial in the back of his pistol and flanks the cockatrice that attacked Cassidy and fires a beam of liquid nitrogen at it_ 

DM: Parts of the cockatrice freeze solid, it's feet stuck fast to the ground and it's wings stick to it's body.

The defender attacks the closest cockatrice and sinks it's metal teeth in, shaking its head as it tears at it.

The cockatrice that was frozen to the spot, lowers its head to try and fend off it's new attacker, only to get it's face mauled off in the process.

The remaining cockatrice launches itself at Z'ev, who ducks and rolls out of the way, off the rails as the creature crashes into the ground where he once stood, scrambling to get up.

Cassidy: _Cassidy gaves the cockatrice a swift hit with her staff before moving off the tracks while it is stunned._

DM: the creature stopping her in her tracks by catching the staff between it's jaws. Z'ev,  who's off the tracks …

Z'ev: _raises his pistol to fire at the cockatrice and at the same time, makes a dash to not only knock Cassidy off the rails, but push both of them to the side before the spectral train comes crashing into them_

DM: The bullet fired hits the cockatrice,  slicing through it's neck. The creature is down. Cassidy,  she doesn't see it, but a big wall of clothing and furry fuzz collides into her knocking her off the tracks and onto the grey dirt. Beside Cassidy, Z'ev has rolled and is on all fours, having successfully pushed her and himself out of the way.

The defender looks up from tearing the corpse of the first cockatrice just in time to dart out of the way as the crackle of the ghostly lighting rail bursts through the mists, real electricity flying around wildly, making the ruined buildings explode with shrapnel going everywhere as it flies past at speed. Eventually the sound dies down as the train vanishes.... and behind you a very petrified goblin is beginning to unfreeze.

Z'ev: _hastily crawls over to Cassidy to check where she's hurt_  You ok? Where'd it get you?

Cassidy: Just a leg scratch _Says as she sats up and checks, it had already stopped bleeding, she wasn't going to mention the scrapes and likely bruises from hitting the ground, it was better than being hit by the train_ I'm alright really _ Trying to reassure him as she tries to get to her feet_

Z'ev: Nonsense.  It'll only take a minute to treat. _he tears a peice of his shirt sleeve off and proceeeds to just wrap the bite wound securely, just to be on the safe side_

_he tears a peice of his shirt sleeve off and proceeeds to just wrap the bite wound securely, just to be on the safe side_

DM: The Iorn defender pads up and walks passed towards the unfreezing Goblin who's, now uncurling from being in a ball.

Garundah: Erghhh...stupid buzzards...They're constantly petrified me for days!

Cassidy: Oh the goblin _Says to Z'ev_ We should check on her.

Z'ev: Right. _helps Cassidy up first before going over to Garundah and asking a few questions if she's ok before she brushes him off and a growl from the Iron defender gets the point across_

Garundah: _stretches and tries to unstiffin her joints_ Thank you both for that. Without you I'd probably be bits of gravel. _cracking the bones in her neck to feel better_ Don't suppose my Ma sent you?

Cassidy: You had been gone for sometime, she started to worry when you didn't return _Says coming over_

Garundah: _hugs Cassidy very tightly _ Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!

Z'ev: _walks over to the tracks, leans over to see if there was anything from his pack worth salvaging. _

Cassidy: You're very welcome, but try not to worry her in future alright_Says returning the hug_

Garundah: Not something I wanted to do. _she pulls back to look up at you, her green hair falling in her face _ not a lot you can do when you're sprung on by those things.

Z'ev: _collects a few broken bits of his bullseye lamp, his tool kits which while not big, still scattered everywhere... Tent and rations are unsalvageable. Decides he's got nothing else to recover and comes back over _ we should probably get going. Walking back through the veil isn't going to be pretty.

Cassidy: Yes, you ready to leave? _Asks Garundah_

Garundah: Most definitely. I'm over this place!

Cassidy: I was curious Garundah did you find any Khyber shards?

Garundah: Not really. I did try picking some of the loose thunderstones that's along the old rail line... They're not worth a lot but can be a powerful alternative to the ever bright lanterns. _gives both Cassidy and Z'ev A shard each_ I'm sure Ma probably has her own reward by now too. She isn't shy on stuff like that if it means I'm safe.

DM: Anywho... they make it back to Salvation,  walking through the grey mist sending shivers down your spine more so than it did while you were on the Raptors...the Defender leads the way and Garundah holds both Cassidy's and Z'ev's sleeves in order not to loose either of them amongst the chilly drop in temperature and the howls and screams as faces form in the smog and hauntingly follow you until you eventually step out of it and into the edges of the Salvation outpost. Garundah slowly regains composure as she's wandered through there often enough to be sort of immune to it, but Z'ev looks rather shaken

Belaluur gives them both 10 Gp for finding her daughter, happy to be reunited.

Its late on the 3rd of Zarantyr, after retiring to their rooms after a hearty meal and adventure exchange...

Z'ev: _knocks on the door of Cassidy's room_ Are...ummm Is everything ok? Was wondering if you needed some of Rathian's healing ointment for that bite. It's pretty good, sting a bit...but heals you pretty fast.

Can never be too careful with Mornland beast.

Cassidy: Oh that's very thoughtful, come in if you like_ She has her hair out it falls in long waves down her back she is sitting on her bed while brushing it out, her spell book is open beside her and Mr Grayson in on the nightstand_

Z'ev: _soon as the door is open, Verne darts in and bounces on the bed. Z'ev is still looking a bit roughed up, but his arm doesn't have shards of crystal sticking out of it. carefully places the jar of pinkish cream on the set of draws_ you need anything else? _clearly not comfortable in a ladies boudoir _

Cassidy: No thank you _Says as she gives Verne a pet_ How's your arm? _Would like to take a closer look but thought he might faint from nerves if she did_

Z'ev: Oh it's ok. Aches, but there's not alot Rathian can do without knocking me out...and I'm not great under aesthetics. The shards are out, no real damage...the bite ok?

_coughs _ sorry, I don't...look I was brought up to respect the privacy of a lady and I feel like I've intruded…

Cassidy: If I felt like you were intruding I wouldn't have invited you in

Z'ev: Yes, right. ..uh would you like to go for a drink with me?

Cassidy: Oh, yes I'd like that, I've need a few moments to get ready

Z'ev: Certainly..I'll meet you downstairs when you're ready. _closes the door behind him, reopens it to pick up verne who's pulled more feathers free while she played and leaves with monkey in tow_

DM: later….

Z'ev: _has smartened up a tad, fur is at least brushed, clothes are still a bit dusty but there's not alot he can do about it...long as there's no holes and he's got his tie and vest...he's waiting for Cassidy at the steps_

Cassidy: _Well Cassidy puts this little charlston on in red does hair and make up and meets him there_

Z'ev: _is kinda relieved that no one can see him blush under the fur, but can also hear Rathols wolf whistling before Rathian slaps him from the doorway to the recreation room

_takes Cassidy's hand and smiles_ shall we go?

Cassidy: Yes let's _Smiles back_

DM: Evening has set in over Salvation,  dust swirls through the streets billowing over the wooden boardwalks and coiling around the tin roof shacks. The Tavern known as The Grey Beyond is full of life, a band is playing, people are drinking and dancing on the floor...Z'ev opens the doors and lets Cassidy in first. There's a few stares, but because she's and Z'ev have done a favour for Belaluur,  rumour has gotten around that they're 'the ones to watch'. 

Another shifter, pushes past Cassidy and she hears him whisper to them

 "Watch yourselfs, you're so sharp you could cut yourselves...."

Cassidy: We seem to be attracting a bit of attention _Says to Z'ev_

Z'ev: Yes...word gets around.  Don't worry it'll wear off. Always does. Mind you it's nice to get one up on Acquisitions Incorporated for once...would you care to dance with me? _feeling a bit more confident now he gives her a wink_

Cassidy: _She laughs in amusement_ I'd love to. 

DM: As they move out towards the band floor they start to dance and eventually eyes do go back to people's drinks, meals and gambling that's also going on in the taven. As things settle down an orc enters the taverns and clomps his way towards  Cassidy and Z'ev. 

"You Ozone and Sekinth?" He grunts

Cassidy: Can we help you sir?

DM: He shoves a newspaper into Cassidy's hands and says "Belaluur wants to have a chat with yous. Said she won't trust anyone else for dis one."

Z'ev: _frowns_ what's with the paper then?

DM: The orc points to the article GREY DOGS MISSING IN MORNLAND. "She said you and no one else...she said is paid."

Z'ev: _looks at Cassidy. _ I think we've just scored ourselves a job

Cassidy: It seems so

Z'ev: _looks back at the messanger_  Tell Belaluur we'll be there first thing in the morning. Right now..._gives Cassidy a twirl on the dance floor_ we've got a date

DM: 4th of Zarantyr, 998YK

As Cassidy comes down for Breakfast,  she walks into the rec room and overhears…

Rathalos: - That's final, Z'ev.  This time I'm going with yers'. If an entire salvage crew can just simply 'Vanish' we're not risking our own crew for nothin'

Rathian: I'm going to have to agree with Rath. Those crystals weren't exactly easy to take out of your arm.

Rathalos: Besides,  _puffs out chest_ I've got some battlefield expertise you could sorely use.

Z'ev: You're probably right. This isn't anything like those espionage missions we used to do for the resistance. I know I can't talk my way out of a fight with a flesh golem if we ever come across one out there.

Rathalos: They don't talk, they kill.

Z'ev: Yes, that sort of what I was getting at.

Rathalos: _slaps Z'ev back_ Glad you're talking sense lad.

Z'ev: I've always had them, Rath. It's just I didn't think the last one through. We're more prepared this time...and well, we've always been good at what we do, never letting anyone down.

Rathian: _looks up_ Good morning Miss d' Sekinth.

Z'ev: _turns to greet Cassidy too_ Good morning well?

Rathalos: _gives Z'ev a nudge_

Cassidy: Yes thank you, I'm er.. interrupting anything?

Z'ev: No, not at all. Rath has decided he'd join us on this job for Belaluur.  You don't mind?

Cassidy: No not at all, seems very sensible if you ask me

Rathalos: _slaps hands together. _ Great! Maybe this time you don't lose my Raptors too eh? _he looks around at the surprised faces._ I hadn't started training those ones yet.

Cassidy:  On that note I feel I was unprepared, maybe some potions..., I don't know any healing spells... _Says the last part mostly to herself_

Z'ev: We can have a look around the salvage brokers, I'm sure you'll find something handy.

Rathian: I haven't had enough time tinkering in the lab...I won't be ready to make you any warding spells…

Rathalos: _kisses Rathian on the cheek _ we'll be fine. You just focus on that machine. Never know how handy offering healing services can be when we're not here to keep this place going till we're back

Rathian: True... though I was hoping to give up on that sort of thing...seen enough of it as it were

Rathalos: Anyway..._hands both Cassidy and Z'ev heavy backpacks, Z'ev almost dropping it on his shoes_ we'll need to take some decent gear. We're all good? Let's get movin'. Can't keep a client waitin'

Z'ev: _gives Cassidy a 'welp here we go' look before following Rathalos out the doorway into the street_

Cassidy: _Smiles and fellows along, thinks this is going to be interesting_

DM: At the salvage market it's as busy as it was the last time you visited, Belaluur this time is being assisted by Garundah,  the Iron dog is sitting by the stall, growling occasionally at those who think they have faster reflexes than a metalic mutt.

As everyone walks over to Belaluur's stall of goods, the Goblin immediately spots you and walks over, grinning ear to missing ear with her arms wide.

Belaluur: Good to see you! Knew you'd never let me down! You know I'm forever greatful for what you have done and I'm happy to partake in your services.

DM: She gives Cassidy a big hug, shakes Z'ev's hand in a strong grip and give Rathalos a nod, still grinning as they've formally done prior business before.

Z'ev: You have need of our services again, Belaluur?

Belaluur: Indeed I do. You've seen the paper?

Cassidy:Indeed we have

Belaluur: Good good, then I can get straight to business. The Grey Dogs are some of the best scavengers in Salvation and I knows because it's me who pays em'. They recently went out to find the market place in the ruins of Kalazart city, some eighty miles into the Mournland from 'er. I'm willing to pay you for any news of their disappearance, weither you find them living or dead... does fifty Galifar sound good? Know what, I'll throw in a discount if you buy anything from us here too, anything to help you help me as it were.

GM: The guys look at you Cassidy,  nodding that this seems like a pretty good deal.

Cassidy: Sounds fair to me

Z'ev: We're in.

Belaluur: Good good! Now, the Grey Dogs consist of five scavangers, Durvo Tellis a dwarf, Nella Halthorn a halfling, Sprocket a what are they callin themselves now? Ah yeah Warforged, Tandal Khan a human and Endless Time a Tabaxi.

DM: As she mentions the Tabaxi, both Z'ev and Rathalos exchange glances. They had an inkling there was going to be trouble in their future.

Cassidy: Do you know them? _Seeing the way they look at each other, she doesn't know who_

Rathalos: Unfortunately for one.

Z'ev: Time is someone we've delt with before. She's not as bad as Rath thinks she-

Rathalos: Like blazes! She's the biggest pot of trouble this plane outside of Avernus!

Z'ev: She was an agent of the King's Dark Lanterns... used to be.

Rathalos: The finest agents in all of Khorvaire _ He spits as he uses sarcasm_

Z'ev: They got more help from the Breland Resistance movement than them actually being useful

Cassidy: Its possible she isn't "around" anymore

Rathalos: Yeah... doubt it. That cat is like a bad smell.

Z'ev: We'll see. You never know if it's handy to have an illusionist on your side

Rathalos: _grunts_ only of you run a circus

Cassidy: _Hides a her smirking_ Anyway there was somethings I want to purchase

Belaluur: _grins and indicates to the table_ feel free to browse my dear! My daughter will sort it all out for you.

_she walks away to the other end of her stall to deal with another scrap dealer who seems to be trying to flog an old air ship wheel_

DM: The table is coverd in various things, but they're neatly layered out into specific sections.

There's dedicated adventure supplies, some stuff you'd find in a general store and some odd vials of liquid near a medical bag.

Cassidy's knowledge is very good, it was a subject she really took to back in Aerenal.  She noticed there's several common ones like a potion of healing and potion of climbing, but there's also potion of gaseous form, oil of slippeness and potion of posion resistance.

While she is looking at the potions, Z'ev purchases the healing kit at 3gp and some leather armour at 7gp with intention to do infusions with it later.

Cassidy: _Asks how much the potions are_

Garundah: Usually they're around 38 Galifar, but I can give them to you for 10. The healing and the climbing I can do a two fer one at 15 Galifar,  but the others, can't really as they're not something we get often. 

_she leans over the table and says_ since I knew I'd see ya again I wanted to make you a proper thankyou..._pulls out a flask from her pocket pouch_ it's a potion of Clairvoyance, because you were like.. psychic knowing I was in trouble and this freebie will get you out of trouble too!

Cassidy: Oh that's very kind Garundah thank you, I'll also take the healing potions.

Garundah: That'll be 10 Galifar for the flask of healing. _She stand back from the stall and gives you a mock salute of respect _ Good luck! May the Dragon be on your side.

Z'ev: We'll be back, you can depend on it.

Cassidy: Thank you Garundah see you again soon.

Garundah: Please come back safe!

Z'ev: We sure will

Rathalos: No doubt about that! I plan on makin' sure myself!

Cassidy: Ready than? _She ask them_

Rathalos: Of course! Got plenty of cannon fodder ahead of me, just waiting in the Mournland!_slaps his palms together _

Z'ev: _nods and whispers in Cassidy's ear_  always.

Cassidy: _Smiles and tucks a loose strand hair behind her ear_

Z'ev: _There's a slight spring in Z'ev's steps as you all leave the salvage market_

Cassidy: _Cassidy is smiling to herself, she may have noticed

Rathalos: _does notice the brief exchange and smiles, he grunts with a smirk and hefts his pack. He's been there, done that all before...and while he's tough on the outside he's a softie at heart but won't ever admit it_

DM:When they reach the edge of town before heading into the Grey, Rathalos secures everyone together with rope while Z'ev pulls out his navigator's tools and frowns, trying to get the compass to work (there's always some level of magical interference near the Mourning)

As they step into the Grey, they're swallowed by the fog banks. Strange shadows flit in the mists, distorted voices scream and a supernatural chill reaches deep into the bone... Beyond the Grey a twilight battlefield of blasted landscape stretches off as far as they eye can see

As they trek through the murk, a squelching comes from under foot until suddenly everyone is waist deep in it, pulling each other  through to the otherside.

Z'ev: _helps Rathalos pull Cassidy out of the muck as she was behind them_ Dreadfully sorry about that,  should have been watching where our feet were instead of the compass.

Cassidy: No harm still in one piece, thank you _Tries to brush some of the muck off_

Rathalos: _gives a polite cough before pointing   out_  We're here. Kalazart.

DM: The ruins of the city of Kalazart looms through the grey haze. Towering tenements reach for the heavens, pockmarked with impact craters and fungus. The Fireweave Bazaar lies just inside the city walls: a sprawling marketplace with faded, canopied roofs. Junk is strewn throughout the market's main thoroughfare and the windowed shop fronts are covered in grime.

Verne: _pokes head out of Z'ev's pack_ ook eek?

Rathalos: _in disbelif_ You brought  the MONKEY?!

Z'ev: Wait, what no! I swore she was with Ian as we left!

Verne: _Climbs out of the pack and onto her master's head_ ooo oo ook!

Cassidy: Too late to do anything about it now _Says giving her a pat_ She may be helpful to have

Z'ev: I hope so. She's generally ok on dig sites

Rathalos: Unless it's a temple...or a tomb... or somewhere where there's an obvious trap in the middle of the room

Z'ev: Don't listen to him _gives Verne a scratch_ he's jealous he's not doing all the exciting things

Verne: Ooo ook eek ook _jumps from Z'ev's head and lands on a nearby sign post and flaps her feathered wings_ ook ook eek?

Cassidy: Temples and tombs... I thought we were looking for a marketplace?

Rathalos: We are.  _gruffly walks over to the sign post. There's a half rotted map on it but a few shops are still identifiable. _ looks like someone's been busy. Some of the shops have been crossed out. _shows the map to everyone_

Z'ev: _ajusts his glasses_ huh. You think it might have been the Grey Dogs?

Cassidy: Maybe and this is the places they have already been

Rathalos: 'Tis possible. Or they might not have been the first.

Z'ev: Hmmm...ok Cassidy,  where do you think is worth looking into first? I think the Dragon's Horde might be where they'll be next.

Rathalos: What about the Carpet Realm? There's a big ol' question mark on that one. 

Which one do you think, Cass? Or is there another that you think might be better?

Cassidy: Well the reason behind that question mark, does make me curious of what could be there…

Rathalos: _claps hands together _ well that seals it for me! Lady's Choice it is!

Z'ev: We can always check the other one out afterwards. Maybe they hadn't marked it off yet? _holds put arm for Verne to hop onto and sit on his shoulder_

Cassidy: Lead the way

DM: Rathalos leads the way towards the shop with the worn out signage that reads 'Carpet Realm'. Through the grimy windows everyone can see rugs and carpets stretching back into the gloom of the store. As you all step inside,  you stumble upon the corpse of a human scavenger.

Z'ev: _kneels down to inspect the body_ Cassidy,  could you check his pockets? I don't think he's been dead long… _ajusts his glasses and sees the visible signs of suffocation. _ I don't see any injuries, but whatever killed him must have smothered him...he suffocated.

Cassidy: _Cassidy searches their pockets_

DM: Upon searching the corpse, you find three potions of healing and a scrap of parchment with numbers written on it as follows: 39238

Rathalos: _shifts his hand towards his pack, ready to dig deep into it for a weapon_ Z'ev...remember when you were tellin' Ian and I about Cannith and his early spells that animated stuff?

Z'ev: _looks up at him_ yes of course. It's how we got the handy magic brooms, magic farming equipment, all that stuff. It revolutionised people's lives...why do you ask?

Rathalos: We're there any other things he tried to animate?

Z'ev: What? Are you suggesting he animated tables and chairs? _chuckles_

Cassidy: You're not suggesting something in the nature of golems?

DM: There's a rustle of very expensive woven weaver's threads.... The rug slides out from it's rack, shaking dust off itself and the corners of it bunch up as if it's curling fists

Z'ev: _ Z'ev raises his pistol,  the vial of Acid  sloshing around in the cradle and he fires. The acid spews forth,  the rug ducks and poses as if it's Taunting. A rug the acid did hit in the background behind it begins to disintegrate_

Cassidy: _Cassidy takes out her crossbow and loads a blot, she takes aim at the carpet and fires. Bits of mottled carpet tear free as a gaping hole rips through the rug, the animated object pretending it has been shot through its heart a moment before lunging at Cassidy who had successfully injured it._

DM: The rug wraps around Cassidy and curls tightly,  the wind being pushed out of her body.

Rathalos: _runs over to Cassidy's aid and shouts for Z'ev who was also about to try to help _STAY BACK!_ he grabs as much of the rug as he can in his hands that's not in contact with Cassidy and shouts a Halfling Command word as his gloves begin to charge with electricity. The rug unravels from its grip on Cassidy, electrical and static charge violently pulsing through it, temporarily stunning it

Z'ev: _Z'ev removes the acid vial from the pistol and throws it at the rug with force_

DM : The acid sails through the hole that the crossbow bolt Cassidy fired made, splashing against more of the shop's merchandise,  corroding it and eating through several carpets.

Cassidy: _Having caught her breath, she quickly loads another bolt and fires at the rug_

DM: SKKKRIRTPPPPP! Another huge hole tears through the rug, however it seems unphased, though it's still having problems retaliating as it's now sticking to other rugs due to static

Rathalos: _Rathlos finally pulls free a strange device that looks like a minatute cannon on spider legs. The weird contraption stumbles a bit until he shouts_ FIRE! _ the little cannon begins to suck up air around it like a vacuum and then blasts a huge belch of fire at the rug

DM: The rug and everything in the beam of flame's path is pretty much incinerated, the shop now having everything pretty much catch alight

Z'ev: _opens his pouch pocket and inserts a vial of blue liquid into his pistol and as he fires it the liquid starts to freeze whatever it touches, or at least, melts enough to put some of the blaze out_ Everybody out! It's going to get out of control!

DM: Everyone scrambles out, shutting the shop door as the place goes up in flames...until a spell of rain drifts in and puts it out. The people of Kalazart were very forward thinking people though they didn't agree to paying people to put fires out, especially when they didn't happen every day. so they used contingency rain spells to do the job as required.

Z'ev starts to come over to check on Cassidy,  Rathalos stops him and there's a breif exchange out of her ear shot, though it sounds a bit like Rathalos had given Z'ev an earful before he headed over to Cassidy instead with the medical kit to help her out. Z'ev walks the opposite direction and rests against a crumbling pillar with Verne in tow, giving her a bit of his rations while he looks as if he has been kicked like you would a mangy dog that was pissing up your garden fence

Rathalos: _to Cassidy as he puts the kit down and opens it_ Honestly, if you can't be relied on in a combat situation then you shouldn't be allowed near a's the ribs? They're not cracked?

Z'ev: _to verne_ sometimes I swear they should have left me in my buring home in Sharn. _Sighs_ where did I go wrong with everything, Verne? _gives her a good scratch_ Could have stayed at the cottage, but where would that have got me? No education, no interesting places to see and history to learn... it would have kept me from being recruited that's for sure. 

Verne: Ook? Eeek eek oo ooh ooh oook!? _nuzzles into her masters hand_

Z'ev: No, you're right. If it wasn't for you and the fire, Pyre would have taken me to his lord....I'd still be dead, but it would have been slow torture to get all the information out of me....or what little I know. I, actually I don't.  Never mind, Verne.

Mr.grayson: What's a few broken bones now eh elfie? Hehehehehe....gotta be tougher if you want to get a contract...hahahaha...sanity slipping they are, no room for sucky-kissy face in Khyber's Heart! Spy will die and you be all alone...maybe turn to linchhood? Contract consideration....hehehahahaha! 

_he cackles away inside Cassidy's shoulder bag_

Rathalos: Cass...hey...are you sure you're alright?_waves hand infront of her_ You've unfocussed for a second there

Cassidy: _ a dark look showed on her face and maybe he was partly right_ Don't call me Cass please Sedric always did but I hate it, and... at last four are broken... _Tries to take a breath_ Maybe five_

Rathalos: _Grunts_ sure thing, your Ladyship _he matches her tone with one gruffer and full of sarcasm.  He doesn't have time for stuffing around,  that kind of thing would have got you killed when he was in the infantry.  He gives her a healing potion._ Drink up. It'll heal yer ribs. Not much else in this kit will

Mr.grayson: Ohhh you going to let a halfpint talk to you,  a bloody toff like that eh?  So what if he's got a glowing military record and could snap your neck! Gotta get the back chat in to show who's upper class Hahahahaha

Cassidy: _Ignoring him for the moment she drinks the potion and checks to see if the fire is out_

Verne: _something moves in the window of The Dragon's Horde and she immediately snatches the rest of Z'ev's rations and runs into the store_

Z'ev: _gets up after her_ Hey, where you think you're off to!

Rathalos: _looks up_ Oh hell's bells! Children the lot of ya! _grunts as he gets up to follow_ come on Missy. _helps Cassidy to her feet_

Cassidy: Thank you _Was already feeling better, she makes to fellow after Z'ev and the monkey _

DM: As Cassidy and Rathalos step foot into the store, you notice that for a place cluttered with bric-a-brac, the lamps are pristine, as well as the decorative figures, ornamental glass....everything else is covered in layers of dust. Z'ev is standing in the middle, holding a terrified flying monkey in his arms. Something has spooked her.

Cassidy: What happened? _Asks as she runs over_

Z'ev: I've got no idea. She just ran back and lept into my arms. It smells of sulfur in here, yet I don't see any chemicals around,  just junk

Rathalos: _studies the oddly polished goods_ someone thinks these have a value. They're spotless. Z'ev... come have a look. This pot...that's Dhakaani, I'm sure of it.

Z'ev: _gently hands Verne to Cassidy before reluctantly walking over to the Halfling _ Oh my... indeed..._studies is without picking it up in fear of breaking it_ 20,000 to 5,000... but that's not possible, unless it's a fake. It's too good of a condition. I mean it's possible it's authentic, I'd have to do proper analysis but...I'm doubtful something that old would still be intact. Even the finds of early human civilization are shattered fragments.

Verne: _cuddles into Cassidy _ ook ook?

Cassidy: Shhh its alright _Says in a soothing tone as she rubs her back reminding her somewhat of Vincent when he was little, she looks closer around the room as they talk_

???: _voice broadcasts into your minds_ yes it's authentic, it's the pride of my collection and I'd appreciate it if you'd not touch it!

_there's a loud rumbling from the shelves that sounds like a rumbling tummy_ what is it you want?

Z'ev: _looks around the room, backs up towards Cassidy _

Cassidy: Who said that? _Her voice a little shaky_

???: Oh Drat...a proper wizard. I mean, sure it's taken four bloody years. How bad are you creatures at learning magic? I suppose I better come out...but you know, I don't feel like it. You don't look as if you have anything on you worth me coming out. _the tummy rumbling sound intensifies _

Cassidy:Who are you?

???: Ha ha. I think I should be asking the questions here. _there's a sound of a small leathery book being flicked open_  I mean, first people here in four years! Where have you been?  It's like everyone suddenly vanished!

Z'ev: Cassidy...are we dealing with a Vampire?

Rathalos: _pulls back suddenly _ Vampire?!

Cassidy: I don't think so, they're magical in nature

???: Vampire HA! I wish. at least I wouldn't have had to hunt rats! 

_there's a happy chirp followed by a hissing sound_ you can come closer....just not too close.

Cassidy: _Cautiously fellows the sound of their voice_

DM: A book falls off the shelf and there's a scrabble of claws

???: Blast! Damn floor!

DM: As you get closer Cassidy, you see a little red Dragon on the dusty floor. It's shakes itself and looks up. There's another rumble from It's belly. It has a old leathery collar with a tiny medallion hanging from it.

???: Bollocks

Cassidy: Oh my _Last thing she expected_

???: _coughs telepathically _ ummm er hello…

Z'ev: It's a dragon! _kneels down but careful to keep distance _

???: Yes..yes of course. It's pretty obvious isn't it?_flaps it's wings_

Cassidy: It makes sense now _Looking back at the room_

Z'ev: Where's your...boss?

???: Boss? Oh you mean master...dunno. one day he was here, full shop and next minute, poof! Empty. Nothing but people's clothes!

Cassidy: You're here all alone, how long ago did he disappear?

???: _tummy rumbles loud enough to vibrate around the store_  like I said, you're the first in four years

Verne: _looks at the food in her paws, then the dragon before leaping out of Cassidy's arms and gliding down to rest beside it and offer it her food_

???: Oh, thank you little one, most kind. You know I must admit it has been quite lonely in here. I thought I'd pass the time with hoarding.

Cassidy: It's a very nice collection, did you collect them from around here?

???: Well yes, kinda. My master, my...old friend loved to collect them. I just kept it clean. But I don't see why other dragons enjoy it. It's not like it fills your food dish.

Cassidy: You haven't seen anyone else around recently?

???: I unfortunately haven't got out much...lot of cleaning..._sorta squirms a little embarrassed by admitting that_

Cassidy: Do you ever leave the shop?

???: Well... i was hoping  …

Z'ev: Someone would come back?

Cassidy: You're been here by yourself all this time _Says with sympathy_

???: _sulks_ well..yes. didn't really have anywhere to go. _starts nibbling on the ration_ mmm yum, compliments to the chef. This is delicious.

Rathalos: _coughs with amusement _

Cassidy: And hungry too, what's your name?

???: My name dear lady, is Nimble. Yes, it's not a very scary name, but I've gotten used to it and besides _stands proudly_ it suits me don't you think?

Cassidy : _Laughs in amusement_ Oh yes very much so, I'm Cassidy, this is Z'ev, Verne and Rathalos

Z'ev: Hello.

Rathalos: _grunts and nods_

Verne: Ook. _holds hand out to shake a claw_

Nimble: Well I'm charmed to meet you all. You're all so very wonderful to me.

Cassidy: Nimble, it worries me you're here alone what will you do when you run out of food?

Nimble:'s not exactly glamorous but Rats do still lurk around. They don't taste great.

Rathalos: Well now, we do have a good cook…

Z'ev: _rolls eyes and stands up_ modesty eh? Didn't think you had it in you? _jokes_

Cassidy: What do think Nimble?, better than rats.

Nimble: Hmm.. well...will there be any trinkets to guard? Oh and books? Love books.

Cassidy: So do I that I can guarantee _Winks_

Nimble: There's A intelligence will still be high, once..once I leave here I'll only be able to communicate with one person...the lady spell that I don't enjoy talking to all of you I do.  But my old master's magic sustains this place...and amplifies my telepathy. I'll lose that until you get more powerful magic. But that shouldn't be a problem, right? Pet dragon?

Z'ev: _starts laughing_ You only had to say yes! Though it's not us your asking for permission is it?

Nimble: Indeed, it's your lady If I'm not too bold.

Cassidy: If you're ok with that? _Says to the dragon_

Z'ev: _whispers_ it's asking you Cassidy _

Verne: _ jumps up and down excitedly _

Z'ev: Verne says so

Rathalos: _rolls eyes_ suppose, you are a lot more intelligent than the Dinosaurs I'm familiar with.

Cassidy: Yes that's ok nimble.

Nimble: Well that seems all in order! _flaps his wings and flies upwards slowly until he can gracefully land on Cassidy's back pack_ Shall we get out of this dusty old place?

Z'ev: _picks up Verne, she cuddles up into the crook of his neck like she's rubbing her scent all over him_ I think so. There wasn't anything in here you wanted to keep as a momento?

Nimble: Not particularly. After four years I'm sick of the sight of it really. Time for different collectables.

Rathalos: So, where do we go next?

Cassidy: There's not any books of value, are there?

Nimble: In here? Unfortunately not. Well, sort of. Not the kind that contains great magic. Knowledge however, it's in abundance. Ohhh actually… _he leaps down and stalks along the floor until he finds a draw, pulling it out by the ring pull and returns to Cassidy with a scroll_ would this be of any use? Sorry I don't have anything for you fellows

Rathalos: Fine by me

Z'ev: I'm just glad you have a new place to call home

Verne: Ook?

Z'ev: Oh and verne too

Cassidy: Yes very much so thank you nimble _Puts it in her bag and picks him up_ Ok we're ready

Z'ev: Alright...well I suggest we look beyond the shops...they could be further inside

Rathalos: _nods_ finally you're talking sense

Z'ev:And Cassidy...I'm sorry I was utterly useless earlier...combat...isn't exactly something I excel at. I..failed I guess

Rathalos: _nods_ finally you're talking sense

Z'ev: _lowers his gaze_ I'm...probably the last person to adventure with_ All talk, no you know, action.

Cassidy: _Puts a hand on his shoulder_ Its ok I'm still alive and in one peace, and... I should have done better myself this all new to me _Gives a crooked smile which is the same as her brother's 😉_

Z'ev: I guess we shall both try even harder. _gives her an encouraging smile in return_ I'll admit, Cassidy...I'm not really into killing things for a living...only in defence and even then I hesitate.

Cassidy: Hay _Cacths his gaze_ No one is saying you have to enjoy it, but unfortunately sometimes we must do things we would rather not _Gives a smile of reassurance _

Z'ev: I just doesn't get any easier.

Cassidy: You going to be able to keep going? _Says this in a low voice because between you and me, I have to say I think Rathalos is going to lose patience soon

Z'ev: Bit late for that. He's already attempted giving me marching orders. He's an old's something you have to take with a grain of salt. But it is confronting.

Cassidy: _Nods in agreement_ Well we better not keep him waiting any longer than _Smiles in amusement_ You know he reminds me of Cedric a little.

Z'ev: Bossy is he? _jokes_

Cassidy: Not really, more the banter

Z'ev: Oh I see.. sorry.

Cassidy: _Laughs_ I'm not upset, but yes maybe when we were younger, he was quite cheeky, still was when I last saw him…

Z'ev: _nods as leads the way out of the store_ I...was eighteen, studying an apprenticeship in Wrote when I was conscripted.  My mother did warn me that would happen as something similar happened to older brother who did the same in Atur, Karrnath. I was given two choices,  join the King's Dark Lanterns insurgent division, or become a scout for some sort of rank and file on the battlefield.  Many of my kind went into battle...even though there was no future in it. Suicide mostly. I was sent to Metrol to pretend to study under the house of Cannith...and lord D' Cannith himself...amongst other things. I did learn a lot as well as how much working in a mage forge factory could not only create things to murder on the battlefields, but those who were slaves in the factory. I mostly smuggled Children out of the place and did my fair share of sabotaging until I saw an opportunity to get out. I joined the Breland resistance as an informant and that's how I met Rath and Ian. When it all ended neither of them had anything to go back to and since I had a pretty decent education by then we signed ourselves up to accompany Archeology digs for the Museum in wasn't long before that all caught up with me.

I've never held a weapon in my palm until arriving here. Guess I was a bit too proud of that. No doubt your brother was recruited too. No one anywhere on Khorvaire was immune to conscription. _his hand briefly holds hers and gives it a squeeze_ Hope we find him for you and you can get away from this mess. _he then let's go and moves a bit faster to keep up with Rathalos, not before giving her a forlorn look as if to hint that maybe she's better off not expecting alot from him as he doubts himself a bit too much_

DM: As you catch up to Rathalos,  you walk up toward a dried up fountain  in the middle of the marketplace where a glowing Elf suddenly appears dressed in very flamboyant attire that winks into existence nearby.

"Welcome to the Fireweave Bazaar your attire is our -"

The illusionary figure suddenly flickers before repeating itself. Each time it nears the end if the sentence,  it flickers and reappears

Rathalos: _frowns_ what kind of useless magic is this?

Z'ev: It's a marketplace crier. They're like a special illusion spell that greets you and tells you about the specials. They have them in some of the more upmarket places in Sharn.

Rathalos: It keeps repeating. Must be busted

Z'ev: _inspects it_ it's stuck in a loop. Maybe we can fix it?


"Welcome to the Fireweave Bazaar your attire is our -"

Cassidy: _Cassidy steps in front watching it_ Its rhythming... your attire is our desire... entire... no fire

DM: The looping illusion seems to stutter before saying "Special Deal on today in the hall of Illusions. Just ask your reflections for details" then it disappears.

Z'ev: Strange... well where's this hall of illusions?

Rathalos: It must be that strange looking corridor up ahead. _ajusts his pack_

Z'ev: It's not like there's any other way forwards....Shall we go?

DM: As one you advance on the hall of illusions, a thoughfare that splits into three mirrored corridors. Ghostly illusions flicker across the curving panes and light up the dark: models wear the latest fashions from four years ago, pouncing animals and swirls of flame. They advertise the various wares of the marketplace. They're slightly peculiar in that your reflections are delayed by five seconds, as if to load you into the image of the item being displayed. Rathalos already barrels his way down one of the pathways, his little cannon out scurrying behind him in it's spidery metal legs. He's not interested in illusions or buying junk.

Z'ev: _grabs Cassidy's hand gently and leads her down one of the others _ they probably join up at the other end...but it wouldn't hurt to see if anyone's down one of the others...would it?

Verne: _inspects the mirrors as they walk past, surprised she can see another monkey_ ooo ook? _flaps her wings and gets excited when the other monkey copies. Because of the delay it reinforces the fact it's another one_ Oook oook eekeek eeek!

Mr.grayson: _heckles_ Better hope he's got good intentions lass! Ohh er he's admitted what he is and thinks you'll just trust him? Pah! I'M more trustworthy and I wouldn't trust me! Besides, I deserve your soul more! Mwhahahaha

DM: eventually he stops in front of one of the mirrors that's showcasing both men's and women's fashions and smiles, giving Cassidy a twirl so she can see herself in every mirror now reflecting her being spun in several different gloriously coloured glamerweave outfits. Z'ev's reflection isn't really different in them other than various different shirts, vests, suits....but the dresses.. oh the dresses are stunningly beautiful.

Cassidy: _Laughs_ They're stunning. _Says as she admires them_

Z'ev: Indeed..though I think you're the one that's making the outfits shine. _laughs_

DM: It doesn't take long before the pyjamas and lingerie ones roll through however…

Cassidy: _Gasps in horror_ Oh my _Makes a run for it_

Z'ev: _curses to himself as he forgot the mirrors show everything_ Cassidy! Wait up! I didn't mean... shoot! _chases after her_

Cassidy: _Feels dreadfully embarrassed her face very red now_

Z'ev: _stops running when it's pretty clear he's lost her. He's looking rather frantically around, his fear clearly showing in his reflection as various war uniforms are now showing up on the illusions_ Cassidy!? Cassidy!?

Cassidy: _Finally stops to caught her breath, and realise she's all alone, looks around frantically_

DM: The illusions are supposed to show the outfits that one's heart desires, however as fear starts to overcome that surface desire it begins to reflect the panic in one's heart instead. Around Cassidy the illusions start showing her in clothes from her childhood,  the day Cedric left, to the day she left her homeland for Khorvaire...from the one she wore for her citizenship test and then....

The one she wore at the function where she first met Z'ev. For some reason, it seems to freeze.

Cassidy: What's happening? _Fear sinking in, she tries to run, find a way out_

DM: The last outfit stays on every mirror she runs past. It's as if it's permanently stuck. While this is happening,  Rathalos has been taking no notice of his reflections though when he reached the wedding outfitters mirrors he did briefly pause as well...everyone has that dream outfit for their big day that they should have bought but didn't. 

Z'ev on the other hand is cowering against one of the mirrors, like Cassidy he's having old outfits from important moments in his life flick up on his reflections...though a lot of them are stuff he's tried very very hard not to remember. The last outfit however is definitely not a great's of his clothes all torn and burnt, covered in blood... terrified he's run into a few of them before eventually bumping into one and sliding down in front of it, shaking in fear.

Cassidy:_Feeling trapped and unable to a find a way out, Cassidy tries to smash the closest one with her staff_ The glass panes are old and shatter quite easily,  though it doesn't stop giving reflections on the fact they've changed once more to the outfit Cassidy wore to the Grey Beyond. 

_She sinks to her knees and starts sobbing_

Z'ev: _can hear someone crying, scrabbles to his feet and with Verne at his heels he follows the sound._ Cassidy? Cassidy!

Cassidy: _Cassidy doesn't hear him calling her, she's crying uncontrollably now_

Z'ev: _eventually finds Cassidy on the floor, crying and surrounded by illusions of her in one of the most beautiful dresses he's ever seen on her, despite feeling guilty he fights the urge to crawl away like a coward and walks over to her and wraps around his arms _ it's alright, I've got you, it's ok's not real. _trying hard to also convince himself of that as the last illusion reflection he's got is from when the Emerald Claw attacked him in his home in Sharn and left him to hopefully die in the fire_

Cassidy: _Embraces him tightly as she buries her face against his chest as she continues to cry_ I'm sorry _Manages to say between a hiccup_

Z'ev: It's my fault. I'm the one who should be sorry. _holds her tight_

DM: The illusionary clothing vanishes and leaves nothing but their true reflections...and there's a creaking of a door sliding open revealing another exit

Cassidy: _Pulls away and looks around_ It stopped, it's the exit _Looking over_

Z'ev: _helps Cassidy up, though he's clearly not as ok as he appears, The illusions and Cassidy's tears shaking him to the bone_ I don't think I care where it goes, we need to get out of here before those illusions come back on.

Cassidy: _Wipes at her face_ Yes let's get out of here.

DM: Z'ev follows Cassidy's lead. On the other side of the door is a hair salon that is in disrepair. There's a beautiful white rose resting on the main service desk. Despite the dust all around,  the flower is pristine and very fragrant. Cassidy, you instantly recognise this as a rare Orionth rose from the jungle of Dajar Orionth from back in Aerenal.

Cassidy: It can't be _Moves closer to inspect_ It is it's a orionth rose _Says abit excited_

Z'ev: _snaps out of his little daze a bit_ Orionth?

Cassidy: Its native to the jungle of Dajar Orionth in Aerenal _Sees if she can touch it_

DM: Cassidy is able to delicately pick it up and it stays relatively intact.

Z'ev: It's beautiful.  _he gently takes it from her hands and tucks it behind her ear._ you....

Cassidy: _She smiles in a very doe eyed way_

Z'ev: Look...I'm really sorry. I didn't think that we'd stopped in front of the department store illusion.  Usually they don't show....that..much. _takes a deep breath, but it's pretty clear he's shaken by everything _

Cassidy: _Goes a bit red again being reminded_

Z'ev: It..wasn't intended.  I should have assumed they had leaked magic out of them after four years but didn't.  I don't think I'll be looking at my reflection for a while.

Cassidy: _Takes hold of his hands_ I can't imagine... what's happened to you... I understand it's a lot... if you want to put an end to this now... I understand... I don't know what's going to happen no one does but... I'd like to find out…

Z'ev: _he gives her a smile to indicate he'll be ok_ same. Got to see things through, right? We can talk about it more when we get back. _kisses her on the forehead _

Cassidy: _Smiles warmly_ Yes of course, we should find Rathalos

DM: Outside the store leads to a balcony level that crosses over the lower floor. From where you are you get a good veiw of where the Hall of Illusions normal exits are, a purfume store called Musk, the Message station (kinda like a post office), a store front that has The Hounds of Barraks and another one called Bolts & Tumblers. From.this vantage point you can see several things: inside Musk, there seems to be several shapes inside moving around that don't resemble anything organic. The message station opposite is potmarked with crossbow bolts and pistol holes. There's a few figures visible in there as well through the window, however you can tell only one of them isn't of organic origin. Outside the Bolts and Tumblers There's a blood trail leading inside.

Rathalos is standing outside the Illusions hall, waiting for you to emerge down there. He can't see what you can in the other shops.

Cassidy: That's Rathalos _She points him out, and looks for a way down to him_

Z'ev: We need to warn him that there looks like a stand off down there. Could you write something and send Nimble down there? Verne wouldn't be able to fly that far.

Cassidy: Good idea _Rips a page from her spell book and writes out the message, Nimble _Says to the little dragon, showing him the folded note_ I need you take this to Rathalos down, it's very important.

Nimble: Yes mistress _Spins around in excited circles, before taking the note in this month, and launches off the balcony to glide down to Rathalos_

Z'ev: Right...I'll get down there can stay up here, that way if there is a fire fight you can rain down magic hellfire. Sound like a plan?

Cassidy: You should check were that blood trail leads to as well, someone could be hurt and needs help

Z'ev: _nods_ definitely.  _runs across the balcony to the other side and disappears from sight._

Rathalos: _looks up at the sound of leather wings and holds out his arm for Nimble to land on._ well fancy seeing you? I assume they got lost in there? _sees the note_ thanks...._carefilly reads it and glances upwards until he spots Cassidy_ hmm... alright Nimble..since you're telephony..telepathic..whichever...could you go back and tell Cassidy to watch my back for me? And give me a signal if anything turns out to be trouble? _gives him a quick snack _ 

_raises arm so Nimble can take flight again_

Nimble: _Excpets the snack happily before flying back off to Cassidy_ He said to look out for danger and inform him of it _Tells her_

Cassidy: Right _Nods_

DM: Cassidy,  you can now see Rathalos  follow behind his little Eldritch cannon, sticking close to the walls as much as he can to remain in cover.  From the perfume store you can see the shapes moving and two of them step into the doorway of the shop, holding crossbows.  The figures are warforged, but not like the ones you've seen before wandering around Sharn and Salvation....these ones are heavily armed soldiers.

Cassidy: _Cassidy sees them and uses minor illusion to create a small image of herself in front of Rathalos, she has it hold two fingers up and indicates there close by, before changing it into the image of one of the warforged_

Rathalos: _he looks up briefly and gives a thumbs up_

DM: One of the Warforged shouts across the street

"Give It Up, Scum! This is OUR land now and you'll answer to OUR master!"

It then takes a potshot at the message station, smashing out one of the windows.

"We outnumber you ten to three! Suggest you surrender and be executed!"

You can see Rathalos poke his head out from some cover to see what going on, and from around the side of Bolts and Tumblers,  you can see Z'ev,  standing flat against the buildings wall just out of view with his pistol out. Verne is climbing up and around shop fittings as she sneaks inside the store.

Z'ev: _he's already sent Verne to scout out the shop with the blood trail, however now he's not too worried about hitting anything, just going to create enough of a distraction to bring the attention of the warforged his direction. He cocks his pistol around the corner and fires_

DM: The shot hits one of the Warforged,  blowing it's head clean off it's shoulders, its magical life essence dissipating into the air. Immediately the other one in the doorway makes a dive towards cover, heading in Z'ev's direction.  Two more Warforged pour out the door

Cassidy: _Cassidy tracers her staff in the air drawing symbols as she chants creating three points of light, like giant bullets they hurtle through the air each one targeting one of the warforged_

DM: The warforged that was hit gets pinned to the nearest wall, the other two pause and look around before diving for cover, unsure where the attack came from. Another two blasts hit a nearby wall, breaking brick and mortar everywhere. 

Another warforged joins his conrad's outside, standing in the doorway of the store. All four unfortunately have spotted Rathalos,  thinking the last attack had come from his direction and they fire their crossbows.

Rathalos: _takes one in the shoulder and one in the leg, recoiling backwards into a shop entrance way_ 

DM: Rathalos's Eldrich cannon still charges forth on its spindly legs and opens fire on the warforged in the doorway. The cannon starts sucking in air, about to fire… and fires a burst of powerful flame, barely tickling the warforged's knees, however the flame does seem to warm up the perfume and it's chemicals, some of which over time have evaporated and filled the shop with powerful smelling gases…

The explosion rocks the entire marketplace, the balcony Cassidy is on crumbles a little and the sign of the hairdressers crashes down behind her. Z'ev ducks into the  doorway of Bolts & Tumblers as decorative masonry starts falling around him, Rathalos digs in further to his hiding spot. The perfume shop blows wide open, shrapnel flying absolutely everywhere and the rest of the warforged inside the building and blown out with the explosion.

Three are completely obliterated in the blast,  The remaining two warforged that survived are scrambling to get away and manage to run into the hall of illusion where they vanish.

Z'ev: _runs across the plaza to Rathalos's location and curses, blood oozing out of the wounds where the cross bows hit_ it's going to be fine... I'll stabilise them best I can.

Rathalos: _coughs _ could have been worse. Least they were bad shots

Z'ev: Yes,  but two got away. Who knows if they'll come back with reinforcements...I didn't recognise the insignia they boasted on their breast plate as any infantry unit I know.

Cassidy: Nimble _Cassidy calls to the little dragon_ Take this to Z'ev _Gives him a potions, he flies off and she looks for a way down_ 

Z'ev: _is busy carefully picking the crossbow bolts out as Nimble reaches him. He looks relieved and gives the dragon a thankyou scritch before giving Rathalos a potion after removing the one from his leg_

DM: As you reach them Cassidy,  the missing Salvage crew emerge from the message station: the Halflong Nella Halthorn, Sprocket the warforged who looks nothing like the ones you just had a fire fight with - he looks like spindly sticks on legs since he's half wooden and Endless Time the tabaxi.

Immediately,  Sprocket and Nella run for Bolts & Tumblers,  where they last saw their companions enter while Endless time comes over to give thanks for help.

Time: _sauntes over, tattered robes flowing  behind her_ thank you strangers, though you should have got them all when - oh, Hello old friends _ she now smiles in recognition _ my my what are you two doing out here? _looks at Cassidy _ and I don't believe we've met? Though if you're with these two you clearly haven't got any once of common sense.

Rathalos: Can it Time. We didn't come here for your bullshit.

Z'ev: _ is strangely silent,  busy helping Rathalos to his feet_

Time: _recoils_ well you certainly haven't changed Rath.

Rathalos: _grunts_ nor have you I see.

Time: I was just doing my job last time,  no need to be such a hissy pants. _tail flicks with annoyance _

Rathalos: What?! You literally brought trouble with you! It bloody follows you around like a blasted bad smell!

Time: I have a duty to my king. I will do whatever is necessary

Cassidy: Maybe we check on your companions _She suggested, before someone punches someone_

Time: Indeed. I'm over this unhappy reunion

DM: _The tension was thick Cassidy could feel it, she knew from experience with Blanca and Vincent what could happen _Can you keep yourself under control? _She ask him_

Z'ev: _still full of bubbling emotions from the carpet shop attack, the hall of Illusions, worrying about Cassidy's break down and seeing Rathalos almost getting executed he's holding together just barely ... takes a deep breath and fists unball slightly _ I'm not sure. Part of me wants to rip her apart for leading the Emerald Claw to my house in Sharn....where it burned with me still inside it…

Time: _looks surprised _ is that what happened? I came back for the Cannith papers hoping you decoded them for the Lanterns and there was nothing but ashes...though you were dead to be honest with you.

Z'ev: Well I'm not. I'm still here and going to finish the job we came here to do...and be rid of the sight of you. _brushes past her roughly as he heads for the shop where the rest of the crew and Verne went, indicating the conversion between them is over  before he hits someone, something he probably shouldn't do in front of the girl he likes_

Rathalos: _says this to Time_ I'd watch your back if I were you. You're lucky Rathian isn't here, I wouldn't stop him shooting you for the world.

Time: Working for the lanterns is dangerous,  he knew that when he was draf-

Rathalos: _cuts Time off_ the war ended four fucking years ago kitty cat. That doesn't mean shit.

Time: _voice is low and has a hint of hiss_ No, you don't understand, Soldier. War maybe over however there are those who want it to restart. Those papers contain information about a dangerous weapon that was being produced by Cannith and every ruler and their minions want it to start another war to find out who the true victor is. Our king wants it's found and destroyed. The treaty of Thronehold is in very thin ice.

Rathalos: _looks confused_ what are you one about?

Time: _waves it off _I'll explain properly later.

Rathalos: You better. _pokes Time in the chest_ 

DM: Just outside the shop, you can see Z'ev sort of stop, run hands through his hair and fur, trying to pull himself together before entering the store. He's really dishevelled now but determined to get on with it and get out as fast as possible.

Verne: _sees her master and leaps into his arms, can sense visible distress and starts to smoochy rubbing herself against him in an attempt to get a comfort cuddle. She gets one so she chirps happily _

DM: Inside the store, it's clear it's the local blacksmiths. There's rusted swords,  stuff for farm usage and other rusted metal and tools hanging around. At the back of the shop is Sprocket,  he's inspecting a dead warforged raider before he joins Nella on trying to figure out how to open the safe, as the blood trail leads into it.

Cassidy: _Cassidy is quite shocked by all these revelations, living in Aerenal she had been sheltered from all this, she never thought how fortunate herself, her mother, Blanca and Vincent had been, that they had never had to experience all these horrors of war, it made her feel sick thinking of Sedric, was he so lucky?_

Mr.grayson: Ohhh damn that was spicy!_Cackles_ For a minute was going to bet your soul on them being ex lovers! Bwhahahahaha this is even better! Hahahaha! Look at em' at the end of his leash! And you want to get involved with that?! You should french kiss me instead! After All I've seen you in your knickers before girly!  Maybe you might reconsider my contract for your soul eh? He's not as worthy of it as I! Bwhahahaha!

Cassidy: _Alone for the moment she could finally say something_ Its not over yet, besides do you want to miss all this drama?, than your collection of family souls will just have to wait _She says in a venoms tone, Mr Grayson is very clever though its not just words alone that he uses to try to wear Cassidy down, its the voice which he does, that sounds just like that of her father_

Mr.grayson: Ha! I'll own your soul just like I did your ancestors! Turning their backs on the undying court for my gifts! It could make you so powerful!

Cassidy: Just like you did for father, then he suddenly sickness and dies, no thank you

Mr.grayson: Aww but it'd be fun! Better than throwing it in with this lot of no hopers! Seriously girly, what do you hope to achieve? Once you've found your sibling and turned him over to me to fulfill his bargain you aren't going to be hanging around with these chumps and books don't offer you great power like I can.

Nimble: _Nimble is looking at her with concern_ Mistress? 

Mr.grayson: I mean any children you produce will be cursed and fated to lose souls to me eh? Can't break fate bwhahahahaha! Bet the sex would be painful! Bwhahahahaha! Looseing your soul to me not only would give you power, but I can make it the best damn sex you've ever had! All I need is to steal a body.... Mwhahahaha. It wouldn't take alot to possess one of this lot... just need the right conditions  _mutters in demonic_

Cassidy: I think that's quite enough out of you _Gives her bag a shake_ Come on Nimble _At last now with Nimble people will think she is just talking to him, and Nimble can't say anything about it_

DM: As Cassidy enters the shop she can see Rathalos going over to help figure out the safe, with Time standing there not really helping, rather more getting under Rathalos's skin. Z'ev is standing well back, putting as much distance between himself and Time. He's exploring the shop fittings.

Rathalos: I don't see how we're going to get in there without the combination. It's not as if we carry welding tools on us.

Time: Couldn't we use something in the shop?

Sprocket: _shakes his rusty head_ I wouldn't trust four year old dust covered equipment.

Rathalos: Agreed.  Would cause another explosion

Nella: Well We can't do nothing, they'll suffocate in there! 

Z'ev: _heads back to the shop front and glances out the windows_

Cassidy: A code _Cassidy than remembered she had found some paper on the corpse they with numbers on it _ I find this earlier _Takes the paper from her spell book_

Rathalos: _takes it of Cassidy and inspects it _ where'd you find this?

Cassidy: It was on the corpse we found back in the rug shop

Nella: Corpse?

Rathalos: _proceeds to put in the combination _

Cassidy: Yes we found the body of a human who had recently passed.

DM: The Grey dogs look at one another.

Time: Tandal

Nella: Shit

Sprocket: Not good

Rathalos: AH! There we go!

DM: The lock clicks and the vault takes some effort to move the door, but eventually it opens to reveal a badly injured Dwarf with an eyepatch resting inside.

Durvo: _as gruff as Rathalos _ took you long enough. Where's Tandal?

Sprocket: Dead.

Durvo: Figures.

Z'ev: _raises his voice enough to be heard _ We've got company!

DM: Suddenly, the whole marketplace shakes as an iron machine smashes  through the south plaza wall. It moves on giant rollers and it's oil streaked chassis is carverd into the snarling face of a deamon. Warforged radiers spill out and fan out across the plaza. As the machine thunders past the store the rumbling floor gives way, dropping everyone into a dark dusty storage basement!

As people emerge from the rubble, some of the grey dogs helping getting Durvo free, Z'ev fails to emerge, buried under quite a bit of the rubble. Cassidy can hear verne chirping under the rubble as she was still in his arms.

Cassidy: Z'ev, Z'EV! _Starts running towards were the sound is coming from_

Verne: Oook ook eek! _sound is muffled_

DM: Cassidy can see one of his hands sticking out from under the rubble. He's not under too much, just one chunk of floor

Cassidy: Z've _Says founding his hand, looks over the flooring his under, and tries to lift it off_

DM: Cassidy manages to shift the debris enough off of Z'ev, she can hear him groan in mild pain but otherwise than that he's ok. Verne is cuddled very tightly and protectively in his other arm, not even receiving a scratch.

Z'ev: _winces before he sees Cassidy's worried face. He gives her a very faint reassuring smile. _ thank you.

Cassidy: I'm..I'm ok. _finds himself leaning on her unintentionally. _ just need a minute…

DM: As everyone else begins to look around for an exit, both Cassidy and Z'ev hear a strange voice repeating over and over in the rubble near where Cassidy pulled him free.

"Define enemy forces " "Define enemy forces "

Z'ev: What is that? _starts to dig around for the noise_

DM: As he does so he uncovers a small ornate wooden box. It is decorated with sculptural relief of battle and set with brass cogs and gears. Draws and hatches line its flanks and the front is covered in an arrangement of round holes from which strange vapours drift. A spool of parchment hangs from a slot underneath a brass speaking trumpet on the side of the chest

Z'ev: Check this out Cassidy...ever seen anything like it before? _keeping voice low so the others can't here_

DM: As he examines it in his hands one of the draws opens and a piece of parchment slips out and is snapped up by Nimble who gives it to Cassidy.

Cassidy: Oracle of war? _Says in a low voice, confused by just what this device is_

Z'ev: That doesn't sound promising...also sounds dangerous to leave behind.

Sprocket: Alright we found a way out!

Nella: No getting blasted to but for us!

Time: Then let's hurry and get out of here. _helps Rathalos lift Durvo and they hobble towards the cellar exist into the sewers of the market _

Rathalos: Hurry up you too! Those soldiers will kills us if we hang around

Cassidy: Right _Puts the paper in her spellbook_

Z'ev: We'll look at it later...._stands up and places it carefully in Cassidy's pack._ it's safer with you right now. Let's get going.

Oh...and thank you..._he kisses her cheek before moving onwards_

Cassidy: _Smiles as she touches her cheek before following_

GM: It feels like hours have passed trekking through old abandoned under city sewers, eventually you do come out from under the city and out into the wasteland that is the Mournland.  You can still hear the raiders storming the city looking for you so it's best to get a move on as fast as possible.

Along with what remains of the Grey Dogs, you start the perilous journey back towards Salvation just outside the Mournland. A flickering light flashes briefly, piercing the sky  from the hilltop up ahead. The Mournland returns to being deathly quiet and your every step and breath echoes throughout the valley. Atop the hill is a cottage made of stone that slumps like a frozen corpse.

Rathalos is helping Nella carry a Grumbling Durvo between them, both in the frame of mind that they can tend to his wounds a little bit further away from the city and it's threats, the Dwarf very much definitely disagreeing and demanding to be healed right now.

Endless time is walking ahead along with Sprocket who's arm occasionally violently twitches as he walks. Both are surveying the landscape for danger.

Bringing up the rear is Cassidy along with Z'ev, occasionally he reaches over and gives her hand a squeeze..

Cassidy: _Cassidy is feeling emotionally drained, it has been maybe one of the most eventful days in her life so, and it's not over yet..._

Z'ev: Hey, when this is over, think about having a nice long soak in the bath. The one back at the inn is rather nice, heck I'm sure Rathian can find you some nice bath salts.

Time: _stops and outwardly cringes_ Bath? Who said B-B-B-B-a-t-h?

Z'ev: I did. Unlike some I prefer not to smell of odour la sewerage

Cassidy: _Gives a tired smile_ You're worrying about me, what about you?

Z'ev: _nods at Cassidy _ of course. You're a part of the team.... _leaves that hanging incase others besides Rathalos catch on and make things complicated_

Time: _shudders_ couldn't think of anything worse

Rathalos: Yes, I also like the idea of a wash, _he grins as Endless Time cringes even more_ Baths with rubber ducks....

Sprocket: What is a bath? I have never heard of it before? _the warforged's many gears whirr and click _

Cassidy: a large tub filled with water is a bath _Emphasizes water_

Sprocket: Tub? Water? Why would you use water?

Cassidy: nevermind

Z'ev: _laughs_ think about it like this, you like to buff your outer shell to be less battered and make it shiny?

Sprocket: Of course. Especially for ceremonial occasions.

Z'ev: It's like that...but we have to use soap and water instead of silver polish.

Time: _is fuming_ Stop Talking About B-B-B-A-T-H-S!

Z'ev: You know Cassidy,  with all this fur I might need more than one, just to get rid of the smell

Time: _hisses_ Cut it out!

Cassidy: Too bad you don't have the luxury of prestidigitation, it's how Blanca got out of having to dry his fur

Z'ev: Nah...that doesn't do it properly,  it just disguises it. Makes you smell worse when it wears off, right Rath?

Rathalos: Definitely.  We've tried that once before!

Time: _snaps_ You are all utter HEATHENS!

Cassidy: I don't want to ask about her bathing routine _Whispers to Z'ev_

Durvo: I could do with a nice beard trim...restyle too... they do a lovely job at the hair salon in Salvation 

Z'ev: Probably with her tongue..._chuckles_ imagine getting slime in your mouth

Cassidy: Ewww _Playfully pushes at his shoulder_

Time: _storms over to Cassidy_ Right that's it! You honestly don't know when to -

Z'ev: _has blocked her path and growls_ I suggest you 'Deal with it.' You aren't entirely amongst friends, Time.

Nella: Well she is, though I'm thinking about swapping to join you lot

Sprocket: It is tempting

Durvo: Probably be a lot less trouble


Rathalos: _Rests a hand on her shoulder_ Unfortunately you still do.

DM: While you were joking around,  there was a lot of moaning as some soldiers in Cyre uniforms shambled forwards, hatred for the living burning in their eyes. They died during the war and yet the blood from their  wounds are still fresh. Some are charred skeletons,  smoke rising off their bones

Rathalos: _ A crackle of eldritch flames envelope his gloves and he throws the flames in a burning ball of fire_

GM: Two suddenly catch on fire, but all six are continuing to advance 

Cassidy: _Cassidy targets the three zombies headed their way, she chants the words to a spell that sound more serene than any before, and points her staff at them with a flourish, golden clouds forms over them and lightning rains down upon them_

DM: One of the flaming skeletons explodes, setting another two on fire. The first three Skeletons raise their crossbows and fire, crossbow bolts They sail past Z'ev and slice across Cassidy's left arm and right shoulder,  hitting enough to knock her down but mostly give her some deep cuts. The other three raise their bows as well and one hits Z'ev as he moves to protect Cassidy from more incoming fire, getting clipped by one of the bolts. The Grey dogs move into position and raise their weapons  firing thier crossbows, four zombies reel back as the bolts hit them, two stagger backwards as multiple bolts hit them.

Z'ev: _ he traces a pattern fast on Cassidy's skin with some mud, making a spell infusion on her skin. The mark vanishes, healing her wounds_

DM: The zombies start to charge, Two hit the Grey Dogs barreling through them while three converge on Rathalos… who takes multiple hits, one of the Zombies giving him a really good chomp to the arm.

Rathalos: _with blood dripping from his arm, he grabs the zombie that bit him and  electricity charges from his gloves as he plunges it into it's rotting body_

DM: The zombie collapses in a heap of electrified flesh

Cassidy: _Z'ev helps her to her feet_ You want to stand back for this one Cassidy creatives a round orb spin her staff like she's stirring a cauldon_ Rathalos watch out! _She yells and sends the orb of cold at one of the zombies that isn't stunned_

DM: Three zombies are completely disintegrated, while three still shamble mercilessly forwards. The five skeletons raise their crossbows and fire, the three aimed at Rathalos miss entirely as he ducks behind cover while one hits the Grey Dogs. They retaliate in kind, Two bolts sail over the heads of the skeletons, one hits and shatters one to pieces and old Durvo manages to get two off, shattering another and getting one bolt lodged in one's rib cage.

Z'ev: _aims his pistol and fires towards the zombies_

DM: One zombie's chest explodes in a gory display of viscera, rotting heart and ribs burst out making it crumble. The two remaining zombies charge from Cassidy and Z'ev, One Zombie misses and rolls down into the mud while the other collides, however it doesn't do any damage to Cassidy despite her closing her eyes embracing for impact she opens them she's gets a good close up of Z'ev's grubby shirt as he used his own body to shield her from the zombie strike.

Rathalos: _injured, he charages up one glove with the Eldritch flame again and hurtles it into the zombies that are surrounding his own crew mates… yet the pain from his injury is just too great, he loses concentration and the Eldritch fire fizzles out_

Cassidy: _ uses swords blast_ You will want to move really far away for this _Tells Z'ev as a number of razor sharp blades appear around her and slice into the zombies at her feet_

Z'ev: _ nods and gives Cassidy space to perform her spell. It might take some time to get used to the idea she's just way more powerful than she seems, despite being delicate enough to be easily torn apart like tissue paper_

DM: The zombie that was struck loses half its head and still continues to advance. The two remaining skeletons aim crossbows again at Cassidy and Z'ev…

Z'ev: _ is hit, crossbow bolt goes through the right side of his chest, just under the shoulder, missing anything vital _

DM: The Grey Dogs raise their bows again in a last ditch effort, they take aim at the skeletons… all four of them manage to fire a bolt that strikes, one shatters a skeleton outright while the other takes three to bring it down.

Z'ev: _coughing up blood, he raises his pistol at an advancing zombie keen to take advantage of his injured state _

DM: The bullet rips apart the zombie, shredding it to pieces. The last of the undead sees the newly wounded and the smell of blood lures it over… It launches itself at Z'ev and rips into him, blood spraying everywhere as it begins to slowly kill the shifter.

Cassidy: _Cassidy races to Z'ev aid stabbing the attacking zombies in the head with her staff.  Cassidy stabs the zombie through the head and rips it free from Z'ev, it flops like a ragdoll to the ground_

Sprocket: _can see more undead starting to advance on their location and shouts_ REGROUP! To The Cottage, we can defend from there!

DM: Nella and sprocket collect the old dwarf up and make a dash, Time continues to fire her crossbow to give everyone cover as they retreat.

Rathalos: _still bleeding badly from his arm bite but comes over to help Cassidy get Z'ev moving towards the Cottage _ Easy does it, that's it come on let's  go! Can't have you becoming Zombie food!

Z'ev: _yelps and growls in pain, but manages to move his legs enough to keep up_

Rathalos: Come on Cassidy!

Cassidy: _Helps Rathalos to keep Z'ev going_ Keep going! _She encourages_

DM: Eventually they all make inside the cottage,  Sprocket pulling a nearby lounge couch across the doorway to block the entrance.  Rathalos and Cassidy rest Z'ev down in the nearest and best hidden corner they can find. While sitting him down, Z'ev's holding Rathalos's injured arm and is already quick to mark out the alchemic healing transmutation with his blooded fingers, making the wound close and heal up as the transmutation fades into the skin. As Rathalos looks at his healed arm in mild shock, Z'ev leans into Cassidy and whispers with struggling breath…

Z'ev: ...Oracle...._gasps_ Orac...._passes out_

Rathalos: _taps Z'ev's face _ hey now hang in there, stay with us...not time to leave.

Cassidy: Z'ev, Z'ev _Gives him a shake_ Oh no you don't _Starts rummaging very determined through her pack, for a potion_

Rathalos: _grabs Cassidy's arm_ he won't.  He'll hang in there. Panic and you might break the potion jar. Some potion and rest and he'll be fine. We've got bigger problems....I don't like the look of this's like we've encroached on a Hag's territory. They can be nice, but the way we've just barged in here I doubt they'll be happy.  I can try and get that lot to set up defences but I'd feel safer if we knew if we weren't going to be attacked from behind. I'd appreciate it if you, Nimble and Verne scouted the place out. You know we'll come running if you've found something dangerous.  _gives Cassidy a smirk_ he's too smitten to give up on you love.

Cassidy: _She smiles a little, and finally finds a potion but her hands are shaking too much_ I think you better... _Gives it to Rathalos_

Rathalos: _nods_ alright. I'll tend to him while you take a look around.

Cassidy: Right _Still a bit anxious, she calls for Verne and Nimble

Verne: Oook ook ooo? _hesitates before leaving her master's side to follow Cassidy. _

GM: From the entrance way where Cassidy leaves Rathalos to tend to Z'ev, she heads into the living room. There's a snarling head over the fireplace of a displacer beast, two bookshelves, a worn yellow couch as well as a trap door. Dirt and dead leaves litter the floor.

Nimble: Something feels off in here…

Verne: Eeek! _tries to not look edible to the stuffed beasts head_

Cassidy: _Moving cautiously Cassidy can't help but gravitate towards the bookcases despite the creepy atmosphere_

Nimble: _sniffs the air_ I can smell dark magic...tread carefully, mistress

Cassidy: _Cassidy browsers the book titles_

GM: The books on the shelves hold a lot of non fiction books about cooking, history, music, religion and several popular horror novels. There's a growl as Cassidy nears the fireplace while examining shelves.

Verne: Ook ook eeek eek eeek! _ is hopping up and down frantically, pointing at the stuffed head_

Nimble: You know some of these books look interesting...mistress, look out!

GM: The displacer beast head snaps at Cassidy,  just missing by a hair. It hisses and snarls.

Nimble: Who would want the head of such a ghastly creature still living?

Verne: Oook okk?

Cassidy: Someone who has a certain kind of taste

Nimble: A lock? My dear ape compadre, why would anyone be mad enough to use a creature like that as a lock? Why not a ...demon or something?

DM: The displacer beast head snaps and roars similar to a leopard.

Verne: _verne tries her best to say 'Magic lock '_ though mostly gets as far as ookk ook eek!

Nimble: _looks up at the sound of crossbow fire_ maybe it has something to do with the undead outside? They don't seem to be stopping.

DM: Indeed,  Cassidy is very familiar with Arcane locks. However it turns out this isn't quite a standard one..instead it's one part of a ritual spell that summons undead to the cottage. It can be reversed if the right components are destroyed.

Cassidy: You're right Nimble its drawing them here, we need to find the components that activate the ritual and destroy them.

Nimble: Would destroying an undead head work?

Cassidy: If it's one of them it will have a mark if it is.

Nimble: Hmmm what kind would we be looking for? The only one I can think of that would relate to that kind of magic would be the Wolf of Karrnath.

Cassidy: Wolf of Karrnath?

Nimble: If I recall my previous master said something about the king rumoured to be undead...I couldn't find that information in any books so assumed it's just a rumour...until now. Didn't think Undead were real.

Verne: Ook ook. _folds furry arms across her chest. she's been trying to point to something she can see on the fur of the living head_

Cassidy: What is it Verne? _All the noise she's making finally gets Cassidy's attention_

Verne: _Verne flaps her wings and leaps at the book shelf, bounding across it and over the head of the Displacer beast which snaps, trying to eat her. As the beast's head turns it reveals a mark of a wolf head burned into its fur._  Ook ook!

Cassidy: There Nimble do you see it?

Nimble: Indeed I do Mistress! But how will you destroy it?

DM: The displacer beast head roars and it's eyes glow. From other areas of the cottage,  Cassidy can hear Crossbow fire, followed by shouting. Rathalos is telling The Grey Dogs where to aim their weapons to hold the undead forces back. So far it's working...but for how long?

Cassidy: Maybe in the same way as any undead…

Nimble: With fire? I didn't think it worked well out there before…

Cassidy: You're right it does feel the best way to solve things but in my experience it often isn't…

Nimble: any knives?

Verne: _ leaps off the shelf and glides to the end of the staff_ eek! _thumps foot on staff_

Cassidy: You want me to cast a spell on it?

Nimble: _chuckles _you could probably wack it a few times, if you're not within distance it won't bite_

Z'ev: could just throw some acid..

DM: Z'ev is standing in the doorway, looking alot worse than he probably feels, though he doesn't look quite the same as before. For a start, his head isn't human anymore, but reminds you Cassidy of those exotic dogs your grandfather used to own. Valar pointers? The ones he had to import as you could only buy males. They were used for hunting in the reaches but in Aerenal,  they made great burial companions for the dead.

Cassidy: Not to be rude but you look terrible, should you even be walking about right now? _She is relieved and smiling though_

Z'ev: Much better. Though unsure how long I can stay shifted... it might be different when I change back.  You...don't look much better _gives the best smile a muzzle can_ Rath said to help you if I was ok enough. _he gives Cassidy a vial of acid_ you can do the honours.

Cassidy: _biffs it as best as she can at the beast head on the wall_

DM: The acid burns a portion of the face off the Displacer beast and melts a chunk of the nearby bookshelf, books and fireplace. The head cries in pain, still baring teeth.

Cassidy: _Cassidy says something that's likely a curse in elven_

Z'ev: _raises his pistol in a very shaking arm that is still in the process of healing, looking down his long muzzle and fires it at the head_

DM: It's  obvious his arm hasn't healed correctly despite the potion as his aim is WAY off, the bullet hits above  the displacer beast and the recoil hurts just enough to illicit a yelp.

Z'ev: _snarls while clutching his arm_ ok, now I can see why Rath didn't want my help with the defences.

Cassidy: _That yelping sound she had always found it distressing, hearing it from the hounds, it was more so hearing it from Z'ev, it made her heart ache_ We need to do what we can to help _Cassidy says as she strikes the head with her staff_

DM: While the displacer beats hisses in pain ftom where Cassidy hit it in the face, blood pours out of it's nose and drips to the floor...forming the shape of a wolf's head around the celler hatch.

Z'ev: This...this isn't in the slightest way disturbing..._looks at Cassidy as he's  hoping she's got answers_

Cassidy: I dare say there is more of these, we need to find them and destroy them.

Z'ev: More heads on the wall or different body parts?

Cassidy: I'm not sure but we're know them as they all possess that mark _points to pool of blood shaped like a wolf's head_

Z'ev: we're looking for more creepy things with a wolf's head on them. This day couldn't get more interesting _there's a small grin of sorts_


Z'ev: _looks at Cassidy _ That came from the kitchen!

Cassidy: _Nods and they rush for the kitchen_

DM: The kitchen is quite quaint, perfectly preserved food sit on the shelves bar one jar, which Nella had dropped.  Currently the halfling is by the sink, crossbow aimed at it. There are several rusty knives in there, in very murky water.

Z'ev: What happened?

Nella: This...this..THING jumped off the shelf, attacked me until I threw it at the sink!

Cassidy: _Cassidy moves over to the sink but its impossible to see anything _ I can't see anything we'll have to drain it.

Z'ev: _sees the knives_ Is there another way to do it without sticking your arm in there?

Cassidy: _Thinks for a moment_ Could we freeze the water...?

Z'ev: And trap the thing inside it? Would still pose a problem getting it out. _ gets down and looks under the bench _ It's a Barrel.  There's no drainage..magic water?

Cassidy: No but... mage hand may work…

Nella: _looks between both of them_ Don't just stand there!? Kill it!

Sprocket: _from another room_ Nella ! Hurry up! Another wave is coming!

Nella: _rolls eyes_ coming!

Cassidy: Right _Cassidy concentrates on a spot above the sink, were a ghostly hand appears, it drives into sink and grabs several of the knifes_

DM: As the mage hand rattles around (point of inspiration btw) something indeed leaps out of the sink. It makes a grab for Nimble but misses the Dragon and lands on the nearby table.

Cassidy: _Cassidy takes out her crossbow and fires a bolt at the disembodied hand. Cassidy let's the blot lose it skewers the hand right through, sending it flying and pinning it to the wall behind, it twitchs violently in the throws of death, before beginning still_

DM: Blood drips from it's clawed fingernails and the drops form the shape of a wolfshead

Z'ev: _impressed_ Nice shot! Guess you don't really need me around at all huh? _jokes_ I can live with being a side kick.

Cassidy: I think your selling yourself short _Smiles puts her crossbow away_

Z'ev: Nah. I just get lucky sometimes.

Cassidy: _Laughs_ I'm sure you have strong suits I don't know about

DM: From another door leading into the kitchen, music starts to waft through the doorway. It's eerie and sounds like plucking strings.

Z'ev: _gives Cassidy a look Dogs give which is the equivalent of raising an eyebrow _ That's not coming from anyone in this cottage That's living is it?

Cassidy: There's only one way to find out.

Z'ev: _raises his pistol and moves towards the door carefully _ well it's definitely chilling. Fur usually doesn't stand up on it's in this much. It might turn grey long before I reach sixty at this rate.

Cassidy: I know what you mean makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end _Says as she fellows_

DM: The room beyond is a small office, containing another book shelf, a writing desk and an out of tune self playing harpsichord.

Cassidy: Its starting to feel like we're being lead somewhere _Says as she drawn to the book shelf_

Z'ev: A little.  I don't really like it either. _goes to check the desk...notices there's an unusual lock and pulls out some theives tools_

Nimble: Hmmm...whoever owned this house was into some very interesting literature. _flaps his leathery wings_ There's a lot on anatomy...I mean a lot...hmmm ohhh the history of Karrnath? That might be useful... and what's that unusual coloured one by your right hand Mistress? I don't see any text. It's turquoise and purple spine.

Cassidy: I don't know Nimble, seems usually _Puts a hand on it to explain it more closely_

Nimble: _looks at some of the Arcane text in the book_ Oh dear...oh my what a find!

Cassidy: _Cassidy examines the text to see what Nimble is so excited about_

Nimble: It's a book on Necromancy, Misstress. A thin Volume mind, but nevertheless very useful.

Cassidy: My word this is a find! _Eyes are light up with excitement_

Z'ev: _ Z'ev is tinkering with a lock on the desk as Cassidy and Nimble paruse the shelves, and all of a sudden not only does the lock picking tools get stuck, both hands which were on the lock to try and jiggle it loose are stuck to it too_ huh? What the... oh no…

DM: The harpsichord music stops abruptly, and a pair of severed feet emerge from the foot pedals and stomp angrily on the wooden floor. The stomping feet start running around the floor, both treading on Cassidy's left foot.

Z'ev: _sees the pain on Cassidy's face and kicks the desk in effort to get free. _as his foot connects with the desk, it too also gets stuck, the entire desk being warped into a arcane lock instead of just the draw_

DM: The feet continue to stomp around in fury

Cassidy: _Cassidy tries to hit them with her staff, trying to stab at the feet but they're too far and jump away_

DM: The feet start bouncing around higher and They successfully kick Cassidy the shins. 

Z'ev: _is getting frustrated and starts growling like a dangerous dog. He puts all his weight against his stuck leg and manages to slam the desk against the wall repeatedly. Aggitated,  he starts barking at the desk and his inabilities to get free_

Cassidy: _Cassidy makes another attempt at hitting the feet with her staff. _Cassidy lifts her staff too high forgetting how confined the space is and hits the book shef, some books are dislodged from the shef and hit the floor, which the feet manage to dodge unharmed_

Z'ev: _gives the desk one really good shove, banging the desk so hard against the wall, the lock not only breaks, but he pulls out rhe entire draw and it's contents fly across the room as he falls backwards_

Cassidy: _With her a few toes crushed and her leg feeling like its broken, and the feet out of range Cassidy reachs for her crossbow she loads a blot and fires at them. The blot skewers one of the feet right though as it jumps in mid air, the other end hitting the other pining them both_

Z'ev: _shaking himself, his form changing back as he does so_ what the hell was that spell on the lock for? Nothing came out of the draw! Are you alright Cassidy?

Cassidy: Maybe a broken toe or two _She lowers herself to the floor, and carefully starts removing her shoe to take a look, some dark bruises are forming on her toes_

Z'ev: Ow..._feels terrible as he was flapping around with the desk._ I'm sorry I didn't help...._feels like an idiot_ Where else haven't we looked? Are we close?

Cassidy: It could have been worse _Puts her shoe back on_ Hmm there was a trap door if I remember back in the lounge, can you help me up please?

Z'ev: Sure. _picks himself off the floor and notices something that had once been in the draw._ hey...where'd this book come from? _tutns it in his hands_ looks like a diary.

Cassidy: A diary?

Z'ev: _hands her the book_ don't see how it could be useful...unless there's something on the last few pages that's important. I mean the owner has been dead four years.

Cassidy: _ looks the book over before opening it_

DM: It doesn't look very special..crumpled and dirty but otherwise normal.

Cassidy: _ opens the book_

Z'ev: What does it say?

Cassidy: Well... there is alot here but what's most important is the "beacon" that's calling the undead here, it can be made to repel them.

Z'ev: Ok so how do we repel them? Or better yet shut it off?

Cassidy: It says by destroying the components as we have been and we need some of the necromancer's blood who created the spell, I don't know how we can fulfill that last part…

Z'ev: Ok..._says this rather nervously and just off hand_  as long as it's just destroying the components that should be easy. It's not like the hololusion pictures where you also need a very specific knife or somthing.

Cassidy: Actually... we do…

Z'ev: I just had to say it didn't I? what are we looking for?

Cassidy: The blade is called... _Looks over the text_ Jagged's armblade.

Z'ev: _expression drops_ you're joking right?

Cassidy: That's obviously a problem I'm assuming…

Z'ev: Well yes.  Only select few Warforged have welded on...We aren't going to find one out here.

Cassidy: What about, what was their name again?... Sprocket

Z'ev: _shakes his head_ You're looking at something like a Juggernaut class. Rumour has it there is one in the Mournland, forcibly recruiting Warforged to join it. But they can't become least I assume.  Otherwise we'd have the Colossus still roaming around with their death lazers. I mean they have a soul and are living but...they're more likely to be spectors if you belive in ghosts.

Cassidy: I'm afraid we don't have the luxury of time to even attempt to search for them, and we still need the necromancer.

Z'ev: I know this might sound... like a bad idea but wouldn't any blood from a spellcaster do? I could probably infuse a knife with some property that makes it magical....if given a few hours which I don't think we got time for. They've fought a few waves by now...they're going to be low on ammo.

Cassidy: _ Cassidy thinks about it for a few moments and shakes her head_ I'm not truly sure, but I'm willing to try and desperate times…

Z'ev: Ok so how many things are left to destroy?

Cassidy: Unfortunately I don't know and the diary doesn't say.

Z'ev: So there could be something else we have to skewer with a crossbow inside before we head for the cellar.

Cassidy: Possibility. This may very well work components of magic can be substituted for ones that have the same properties…

Z'ev: And I'm assuming blood. These things are full of it. So we wouldn't need to use our own right? Well there was one other room connected to the livingroom. Maybe there's something in there? Afterall the person who lived her had to sleep.

Cassidy: _Nods, though she is quite sure that only mage's blood can substitute for another's_

Z'ev: Right. _leads the way back through the kitchen, to the living room, stepping over the hissing blood burning like acid into the floor boards and to a door that wasn't explored before_

DM: They enter a bedroom which contains a bed that looked like the sheets were cleaned just before the Mourning hit. They are still white though a bit dusty. There's also a large chestnut wardrobe.

Cassidy: Don't look like much luck with the bed, wardrobe?

Z'ev: _takes a deep breath and slips another Acid vial into his alchemic pistol_ ready when you are.

Cassidy: _Has her crossbow at the ready putting one hand on the knob she nods, before quickly pulling the door open_

DM: As Cassidy flings open the door, the severed head which resided in the wardrobe's eyes SNAP open and it begins to scream and vomit. Cassidy has heard demonic screaming before and seems to be repulsed but generally unaffected but Z'ev's ears pop, grasping them in pain and dropping his pistol. 

Z'ev also has a flash of something from his past flick though his mind, something he saw inside of of D' Cannith's Warforge factories where some unfortunate Dwarf got his beard caught in the machinery...he thought he suppressed it but the scream brought it all back. He backs away shouting "No no no! Turn it off turn it off before his head is crushed! Stop the machine! Stop it! stop it!" Before he cowers around the other side of the bed on the floor in a canatonic state. 

Cassidy: _While distressed and a bit frightened by Z'ev's sudden outburst, she was also highly irritated by the head's incessant screaming, she lets a blot lose on it. As Cassidy takes aim the head sends a stream of projectile at her, as she tries to avoid the foul smelling bio she accidentally pulls the trigger letting the blot lose at her feet. She loads another blot to her crossbow and fires..The damn thing is driving her carzy more that its completely ticking her off, in her irritation to just "make it stop!" She neglects to aim properly and hits the back of the wardrobe right beside it_

Z'ev: _in the background curled in a ball,  panicking and freaking out_ the -the skin was...was...torn f-from his face....b -b- blood....b-blood....e-e-everywhere....then the machinery crushed his skull....b-b-rain everywhere.....

DM: The skull upchucks some more  this time maggots spill out as well as spiders....the scream begins again in a louder wail.

Cassidy: _Cassidy is really at the end of her rope now, she makes for the bed and practically rips the pollow free of its covering, she pulls it over the head and wrenches it free and mercilessly smashing it against the wall_

Z'ev: M-m- ake it stop…

DM: The head stops screaming the moment Cassidy gives it one final slam against the floorboards. The head spills out of the pillowcase via a hole torn in the fabric and it rolls across the floor and stops at Z'ev's feet....just as one last vomit of maggots errupt from it's mouth.

Z'ev: _violently shaking...sees the head and the maggots forming a wolf's head...though that last part isn't something he sees because he's up off the floor and backed himself into a corner, absolutely freaking out as the old memories are eating away at his sanity.

Cassidy: Z'ev! _Cassidy runs over to him, kicking the head away as she does_ Z'ev, Z'ev! _grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him_ Its over snap out of it!_

Z'ev: _he grabs Cassidy's arms painfully tight, finger nails digging deep into her shirt and into rhe skin beneath. His eyes are bloodshot and despite all the fur visible signs of serious mental trauma are there._ his skin fucking came off his skull! His skull! Peeled while he was ALIVE! I WAS STANDING IN THE ROW OPPOSITE AND NO ONE COULD STOP IT! Truhag wasn't the first either! Others d-d-died in-between those cogs! Some where only children! Got  to get them get them out…

W-what good is -s-someone to be a S-spy and you don't lift a finger? You get ...get them out... out  out of the machine...machines that kill...claim hands, feet, bodies.. lives.... Won't let them die...Won't let...them.

Cassidy: _Winces in pain but it more from seeing him like this, screaming in her face_ Z'ev your hurting me, please stop _She pleads_

Z'ev: _he currently doesn't see Cassidy infront of him, rather someone else who he remembers begging them to help smuggle civilians out of the Warforged factories_ listen...listen...they're running on blood. The souls inside those machines are those of the dead...those who were forced to work chained up to the covayer belts...a Zil fell off the walkway and into the gear hopper last week! The machine was still running! Please....please help me get them out. No one deserves to die for this!

Help me stop the scream from the severed head had triggered every single scream, plea, death....everything horrific he's ever seen that he thought he had been desensitised too all up at once. He can't handle it at all, crystaline tear trails are marking his fur around his glasses as his mind slowly breaks down. Psychic damage can do alot of long term mental damage at times....luckily he hasn't any weapons on him preventing him from doing anything least for the moment. Holding Cassidy in a vice grip to try and stay stable is better than shooting himself, though the struggle is very real. It's a reminder that shifters are still very Human as true Lycans wouldn't have cared, had shifted and went on a rampage long before now in an effort to induce memory loss, something that doesn't happen to a shifter._  help....please.....

Cassidy: _He was completely ranting, breaking down in front of her it was awful to watch, Cassidy felt her heart breaking for him, and in that moment she wanted nothing more than to help him, save him somehow but what could she really do she felt so helpless, in the face of the kind of suffering he had gone through, she knew he was deeply scarred forever by the events of his past_ Z'ev _she said softly, hot tears begin streaming down her cheeks, Slowly she lifted her arms and put a hand on each side of his face, before leaning in and pressing her lips against his_

Z'ev: _initially digs nails into Cassidy's arms with his grip, whatever is going on in his head wasn't expecting to be physically approached in this way. There's a bit of resistance as the psychic effects of the Severed head's scream are trying to fight back to cause harm....but something else much winning the fight and the screaming effects are being forced back and as they let go of their victim's mind, Z'ev's fingers start to relax and so does his grip. Before Cassidy can let his face go his head is already dropping as if a creature that was in possession is letting him go. like a puppet without strings, he just drops to the floor_

Cassidy: _Cassidy catchers him before he falls to one side on the floor, and holds him steady_ Z'ev, Z'ev can you hear me? Talk to me please…

Z'ev: _a very slow shakey hand moves up to clutch his head, making his glasses move a bit off kilter_ 

Owwww...brain is throwing itself against my skull...what's...what's happening Cassidy? Where are we? _sits up, takes in their surroundings _  Oh...we never left did we? So what in the world happened? Cassidy,  why are you looking at me like that? I didn't...I didn't shoot at you did I? I don't remember a thing, besides the screaming...what the hell was that anyway?

Cassidy: _She wasn't sure she should tell him what really happened, if it would send him back in that state_ I'm relieved your alright, you passed out.

Z'ev: Oh.. _is genuinely confused_ 

Maybe Rath was right afterall. I should stop trying to be helpful when I'm not mentally equipped to do so. _sighs heavily_ must seem like such a useless fool to you and everyone else who's able to kill without much of a thought. I guess smuggling people to safety doesn't give me a bravery qualification does it?

Cassidy: Really...? _Sits downs down beside him_ Saving people lives, that sounds quite heroic to me, not all battles are fought on a battlefield.

Z'ev: I guess. Still feel a bit useless.  You fit right in though, those spells of yours are something else. Never seen magic that strong before. _he stands up rather stiffly, helping Cassidy to her feet before brushing himself down_ oh...darn...I've lost my pistol? That's not good, that's my only weapon.

Cassidy: I think its was over by the wardrobe _Looks around_

DM: Cassidy finds the pistol by the bloodied and vomit covered pillow, some of the severed head's brains have spilled out of the case in the shape of a wolf's head.

Cassidy: _Its coverd in some of the bio from the floor she holds it up by the handle in two fingers at arm's length, in that way people do when they really want to touch something_ I found it _Though she kind of looks like she wished she didn't_

Z'ev: _pulls out a hankie and gingerly takes it off her_ maybe I'll dunk it in that sink with the rusty knives...could be worse… I'll meet you in the lounge and we'll jimmy that cellar open and poke around. _heads off for the kitchen _

DM: Eventually, Z'ev meets Cassidy back in the living room of the cottage.

Cassidy: Ready when you are _She stands by the trap door_

Z'ev: _nodds. _ Might need your help to lift it, shoulder is still bleeding a bit when I move. _holds the ring pull_

Cassidy: This may make it easier than _Gets him to let go and threads her staff through the ring taking hold of one end_ Ok _Nods_

DM: The celler door creaks and is a real struggle to lift, eventually you get it open. There's more crossbow fire coming from the kitchen this time, a reminder that any moment undead will over run the place.

Z'ev: _getting the hang of hiding the pain from his face_ well, here goes nothing...let's hope this plan of ours works.

Cassidy: We should hurry _Says listening to sounds from the kitchen as she retrieves her staff_

DM: The stairs down the the cellar groan as they enter from above, the smell of mud assaults the nostrils. With both of you having night vision you can see Five tables on the dirt floor. The one closest to the bottom of the stairs holds two of a skeleton in leather armour holding a rusty sword,  the other of a woman dressed in black robes. 

The cellers easten wall contains build in shelves made from coffins. They contain a dozen corpses untouched by decay. The symbol of Karrnath is painted in dried blood on the ceiling.

Cassidy: _From experience Cassidy was always suspicious of corpses and so many in one tiny room with one way out_

Z'ev: _tries very hard not to breathe in the air_ so...are these her personal house corpses or something else? The one on the bench is the only woman...maybe that's her?

Cassidy: Maybe... _Though she doesn't really want to go closer to them, she moves close enough to still be out of reach, if they suddenly moved_

Z'ev: _starts looking around very carefully _  if you see anything that could be used for an infusion spell… I think....I may have an idea.

Cassidy: I'm listening _Prompts_

Z'ev: Well...if it's like you say, Necromancy, maybe a healing infused weapon will  break it? It's not as if the Warforged arm is anything that special...just sharpened metal. Though..._his voice shakes a little_  it was built on the blood of slave labour. It's the one thing Warforged regret about their creation. Some think the spirit inside them are someone who died, living on...others lost, looking for answers in a World that doesn't want them....then you hear rumours, some who fight on and well, you saw what happened in that Marketplace. Some want living things gone and machines to rule.

Honestly thought the last part was all rumour till yesterday. We'll get though this, promise. Whatever crazy stuff happens We'll come out the otherside. _tries to give Cassidy a smile of reassurance _

Cassidy: I hope so, but we should not get too ahead of ourselves and focus on the task at hand first.

Z'ev: Right. Anyway, anything sharp will do hopefully steel, failing that I'm willinv to try broken glass. Anything to stop them coming.

Cassidy: _Cassidy pulls a dagger out of her boot_ Will this do? _She holds it by the blade out towards Z'ev the handle facing him, this something someone who knows weapons would do_

Z'ev: You mean to tell me you had one the entire time? It's very ornate _ he gingerly takes it_  sure it's not already magical?

Cassidy: Not that I know of my kind have a tendency to make things overly ornamental.

Z'ev: Well don't flash it around in town when we get back. Theives might get ideas. Just be really careful  _the last part you can tell he's trying to joke as he knows the one's in trouble wouldn't be Cassidy _

_he takes it to the bench, pulls out his tinkers tools and starts using them to make very tiny detailed etchings on the blade. There's a large symbol that you at least recognise as the Philosophers stone_

_it's not the finest craftsmanship he's ever done, but you know, time pressure and everything. When the last symbol is etched the blade begins to glow blue, not just the symbol but the entirety of the steel_

_holds it up to inspect it._ this should work...if not well we'll die fighting undead. _ Carefully hands the hilt end back to Cassidy,  trying hard not to touch the blade_ once that blade goes in, the spell should activate.  I don't think it works on the already dead, but it should avoid getting hit by any necromancy spell trap that might trigger...just _his body is starting to feel very drained, the infusions take their toll by using his own life force to create them._ will ...break the spell.. it has to. _rests his dizzy head on Cassidy's shoulder a minute._

Cassidy: Whoo are you alright? _Says as grabs his arm to steady him, she has a deep look of concern_

Z'ev: _ gives a very exhausted smile_ yeah...just feeling like we're running on empty. It's been two days since we've rested. We can't until we get the Grey Dogs back so..._lifts his head and tries to regain some composure,  though it's  rather hard when you feel a bit out of it_

Cassidy: I understand how you feel _Gives a sympathetic smile_

Z'ev:'s now or never. Got to plunge it in..._swallows nervously_ spill blood..break the spell, simple?

Cassidy: _Cassidy nods and heads over to the hooded corpse, she is still suspicious that it will sat up suddenly, one way to make sure that won't happen, she spins the blade hand and stabs it in the heart_

DM: Goes deep into the corpse's heart, blood fountains out of the body at an alarming rate, covering Cassidy's face, neck and shoulders as it sprays towards the symbol on the ceiling.  As the blood connects, the room flashes, filling with a bright white light, filling the entire house with vibrant energy. The undead in the cottage howl as their heads all explode, covering every surface in gore. The undead around the cottage wail in fear and flee as fast as they can shamble to avoid the light, escaping into the Mournland.

Z'ev: _Is shielding his eyes as the cellar fills with brilliant light, he can't see anything, especially what's going on with the undead or Cassidy _

DM: As the light fades and Cassidy is standing over the body, she blinks in momentary shock, though luckily the spell on the dagger did protect her from the necromancer's power that would have cursed her mind.

Z'ev: _slowly moves his arm to see what's happened _ Cassidy? You...oh good grief…

DM: In the awkward silence that follows,  a weird purple smoke emits from Cassidy's pack and a voice loud enough for anyone in range to hear is heard.

" When dark lanterns flicker in the light of the silver torch, the King in green rides north on a bolt of steel. Two nations prepare for war, as all eyes turn to Sky blue...third protocol activated. Third protocol activated. Third protocol...."

Both Cassidy and Z'ev stare at each other a bit longer than what's usually comfortable till they both utter "The Draconic Prophecy..."

Cassidy: The device? _Cassidy removes her pack to check on the contents_

Z'ev: Can't be... can it? _comes over to Cassidy as she pulls it out her pack_

The Oracle: Third protocol activated.....third protocol activated.... third protocol…

Z'ev: I'm beginning to suspect this thing is  going to be interesting and a lot of trouble....

Cassidy: I believe so as well, how do we get it to be quiet?

Z'ev: _takes off one of his shoes, pulls off a sock with great effort and not falling over and then shoves it into the speaking funnel where it muffles the voice enough to be shoved deep into Cassidy's bag_ 

We better keep this between us until we figure out exactly what it does.

Cassidy: Alright _Says as she puts her pack back on, she wasn't going to question why he didn't want to tell Rathalos and Rathian, she wipes at the blood on her face_

Z'ev: _passes her his water skin_ use this, it'll help.

Cassidy: Thank you _Says as she accepts it and washes her face and neck, her white hair is stained pinkish_

DM: As Cassidy starts to do a quick wash, the cellar suddenly goes dark (basically shades of grey for all night vision characters) as the door to the cellar is slammed shut in them and a loud scuffle seems to be breaking out upstairs.

Rathalos: Oi! What are you trying to do?

Nella: Leave mostly, and leave you to lure the undead away from us!

Rathalos: You're crazy! Put the blasted weapon down!

Sprocket: We mean it! Surrender and we'll-

Nella: Blow your brains out, that's what we're going to do, Sprocket! This...this place us messed up as all fuck! If we're to get out of here we've got to ditch the dead weight!

Time: Now calm down Nella…

DM: There's the sound of bolts being fired in the scuffle upstairs.

Z'ev: _has managed to lose his shoe, but isn't worried about that, more concerned with getting up the stairs as quick as possible to get the cellar door open. _ BUGGER! someone's standing on the door! Can't get it to budge-"

DM: As he lifts the door, putting his back and shoulders into it, a crossbow bolt skims through the gap, narrowly missing him as he drops down, slamming the door shut

Z'ev: Shit!

Nella: Don't you dare follow us! Or we'll kill the rest!

Durvo: Shut up Nella, just go already if you're -

DM: The sound of another bolt is heard, cutting the dwarf off.

Z'ev: Come on Cassidy! We've got to get up there! _starts trying to lift the hatch again, only this time something very heavy is preventing it moving_ I think something is blocking the a sofa or something else heavy. I can't get it to budge!

Cassidy: _Cassidy retrieves her dagger and joins Z'ev at the top of the stairs_ Together? _She offers to push at the door_

Z'ev:, two, three...PUSH!

DM: Despite all the effort , the hatch doesn't budge.

Z'ev: It's as if they've moved a bookshelf on top! _looks at his alchemic pistol _ what if we aim a spell at this while it's attached to the hatch? It's full of enough chemicals to cause an explosion...oh that's not a great idea while here in the cellar.

Cassidy: I could try a spell, if it's not someone standing on top…

Z'ev: Well if it's blocked, it's not by someone on our side. I'm a bit worried Rath has been hurt up there, haven't heard his voice since the first crossbow was fired. It's not like he'd use his cannon in here, the thatch would go up faster than we could get out. 

_looks very worried_

Cassidy: Stand back than _Cassidy rubs her hands together and slowly moves them apart a string of light forming between them, which morphed into a sword it splits like a deck of cards into several, and Cassidy motions for them to slash at the door_

DM: As Cassidy calls forth the spell, the sword like aberrations slice through the hatch like a hot knife through butter, and just as the bookshelf loaded with books falls through to crush her, Z'ev tackles her and they both land in the mud as the stairs collapse under the weight of the broken door and diced shelves.

Z'ev: _ after he opens his eyes, looks Cassidy in hers before realising he's on top of her, effectively pinning her into the mud. He scrambles to get up and help her as well after a very awkward moment where he tries to resist the urge to kiss her just because adrenaline is running like crazy_ _attempts to brush mud off her_ S-Sorry, I didn't mean to..look it was that or be...smooshed.

Cassidy: And I thank you for that, _stopping him_ but the rest is the least of my worries at this moment, let's go _heads for the door_

DM: The stairs have completely come in, leaving only a hole in the cellar ceiling for an exit.

Z'ev: Need me to lift you up?

Cassidy: Wait _Listens for any sound first_

DM: The sounds of conflict have already died away,  presumably before the hatch and it's weight gave way. There us however…

Time: Hang on in there, don't fail me now...we'll get you to Ian and everything will be fine…

Cassidy: Help me up!, help me up! _She urgents Z'ev maybe a little too forcefully _

Z'ev: _lifts Cassidy up, shaking a bit as he gets her onto his shoulders and wincing as a foot kicks his injury. He staggers but manages to keep steady enough to lift up and get Cassidy out of the cellar by standing on his shoulders_

DM: As Cassidy clambers out looking like a swamp monster, she can see Durvo the Dwarf with a crossbow bolt through his throat, dead by the cottage doorway. Endless time is leaning over Rathalos,  ignoring the two bolt wounds in her leg to try and keep Rathalos from giving out, a bolt wound sticking out from under his ribs...blood dribbling from his jaw as his stomach is filling with blood very rapidly and he coughs it up. Nella and Sprocket have fled

Z'ev: _calls out to Cassidy _ is everyone alright up there?!

Cassidy: Oh ancestors _Cassidy says getting to her feet she rashes over to Rath_

Rathalos: _looks up and despite the usual tough exterior you'd associate with the Halfling, there's genuine relief in his features. He has a blood filled coughing fit_

Time: Nella lost the plot when that white light filled the entire house. Sprocket unfortunately doesn't know better and sided with her....things got ugly.

Cassidy: _Cassidy searches through her pack and pulls out a potion _Its my last one will it even help?

Time: Yes, but only if I can remove the bolt and stop it bleeding first. I don't think I can do it safely enough.

Z'ev: _from the cellar_ I could toss up the healing kit and my tinker's tools. The tools have small pliers in the leather roll you could use to very carefully take the bolt head out with. I know adhoc surgery isn't fun but the tip of the crossbow can be carefully removed if you don't stupidity pull it out, but very carefully move the flesh out the way.. if you then pour the potion on top of the wound it'll seal it, but you'll still need to use compression to stop blood loss while it's repairing. Don't use the potion first otherwise it'll seal in the crossbow bolt and the head and he'll bleed to death. Where exactly is it by the way?

Verne: Ooook ook eek? _pokes her head out of his pack_

Z'ev: _slings it down carefully, pulls out the healers kit and the tinkers tools from his tool pouch, gives them to verne, who hops up across the debris that would have shifted and collapsed under Z'ev's weight and glides out through the open cellar door and then bounds over to Cassidy _ I can guide you through it if it'll help _he calls up_ crossbow wounds are at least easier to treat and get out than musket pellets and bow arrow heads. 

_looks around and decided to try something which migh be very stupid, but any longer in the cellar he's going to start freaking out because of all the headless corpses. He carefully picks a safe route over some of the rubble and then leaps for the overhead entrance,  hoping to grab it and haul himself out...the rubble is however shifting very quickly under his feet so his Indiana Jones leap of faith better work_

DM: As he clambers up, the debris shifts due to the mud below, forcing him to miss time the leap, instead of getting most of himself up out of the doorway he ends up grabbing at it with his arms, mostly the right...his weight and the weight of his pack are too heavy for his injured arm and he drops back into the cellar,  landing smack on the the muddy floor.

Z'ev: _yelps, as he has fallen on the already injured limb, breaking bones in it this time. He rolls onto his back and is sort of grateful no one can hear him whimper like a kicked puppy _

Cassidy: Z'ev _She yells hearing all the commotion, as Vance makes it to her with the tools, she feels torn with concern of what's happened if his hurt how badly and Rathalos with his severe injury_ Nimble check on Z'ev _She tells the dragon as she rolls the kit out_

Nimble: Yes mam. _darts over to the hole in the floor and looks down_ what on earth are you doing down there?

Cassidy: _Cassidy is looking for the pliers he was talking about_ Nimble? _She finally finds them_

Z'ev : _calls up_ I'm ok! Just don't expect me to lift or carry anything on the right arm for a while. Alright Cassidy,  you ready? Listen carefully…

DM: Cassidy successfully removes a crossbow bolt under Z'ev's instructions,  with Time helping with the application of pressure as Cassidy carefully pours the potion to seal up and cauterize the wound. It's pretty quick and Rathalos is more or less fine and no longer bleeding out, so she tends to Time's leg, as if to say a silent thanks for not turning on them.

Rathalos: _is now sitting up and looking better _  thank you Cassidy.  I owe you my life.

Cassidy: You would have done the same for me _Smiles and leaves him now his in a better condition, to check on Z'ev_ If I throw a rope down can you climb up? _Sees the way his holding his arm_

Z'ev: I don't think so. I could probably tie it  around -

Rathalos: That's a bad idea, besides none of us could pull you up...Cassidy,  do you think we could empty that remaining book shelf and slide it down on an angle to make temporary stairs?

Cassidy: It's worth a try

DM: You all strip the shelving of books and between the three of you, manage to get the book case down with a sickening thawmp in the mud and clatter as it also connects with the other debris below. Z'ev carefully makes his way up, relieved to no longer be trapped with a bunch of headless corpses

Z'ev: Will they be ok out there, you think? _thinks about how he himself had a moment of manina where he can't remember anything other than endless screaming in his head_

Time: How can you have sympathy for them? They threatened to kill us?

Cassidy: Could we even find them if we tried?

Z'ev: _shakes head and winces_ doubtful. Not the way we currently are.

Rathalos: That's for sure, they could have gone anywhere.

Cassidy: We best time of ourselves than and getting back

Z'ev: We can't afford to get lost, that's true.

DM: It takes another day to get out of the Mournland, it's the 7th of of Zarantyr, 998YK when you arrive back in Salvation.

Z'ev: _ with Rathian treating Rathalos properly, he decides it worth trying the treat himself before having a shower. He sits at his desk in his room, Verne napping on her cat tree perch hammock in the corner and begins to unstrap all his pouches and tool holders before he tries to remove his alchemist vest and even think about getting at his shirt. Undoing the buttons was easy...getting it off his shoulder however.._ easy...easy...arrgh....fffff...that looks worse than I thought. 

_stops trying to pull off his clothes when the weeping wound is exposed enough_ yeah, I might have to wait till Ian can have a look. Not going to be able to bend my arm anyway.

At least the bathroom is free. Cassidy is probably taking it over ..._thinks about what it used to be like back at home in the reaches as a kid when his sisters took over the only bathroom in the cottage_  it would be deep purple all the stuff, no way would it be in pinks and blues like Iris and Dawn. Probably be better than what a bathroom with Batchelor stuff in it's like

Verne: _gets up from her spot, stretches and goes to sit on Z'ev's knee when he shifts to sit on his bed_ ook?

Z'ev: _Gives verne a scratch before scooping her up in his left hand and putting her beside him. He begins to attempt the removal of his vest, wincing in pain as he has to move his broken arm and letting out some pretty loud yelps as he does so. In the end he's got it and his shirt off at least only on the right hand side, only has to wriggle out of the left and he's got it made. His fur pattern is visible as it was pretty well hidden before, between the brown of his hair and his shoulders and back is a tuft of a brown ridge connecting the two. The brown wraps arond his shoulders and down his arms, ending at his wrists which are white, just like his jaw, most of his neck, chest and front torso. It's not a fancy pattern by any means, but the duo tone is quite unique for him since many from his village have evolved markings that are not just individual,  but more closer to the breed of dog that they breed and raise there. The joys of convergent evolution,  though some whisper that the Valar hunting hounds are part shifter even though the dogs were bred to be more like them, than the other way around._

_his shirt has stopped the blood matting his fur extensively,  but it's very stained and sticking together_

Cassidy: _Cassidy's injuries are not at all as severe as the others some decided its best to stay out of the way and let the expert do their thing._ 

_It especially feels wonderful to finally have her injured toes free of her shoes, after bathing and with a good wash of her hair the white still appears a little pinkish she finally leaves the bathroom, as she opens the door Nimble scurried out and run off down the hall, his claws click clacking on the floorboards, he disappeared into one of the rooms that the door is open of_ Nimble _She calls tiredly and follows after_ I'll take you on a tour tomorrow, but not now _Says as she reaches Z'ev's door_

Z'ev: _can hear voices outside_ ah... no there's no way I'm getting my shirt back on if they come in…

Cassidy: _Cassidy walks into the doorway without thinking fatigue has made her mind quite absent, so the last thing she was expecting was to see Z'ev sitting there shirtless, she stops dead in her tracks and strats for a few moments til her mind registers things_ I'm so sorry! _She turns around her cheeks going red_

Z'ev: Wait,'s ok. _turns to look at her properly. _ Pardon the fact I'm improperly dressed...I don't think I'd be able to get another on without any help.

Verne: _verne is rubbing herself all over the doona, making sure she smells like home again_

Z'ev: _rubs his eyes under his glasses_ it's...ok really. If it's that bad I'll grab my robe

_makes an effort to stand, though it's pretty obvious that he really shouldn't be moving around much_

Cassidy: _Hears him struggling behind her_ No, no its ok, I'm sorry

Z'ev: Are you ok after that last trip into the  Mourning? Belaluur luckily still paid us thanks to Time, but I doubt that's going to happen every time there's a cock up in the mission. I think she took pity on us to be honest

Cassidy: Yes I think so... and I'm well... sorry... ahhh... how are you? _Cursing herself after saying it of course he wasn't had been plain to see that_

Z'ev: _moves to the wardrobe to grab a rustic and tattered robe that's hanging on the handle_  Don't be sorry. Can't be helped. Uhh I'm just biding my time before I ask Ian to check me over _obvious lie but he's feels Cassidy isn't being frank with him anyway_ not alot to do before then, though I am interested in finding out if that device we found is what I think it is...._ his eye's meet Cassidy's briefly before he attempts to sling the robe over his shoulders, though he doesn't put his right arm through _  I'm concerned if I'm right we're going to be in deep trouble.

Nimble:Nimble comes out from under the bed and jumps up on it, he gives a wave to Verne_

Verne: _verne trills a bit before Playfully pouncing on him and darting out the room, initiating a game of chase_

Z'ev: Or rather, everyone is going to be in a second war. Let's hope I'm wrong. _sits back down on the bed, wincing as he has to shift his arm so not to sit on it_

Cassidy: Wait what? What do you suppose it is? _His got Cassidy's attention now, in a way that she looks almost like she a look of great dread_

Z'ev: _indicates for her to close the door first and to sit down_

_She does as he ask and sats down beside him_ For starters, that note we found inside said something about predicting the flow of battle...kind of like the Scrying spells of centures ago, back when Demons roamed under the power of Overlords. They call it the time of the Sovereigns as that's when they first appeared to return order to the world.  Anyway, back there in that necromancer's abode we heard it prophesied something else, nothing to do with battle predictions...but to do with the Draconic Prophecy. If this thing was built to predict one thing but does another, if it got into the wrong hands like say...a King's, Dragon marked house or something worse like the Emerald Claw's hands, they could use that information to start another war. could alternatively be used to prevent it...though I'd have to figure out how. Those papers in the hidden room I had talked about some kind of weapon but they didn't specify what it was. I'm wondering if they're about that little box. If they are we're definitely in some deep trouble Cassidy: _Cassidy does her best to keep a calm demeanour something she was very good at but maybe out of practice of, so she may have been looking alot more anxious than she would like_ The difference between another war and preventing another... didn't you say you couldn't decipher those notes? Z'ev: I could some, but not alot. It's hard when you have no idea what you're looking for. _pauses, looks under the robe and lets out a small hiss. The wound is weeping through the robe_ I might now I have some idea. Cassidy: It can wait for now, you need your injuries seen to first _Says concerned_ Z'ev: _smiles_ truthfully I probably couldn't concentrate on reading all that stuff without decent sleep. _hesitates_ I'm not sure if you'd want to do that. It's going to need a splint and other joyful bandages... and I'll have to sit shirtless while you do. Magic doesn't heal everything, though would be nice Cassidy: _Nods_ Something tells me things of this nature are going to happen often, I'll just have to learn to... deal with, I'll be right back _Goes to retrieve the items needed_ Z'ev: _takes a deep breath and shoulders off the robe. It's probably better than having Rathian poke at it for twenty minutes then stab him with needles for another two before doing anything else_ Cassidy: _She returns with everything needed and carries out tending to his wounds by his instructions, he doesn't notice she seems to know what she doing, maybe it's because she smells divine her own sent mixed with that of jasmine and lilacs_ Z'ev: _when it comes to checking where the break is, the distraction of exotic perfume and delicate fussing is temporarily broken, as soon as Cassidy puts any pressure on the forarm and delts he tries to pull away in a knee jerk reaction as the pain is way more intense than he expected.  He muffles a few yelps into his left hand, biting into it to avoid wimpering infront of her. It's not like Cassidy had to put on any perfume or anything special to keep his mind off the pain, her just being present was enough though when she starts running her fingers through his fur he can't help himself closing his eyes and just enjoying her touch...even though he probably isn't suppose to since she's trying to work out what's broken_ Cassidy: _Cassidy pulls away feeling very depressed by Z'ev's reaction, its not her first broken bone she has set, but never has she done it for someone who, the last thing she ever wants to do is hurt_ I think... you should wait for Rathian to do this… Z'ev: No...please, please continue...I've never broken anything before. _his good hand squeezes her arm gently despite the bite marks in it_ Cassidy: I can but... do you think you can? Z'ev: Only if you will Cassidy: _Nods, she had forgotten shifters would likely bite when they were in a great deal of pain, even those trying to help them, its why they would did them to bite down on something_ Alright do you have a belt or something...? Z'ev: Er...yes, why? Cassidy: To bite down on so... you don't do that again… Z'ev: _it dawns on him and he starts laughing_ uh huh...though a towel or some fabric is a better option. Unless you want holes in the leather Cassidy: If you think so maybe your shirt then Z'ev: Or how about I stop acting like a pup and just let you do it? _ looks at her surprised face and grins_ oh I know you'd never say it, but you're thinking it. Cassidy: Alright _Crosses her arms and smirks_ But if you bite me, I warned you Z'ev: _sighes_ I won't.  Cassidy: Alright than _She starts her examination again, he whimpers and whines but she continues_ Ok I'll have to sort of crack your arm to set it back in place _She puts one hand on his shoulder and takes hold of his wrist_ Ready...? Z'ev: _as the forearm is shunted into the elbow socket,  Z'ev clenches his jaw pretty tight, no whimpering or yelping despite the fact a busted elbow is the most painful thing he's ever physically felt...but if he can't keep face when someone challenges him then he is putting his own species to shame._ Cassidy: Yes, how does it feel besides painful any better? Z'ev: Well I can feel life in my fingers. Splints going to be great fun to try and shower with once your done Cassidy: Maybe get some help with that _Says absentmindedly as she puts the splint in place and raps it to hold it there_ Z'ev: Yes... help. _pictures asking the others for help and immediately throws that image onto the floor_ Er...maybe not. Cassidy: _Slips the sling over his head and arm through it_ There you are Z'ev: Thank you, very much. Guess I'm out for a week or so. Cassidy: Please don't push yourself too hard Z'ev: I'll try. Sometimes you don't get a choice around here. have you been coping? It's a big adjustment.  I noticed Rathian had found you some rather nice bookshelves and a pretty nice desk. He'll have his work cut out for him making Nimble comfortable though _chuckles_ Cassidy: Oh yes, I need more books to fill them now, the desk has been great, it takes sometime to copy spells into my book, nice to have somewhere to do so_Having a lockable desk was very useful as well but she wasn't going to mention that_ Z'ev: That's great that your settling in,  umm we haven't had much time to ask around for your brother.. maybe we could tomorrow? If you want to of course. The armour I bought to infuse for you ...well I sort of need two hands to do it so wouldn't mind doing something else instead of sitting around here doing nothing. Cassidy: I would appreciate the help, I was going to ask Belaluur but after everything… Z'ev: It'll be my pleasure honestly. Lost quite a few weapons out there and probably should acquire another just to be on the safe side. Things are getting quite interesting and rather not have you worry. _realises what he said and tries to explain_ I mean, not worry that I can't look after myself after...well this really. Cassidy: _Cassidy thinks his awkwardness is very cute, but won't draw attention to it and make him uncomfortable_ _Than she starts think about Cedric and what will happen when they finally meet again, its not going to be a happy family reunion she is sure, she looks troubled_ Z'ev: You know... I'm sort of glad you don't have a bias to what Shifters are supposed to be. Most people tend to, heck others of my kind, say I'm more a domestic house slave because I prefer not to look like a savage..._notices the change in Cassidy's features_ something wrong?

Cassidy: _She looks at him and seems about to say something she would really like to tell him the truth but she can't, she shakes her head and changes the subject_ My stepfather is a red wolf shifter, before... everything we were all close friends especially Cedric and him

Z'ev: Ah... so you've got experience.  That'd  explain it. _sighs as he feels as if this isn't at all what the problem is, especially since this mood settled after he mentioned her brother but lets it slide as frankly he could be wrong. Without putting too much thought into it his good arm wraps around Cassidy and pulls her close, letting her lean against him. _ want to talk about it? I'm all ears. Not as if I'll tell anyone, we all got secrets.

Cassidy: _Taken completely off guard by this Cassidy's heart beats faster. She can't tell if its from being so close to him or fear_ I…

Z'ev: You don't have to if you don't want to. Just thought it would bring some comfort if it's weighing you down. _and I get to hear your lovely voice more ....but he won't say that outloud just incase Cassidy thinks there's a motive behind it when there really isn't. His jaw brushes against her hair as he pulls her closer, trying to make her feel safe around him, though he's really too tired to stress about social niceties right now, especially away from prying eyes._

Cassidy: I... I lied to you... to everyone I'm so sorry... _She can feel tears threatening to fall_

Z'ev : So you're not out here looking for a sibling. _holds her tight_ it's alright honest. You're sitting in a room with someone who chose to be a spy to avoid being cannon fodder and saw some of the worst stuff in my life...and how uncaring people can be to those who have no freedom of choice in their situation. Sure, I did my best to change that but that tag word 'Spy' is going to haunt me the rest of my life. Don't think I'm in a position to judge.

Cassidy: No I I'm and... I have to find him..., I was a soldier Z'ev... we both were... not by choice... _Hugs herself_ I've wanted to put it all behind me... pretend it never happened... but I've done horrible unspeakable things... I can forgive myself for... that will forever haunt me  _She burst into tears_

Z'ev: Hey, it's ok. It can't be worse than the tales Rathalos tells us after a few beers....somethings are understandably scarring. I'm sure I've mentally blanked things I've done.... Soldiers just follow orders, even if it's immoral sometimes. Sure, it doesn't excuse acts of genocide...but I've heard some pretty nasty things

Cassidy: You don't understand! _Says between her sobbing_ I'm not a good person... the things I've done! _She's becoming hysterical_ Make me no better... than, than a monster!

Z'ev: Can't be worse than the Silver crusade.  _curses as he really didn't mean to let that slip_

Cassidy: I know... Blanca... told me... about it _Says between her continued sobbing_

Z'ev: _rubs her back soothingly _ it's ok. Maybe when you're ready. _trying to sound supportive though there's not alot he can say that would provide comfort _ _starts running his hand through her hair, occasionally playing with a strand or two. Anything that feels nice he thinks will help be calming, afterall,  he knows with being furry touch running through the hairs feels really soothing_

Cassidy: _Cassidy starts to calm down and is soon able to start breathing properly again_ When we find Cedric... his not... going to be happy... to see me…

Z'ev: Since when is anyone happy to see anyone when a war is over? Only those who were victims that lost loved ones...I know a few that wouldn't want me alive right now

Cassidy: Yes and that's likely what Cedric will do, is try to kill me…

Z'ev: Well he's got to get through us lot first. _fails to mention he's laying low from a killer sibling of his own, is hoping Time showing up doesn't mean they will_

Cassidy: _Cassidy has stopped crying now_ The Cedric I knew was a wiscreacking jokester, scicastic and a playful antagonizer, we were separated after being recruited, I haven't seen him for over 25 years, I've no idea the kind of person he is now_

Z'ev: Let's hope he's still that Elf you remember. You don't want it the other way. Trust me. And if it comes to that....he'll have to go through me first.

Cassidy: I don't want you to get involved, its not your problem to solve _She leaning back against him now not realising it_

Z'ev: Oh I don't know about that. _ he moves a bit to reach for a pile of letters on the beside table, shuffling the pile with his finger tips until he picks up what he was looking for. He hands her a letter dated in-between the time they first met and running into each other again in Salvation _ 

I haven't replied yet. I'm scared to let my sister know I'm my brother had started poking around after the war ended, asking questions that were....unusual. I don't doubt that fire for a second was to do with Time and her 'Task' she gave me unlike Rath does.

Cassidy: So that's what... _Not sure what she can say_ I'm sorry, I hate this being at odds with family _Looks like she is about to cry again_

Z'ev: Hey, it happens. My brother went to study engineering in Karrnath a long time ago...didn't expect to come face to face on opposite sides of the war, but we did. As a general thing, where I'm from we don't trust religious organisations but other places? My brother was brainwashed or put in the same position as me...doesn't matter...what matters is even now he's tracking me to kill me. I'm hoping he thinks I'm dead like my sisters do but I can't rely on that forever.Sure, I can't aim a gun for crackers. But I've lasted until recently without a weapon using my brain.  It's unfortunate that I can't even do that now.  I swear sometimes it's broken. 

Cassidy,  _pulls her close again_ I promise you he'll have a hell of a job getting to you. And if we do ever cross paths? I'll do what I can to be on your side, whatever you choose _he starts nuzzling her very protectively_

Cassidy: _She puts her arms around him being very careful of his arm_ Thank you

Z'ev: _hugs her back_ you're one of us now. We look after our own.

DM: 8th of Zarantyr.

Cassidy is greeted by Z'ev in the recreation room early in the morning. She's impressed he has done a somewhat decent job of dressing himself in another fine shirt and alchemist vest (made of smokey grey coloured studded leather) his broken arm tucked in under the vest so he looks like he's got a hand poking out his stomach. He's also wearing his gear and alchemist pouches, though it's mostly due to what happened in with the Grey Dogs and their conversation the day before. It looks like he wants to take the role of 'Bodyguard' seriously though with Cassidy's powers it's probably the otherway around (just don't tell him that) he has at least shaven as his fur looks shorter clipped and slightly cleaner though he probably might need to attempt a shower at some point as the white areas of fur do look a bit duller than they usually do.  He's currently reading a book titled 'Alchemic creations' with a pencil to mark key passages of formulas with. Verne is sitting on the back of the chair,  Rathian can be heard pottering around in the laboratory and Endless Time can be heard talking to Rathian while the sound of machinery is being assembled.  Rathalos isn't anywhere to be seen, though with how bad he looked when arriving back at the inn he is probably sleeping off all the attention his husband gave him.

Z'ev: _muttering to Verne_ We really need to come up with some sort of name for our operations here...something that makes us stand out from that nonsense over the street. Salvation qualified adepts? Too long.   The Storm Ravens? Nah...

Cassidy: _Cassidy feels so much lighter this morning, having got a lot off her chest last night, she does however feel some guilt towards Z'ev, as he already had a great deal of his own personal problems and she's brought 

her own._

_Today being a more recreational day, she has chosen to wear something more simple, an everyday dress she wouldn't wear otherwise as its not practical for out in the field, its long sleeved and to her knees, in a shade of green that matches her eyes, the look completed with sensible shoes her hair pinned up and the necklace Cedric gave her_

Good morning _She can't help smiling when she sees him_

Z'ev: _looks up at Cassidy and doesn't do alot to hide how happy he is to see her._ hey, feeling better this moring? Looking forward to grabbing something to eat? Rath's still groggy so we're having to eat breakfast while we're wandering around town.

Cassidy: I do thank you, yourself are you well?

Z'ev: Very much so. _stands up and motions towards the front entrance._ shall we?

Cassidy: _She nods and follows her shoes tap as she walks, like she an important lady of business_

DM: The sun his high, the air is hot and Salvation is it's typical dustbowl. Unusually,  Aquistions Incorporated across the street is quiet - their current recruitment drive is over and those loitering around are mostly hangers on. Further down the street they stop at a street food vender and get some fast and greasey egg and bacon muffins, Z'ev pointing out some of the more useful places around as they walk. They stroll past  a few stores with odd names like The Thunder Stone Antique Store, The Dazzling Curtain Beauty Salon, The Rhyming Quill and eventually stop at a store called The Storm Missile, a weapons and ammunition store. Mounted on the walls are a variety of firearms, from bows and arrows, crossbows, hand cannons, moltars, pistols, blunderbusses and the like

Z'ev: Not the most romantic place, I know...but you need something slightly better than that crossbow Cassidy.

Cassidy: _She laughes at his comment about the romantic vibes_ Oh? _Curious_

Z'ev: Well I was thinking of somewhere decent for lunch…however also thinking, especially after our last Mournland outing, we really need to mix up our arsenal a tad.

Cassidy: More firepower, a new fire arm or two

Z'ev: _Nods_ Well the bloke here is very hands off so you got the freedom to look around.  I'll help if you need it.

Cassidy: Wait for me _Says surprised_ I've used a fire arm before... _Remembers she doesn't have to lie about certain things anymore_ I mean I have when desperate but I'm not at all proficient

Z'ev: I'm sure we can bring you up to scratch. _Picks up a Blunderbuss and inspects it_

Cassidy: Well than, what do you recommend?

Z'ev: Well, your familiar with a crossbow, though you use alot of magic at range so something like a Pistol which can be used up close, or a palm pistol if you want it hidden as a back up only...pepper boxes are decent too for close range. If you're looking for something more explosive I suggest something with range like the Bad News which has more 'dangerous ammo'...a hand mortar is nice, but if you fired that too close you'll definitely get hit with the shrapnel though it's range is short...this blunderbuss isn't bad for range and neither is a musket

Cassidy: _Cassidy blinks a few times, as she tries to take it all in_ Maybe start with something simple, and work way up to the rest

Z'ev: Well pistol and muskets are pretty straightforward. _ he also picks up a Musket and a really unusual looking combination of the two _

Cassidy: _Thinking about it Cassidy believes a pistol would be better for her, as she uses her spells for ranged targets_ One of the pistols.

Z'ev: _ Z'ev is already paying for his purchases. It might be over kill, but his pistol isn't a standard one so it might help to have a back up_ Found something you like Cassidy?

Cassidy: Maybe... _Though she's not really sure_ Maybe just a standard pistol... _Says as she picks one up, likely because of the colour more than anything_

Z'ev: _nods, checks with the dealer whose behind a cage wire screen in dwarvish_  he says about 30 Galifar,  he'll throw in the bullets too.

Cassidy: Ok _Cassidy approaches the counter, and places the fireman there_ What's your asking price? _She ask the dealer_

Dwarven Weaponsmith: _holds up ten fingers three times while speaking in dwarvish _

Cassidy: _Cassidy unbuckleds her crossbow from her arm and places it on the counter_ If I trade this in how much than? _Btw can she see anything interesting in there maybe behind him, I mean anything he wouldn't put on display wise_

Weaponsmith: _looks at Cassidy,  eye's dart to Z'ev and being fully aware he's just heavily armed his other customer in the store he goes over to the back room for a few minutes before coming out with a very small, dusty but very ornate box. As he opens it there's a very well crafted hand pistol. He mumbles something off in Dwarvish_

30 Галифар за пистолета и куршумите, търговия с арбалет за ръчен пистолет и куршуми.  един, платен, един суап

Z'ev: _ Z'ev frowns before replying back_ това не е голяма сделка

Weaponsmith: слушай, обикновено този пистолет струва 70. Вече го събарям, защото току-що си бил добър клиент

Z'ev: He says the 30 Galifar is already a discount, on top of what I've just purchased.  The hand pistol is free if you're willing to trade the Crossbow. Normally the pistol is 70

Cassidy: Oh I see, in that case are you still throwing in ammunition with that or is it extra? _Asks without missing a beat_

Z'ev: With ammo, He wouldn't just sell the parts. I'd take, it's a better deal than I just got. He doesn't sell this many guns in one go

Weaponsmith: хе, и репутацията ви предхожда и двамата.  с правене на бизнес с приятели на Белалур

Z'ev: " your reputation preceeds you both. woth doing buissness with friends of Belaluur" _translates _

Cassidy: Oh I see, alright its a deal than _She counts out the coin and waits for them to recount it themselves_

Weaponsmith: _there's some mumbling in Dwarvish, they maybe shrude dealers but they're pretty reliable, especially when it comes to money and quality of products. Satisfied,  he slides over the hand pistol box and plonks ammunition for both guns on the counter and slides them though, quick to take the crossbow before Cassidy changes her mind_

DM:  After leaving the store, Z'ev walks with Cassidy over the the Grey Beyond hotel where they order lunch of owlbear steaks and cockatrice drumsticks, complemented with goblin brew vintage which tastes like lychees.

As they're eating their meal, a waiter slips past them and a note is left between them

Z'ev: _looks at it suspiciously, then around the hotel restaurant but the mysterious waiter is gone_

Cassidy: What's this? _Says as she reaches for it_

Z'ev: _ the weapons smith's words start ringing in his ears_ I think we're being watched.

Cassidy: _Cassidy opens the note and starts reading_

Z'ev: What's it say, Cassidy?

Cassidy: Clocktower, midnight. Your eyes only. Important?

Z'ev: Sounds it doesn't? What do you think? We check it out?

Cassidy: I think so, we should be cautious though

Z'ev: _nods_ indeed. Hit up the salvage market on the way back?

Cassidy: Yes we best do so.

DM: Midnight, 9th of Zarantyr rolls around and as the Scrapyard bell on the clocktower rings midnight (the bell tower itself an abandoned warforged colossus buried in junk, the behemoth is 100 feet tall and has an Iorn bell hanging off it) , Cassidy and Z'ev arrive out front. As the fog rolls away a little an Old man hobbles forward with a wooden cane. Z'ev recognises him as Evanazer, as personal assistant of the salvage broker Irullan Karnach.

Z'ev: Evanazer. I'm guessing this isn't a social call.

Evanazer: No, I'm afraid it isn't good sir. Strictly business,  you know me and my boss

Z'ev: Yes. Her Business is interesting news amongst the other brokers

Evanazer: Yes well they would be jealous. Infact that's why I want to hire you.

Z'ev: Go on…

Evanazer: You heard the rumours yes? My boss has the salvage rights to Big Moe, at the other end of the scrapyard...well she suspects raiders have been picking it apart under her nose...specifically a tunnel has mysteriously appeared to be excavated around it. _he coughs with a horrible bone rattling sound into his elderly hands_

Cassidy: Any idea who may have done it?

Evanazer: No. Infact my boss is hesitant about sending people in there. We however heard Belaluur bragging how good you…We're willing to pay. _he hacks his coughing fit _

Z'ev: When do you want it done?

Evanazer: Tonight...if possible. Less people know about it the better

Z'ev: _turns to Cassidy _ what do you think?

Cassidy: Yes, alright we'll look into it

Z'ev: We're just going to scope it out, report back...seems simple enough

Evanazer: Very good. _proceeds to give instructions to where the tunnel was found_

GM: When Cassidy and Z'ev reach the back of the scrapyard,  Big Moe isn't something you could miss, towering in size compared to the scrapyard bell tower. After a bit of looking around the tunnel is located behind a loose iron plate. After struggling to shift it aside, there is indeed a tunnel digging down beneath it plunging into the dark. It's very clear this excavation was recent and done by machine and is stabilized with wooden support beams.

Z'ev: This isn't suspicious in the slightest.

Cassidy: I knew this likely wasn't going be as simple as it seemed _Says a little foreboding_

Z'ev: _nods in agreement. _ tread carefully.  _withdraws his alchemic pistol to have it as the ready. Leads the way_

Cassidy: Please be careful _Cassidy whispers as she fellows_

Z'ev: _whispers_ you can count on it. Want to avoid conflict as much as possible

DM: Slowly, they both descend into the dark, the tunnel going on for some while before up ahead they see a greyed shape of a heavy wooden door

Z'ev: _starts looking about his person for his thieves tools while he waits for Cassidy _

Cassidy: _Cassidy walks almost silently_ Can you manage? _She ask him as she looks over his shoulder_

Z'ev: Not really.  Need both hands to pick a lock. Something doesn't add up though, what if it's a trap?

Cassidy: Wouldn't surprise me, the sound alone from opening such a door is likely to alert anyone around

Z'ev: _gives Cassidy the tools._ check first. I can guide you if you need it. _is a bit frustrated he can't do it himself, but broken arm says different _

Cassidy: _Accepts them from him_ Alright _ Looking at the door she starts to wonder if he could be right that its a trap_ At times like this I should have learnt detect magic

DM: There is a mechanical latch connected to the lock that looks spring loaded with something inside it

Cassidy: _Cassidy's no lock expert_ Is that normal? _Asks as she tries to see what's inside_

Z'ev: _has a look as well_ no. That's a lock trap.

Cassidy: What do I do then?

Z'ev: _ starts giving simple instructions _

DM: There's a click and the trap is disarmed. The door gently swings open to reveal a circular chamber lit dimly by torches. There are roughly thirty humanoid corpses neatly stacked in three piles around the room. They're all naked and covered in embalming fluid.

Z'ev: _ his pistol hand is shaking_ what on Eberron....

Cassidy: Z'ev are you alright?, maybe you wait here

Z'ev: I thought we saw enough corpses for one lifetime… I'm alright. Would have rathered we didn't have another Necromancer to deal with

Cassidy: So do I _Says soberly as she enters the room_

DM: You hear footsteps enter from the other side of the room. Two bandits dress in strange clothing with a green wolf head insignia on their outfits.

Cassidy: Hide _Says on reflex unsure if they had already been seen_

Z'ev: _decides to risk it and pulls out the musket, and fires_

DM: One of the bandits heads explodes as a musket ball smacks through it and out the otherside

Cassidy: _ casts sword burst_ 

DM: The bandit is struck and flung backwards against the nearest wall, taking additional damage from hitting the wall, knocking him out cold.

The noise has alerted others from the connecting room, and as they start moving in, Cassidy,  there's one you recognise,  as well as someone Z'ev does...though this is a little more obvious as its the only other shifter in the room.

Cassidy,  the one you recognise is definitely elven... in fact his hair is shaved on one side and the white forelock is still long, while the rest looks like it's been hacked short with a dagger blade. There's a scar down his face but there's no denying the resemblance to Cassidy.

The shifter, on the other hand looks very unkempt, like some wild beast from the deep dark wastelands. His fur is entirely black, except two marks of white under his eyes.

There are five in total, though the elf and the shifter look more armored and skilled in weaponry.

Cedric: _demands_ who goes there!?

Pyre: _thrusts hand in front of him and sniffs the air before growling_ Z'ev.  _he motions to the other three bandits to move into attack position before gleefully snarling_ Well well well....Couldn't stay dead could you? And you brought..._sniffs_ an elven friend...hey Cedric,  the elf smells a bit like you.

Cedric: Pfft

Pyre: No seriously _ sniffs again_ yeah...same smell underneath the pong of my idiot brother.

Z'ev: _curses under his breath_ Didn't expect to run into you in person so soon, Pyre _is trying to reload the musket one handed while keeping the other shifter talking_ what's a matter? You sound disappointed?

Cedric: _slaps Pyre_ we're not wasting time on family reunions here, moron!

Pyre: _is a bit to gleeful _ aw come now...I'm just wanting to play. _towards Z'ev _ like old times little brother.

Z'ev: _knows full well Pyre's idea of fun is killing without mercy and moves closer to Cassidy _  not here to play, Though more than happy to leave whatever this shit is...and get out alive if it's fine with you.

Cassidy: _Cassidy has drived behind cover, the last thing she had expected was to just run into Cedric, now what was she going to do?, she can hear Mr Grayson laughing loudly from her bag_

Z'ev: _is still very much in the open_ tell me..why?

Pyre: _spits and growls_ enough talk! RIP AND TEAR TIME! _is foaming at the mouth as he orders the other three bandits_ FIRE!

DM: Anyway...the three bandits fire before Z'ev even manages to move. The crossbow bolts fly loose, Z'ev hitting the dirt as fast as possible,  the bolts hitting the ground behind him where he once stood.

Pyre: _Pyre is getting ready to pounce_

Cassidy: _Cassidy summons three missiles of light, she drives out cover for a target and aims at the first she can see_

Z'ev: _trying to get back onto his feet in order to get out of the open_

DM: One bandit is struck and flung heavily into the dirt while the other 2 magical darts skewer him to the floor

Pyre: _charges at Z'ev,  withdrawing a long sword. The first swing is doged by a roll, however He catches Z'ev on the returning swipe, slicing deep across his back through his vest._

Cedric: _clicks in a crossbow bolt and aims it_

Cassidy: Z'ev! _She yells in concern_

Cedric: _as he hears Cassidy shout Z'ev's name, the moment of recognition hit as he pulls the trigger, the heavy crossbow bolt hitting the nearest pile of dead bodies_

Z'ev: _gets up on one knee, draws his pistol and fires it at Pyre. the bullet shoots true and takes off Pyre's left ear, and gives his furry face a wonderful deep wound which will scar, leading up to where his ear used to be_

Cassidy: _Cassidy needs to get closer to Cedric, she knows she'll have a better chance if she takes the others out first, she casts an orb of lightning and sends it at another bandit. The orb lands and rolls to a stop at the bandits feet, and explores with purple lighting, the bandits jerk about a bit before hitting the floor smoking a smell of burnt flesh hangs in the air_

Pyre: _while this is all happening, he's gripped his head where his ear used to be and grins manically, watching his siblings face flicker in confusion as he speaks, heckling like a crazed Gnoll _  Well played! Well played! But I have the upper hand! _ taking advantage of his brother's confusion  he backflips and makes a charge for Cassidy who's now more or less in the open with his long sword. using both hands on the hilt this time he swings the long sword and slashes upwards and across, cutting  a deep wound across Cassidy's chest_

Z'ev: _In Alarm_ Cassidy! _he scrabbles up to catch her as she falls back from the sword wound, wrapping his arms around her and while Cedric is still in shock and Pyre starting to gloat, he aims the alchemical pistol and fires one last shot at Pyre. _ the pistol shot hits Pyre in the shoulder, making him recoil backwards and drop his long sword_

Cedric: _ advances, aiming his crossbow as Z'ev. as the bow raises up he says_ Nice to meet you, shame that you won't be around to stay and chat _ and fires it square at Z'ev's chest. As the Shifter blinks in horror he says _If I can't have my Twin, no one can _ then he pushes Z'ev backward, making sure it's as dramatic and agonising to watch before finally acknowledging Cassidy with a tip of his crossbow,  before roughly grabbing Pyre and pushing him out the passage to make an escape_

Z'ev: _moans in great pain. Sure, it didn't go in far but still a chest wound is a chest wound._

Cassidy: _Cassidy takes the sword slash with only a minor grunt of pain, she's had injuries of this kind and worse before, it's always best to show as little weakness as possible in front of an enemy, if only she had been able to keep on her feet though, Z'ev had caught her, as blood started running down her front to the floor she clutched at the wound, that Cedric was there in front of her she looked him right in the eye and all words failed her, she saw something there in his eyes she couldn't place, the next thing she know he had shot Z'ev_ No! _Said screamed, then he was gone._ Greeting her teeth she pushed  through the pain, and made it to his side_ Z'ev!, Z'ev! oh ancestors! _Highly distressed_

Z'ev: _is visibly struggling _ we'll...we'll be ok...._ reaches out to touch Cassidy,  in fact more with the intention to touch the bare skin through her cut open outfit and with the blood, trace his fingers in the form of a alchemical transmutation...._the blood trail glows faintly as the wound begins to repair itself, leaving little trace other than a long dark scar that goes between her breasts, across the chest_

Cassidy: _The pain is suddenly gone_ Should you be doing that? _Says with worry as she doesn't know if he's using his own life force for it _

Z'ev: Probably...not. can't use it on my..myself _lulls a bit as pain streaks his face_

Emilaj Constock: _timmid voice_ excuse me? D-did you come to rescue me?

Cassidy: _Cassidy pulls her coat tight around herself realising she is a bit on show, good thing it was cold. _ Who's there? _Calls out_

Emilaj: _the Gnome, dressed as a physician tentatively comes out of hiding from the next room_ er me? Have you come to rescue me? I sort of don't want to be made to do this anymore...

Cassidy: Oh ahhh, sure can you help? _buttoning up as quick as she can_

Emilaj: _sees the scene, mostly because a crossbow bolt to someone's chest is hard to ignore._ Oh Dear Oh My! _scurries over and says to Cassidy _ come, bring him into the chamber! Ihave equipment that can help! It would be very good to help a living person for a change!

Z'ev: _groans_ I have legs....could probably…

Cassidy: Yes of course _Says as she helps him up carefully_

DM: They manage to half carry, half drag Z'ev into the other room. Unlike the last one it is very well lit lined with bricks and motar. In the middle is a stained and clearly used medical bed and the room has some very sinister looking tools.

Emilaj: _lying Z'ev down_ won't take a moment! Think of it as a thankyou for my freedom!

Z'ev: _tries to sit up_ I don't think this is a good-

Emilaj: Nonsense! I am Emilaj Constock, famous doctor from Rekkenmark, Karrnath! My work is is in many medical journals

Cassidy: This is cleaner than some of the places I've been treated in, he may even have some pain kills, not a lot of that back than just handed a bottle of whiskey or someone "here pour some of that on your wounds, and feel free to have a sample as well" _Says with a low voice_

Emilaj: _pauses_ Really? That's a cause for concern my dear. Usually proper medical practitioners are fastidious! Unfortunately I have to make do, afterall I didn't expect to end up here. _he picks up a bizarre looking tool and sets to work, Z'ev squirming around to try and see what he's doing...his trust in a random Gnome doctor showing up out of the blue non existant_

Z'ev: did.._winceing and yelping before gritting his teeth _ did you  wind up OW! FUCK THAT HURT!

Emilaj: If you just stayed still wouldn't hurt a bit!

Z'ev: Like hell- Argh! Damn!

Cassidy: _Cassidy holds one of his hands_

Emilaj: _clicks his tounge_ looks like I'm going to have to give you a sedative,  don't worry I know the safest way to knock someone out with a mallet without any permanent damage

Z'ev: Cassidy! Goodness sake, the Gnome is flipping mad!

Cassidy: No I've been treated by crazy, believe me his pretty stable

Z'ev: Rather be subjected _gasps in pain_to Rathian and his bloody magic healing tank of ..argh....trying to drown you!

Cassidy: Hey you're not holding out on us with some of the good stuff?, you know what I mean _Yells to the gnome_

Emilaj: _looks thoroughly insulted_ do you see any living cadavers in here?  Sure nothing I've been forced to work on seems to decompose but I've managed to avoid having to do what they wanted. I'm a doctor not a necromancer. _looks indignant _ have my pride and my oath!

Z'ev: What ...oath is ow... that? Maim your...Aaah! Patient?

Cassidy: More importantly how did you end up here, and what did they have you doing?

Emilaj: I do not know how long I've been here, but long enough is long enough. _he swaps the first tool for a pair of tweezers and continues working _ I happen to be on my way to work in the local morgue, sometimes they need someone qualified to identify the deceased's precise death, though personally I volunteer my time as I prefer helping the living in my practice....will you stop moving your leg?

Z'ev: Oh yeah, I'll s-stop doing something involuntary s-shall I?

Cassidy: Need me to hold him down? _Says in a casual manner she's done it before_

Z'ev: _growls_ you're not a lot of hel- _Yelps loudly as something dreadfully sharp is being wrenched out, clearly hurting way more than it would have if it was left there. His foot lashes out of pure reflex at nothing _

Emilaj: _holding the metal tip of the crossbow to the light and inspecting it_ that won't be necessary. 

Cassidy: _Cassidy notices this_ Hay doctor, I don't want to question your expertise but... _genuinely worried

Emilaj: Oh he'll be fine, Lycanthropes heal pretty darn fast.

Z'ev: _body is shaking pretty badly_ Lycan....thrope? _coughs up blood_

Emilaj: Yes, no need for stitches as natural healing ability kicks in at around...oh, he seems to have passed out.

DM: Z'ev has indeed blacked out.

Cassidy: Oh ancestors no, no, no _Finds one of her potions, and starts pouring it into the wound, now she is truly worried_

Z'ev: _the wounds heal just enough to stop any significant bleeding, though it will eventually require stitches. There's a twitch in the fingers on his good hand which is a decent sign he'll be fine enough. _

Emilaj: _didn't see Cassidy with the potion but does see the wound healing up when he turns his attention back to them_ Ah, see, what did I tell you? When you come from a nation where the undead are as common as regular folk you can always spot the signs! But I must confess.  I do not believe in reanimation against ones will. Some people are born to be undead and live out their lives, but it is so few who can ajust to that lifestyle

Cassidy:_Cassidy's gaving him a dark look_ I've got questions I'd like answers to

Emilaj: Those bodies you see out there,  they where what they wanted me to preform miracles on! But I'm a doctor not a magician!

Sheriff: Yes, a-a bout those b-bodies....

DM: As you turn your head Cassidy,  you see the Warforged known as Sheriff standing in the doorway, flanked by several Marshall's. She takes all of you into custody for questioning where you and Z'ev learn several things: Evanazer was found by the bell tower completely torn apart, that  he stumbled unknowingly onto a hide out of the notorious Emerald Claw who they've been trying to track down for the past few months, that both Cedric and Pyre are wanted criminals (and you now have ended up on her personal watch list while in Salvation), and that Constock was kidnapped and forced to try and make mechanical parts for potental resurrected Zombies and that the person behind all this is still hiding within Salvation.

Today is the 14th of Zarantyr.  Since being released from custody and having Rathian take a proper look at Z'ev's injuries (you've had a long rest by now, so heal those HP and Spell points) you find that Z'ev has for the past few days actively trying to avoid Cassidy. He's been studying how the Oracle functions and has managed to get it to stop broadcasting whatever the third protical was, giving Garundah lessons in Alchemy... drowning himself in mindless work. Meanwhile Rathalos has taken it apon himself to give Cassidy firearms training and is impressed with her knowledge but it worried she can't hit the broad side of a barn worth of a bag of toffee. Sheriff certainly has made her presence been felt around you, but due to how low a threat you are she's peeled back some of the 'Eyes' she's had on you to the point she herself occasionally wanders by just to patrol the street.

It's the late evening of the 14th of Zarantyr

Z'ev: _ is alone in the laboratory,  tools strewn around the desk along with random machinery parts. He's working on an upgrade on his alchemic pistol. Rathian,  Rathalos and Time are out on another 'help wanted' request since money doesn't grow in a lab...leaving Z'ev alone with Cassidy. he is trying not to think about her right now. truthfully, he's trying not to think about a lot of things. Why was Pyre here? Who was that elf? What did he mean by Cassidy being 'His'? Is the Emerald claw here because of the Oracle and why he hasn't biffed it at a nearby wall and destroyed it already? he pauses, undoes his vest and loosens his shirt_ It's getting a bit warm in here..._looks at the experiment he was doing_ possibly the reaction in there is heating up the room? _ it isn't,  his thoughts about Cassidy is getting him hot under the collar and not in a comfortable way_

Cassidy: _Cassidy knew Z'ev was avoiding her, she felt that completely fair and deserving after how she had behaved, she wasn't even sure why she had acted like that, possibly the shock of running into Cedric and shooting Z'ev, his comment of her "being his" she had a suspicion about what he had meant, and had tried questioning Mr Grayson about it. __ Not surprising he wouldn't give her a straight answer so Cassidy had thrown him out the window in the end, even though she knew he would be right back by her when she turned around._

_She kept busy, besides the firearms training with Rathalos, and confessed everything she had to Z'ev to him and Rathian, not surprising Rathalos already knew._

_Besides that Cassidy copyed spells into her book, started reorganising library, til she was told to stop._

_Then had even come across the neglected garden out back and tried her hand at clearing it, despite being an elf she wasn't blessed with the greenish of thumbs, maybe Vincent could give her some tips. __ After thinking this Cassidy became fearful about his safety, having no idea what Cedric could do next, Cassidy had wanted to warn him._ 

_It was late when she returned from the message station, no one may have noticed she had gone, her eyes are red and abit puffy its obvious she has been crying, with a bottle of wine in one hand, Cassidy removes her shoes and opens the door as quietly as she can to creep back and to her room_

Mr.Grayson: _sitting on the desk_ oi, giurly where ya been? I got a wiff of his soul and you didn't summon me? What gives? He may as well summon me to take yours! Thought you wanted to be free of me? Ehehehahaha like me that much? Hahahaha maybe your soul tastes better than Cedric's...._pauses_ maybe that spy is the one you're offering me? Hmmm interesting thought...a tainted one like that might be worth giving you my name…

Cassidy: Are you going to answer my questions yet, did Cedric make the same deal with your boss?

Mr.Grayson: Awww I dunno. Why should I tell? You haven't given me anything to sweeten the deal. Let's face it, the lack of souls for my collection is beginning to be noticed by my infernal superiors. You owe me more souls until you forill your bargain.

DM: A contract fizzles in mid air with a burst of flame.

Cassidy: Don't you think I know that!, why is Cedric on that list!?

Mr.grayson: Your twins. Either your soul or his grants you my real name and services. You're grandmother wrote it and it is binding. Twins of the Sekinth must sacrifice one for the other. It's traditional hehehehehe.  Until you do you feed me souls. My services don't come cheap. Boss sees to that. Currently being starved...gurly....maybe I just take the next one of your next kill? Or your ....friend...._there's a lip smacking sound_ that soul would make a great appetiser. Hahahahaha...Tasty failed spy soul...making me drool here...Though...that wiff of the other...strong killer...i like. Corrupt or merciless killer? Both sound tastey....

Cassidy: _Picks him up and takes him to the window_ Today has been a shit day and hands off... _Growls at him and chucks him out the window_ Sod off you bastard! _Yells after him_

Mr Grayson: Bwhahahahaha hahahaha the more you fight it the more your soul becomes mine! Throw me harder baby! Yeah! Mwhahahaha

Cassidy: _Slams the window shut hopefully to block him out, she can still hear him laughing though_

DM: There's the infernal 'Poof!' Sound and he's back on the desk.

Mr.grayson: Take it up with your granny, gurly. You're stuck with me

Cassidy: That's hilarious she made the contract, and couldn't even fulfil it herself!

Mr Grayson: Ohh she did..._Cassidy sees a glowing orb appear in the room in a very ornate looking jar before disappearing_ savouring the smell of hers is like enjoying a fine wine. _cackles_ ohhh hang on... I sense something...different, like confusion, rage and...lust.  ohhhh spy boy....come give me that tasy messy soul.

Cassidy: Stary out of it _Says as she puts him in one of the desk drawers and locks it with a arcane lock (she has that spell not sure if she can just do that)_

Z'ev: _has finished tinkering with his pistol and messing around in the lab before returning to his little abode, but not before pacing around a little, running stuff he wanted to say, ask...demand? Doesn't matter because he stares at the door the moment he hears the words 'Stay Out Of It!' Get shouted from Cassidy's room, his hand pulls from the door knob as if she know he was there and decides to just leave it and go take a long cold bath_

Mr Grayson: RATS! I was expecting fireworks.

Cassidy: Oh shut up for one! _She heads for kitchen to find a glass for her wine and mostly to get away from Mr Grayson for abit_

Z'ev: _leaves the bathroom door ajar and starts to undress, stopping to catch his reflection in the mirror.  Scars pepper his skin where fresh wounds were made, given time fur will return and they'll only be visible by touch. He studies his ragged jaw a few minutes,  thinking about how he'd look if he let it go feral like most others he usually Pyre. No, can't...can't have that. 

He pulls out a shaver from a draw and hesitates because it's one he's only recently bought that he's never used. Sure  he's at home with certain types of magetech, but this...this is something he's hoping is not going to cut too close like the last one. Opening it up, he removes the seal that keeps the lightning elemental in suspended animation, before closing it while the blades buzz with arcane life. It leaves his palms and starts moving on own, a complete hands free lightning shaver_

Cassidy: _Cassidy's finds a glass and poured herself her first drink, she fills it about half way, than decides she should kidding herself, and fills it to the top_

Z'ev: _starts to whistle a tune while doing an all over shave. Taking your kit off to do it can be frustrating,  but grooming is grooming and there's no way he's paying salon prices to have stranger's with a raser around his lower half. as the hair falls to the floor a animated dustpan and brush sweep up the mess_

Cassidy: _She has taken a few sips now its not good pretty cheap, shame as it's not very enjoyable, she can hear the whistling from the next room_ At last one of us is in a good mood _Says to no one, she most definitely wasn't_

Z'ev: _starts singing to distract himself as the razor starts doing his feet_

Cassidy: _Cassidy recognises the song she's heard Vincent singing it before and can't help singing along_

They used to sing about the birds and the bees

The bees had declared a war

The sky wasn't big enough for them all

The birds, they got help from below

From dirty paws and the creatures of snow

Z'ev: _eventully he grabs the razor from the air and opens it to replace the seal before putting it away and stepping into the bath, pulling across the shower curtain and shivering as the cold water wraps around like a beautiful freezing blanket, something only someone with fur would appreciate on such a humid day. breathes out as he lays his head back on the tub, arms stretched out  on either side....eyes close as he soaks it all in_

Cassidy: _Cassidy has finished the whole glass now, she's feeling a bit tipsy, she removes all the pins from her hair and let's it down, it falls down her back in a black wavy curtain, she really needs a brush now, she gets up to head back to her room for one, having to grab the table to keep her balance as she does_

Z'ev: _sits backup and reaches for the soap and starts trying to clean dust, blood and everything else from his fur. _rinces off and as he gets out, dripping wet, he at least doesn't shake like a dog..after all it's not an effective way to dry off when there's a damn towel nearby. Eventually he's redressed and looking less like a scruff and emerges just in time to see Cassidy drunkenly bump into an armchair as she picks her way across the recroom_ er...Cassidy,  is everything alright?

_nose wrinkles_ you been in Rathian's cooking whiskey?

Cassidy: Mmm oh _Looks around at him_ Aww yeah, its all good was just heading that way _points to the ceiling_

Z'ev: _shakes head and slowly walks towards her. _ I don't think so, you're ever going to get up the stairs. Here, _ helps her into an armchair in front of an empty fireplace_ just give yourself a few moments before you fall over.

Cassidy: I'm fine, I feel fine really... _Says even as she falls into the chair_

Z'ev: Is it? Sure...would you like a drink of tea...or coffee maybe?

Cassidy: _She looks up at the ceiling in a troubled way like she's trying to understand the question_ Can you put them together?

DM: As he mentions the drinks, a small coffee pot on the table magically begins to bubble away and the teapot that pours itself into a dainty cup, ready for the user to add whatever they want. It's a simple animated object spell, in fact you can't go anywhere without at least seeing someone with something enchanted like it in the home

Z'ev: If you want, not sure the taste would be ok though

Cassidy: What? _Looks at him_ What are you talking about?

Z'ev: _starts making her a black coffee, three scoops of it from the tin, just hands her the cup _ just drink it. _eyes roll as this is something he used to do for his mother when his father died. She was a terrible alcoholic though she could read the future in a cup so the villagers liked to keep her sloshed. _

Cassidy: _Takes the cup and a sip from it, she starts trying to brush her hair with her fingers till they get caught in a knot_ Ouch, ouch I'm stuck _Says as she tries to pull them free_

Z'ev: _ Let's out a slight sigh, before sitting beside her and carefully untangling her hair. It's a task and half as it's stuck real good. In a way he feels guilty for avoiding her but in others he's not. Sitting close now he can see more resemblance to the elf that just shot him in cold blood, expecting him to just die. He should have expected that as he was fighting beside Pyre, but just didn't think it would be someone with Cassidy's entire damn face. quietly he says _ Hold still, you'll make it worse

Cassidy: Hay you're adorable you know that right?, really, really, really, really _Smiles stupidy_

Z'ev: _is a little taken a back_  uh...thank you..I guess. There, all out. _he relents and starts brushing her hair for her.

Cassidy: _Looks at him confused_ Why are you doing this? I've been awful to you

Z'ev: I....I don't just seem to need help at the just don't seem like yourself. _curses that he can think of better words without stepping around something that could potentially trigger a random emotional outburst_

Cassidy: But I have! _Leans forward almost falling out of the chair and dropping the cup_ I'm sorry for that, I would have told you before but you were, you know avoiding me, I get that though

Z'ev: Yes and when you know there's now two people out to kill you, you do tend to stay indoors. When one of them looked exactly like you, staring at me in the eyes after shooting me then...look, I'm sorry.

I've...I've been a real idiot about it and didn't think how it affected you. _frowns_ I have many questions and well...look you Don't need to answer them anyway so I just left it. I can see how it was a dumb idea. _puts the brush down as an animated mop comes out to tidy the spill. _ I swear Rathian has too many of these animated objects. Next thing he'll bring home will be a mini mimic pretending to be a saddle bag!

Cassidy: _Cassidy sats back slack jawed a few moments_ Oh, Oh _Understanding now, she throws back what's left of her coffee and manages to get the cup back on the table_ Genetics... are such a bitch _Somehow says in a genuine and apologetic way_

Z'ev: Yes... I should have made the connection when you described him ages ago. Doesn't matter. What matters is....well, what does it matter?  Guess you're happy he's alive, even...even if he's not on your side. _is sort Of having trouble talking about a subject he knows extremely little about as he's aware he is being left out of key information because it's not his business _ We'll just be better prepared next time…._sighs _ I know I certainly will. 

_ Knowing he'll need to get over it and let things lie, he let's Cassidy lie against him as he did several evenings ago, just running his fingers through her hair. The room is deathly quiet for a few moments until he feels something warm slip in under his shirt buttons. He glances to see Cassidy's hand has tucked itself there but for now thinks nothing of it_

Cassidy? You still awake? Feeling better after the coffee?

Cassidy:  Yes _With her free hand she gently turns his face towards hers, before he can say anything she's moving closer and brushing her lips against his_

Z'ev:_Lets her lips raid his, gently pushing back as she tries to explore, the hand is felt caressing his chest fur, feeling out the lay of his body beneath the clothes. His own hands hold her sides,  though he sneaks one under her blouse and starts to rub her back, the advantage of furry fingertips trailing across skin give the body beneath goosebumps and slight shivers__sure...she's dangerous it mix with but that makes the heart pound faster and it easier to give in to temptation _

_his lips leave Cassidy's and start trailing down her neck, pausing to breathe on her moist skin_

Cassidy: _Cassidy shives and gasp at his cool breathe on her neck, her hands began working at the buttons of his shirt, or more ripping them free_

Z'ev:  _He brings is face bsck up to hers and whsipers in her ear_  you sure you're up to this? You still smell strongly of drink.

Cassidy: Tell me you want me to stop them _Putting the question back on him, she wants to know if he will deny her when they both want this_

Z'ev: _she gets her answer as he nips softly at her long ear, the roughness of his tounge lapping along the length of them. _ just that my anatomy isn't like a usual one you'd have...its supposed to stay long deep within for sure you want that?

Cassidy:  _Cassidy answers him by turning and shifting throwing her leg over til she satting in his lap her arms around his neck, she kiss him again_ I'm sure _Says when she pulls back resting her forehead on his_

Z'ev:   _he starts to possesivly nuzzle her, covering her neck in his scent whlie nipping and brushing his tounge down her neck, feeling her out and how her body responds to his touch. Her natural smells are very intoxicating,  though since it's usually a key part of how lovemaking with his race is, he is doing it blind as he's never done this before, let alone doing it with someone from another speices than himself.  How could you tell she was ready when you can't identify it via scent? It wasn't stopping him though, his hand was now trailing over old scars and more recent ones, like he was mapping out her body inch by inch and committing it to memory, like a cartographer caressing paper with a qill, making sure every bump, dip and curve were being explored. _

Cassidy:  _He smelled somewhat muksy animalistic, the feel of his fur covered hands on her body was luxurious and a little ticklish she couldn't help smiling and giggling a little from the feel, especially when he started rubbing at her neck, but she wanted more, more of him, she took his glasses off and tossed them aside, as they keep fogging up and she wanted to be see his eyes, read his expressions_

Z'ev: _his other hand rested on the front of her blouse._ may I? _He askes, voice starting to sound a little huskeier_

Cassidy: _She giggles and smirks playfully, taking his hand and guiding it as they undo the first one_

Z'ev: _smiles, he doesn't need alot of promting to get those loose. Once the soft satin is shifted out of the way, his mouth moves lower to her shoulders drinking her in, tasting every part that's exposed. He lets out a few Playful growls as he feels her hands explore him inkind, the feel of her fingers stroking fur between them feels relaxing, tingling and exciting _

Cassidy: _Under his fur she could feel tracers of old wounds invisible to the eye, they were like road maps that told the stories of their lives_ Should we move this upstairs? _She didn't want to stop now_

Z'ev: _he gives her an impish grin _ you shouldn't have flung my glasses so far away, otherwise I'd have carried you up already. The others won't be back for a few days, hopefully they're  alot luckier in the Mournland this time...._ he gives her another seductive growl inviting her to play more_  I'm happy to play here....and maybe upstairs too....

Cassidy:  _Laughs playfully_ My bad _teasers _We'll just have to stay here than _As she's finally got his shirt unbuttoned and buries her face into his fur, it feels so soft and warm_

Z'ev: _is suprised with how Cassidy has just thrown herself into him, her head rubbing against his chest like she's returning the favour of covering herself in his scent like he was carefully doing with her. Throwing caution to the wind as well as Cassidy's blouse he starts to Playfully tease her, nuzzling her head    enough that she moves it, giving him room to explore her chest, his lips, fingers and tounge doing the majority of the work, finding out what Cassidy likes and is excited by_

_ there's a deeper more rumbly growl_ Cas...._he gingerly takes one of her hands and places it so she's got a very good idea how far he's willing to go._ all for you…

Cassidy: _She looks at him a mix of excitement and a little apprehension_ I'm ready, I know you would never hurt me _She answers with deep affection_

DM: As the evening moves on into night, passion takes over and intimacy reigns in all worries, fears and unknowns for a few hours...or more correctly into the late morning as the desire to be one with another as long as possible,  mingling smells, souls and ethereal energies....clothes are strewn around the rec room but naked bodies are resting together upstairs in the bedroom under strange artifacts that line the shelves of Z'ev's room.

Z'ev : _ sleepily nuzzles Cassidy's hair, listening to her softly breathe. Sure, the thought of her twins threat still lingers in the back of his mind even now, as he hold her naked body to him tightly,  maybe slightly more possesivly than he would have before tonight... he knows she doesn't belong to anyone but herself but will be damned if anyone tried to take her_

_even now, lying together as one with her legs wrapped around him as a part of him is still in her, warm snug secure, he's still impressed how she handled something so different and was able to still enjoy it. Heck, truthfully he was enjoying it still now as it was something shifters evolved  to do with their beastral heritage that their ancestors of human and lycan linage couldn't. It made you for one, feel closer and connected with your partner and meant you couldn't be brutal without hurting yourself in the process, keeping it strictly something you only do if your willing to give yourself entirely to the other person._

_he gently runs his fingers through her mass of wavy hair before massaging his hands into her back, hoping that it gives her pleasant dreams and keeps hermind off the 'full' feeling that she admitted felt different during their first go in the recreation room. If it wasn't clear he was in deeply in love with her as of now, she wasn't ever going to get that message, especially when pampering her while she sleeps like the queen he thinks she is_

_more affectionate nuzzling followed with kisses...yep he is very much smitten and enthralled by her beauty.

Cassidy: _Cassidy stirs and happily sighs, before opening her eyes_ Good morning _Gaves him a kiss to go with her greeting_ Did you sleep well? _She ask in her soft musical voice_

Z'ev: _smiles_ I think you know the answer to that question.

Cassidy : _Laughs_ Have an idea _Says as she tracers the marks of his fur with one finger, but suddenly stops and looks troubled_

Z'ev: Is something wrong?

Cassidy :  I ahh... know you're had a lot of questions and I owe you some answers... you deserve answers.

Z'ev:_lazily_ what, right now?  _Nuzzles her affectionately _

Cassidy: _Gives a cheeky grin_ Did I say now?, later of course

Continues in part 2


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